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Was the 2010's was the worst time to be an Anime fan?

Mar 29, 2020 3:51 PM

Apr 2010
I've been an Anime fan for a very long time now. However looking back, HOLY SHIT did the degeneracy and toxicity ramp up to stupid heights last decade. The fandom in the 2000's had its share of degeneracy and other issues however it was absolutely nothing like the 2010's. Being an Anime fan last decade and currently is fucking awful. (specifically 2012+) The amount of toxic and degenerate fans trying to convert people on to shows(ex. JoJo, Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online and Tokyo Ghoul) was absolutely fucking insane. So was the amount of people making shitty memes CONSTANTLY featuring said shows. You literally couldn't go anywhere without some fan shoving what was hot at the moment down your throat.

Then you had pretentious Ani-tubers become more popular and create a bunch of drones that parrot everything they say to spread their bullshit in the community. On top of that you had a bunch of radical left and rightists invade the fandom and try to push their political agenda on everyone. I personally think the community today is fucking terrible. What's your opinion?
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Mar 29, 2020 4:02 PM

May 2016
Never noticed that really. I know the stuff with shit art online and jojo fans who post this shittiest memes ever which always annoys me. But nothing with attack on titan or Tokyo ghoul but I don't watch TG either. I don't watch anime youtubers as well.
Mar 29, 2020 4:12 PM

Apr 2010
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Never noticed that really. I know the stuff with shit art online and jojo fans who post this shittiest memes ever which always annoys me. But nothing with attack on titan or Tokyo ghoul but I don't watch TG either. I don't watch anime youtubers as well.

Attack on Titan was the worst for me. I was so harassed by shitty memes and people peddling the show so hard all over the internet that I still haven't watched that show cause I don't want to be apart of that shitty fan base. I associate AoT fans with being a degenerate by default unless proven otherwise.
Mar 29, 2020 4:12 PM

Jun 2016
I don't watch anime youtube and I never had any weirdo try to convert me to the church of jesus-kun or jojo. Sucks to be you OP.
Mar 29, 2020 4:12 PM

Jan 2017
I have been an anime fan for about 3 years now, so I don't know how it must have been to be an anime fan before this. I usually don't mind the anime community too much, be it enthusiastic fans or anitubers, mostly because I hardly engage with it nowadays. I can see your point tho, since some people have gone around and basically made a meme out of the whole "Anime is not cartoons for kids", and then gave examples such as Tokyo Ghoul or Attack on Titan. While these shows aren't for kids, they kinda show that anime is edgy, but not necessarily deep or able to tackle more serious issues.
However, since anime got more popular, it is much more socially acceptable to talk about it now. Sure, you might still get the "stfu weeb", but the change is pretty great. I personally went from being low key bullied for starting to like anime in 2017 to being able to talk to almost everyone I know about the latest shows. And that's only in the last 3 years!
All in all, I think it was a pretty good decade for anime, and while it lacks the kind of exclusivity that it had when it was a niche type of things, now you can find more people to bond over anime than ever before.
Mar 29, 2020 4:16 PM
May 2015
Simple...Don't get involved because ever since I joined the anime community in 2015, I learned that the anime fanbase has got to be the most toxic community out there. I thought the so called "PC Masterrace" was bad but you guys are on a whole another level of "toxicity".

Mar 29, 2020 4:18 PM

May 2016
Zeroflamez said:
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Never noticed that really. I know the stuff with shit art online and jojo fans who post this shittiest memes ever which always annoys me. But nothing with attack on titan or Tokyo ghoul but I don't watch TG either. I don't watch anime youtubers as well.

Attack on Titan was the worst for me. I was so harassed by shitty memes and people peddling the show so hard all over the internet that I still haven't watched that show cause I don't want to be apart of that shitty fan base. I associate AoT fans with being a degenerate by default unless proven otherwise.
guess I do not go to enough anime type stuff to see all that. All I see is the hate on shit art online.
Mar 29, 2020 4:26 PM
Feb 2020
I think you need to make some friends.
Mar 29, 2020 4:28 PM

Sep 2016
The amount of great older anime that finally got fan subs this decade makes it all worth it to me. The 00s also had a lot of people ignorant of anime history acting like experts and often dismissed stuff they had barely even engaged with (like pre Eva mecha shows). The taste-makers of that era were way more artistically illiterate than the ones of today as well, and fans have gotten a bit more sophisticated and open minded in their appreciation of the art form. The anime was better then, and less dumb politics, but that is about it to me.
Mar 29, 2020 4:32 PM

Feb 2010
I think no matter what you think about the community, the fact that the 2010s brought us simulcasting and widespread availability of subs for almost all anime coming out and many older ones make it a great decade for anime fans. Because you don't have to interact with the community, but you do need subs and anime to be available no matter what.
I probably regret this post by now.
Mar 29, 2020 4:33 PM

Nov 2018
I only joined the anime community in late 2018, so I haven't experience all those from earlier last decade.

I think the most toxic fandom starting this decade off it the My Hero Academia fans. Harassing the mangaka and Studio Bones, making threats for not shipping certain characters, burning/destroying manga volumes, making unjust claims like which characters share birthdays with specific tyrants and leaders or making big scenes over useless and pathetic things (involving political talk points).

Even though I like MHA, I want nothing to do with the fandom.

Though, with the advance of legal streaming, I think now is a better time to be an anime fan compared to 10 years ago, as you can access hundreds/thousands of different shows (legally).
So I've been banned from MAL-Badges, after spending nearly two years of my time and dedication to helping out, being the club's spokesperson, and planning for the revamp, it all goes down the fucking drain. What a joke the club has become. I advise everyone to stop using the feature and stop showing their support for the site and the club. We were promised that we will see changes come to the site, and nothing's been done for the past year. I doubt the site will be touched for the foreseeable future. If you're angry and annoyed about the lack of development, then good, you should be.
Mar 29, 2020 4:33 PM

Jun 2012
Those hectic days were actually awesome because even the minority are very vocal.
Mar 29, 2020 5:11 PM
May 2019
I cant say since I didnt "join" the community until more recent years. But I've been watching for a long time and I can say that a lot of that hasnt changed.I feel it's more like as anime has become more mainstream and as streaming and availability has improved all those negative things have been washed out and are much less noticeable. What was once a vocal group is even smaller and harder to notice.
Mar 29, 2020 5:28 PM

Aug 2009
The internet as we know it now wasn't much of a thing in the 90's and 2000's, so I blame the internet.

Mar 29, 2020 5:29 PM
Oct 2012
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Never noticed that really. I know the stuff with shit art online and jojo fans who post this shittiest memes ever which always annoys me. But nothing with attack on titan or Tokyo ghoul but I don't watch TG either. I don't watch anime youtubers as well.
For the love of everything good in the world get rid of that signature
Mar 29, 2020 5:30 PM
Oct 2012
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Never noticed that really. I know the stuff with shit art online and jojo fans who post this shittiest memes ever which always annoys me. But nothing with attack on titan or Tokyo ghoul but I don't watch TG either. I don't watch anime youtubers as well.
For the love of everything good in the world get rid of that signature
Mar 29, 2020 5:42 PM

Oct 2014
world is beautiful as long as you believe and think it, and don't try to looking it awfull side.

the same with anime world bro. just enjoy what do you like, you can debate, but keep it positive, people are born with differences, so no wonder we got different opinion, respect other opinion and you will be respected too.

and if there's other who force their opinions that you found it different from yours (I think mostly they still kids or teens), then you should jut tell them you don't have the same opinion and say sorry. no offence bro :)
ささやかれし ひそやかなる二つの心

Mar 29, 2020 5:43 PM

Aug 2017
Zeroflamez said:
I've been an Anime fan for a very long time now. However looking back, HOLY SHIT did the degeneracy and toxicity ramp up to stupid heights last decade. The fandom in the 2000's had its share of degeneracy and other issues however it was absolutely nothing like the 2010's. Being an Anime fan last decade and currently is fucking awful. (specifically 2012+) The amount of toxic and degenerate fans trying to convert people on to shows(ex. JoJo, Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online and Tokyo Ghoul) was absolutely fucking insane. So was the amount of people making shitty memes CONSTANTLY featuring said shows. You literally couldn't go anywhere without some fan shoving what was hot at the moment down your throat.

Then you had pretentious Ani-tubers become more popular and create a bunch of drones that parrot everything they say to spread their bullshit in the community. On top of that you had a bunch of radical left and rightists invade the fandom and try to push their political agenda on everyone. I personally think the community today is fucking terrible. What's your opinion?
Lol as I read the beginning I expected you to start complaining about OreImo, Eromanga, and the like, but it seems to relate to the mainstream animes. The reason being is that anime started to hit the mainstream, like regardless of opinion, everyone knows what anime is and can probably find an anime fan in their classroom/workplace. I'm a 2010s fan, but I started anime in 2016 and back then anime wasn't this big thing (although I was in middle school) but in 2020 it feels like everyone I know watch anime to some capacity, even people that I would expect to never watch anime have seen like Attack of Titan or Naruto or Dragon Ball.

My biggest regret: Reading all 200+ chapters of Kanojo, Okarishimasu
Mar 29, 2020 5:45 PM

Dec 2008
Don't let fans ruin fandom is the only advice I can give here.
Mar 29, 2020 5:47 PM

Apr 2010
Pullman said:
I think no matter what you think about the community, the fact that the 2010s brought us simulcasting and widespread availability of subs for almost all anime coming out and many older ones make it a great decade for anime fans. Because you don't have to interact with the community, but you do need subs and anime to be available no matter what.

I agree but it isn't really as easy as just staying off Anime sites anymore. Anime fans are overlapping with other fandoms more than ever in recent years. So unless you stay off of the internet all together you can't really escape it.
Mar 29, 2020 5:47 PM

Aug 2017
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Zeroflamez said:

Attack on Titan was the worst for me. I was so harassed by shitty memes and people peddling the show so hard all over the internet that I still haven't watched that show cause I don't want to be apart of that shitty fan base. I associate AoT fans with being a degenerate by default unless proven otherwise.
guess I do not go to enough anime type stuff to see all that. All I see is the hate on shit art online.
I'm a kind of person who watches almost every anime unless it's very long (100+, so none of the "Big Three"), and while I can see the point on SAO being kind of generic and the characters not having much substance, I don't see any reasoning to harshly judge everything you watch. You shouldn't expect every anime to be top-tier animation with an amazing plot and good characters. If you don't like something, you can say it's bad, but not spend hours making meme after meme.

My biggest regret: Reading all 200+ chapters of Kanojo, Okarishimasu
Mar 29, 2020 5:49 PM

Aug 2016
I don’t agree with everything OP says about the community (political stuff aren’t that prominent, and most anitubers aren’t actually all that problematic), nor the level of passion with which they hate it (the word degenerate used in a serious sense always raises an eyebrow for me).

Still, it is true that there’s more toxicity than there was around 10 years ago. For one very specific reason: There are just more anime fans now. Big fanbases always have their fair share of crazy, and that’s sadly something we have to live with. Only way to avoid that is by frequenting niche fanbases instead.
Mar 29, 2020 5:52 PM

May 2016
Takuto_Shindou said:
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Never noticed that really. I know the stuff with shit art online and jojo fans who post this shittiest memes ever which always annoys me. But nothing with attack on titan or Tokyo ghoul but I don't watch TG either. I don't watch anime youtubers as well.
For the love of everything good in the world get rid of that signature

I was but since it pisses you off i'm gonna keep it.
Mar 29, 2020 5:57 PM

Nov 2016
The funny thing is I've seen more people complaining about those anime evangelist than them themselves, as for the toxic anitubers it's really the same 5 or 6 ones. But anyway the 2010s was the decade when you became able to watch anime whenever you want right after it aires in japan and also a lot of old gems got the subs they needed so no.
Mar 29, 2020 5:59 PM

Jul 2015
Zeroflamez said:
I've been an Anime fan for a very long time now. However looking back, HOLY SHIT did the degeneracy and toxicity ramp up to stupid heights last decade. The fandom in the 2000's had its share of degeneracy and other issues however it was absolutely nothing like the 2010's. Being an Anime fan last decade and currently is fucking awful. (specifically 2012+) The amount of toxic and degenerate fans trying to convert people on to shows(ex. JoJo, Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online and Tokyo Ghoul) was absolutely fucking insane. So was the amount of people making shitty memes CONSTANTLY featuring said shows. You literally couldn't go anywhere without some fan shoving what was hot at the moment down your throat.

Then you had pretentious Ani-tubers become more popular and create a bunch of drones that parrot everything they say to spread their bullshit in the community. On top of that you had a bunch of radical left and rightists invade the fandom and try to push their political agenda on everyone. I personally think the community today is fucking terrible. What's your opinion?

Don't forget the endless "waifu wars" too, those got crazy too.
Mar 29, 2020 6:22 PM

Apr 2010

PokestarFan said:
Zeroflamez said:
I've been an Anime fan for a very long time now. However looking back, HOLY SHIT did the degeneracy and toxicity ramp up to stupid heights last decade. The fandom in the 2000's had its share of degeneracy and other issues however it was absolutely nothing like the 2010's. Being an Anime fan last decade and currently is fucking awful. (specifically 2012+) The amount of toxic and degenerate fans trying to convert people on to shows(ex. JoJo, Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online and Tokyo Ghoul) was absolutely fucking insane. So was the amount of people making shitty memes CONSTANTLY featuring said shows. You literally couldn't go anywhere without some fan shoving what was hot at the moment down your throat.

Then you had pretentious Ani-tubers become more popular and create a bunch of drones that parrot everything they say to spread their bullshit in the community. On top of that you had a bunch of radical left and rightists invade the fandom and try to push their political agenda on everyone. I personally think the community today is fucking terrible. What's your opinion?
Lol as I read the beginning I expected you to start complaining about OreImo, Eromanga, and the like, but it seems to relate to the mainstream animes. The reason being is that anime started to hit the mainstream, like regardless of opinion, everyone knows what anime is and can probably find an anime fan in their classroom/workplace. I'm a 2010s fan, but I started anime in 2016 and back then anime wasn't this big thing (although I was in middle school) but in 2020 it feels like everyone I know watch anime to some capacity, even people that I would expect to never watch anime have seen like Attack of Titan or Naruto or Dragon Ball.

Anime was already a big thing in 2016 though..

terminador_2397 said:
Zeroflamez said:
I've been an Anime fan for a very long time now. However looking back, HOLY SHIT did the degeneracy and toxicity ramp up to stupid heights last decade. The fandom in the 2000's had its share of degeneracy and other issues however it was absolutely nothing like the 2010's. Being an Anime fan last decade and currently is fucking awful. (specifically 2012+) The amount of toxic and degenerate fans trying to convert people on to shows(ex. JoJo, Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online and Tokyo Ghoul) was absolutely fucking insane. So was the amount of people making shitty memes CONSTANTLY featuring said shows. You literally couldn't go anywhere without some fan shoving what was hot at the moment down your throat.

Then you had pretentious Ani-tubers become more popular and create a bunch of drones that parrot everything they say to spread their bullshit in the community. On top of that you had a bunch of radical left and rightists invade the fandom and try to push their political agenda on everyone. I personally think the community today is fucking terrible. What's your opinion?

Don't forget the endless "waifu wars" too, those got crazy too.

Don't forget the fans that call everything generic and bad when they've seen less than 100 titles.

Nefelupitou said:
Okay man, but have you ever tried watching JoJo's Bizarre Adventure? I strongly recommend


TwilightCelica said:
I don’t agree with everything OP says about the community (political stuff aren’t that prominent, and most anitubers aren’t actually all that problematic), nor the level of passion with which they hate it (the word degenerate used in a serious sense always raises an eyebrow for me).

Still, it is true that there’s more toxicity than there was around 10 years ago. For one very specific reason: There are just more anime fans now. Big fanbases always have their fair share of crazy, and that’s sadly something we have to live with. Only way to avoid that is by frequenting niche fanbases instead.

You really don't find the political stuff prominent? They've done nothing but stir up shit the last 5 years. Most Ani-tubers have the potential to be problematic though. They hold influence over a bunch of blind fan boys that will believe and do whatever they are told.
Mar 29, 2020 6:23 PM
Jul 2018
terminador_2397 said:
Zeroflamez said:
I've been an Anime fan for a very long time now. However looking back, HOLY SHIT did the degeneracy and toxicity ramp up to stupid heights last decade. The fandom in the 2000's had its share of degeneracy and other issues however it was absolutely nothing like the 2010's. Being an Anime fan last decade and currently is fucking awful. (specifically 2012+) The amount of toxic and degenerate fans trying to convert people on to shows(ex. JoJo, Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online and Tokyo Ghoul) was absolutely fucking insane. So was the amount of people making shitty memes CONSTANTLY featuring said shows. You literally couldn't go anywhere without some fan shoving what was hot at the moment down your throat.

Then you had pretentious Ani-tubers become more popular and create a bunch of drones that parrot everything they say to spread their bullshit in the community. On top of that you had a bunch of radical left and rightists invade the fandom and try to push their political agenda on everyone. I personally think the community today is fucking terrible. What's your opinion?

Don't forget the endless "waifu wars" too, those got crazy too.

You're acting like the Rei vs Asuka and Kikyo Vs Kagome (though the latter wasn't really a waifu thing, more a shipping thing among fangirls) wars never happened. The latter especially was just as toxic as the stuff you'd see today. The Naruto ship wars were also pretty insufferable as well. The salt still lingers in the air to this very day.
removed-userMar 29, 2020 6:33 PM
Mar 29, 2020 6:26 PM

Aug 2015
I started to become an anime fan around 2013...
I did receive some backlash from it, like being fooled to watch pico... But i thought that was because i was too young back then.. maybe this was the real reason...? :')

I'm starting to get embarrassed by my own forum signature line.. XD
Mar 29, 2020 6:28 PM

Sep 2015
I mean, what most people mean by "degeneracy" isn't an absolute non-issue, so no on that front because it's at a static 0.

I have no frame of reference for toxicity. I will say that it's a very toxic fandom, though, largely in part due to people like yourself.

Mar 29, 2020 6:29 PM

Jan 2018
I'd argue the 10's were the best decade to get into anime, solely due the amount of quality series we get. Annoying jokes and toxic fandoms would've existed in literally every other decade too if the Internet was as big as it is now. Not to mention, people as a whole didn't have to be as secluded as they were back then because they had nobody to associate with.
What a beautiful Duwang
Mar 29, 2020 6:34 PM

Apr 2010
Manaban said:
I mean, what most people mean by "degeneracy" isn't an absolute non-issue, so no on that front because it's at a static 0.

I have no frame of reference for toxicity. I will say that it's a very toxic fandom, though, largely in part due to people like yourself.

Please explain how I am toxic.

Jus1294 said:
I'd argue the 10's were the best decade to get into anime, solely due the amount of quality series we get. Annoying jokes and toxic fandoms would've existed in literally every other decade too if the Internet was as big as it is now. Not to mention, people as a whole didn't have to be as secluded as they were back then because they had nobody to associate with.

Anime fans weren't secluded back then though. They just were in smaller groups on and offline. This goes for every niche fandom.
Mar 29, 2020 6:35 PM

Aug 2018
Zeroflamez said:
I've been an Anime fan for a very long time now. However looking back, HOLY SHIT did the degeneracy and toxicity ramp up to stupid heights last decade. The fandom in the 2000's had its share of degeneracy and other issues however it was absolutely nothing like the 2010's. Being an Anime fan last decade and currently is fucking awful. (specifically 2012+) The amount of toxic and degenerate fans trying to convert people on to shows(ex. JoJo, Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online and Tokyo Ghoul) was absolutely fucking insane. So was the amount of people making shitty memes CONSTANTLY featuring said shows. You literally couldn't go anywhere without some fan shoving what was hot at the moment down your throat.

Then you had pretentious Ani-tubers become more popular and create a bunch of drones that parrot everything they say to spread their bullshit in the community. On top of that you had a bunch of radical left and rightists invade the fandom and try to push their political agenda on everyone. I personally think the community today is fucking terrible. What's your opinion?

I have a friend who also refuses to watch Attack on Titan because it's too popular. He's the same guy who constantly tries to get me to watch/read Berserk which seems to me a very contradictory stance. I just don't understand people like you.
Mar 29, 2020 6:38 PM

Sep 2015
Zeroflamez said:
Manaban said:
I mean, what most people mean by "degeneracy" isn't an absolute non-issue, so no on that front because it's at a static 0.

I have no frame of reference for toxicity. I will say that it's a very toxic fandom, though, largely in part due to people like yourself.

Please explain how I am toxic.

Probably has something to do with the fact you're using Nazi terminology to try to imply that sexual aspects of the anime fandom contribute to toxicity as much as actual abuse and harassment.

Mar 29, 2020 6:40 PM

Jan 2018
Zeroflamez said:
Manaban said:
I mean, what most people mean by "degeneracy" isn't an absolute non-issue, so no on that front because it's at a static 0.

I have no frame of reference for toxicity. I will say that it's a very toxic fandom, though, largely in part due to people like yourself.

Please explain how I am toxic.

Jus1294 said:
I'd argue the 10's were the best decade to get into anime, solely due the amount of quality series we get. Annoying jokes and toxic fandoms would've existed in literally every other decade too if the Internet was as big as it is now. Not to mention, people as a whole didn't have to be as secluded as they were back then because they had nobody to associate with.

Anime fans weren't secluded back then though. They just were in smaller groups on and offline. This goes for every niche fandom.

Maybe not on forums dedicated to the medium, but good luck finding an avid fan of it in person during the golden age and before
What a beautiful Duwang
Mar 29, 2020 6:48 PM

Apr 2010
Manaban said:
Zeroflamez said:

Please explain how I am toxic.

Probably has something to do with the fact you're using Nazi terminology to try to imply that sexual aspects of the anime fandom contribute to toxicity as much as actual abuse and harassment.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Where did I say any of the bull shit you're claiming I'm doing?

epidemia78 said:
Zeroflamez said:
I've been an Anime fan for a very long time now. However looking back, HOLY SHIT did the degeneracy and toxicity ramp up to stupid heights last decade. The fandom in the 2000's had its share of degeneracy and other issues however it was absolutely nothing like the 2010's. Being an Anime fan last decade and currently is fucking awful. (specifically 2012+) The amount of toxic and degenerate fans trying to convert people on to shows(ex. JoJo, Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online and Tokyo Ghoul) was absolutely fucking insane. So was the amount of people making shitty memes CONSTANTLY featuring said shows. You literally couldn't go anywhere without some fan shoving what was hot at the moment down your throat.

Then you had pretentious Ani-tubers become more popular and create a bunch of drones that parrot everything they say to spread their bullshit in the community. On top of that you had a bunch of radical left and rightists invade the fandom and try to push their political agenda on everyone. I personally think the community today is fucking terrible. What's your opinion?

I have a friend who also refuses to watch Attack on Titan because it's too popular. He's the same guy who constantly tries to get me to watch/read Berserk which seems to me a very contradictory stance. I just don't understand people like you.

What the fuck are you even talking about? "People like you" Why are you using your friends situation and relating it directly to my stance on something?
Mar 29, 2020 6:50 PM

Aug 2017
Zeroflamez said:

PokestarFan said:
Lol as I read the beginning I expected you to start complaining about OreImo, Eromanga, and the like, but it seems to relate to the mainstream animes. The reason being is that anime started to hit the mainstream, like regardless of opinion, everyone knows what anime is and can probably find an anime fan in their classroom/workplace. I'm a 2010s fan, but I started anime in 2016 and back then anime wasn't this big thing (although I was in middle school) but in 2020 it feels like everyone I know watch anime to some capacity, even people that I would expect to never watch anime have seen like Attack of Titan or Naruto or Dragon Ball.

Anime was already a big thing in 2016 though..

terminador_2397 said:

Don't forget the endless "waifu wars" too, those got crazy too.

Don't forget the fans that call everything generic and bad when they've seen less than 100 titles.

Nefelupitou said:
Okay man, but have you ever tried watching JoJo's Bizarre Adventure? I strongly recommend


TwilightCelica said:
I don’t agree with everything OP says about the community (political stuff aren’t that prominent, and most anitubers aren’t actually all that problematic), nor the level of passion with which they hate it (the word degenerate used in a serious sense always raises an eyebrow for me).

Still, it is true that there’s more toxicity than there was around 10 years ago. For one very specific reason: There are just more anime fans now. Big fanbases always have their fair share of crazy, and that’s sadly something we have to live with. Only way to avoid that is by frequenting niche fanbases instead.

You really don't find the political stuff prominent? They've done nothing but stir up shit the last 5 years. Most Ani-tubers have the potential to be problematic though. They hold influence over a bunch of blind fan boys that will believe and do whatever they are told.
Lmao I've never seen much politics with anime, and I'm watching Hetalia Axis Powers, which takes a jab at all sides. Also Ani-tubers depend, some operate as a hivemind but the one I watch (Gigguk) just tries to act like the degenerate who jacks off to trashy characters/lolis and reviews super trashy animes. There was that who Nux scandal tho, and brigading a website is a pretty big dick move.

My biggest regret: Reading all 200+ chapters of Kanojo, Okarishimasu
Mar 29, 2020 6:57 PM

Sep 2015
Zeroflamez said:

What the fuck are you even talking about? Where did I say any of the bull shit you're claiming I'm doing?

Your entire post is ranting about degeneracy.

What other context does literally anybody use this in on an anime forum?

Mar 29, 2020 7:00 PM

Apr 2010
@pokestarfan I'm talking about the fans that are radical leftists/rightists. That are causing controversy in the Anime community and trying to get shows and people cancelled. I'm not talking about the content of the Anime itself when I say political.

Manaban said:
Zeroflamez said:

What the fuck are you even talking about? Where did I say any of the bull shit you're claiming I'm doing?

Your entire post is ranting about degeneracy.

What other context does literally anybody use this in on an anime forum?

Sexual Aspects of the Anime community contribute to its toxicity, what? I don't care what these people like sexually. When I talk about degeneracy I'm talking about Anime fans that don't have social skills and are pushing their shitty Anime memes and trying to convert me and others through many of the social media outlets available on to their favorite Anime. I can't even get away from it anymore cause so many Anime fans overlap into other Fandoms that I'm guaranteed to see some dude preaching his Anime Gospel. I've personally seen how these degenerate fans act in real life and it's 1000 times worse than online. I cringed so hard the first time I heard a guy say "Is that Jo Jo reference!?!?" or seeing some guy run around saying shitty memes in a context where it doesn't even make sense to say said meme IRL.

ZeroflamezMar 29, 2020 7:14 PM
Mar 29, 2020 7:04 PM

Mar 2020
I know for a fact we will all say the same thing for this decade in 2030s. It's what it is.
Mar 29, 2020 7:06 PM

Aug 2018
Zeroflamez said:

What the fuck are you even talking about? "People like you" Why are you using your friends situation and relating it directly to my stance on something?

The "situation" is the same. Both of you refuse to watch AoT because of "shitty memes" which is nonsensical. He's very grumpy too, just like you. Does your name happen to be Mike?
Mar 29, 2020 7:09 PM

Apr 2011
Yeah that's me, I've been trying to get people to read JoJo since 2003.
Mar 29, 2020 7:15 PM

Mar 2012
The answer is simply because it's the era when internet start to fully blooming.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
Mar 29, 2020 7:18 PM

Sep 2015
Zeroflamez said:
Sexual Aspects of the Anime community contribute to its toxicity, what? I don't care what these people like sexually. When I talk about degeneracy I'm talking about Anime fans that don't have social skills and are pushing their shitty Anime memes and trying to convert me and others through many of the social media outlets available on to their favorite Anime. I can't even get away from it anymore cause so many Anime fans overlap into other Fandoms that I'm guaranteed to see some dude preaching his Anime Gospel. I've personally seen how these degenerate fans act in real life and it's 1000 times worse than online. I cringed so hard the first time I heard a guy say "Is that Jo Jo reference!?!?" or seeing some guy run around saying shitty memes in a context where it doesn't even make sense to say said meme IRL.

Degeneracy is usually used in the context I accused you of using it in, and I've never seen anybody use it in that sense anywhere.

That said, yeah, I completely agree that there's a culture of being way, way too overbearing and forceful about trying to get people into anime/trying to force recs on to people. Should see some of the fucking gateway anime threads on this site. Yeesh.

Mar 29, 2020 7:20 PM

Aug 2018
NeoAnkara said:
The answer is simply because it's the era when internet start to fully blooming.

Lets be more specific. Doesn't matter what corner of the internet you lurk on, everything has become shittier thanks to the ubiquitous use of smartphones.
Mar 29, 2020 7:22 PM

Oct 2019
You won't notice it if you don't go on the cancerous forums.
Mar 29, 2020 7:24 PM

Apr 2010
epidemia78 said:
Zeroflamez said:

What the fuck are you even talking about? "People like you" Why are you using your friends situation and relating it directly to my stance on something?

The "situation" is the same. Both of you refuse to watch AoT because of "shitty memes" which is nonsensical. He's very grumpy too, just like you. Does your name happen to be Mike?

How is it contradictory even if the situation "Is the same?" No I don't refuse to watch AoT because of shitty memes. It's because I spent all of 2013-2014 having my friends IRL and online as well as randoms on the internet push this Anime on to me damn near every other day. It was to the point where even spoilers were being dropped on to me. After all that why do I even want to bother with the Anime? I don't hate it. I just have no interest in it whatsoever after all that.

Manaban said:
Zeroflamez said:
Sexual Aspects of the Anime community contribute to its toxicity, what? I don't care what these people like sexually. When I talk about degeneracy I'm talking about Anime fans that don't have social skills and are pushing their shitty Anime memes and trying to convert me and others through many of the social media outlets available on to their favorite Anime. I can't even get away from it anymore cause so many Anime fans overlap into other Fandoms that I'm guaranteed to see some dude preaching his Anime Gospel. I've personally seen how these degenerate fans act in real life and it's 1000 times worse than online. I cringed so hard the first time I heard a guy say "Is that Jo Jo reference!?!?" or seeing some guy run around saying shitty memes in a context where it doesn't even make sense to say said meme IRL.

Degeneracy is usually used in the context I accused you of using it in, and I've never seen anybody use it in that sense anywhere.

That said, yeah, I completely agree that there's a culture of being way, way too overbearing and forceful about trying to get people into anime/trying to force recs on to people. Should see some of the fucking gateway anime threads on this site. Yeesh.

Maybe on Anime forums and within the geek community. However the Dictionary definition of degenerate is not directly linked to sexual preferences.

Fuzzylumpkins said:
You won't notice it if you don't go on the cancerous forums.

Everywhere is cancerous now
ZeroflamezMar 29, 2020 7:33 PM
Mar 29, 2020 7:31 PM

May 2018
To be honest, it could be considered the best time to be an anime fan. I strongly disagree with you and think youre being a bit close minded, look at all the good things we have:

~ Anime is much more easier to watch now. With legal streaming site you can watch anime in sub or dub at a cheap price at the tap of a few buttons, with multiple streaming sites to choose from youre not going to be likely to find an anime thats not available legally. Even then, you can also use illegal streaming sites just as easily meaning you are able to watch anime for free, just as quickly. You have never been able to access these shows so quickly and hassle free before. Ever.

~ While some anitubers are in fact as twatty as you describe them to be, we live in a time where content creators are able to produce media ABOUT anime for your entertainment. There has never been so much discussion open available so easily. This means even if you have no friends who are interested in anime or the same anime as you, you are still able to explore, discuss and socialize about your interest with these anitubers and other people on the internet in general.

~ Each year more and more anime are being produced. Each season about 30+ anime are made. With at least 25 of them being high quality and six shows being the "hot topic" of the community each season. With so many different shows being made, you will ALWAYS find something each season that you will like. No matter what youre a fan of something of the sort will be made for you. Each year you will typically you will have 5-20 anime that YOU HAVE ENJOYED A LOT. Before, when not as much anime was made, you wouldnt have as many.

~ Anime is mainstream now. Well, not completely, but its never been so popular in the west and accepted. Its now unlikely that you will be bullied for liking anime as it becomes more and more "normal" to the general public. Soon it will be just as normal to have a hobby of videogames as anime.

You mainly complain about one thing: The anime community/fandom.

But, did you know, just because youre a fan of something does not mean you have to connect with the fandom. No one is forcing you to look at anime memes, watch anitubers, talk to toxic or degenerate fans or watch any anime of the series you listed. It may feel like its being shoved in your face, but maybe you should move your fucking face. If you dont like the anime community, you dont have to be in it and you can still enjoy anime. Not hard :P
SeijatachiiiiMar 29, 2020 7:35 PM
Mar 29, 2020 7:35 PM

Sep 2018
Chances are if you're looking hard enough for something you'll probably find it. Maybe you just got grumpy pops
Mar 29, 2020 7:37 PM
Jan 2012
Worst decade to be an anime fan? No, but it was the worst decade if you were an anime fan involved with the community. It's not like it was absolutely terrible, but the anime community in previous decades wasn't nearly as bad. It's just hard remembering all the highs from this decade when the lows were really low, decades before the 2010s were really mellow in comparison.
Mar 29, 2020 7:50 PM

Apr 2010
OnionKnightRises said:
Worst decade to be an anime fan? No, but it was the worst decade if you were an anime fan involved with the community. It's not like it was absolutely terrible, but the anime community in previous decades wasn't nearly as bad. It's just hard remembering all the highs from this decade when the lows were really low, decades before the 2010s were really mellow in comparison.

I perhaps should have labeled my thread worst time to be apart of the community not so much being a fan. I can't think of any highs from last decade when it came to the community. Yes we got simulcasting and a lot more Anime is available but that's about it..
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