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Jul 30, 2014 4:59 PM

Aug 2013
Still no relevant plot :(
But we got to see Misaka in a maid costume and a nice dress x)
Also, we got to see an embarassed Misaka because of Touma :P

Damn, even Kuroko was silenced at the end. She really is the ace of Tokiwada.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Aug 11, 2014 9:28 AM

Dec 2013
The animation of playing violin .. so poor. They'd better do a slide show.
Anyways pretty good filler (I guess?) episode.
Aug 28, 2014 1:07 PM

May 2014
OH geeez.... The filler was okay. But why did Touma show up at the most random times ever! I mean show us glimpses rather than just like out of nowhere he comes out.
Jan 21, 2016 2:05 AM

Mar 2015
Toaru Kagaku no slice of life :D
Mar 11, 2016 12:41 PM

Mar 2015
Why did Touma acted like he don't know Misaka? Is it because he didn't expect that biribiri to be that pretty? lol

Another Index cameo.

I laughed out loud when Shirai bought the book for 10k yen.

Edit: WHOAA!!! I just realized that this means, this is a side by side story where Touma FORGETS about Misaka and everyone else. I can't believe I forgot such details!
DarklordVorMar 11, 2016 12:51 PM

Nov 6, 2016 3:27 AM

Jun 2011
Woooow, it was a lovely surprise that they throw in a Touma cameo after he had [Index spoiler]

Wonder what's up with Uiharu not knowing about the flower decoration on her head.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Feb 1, 2017 11:36 PM

Dec 2013
Mikasa was cute.

Nice Touma cameo.
Mar 22, 2017 8:39 AM

Aug 2013
Mikoto in maid oufit and then a beautiful dress.. with the finishing Touma cameo. That's good enough for the boring parts before.
Jun 27, 2017 3:46 AM

Mar 2013
First I thought it was bit weird how Touma was acting but then it occurred to me that he lost his memories.
When Kuroko was admiring Misaka during the performance... I just so wanted to punch her right in the face haha :P
Sep 16, 2017 7:59 AM

Jun 2013
Wow, this was actually pretty bad. At least the other slice of life episodes took some advantage of the setting, the world of Raildex. Here, the only link to the setting was that the proceeds of the auction went to the Child Error orphanages. That's very, very weak. In any case, this was the most basic kind of festival episode that I could find in practically any nondescript high school anime. And getting to see Misaka play the violin in a dress does not justify the episode, even if it's nice to know that she has a hobby.

It's becoming harder and harder to ignore the gnawing feeling that this whole second cour of Railgun is a waste of resources and artistic effort that could have been used for something actually good. It's even failing at being good slice of life, because it does way too little to explore the setting in a meaningful way, and the main characters don't provide consistently good comedy or drama. Repeated harassment jokes, by themselves, aren't good comedy.
LeeTailorSep 16, 2017 8:31 AM
Oct 11, 2017 7:33 AM

Jun 2017
244's pretty cute how excited Uiharu is about everything concerning Tokiwadai. I do have to admit, I'd enjoy that town too, though. Being somewhere that picture perfect in real life, would be quite a spectacle.

Heh, still, her enthusiasm the whole time makes me smile. She's definitely a character I like, Uiharu.

This episode would have benefitted from trying to capitalize on the famous anime tropes a little less, though. It seems like they favored content less than most fillers, assuming maid costumes would make up for it... This could have been used to provide more insight into the characters, honestly (or the world, for that matter) ... but was largely untouched. Well, I don't hate it, I just don't particularly find much to care about either.
Alpha-MethylOct 11, 2017 7:36 AM
Dec 6, 2017 4:40 PM

Nov 2016
Show was alright overall,but I'm not really impressed,could've been a lot better.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Dec 14, 2017 10:47 AM

Apr 2013
Every time Touma appears, I get annoyed. I have more than enough of him in Index, can he at least stay out of Railgun?
Feb 7, 2018 5:50 AM

Sep 2012
Touma saves the day again, by calming down Misaka lol

& Saten ur picture making skill on that cloth WTF (& ur still poor) lol
Sugram22Feb 7, 2018 5:56 AM
Feb 10, 2018 4:27 PM

Aug 2013
Mikasa was cute in this episode and Kuroko never fails to make me laugh.

Feb 18, 2018 8:36 PM

Jun 2017
Gator said:
Every time Touma appears, I get annoyed. I have more than enough of him in Index, can he at least stay out of Railgun?

Ugh, me too. I don't mind a standard shonen hero normally, but Touma is just a little too dull... not only does he have the personality of clay pottery, his "good guy-ness" is totally unbelievable and lame, and as cool as his power is in theory - it's boring too. They should maybe have had the foresight to predict that the power to "make things not happen" saps a lot of excitement out of any potential action scenes.

I like Railgun for lots of reasons, but my FAVORITE reason is that I don't have to have Touma on my screen... Usually... Don't get me wrong, he's got a couple cool scenes in Index and later in Railgun but ...just about anyone in his place would make it much cooler in every one of those scenes

Leo said:
Mikasa was cute in this episode and Kuroko never fails to make me laugh.

I think all 4 of the girls make me laugh for different reasons... if cuteness was water this episode would be a flood.

Feb 18, 2018 11:30 PM

Apr 2013
VeggyZ said:
Gator said:
Every time Touma appears, I get annoyed. I have more than enough of him in Index, can he at least stay out of Railgun?

Ugh, me too. I don't mind a standard shonen hero normally, but Touma is just a little too dull... not only does he have the personality of clay pottery, his "good guy-ness" is totally unbelievable and lame, and as cool as his power is in theory - it's boring too. They should maybe have had the foresight to predict that the power to "make things not happen" saps a lot of excitement out of any potential action scenes.

I like Railgun for lots of reasons, but my FAVORITE reason is that I don't have to have Touma on my screen... Usually... Don't get me wrong, he's got a couple cool scenes in Index and later in Railgun but ...just about anyone in his place would make it much cooler in every one of those scenes

Good to hear I'm not the only one who feels that way, to me he's just the most generic and boring protagonist I've seen so far. But adding to his attitude being generic, he also has a boring as fuck power as well. He wins every fight by pointing his right hand at the enemy and one-punching him/her to oblivion...
May 19, 2018 3:24 AM

Jul 2015
So many cute Uiharu faces this episode!

Misaka can play the violin so well, damn.
Dec 21, 2018 11:53 PM

Dec 2014
so like a claasic far of some sort...touma again made an appearance...misaka is again shy more then she need to be
Jan 18, 2019 9:58 PM

Dec 2014

looks like at this point in time Touma lost his memories
Jan 25, 2019 4:25 PM

Aug 2017
Yeahhh, Touma is back.
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Feb 8, 2020 7:14 AM

Sep 2018
Ultimately, the episode is quite funny, but the best thing about this episode is that it shows characters from the Index series again, including the Maika character. Narration with really nice and very comic moments. Who knows if the next episode will have a self-contained story or a new narrative arc will open, I'm going to check immediately. Kongou always manages to stand out, for better or for worse. Quality of the drawings a little lower than the reference one.
Apr 17, 2020 2:39 AM

Aug 2018
Uiharu really likes rich girls.. And snakes.. ;p
Well, to be honest.. These activities of rich girls - like composing flowers, or working with needle, or reading in the library.. I feel that I wouldn't be able to enjoy all of them, really.. But they can be quite nice, if enjoying one or two, or three from these things..
Well, nice that children from previous episode actually return in anime again.. I mean, a bit unexpected.. Thought, we won't be touching them more.. But it seems they're more regular stayers now.. ;P Well, more characters to the show, I guess.. There are a lot of them for now, I guess.. But also not too much, for some reason..
Hm?.. Who is that heavy eater visitor is going to be?.. I wonder, if it's Index?.. ;P
What is that play where Misaka is going to participate?.. Lots of people anticipate it with eager.. Show, you're really hyping us for it.. I hope you won't play it out just as a joke in the end.. Though, you'll do, what you'll want..
Encounter with Touma made Misaka calmer.. Well, she switched her thoughts to other thing, and that's worked.. ;p I wouldn't say, though, that I like Touma's and Misaka's relationship or see any potential in it, really, though.. I'd prefer it to stay this way, really.. Unless they'll add something more to their relationship, because now it's strange, really, if it'd become love relationship on these grounds we have now.. I also enjoyed Touma more together with Index.. ;p
Well, it was Index the heavy eater visitor, guessed it right.. ;P And Misaka plays violin?.. Or some kind of that instrument.. Well, nice to know that she's good at that.. And she's also good with needle as well, as well as Saten.. Well, nice to get more about characters.. ;p Though, a bit hard to believe, how they're good at these things.. ;P
Feb 9, 2021 7:36 AM

May 2017
This show realy need some pantsu view...with all thoses maid , kuroko that keep jumping , what an useless animation -_-

Saten was cutest as always , sad its almost the end
Loli world is just a cute world full of cute meat

May 6, 2021 11:14 AM
Sep 2020
OMG they look so cute as maids !!!! Misaka , Kuroko are adorable.

Touma is in this one cool , love seeing him and Misaka together !!!!

What a performance Misaka , that was an amazing performance !!!!

I love this anime.
Aug 31, 2021 5:31 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
The thing is i really like this anime show a lot, but 2 filler episodes in a row is a bit too much(atleast i think its filler?!) . I hope the next one will be more story focused
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
May 31, 2022 5:30 AM
Oct 2019
Maid Episode??
Looks fun, another slice of life episode.

Of course Touma is here.

Misaka playing Violin? Would never guess that before.

Dec 14, 2022 1:35 PM

Jan 2021
Toma in this episode made it better. This might as well be a filler but I am loving it so much.
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

Feb 9, 2023 6:54 AM
May 2011
Another beautiful episode sullied by fucking Touma.
Nov 29, 2023 4:52 AM
Jul 2018
Misaka and Touma. Also, Touma go cut your hair lmao. He probably got a lot of dandruff under there
May 18, 2024 10:18 AM
Jan 2023
it's filler but good. Who knew that Misaka could be nervous like that, makes sense though. The violin was rather unexpected for sure, but great too!

Touma and Index make an appearance too! Awesome.

I wouldn't care if the rest of this show was filler if it was all this good!
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