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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Dec 29, 2019 2:43 PM
Aug 2017
evoniee said:
alice with reta$$$$ move to move ghe plot
im not gonna bother how the seed system can connect to the STL, such weak world building.

Actually, you must understand that even the Underworld is a product of the World Seed. And in the World Seed, as stated in Season 1, every game and account is interchangeable.
Dec 29, 2019 3:49 PM
Feb 2019
I don't know why some people hates SAO , especially after this season it's amazing and I can't wait for the next season in april 2020

Dec 29, 2019 4:26 PM

Jun 2014
Cant wait untill April.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 29, 2019 4:37 PM

Aug 2013
FMmatron said:
People always shit on A-1 yet when it comes to the production value they were up there this season.

That's mostly newfags that completed 10 or 15 series are shitting on A1 though. I never had any problem with them to be honest (if we are talking about visuals)
Dec 29, 2019 5:19 PM

Jun 2014
And the end of SAO3-2 is here. T__T

Asuna got her hand chopped of. Alice got captured in a really stupid way. Iskahn broke the Seal of right eye and sided with the Human Empire army. Asuna probably can't use her Stacia powers any more, so Sinon as Solus saved them. (Why the heck is the Goddess of Sun mostly blue? She's not the Goddess of Moon, LOL.). Too bad we didn't get to see Leafa as Terraria.

Now I have to wait 3-4 months for SAO3-3. T___T

Waiting for Gundam SEED Movie..... (ಥ‿ಥ)

Waiting for Sailor Moon Cosmos..... o(≧▽≦)o
Dec 29, 2019 6:20 PM

Sep 2016
And Sinon is here.

Aaaand, more wait for the next cour ;_;
Dec 29, 2019 7:49 PM

Jul 2016
Did MAL get the episode count wrong, or was that really the season finale?

They didn't resolve anything!
Dec 29, 2019 7:55 PM

Apr 2018
Thanks for another cliffhanger Goddammit. I'd wait for another year again. SAO is definitely improving over the last few years lol
Dec 29, 2019 7:57 PM

Apr 2018
qwertyMrJINX said:
Did MAL get the episode count wrong, or was that really the season finale?

They didn't resolve anything!

The last season of Alicization is coming in few months
Dec 29, 2019 9:01 PM

Aug 2016
Now I understood that on the side of the story of SAO and not for its characters, it is really a work of art, I understood since I saw chapter 11, if the characters were better, we would be talking about a genius of anime.
Dec 29, 2019 9:02 PM
Feb 2017
Animation is nice. Best girl Sinon finally takes the stage.

SAO you stepped down from Alicization P1, I'm disappointed. Finally when I started to really enjoy the series. 7/10
Dec 29, 2019 9:12 PM

Jan 2019
Damn sao has improved so much since last season. Enjoyed this season a lot

Dec 29, 2019 9:25 PM
Dec 2019
tolga1991 said:

I'm not gonna waste any more of my time on SAO it had too many chances and completely blew all of them. So no I wont elaborate.

Then you are irrelevant, since you have no proof.

Please tell that to the group of people who simply label people haters for even beginning to explains issues they'd write about.

Then tell the following group that will follow that he shouldn't bother watching shows he dislikes.

No matter what he will always be criticized by hardcore fanboys and gals who list issues with the show.
The whole argument of "why are you watching this if you hate it" is just so childish and I hope people would just stop using it as a shield to defend things that are indefensible. You know... people can and should be able debate things otherwise we'd never grow as individuals. My opinions might differ from yours but it doesn't mean I'm putting you down personally so stop taking it so damn personal.
Dec 29, 2019 10:21 PM
Dec 2018
Ashhk said:
This season was one of the best from SAO, way better than the first alicization, it was great
in my opinion, the first alicization is way better than WoU. I don't like Asuna and Sinon, Asuna being overpower was exaggerated. I feel that SAO is becoming a "friendship power" anime... I'd like it continue only with Alice and Kirito
Dec 29, 2019 10:44 PM
Sep 2012
Nekkaye said:
Ashhk said:
This season was one of the best from SAO, way better than the first alicization, it was great
in my opinion, the first alicization is way better than WoU. I don't like Asuna and Sinon, Asuna being overpower was exaggerated. I feel that SAO is becoming a "friendship power" anime... I'd like it continue only with Alice and Kirito

The first season of alicization was infinetly better. This season started okay but really fell apart when they leaned into the real world aspects and bringing in the old characters.

The tech mumbo jumbo from last episode leading up this situation is outrageous I couldn't suspend my disbelief for it any longer. Then when you factor in most of the start of this season was slow, and you were assuming it was building up to something. And the buildup lead to this finale which had literally nothing final about it at all.

It's just hard to put into words just how disappointed I was by this season after bing watching it compared to the first alicization season.
Dec 29, 2019 11:51 PM

Feb 2017
evoniee said:
alice with reta$$$$ move to move ghe plot
im not gonna bother how the seed system can connect to the STL, such weak world building.

Actually, you must understand that even the Underworld is a product of the World Seed. And in the World Seed, as stated in Season 1, every game and account is interchangeable.

i fucking known about that, dont try to teach me mr kirito.
anwer this:
why somebody without soul translator machine like asuna, kirito, and the boss can connect to this world, what the difference ppl with the regular full dive machine with the stl machine on this lab.

what the purpose of stl machine at this point.
why new transferred account like sinon have their special gear and skill connected to this world, this is a reaserch lab not a game development.

i understand the americans player accoun can be setted to spesific equipment and stats by the terrorist, i know asuna and the boss has spesific account.

then why the fuck this top reserach simulation world can somehow connected to a fucking regular game account with their class, equipment and stats like sinon.
dont waste our time spitting something everybody know.

MAL score and most user-based rating system are all joke, Imagine trusting plebs and hivemind. Find users who have good sense and rating and use them as a reference. Check my guide to rate
Your taste is trash. Cope, seethe, mald
Dec 30, 2019 12:28 AM
Aug 2017
evoniee said:

Actually, you must understand that even the Underworld is a product of the World Seed. And in the World Seed, as stated in Season 1, every game and account is interchangeable.

i fucking known about that, dont try to teach me mr kirito.
anwer this:
why somebody without soul translator machine like asuna, kirito, and the boss can connect to this world, what the difference ppl with the regular full dive machine with the stl machine on this lab.

what the purpose of stl machine at this point.
why new transferred account like sinon have their special gear and skill connected to this world, this is a reaserch lab not a game development.

i understand the americans player accoun can be setted to spesific equipment and stats by the terrorist, i know asuna and the boss has spesific account.

then why the fuck this top reserach simulation world can somehow connected to a fucking regular game account with their class, equipment and stats like sinon.
dont waste our time spitting something everybody know.

Simple, because NerveGears, Amuspheres, Medicuboids and Soul Translators are all the same, the latter just more advanced, but all are not so different from one another.

Your argument would only work if they were actually of different origins altogether.
Dec 30, 2019 12:44 AM
Aug 2017
Just my small spoilers: If you thought Asuna, Sinon and Leafa was too OP, think again. In a few episodes, watch them get bloodied Berserk/Warhammer style.
Dec 30, 2019 1:34 AM
Jul 2014
Heartyace said:
My main problem with this show has always been it's cast, it drags this entire show down. Suspension of belief goes out the window when you realise 'This guy is in high school so is everyone else".

Other than Animation this is definitely worse than season 1, the plot is convoluted and has a lot of boring exposition. I won't lie, I skipped the entire exposition episode in Alicelization and have a full understanding of the story. It's pretty unnecessary to use exposition as heavy as it does. The VR world(Underworld) is an amazing place and is a well explored setting. Reki did well there. The plot is just straight unbelievable, destroys immersion, full of plot holes and plot devices.

So lets get this straight, let's completely forget that everyone in underworld is fluctlight and very much the same as Alice once they break the code(Happen 3 times now). Anyways, So lets get to it. The government kidnaps a 17-18 year old boy because he participated in a project and attempted to pay his medical bills, put him in a world to "Rescue an AI". I don't even think you have to be in the tech field to think "wait, what?". You lead me to believe they can't do this themselves? They built a software that can't modified in anyway? Who designed this, and how did that do that? Why did they design it like that despite needing it being in opposition to the actual goal they're attempting to achieve? (No, the excuse was weak as it doesn't make much sense why they didn't just replicate the project or why it was designed that way). Now everyone wants it, instead of trying to replicate the method which is what would really happen. It's like everyone trying to steal a nuke, makes no sense. People try to steal the formula not the nuke. The plot is dumb.

TL;DR The old cast exist to move the plot. But the world building, animation were quite enjoyable, and the new cast were kind of cool. I think this would've been better if they just got rid of the old cast and made a more compelling plot.

7.3 about as good as oridinal scale in theatres(It was a better experience in theatre)

"I skipped exposistion"

"There's so many plot holes, this doesn't make sense.."

I think I found the problem.
Dec 30, 2019 3:13 AM
May 2019
That's it??????? Wtf?
Dec 30, 2019 3:51 AM

Jul 2017
Man, sending 20,000 Americans into the World Seed to thrash everyone regardless of like and such is such a tragedy, one that Asuna knows ALL TOO WELL. Nevertheless, Alice and the Integrity Knights are there to support fully, not without Asuna going on a rampage. But Sinon's welcome into the world was SO DAMN OP.

Meanwhile, knowing that Emperor Vecta summoned them, the remaining Dark Territory pugilists are no longer needed, and instead, partnered with the Human Empire to eradicate the real-world anomalies. And with Alice captured (which is a VERY BAD thing), Bernoculi gives chase.

In the real world, Vassago has done his duty as the subordinate to Vecta a.k.a General Miller's plans, not without realizing that Asuna has dived into the system. What a cliffhanger...

Waiting for Part 3 in Spring 2020.
Dec 30, 2019 8:39 AM
Apr 2016
It is still the same Sword Art Online it was eight years ago. The formula is still the same, execution and style did not progress anyhow... Or maybe it did. Fluctuation of how ingeniously or blandly the direction becomes is apparent. Ultimately it all comes to the same resolution it did every time in franchise - everyone comes together, they unite against the villain, they defeat him. Fin.

On the whole Alicization opens up a more interesting narrative for me, the artificial life and pure A.I., but if I have tremendously enjoyed the first part, when the focus switched to the females... something went wrong. Every episode except the first one I have kept discovering lazy animation, lack of creativity, conspicuous lack of planning for the episodes which resulted in clashes and random encounters.

It felt as if The war of the Underworld is done by someone else, the directing, the dialogues, visual coherence, character movement - everything is different, and not in a good way. A lot of war and brutality was added, but it did not get anywhere with the narrative, it just feels new to Sword Art Online and, again, not in a good way as it does not serve anything in the narrative. Just a strange spike in ultra-violence.

Visual representation is also quite... questionable. Artistic decisions border lack of diligence and desire to draw properly. Especially apparent in the final episode, throughout it: American soldier disappearing BEFORE being hit, Dragons looking like flying glitter while there is nothing that could make them glitter... Questionable.

While I am certainly glad Alicization came to be, there is something wrong with people continuing it. Maybe there is something wrong with the author, and his periodic fits of regression dictate how awfully the narrative will develop, switching between a finely tuned literary story, to a... a generic, unsophisticated war effort with a lot of unrefined characters, whose existence is just to participate in war and show "sick" moves, while other characters from before lost any and all development and focus. This is not how the glory of the first season should have continued. Something... went wrong along the way.
rsc-pl said:
FMmatron said:
People always shit on A-1 yet when it comes to the production value they were up there this season.

That's mostly newfags that completed 10 or 15 series are shitting on A1 though. I never had any problem with them to be honest (if we are talking about visuals)

There are many more concepts hiding behind the "production values" phrase, several way more complex than the visuals can ever be.
Daniel_NaumovDec 30, 2019 8:52 AM
Dec 30, 2019 9:44 AM

May 2018
nice action and animation throughout
Dec 30, 2019 9:56 AM

Aug 2018
great animation and sound.
weird place to end the season called war of the underworld, since that is also the name of the next episode, but ok... I guess it was a better ending than last season's.
I fully expected them to pull a kirito ex machina and end the whole thing right there, glad they didn't.
I think I don't know wtf I'm doing. Maybe. Probably.

Dec 30, 2019 12:55 PM

Feb 2019
-Stray said:
These guys did Leafa dirty tho, didnt both Leafa and Sinon enter simultaneously? Why was Sinon the only one we see in the end! Anyways Sinon banging that look, Asuna got real world backup now.

It was a fair season, see ya'll on april 2020.

In the light novels, Leafa arrived where Lilpillin was. Apparently there was some error and she was transported somewhere else, not where Sinon is
Dec 30, 2019 5:48 PM

Jan 2015
Maill said:

Dopamine and adrenaline can mask a intense pain, in order to survive, the body will reduce the pain to continue trying to survive. But it's just assumptions, because we don't know how the STL manage that.

Ok, my bad then, didn't understand that way (was not very clear tho), but now it makes sense. And all those network and science bit in the show is literally non relevant in the plot. Of course it has plot holes, like any show that are produced, in the case of SAO, it's pretty light if we compare other shows (Yes, I'm looking at you Index III).

Doesn't make sense dude. As someone who broke his leg in a football tournament, I still felt enough pain to curse the people who carried me away. Adrenaline can mask some pain as does dopamine, but they are not pain killers. Dopamine causes your brain to stimulate euphoria and adrenaline stimulates being in danger. It makes you react to your surroundings faster avoid danger to your vitality. They can distract you sure, but this type of explanation to defend SAO just goes to show its poor writing.
People don't complain about SAO by comparing its plot holes with other shows of a similar genre. So you saying another show has bigger plot holes doesn't cure the fact SAO has them worse.
Your life to come is bound to make you smile
Dec 30, 2019 8:41 PM

Nov 2008
I can't believe Champion just RIPPED his own eye out...what a badass. xD

And Sinon looked amazing....*O*

Dec 30, 2019 10:03 PM

Dec 2016
April 2020 must be so good.

Re Zero S2
Slime S2
SAO S3 Last Cour
Kaguya-sama S2
Oregairu S3
Violet Evergarden Movie
- E.M.T -
Dec 30, 2019 10:43 PM
Aug 2019
From where should I start reading the light novel after episode 12 of War of Underworld ??
Dec 31, 2019 12:21 AM
Jul 2014
lotus_eater said:
From where should I start reading the light novel after episode 12 of War of Underworld ??

EP 12 ended after 50 or so pages into Volume 17, so I'd just start with that volume.
Dec 31, 2019 1:21 AM

Feb 2014
Sinnon's entrwance was so badass.... But where is Leafa though? Didn't Suga and Sinnon arrived in together in the Tokyo office? I've been waiting for her to login and now I have to wait again for 3 months.
Dec 31, 2019 3:10 AM

Dec 2013
My respect for Champion shot up in this episode.

Sinon's entrance was admittedly badass.

Even if we are getting old characters back but I'm still looking forward to the next season.
Dec 31, 2019 3:42 AM

Apr 2013
thisepisode is a great example of what happens when pso2 will come to west JP players will be laughing, also not onyl but this episdoe exactly shows the accurate image of what happens when a jp/tw/cn/kr game gets released for west players. EXACTLY THIS
Dec 31, 2019 3:42 AM
Feb 2018
It is sad to see something end this badly. This series was successful, because there were no previous characters. WHY??? WHY BRING THEM BACK??? THEY HAD NO FUCKING PART IN THE FUCKING STORY AND NOW THEY RUINED THIS ANIME. Excuse my language.
Dec 31, 2019 2:24 PM

Dec 2015
Can we all stop for a second and realize that this is slowly becoming a war between a bunch of neckbeards Americans VS Kirito's harem...

I can't even...
Jan 1, 2020 1:45 AM

Oct 2016
Let's hope they block that criminal cracker as soon as possible, so he can't convert any more accounts other than Rotting Lungs' one for the mass murderer team. Those American fuckers are getting what they deserve from Shinon. One must be really fucked up in the brain to desire to take part in a game where your enemies have no pain-suppressing feature. I wish they didn't give Rotting Lungs "Vassago" as a name. So inappropriate and ooc. When is Kirito going to wake up?
Jan 1, 2020 2:42 AM
Aug 2017
IEatAss247 said:
It is sad to see something end this badly. This series was successful, because there were no previous characters. WHY??? WHY BRING THEM BACK??? THEY HAD NO FUCKING PART IN THE FUCKING STORY AND NOW THEY RUINED THIS ANIME. Excuse my language.

Chill dude, you are like saying they have no right to exist. What's wrong with them here, really?
Jan 1, 2020 1:15 PM

May 2014
Awesome season! 9/10 SAO has come far!

Jan 1, 2020 3:24 PM

Aug 2017
Alice didn't have time to get off the jutsu, too bad. She's the best girl and I also like SINON making the fantastic last minute showing. Green haired pansy can suddenly mow down hordes of troops with his boomerang. Slasher girl and Naruto pairing up with their fighting chemistry.

I liked this show, 9/10. I wonder when the follow up will come out. I have enjoyed all of the SAO shows, I'm a fan.

0ni_Link said:
Can we all stop for a second and realize that this is slowly becoming a war between a bunch of neckbeards Americans VS Kirito's harem...

Haha yup I agree, Kirito is the master ladies' man. I'm not liking the portayal of Americans though >:(

CarbonMDJan 1, 2020 3:28 PM
Jan 1, 2020 5:23 PM

Nov 2017
- Sinon enter the game... and the anime just like (NAH... WE'LL CONTINUE IT LATER....),
Now Loading.....
Jan 2, 2020 4:55 AM
Jul 2018
This is the last episode, it was fun. See you all next season!
Jan 2, 2020 1:56 PM

Mar 2017
I enjoyed Alicization quite a bit. It became kinda cringey when the Kirito harem gang started making their appearance in episode 11 tho.
Anyway I enjoyed watching that Champion guy from dark territory and Sheyta the most in this season.

Also Kirito remained useless until the end lol.
hitsuu137Jan 2, 2020 2:00 PM
Jan 3, 2020 10:08 PM

Nov 2013
An unlikely alliance, another cliffhanger ending and Kirito is still in a coma.
Jan 4, 2020 12:06 PM

Apr 2017
SAO Alicization is a very good season. Probably the best so far. I waiting for more 8/10.
Jan 4, 2020 12:20 PM

Mar 2014
I enjoyed the battles. The Americans shouting Engrish things was incredibly silly. Is it really that hard to get 1 or 2 people to record a few lines?
Jan 5, 2020 1:00 AM
Anti-social One

Mar 2013
Jesus, this forum is getting toxic real quick.
Jan 5, 2020 9:50 AM

Apr 2016
I prefer the previous season. Here I miss characters like Eugeo. I find this season mediocre and is what you could expect and get from SAO. The fights are always won or are drawn. What bothers me the most is that there are no surprises. Otherwise the usual harem stuff. Alice's kidnapping also came out of nowhere.

I probably missed the reason, but why can around 50000 players suddenly log in, but people like Kirito need a special device?

I hope the sequel will be better, it would be cool if Eugeo continued to "live" as a weapon.

5/10 for this season
Jan 5, 2020 10:59 PM
Jan 2016
Im surprised with how it ended as well as disappointed. I get they wanna build up for the next season which is totally gonna be bloody. But why the ex machina? I understand the enemy was tracking them so they could summon reinforcements on them but sinon and leafa dont have that so they shouldnt be able to ex machina. Also why not end it when the hero reinforcements show up? That seems the the best ending to excite people for the next season
Jan 6, 2020 3:59 AM
Jan 2019
No body is worried that Sinon isn't really Sinon? I mean, the guy just before said "send me with the 20 000 Americans players" He knows Asuna, then he said "I've got a account in reserve" or something like that. I'm afraid this guy was sent whit the account and the physical apparence of Sinon...
Jan 7, 2020 5:38 PM

Jan 2015
Nice episode, now all the real world characters are getting into Underworld.
I'm looking forward seeing Kirito coming back next season to kick some asses.
Overall 6/10.
I enjoyed more the first season of Alicization.
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