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Nov 3, 2015 5:34 AM
Oct 2015
Akainu, Shou Tucker, Sakura and the list goes on... Who do you hate most?
I personally hate Shou Tucker.

GokuiscoolbroNov 3, 2015 6:05 AM
Pages (15) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
Nov 3, 2015 6:00 AM
Jul 2018
Yang Wenli - LotGH
Nov 3, 2015 6:06 AM
Jan 2013
Mah bae Kyuubey? There is no way
gone bai bai
Nov 3, 2015 6:08 AM
Apr 2013
Makoto - School Days
Nov 3, 2015 6:13 AM

Jul 2013
People hating my nigga Akainu and my bro Shirou?, shit taste indeed.
IllyricusNov 3, 2015 2:45 PM
Nov 3, 2015 6:14 AM

May 2015
Makoto Itou in School Days!!
I really hate this anime character, making me wish that i can kill him T.T
That fucking bastard just thinking of him make me pissed off ~,~
Nov 3, 2015 6:18 AM

Nov 2014
Why is Griffith here? shit taste.
Nov 3, 2015 6:19 AM
Jul 2018
CashMoney said:
Why is Griffith here? shit taste.

Humanity has once again declined.
Nov 3, 2015 6:22 AM

Aug 2014
illivinni said:
Yang Wenli - LotGH

No, this is the most obvious sign of humanity being declined once again.
Nov 3, 2015 10:36 AM
Jul 2018
Emiya Shirou
Nov 3, 2015 10:40 AM

Oct 2014
Saucek oochiha (sasuke uchiha) he's despicable
Nov 3, 2015 11:07 AM

Jun 2014
Griffith, Envy, Jagi, Akainu, Trebol.
Nov 3, 2015 11:11 AM

Nov 2014
Lol at these Guts fans hating on Griffith.

Griffith > Guts anyday.
Nov 3, 2015 11:17 AM

Jul 2015
That bitch called Matou sakur forget I even started on her name ,is the reason I hated Heaven's Feel .If it was Rin or Saber as the heroine I could actually have sat through it .

Because of her I actually ended up liking this guy

Nov 3, 2015 11:26 AM

Jan 2009
CashMoney said:
Lol at these Guts fans hating on Griffith.

Griffith > Guts anyday.

Griffith is one of my favorite villains ever.
Doesn't change thet fact that he's also one of the most diabolical assholes ever and needs(and deserves) to die a gory and painful death - anime | manga | reviews
Nov 3, 2015 11:27 AM

Aug 2013
Sora from NGNL. He can go jump off a cliff.
Nov 3, 2015 11:31 AM

Jul 2015
Evildragon16 said:
That bitch called Matou sakur forget I even started on her name ,is the reason I hated Heaven's Feel .If it was Rin or Saber as the heroine I could actually have sat through it .

Because of her I actually ended up liking this guy

It wasn't surprising though .I always had this lingering feeling that I'd hate her .Not that HF was bad but if the entirety of something you're reading is made up of the protagonist chasing the chick whore you hate it's unlikely that you'd enjoy it .

Mod Edit: Removed quote of deleted post.
AlfyanApr 6, 2017 3:00 PM
Nov 3, 2015 11:37 AM
Sep 2015
Near and the other L imitation from Death Note
Nov 3, 2015 11:41 AM

Jul 2015
_Peksi said:
CashMoney said:
Lol at these Guts fans hating on Griffith.

Griffith > Guts anyday.

Griffith is one of my favorite villains ever.
Doesn't change thet fact that he's also one of the most diabolical assholes ever and needs(and deserves) to die a gory and painful death

Griffith is tame compared to Akio (Shoujo Kakumei Utena). Not sure about the manga.
Nov 3, 2015 11:42 AM

Apr 2015
Evildragon16 said:
Minervalkyrie said:

dude, Sakura was 1000 times better than that tsundere.

Sakura whore type characters are the kind I usually hate .I'll admit though that her ero scenes were better than everyone else's

I see. I can't judge that then.
Yandere is an appeal for me but Tsundere somehow disgusts me.
Nov 3, 2015 2:41 PM

Oct 2010
Kirino Kousaka and Asuka Langley Souryuu.
UsagiAug 13, 2020 7:05 PM
Nov 3, 2015 2:46 PM

Jul 2013
Evildragon16 said:
That bitch called Matou sakur forget I even started on her name ,is the reason I hated Heaven's Feel .If it was Rin or Saber as the heroine I could actually have sat through it .

Because of her I actually ended up liking this guy

Curiously, I hate Shinji, but in the other hand, I also like him. Curios at best...

I still wondered why is Shirou in the ranking and not Shinji.
Nov 3, 2015 2:50 PM

Jun 2015
The list is too long
Nov 3, 2015 3:03 PM

Apr 2014
Nov 3, 2015 3:06 PM
Jul 2018
Let's just say that, if Sakura were to die in Shippuden, I'd give that show a 10.
Nov 3, 2015 3:51 PM

Jun 2014
Fucking Bittenfeld. That ginger shit can rot in front of Oberstein.
All credit goes to Sacred.
Nov 3, 2015 3:54 PM

Mar 2015
Illyricus said:
Evildragon16 said:
That bitch called Matou sakur forget I even started on her name ,is the reason I hated Heaven's Feel .If it was Rin or Saber as the heroine I could actually have sat through it .

Because of her I actually ended up liking this guy

Curiously, I hate Shinji, but in the other hand, I also like him. Curios at best...

I still wondered why is Shirou in the ranking and not Shinji.



shinji is da blue man
Nov 3, 2015 3:57 PM

Jul 2013
OneTrueEmiya said:
Illyricus said:

Curiously, I hate Shinji, but in the other hand, I also like him. Curios at best...

I still wondered why is Shirou in the ranking and not Shinji.



shinji is da blue man

Well, I think that at the end, Shinji is too GAR to be hated:

Nov 3, 2015 4:30 PM

Jul 2010
I'm kinda surprised at how many characters I DON'T hate. But yay! I have a place to hate characters!

The character I hate the most? Minko Tsurugi from Hanasaku Iroha. My God, every time she appeared on the screen, I wanted to seriously bash her brains in! Why do I hate her? Well, she hates on the main character the very moment they meet, over stupid things no less, continues to be a jack-butt to her throughout the entire series (at one point she tries to strangle the girl over a GUY!), refuses to let go of her stupid grudge, never gets called out on her stupidity, and worst of all, there is NO reason for her to behave this way to someone! The creators could have given her some reason to hate Ohana! Maybe Ohana did something when she was young that scarred Minko for life, or maybe Ohana reminds her of a bully or something! But nope, her detestable behavior is NEVER explained, and she treats Ohana like she's the spawn of Satan, and wastes NO time abusing her for stupid things. God, she completely killed the entire show for me!

There's also characters like Red from Happiness Charge Precure, who is the main villain of the series. I only like villains if they're interesting, have a good motivation, and actually do something. Red? Nope. Before his identity was revealed, he was constantly built up as this deep, menacing, intimidating mastermind who controlled an innocent girl, convincing her that love and happiness are only illusions. But as soon as he reveals himself, he does absolutely nothing but moan and whine about how love is stupid and hate is good every five seconds, and NEVER STOPS! Worse than that, he tries to force himself on a fourteen year old girl because he's angsty and whiny! Ugh! I just cannot bring myself to like him. He could have been really cool! But he's just a whiny prick who doesn't do anything except try to make his planet collide with Earth, but even that's poorly written and built up! Seriously, I can write a better villain than Red, and in fact, some people say I have!

I just finished the first season of Aikatsu, but Kaede Ichinose, the red haired girl from America, seriously grates on my nerves because she reeks of Mary Sue. She just hops out of a helicopter, completely disrupts an important competition, gets accepted into said competition without consequence or reprimand for her actions, she's praised up the wazoo by everyone just for being there, claims to have been able to climb the Grand Canyon WITHOUT ANY CLIMBING EQUIPMENT, WHICH EVERYBODY KNOWS IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE, ESPECIALLY FOR A FOURTEEN YEAR OLD, got her Aikatsu cards without any effort, and even freaking wins part of said competition with no effort whatsoever! She never has to go through any obstacles, nor does she have any real character flaws or make any mistakes. Want to know the worst thing is? She doesn't even appear until episode 33, more than halfway through the series! Had she been introduced in the beginning, we might have gotten some episodes devoted to developing her character somewhat, like what they did with Shion, Yurika, and the others. But nope, she's just thrown in there, and she screams blatant Deus Ex Machina, no contest. Writers, what were you thinking with this character? You don't just throw in a random character who's needlessly perfect and idealized, which you did, thereby completely ruining the entire purpose of the Tri-Star competition and sullying all the other competitors, who worked their butts off just to participate!

There's also Kagetsuya from Earthian, an old shounen-ai manga/anime I saw recently. I don't like Kagetsuya, not only because he's unnecessarily harsh, indecisive, and rude, but I feel his relationship with Chihaya feels forced and even a little artificial. While I can understand some of his grievances, he treats Chihaya as though he's some trouble making kid constantly, never praises him for good things he does, always calls him names, and is always harsh with him. And the thing is? They have sex once. One, it comes absolutely out of nowhere. Two, there was never any hints or implications of them having a relationship, let alone a romantic one, and three, with the way Kagetsuya treats Chihaya, I can't fathom why Chihaya would want to be with Kagetsuya romantically. Even if Kagetsuya does rescue Chihaya on occasion, I don't think its out of genuine concern for his well being, but only so he doesn't get in trouble with Eden. At one point he even locks Chihaya out of the apartment because he came home late for dinner. Kagetsuya has absolutely NOTHING positive to say about Chihaya. If I was in a relationship like this, I'd get the heck out of there because I would not want to spend my life with someone who constantly belittles everything I do and isn't grateful for the good things I do. And I've dealt with people exactly like Kagetsuya both in real life and online! Sorry, Kagetsuya is nothing but a bland, static, pathetic, and harsh character and I have absolutely no reason to care about him. What is it with anime convincing us that harsh people who constantly belittle you and call you names and blame you for everything is your perfect romantic partner? I don't approve of this construct.

Whew! That was long!
Nov 3, 2015 4:31 PM

Aug 2014
Illyricus said:
Curiously, I hate Shinji, but in the other hand, I also like him. Curios at best...

I still wondered why is Shirou in the ranking and not Shinji.

I don't know exactly how I feel about the guy. As I said in another topic the best I can say is that he fascinates me. Take that however you will.

Anyway...when you say most hated do you mean in a Love to Hate sort of way or in an I can't stand this character way?
Nov 3, 2015 4:34 PM

Jul 2011
Nov 3, 2015 4:34 PM

Jul 2013
AllenNoah said:
Illyricus said:
Curiously, I hate Shinji, but in the other hand, I also like him. Curios at best...

I still wondered why is Shirou in the ranking and not Shinji.

I don't know exactly how I feel about the guy. As I said in another topic the best I can say is that he fascinates me. Take that however you will.

Anyway...when you say most hated do you mean in a Love to Hate sort of way or in an I can't stand this character way?

I think that Shinji is one of those characters that I love to hate. it also must be that I find Hiroshi Kamiya's voice acting as him very hilarious.
Nov 3, 2015 4:44 PM
Nov 3, 2015 4:45 PM

May 2012
Such a shitty list. Who the fuck hates griffith? Nobody.
Nov 3, 2015 4:49 PM

Jun 2015
Eren (snk) - arrogant, loud and just all-round annoying.
Yukiteru (mirai nikki) - hes so indecisive and annoying, all he did during the whole series is whine.
Nov 3, 2015 4:56 PM

May 2015
Yukiteru Amano was a terrible mc


Nov 3, 2015 5:24 PM

Mar 2015
Illyricus said:
OneTrueEmiya said:



shinji is da blue man

Well, I think that at the end, Shinji is too GAR to be hated:

Shinji was so GAR he had to be nerfed. Even then, he's still so damn GAR, patting Gilgamesh on his shoulder and staining his coat with worm juice :C
Nov 3, 2015 6:12 PM

Jul 2015
Makoto from school days.
Nov 3, 2015 8:38 PM

Jun 2012
Firechick12012 said:
I just finished the first season of Aikatsu, but Kaede Ichinose, the red haired girl from America, seriously grates on my nerves because she reeks of Mary Sue. She just hops out of a helicopter, completely disrupts an important competition, gets accepted into said competition without consequence or reprimand for her actions, she's praised up the wazoo by everyone just for being there, claims to have been able to climb the Grand Canyon WITHOUT ANY CLIMBING EQUIPMENT, WHICH EVERYBODY KNOWS IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE, ESPECIALLY FOR A FOURTEEN YEAR OLD, got her Aikatsu cards without any effort, and even freaking wins part of said competition with no effort whatsoever! She never has to go through any obstacles, nor does she have any real character flaws or make any mistakes. Want to know the worst thing is? She doesn't even appear until episode 33, more than halfway through the series! Had she been introduced in the beginning, we might have gotten some episodes devoted to developing her character somewhat, like what they did with Shion, Yurika, and the others. But nope, she's just thrown in there, and she screams blatant Deus Ex Machina, no contest. Writers, what were you thinking with this character? You don't just throw in a random character who's needlessly perfect and idealized, which you did, thereby completely ruining the entire purpose of the Tri-Star competition and sullying all the other competitors, who worked their butts off just to participate!

I didn't remember Kaede reeks of Mary Sue. But, from what I've seen so far, "Seira Yamato" (Seira Otoshiro) from the 2nd season - Aika2! - is FAR worse than Kaede in terms of Mary Sue department, as if she's a disciple of Kira Yamato (hence why I called her Seira Yamato). She's currently at number 6 on my Top 10 Most Hated Anime Characters. Why? Here's the full list of her crimes:

(this might be a rather long post and full of spoilers. read them at your own risk.)

HAVOCprojectsNov 3, 2015 8:47 PM
"All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu."

However, in Gundam, all life begins with Nu and ends with Hi-Nu. While in KanColle, all life begins with Nu and ends with Kinu.
Nov 3, 2015 8:39 PM
Apr 2015
Lelouch Lamperouge
Nov 3, 2015 8:43 PM

Aug 2014
CashMoney said:
Lol at these Guts fans hating on Griffith.

Griffith > Guts anyday.

PoeticJustice said:
Such a shitty list. Who the fuck hates griffith? Nobody.

Seriously, Caska is the most hated in universerk.
Nov 4, 2015 12:18 AM

Apr 2013
orihime lmaooo
Nov 4, 2015 8:02 AM

Jul 2012
So is it a listing thread? are they not banned anymore?

Characters i hate most would be
Sugou - SAO
Professor Makise (Kurisu's dad) - Steins;Gate
Shinji - Fate stay night

yeah, i admit they are written as one-dimensional characcters to be hated, but still. i tend to sympathize with and respect villains while they're just scum.
I just saw Dark Knight (like 7 years late lol) and i was really fascinated by Joker and Harvey. whereas Kurisu's dad is just a piece of sht.
i don't know everything
i just know what i know...
Nov 4, 2015 8:10 AM
Jul 2018
worldeditor11 said:
Makoto - School Days

^ yuuup
Nov 4, 2015 8:29 AM

Nov 2014
Shiki said:
Lelouch Lamperouge

sir why do you spit out lies
Nov 4, 2015 8:43 AM

Aug 2014
Sakura from Naruto for being a bitch as a child and useless as an adult and Yukki and Yuno from Mirai Nikki for obvious reasons.
Nov 4, 2015 8:47 AM
Nov 2015
Makoto from School Days and Yukkii from Mirai Nikki -____-
Nov 4, 2015 9:29 AM

Oct 2013
Kushieda Minori [Toradora!] - The most annoying character ever created
Kuroko [Kuroko no Basket] - Boring af and gay
Mamoru Andou [Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor] If you watched Kaiji you will know.
Raki [Claymore] Annoying, shitty character who can't do anything himself, relies on others and f***s everything up
Madoka [Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica] - boring, weak, annoying, always crying and boring [yeah double boring]
Nov 4, 2015 9:33 AM

Jul 2012
D-I-O said:
Kuroko [Kuroko no Basket] - Boring af and gay
Nov 4, 2015 9:53 AM

Oct 2013
mayukachan said:
D-I-O said:
Kuroko [Kuroko no Basket] - Boring af and gay

He has that gay aura around him. Look at that that pink girl, Momoi or whatever her name is, she is into him so much but he's like, nope, I'mma stay gay.
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