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What does it mean when something is "overrated"?

Oct 23, 2019 10:09 PM

Aug 2019
There is no objective metric to judge how good an anime is, so what even is the point in calling something "overrated"? It is the biggest crybaby word there is, it just means "I hate how much people like this thing that I dont like". This will be followed by them nitpicking every small mistake of the show and blow it out of proportion. They wont ever apply the same extent of criticism to a show they like. Basically if its a show they like they'll try to make it sound as good as possible and if its something they dont like then they'll suddenly start caring about logic and science and all that.

The sole purpose of fiction, especially anime is to entertain.So if everyone likes it, Then its a good show. Art is subjective and calling something overrated only means you're insecure about nobody liking your favourite anime.
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Oct 23, 2019 11:29 PM

Jun 2019
Overrated is indeed an overused term, which is why I think using the term "overpraised" instead is a better way to give an overview of the show overall, and why I feel that show is overestimated and hence, overrated .


Oct 23, 2019 11:36 PM

Nov 2011
" I don't like how popular this anime is."


Oct 24, 2019 12:01 AM

Dec 2018
Kaiser-chan said:
" I don't like how popular this anime is."


That is overpopular, not overrated. Presumably, no one ever says SAO is overrated because it has already been recklessly bashed enough, but many will definitely say FMAB is. This is a problem somehow. Ratings and popularity are not very similar, how is that not clear?
. . .
Oct 24, 2019 12:58 AM

Aug 2019
Dakago said:
Popularity does not make something good. It just means as you say that it is very enjoyable for the majority, but what about after the enjoyment wears off? Now enjoyment is subjective and does not apply to everyone, and your argument to what makes an anime good is very one-sided. When a show becomes popular it brings with itself a newer audience than its initially foreseen one, who may have not picked up the show otherwise but because of word of mouth did. These people come away from it either being disappointed or becoming fans themselves. The disappointed party then wonder why was this show considered good in the first place, and thus they deem it overrated by its fandom.

Thus popularity is a double edged sword, it can either make or brake a show. Also very rarely does 'everyone like it' as you say, unless you mean specifically fanboys who shut out every criticism applied to their anime in order to create an echo chamber. So after the novelty wears off; they too grow out of it eventually and move to the next popular thing, unless it actually had good qualities to it to begin with.
if by popularity you mean famous then yes popularity doesn't mean good. However if everyone likes something and you believe it's bad then you need to explain yourself on what metric you based your assessment on. Art mostly if not entirely is subjective and if it's liked by most people it is good
Oct 24, 2019 1:11 AM
Jul 2018
"I don't like this highly rated show"

It's basically the thing people say when they don't like a show as much as the majority
Oct 24, 2019 1:15 AM

Feb 2019
In terms of anime, overrated is basically something which has shit writing, animation, terrible cgi but still manages to get 8.12 rating here on MAL.
Oct 24, 2019 1:19 AM

Oct 2013
Is just the word people use when they hate the fact something they don't like is really popular,or has a higher rating than they think it should...It's often used by people to prove their taste is better than others, because that matters for some reason.
Oct 24, 2019 1:35 AM
Sep 2019
Basically, overrated just means that something is held to a higher regard than it should be. Like how a show could be way more loved or more popular when, to some people, it shouldn't be. Being popular doesn't automatically make a show overrated, but some people will say that. And just because it's overrated doesn't mean it's good or that it's bad. It's more of an opinion, really - an opinion of a minority, most likely. Sometimes, people will call a show overrated because it's popular despite it not being "good" in their opinion. It can be genuine and it could be just out of spite.

Don't let something being labeled as "overrated" keep you from trying to enjoy it tho. If you enjoy a show, enjoy it, regardless of what people think. You do you.
Ya boy is going to Con Alt Delete 2020! See you there!

Oct 24, 2019 1:44 AM

Feb 2019
Whenever someone uses the word "overrated," it means "lots of other people liked it, but I didn't." it's just a really lazy way of disagreeing with the majority opinion.

It’s okay to look back at the past, just don’t stare too long

Oct 24, 2019 1:48 AM
Sep 2016
It's just a word people use when they think it's "cooler" to stay in the minority. Or when they simply are hungry for some attention.
Like when I use it whenever "Your Name" or "Gintama" comes up.
Oct 24, 2019 1:55 AM

Aug 2015
Everything can be overrated.

The term starts being used once something is claimed to be "The best of" or "The most interesting about X theme". People will keep praising something due to popularity or stuff like that, and other people will complain about it.

I will never understand why people care about others opinion that much. I mean if you like something what's the problem if it is popular or if no one likes it, that just doesn't make any single difference.
Oct 24, 2019 2:12 AM

Oct 2010
"There is no objective metric"

Literally there is: people like it more than you do, and rate it higher than you think it deserves. The overall rating and overall reception are objective information, your opinion on whether they are too high, too low or fair is the subjective claim here.
Oct 24, 2019 2:14 AM
Jul 2018
It's just the most boring buzzword out there you could use.
Oct 24, 2019 3:04 AM

Oct 2015
It means "not as good as what they say" but in one word. Amazing isn't it?
Oct 24, 2019 3:21 AM

Jul 2019
I use the term for shows that are super popular but not really that great. Also most of the shows have high scores. For example Kimetsu no yaiba is a bit overrated.
Oct 24, 2019 3:45 AM
Jan 2018
Basically I didn't like this , i don't see how it has a big following ... Overrated
Oct 24, 2019 5:51 AM

Oct 2017
I agree that there's no real objective metrics for quality. One can point out technical stuff like animtion quality and detail in the art style. And one can even say that some stuff like character depth have objective elements to them, but... As OP says, art is about the individual experience, and if somone finds their lives heavily enriched by something to the point that they are super passionate about it, then it has succeeded in that persons case.

However, I can relate to the mindset behind people who get annoyed at shows which become popular but aren't perceived to be very good, and I think they are justifed for two reasons:

1. Amount of anime watched
I think most of the people hyping up popular shows tend to be newer fans. Most of the people on social media are younger after all and most popular shows are aimed at a youger audience. I would bet all the money I have that if you took a poll of people with over 200 anime on their list, and compared them to people with under 100, the group with less anime would tend to like the more popular shows. Over time people just naturally gravitate to more niche anime.

Plus most of the hype around popular shows comes from younger, newer fans. For this reason, I think it's natural for veteran fans to get a little annoyed and react by using words like "overrated" because they see another "generic" popular show taking attention away from more interesting, artistically different and innovative work which doesn't have that mass appeal, but does appeal to people who've seen a lot of anime already.

2. Amount of enrichment
I mentioned before how art succeeds when it enriches peoples lives. But there are variable levels to that. The thing with a lot of popular shows is that they end up appearing as though they're the best thing ever because SO many people are talking about them. But, in the case of Kimetu no Yaiba for example, how many people really got something special and emotionally deep out of it? Most of the people who talk about KnY being the best anime ever, simply don't approach anime the same way as someone who might say Clannad: After Story is the best anime ever.

People who talk about After Story often go in to depth about how it affected their lives and how they see family and love and death, and how much raw emotion it made them feel to point of sobbing uncontrollably. All I ever read about KnY is about its animation and fight scenes.

So one could argue that KnY is overrated because SO many people like it and talk about it, but anime which had a much deeper impact on the average fan of the show... those anime don't get the same recognition.
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Aggregate scoring is bad for the anime fandom
Oct 24, 2019 6:52 AM

Aug 2019
Asaeed said:
Average stuff being given high ratings i.e Your Lie in April or Your Name.

And who gets to decide which is average again ?
Oct 24, 2019 7:11 AM

Jan 2018
Asaeed said:
Average stuff being given high ratings i.e Your Lie in April or Your Name.
Your Name is beyond average, it's one of the best Anime movies released in the past few years and even won some awards im pretty sure which is impressive considering japanese animation doesn't get very much appreciation in the west.
Oct 24, 2019 7:12 AM

Jan 2016
It simply means it's rated above the rating it deserves to be objectively.
The word elitist is stupid since it's just used by people who can't defend their favorite shows and use it on people who criticize their favorite shows.
Oct 24, 2019 7:14 AM

Jan 2016
actuallyaadhi said:
Asaeed said:
Average stuff being given high ratings i.e Your Lie in April or Your Name.

And who gets to decide which is average again ?
Me since I have such good taste in anime and manga.
The word elitist is stupid since it's just used by people who can't defend their favorite shows and use it on people who criticize their favorite shows.
Oct 24, 2019 7:25 AM

Oct 2015
Overrated is all about the MAL score for me, not popularity. Therefore something like KnY is overrated but shows like Black Clover and SAO aren't.
Oct 24, 2019 7:34 AM
Aug 2018
The word overrated is subjective. It totally depends on the person using the word, If a person doesn't a popular anime and thinks it's popularity is not deserving then the person would use the word overrated. The word overrated basically means Overpraised and it's subjective (changes for every other person)
Oct 24, 2019 7:41 AM

Jan 2015
in simple terms the anime didn't resonate with me .

Oct 24, 2019 8:11 AM
Apr 2017
"you all need to stop liking this thing so much" is what overrated means. As a criticism, it is one of the stupidest around and, thusly, one of the most used.
"The problem with defining even an aspect of your personality by something that you like, is that criticism of that product appears to you to be criticism of you personally. I find it to be a very harmful attitude, [...] you can't rationally discuss a product because you've started to define yourself by its very existence."

John Bain
Oct 24, 2019 8:23 AM

Dec 2018
Well overrated in my meaning means I believe the anime have more points then it should have . But because i think something is overrated i dont saying its bad either. More its not for me .For me its about taste and that is personal, No right or wrong exist!

That is how I see it!! No one needs to agree, but thats my opinion

Yuri-CrusaderOct 24, 2019 8:27 AM
Oct 24, 2019 8:24 AM

Oct 2019
It's what "cultured" people call the anime that "normies" love
Oct 24, 2019 9:40 AM

May 2019
Almost all shows are overrated.
Like c'mon, you're telling me 99% of anime are between a 6 and a 10? You can't fool me, MAL. I'm wise to your shenanigans.
Oct 24, 2019 10:10 AM

Dec 2016
It's just a buzzword that people use (myself included honestly) when what they actually mean is that they disagree with majority opinion.
Oct 24, 2019 10:21 AM

Dec 2016
The word has basically lost meaning at this point where its used as a "let me insert my opinion on why I don't think this show is all that great without actually doing it" comment. lol
Oct 24, 2019 10:50 AM

Aug 2018
"I don't like it and everyone is talking about it so it's overrated"

"I want to show that woman the true Yoshikage Kira. I want her to hear how I feel deep inside. That I want to take your slender neck into these hands and strangle you to death."

Oct 24, 2019 10:58 AM
Feb 2019
Easy, when something got deemed as "OvErAtEd" it just means that people are butthurt about how it managed to get more attention than what they really like.
Oct 24, 2019 11:12 AM
Jul 2018
So no one likes this word, can we all agree to stop using it?
Oct 24, 2019 11:12 AM

May 2009
actuallyaadhi said:
What does it mean when something is "overrated"?

There is no objective metric to judge how good an anime is, so what even is the point in calling something "overrated"? It is the biggest crybaby word there is, it just means "I hate how much people like this thing that I dont like". This will be followed by them nitpicking every small mistake of the show and blow it out of proportion. They wont ever apply the same extent of criticism to a show they like. Basically if its a show they like they'll try to make it sound as good as possible and if its something they dont like then they'll suddenly start caring about logic and science and all that.

The sole purpose of fiction, especially anime is to entertain.So if everyone likes it, Then its a good show. Art is subjective and calling something overrated only means you're insecure about nobody liking your favourite anime.
I think you're being too specific/judgemental/assuming as to what a person saying the term is like.

All it really means is "I think other people have a higher opinion of it than it deserves".

What they do afterwards is up to them.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Oct 24, 2019 11:36 AM

Mar 2019
dont get why this topic has been brought up. i mean doesnt it just vary across different ppl
Oct 24, 2019 12:05 PM

Sep 2014
The common misconception when people hear the word overrated is that they believe overrated means that they hate the anime. Which is not always true. You can call it overrated and still liking the show. See KnY threads. There are plenty of people saying they like the anime, but they still believe that the score is exaggeratedly high. Another misconception is that they think overrated serves the purpose of a criticism while, actually, overrated is just an opinion/ a feeling.
They have a reason to call that anime overrated. The word overrated is not that reason.
We should back up or opinion with reasons as to why we think something is either good or bad. But it's easier to simply say: This is good or this is shit. This is overrated or this is underrated. Internet is shaped like that. Not everybody is going to elaborate everything everytime they mean to say something.

People in this thread here also seem to tag people being extremely hateful and butthurt to the usage of the word overrated. These two things should be easily discernible. You can be extremely toxic/hateful and not once use the word overrated while you can also discuss on a civilized manner while also using the word overrated.
Oct 24, 2019 12:45 PM

Jul 2016
Wow so many salty people here it's unironically making me laugh. Completely agree with @Hrybami.

Its a guarantee that 90% of the replies on this thread who agree with OP only did so because they got salty over some person who didn't like the anime they liked and so only used it to fuel their continued love for the anime while disregarding any sort of criticism - valid or not - as coming from "haters". All because someone on the internet disagrees with you.

Using protection in numbers is becoming as bad as an excuse as people using the term "overrated" or even worse. No, just because something is popular doesn't mean its good. There are definitely people out there who don't like anime just because its popular and they're pretty bad. But if you say that something is good because it's popular then you're being delusional and as horrible a person as that guy who doesn't like popular anime because they're popular. It's a poor justification and doesn't actually tell anyone why the anime is good if it is.

Its easy to like a popular anime and disregard actual criticism when you're with the majority who is actively agreeing with you.

So grow up, people.
Oct 24, 2019 1:18 PM

Mar 2018
Let's be honest, most people who criticize popular series usually disregard what fans liked about it, and by no means give more objective views. It's just that underdog mentality that makes you believe you're more right.

So yeah with most people I'm going to perceive them for what they are, hipsterinos!

Oct 24, 2019 1:46 PM

Aug 2018
It means some jerk disliked a show and thought "wow this is so overrated" because he thought he was too smart for liking that anime and prefer to say it has more fame that it deserves than "it is not my kind of show".
Oct 24, 2019 1:47 PM

Oct 2016
I mean, isn't it a conversation opener rather than final judgement? You say "I thought it was overrated" to quickly convey your opinion compared to another group.

You can think a show is overrated among fans, even if you like the show. Many fans of a show may place it on a pedestal above other shows they haven't bothered to give a chance. If you're a fan of a genre or style or medium, and hoards of people claim to love one show while dismissing all these other quality shows you've seen, then of course you'll think they're overrating that show.

You can think a show is underrated among certain groups, even if you don't really like it. Many people hate shows unfairly, nitpicking like crazy and holding the show to an unreasonable standard while ignoring when other shows have the same "issues". It just becomes popular within some groups to shit on some shows no matter what the intended audience was or how well it did entertaining that audience.

Sword Art Online is overrated among teen fans who haven't watched much anime, and is underrated among tryhard anitubers.

Oct 24, 2019 2:38 PM

Sep 2014
SillySlySy said:
I mean, isn't it a conversation opener rather than final judgement? You say "I thought it was overrated" to quickly convey your opinion compared to another group.

That's how it should be to be honest. However we all know how it's like to try to open a conversation with a fan. Not all fans might I say, most fans of whatever anime are usually able to engage a conversation with anyone. However my worst experience with fanbase are almost always with those of anime within the top 20 and most exclusively the shounen type of anime. I gave up engaging with them years ago since it was the most toxic experience in my life.

So yeah.. just saying overrated is enough to piss off a handful of fans so let not imagine what happen if you start stating a negative opinion on top of that.
Oct 24, 2019 7:49 PM

Aug 2019
raisin-kun said:
Wow so many salty people here it's unironically making me laugh. Completely agree with @Hrybami.

Its a guarantee that 90% of the replies on this thread who agree with OP only did so because they got salty over some person who didn't like the anime they liked and so only used it to fuel their continued love for the anime while disregarding any sort of criticism - valid or not - as coming from "haters". All because someone on the internet disagrees with you.

Using protection in numbers is becoming as bad as an excuse as people using the term "overrated" or even worse. No, just because something is popular doesn't mean its good. There are definitely people out there who don't like anime just because its popular and they're pretty bad. But if you say that something is good because it's popular then you're being delusional and as horrible a person as that guy who doesn't like popular anime because they're popular. It's a poor justification and doesn't actually tell anyone why the anime is good if it is.

Its easy to like a popular anime and disregard actual criticism when you're with the majority who is actively agreeing with you.

So grow up, people.

"Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good"

Then how else do you say an anime is good? I'm sure we can all agree that art is subjective and the point of anime is to entertain people. If most of the people like it then the anime has achieved its purpose. Thus popular=good
Oct 24, 2019 7:53 PM
Jan 2019
It’s pretty simple. It just means something is basically rated better than they deserve, that’s not the exact default but that’s pretty much what it means.
Oct 24, 2019 8:02 PM

Aug 2019
YossaRedMage said:
I agree that there's no real objective metrics for quality. One can point out technical stuff like animtion quality and detail in the art style. And one can even say that some stuff like character depth have objective elements to them, but... As OP says, art is about the individual experience, and if somone finds their lives heavily enriched by something to the point that they are super passionate about it, then it has succeeded in that persons case.

However, I can relate to the mindset behind people who get annoyed at shows which become popular but aren't perceived to be very good, and I think they are justifed for two reasons:

1. Amount of anime watched
I think most of the people hyping up popular shows tend to be newer fans. Most of the people on social media are younger after all and most popular shows are aimed at a youger audience. I would bet all the money I have that if you took a poll of people with over 200 anime on their list, and compared them to people with under 100, the group with less anime would tend to like the more popular shows. Over time people just naturally gravitate to more niche anime.

Plus most of the hype around popular shows comes from younger, newer fans. For this reason, I think it's natural for veteran fans to get a little annoyed and react by using words like "overrated" because they see another "generic" popular show taking attention away from more interesting, artistically different and innovative work which doesn't have that mass appeal, but does appeal to people who've seen a lot of anime already.

2. Amount of enrichment
I mentioned before how art succeeds when it enriches peoples lives. But there are variable levels to that. The thing with a lot of popular shows is that they end up appearing as though they're the best thing ever because SO many people are talking about them. But, in the case of Kimetu no Yaiba for example, how many people really got something special and emotionally deep out of it? Most of the people who talk about KnY being the best anime ever, simply don't approach anime the same way as someone who might say Clannad: After Story is the best anime ever.

People who talk about After Story often go in to depth about how it affected their lives and how they see family and love and death, and how much raw emotion it made them feel to point of sobbing uncontrollably. All I ever read about KnY is about its animation and fight scenes.

So one could argue that KnY is overrated because SO many people like it and talk about it, but anime which had a much deeper impact on the average fan of the show... those anime don't get the same recognition.
YossaRedMage said:
I agree that there's no real objective metrics for quality. One can point out technical stuff like animtion quality and detail in the art style. And one can even say that some stuff like character depth have objective elements to them, but... As OP says, art is about the individual experience, and if somone finds their lives heavily enriched by something to the point that they are super passionate about it, then it has succeeded in that persons case.

However, I can relate to the mindset behind people who get annoyed at shows which become popular but aren't perceived to be very good, and I think they are justifed for two reasons:

1. Amount of anime watched
I think most of the people hyping up popular shows tend to be newer fans. Most of the people on social media are younger after all and most popular shows are aimed at a youger audience. I would bet all the money I have that if you took a poll of people with over 200 anime on their list, and compared them to people with under 100, the group with less anime would tend to like the more popular shows. Over time people just naturally gravitate to more niche anime.

Plus most of the hype around popular shows comes from younger, newer fans. For this reason, I think it's natural for veteran fans to get a little annoyed and react by using words like "overrated" because they see another "generic" popular show taking attention away from more interesting, artistically different and innovative work which doesn't have that mass appeal, but does appeal to people who've seen a lot of anime already.

2. Amount of enrichment
I mentioned before how art succeeds when it enriches peoples lives. But there are variable levels to that. The thing with a lot of popular shows is that they end up appearing as though they're the best thing ever because SO many people are talking about them. But, in the case of Kimetu no Yaiba for example, how many people really got something special and emotionally deep out of it? Most of the people who talk about KnY being the best anime ever, simply don't approach anime the same way as someone who might say Clannad: After Story is the best anime ever.

People who talk about After Story often go in to depth about how it affected their lives and how they see family and love and death, and how much raw emotion it made them feel to point of sobbing uncontrollably. All I ever read about KnY is about its animation and fight scenes.

So one could argue that KnY is overrated because SO many people like it and talk about it, but anime which had a much deeper impact on the average fan of the show... those anime don't get the same recognition.

That was a great reply. The point about younger and newer fans is correct. Newer and younger fans tend to hype the first they watch.
Oct 24, 2019 8:31 PM
Jul 2018
"What does it mean when something is "overrated"?"

Well according to the majority of the internet:
Overrated = Shit show that does not deserve it's popularity

And according to Google:
Have a higher opinion of (someone or something) than is deserved.

If there's one thing the internet confuses a lot, it's the words "overrated" and "underrated". Both words can go through two different meanings:
A bad popular show and a good unpopular show (which is the meaning most people use when saying "overrated" and "underrated")
A bad high rated show and a good low rated show.
For the former, the real terms are "over appreciated" and "underappreciated". But it's quite a word full to say those so saying "overrated" and "underrated" is a bit easier.

Personally, I think just because something is overrated, doesn't mean it's bad. I mean, look at AOT for example. It's overrated, but for good reasons. I could say the same with KnY and MHA which are two perfect victims of being called shit shows that are way too overrated. They may have straightforward stories that we may have seen several times before, what matters most is how they are executed for the sole purpose of enjoyment. In fact many battle shonens (whether if it's older or newer) unfortunately suffer from this.

Shit on KnY and MHA all you want. But I personally think that the reason why I really like those two shows is because of how enjoyable they are rather than making critiques on them. And the same could be said to many other shows to some people. And this even includes other popular shows that I don't really like myself like Naruto, SAO, Tokyo Ghoul and Fairy Tail for example.

Tbh, I just think the word "overrated" has become overrated itself at this point.

Also @actuallyaadhi, I 100% agree with what you said back there.
removed-userOct 24, 2019 8:37 PM
Oct 25, 2019 5:39 AM

Jul 2016
actuallyaadhi said:

"Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good"

Then how else do you say an anime is good? I'm sure we can all agree that art is subjective and the point of anime is to entertain people. If most of the people like it then the anime has achieved its purpose. Thus popular=good

Ask yourself, Evangelion is a very popular anime that changed the very landscape of anime; yet why do you give it a 4?

And also:

From that reasoning is an anime that isn't popular bad? Just because it doesn't appeal to the crowd?

There are also plenty of objective ways to view anime. There's things called animation quality/consistency, seeing if there are plot holes, seeing if character's actions make sense in context, how well and how consistent the world is built, how well-executed the story is, how much an anime has succeeded in doing what it set out to do thematically etc.

If an anime is popular that just means it appeals to a lot of people. Seeing how you're still early in your anime watching, I swear one day there will come an anime you will watch that is popular that you will personally think is bad. But from your own thought process it must be good. Things are so much more nuanced. Good luck finding your way through this mess of a medium.
Oct 25, 2019 5:57 AM

May 2014
The term has shifted meanings over the years, nowadays it basically means that you don't like something that a lot of people praise a lot.
Oct 25, 2019 6:26 AM

Feb 2017
actuallyaadhi said:
Art is subjective and the point of anime is to entertain people. If most of the people like it then the anime has achieved its purpose. Thus popular=good

Your reasoning seems a bit contradictory.
You first state that "art is subjective", which is essentially the same as saying that everyone can judge it by their own metric and get different things out of it. You then claim that "the point of anime is to entertain people", which directly contradicts your first idea : being entertaining is only one of the multiple purposes art can have. You can't both say that each people judges with their own criteria and then say that there actually exists a general criterion to judge art, which is the total amount of entertainment it generates.
Additionally, if art is subjective, then the question of how many people got something out of an art piece is completely irrelevant, the only important thing is what each individual person gets out of it. High numbers are just numbers, they don't mean that an art piece is good full stop, just that it was good for a lot of people, which is completely different.
If one really were to say that art's only purpose is to entertain, that would mean that for the people who aren't entertained by an art piece, then this art piece would in fact be objectively bad, which I think is the opposite of what you wanted to prove.
thizlasNov 4, 2021 3:54 PM
Oct 25, 2019 6:41 AM

Aug 2019
thizlas said:
actuallyaadhi said:
Art is subjective and the point of anime is to entertain people. If most of the people like it then the anime has achieved its purpose. Thus popular=good

Your reasoning seems a bit contradictory.
You first state that "art is subjective", which is essentially the same as saying that everyone can judge it by their own metric and get different things out of it. You then claim that "the point of anime is to entertain people", which directly contradicts your first idea : being entertaining is only one of the multiple purposes art can have. You can't both say that each people judges with their own criteria and then say that there actually exists a general criterion to judge art, which is the total amount of entertainment it generates.
Additionally, if art is subjective, then the question of how many people got something out of an art piece is completely irrelevant, the only important thing is what each individual person gets out of it.
If one really were to say that art's only purpose is to entertain, that would mean that for the people who aren't entertained by an art piece, then this art piece would in fact be objectively bad, which I think is the opposite of what you wanted to prove.

I used the word entertain in a very broad sense. like if a piece of art satisfies its viewer in any way at all, it is entertaining. Animation requires a huge amount of work and I think its okay to assume when some studio produces an animation on the large scale, they expect the viewers to be satisfied in some way or the other.
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