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It's crazy how this developed with Takemichi being in perhaps the worst timeline, the present. Mikey's guilt carries him a burden, and the way murder was talked about this episode was really depressing. Mikey's face and expressions looks so ghostly.
Tbh, I don't think Takemichi could've prepared himself for this one bit and it's a dark timeline.
I am atm still trying to understand why Mikey just went and murdered everyone like that? In my confused state in guessing, is it because at any point any of those guys were in his way, he just goes ahead and murders them for it as he sees murder as an easy way to solve problems, feeling nothing for the consequences of it emotionally, after being so used to it as an easy and effective solution for everything?
I'm sad, but also a little bit happy at the same time that Takemichi is the only one that Mikey doesn't want to kill. You can feel all the love in this anime, everyone in Toman gang love Takemichi so much that they want him to leave the group just before the group become a fully function organized crime, but Mikey also love Takemichi so much to the point that he'll kill anyone that separate him and Takemichi, how can I help those poor little boys properly aged through their puberty? In the last season I suggested that they should have sex with each other to vent their anger and as of now I still think it's the best solution... (no, it's not because I want to see, even if I really want to see that)
Well, for a more serious solution, I think it's time that Takemichi has to make a commitment to Toman gang, it's time he has to fully become an indispensable core member, it's time for him to say goodbye to an honest lifestyle and live an underground life for the rest of his life. Does he have what it get to control Mikey's state of mind in check for 24/7? Or is it time to invite Kisaki back and working together? And don't forget about my husband Taiju! Looking forward to the last episode next week!
So...the result from the Christmas Showdown: Mitsuya has to die? Hina is also dead with the same situation as before? What kind of timeline is this now? A trip back to Takemichi's old, crappy apartment, and the realization that Naoto's memories were overwritten...this timeline is the worst one yet, where even Toman is not spared by being killed altogether.
The lead Toman leaders murdered and killed in various circumstances, and even Kisaki, this is one strange timeline where Mikey is to blame for all the murders. And the only person who can relate to him now is Takemichi, with the realization that whatever needed to be done, was already done. The photo evidence that came with a letter from the Philippines, it must definitely be Mikey, and both Takemichi and Naoto set out to find him according to the letter's address, with high caution and no guarantee that he could be alive after 12 years. And there he was, sitting on top of a pile of rubble, to the exact place where the CB250T parts can be found.
The boy who hasn't changed physically for 12 years, thank God he recognized the crybaby rightaway. His exposition of realizing his bond with Toman, yet feels resent that Takemichi left Toman to carve his own path of violence, something that even Draken and Mitsuya could not stop him, and that was the final nail in the straw for the two, for Mikey to instinct Takemichi to end his life then and there. Of course, Takemichi being sorely confused about the matter, but it only confirms of Mikey's rampage when even murder in cold blood doesn't waver his heart. Sure, Takemichi may still be living in denial that Mikey would not be a killing machine, but this is real, and Mikey's for real, so much so that Naoto ends up pulling the trigger to end his life right there. The crybaby could not do it, he simply couldn't.
What will Takemichi do now, since this has come to fruition? The finale beckons...
Mikey called dude out there in some other country and he went there just like that... knowing full well he's a mass murderer. You can't even call this creature stupid at this point LMAOOOOO
Set up for Tenjiku arc, means third season is a possibility after all.
mullet mitsuya makes his appearance 🤘🏻
but damn, i waited for this ep since they announced s2, and it was everything I hoped it would be, they put more budget into this ep than the action ones it seems (not even complaining lol), background shots looked beautiful, the wind moving mikeys hair, adding white color, in general i think it looked great
phantomfandom said: I'm sad, but also a little bit happy at the same time that Takemichi is the only one that Mikey doesn't want to kill. You can feel all the love in this anime, everyone in Toman gang love Takemichi so much that they want him to leave the group just before the group become a fully function organized crime, but Mikey also love Takemichi so much to the point that he'll kill anyone that separate him and Takemichi, how can I help those poor little boys properly aged through their puberty? In the last season I suggested that they should have sex with each other to vent their anger and as of now I still think it's the best solution... (no, it's not because I want to see, even if I really want to see that)
Well, for a more serious solution, I think it's time that Takemichi has to make a commitment to Toman gang, it's time he has to fully become an indispensable core member, it's time for him to say goodbye to an honest lifestyle and live an underground life for the rest of his life. Does he have what it get to control Mikey's state of mind in check for 24/7? Or is it time to invite Kisaki back and working together? And don't forget about my husband Taiju! Looking forward to the last episode next week!
well i ship them, let us please remind ourselves that Takemichi is 14 and Mikey is 15 in the past. Year 2 and Year 3 of Middle School, aka Grade 8 & 9.
Yes, some commets have the same doubt that I, why Mikey lost the head? What happened with Mikey to arrived to this point? More questions that imagine in the next episodes we will discover...well in next seasons!!! kekeke
So, uhm ... why again does Mikey deserve to be saved?
No matter what Takemichi does, Mikey literally bears the potential to murder all of his friends. No matter the circumstances, that's just extremely shitty.
If you haven't watched "Fantastic Children", don't talk about "best anime". Thank you.
Let's put aside the question as to why Mikey went psycho and killed everyone for now; I'm 90% sure that that his absurd motivations will be explained later down the line, to an extent that is at least somewhat believable. The issue I have is that it doesn't seem like Takemichi's actions in the past and consequences in the future are connected at all. It's almost like the writers are playing spin the wheel: "Ok, Takemichi defeated Black Dragon and managed to kick Kisaki out of Roman? Alright, spin the wheel and see what the results will be! ‘Mikey slips on a banana peel and dies’ Bro, that’s pretty lame. Spin the wheel again. ‘Mikey kills everyone for some reason’ Ok now, THIS is something interesting and will get the audience on the edge of their seats. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!” Maybe I’m not being fair; maybe it needs more time to play out and explain itself. But honestly, doesn’t it KIND OF feel like Takemichi’s actions aren’t fully connected to the events that happen when he returns to the future? Maybe it’s just me. Maybe the events are related. Perhaps Kisaki and Black Dragon kept Mikey in check in a way. I WANT to believe that a roadmap was planned in the writers’ room. But it just ever-so-slightly feels like they all went RANDOM BULLSHIT: GO! And finished the script in 5 minutes.
Nitpicks aside, this is the best episode for me so far from this season. Not just because of the big “WTF” moments, but because of a line that Mikey quickly says: “We can’t go back to the past.” I want this line to continuously echo within Takemichi’s mind. With all the loops that Takemichi has made in trying to fix everything and save everyone, he needs to learn that the world was never perfect, and shit will happen in one way or the other. The best ending this series could have is a cliché one, but still the best one: which is Takemichi finally accepting that no matter what he does, he cannot save everyone. That would be leagues better than the redundancy of him going back in time over and over again until he everything is exactly the way he wants it to be. Because then it’s pointless, we know it’s not going to work out, we know something’s going to get messed up in the future, because they gotta milk this story as long as people are invested in it. We can enjoy the action in the meantime, but in the back of our minds we gotta be thinking: “he’s just probably going to fail again probably, so what’s the point??” And if they’re going to be lame and indeed have a happy ending play out in the end with everyone NOT dying, the only anticipation and suspense we will feel through each of the loops is: “is THIS the loop where Takemichi finally succeeds?” Takemichi’s actions then just wouldn’t matter at all. The only thing that controls anything is the manga deciding when it’s time to end things, and to stop milking a repetitive story.
Maybe I’m being narrow-minded and failing to see that they are indeed setting up the bigger picture to this whole story. Maybe it is more than just going back and forth in time until Takemichi fixes things. But I still don’t see it. Haven’t read the manga, but I think I’m going to spoil it just a little bit for myself just to find out if it really is just the same thing over and over again until Takemichi achieves a happy ending.
edit: So I just glossed over the summaries of the remaining arcs, but it seems that
after a few more time loops, Takemichi realizes that Mikey is the progenitor of all things evil and was the one this whole time that had to be defeated. I didn't read what specifically happens at the very end, but from what it looks like, I think I'd like this kind of ending. True, Takemichi doesn't just completely let go of the past and let things be (he is a very proactive character after all, I take back what I said in that he should just accept things as they are; that I guess is a bit TOO much of a character change for him, and plus it would kind of make everything he's been through, a bit pointless, other than learning a simple lesson. I realize now fans and myself would kind of be unhappy with an ending with Takemichi just letting everything go. "Huh? Then what was the point of all that then?" Is probably would we'd be thinking), but instead finally recognizes the problem and aims to end it for a happy ending. Except it's not quite a happy ending for everyone even though everyone would be saved this time: because Takemichi would have to defeat one of the main people he was trying to save this entire time. Again, I didn't see the specific ending, so I don't know if Mikey dies or not, but whatever it is, I can fully get behind a happy ending for everyone else, but a tragic one for Takemichi and Mikey. Or maybe I'm reading too much into it: literally all I saw was "Takemichi forms a gang to defeat Mikey". So maybe Mikey doesn't die, he just gets sat down for once by none other than the crybaby hero. I have no idea
Sorry but I laughed at "even Kisaki got killed" part. Hearing this I immediately assumed, so it has to be Mikey, right? I mean, there was literally no one left lol.
How the heck did Hina manage to get herself killed this time too lol. Did Kisaki get her before getting killed himself, lol?
I’m actually surprised in this ep they showed Takemichi heading to the Philippines to see future Mikey for the first time. Really thought it was going to be saved for next week.
The hurt and pain I felt watching Mikey telling Takemichi he killed his precious members who’re so dear to him and loved with all his heart because he lost it and couldn’t control himself all due to the fact he needed Michi there to help him out.. it’s just so damn devastating. And the fact he kept Michi alive over everyone proves he really cherishes his friendship.
It’s a blur to me as of why Michi left Toman. I know for a fact, obviously, goes back to the past and more BD bs happens. Ahh, guess I’ll have to go back to the manga again.
P.S I’m tired of seeing my baby chifuyu getting killed 💔 (even remembers Takemichi’s time travel 😭😭)
Lmao what? No, not even with Kisaki too you damn Mikey!
Anyway, future Mikey looks so lame not gonna lie. He's so desperately needs Takemitchy, not even letting poor guy live in peace. What a possessive little dude he become smh.
Idk how Takemitchy needs to take a responsibility out of Mikey own mess. Better to just moving away from those shit hole and find Yuzuha, cause i bet she still in crush with you and yeah, that's a better life if i can be honest here....
Alas, here we go again, loopin time!
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.
The animation was so beautiful in this episode, I loved it.
Potential manga spoilers in the next paragraph!
Also my theory as to why Mikey went and killed all the leaders/second leaders is because of the fact that Takemichi is one of 3 people who is able to help Mikey control his dark impulses, and because Takemichi left Toman he had no one left (except Emma which doesn’t make sense in my brain but whatever) and it became kinda like a Kazutora situation where Mikey wanted to kill off the people that took one of the people able to help him away. Since Draken and Mitsuya told him that Takemichi needed to leave cause of what Toman was becoming, and after he killed them he just kinda let the impulses loose and took the rest out.
amagirinomikoto said: mikey?!?!? well firstly, i guess my question regarding who that was right at the very ending of the ED was answered lol.
takemichi should have been prepared to go back to the past once he heard everyone was dead. what a horrible timeline.
I was thinking going back immediately could have been the choice, too, but the one problem is would be not knowing what led to this timeline.
But if Takemichi was going put himself in danger like this, he should have at least tried to figure out who Mikey killed the first time so he'd maybe have some hint on who to stop him from killing. Well, hopefully, the police will have some hint to who it was, but it's hard to believe they had hard evidence of the murder if he wasn't jailed the whole time. (Assuming it was the first murder that drove Takemichi out of Toman).
this episode was just dropping bombs left and right. really is the worst timeline, oh my god. wondering what needs to be fixed this time to prevent the shit show that is the current timeline.
at this point im starting to wonder if the only way to save everyone is for takemichi to just stay in the past. because when he jumps back to the present, the him in his past body doesn't know about the whole time traveling thing and trying to prevent the deaths of the people he cares about, so he's not actively trying to avoid conflict. so it seems to me that having takemichi permanently in the past to do exactly that would fix it all? but then again if he stays there permanently there's no chance to change the past if something goes wrong in the timeline.
anyway, im interested to see how they'll wrap up the season next episode. hoping a season 3 gets approved as well
gotta respect mikey's commitment, bro was really sitting on some rubble in the ruins, in a different country waiting for takemichy lol.
wow, the worst timeline, huh. mikey got headshot and still managed to speak proper sentences, damn. ah, at least it's finally almost over.
Man, screw the haters, this shit is awesome, it literally felt like 5 minutes, the episode was 11/10, i don't care if the end of the manga is supposed to be bad or etc, this season alone has been great.
Me at the end of last episode: Well, it's not like he has to save everyone, right?
Me this episode: oh
Why did Naoto shoot Mikey in the head like that? Should've aimed for arm or shoulder or something imo. And how the hell was Mikey still able to talk lol
Izuru_Kamukura10 said: I am atm still trying to understand why Mikey just went and murdered everyone like that? In my confused state in guessing, is it because at any point any of those guys were in his way, he just goes ahead and murders them for it as he sees murder as an easy way to solve problems, feeling nothing for the consequences of it emotionally, after being so used to it as an easy and effective solution for everything?
Pretty much.
Once he worked out that killing somebody did not affect him he was on the path. Without takemitchy there to tell him it is wrong he just kept doing it.