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Jun 16, 7:29 AM

May 2020

Any offensive player who initiates the contact to the defender besides being pump faked should be a no call or an offensive foul...
" Kindness can sometimes lead you to trouble. "

Jun 16, 7:31 AM

Sep 2018
Reply to PeripheralVision
Nette said:
For the average person life is better now than 200 years ago so then why is everyone more miserable and depressed? People want problems to bitch about so they create them, that is type A. Type B are victims of gaslighting by the state and medical system.

Look at it this way. Do you think we live in a remotely perfect world right now? As I see it, our world is so far from perfect that being sad, lonely, and depressed is perfectly normal. One could say "well, at least you are a not a victim of the Holocaust", but simply not living in the worst time period ever does not invalidate people's suffering.

Housing is expensive as shit. incomes have stagnated, wealth disparity has increased, social media exists, and there is a shit ton of red tape.

While yes, life has gotten better in several measures, ultimately there are structural and social changes which accompanied growing technological advancements and industrialization that likely has contributed to this pandemic of loneliness, of outrage, and sadness. For example, religion is a less dominant part of people's lives. Church has been a historical meeting place for various communities. Our ancestors did not necessarily work 40 hour work weeks (Some, anyway). Social media did not exist to distort our views of bodies and reality. Technological did not exist to such a degree as to enable 24/7 surveillance by governments and corporations, the destruction of our environment or whole countries. News and the stories around mass shootings. We literally have kickback schemes to send children to foster care or the juvenile delinquent center.

Would I want to go back to an earlier time? No, but there are many people who do want to go back. They are either conservatives, or progressives of various flavours of anarcho-primitivism. The latter were the hippies back in the 60s and 70s who went from college to an agrarian lifestyle. You know, "return to monke".

It is not that I do not believe we live in a fundamentally better world by my standards (Mostly due to Pinker's book Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined, which makes the argument we live in a fundamentally less violent world), but...our world just sucks on various levels, and no amount of "pull yourself up by the bootstrap" is going to make someone's jaded pessimism any less warranted, even if we disagreed to the source.

Because the world sucks, I truly do think that we have had a growing number of people suffering from mental unwellness. This is not necessarily diagnoses of BPD or schizophrenia, but people being upset and suffering from an awful world.

SmugSatoko said:
This again? *facepalm*

Genetics affect certain aspects, but you can improve your looks in various ways, including a healthier diet, exercise, cosmetics and surgery.

Looks can influence treatment, but do not determine it entirely. For instance, there are so many good-looking people with nasty personalities; even if some can get away with more by virtue of their appearance, that only goes so far.

It's so silly to claim that looks determine all human behavior. No credible psychologist believes this, and there are endless examples to the contrary.

Same goes for careers and money. If you lack the qualifications for a job, looking pretty will usually not suffice. Looking better improves your chances of success, but looking average or even ugly does not prevent it either. Just look at all the ugly rich people.

Dude is legitimately a blackpilled incel. It is one thing to blame one's look for a lack of romance, but does he seriously think everyone at MIT is a fucking supermodel? Rohan, maybe you just suck at life. Maybe you just lack marketable skills or an interesting personality. Jesus Christ. Stop blaming everything on your fucking looks. @Rohan121

I have seen way uglier people than me succeed where I struggle at or achieved moderately less success. I am just less skilled or have less to my name. Also diet and exercise are great ways to improve looks. I would also add a hygiene and a skincare routine in the vein of cosmetics.
Your bio says male so the bp especially applies to you too. What is your height, and do you have a gf? Btw height is highly correlated to job success as well which is based on genetics. Iq is also genetic.
Jun 16, 7:39 AM

Feb 2024
tsukareru said:
It's not a hot take but life is simply brutally unfair.

This world is designed by predators for predators. This leaves you with a very little choice to stay safe and fed.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jun 16, 7:43 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to MalchikRepaid
OK, I will refrain myself from posting my hot takes pertaining to living in this world mostly due to the concern that my personal ideas could spark a lot of uncomfortable ideas.
@MalchikRepaid May I do it for you then?
  • Yuri relationships are the future of humanity.
  • Female supremacy is good and would bring more peace to the world.
  • Men are just sperm donors who are supposed to work for the good of women (and receive occasional rewards to keep them motivated).
  • Quebec should be separated from the rest of Canada.
Funnily enough I don't disagree with any of that :P

ZarutakuJun 16, 8:17 AM
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 16, 7:45 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to Hitagi__Furude

Any offensive player who initiates the contact to the defender besides being pump faked should be a no call or an offensive foul...
@Hitagi__Furude damn are you hating on luka for days now
Jun 16, 7:52 AM

May 2020
Reply to deg
@Hitagi__Furude damn are you hating on luka for days now

Thats not me hating on Luka specifically...

Thats basically against any foul bait star player these days...

Theres little to nothing that a defender can do these days...

Especially with all the spacing & foul baiting!!!
" Kindness can sometimes lead you to trouble. "

Jun 16, 8:12 AM

Jul 2014
Probably that the meaning of life is to find your own meaning.
Take care of yourself

Jun 16, 8:14 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to LoveLikeBlood
Probably that the meaning of life is to find your own meaning.
@LoveLikeBlood Such a hot take that it froze my fingers :P
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 16, 8:15 AM
Dec 2022
Zarutaku said:
@MalchikRepaid May I do it for you then?

My hot takes are not really about my lesbian orientation, but more like involving the navigation among multiple cultural shocks and food.
Jun 16, 8:32 AM

Aug 2021
Jesus is the way, the life, and the truth.
Jun 16, 8:49 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to Sokksoff
Jesus is the way, the life, and the truth.
@Jesus @God @Theo1899 @Kazu-chan-san
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 16, 9:13 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to LoveYourSmile
JaniSIr said:
Advertising should be legally banned.

That would bring doom upon MAL and a good share of free Internet.
@LoveYourSmile "Free", you are the product. The entire point of ads is to influence you to spend more money. And even if you personally aren't influenced, the price of any product you buy has a built in advertising free of certain percentage, so you are paying indirectly for it.

There are so many instances of business models that heavily rely on obscuring the actual cost of their products and services, the original example is the razor and the blades model, where the disposable blades quickly add up, but the average consumer will not do the math for the lifetime cost, they just see the small expenses.

Ads are a multibillion dollar industry, there is nothing free about any of it.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 16, 9:15 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to Little_Sheepling
I think don't be too reliant on people, learnt that way too late.
Be as independent as you can, both physically and in your own mind space.
@Loyal_Sheepling i agree with this one the most
Jun 16, 9:31 AM

Jun 2016
Reply to Sokksoff
Jesus is the way, the life, and the truth.
@GotSpinz Not really a hot take. Christ is indeed King.

OT: Dispensationalists and people with a low of view of the sacraments (they usually overlap) aren't Christians.
Jun 16, 9:54 AM

Dec 2021
The world is (overall) slowly becoming a better place, and will largely continue to do so. In 50 years were going to look back and be amazed at how far we've come, and how much more peaceful, intelligent, and kind the world is.
KittenCuddlerJun 16, 5:35 PM
Jun 16, 11:10 AM

Feb 2024
I totally understand your point about evil greedy corps, marketing bubble and all that stuff. I only pointed to the fact that many great services exist and remain free for everyone because of ads being their main source of income (the whole google ecosystem, for instance).
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jun 16, 11:23 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to SmugSatoko
JaniSIr said:
If a business needs to actively spend a lot of money in an attempt to brainwash people who were just busy minding their business to gain any traction, then do they really deserve to stay in business?

You're missing the point. Businesses (and by extension the products and services everyone uses) cannot exist at all without advertising.

There are free advertising methods as well (including word of mouth) but they tend to be less effective and more time-consuming.

If you attempted to sue companies for "brainwashing" people with advertising, you would lose, because the legal standard for that is stricter than yours.

There is really no benefit of advertising to the consumer, it's just wasting their time,

This could not be further from the truth. All the benefits of virtually every product and service came about because of advertising. No advertising = no products and services.

and an entire business of mass surveillance popped up for the sole purpose of selling ads.

If modern society is not your cup of tea, you are free to leave it and go live in the wilderness.

This mass surveillance (as you put it) makes advertising far more targeted to individuals' interests, letting businesses bring things to the market more efficiently, thus lowering overall prices and increasing the availability, relevance and diversity of products and services.

Ads also might straight up contain malware...

Only in rare cases. There are measures to prevent this on reputable platforms.

If you put any value on the creation of new intellectual works, then this is the worst thing you can support.

If you put any value on the creation of new intellectual works, you would realize they need an incentive to create them...namely, intellectual property rights that protect their investment and enable them to profit from their hard work.

(Sure, some creators do it for the passion and perhaps release their creations for free...but most of the time, they want to make a profit from it, especially if they spent a fortune in the development phase.)

Copyright and patents essentially became tools of soulless corporations to stop people from having nice things.

On the contrary, without copyrights and patents, so many nice things would not have come into existence. Just think of all the ways modern technology has improved the lives of billions of people.

It's extremely backwards that such basic things Shadow of Mordor's nemesis system got patented, so now nobody else can use it. We'd lose an entire genre if back in the days Wolfenstein was parented by ID Software.

Game developers can still create similar things as long as they are distinct enough.

Then we have the things that Nintendo pulls, where they DMCA everything from fan projects to even YouTube videos of their games, like just why...

Fan projects are clear copyright infringement and do not fall under fair use laws. The same goes for some videos. Ensuring a video qualifies as fair use can be tricky.

Another thing that corporations pulled is that if you buy something you don't actually get to own it. At best you get a license of indefinite length, that can be taken back at any time.

That has little to do with advertising and copyright, and everything to do with unethical business practices.

Still, things like streaming services let people pay a low price for access to a huge amount of content that would have cost exponentially more if they were to purchase them individually. I prefer owning things, but only when I love it enough to pay that extreme premium.

Just a reminder that you have neglected to posit a mechanism through which to abolish advertising either. (Probably because, as I mentioned, it's simply not possible.)

Also I only tried Mountain Dew once, apparently it's banned in Europe because of carcinogenic food coloring, and I hated it.

Wait a ingested a banned substance? There may be hope for you yet. ohoho...

If you meant brominated vegetable oil, that has more recently been removed from the ingredients.

As for soda and energy drinks in general, I drink them to feel energized and focused, not for the taste. I plan on quitting someday, as they are unhealthy.

Zarutaku said:
Assuming the other country you want to live in allows you to do so, a reference to what has been said above:

There's nothing wrong with countries not taking in "immigrants".

That's dumb. Immigration fuels economies and cultural advancement. It has been an integral component of world history.

At any rate, many countries do allow immigration. My point is that, to an extent, you can choose which country you live in.
SmugSatoko said:
You're missing the point. Businesses (and by extension the products and services everyone uses) cannot exist at all without advertising.

That's just not true, the economy was fine back when all people could do was put up a sign over their shop, or shout at the market square.
Ads at best promote over consumption, any product worth its price would be searched for, or could be delivered to people who actively follow the brand.
Like I'm not going to be mad for Google giving me results for stuff I searched for, or like seeing tour dates for a band I followed for over a decade.

SmugSatoko said:
If you attempted to sue companies for "brainwashing" people with advertising, you would lose, because the legal standard for that is stricter than yours.

Advertising is clearly legal, but you can't just defend the current law by saying that's the law... No circular logic please.

SmugSatoko said:
If modern society is not your cup of tea, you are free to leave it and go live in the wilderness.

This mass surveillance (as you put it) makes advertising far more targeted to individuals' interests, letting businesses bring things to the market more efficiently, thus lowering overall prices and increasing the availability, relevance and diversity of products and services.

Where did I say I want to leave society? I want to improve it. You know, at one point there was no law against murder, people didn't just abandon society, some went and said "yo, this is messed up" and people agreed to punish murderers...

And targeted ads are absolutely creepy. it's a severe privacy violation, and I don't care for the interests of corporations, if I wanted info of their products I'd go out of my way to search for it.

SmugSatoko said:
Only in rare cases. There are measures to prevent this on reputable platforms.

Little self defense doesn't hurt though.

SmugSatoko said:
If you put any value on the creation of new intellectual works, you would realize they need an incentive to create them...namely, intellectual property rights that protect their investment and enable them to profit from their hard work.

(Sure, some creators do it for the passion and perhaps release their creations for free...but most of the time, they want to make a profit from it, especially if they spent a fortune in the development phase.)

SmugSatoko said:
On the contrary, without copyrights and patents, so many nice things would not have come into existence. Just think of all the ways modern technology has improved the lives of billions of people.

That's a nice theory, but corporations sort of ruined it for everyone. Sometimes even including themselves, Need for Speed Most Wanted cannot be sold by EA because of some licensing issue, and they literally made the game.

SmugSatoko said:
Game developers can still create similar things as long as they are distinct enough.

And just who would dare challenge Warner Brothers with it? There's a good reason why only one other game implemented this, and that was the sequel. Something like this shouldn't have been patent worthy, even with a less radical view on the matter.

SmugSatoko said:
Fan projects are clear copyright infringement and do not fall under fair use laws. The same goes for some videos. Ensuring a video qualifies as fair use can be tricky.

You cannot use the law to defend the law #2

SmugSatoko said:
That has little to do with advertising and copyright, and everything to do with unethical business practices.

Still, things like streaming services let people pay a low price for access to a huge amount of content that would have cost exponentially more if they were to purchase them individually. I prefer owning things, but only when I love it enough to pay that extreme premium.

It's a bit of a tangent, but only slightly... If you truly want to own some piece of digital content now days is through piracy. And I wasn't even talking of Netflix and such, that actually advertises itself as a monthly subscription. Recently there was a story where Sony *sold* TV shows from BBC(?) but due to some license running out, they just removed it from the library of anyone who bought it.

SmugSatoko said:
Just a reminder that you have neglected to posit a mechanism through which to abolish advertising either. (Probably because, as I mentioned, it's simply not possible.)

Honestly? Not my problem. I always managed to find what I wanted to buy with ad block on, billion dollar greedy corporations making a little less money is not a bad thing. This would actually have a positive effect on environmental efforts, unlike plastic recycling and battery powered electric vehicles.

SmugSatoko said:
Wait a ingested a banned substance? There may be hope for you yet. ohoho...

If you meant brominated vegetable oil, that has more recently been removed from the ingredients.

It's a soft drink... It's unhealthy and disgusting, but there are way worse things that are legal over in the USA.

SmugSatoko said:
As for soda and energy drinks in general, I drink them to feel energized and focused, not for the taste. I plan on quitting someday, as they are unhealthy.

I don't know how to react to that.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 16, 11:58 AM

May 2013
It's funny I have plenty of life hot takes that shouldn't be hot but are because we are in the twilight years of modern civilization

Like one is it's your duty to reproduce and raise offspring. That wasnt a hot take 100 years ago.

Not doing so means you've completely failed, 100%. Millions of years of evolution stopping because of your abject failure as a human being.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Jun 16, 12:15 PM

Sep 2016
Reply to Nette
It's funny I have plenty of life hot takes that shouldn't be hot but are because we are in the twilight years of modern civilization

Like one is it's your duty to reproduce and raise offspring. That wasnt a hot take 100 years ago.

Not doing so means you've completely failed, 100%. Millions of years of evolution stopping because of your abject failure as a human being.
@Nette That's kinda hot indeed, but not as hot as VHEMT ideology.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 16, 1:20 PM

Aug 2014
JaniSIr said:
"Free", you are the product. The entire point of ads is to influence you to spend more money.

The only reason those things are able to be provided at no direct cost is because they are supported by ads. Without ads, people would have to pay directly.

And even if you personally aren't influenced, the price of any product you buy has a built in advertising free of certain percentage, so you are paying indirectly for it.

Moot point. Without advertising, the product would not be able to be offered in the market at all.

Advertising can just as well lower the prices of products due to market competition. I had a career in marketing and can tell you that it can go both ways. There's a ton of data analyzing the relationships between advertising and product pricing. There are many other factors that affect prices too.

Even the very act of making a product available for sale is advertising in the broader sense. The majority of sales are business to business rather than to the end consumer. There is all sorts of advertising that goes on before the final product is available for purchase.

There are so many instances of business models that heavily rely on obscuring the actual cost of their products and services,

Most of the time, only those who work deeply in the relevant industry even know the true cost of everything. It's not uncommon for businesses to lose money for years before they turn a profit. It's perfectly normal for the public to not know about all the challenges and costs involved in bringing products to market. All they need to do is decide whether they are willing to pay the asking price.

the original example is the razor and the blades model, where the disposable blades quickly add up, but the average consumer will not do the math for the lifetime cost, they just see the small expenses.

Blades have to be replaced regardless, so a convenient option is preferable.

Ads are a multibillion dollar industry, there is nothing free about any of it.

You could say that nothing is truly free...and you would be missing the point yet again.

JaniSIr said:
That's just not true, the economy was fine back when all people could do was put up a sign over their shop, or shout at the market square.

Know what that's called? Advertising.

Economists are inclined to dispute your assessment of the economy being "fine" in such primitive times. Humanity's standard of living has skyrocketed since then as a result of free markets.

If you tried to start a business in the current era by doing nothing but buying a shop and putting a sign over it, you would almost certainly go out of business quickly.

Ads at best promote over consumption,

Oh, okay. So apparently you are the arbiter of how much people should consume, and doubtless which things they should consume as well. Such a wannabe dictator.

any product worth its price would be searched for,

Incorrect. Countless products are introduced to people via advertising rather than something they searched for themselves. So many solutions to problems they may have never imagined. And they willingly buy them, making it worth the price on an individual level.

or could be delivered to people who actively follow the brand.

And do you know what marketing messages directed to those who sign up (or search) for it is called? Advertising.

Like I'm not going to be mad for Google giving me results for stuff I searched for, or like seeing tour dates for a band I followed for over a decade.

But some of the results in Google searches are ads! Don't they make you mad? lolz

Advertising is clearly legal, but you can't just defend the current law by saying that's the law... No circular logic please.

No, I specifically referred to whether you would be able to sue companies for alleged brainwashing. In other words, they have a different idea of what counts as brainwashing. Don't talk about logic when you didn't even attempt to read what I actually said.

Where did I say I want to leave society? I want to improve it. You know, at one point there was no law against murder, people didn't just abandon society, some went and said "yo, this is messed up" and people agreed to punish murderers...

I'm saying that if modern society and its ways are not how you want to live your life, you don't have to participate in that system...but you're not going to change it. And getting rid of advertising is not an improvement. Like I keep telling you, you wouldn't have any products or services at all without advertising.

And targeted ads are absolutely creepy. it's a severe privacy violation,

You agreed to the terms when you used the websites and so on, so it's technically not a breach of privacy.

and I don't care for the interests of corporations, if I wanted info of their products I'd go out of my way to search for it.

Fair enough. You probably don't buy many things anyway.

Little self defense doesn't hurt though.

I am a strong proponent of online ad blockers despite also being in favor of advertising. heh

That's a nice theory, but corporations sort of ruined it for everyone.

Ah, so you're going to ignore the millions of products and services that benefit billions of people. I guess that's the only way to continue believing as you do.

Sometimes even including themselves, Need for Speed Most Wanted cannot be sold by EA because of some licensing issue, and they literally made the game.

They voluntarily agreed to licensing terms.

And just who would dare challenge Warner Brothers with it? There's a good reason why only one other game implemented this, and that was the sequel. Something like this shouldn't have been patent worthy, even with a less radical view on the matter.

I already explained that. You can't patent a general idea; you can only patent something specific. Game developers can (and do) create similar systems. They just need to be distinct enough.

You cannot use the law to defend the law #2

You asked why, so I answered.

It's a bit of a tangent, but only slightly... If you truly want to own some piece of digital content now days is through piracy. And I wasn't even talking of Netflix and such, that actually advertises itself as a monthly subscription. Recently there was a story where Sony *sold* TV shows from BBC(?) but due to some license running out, they just removed it from the library of anyone who bought it.

Some digital content can be purchased as downloads you can keep. Lots of it isn't popular enough to be found on piracy sources.

Honestly? Not my problem. I always managed to find what I wanted to buy with ad block on, billion dollar greedy corporations making a little less money is not a bad thing. This would actually have a positive effect on environmental efforts, unlike plastic recycling and battery powered electric vehicles.

Let me get this straight. You want advertising to be illegal...but you admit you have no idea how to do so? I hope you realize that just further proves my point.

Anyway, advertising is not only a necessity, but a right, as is freedom of speech and the right to own property. Liberty and the free market shall prevail. You'll never make advertising illegal, so you're just wasting energy on this fantasy.
SmugSatokoJun 16, 1:40 PM
Jun 16, 2:01 PM

May 2013
Reply to Zarutaku
@Nette That's kinda hot indeed, but not as hot as VHEMT ideology.

Fuck nihilism, billions must live.

But legit anti human sentiment is just eugenics dressed up to make it less shocking. Completely antithetical to anything beautiful and good. A wretched and ugly ideology peddled by wretched and ugly people.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Jun 16, 2:23 PM

Sep 2016
Reply to Nette

Fuck nihilism, billions must live.

But legit anti human sentiment is just eugenics dressed up to make it less shocking. Completely antithetical to anything beautiful and good. A wretched and ugly ideology peddled by wretched and ugly people.
Nette said:
But legit anti human sentiment is just eugenics dressed up to make it less shocking.
What does misanthropy have to do with improving genetic quality of humans? I don't get it.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 16, 3:23 PM

May 2013
Reply to Zarutaku
Nette said:
But legit anti human sentiment is just eugenics dressed up to make it less shocking.
What does misanthropy have to do with improving genetic quality of humans? I don't get it.

I think I may be retarded then. I'm on one currently rn it seems lol.

Move along.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Jun 16, 7:26 PM

May 2018
most people are good. the people you pass in the streets, or ring you up at the register, or make your coffee at your neighborhood cafe... most of them are people trying to do their best with what they can.

it's just that the negative crazy ones are usually the loudest. and usually the ones that want to be famous or go into politics lmao.
can't yuck my yum

Jun 16, 7:55 PM

Jun 2024
we're gonna be boiled alive by all the things we're doing on our home planet, the future generations will experience the worst because of the current and previous generations doing

"It is only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence"
Jun 17, 12:57 AM

Feb 2024
Nette said:
Fuck nihilism, billions must live.

Billions will live for sure, they will be less white though, because West is too busy with gay and childfree propaganda. I don't mind honestly, it's enough for my age, and the kids will find their own ways.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jun 17, 1:03 AM

May 2013
Reply to LoveYourSmile
Nette said:
Fuck nihilism, billions must live.

Billions will live for sure, they will be less white though, because West is too busy with gay and childfree propaganda. I don't mind honestly, it's enough for my age, and the kids will find their own ways.

No reason to complain since I am a part of the problem -_-

Ain't gon have kids so feel free to blame the death of the white race entirely on me and me alone.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Jun 17, 1:20 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to NoelleIsSleepy
most people are good. the people you pass in the streets, or ring you up at the register, or make your coffee at your neighborhood cafe... most of them are people trying to do their best with what they can.

it's just that the negative crazy ones are usually the loudest. and usually the ones that want to be famous or go into politics lmao.
@NoelleIsSleepy Ever thought about the possibility that some of the good people you mentioned are secretly the negative crazy ones? Just a hunch.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 17, 1:58 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to Nette

No reason to complain since I am a part of the problem -_-

Ain't gon have kids so feel free to blame the death of the white race entirely on me and me alone.
Ahaha, I know and totally accept. People own their lives and do whatever they want, who am I to disagree?
I was honestly surprised to see your words about "duty to reproduce" and all that. Even being a father of a few, I don't give a fuck for an abstract "future of the humankind". So why do you care about the legacy?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jun 17, 2:23 AM

May 2013
Reply to LoveYourSmile
Ahaha, I know and totally accept. People own their lives and do whatever they want, who am I to disagree?
I was honestly surprised to see your words about "duty to reproduce" and all that. Even being a father of a few, I don't give a fuck for an abstract "future of the humankind". So why do you care about the legacy?

I care so much cause I ain't having kids.

Vaginas make me want to vomit.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Jun 17, 2:46 AM

Sep 2016
Nette said:
Vaginas make me want to vomit. said:
The most defining aspect about my personality is just how much I loathe mayonnaise. No, I still haven't seen it yet.

You loathe "mayonnaise" and vaginas make you want to vomit? Are you asexual by any chance? No bait, just wondering.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 17, 3:31 AM

Mar 2008
Reply to Nette
It's funny I have plenty of life hot takes that shouldn't be hot but are because we are in the twilight years of modern civilization

Like one is it's your duty to reproduce and raise offspring. That wasnt a hot take 100 years ago.

Not doing so means you've completely failed, 100%. Millions of years of evolution stopping because of your abject failure as a human being.
Genes only make up so much of what humans are so ideas and creations passing on can have more to them than some offspring in many cases. A lot of people also would be bad parents and are better off never having kids or may even pass down really bad genes in either case bringing life into the world just to suffer. Also there is few people with actually unique genes, most arent the only carriers of their genes so if they do something to keep others alive they also in that way are passing down genes. Actually each person also probably has some doppelgangers out there and they share a lot of same combinations of DNA even
Jun 17, 4:54 AM

Mar 2013
Reply to Zarutaku
Nette said:
Vaginas make me want to vomit. said:
The most defining aspect about my personality is just how much I loathe mayonnaise. No, I still haven't seen it yet.

You loathe "mayonnaise" and vaginas make you want to vomit? Are you asexual by any chance? No bait, just wondering.
Zarutaku said:
You loathe "mayonnaise" and vaginas make you want to vomit?

What in the actual fuck?

*Character Limit
Jun 17, 6:55 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to Nette

I care so much cause I ain't having kids.

Vaginas make me want to vomit.
@Nette this is the weirdest comment I have read on MAL...
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 17, 7:26 AM
Dec 2022

Well, if you insist. My main concern is that I'm a millenial who was born late, but I don't follow any millenial stuff. Plus, I'm a mixed race bombarded with multicultural stuff.

1. Over-caffinated drinks and many energy drinks are unpleasant
2. The current mainstream pop culture entertainment around the world is dangerous for the minds of individuals of any age groups
3. Smooth jazz is seriously underrated
4. People around the world need to learn at least 1 language in Asia, can either be Urdu, Bahasa Indonesia, Japanese, Chinese (any dialects included)
5. Alternative medicial traditions in Asia deserve to be more mainstream
Jun 17, 7:52 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to MalchikRepaid

Well, if you insist. My main concern is that I'm a millenial who was born late, but I don't follow any millenial stuff. Plus, I'm a mixed race bombarded with multicultural stuff.

1. Over-caffinated drinks and many energy drinks are unpleasant
2. The current mainstream pop culture entertainment around the world is dangerous for the minds of individuals of any age groups
3. Smooth jazz is seriously underrated
4. People around the world need to learn at least 1 language in Asia, can either be Urdu, Bahasa Indonesia, Japanese, Chinese (any dialects included)
5. Alternative medicial traditions in Asia deserve to be more mainstream
MalchikRepaid said:
2. The current mainstream pop culture entertainment around the world is dangerous for the minds of individuals of any age groups
How so?

MalchikRepaid said:
4. People around the world need to learn at least 1 language in Asia, can either be Urdu, Bahasa Indonesia, Japanese, Chinese (any dialects included)
That would be great, I wish we learned Japanese in school so I could watch raw anime.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 17, 9:09 AM
Dec 2022

I lived in South Korea, a country in which entertainment companies can sway the whole country back and forth, for 2 years. I studied at an American university at that time while teaching some middle and high school students English (and some elementary French) while being paid in groceries due to tax reasons.

I just feel very uncomfortable about pop culture being too influential to the mind of individuals.
Jun 17, 9:23 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to MalchikRepaid

I lived in South Korea, a country in which entertainment companies can sway the whole country back and forth, for 2 years. I studied at an American university at that time while teaching some middle and high school students English (and some elementary French) while being paid in groceries due to tax reasons.

I just feel very uncomfortable about pop culture being too influential to the mind of individuals.
@MalchikRepaid I wouldn't worry too much, people have been easily influenceable since forever, especially the young ones, and yet humanity never stopped from advancing, so why would it now?
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 17, 10:31 AM

May 2013
@Zarutaku No but I could go on long tirades on how I wish I could just be a normal straight cis male than whatever the fuck I am now. This life had been pretty depressing ngl.

@traed Shush let me have my valid reason to self loathe.

@JaniSIr It's the simple truth in how I feel alot of the time. Every time I've had sex with a woman I've hated it almost entirely over the parts at play. Therefore I will not reproduce and thus loathe myself for not hitting the absolute minimum it takes to have a fulfilling life.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Jun 17, 10:52 AM

Feb 2024
Nette said:
over the parts at play

You can pay just for parts of interest lol. Ah, what a hilarious thread, sad it will be locked...
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jun 17, 10:57 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to Nette
@Zarutaku No but I could go on long tirades on how I wish I could just be a normal straight cis male than whatever the fuck I am now. This life had been pretty depressing ngl.

@traed Shush let me have my valid reason to self loathe.

@JaniSIr It's the simple truth in how I feel alot of the time. Every time I've had sex with a woman I've hated it almost entirely over the parts at play. Therefore I will not reproduce and thus loathe myself for not hitting the absolute minimum it takes to have a fulfilling life.
Nette said:
Every time I've had sex with a woman I've hated it almost entirely over the parts at play. Therefore I will not reproduce and thus loathe myself for not hitting the absolute minimum it takes to have a fulfilling life.

You could become a donor of "mayonnaise" banks in order to reproduce, if that would make you more fulfilled.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 17, 11:06 AM

May 2013
Reply to Zarutaku
Nette said:
Every time I've had sex with a woman I've hated it almost entirely over the parts at play. Therefore I will not reproduce and thus loathe myself for not hitting the absolute minimum it takes to have a fulfilling life.

You could become a donor of "mayonnaise" banks in order to reproduce, if that would make you more fulfilled.

A. "Severe mental condition" would probably bar me from donating

B. Not like any use would be gotten out of it. HRT is not kind to that specific part.

C. It is only part about having your genes out there while the other half is actually being a parent.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Jun 17, 11:23 AM
Jul 2018
Another hot take; Not everyone is meant to be a parent and it is perfectly fine to choose not to reproduce. Especially when your reason for wanting that is "to lead a fulfilling life" whatever that means.

Children are a lot of responsibility and not for everyone.

I would also add, adoption is a better option.
Jun 17, 11:34 AM

Aug 2021
theres really no reason for an incest taboo tbh
Jun 17, 11:40 AM
best $30 i spent

Oct 2023
Reply to elgatosaika
theres really no reason for an incest taboo tbh
@elgatosaika excuse me?? 😭😭
Jun 17, 11:43 AM

May 2021
Reply to Meusnier
Eating ice cream during Summer does not make you cooler.
@Meusnier Scientifically if i remember correctly this is true, but psychologically eating cold stuff can trick your body into feeling cooler

It's quite fascinating though how cold foods/drinks don't cool down your body, but hot ones do heat it up
Jun 17, 11:48 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to elgatosaika
theres really no reason for an incest taboo tbh
@elgatosaika absolutely red-pilled
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 17, 12:52 PM

May 2021
Reply to SmugSatoko
rohan121 said:
Genetics determine your looks which determines your treatment by others, and how you behave. Looks also determines you landing jobs and promotions way more than actual performance.

This again? *facepalm*

Genetics affect certain aspects, but you can improve your looks in various ways, including a healthier diet, exercise, cosmetics and surgery.

Looks can influence treatment, but do not determine it entirely. For instance, there are so many good-looking people with nasty personalities; even if some can get away with more by virtue of their appearance, that only goes so far.

It's so silly to claim that looks determine all human behavior. No credible psychologist believes this, and there are endless examples to the contrary.

Same goes for careers and money. If you lack the qualifications for a job, looking pretty will usually not suffice. Looking better improves your chances of success, but looking average or even ugly does not prevent it either. Just look at all the ugly rich people.

Zowabo said:
I find nationalism meaningless. You can't control where you are born.

You can, however, control where you live once you can afford travel.

JaniSIr said:
Advertising should be legally banned.
Copyright should be abolished.

Worst take ever. Products and services would not be able to be sold (or exist at all) without advertising.

In some cases, even aggressive advertising isn't enough for many businesses to consistently turn a profit, resulting in them shutting down, unable to continue providing what they sold.

Countless inventions and creative media would also not exist without copyrights, patents and other ways of securing intellectual property that encourage people to invest enormous amounts of resources into creating them.

Furthermore, banning such basic things violates people's fundamental rights to their own lives and property.

Freer markets are the solution to so many of the world's problems...not whatever delusional repressive mental decay you have in mind. Unfortunately for you, doing away with all advertising is impossible anyway.

...This message is sponsored by Mountain Dew, the substance keeping me awake tonight. :P

GinInYourJuice said:
Tipping more than 20% is actually pretty wild, even if the service person was friendly 

Tipping has become such a scam. It's supposed to be an optional bonus for those who did an especially good job...not an excuse for employers to not properly pay their employees and put the onus on the customers to pay them.

Sunsets don’t look beautiful in the slightest

These don't look beautiful to you? Dang. Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. They are beautiful to most people.

wizdom224 said:
Consumers must take accountability for their purchasing decisions.

No. You can't make me.

When buying from a business that does wrong, the consumer is complicit in its behavior and is thusly wrong, themself.

Nope. I am responsible for myself and absolutely no one else.

If a company sells a (legal) product or service I want, I may end up purchasing it. It's as simple as that. I'm not interested in their politics. How they run their business in the background is their problem. (And the government's problem, if what they are doing is bad enough.)

In case you were unaware, just about any company out there has done things that would be considered wrong by many. (Not to mention all the opinions of what even is wrong to begin with.)

We must stop dumping money into the evil corporations that screw us all over and hold each other accountable for doing so.

I will spend my money wherever I damn well please, and there isn't a thing you can do about it.

I say the people who buy from such corporations should get bullied.

It is your right to criticize whomever you wish; likewise, it is others' right to dismiss your infantile squabbling (what a fitting avatar) and move on with their lives...or file lawsuits if the bullying is egregious.


For starters, you could consider minding your own business...or better yet, putting your money where your mouth is and starting your own business. You may find it is more difficult to avoid perceived wrongdoing than you thought.
@SmugSatoko Well said my mountain dew brother

Jun 17, 1:12 PM

Jul 2021
Reply to DigiCat
@SmugSatoko Well said my mountain dew brother

@DigiCat I've never been so offended over 2 people ganging up on me over something so extremely inconsequential.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 17, 1:21 PM

Sep 2016
Reply to JaniSIr
@DigiCat I've never been so offended over 2 people ganging up on me over something so extremely inconsequential.
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This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
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