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Could it be that Yuuri in the anime seems to be older than in the manga? There is not much difference in height between them in the anime. This makes him look like about 10-12 years old, but in the manga he looks like 8 and Lilith is taller.
That was ok. I think it would be much more enjoyable as a 10 minute episode series rather than a full 23 minutes. It dragged in some places. Hopefully the addition of more characters, locations, and what not will make this more enjoyable.
God damn I couldn't believe it. This is the first time I couldn't recognised Saori's voice. man all japanese voice actress is so professional. they can act and imitate as anything.
oh right. back to comment on episode 1. I just started but I say this is bullst. I..I..I don't see anything that is suspicious. I can see right from the start that this anime is so childish and immature. totally not my taste. I need something anime that the story got to be make sense in everyway.
Twas kinda retarded but I was somewhat interested. tho I doubt things will get any more lewd..hmm
Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Dunno what's with the low score is all about but this first ep made me say "this is one perfect wholesome story".
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
I am already up-to-date with the manga so I don't know if I am going to continue but the chapters being short definitely made it more interesting than watching a bunch of them getting adapted together considering how repetitive the jokes are. Also, not a fan of Rie Takahashi as the maid.
Don't have a dirty mind when a maid with a boy in one mansion together. The boy really have negative thought while it actually make the maid love it since He says anything spontaneously XD
- Mal-Badge -
Level 25
Ranked 1135
Last update : 27.02.2022 at 05:50
Like Yuuri, Lilith lost her parents at a very young age. She was passed around to different families. However all of them didn't like her eyes often calling them ugly. However when she met Yuuri's family they offered to have her join the family permanently. Although she was extremely grateful for their offer she chose not to stay and ended up being a maid at another residence for some time. After finding out that Yuuri's parents had passed away she left her current residence to look after Yuuri as a way of returning the kindness his parents had shown them.
Lilith had first met Yuuri when he was still a toddler. Unlike most of the people that she was around with most of her life he always complimented her eyes. Thinking that they were beautiful and mesmerizing. After hearing that his parents had passed away she was very worried about him and didn't want him to be alone as she knew what is was like to live without parents or loving family members. Upon her return to Yuuri's mansion offers to work for him for free with the only thing she requests was for her to live in the mansion with him. Yuuri sees Lilith as suspicious person seeing as how he knows nothing about her and is confused on why he has certain emotions when it comes to Lilith. However he does care for Lilith and loves her as family which is supported when Yuuri proclaimed to his class that Lilith was his family (much to her embarrassment) during the sports festival. When he found out that Lilith received a letter from her previous employment that she were to return immediately he was very saddened by this begging her not to leave. Ever since Lilith came to his mansion to take care of him he often finds himself easily getting lonely without her often tearing up when she is gone for long periods of time without contact. Yuuri wants to know more about Lilith however (as of the time of writing) she is keeping most of her past a secret. Lilith often teases him in order to get a reaction out of him but due to his truthfully nature and not having that much self-awareness or shame he tends to be honest with what she teases him about as well as call her suspicious which in turn makes her blush and feel embarrassed. After sometime Lilith tends to often become a worrywart when Yuuri doesn't call her suspicious or even comments or acknowledge her teasing even stating herself that she even wants him to call her suspicious.
comment in the wiki: No need to worry anymore... it is confirmed in the anime that she is not too much older than him (prob 5-7)
Vi- said: Holy Bananas, this was painful to watch LoL I feel like dropping only after watching 1 episode.
seems fun from ep1, comedic
if the sexes were reversed u can be sure some ppl would Yell pedo bait (its OK if its a woman) :D
neither way bothers me if rom com fiction with drawn ppl, and second i support love and sometimes love also happens between teen and some1 in hes or hers 20s (but this series is stretching this a bit :D, but they are keeping it innocent, it hasn't been sexual so far), so its not pedo 100% of the times, but hard to make the difference when u don't know the person, so u assume the person is pedo paste on what u hear on social media or on TV so i don't judge, when it comes to law its their problem but i don't mind as long its not actual pedo
meaning i would allow my son/daughter's relationship with older (as long the older doesn't have criminal or street background, like possible gang..., and as long as the older doesn't pressure him/her), also its good life experience cause if its a jerk or creep then he/she learns that u cant trust awry1 so easily, life school is the best school, this days teens are to pampered and need life lessons
i like this as a manga. but it feels repetitive as an anime. it's going on circle. the young master is suspicious and the maid likes to tease and yeah round and round.
At first glance, the plot seemed to be kinda silly. Just a little boy having a crush on his older-more-developed new maid being awkward about it. However, his suspicions totally make sense. That is very strange how she suddenly appeared, out of nowhere.
Give you off that there's deeper context to the plot, and I'm actually interested enough to see it through - at least, only in the anime format, for now.
Many open questions. What year does it take place, is it a fantasy world because there are some scenes where I get that feeling. Why did she run directly to the house of the child after she goit fired(the scene where she gets the sheet of paper). Why is it possible that a child can inherit a mansion and no one cares. How do they finance buying groceries when they're poor.
I'm having a lot of trouble connecting with the characters because the premise is sketchy and the production value is below average
Oh yeah and the maid is always "suspicious". The main character talks like my 10 year old cousin, so I'm assuming that the MC is also about 10 years old.
Gracias al cielo que este anime salio, no es nada del otro mundo, pero le tenía ganas a la adaptacion desde que fue anunciado, igual me gusta mucho para verlo solamente y no pensar en nada más que disfrutar de la comedia.
Gracias dios mio, por estas morenas de fuego que traes a la vida.
Seems pretty average so far. Was surprised to see that Silver Link made this, even though working together with another studio. Not their usual quality.