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Dec 14, 2009 9:22 AM
Oct 2009
I have created this post because i think we need a thread in wich we should speak our mind about what did and did not TTGL.

You have probably seen this thread:
It's a flame thread and we shouldn't use it. (Thanks for helping me realize Orangevision)

I think that we should not start an endless debate about overrateness or about fanbase. Instead we should start a discussion thread about the whole series in which we would each say what we enjoyed and what we didn't.

Be civilized! Please, no complaints about other's opinion or insults about them.

Ok, so i'm going to start off:

I enjoyed TTGL for it's coolness in character/mech design and for it's victorious atmoshpere. The music was a great puls. FANSERVICE... well honestly, who doesn't? (retorical question...)

The BAD:
Poorly developed plot and charaters. They could have done a bit more work on them. AND clischee (did i spell that wrong?) like replies. Oh, and it's too casual sometimes. Really, they should have done a serious anime with this plot, but then again TTGL is suppoused to be childish, so i guess it's ok.

Care to share some opinions? ^_^ |b
orphanedDec 27, 2009 3:13 AM
Dec 14, 2009 9:23 AM

Apr 2009
It got boring and serious after Kamina died.
This is a serious post. You're not allowed to delete it.
Dec 14, 2009 9:30 AM
Oct 2009
i havent seen much of it yet, but i can say i do like the characters. but i hate the mechas and the way they look and are controlled is stupid imo.
Dec 14, 2009 10:47 AM

Apr 2009
getting angry and killing the enemy in 5 seconds ...
Dec 14, 2009 5:04 PM

Sep 2008
As far as I'm concerned, the only flaw the entire anime had was episode 4 (or was it 3?) where they had the changed art style and it was really lame.

Also, don't start even more of these damn threads. The so-call "bad" points are all going to be opinion based so this is just another flaming thread.
Dec 15, 2009 8:57 PM

Sep 2008
SantaBla said:
5layer said:

Also, don't start even more of these damn threads. The so-call "bad" points are all going to be opinion based so

Lol, and what? The so-called "good" points are all going to be opinion based as well.
No shit sherlock. That was a given.

SantaBla said:
5layer said:

this is just another flaming thread.

Says the guy who posts retarded homophobic memes around.
Yeah says he.

Also, nice job, the flaming has already begun it seems.
Dec 15, 2009 9:03 PM

Apr 2009
The Good: Everything about the show

The Bad: Everything about the majority of the fanbase.

You know I'm right.
Dec 15, 2009 9:35 PM

Jan 2009
5layer said:
As far as I'm concerned, the only flaw the entire anime had was episode 4 (or was it 3?) where they had the changed art style and it was really lame.

yep the only flaw i see on gurren lagann is episode 4 but thats just minor compare to the overall experience of the anime its so EPIC!!!
Dec 15, 2009 10:01 PM

Oct 2008
stop favoritring things and not giving it a 10

Dec 17, 2009 8:28 AM

Feb 2005
It was more or less made entirely of clichés, and as a result, suffered from rather shallow characters and didn't have any originality in it.

But on the other hand, it was pretty obvious that the clichés were the whole point in the series, they didn't try to hide them or deny their existence, and as such, at least managed to refrain from being pretentious and bloated like a certain one of my pet peeve series.

There is really no reason why a cliché cannot be good, and as such, TTGL actually accomplished splendidly what it tried to do.

Though unfortunately, I just didn't like it, not because it failed in any way, but simply because I don't really like such flashy and shallow series in the first place, and then there's the thing with the Super mecha of course.

So the only bad thing I'd say is that it didn't tickle my fancy.
Dec 27, 2009 1:41 PM

Jun 2008
-Epicness. As many things seem subjective, the very definition of epic falls extremely close to this series.
-Success as what it tried to do. Aimed to be epic (from the first episode), and continued to do so, despite some "emo" moments, but ended with a bang. Aimed to be ridiculous, and continued to do so. Aimed to have one of the hottest female characters, and I'd say it did a pretty good job at it. It wasn't only the cleavage that shined.
-Some parody moments, like pulling off a combination, and some crazy move that came out of nowhere (I believe it was some sort of parody to all the shounens where most of them had to learn a move over several agonizing episodes, when this one came out of nowhere.)

-Does not appeal to anyone who doesn't like this sort of genre. (even though it had a lot of other subgenres in it.)
-Some characters are lame (but like all stories, some characters must be lame in order for some other characters to shine above them)
-Became somewhat tediously slow during the middle of the series when someone died and when peace came back.
-Hype never helps a show. Since TTGL stayed #1 for quite a while, it's unfortunate that some people would hate a show just because of its fanbase, or with the wrong expectations.
Jan 2, 2010 5:35 PM

Feb 2009
I didn't quite like the space setting. The aliens (anti-spirals) and all...the story got really out of hand when those appear imo.
Jan 4, 2010 9:08 PM

Apr 2009
The Good:

- Taking cliches, blowing them out of proportion for the audience, and overall giving a spectacular presentation for those who can enjoy it for what it is.

- Great soundtrack, captured the atmosphere very well. While "Libera me from Hell" inspired a non-stop shitstorm of "ROW ROW FIGHT DA POWAH" across the entire internet, it did portray the seriousness of the atmosphere of certain situations exceptionally (See: Kittan's Last Stand. That scene gave me chills).

- The Animation, save Episode 4, was consistent and good. Some may not have liked the shaded style that TTGL presented, but I would overall put it as a point in Gurren Lagann's favor.

The Bad:

- Weak Character Development and Overall Plot - I felt the need to know more about some of the individual characters, and the plot was kind of just scattered all over the place, leaning from the defeat of Lord Genome to suddenly blasting off into space to defeat a God-like figure that lowers itself in order to create despair (i.e. setting yourself up for a loss).

- GAINAX Ending (I actually liked it, but I'll accept that the ending wasn't necessarily the best one, and understandably left a bad taste in viewer's mouths).

- Although the pacing was decent, there were moments where the show would simply slow down and become incredibly boring. Frankly, the plot pretty much started when Kamina died (Honestly, at this point, it's not really a spoiler), which pretty much took eight episodes altogether, and even after this, we had to wait for a few episodes until Simon stopped being emo over the plastic cut-out of a character that was his bro.

I would mention the kids who feel the need to scream a catchphrase every other minute, but there will always be bad aspects of individual fanbases, so it's pretty much moot.

Btw, I absolutely love threads like these. Given, random trolls tend to show up, but I like a lot of the opinions that come from threads like these. In fact, the worst thing about these threads are the fans who rush to the defense of their favorite series' and, rather than defending it, demand a lock, ending a relatively interesting discussion.
Jan 5, 2010 6:37 AM
Oct 2009
Shin_Guest said:
We had to wait for a few episodes until Simon stopped being emo over the plastic cut-out of a character that was his bro.

I agree with you.
Those episodes (the ones of Simon being emo) were actually the core of TTGL's character development. After that, the majority of characters just tend to stop evolving, leaving a bitter and weak idea about them.
(Actually, the second arc had "some" char developing, but that's it. - Kittan's death/heroic act... and... well... that's all I can think of... :P)
orphanedJan 5, 2010 6:43 AM
Jan 5, 2010 6:39 AM

Jul 2008
The only thing that was bad for me was emo simon.
So. Annoying.

The cliches I loved. It said them loud and it said them Proud.
<img src="" />
Jan 5, 2010 5:48 PM

May 2009
Baman said:
It was more or less made entirely of clichés, and as a result, suffered from rather shallow characters and didn't have any originality in it.

But on the other hand, it was pretty obvious that the clichés were the whole point in the series, they didn't try to hide them or deny their existence, and as such, at least managed to refrain from being pretentious and bloated like a certain one of my pet peeve series.

There is really no reason why a cliché cannot be good, and as such, TTGL actually accomplished splendidly what it tried to do.

Though unfortunately, I just didn't like it, not because it failed in any way, but simply because I don't really like such flashy and shallow series in the first place, and then there's the thing with the Super mecha of course.

So the only bad thing I'd say is that it didn't tickle my fancy.

also Viral imo was the best character in the show. also the OST was full of win. but the show really did my head in, I seem to like certains bits but hate more of it than love. The battles were annoying as it was just "crap im getting the shit kicked out of me, scream for spiral power RAAWWWRRGGH oh look i won" some however were entertaining though. and i really loved how alot of the orginal brigade died in the anti spiral war.
Jul 10, 2010 9:26 PM

Apr 2010
im still trying to decide whether I like this anime or not =/
Jul 10, 2010 9:29 PM
Jun 2010
good: pretty much everything
bad: nia disappeared T_T and simon retired into an old sage 0_o
May 7, 2012 4:40 PM

Sep 2009
ZeroOnionz said:

The BAD:
Poorly developed plot and charaters. They could have done a bit more work on them. AND clischee (did i spell that wrong?) like replies. Oh, and it's too casual sometimes. Really, they should have done a serious anime with this plot, but then again TTGL is suppoused to be childish, so i guess it's ok.

I like how your "GOOD" is mostly about superficial quasi important aspects of the series. Pretty much, "I like how it looks and how it sounds, plus there's a lot of skin", is what you've just said.

As for your "BAD" could you be anymore cliche? FYI - that's how you spell it. Honestly like 99% of the bad reviews out there say the same things over and over as if every series is being held to the same standard that a mythical title long ago set in motion? What is this fabled series? Have I seen it? Anyone mind telling me?

In all seriousness, what your asking for is unrealistic. Relative. Picky. I mean do you actually know how BIG this cast it? How VAST this story is made to be? Throwing something like "I wish the character development was better" or "the plot could of been like this" without considering what type of Anime it was or what it aimed for is silly.

TTGL is perfect. There's a reason why characters aren't delved into, why the premise is very simple, and even the linear plot; it's no accident. If you want to begin to understand why the series is what it is then first off, GANIAX. Secondly, it's no Aoi Bungaku Series or Rainbow; if it WAS then maybe most of you would have been content in how the series presented itself. Lastly, it accomplishes what it set out for and does it with style and finesse; asking for anything more is crossing the line between fact and opinion, the actual reality with personal taste.

There are things, very very few things, that I'd like to see in another light. Possibly entirely different, but I know that's just my personal taste trying to manipulate and dictate my impression of the series. If those things were to take place, I know I probably might like it more, but I know I wouldn't like it less if it stays the same.
May 8, 2012 9:51 AM

Dec 2009

Everything else..
May 8, 2012 1:19 PM

Jun 2009
TheChoosen said:
Good things: Yoko

Bad things: Rest

Who are you and why are you reviving dead topics?
May 11, 2012 9:08 PM

Jun 2008
grandy_UiD said:
TheChoosen said:
Good things: Yoko

Bad things: Rest

Who are you and why are you reviving dead topics?
Who cares. Episodic discussions is always being revived because we feel we want to comment on something - not necessarily looking for replies.
Dec 14, 2012 7:37 AM

Dec 2012
grandy_UiD said:
TheChoosen said:
Good things: Yoko

Bad things: Rest

Who are you and why are you reviving dead topics?

I LOLed hard... you sounded like

*My Profile || Signature by Jeav || I am a part οf The Invisibles. || My Anime List*
Dec 14, 2012 9:08 AM

May 2010
CDRW said:
It got boring and serious after Kamina died.

Thanks you have re-confirmed my beliefs not to watch it beyond episode 5
Dec 15, 2012 12:57 AM

Sep 2012
Air-Dragon said:
CDRW said:
It got boring and serious after Kamina died.

Thanks you have re-confirmed my beliefs not to watch it beyond episode 5

im not even going to bother telling you why thats wrong, your loss pal :)
Dec 15, 2012 1:24 AM
Oct 2011
Air-Dragon said:
CDRW said:
It got boring and serious after Kamina died.

Thanks you have re-confirmed my beliefs not to watch it beyond episode 5
For me the first part was the one that was actually boring, rest of the series was way better.

I watched the series recently so I might as well write what I thought about it (despite the thread being an old one).

-How the series was executed
-The depth and religious undertones at some points
-New and interesting art-style, animation was also great throughout the series
-Attenborough, the guy who says "FIRE!" all the time, probably the best character in the whole series

-Too many over-used cliche that sometimes ruined the fun
-Yoko, she's just another shallow under-developed female character whose only objective is to please the fans with her juggling boobs and her ass, her emotionless "cool" character, and well, her sniping skills
Candor123Dec 15, 2012 1:29 AM
Dec 15, 2012 8:46 AM

May 2010
Candor said:
Air-Dragon said:
CDRW said:
It got boring and serious after Kamina died.

Thanks you have re-confirmed my beliefs not to watch it beyond episode 5
For me the first part was the one that was actually boring, rest of the series was way better.

I watched the series recently so I might as well write what I thought about it (despite the thread being an old one).

-How the series was executed
-The depth and religious undertones at some points
-New and interesting art-style, animation was also great throughout the series
-Attenborough, the guy who says "FIRE!" all the time, probably the best character in the whole series

-Too many over-used cliche that sometimes ruined the fun
-Yoko, she's just another shallow under-developed female character whose only objective is to please the fans with her juggling boobs and her ass, her emotionless "cool" character, and well, her sniping skills

I agree with a few things here.
For me the first part was the one that was actually boring.
-How the series was executed
-The depth and religious undertones at some points
-Too many over-used cliche that sometimes ruined the fun

The only reason I lasted to episode 5 was Kamina who kept me watching but who ever they killed him and so there goes my interest.
The last episodes looks so cheese.
eldest said:
Air-Dragon said:
CDRW said:
It got boring and serious after Kamina died.

Thanks you have re-confirmed my beliefs not to watch it beyond episode 5

im not even going to bother telling you why thats wrong, your loss pal :)

Ya people Tell me my lost but I already skipped in a few parts, not so impressive.

I'll give it five more episodes to redeem it self since another person thinks its so great.

If not the cat gets it...

Update I mean episode 8 and not 5, my mistake.

Then quick prejudgment question. In episode 25-26. Is that real kamina back or Simon looking like kamnia? Just to confirm.
Air-DragonDec 16, 2012 5:12 PM
Dec 19, 2012 9:44 PM

Aug 2009
TTGL was okay, but Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-Hen ( is my super robot show of choice. It doesn't rely on feel-good emotions to get you to rate it the highest possible. It's just better written, plot and character wise.

Something like Getter Robo Armageddon ( is more akin to it. Little logic past episode 3, but a lot of adrenaline moments.
DocJangarlyDec 19, 2012 9:49 PM
Dec 20, 2012 5:24 AM

Jun 2009
Mechablitz said:
TTGL was okay, but Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-Hen ( is my super robot show of choice. It doesn't rely on feel-good emotions to get you to rate it the highest possible. It's just better written, plot and character wise.

Something like Getter Robo Armageddon ( is more akin to it. Little logic past episode 3, but a lot of adrenaline moments.

I'm going to be checking those out, especially Shin Mazinger.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Dec 20, 2012 6:06 AM

Dec 2012
good : Kamina death
bad: over-used cliche , yoko and the ending
im the only one that thinks the ending is depressing ? ( not because he lost nia but the fact they just showed simon and yoko doing nothing , simon wondering around until his old and yoko sticking to being a teacher all because kamina died ? so there is nothing important in thier lives! meh it is like what the point of saving earth then....
Dec 20, 2012 6:16 AM

Jun 2009
tsudecimo said:
good : Kamina death
bad: over-used cliche , yoko and the ending
im the only one that thinks the ending is depressing ? ( not because he lost nia but the fact they just showed simon and yoko doing nothing , simon wondering around until his old and yoko sticking to being a teacher all because kamina died ? so there is nothing important in thier lives! meh it is like what the point of saving earth then....

I think whatever Simon wanted to do at this point was up to him. It was probably his choice to wander around as a way to get away from it all. I could be wrong though as I'm kind of fuzzy about the ending.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Dec 20, 2012 6:51 AM

Dec 2012
simon chose that because the most important stuff in his life disappeared Kamina and nia so he didn't have a reason to stick around but it is depressing and when he was talking to the kid he said he was a nobody , that was really sad.
Dec 20, 2012 9:43 PM

May 2010
insan3soldiern said:
tsudecimo said:
good : Kamina death
bad: over-used cliche , yoko and the ending
im the only one that thinks the ending is depressing ? ( not because he lost nia but the fact they just showed simon and yoko doing nothing , simon wondering around until his old and yoko sticking to being a teacher all because kamina died ? so there is nothing important in thier lives! meh it is like what the point of saving earth then....

I think whatever Simon wanted to do at this point was up to him. It was probably his choice to wander around as a way to get away from it all. I could be wrong though as I'm kind of fuzzy about the ending.

Kind of got it mixed up

good : Kamina, yoko team gurren
bad: over-used cliche , mellow drama kamina clone( even tho i think simon and he are blood brothers?) too much hype in every action and the ending

Personally the ending was expected. Most of the show was depressing and not just the ending.
Jan 21, 2013 3:02 PM
Jul 2012
Good: episodes 1-8 Comedy around yoko

Bad Kamnia died, downhill
Jan 21, 2013 4:12 PM

May 2010
GoldenBRS said:
Good: episodes 1-8 Comedy around yoko

Bad Kamnia died, downhill

Sounds about right.
Jan 22, 2013 4:45 PM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
Good: Everything.
Bad: It ended.

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Mar 25, 2013 11:46 AM

Aug 2012
LordLagann said:
ZeroOnionz said:

The BAD:
Poorly developed plot and charaters. They could have done a bit more work on them. AND clischee (did i spell that wrong?) like replies. Oh, and it's too casual sometimes. Really, they should have done a serious anime with this plot, but then again TTGL is suppoused to be childish, so i guess it's ok.

I like how your "GOOD" is mostly about superficial quasi important aspects of the series. Pretty much, "I like how it looks and how it sounds, plus there's a lot of skin", is what you've just said.

As for your "BAD" could you be anymore cliche? FYI - that's how you spell it. Honestly like 99% of the bad reviews out there say the same things over and over as if every series is being held to the same standard that a mythical title long ago set in motion? What is this fabled series? Have I seen it? Anyone mind telling me?

In all seriousness, what your asking for is unrealistic. Relative. Picky. I mean do you actually know how BIG this cast it? How VAST this story is made to be? Throwing something like "I wish the character development was better" or "the plot could of been like this" without considering what type of Anime it was or what it aimed for is silly.

TTGL is perfect. There's a reason why characters aren't delved into, why the premise is very simple, and even the linear plot; it's no accident. If you want to begin to understand why the series is what it is then first off, GANIAX. Secondly, it's no Aoi Bungaku Series or Rainbow; if it WAS then maybe most of you would have been content in how the series presented itself. Lastly, it accomplishes what it set out for and does it with style and finesse; asking for anything more is crossing the line between fact and opinion, the actual reality with personal taste.

There are things, very very few things, that I'd like to see in another light. Possibly entirely different, but I know that's just my personal taste trying to manipulate and dictate my impression of the series. If those things were to take place, I know I probably might like it more, but I know I wouldn't like it less if it stays the same.

Do you know what you're doing? You're getting mad because someone has a different opinion of you. You're getting mad because someone doesn't like your favorite anime. He stated his reasons for not liking it, and you're pissed at his reasons and want him to have better reasons.

You'll have an easier time in life if you learn that others have different opinions than you and you accept them instead of throwing a tantrum over it.
Mar 25, 2013 11:54 PM

Sep 2012
imagowasp said:

Do you know what you're doing? You're getting mad because someone has a different opinion of you. You're getting mad because someone doesn't like your favorite anime. He stated his reasons for not liking it, and you're pissed at his reasons and want him to have better reasons.

You'll have an easier time in life if you learn that others have different opinions than you and you accept them instead of throwing a tantrum over it.

if you actually read what he posted, he posted why that claim was wrong.
just because someone didn't understand the show doesn't make them right, which got pointed out.
Apr 10, 2013 9:47 AM

Aug 2012
eldest said:
imagowasp said:

Do you know what you're doing? You're getting mad because someone has a different opinion of you. You're getting mad because someone doesn't like your favorite anime. He stated his reasons for not liking it, and you're pissed at his reasons and want him to have better reasons.

You'll have an easier time in life if you learn that others have different opinions than you and you accept them instead of throwing a tantrum over it.

if you actually read what he posted, he posted why that claim was wrong.
just because someone didn't understand the show doesn't make them right, which got pointed out.

I'm not so sure you're replying to the right person, because what you wrote doesn't really apply to me.

But if it does... "Just because someone didn't understand the show doesn't make them right,"

An opinion can't be right or wrong.
Apr 10, 2013 2:10 PM

Sep 2012
imagowasp said:
eldest said:
imagowasp said:

Do you know what you're doing? You're getting mad because someone has a different opinion of you. You're getting mad because someone doesn't like your favorite anime. He stated his reasons for not liking it, and you're pissed at his reasons and want him to have better reasons.

You'll have an easier time in life if you learn that others have different opinions than you and you accept them instead of throwing a tantrum over it.

if you actually read what he posted, he posted why that claim was wrong.
just because someone didn't understand the show doesn't make them right, which got pointed out.

I'm not so sure you're replying to the right person, because what you wrote doesn't really apply to me.

But if it does... "Just because someone didn't understand the show doesn't make them right,"

An opinion can't be right or wrong.

read the quote. it wasnt an opinion, it was a claim based on stupidity.

LordLagann said:
ZeroOnionz said:

The BAD:
Poorly developed plot and charaters. They could have done a bit more work on them. AND clischee (did i spell that wrong?) like replies. Oh, and it's too casual sometimes. Really, they should have done a serious anime with this plot, but then again TTGL is suppoused to be childish, so i guess it's ok.

I like how your "GOOD" is mostly about superficial quasi important aspects of the series. Pretty much, "I like how it looks and how it sounds, plus there's a lot of skin", is what you've just said.

As for your "BAD" could you be anymore cliche? FYI - that's how you spell it. Honestly like 99% of the bad reviews out there say the same things over and over as if every series is being held to the same standard that a mythical title long ago set in motion? What is this fabled series? Have I seen it? Anyone mind telling me?

In all seriousness, what your asking for is unrealistic. Relative. Picky. I mean do you actually know how BIG this cast it? How VAST this story is made to be? Throwing something like "I wish the character development was better" or "the plot could of been like this" without considering what type of Anime it was or what it aimed for is silly.

TTGL is perfect. There's a reason why characters aren't delved into, why the premise is very simple, and even the linear plot; it's no accident. If you want to begin to understand why the series is what it is then first off, GANIAX. Secondly, it's no Aoi Bungaku Series or Rainbow; if it WAS then maybe most of you would have been content in how the series presented itself. Lastly, it accomplishes what it set out for and does it with style and finesse; asking for anything more is crossing the line between fact and opinion, the actual reality with personal taste.

There are things, very very few things, that I'd like to see in another light. Possibly entirely different, but I know that's just my personal taste trying to manipulate and dictate my impression of the series. If those things were to take place, I know I probably might like it more, but I know I wouldn't like it less if it stays the same.

Do you know what you're doing? You're getting mad because someone has a different opinion of you. You're getting mad because someone doesn't like your favorite anime. He stated his reasons for not liking it, and you're pissed at his reasons and want him to have better reasons.

You'll have an easier time in life if you learn that others have different opinions than you and you accept them instead of throwing a tantrum over it.

just because it may be his 'opinion' doesnt mean it cant be blatantly wrong, as pointed out and analyzed in the above quote
Apr 16, 2013 3:39 AM

Feb 2012
Let me says first that I HATED Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. The beggining was so-so, thus half-GOOD and half-BAD. The rest is simply all BAD.

But, there is a scene in this anime that I CANNOT say it was BAD, And, all those who hated the series would probably agree with me on that one. In truth, I can't say it was GOOD either because the word isn't even strong enough (with all the capitalized letters). It is one of the best scene I've ever scene... um, seen. It starts in episode 10.

It is after Kamina's death. Simon is depressed with lost confidence and confess to Nia. Yoko shows up and ask Simon's to talk about Kamina.

There was one time where we tried to escape our village. But along the way, there was an earthquake, and we were trapped. I was afraid that I'd be crushed to death like my parents. But bro... He told us to keep going and encouraged us... smiling the whole time. My hands stopped shaking. Whenever I was digging in a daze, the earth would say, "Try digging here. It's soft." I would just follow that voice and dig. But if we'd given up back then, we'd all be dead. We were saved... all thanks to Bro. My bro didn't give up even at the end. He was always like that. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be able to do anything.

The next episode. everyone get's trapped in a room by the beastmen. Everybody tries so hard to get out, hit the wall with force to no avail. Then, in their complains, we suddenly hear the sound of rocks being excavated. Everybody shuts up and turns around. In absolute silence, we only see Simon facing the wall, his drill in the hand and digging, tossing dirt regularly on the floor. Yoko realize something, then says:

So that's how it was... (She gets Kittan's attention) Kamina told me before. "He's the one that always saves me. He's the one that doesn't give up, even at the end."

Kamina said that?

I didn't have any confidence. I thought I was living the wrong way. Impatiently. Why couldn't I go where my father could? Truthfully, I wasn't strong enough. When we were trapped in that hole, there wasn't anything I could do. But Simon just kept on digging. Believing in my show of courage. In the end, he was the only one who saved me. It was lucky, but... to me, that luck... and that path to escape, all came from believing in Simon. When I feel weak, or when I lack self-confidence, (We see Simon's back as he keep on digging) I remember Simon's back as he dug tirelessly. I wanted to become a man who's back would never break. That's what I thought. Listen Simon... don't forget. Believe in yourself. Not in me, who believes in you. Not in you, who believes in me. Believe...

Simon (with fire in his eyes):
Believe in yourself!

Then BOOM. Lagann appears destroying the rest of the wall.
MasterHooverApr 21, 2013 12:51 AM
Jun 11, 2013 3:47 PM
Nov 2011
Good-Simon,Simon casual universe busting in the end of the series

Bad-overhypped fodder Kamina(died to the weakest shit of the TTGL verse),Yoko
Jul 11, 2013 11:53 AM
May 2012

Good: The animation and that scene masterhoover said

Bad: I hate it how people in the series doesn't give a fuck about simon in the beginning and ignore most of his heroic deeds especially those dumb citizens.

I really feel sorry for simon.
TengaiJul 14, 2013 4:49 PM
Jul 22, 2013 7:29 PM

Jun 2011
Good: Kamina.

Bad: When Kamina dies.

Jul 22, 2013 7:37 PM

Jan 2013

Bad:Episode 4.
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

Oct 15, 2013 10:17 PM

Jun 2013
Good: Everything before Kamina dies

Bad: Everything after Kamina dies, the ending was horrible. Mia vanishes and is gone forever, yoko probably dies a lonely death and simon wanders drunkenly around the planet. Kamina shouldn't have died, this anime took a turn for the worse after. Mia dying ruined the series for me, overall it would not have been that bad if mia survived.
Sep 17, 2014 1:45 PM

May 2009
Year after year.. ^^

Good: Kamina and Yoko in a sure to be fun anime with an interesting story.

Bad: Kamina dies leading to the anime version of having a depression. From there its just downhill. Some random chick appears out of nowhere in a sad attempt to fill the void. Not working. Than some more shit goes on that I don't really care about, since I'm still depressed.

Apparently lots of people enjoy being depressed. I just don't get that.
What do you mean it's not safe? - Because I'm gonna kick the crap out of you. What else?
~Tsukihime (Manga)
Feb 5, 2021 7:10 AM
Feb 2021

Good: Kamina's death was a catalyst for character development

Bad: Kamina's death was also the catalyst to weird choices in terms of characters and story

Very old forum, I know, but I figured I'd state my opinion. The main topic for discussion in this appears to be Kamina's death and how it is a bad thing. I personally think it wasn't. I don't believe this because I didn't like Kamina, he was one of my favourite characters. I just believe his death was the catalyst to Simon's character development. The spiral king's daughter appearing to fill the void however is just ridiculous. She is literally a placeholder to fill gaps in the story???? On the contrary, season 1 was enjoyable to watch as a whole. A couple of changes in the story and I strongly agree that it would or could have been far better. The latest season was still enjoyable but the story made no sense. Fucking Aliens called Anti spirals? no need to add them at all. Sure, it was cool, but they could have come up with some alternative. Also, Placeholder girl vanishes because she is a fucking Anti spiral out of nowhere? Anyway, this section is too long and biased for a GOOD BAD forum so I'll leave it at that.
Mar 29, 2021 2:28 AM

Jul 2019
Neutral: stupid fun that shouldn't be taken seriously

Cartoon Network Code Geass

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