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Craziest, most idiotic ignorant thing your parents/grandparents have said to you?

Jan 27, 2010 8:21 PM

Aug 2009
So, I was having a conversation with my mom and sister the other day about how my 8 month old neice, Michelle, went out with her father and his cousin. Upon finding out that his cousin was a lesbian, my mom told my sister that she shouldn't let Michelle be around her anymore. I asked why and she then replied "because Michelle's a girl and she might do something to her." Then, I totally ragequitted at my mom for thinking that all lesbians and gays are in the same boat as child molestors.

Then earlier today, she told me I was insane for thinking that the universe was created by a big "boom in the sky" and not God making everything and everyone in six days or some crap.

Anyway, how 'bout you guys? Do you have any stories about your parents saying such uneducated bull to you?

I'm a bandwagon whore

Ow. My Heart. <3
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Jan 27, 2010 8:45 PM

Feb 2008
My ex-step dad once told me everyone in the state of Pennsylvania are cannibals. Irony has it, my best friend lives there

My dad tried to tell me that people can't grow past 6 foot. Fun on him when he found out I'm 6"4.

My mother once told me that she feels God forces her to drag me to church when she remembers to get up..and yet church is optional.

L2 Search -
We're all getting trolled by Mayans. They probably thought "Fuck this shit, let's end the calendar and say shit's gonna go down."
Jan 27, 2010 8:46 PM

Jun 2008
Every assumption my parents made about gender stereotypes is forgotten by me, sadly.

-> tap water in my sink is dangerous to drink
-> hates science-fiction because it's "fake"
Jan 27, 2010 8:47 PM

Apr 2008
It's not something idiotic just funny stuff, I really can't remember anything like that for the moment...I know there are many I just can't think of one.

My dad told my brothers and I when we were little that if we ate boogers our tongues would turn green and we believed him.

We also always had Turkey Vultures that would fly over our house when we used to live in the country. My dad said they would pick up kids and carry them away and eat them. So whenever we saw them flying around we ran inside.

He told us that there was a lady of the lake who lived in our swamps in the woods and she came into our house at night and sucked the life out of us....that is just a couple of this and yet there is so much more haha. Let's just say he liked to keep us traumatized.
SevenJan 27, 2010 8:58 PM
Jan 27, 2010 8:49 PM

Oct 2007
told my grandma i wanted to cut down on dessert

she told me not to diet because i woudl lose wieght when i get old. when she was young, she was pretty fat. and then when she got old, she lost a lot of weight.

didnt have the heart to tell her its because of diabetes, heart disease, etc...
Jan 27, 2010 9:07 PM

Sep 2008
My dad believes the reason why we are having so many storms is not because of global warming or any of the ecological bad things we due to the Earth, but that the Muslims have built a device that controls the weather and it has now gone hay wire.

I wish I was fucking kidding.
JigeroJan 29, 2010 1:55 AM
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Jan 27, 2010 9:20 PM

Aug 2009
Tachii said:
Every assumption my parents made about gender stereotypes is forgotten by me, sadly.

Ah, man. I would hate to listen to their lectures if it was about stereotypes!

It kinda reminds me of my dad (who lives 9 hours away from me). He always wanted a son to "carry on the line of *insertfamilynamehere*" Unfortunetly for him, he got a daughter who refuses to talk to him (my sister) and a tomboy who was "son" enough for him (me), but he still seems to think I'm still the delicate 4 year old like I was when he left us. He didn't even want to watch "The Lovely Bones" with me when he visited for Christmas because he thinks its going to happen to me someday.

He also told my sister when he found out she got pregnant [at 15] that he has to meet the father because "parents are supposed to meet the man who knocked up their daughters." Sure, I guess it's common courtesy, but its not an ultimatum or something lol

Jigero said:
My dad believes the reason why we are having some many storms is not because of global warming or any of the ecological bad things we due to the Earth, but that the Muslims have built a device that controls the weather and it has now gone hay wire.

I wish I was fucking kidding.

Now that's what I call fucked up.

I'm a bandwagon whore

Ow. My Heart. <3
Jan 28, 2010 12:48 AM

Dec 2007
My mother once raged at me for a couple of hours because she tought the word dictionary was with two Cs (dicctionary).

My father once commited the mistake to tell me "you should get a boyfriend". I almost slapped him, and that's something you don't do your parents. As for the rest, he's quite aware of reality.
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Jan 28, 2010 12:51 AM

Sep 2007
Jigero said:
My dad believes the reason why we are having some many storms is not because of global warming or any of the ecological bad things we due to the Earth, but that the Muslims have built a device that controls the weather and it has now gone hay wire.

I wish I was fucking kidding.

Isn't that what Hugo Chavez said about the American government? That we have a supar sekret weather machine that can cause natural disasters. He blamed us for the Haiti quakes. ._.
Jan 28, 2010 1:27 AM

Oct 2007
Jigero said:
My dad believes the reason why we are having some many storms is not because of global warming or any of the ecological bad things we due to the Earth, but that the Muslims have built a device that controls the weather and it has now gone hay wire.

I wish I was fucking kidding.
He's not completely off. It's actually Atheists.
Jan 28, 2010 1:28 AM

Apr 2008
My parents told me to never post on blogs and forums and shits because it's permanent record.

Bullshit, since MAL borks threads every year or so.

Jan 28, 2010 6:12 AM

Apr 2009
kyonkundenwa said:
My parents told me to never post on blogs and forums and shits because it's permanent record.

Bullshit, since MAL borks threads every year or so.
Well there is the google archives.
This is a serious post. You're not allowed to delete it.
Jan 28, 2010 6:14 AM
Dec 2009
Watching hentai is perfectly normal.
Jan 28, 2010 6:22 AM

Apr 2009
My dad tried to force me to get a different roommate after he learned that my roommate was Muslim. On the logic that all Muslims are terrorists. *Facepalm*
Confucius say man who stand on toilet is high on pot.
Jan 28, 2010 6:40 AM

Dec 2007
"FPS games make people twisted and generate potential murderers."
"Minimum wage is more than enough to buy a decent computer with." (well, yes, maybe after seven years?)
"Even though I can't prove it, there has to be some sort of god."

That's all I can think of right now. Luckily he also states intelligent things every now and then.

Jigero said:
My dad believes the reason why we are having some many storms is not because of global warming or any of the ecological bad things we due to the Earth, but that the Muslims have built a device that controls the weather and it has now gone hay wire.

I wish I was fucking kidding.

Ouch, man.
Jan 28, 2010 6:42 AM

Oct 2009
"If we don't pay the bills right now, they'll throw us in jail!"
- dad
Jan 28, 2010 6:53 AM

May 2008
My parents used to tell me that playing with fire would make me piss myself in my sleep. Didn't stop me from playing with fire...

Oh, and I don't know if I got that from my parents, but when I was little I had sometimes gotten the idea that gay men are all castrated.
A past can last a lifetime.
How to Read Manga! | AnimeBytes | iMangaScans
Jan 28, 2010 7:01 AM

Jul 2008
My parents told me that people will always like you for what you are.

Jan 28, 2010 10:02 AM

Jun 2008
idklol said:
My parents told me that people will always like you for what you are.

Brilliant. Sheer brilliance. This is a quote-worthy post, if I do say so myself.
Jan 28, 2010 10:09 AM

Jun 2008
Hmmm probably that you have to get married to be happy. I am still single, and couldn't be happier with my life. :)
Jan 28, 2010 10:23 AM

Jun 2008
My mom said that she would never forgive me for coming out. Actually, she went fucking batshit INSANE when I told her, that's just the only thing audible that I could remember.
Jan 28, 2010 10:44 AM

Sep 2009
My mum happens to think that Wiccans are all Satanists... Which kind of pisses me off.
Jan 28, 2010 12:12 PM

Dec 2007
Dude, my parents are narrowminded idiots, like pretty much everyone around here. They annoy me with their moralfaggotry every day.
Jan 28, 2010 1:16 PM

Jun 2009
My mom was looking at the posters on my wall... specifically from Trinity Blood and Getbackers and said "Is being Gay popular in Japan?"
I almost died on the spot
I won't be fooled by a mere 3-d girl!!!

Jan 28, 2010 2:30 PM

Jun 2008
Sonic_Moronic said:
Dude, my parents are narrowminded idiots, like pretty much everyone around here. They annoy me with their moralfaggotry every day.
So, when you say "pretty much everyone around here", that includes you, too, right?
Jan 28, 2010 9:17 PM

May 2008
Tekizen said:
My mom was looking at the posters on my wall... specifically from Trinity Blood and Getbackers and said "Is being Gay popular in Japan?"
I almost died on the spot

Haha, but you've got to admit, the males in those shows do look kinda gay.
A past can last a lifetime.
How to Read Manga! | AnimeBytes | iMangaScans
Jan 28, 2010 9:37 PM

Sep 2009
These are all things my mother has said:

"Black people should always win gameshows. They deserve it what with everything they have to put up with. Slavery is a horrible thing"
I think she believes slavery is still around.

"I like gay people, they should live together and be happy, but they shouldn't get married. That's for men and women only"

"Tattoos and piercings are satanic, how could you destroy the body God gave you like that?"

and my personal favorite

"You should stop being a Wiccan already. When we die I want us to go to heaven together. God won't forgive you for giving up the religion you were raised in, after you died."
Otacons_GirlJan 28, 2010 10:23 PM
Jan 29, 2010 4:22 PM

Jun 2009
georgi said:
Tekizen said:
My mom was looking at the posters on my wall... specifically from Trinity Blood and Getbackers and said "Is being Gay popular in Japan?"
I almost died on the spot

Haha, but you've got to admit, the males in those shows do look kinda gay.

Seriously but man my face turned red and I just blabbed out something, I don't even remember what I said
I won't be fooled by a mere 3-d girl!!!

Jan 29, 2010 4:34 PM

Dec 2007
Ah and today my mother told me, in all seriousness:

"All robbers and rapists are black. So they can camouflage in the shadows of the night."

But I don't mind, she's also the person that says goodnight to the man of the "noonoos" (how she calls the TV News)
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Jan 29, 2010 4:36 PM

Jun 2009
ladyxzeus said:
Ah and today my mother told me, in all seriousness:

"All robbers and rapists are black. So they can camouflage in the shadows of the night."

But I don't mind, she's also the person that says goodnight to the man of the "noonoos" (how she calls the TV News)

Wow that is pretty bad....
I won't be fooled by a mere 3-d girl!!!

Jan 29, 2010 4:38 PM

Oct 2008
Jan 29, 2010 4:47 PM

Aug 2009
Otacons_Girl said:

and my personal favorite

"You should stop being a Wiccan already. When we die I want us to go to heaven together. God won't forgive you for giving up the religion you were raised in, after you died."

Wow. Just wow. And to think I was taught that God was supposed to be a forgiving god... why is it that a good amount of religious people are so hypocritical, its hardly even funny anymore?

To contribute to the thread:

My Oma is deathly afraid of my brother's garden snake, Eden, because she thinks "it could be the devil in disguise that will go around the house forcing us into sinning."

My Opa: "Its easy to get a job!"

I'm a bandwagon whore

Ow. My Heart. <3
Jan 29, 2010 4:59 PM

Aug 2009
My parents are pretty smart generally, but they do say some stuff that makes me roll my eyes, mostly about economic stuff that I am never going to agree with them on so I have given up pretty much. My dad is impossible to argue with anyway since he was trained to argue in law school.


just remembered a good one- my dad: "I am going to drive the SUV around as much as possible because we have to put MORE greenhouse gases into the environment to prevent the coming ice age!"
Apparently "some scientists" believe that the ice age is coming. I am wondering if these are the same scientists that work for oil companies.
sevenayJan 29, 2010 5:02 PM
Jan 29, 2010 5:01 PM

Oct 2008
tizara said:
My parents are pretty smart mostly but they do say some stuff that makes me roll my eyes, mostly about economic stuff that I am never going to agree with them on so I have given up pretty much. My dad is impossible to argue with anyway since he was trained to argue in law school.
lawyers are paid to bullshit their way in court ;) assuming he's a lawyer.
Jan 29, 2010 5:04 PM

Aug 2009
Frito said:
tizara said:
My parents are pretty smart mostly but they do say some stuff that makes me roll my eyes, mostly about economic stuff that I am never going to agree with them on so I have given up pretty much. My dad is impossible to argue with anyway since he was trained to argue in law school.
lawyers are paid to bullshit their way in court ;) assuming he's a lawyer.

hah, yep he is, and he can bullshit his way out of ANY argument, it is true. In a way it is a skill I wish I had inherited, lol.
Jan 29, 2010 5:06 PM

May 2008
"If you die, I will kill you, little girl!"
Jan 29, 2010 5:52 PM

Dec 2009
My grandma asked me how to make popcorn in the microwave, so I said "press popcorn and then start" and then a break and then a while later when she finally found the popcorn and start buttons the microwave started, soon I heard a weird noise so I ran in and the microwave was on fire because she had poured the kernels into a metal bowl before putting it into the microwave lol.
Jan 29, 2010 6:13 PM

Sep 2007
Sayalol said:
My ex-step dad once told me everyone in the state of Pennsylvania are cannibals. Irony has it, my best friend lives there

:D I live in Pennsylvania! know in all honesty, I only moved here a few years ago and sometimes I'm just not sure. Not sure at all. We have some first class hicks here. They might love their cows and pigs too much to eat them. >.> (No really. It can be bad. Think Deliverance)

ladyxzeus said:
Ah and today my mother told me, in all seriousness:

"All robbers and rapists are black. So they can camouflage in the shadows of the night."

But I don't mind, she's also the person that says goodnight to the man of the "noonoos" (how she calls the TV News)

Well that made me laugh hysterically. Reminds me of how a friend's mom very seriously asked me, "I don't claim to know how hard it's been for you people (people who aren't white), but tell me, do you guys bruise or bleed? I've always wanted to know!" I almost told her that our blood was blue but that seemed mean. Bless her heart she was so sweet and so racist.

Now for mine, I asked to hook up my 360 to the wide screen tv and my step-dad completely flipped out and went, "If you do that you'll ruin the TV!" They seem to think the colors and sounds from the games are so amazing that they'll just make the TV burst into flames when I tried to explain that's half of what those TV sets were made for.
Jan 29, 2010 7:10 PM

Feb 2008
Winter said:
Sayalol said:
My ex-step dad once told me everyone in the state of Pennsylvania are cannibals. Irony has it, my best friend lives there

:D I live in Pennsylvania! know in all honesty, I only moved here a few years ago and sometimes I'm just not sure. Not sure at all. We have some first class hicks here. They might love their cows and pigs too much to eat them. >.> (No really. It can be bad. Think Deliverance)

Well, I was out there last summer visiting him, I managed to survive.

L2 Search -
We're all getting trolled by Mayans. They probably thought "Fuck this shit, let's end the calendar and say shit's gonna go down."
Jan 29, 2010 9:04 PM

Jan 2010
My mom always goes on stupid rants about politics and religion etc and we all always on different pages but she has this lovely way of thinking that I wish she was just kidding about.

-She always tells me that males are terrible disgusting creatures and girls rule the world we just let the guys pretend they do.

-males should be locked in cages and only used for breeding.

-we should torture men for all the terrible they have done through out the years.

-she thinks Hitler killed everyone and tried to take over the world becAuse he is a man and that Hitler was a sign sent from her god to show the world how evil me are

she is an inane feminist and a nut job and I don't Agree to any of that shit

Jan 29, 2010 9:19 PM

Nov 2007
Grandma think the devils in me because of my music. O_o
Jan 29, 2010 9:24 PM

Jul 2008
My parents and grandparents have told me, at various points in my life, "YoungVagabond, we/I trust you."

Yeah, that was pretty ignorant of them.
Jan 29, 2010 11:39 PM

Apr 2009
My parents are generally sane, but my dad thinks the Simpsons was never a good show.

On the subject of grandparents,
Jan 30, 2010 10:06 AM

Sep 2009
My parents are divorced and i live with my mother and my grandparents...the most idiotic think my grandma told me..and it hurted me so bad...

"You should've never been born"

Because Yuuki was there, I might have been able to live on...
Jan 30, 2010 10:14 AM

Dec 2007
AcidBlackCherry said:
My mom always goes on stupid rants about politics and religion etc and we all always on different pages but she has this lovely way of thinking that I wish she was just kidding about.

-She always tells me that males are terrible disgusting creatures and girls rule the world we just let the guys pretend they do.

-males should be locked in cages and only used for breeding.

-we should torture men for all the terrible they have done through out the years.

-she thinks Hitler killed everyone and tried to take over the world becAuse he is a man and that Hitler was a sign sent from her god to show the world how evil me are

she is an inane feminist and a nut job and I don't Agree to any of that shit

Insane is indeed the right word. Is there any reason for her to act retarded? (traumas, mental instability, etc?)
Jan 30, 2010 10:20 AM

Aug 2009
Jigero said:
My dad believes the reason why we are having so many storms is not because of global warming or any of the ecological bad things we due to the Earth, but that the Muslims have built a device that controls the weather and it has now gone hay wire.

I wish I was fucking kidding.

wow that actually makes my dad's warped views on global warming sound pretty sane in comparison
Jan 30, 2010 10:33 AM

Sep 2009
my parents never said idiotic or stupid shit.
Jan 30, 2010 11:46 AM

Sep 2009
oh yeah but i like chillin' with my grandmother, she cool she just turned 80 year old still kickin' it old school.. lol
Jan 30, 2010 1:06 PM

Aug 2009
Deia said:
My parents are divorced and i live with my mother and my grandparents...the most idiotic think my grandma told me..and it hurted me so bad...

"You should've never been born"

Are we living the same life? My parents aren't together and I live with my mom and grandparents, who tell me similar things.

Like a few months ago, someone left the water on in the bathroom sink (not me, but I was blamed for it) and we had this terrible water damage that destroyed like half the the downstairs hallway. My Opa, who likes to take out his stress on others, was yelling at me about the how expensive it was to fix the water damage and said "If you weren't alive, this would have never have happened"

Funny thing is, the insurance covered it all.

I'm a bandwagon whore

Ow. My Heart. <3
Jan 30, 2010 1:40 PM

Jan 2009
My grandmother things Ninja Warrior is the funniest show ever... Wait.. I guess that's kind of true.

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