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Jul 16, 2019 5:23 PM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
alot of people will hate anything thats mainstream tbh. all in all, so far MHA is actually a pretty good series.
Jul 16, 2019 5:28 PM

Sep 2018
I wouldn’t say hated, it’s incredibly popular, it’s mainstream now. I’d say it’s just a little overrated, considering how basic the plot starts (superhero world and protag has no powers). I don’t mind it, in fact I adore the art in the manga, and how everyone’s quirks has limits and downfalls, I’ve just seen some better. If you hate on something just because it’s popular and nothing else, that’s fucking stupid.That’s just my thoughts though.

But I am terrified of it’s fans oh god
That’s where people start to hate the show, it’s the crazy rabid fans, not the actual series
returntothenhkJul 16, 2019 5:33 PM
Jul 16, 2019 5:29 PM
Sep 2017
My reason...Deku is so annoying and weak

Jul 16, 2019 6:29 PM
Jul 2018
Salty people get bored and try to poo poo on your likes.
Jul 16, 2019 6:34 PM

May 2018
Because its popular and people hate it when shows they don't like become more popular than anime they like. Also bnha fans is one of the most annoying fan base after Jojo.
Jul 16, 2019 6:54 PM

Feb 2016
Well i don't like BnH because i hate the thematic of super heroes.
The battle is over.
Show respect for the fallen
who fought so bravely.
Jul 16, 2019 6:57 PM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
Can't say I've seen much hate for MHA anywhere, but if you went to "most placed and forums" in your research about this, then you must know why people hate it so much...?
Jul 16, 2019 7:02 PM

Dec 2016
I don't hate the show, but recent development from the manga kinda make me bore and stop wanting to follow it. I think mostly cause the villains of the series have no clear goals. Most of them want to change society or destroy it, but they have no plan to how to do it. Story usually driven by the villains, so if the villains seem aimless, it make the story seem to go nowhere.
Jul 16, 2019 7:36 PM

Apr 2017
You said it yourself. Its popularity is clearly the biggest reason as to why it's hated. Anything that is as popular as BNHA will generate lots of attention from everyone, and that includes the haters. Anything that has a large fanbase will always include the groups who dislike it. I've seen this pattern literally everywhere on the internet. I've seen it with almost every very popular show I've watched. I don't think you need a better explanation.
Only in death are we all equal.
Jul 16, 2019 8:30 PM
Jul 2019
proletarian said:
why does this show gains so much hate from anime fans? what was exactly the wrong thing it did to earn it?

in most places and forums you can see a hell lot of people trashtalking about it, but they do so like with anger, like if they were pissed by it or something.

in the reviews sections the negative reviews get more support than the positive reviews, the recent 3rd season despite having a very good score has 3/4 of its top 4 reviews being negative, one of them even a 1/10 in the 2nd place and it was one of the most recent ones.

also in the poll I made about annoying fanbases, the series got the 2nd place after Jojo and was the only one besides Jojo with over 10% of the votes.

why is this series so hated? is it just because it has become incredibly popular in recent years? what other reason could be? I just don't get it, the series is entertaining, charming, has a likable fun cast, no fillers, among other qualities, so what is it?

For reasons that blow my mind people get jealous of a show having high appreciation when it’s not one of their favorites. Weird, but true.
Jul 17, 2019 4:05 AM

Mar 2018
BnHA? So hated? Really now?

Lemme tell you a paradox which loops itself.

Yes, I hate BnHA. But I hate it because "many people love it" and it's overhyped. So let's turn around the question. Why do many people love it? I dunno. "So hated" much?

By overhyped I mean it's not a small amount. VERY overhyped. AoT S3P2 overhyped? Yes. But only a little bit. I've never watched Black Clover (or not planning to) but I've heard it's doing exactly the same things Naruto did and it's not getting much praise. That's how it should be for BnHA. But nope, it's also doing the things exactly as Naruto did (no, EVERY shounen anime did) to the point it's meme-d as "Green Naruto" but it's regarded as "the most unique shounen show ever" (just why?) and it's nominated as the AOTY 2018 by international fans according to this thread. (Really nigga?)

To me, it seemed like the author is following a textbook "How to write shounen action 101" and ticking every checkboxes as many as possible. Unique? Just gimme a fucking break...

And artstyle! Yes! Freaking artstyle!! The author also knows non-weeb westerners hate usual moe blob anime artstyle and love superheroes so he went this route with comic-like art to attract wider audience from west. All according to keikaku. He baits hard and people got baited hard, that's all there is to its popularity.

Grr, I'm getting angrier typing this. That's it! I won't watch its upcoming season 4 anymore >:(

Jul 17, 2019 4:44 AM
Jul 2018
Overrated => Huge Hatedom
That's basically the summary of this question.

Personally, I don't hate MHA's (in fact, I was briefly a huge fan of it). It may be too popular and have heaps of shonen cliches, but at least the anime itself is not done by Studio freaking Pierrot. Also, Deku > your average shonen hero.

MHA may not be in one of my favorites, but it is still one of my favorite shonen anime which I still get into it from time to time. I'm definitely going to watch season 4 and perhaps even try out the manga.
Jul 17, 2019 5:14 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Dolabella said:
HaXXspetten said:
SAO, Naruto, Tokyo Ghoul, Eromanga-sensei, Fairy Tail, Mirai Nikki, Akame ga Kill and the list goes on. All these shows are hated because they became internet famous and popular and thus anime fans decided as a collective entity that they could become 10x cooler if they started acting like they hated these shows 10x more than they actually do on the inside. And thus the domino effect is created and it just gets more and more exaggerated and no one can ever stop it

Is it childish? Yes, of course, but it's a naturally occuring phenomenon and there's not really a good solution to it. Best you can do is just ignore people like that

oi man if these shows became hated by anime fans because of their surge in popularity then why isn't that the case for all 2010s shows that explode on the online anime community? there isn't a mass movement of haters for attack on titan, re:zero, one punch man, etc. despite these shows being popular just like those others.

what differentiates the former group from the latter group? because whatever it is distinguishes shows that receive hate from shows that don't. it's not hype or popularity because the latter category is just as hyped as the shows you mentioned.

sorry that a large number of people don't like the shows you do, but that doesn't mean they're hungry for clout. if you need something to hate, don't hate this imaginary anime counterculture movement you've dreamed up, and respect other people's legitimate preferences.
Sorry but that's not much of an argument. "It didn't happen for every anime it could have, therefore it can't have happened to any of them". That's not... very logical

First of all just to clarify, I'm not talking about myself here. I personally dislike several of the shows I mentioned as well, but that's not the point. The point is, if you've actually actively spent time on MAL forums over the years then you will notice that this is not just something I'm pulling out of thin air but rather a pretty well-known fact

Since it's quite irrational in nature I can't say I have all the answers you're looking for but from what I've learned over the years by observation is that being a popular show does not automatically make you more hated, however if an anime does get hated then being popular will sustain that hate for a considerably longer amount of time. Think about it, every season there will always be numerous poorly rated shows with an overall very negative public reception, however if they're not popular then people will just forget about them and sweep them under the rug once they've finished airing and then almost never talk about them again. But if they have a lot of viewers then the discussion won't die off, but rather continue long past the anime actually finished airing and in the process also drag in new viewers of the series that started watching it well after it finished airing. Thus the cycle continues on. I mean do people really believe Sword Art Online to be the worst anime ever made? I highly doubt it, but since no one cares to talk about some random trash anime from back in 2013 that nobody else watched, it's just easier to keep talking about SAO instead since at least then everyone else knows what you're talking about, etcetera

Another factor worth taking into account is that bandwagoning like this is a bit like bullying between kids. Normally what happens there is that for one reason or another, one kid is ostracized from the rest of their class and becomes the bully victim who a group of people start picking on. Over time, more and more people start doing the same just because everyone else is doing it and they want to maintain their status as being a part of the majority and thus the "right" side, so to speak. There is rarely any need for a second bully victim however. After all, they've already got a system that will put the majority on the same page and boost their sense of self-esteem and belief that they're among the popular kids. This phenomenon can probably also explain a pattern that can be seen within the anime community. Although it will of course vary from season to season depending on the lineup of airing shows, in general the most common development is that there will always be one airing anime every season that's for some reason singled out by the community as the one that everyone seemingly just has to trashtalk more than any other. It becomes a domino effect where everyone who publically denounces it becomes part of the accepted majority, and once they're already part of that group there is no real reason to start the same thing for a second anime. Only once it has finished airing will the search for a new punching bag become a necessity. Hence why some shows might end up strangely more lambasted than others despite them being otherwise quite similar and airing simultaneously

Now if you actually try to speak up in the defense of one of these shows on the forums while they're airing then you should be prepared to immediately get jumped on and insulted by the majority of the community as you will then be associated with the hated minority and in effect become part of the bully victim yourself. I've seen it happen to others and briefly even experienced it myself. In short, it really isn't a very pleasant experience. Therefore part of me can't really blame people for being so quick to bail on that notion and just doing whatever it takes to become part of the public majority, even if it means starting to trashtalk a show with words that they don't really mean just in order to become accepted. I don't think it's right but under the circumstances it is understandable. After all, at its core it's the community itself that's the main source of why this problem exists, not the individual users that are forced to act the way they do as a result of it. In a way, they're victims too

PS: Of course everyone can still legitimately hate on anything for real reasons and that's fine. It's when they do it for reasons that don't really have anything to do with the show itself simply because other people are expecting it of you that we have got a problem on our hands
Jul 17, 2019 5:20 AM

Jan 2009
you should care more about the total users/members of an anime entry imo and that is more important to the profits of the anime industry too anyway since more popular then more potential customers so more profit, do not care about scores
Jul 17, 2019 5:30 AM
Aug 2017
Eh, popular anime tends to get a lot of hate
Jul 17, 2019 8:36 AM

May 2019
I think there's a few reasons it gets a lot of hate. The more popularity a series has, the more the people that hate/dislike tend to be vocal about not liking it. Also there's people out there who dislike the fandom, but not the show itself. Lastly, some people just like to hate on popular anime simply because it's popular. I think it's a great show, and yes, the fandom can be annoying at times, but if people let the fandom of a show ruin the actual series, then they are missing out.
Jul 17, 2019 8:44 AM
Feb 2017
though, it's okay to dislike a show but i have yet to meet the person who has hated this show
Jul 17, 2019 8:56 AM
Feb 2018
Every anime has it's good & bad points. No anime is flawless. This anime also got some bad points. I don't mean it's a bad anime. Boku no Hero Academia good points overshadowed the bad points but it sure got some bad points. Overall I enjoyed whole 3 seasons and i want more. And For JoJo case, I don't like it and dropped at episode 16, so I have never interact with JoJo fans that's why I don't know anything about JoJo fanbase but i can't say it's bad. What i don't like might be good for others or vice versa. Everything is about personal taste not just anime.
Jul 17, 2019 9:14 AM

Jul 2016
Yes its hated bcuz its popular.
I never liked MHA bcuz all the fans are saying is lie, and no its not a masterpiece or bast written shounen anime but a copy from Marvel universe or other American comic superhero. So its not original.
The MC is whiny bitch, that got lucky meeting All might and bullshit happened. The animation is selling point of this show, not the story. Hence it got the popularity to normal or casual weebs like in this site.

Jul 17, 2019 9:29 AM

May 2016
Another thing It get's hated is cause it's mainstream, while underrated animes don't have this curse. Kill la Kill was overrhated because It was way too popular. MHA probably got it's hate from people who either Naruto edgelords, or some that don't really like it.

I think it safe to asume MHA is a show with flaws since day 1. Pacing problems is one thing. I don't get why people are overprasing the show for it's wonderfull story arcs that go way fast than expected. Alot of haters tend to speak the truth, while others just get mad.

Another thing that borthers me is the sexism the show has. While Kill la Kill was beyond sexist, this one took the cake and treated Ochacko like shit, most of the girls don't get the spotlight since I don't really like them if ya understan. Anime sexism is a common thing. I never liket Anzu from Yu-Gi-Oh DM since she was hated, but atleast i found me a female character to like in future series. ARC-V was another show with sexist writing and that's the bottom line!
Jul 17, 2019 9:33 AM
Jul 2013
The series is filled with tropes. It does what its trying to do in an enjoyable way, but it doesn't bring anything new to the table. The plotline is pretty linear and repetitive - training arc -> invasion/villain arc -> training arc and so on. Also, heroes are heroes for the sake of being the good guys, villains are villains for the sake of being the bad guys - most characters lack depth and are categorized due to the role they chose on how they would influence society.

Also, the manga started to bullshit things without planning for them previously. Many people dislike that, so it somewhat justifies the hate for some people.
Jul 17, 2019 9:41 AM

May 2016
Armados said:
The series is filled with tropes. It does what its trying to do in an enjoyable way, but it doesn't bring anything new to the table. The plotline is pretty linear and repetitive - training arc -> invasion/villain arc -> training arc and so on. Also, heroes are heroes for the sake of being the good guys, villains are villains for the sake of being the bad guys - most characters lack depth and are categorized due to the role they chose on how they would influence society.

Also, the manga started to bullshit things without planning for them previously. Many people dislike that, so it somewhat justifies the hate for some people.

What the fuck?! Really?

I haven't keep with the manga in years since this anime came out in my feeds back in 2016, but I kinda dropped it after 4 episodes since it felt rushed and not much focus it got.

The only manga I do seem to like and enjoy are Fire Force and Dr. Stone whom both atleast don't have a toxic fanbase to the level of Naruto and MHA atm.
Jul 17, 2019 9:42 AM

Jan 2015
it also has the single worst main character of any shounen ever
Jul 17, 2019 9:43 AM

Aug 2012
Because it's very overrated for something that is so cliched and not that well written.
It's not bad, just annoying to see all over the place when it's not even close to being special.
Jul 17, 2019 9:47 AM

May 2016
chriskor022 said:
Yes its hated bcuz its popular.
I never liked MHA bcuz all the fans are saying is lie, and no its not a masterpiece or bast written shounen anime but a copy from Marvel universe or other American comic superhero. So its not original.
The MC is whiny bitch, that got lucky meeting All might and bullshit happened. The animation is selling point of this show, not the story. Hence it got the popularity to normal or casual weebs like in this site.

My story to this show is actually alot worse and kinda ruined my mood after a small part of the former people who follow me over my tumblr decide to block/unfollow and unfriend me since i changed alot and trust me. It's better to avoide those who only have nothing but a personality. I thought of leaving, but a whole year has changed me. MHA got me really bored most of my marathons and decide to drop if after Season 3 was a lettdown after ep 13.

I never got the show and don't ever plan to make it my top 10 introduction list. I used to like Bakugo, but i am started to hate him since fans got on my case multiple times of liking him.
Jul 17, 2019 9:50 AM

May 2016
BestBoiEren said:
it also has the single worst main character of any shounen ever

Even tho I can say Naruto is worse. MHA kinda ruined my mood by showing it's true colors during the 2nd cour of Season 3. It felt like a formula to me. The plotline is pretty linear and repetitive - training arc -> invasion/villain arc -> training arc and so on. I can see Season 4 being shorter than 14 episodes and that's is much my last straw. This show just got worse.
Jul 17, 2019 9:55 AM
Jul 2013
AlphaOmegaKnight said:
Armados said:
The series is filled with tropes. It does what its trying to do in an enjoyable way, but it doesn't bring anything new to the table. The plotline is pretty linear and repetitive - training arc -> invasion/villain arc -> training arc and so on. Also, heroes are heroes for the sake of being the good guys, villains are villains for the sake of being the bad guys - most characters lack depth and are categorized due to the role they chose on how they would influence society.

Also, the manga started to bullshit things without planning for them previously. Many people dislike that, so it somewhat justifies the hate for some people.

What the fuck?! Really?

I haven't keep with the manga in years since this anime came out in my feeds back in 2016, but I kinda dropped it after 4 episodes since it felt rushed and not much focus it got.

The only manga I do seem to like and enjoy are Fire Force and Dr. Stone whom both atleast don't have a toxic fanbase to the level of Naruto and MHA atm.

Its up to personal taste probably. I don't think My Hero Academia is a masterpiece or anything, but its better than some of the animes out there, so it is somewhat enjoyable. Don't get me wrong, it has many flaws.

If the really was referred to the bullshit things, then yeah, really. The creator (forgot his name) decided to start slapping power boosts to any character he feels like it for no reason.
ArmadosJul 17, 2019 9:59 AM
Jul 17, 2019 10:04 AM

May 2018
The show itself is not hated. Angry fanboys, insisting that this average generic shounen is a masterpiece, are.
The show is at least acceptable and there is not so much hate as you think. Many people are just indifferent about this show and are slightly annoyed by its edgy fanbase.
I'm not a hater. I watched first season without dropping and even enjoyed some moments, and rated it kinda high (4/10)
Nemo_NiemandJul 17, 2019 10:15 AM

Jul 17, 2019 11:14 AM
Dec 2013
Probably because of Bakugo or something.
Jul 17, 2019 11:32 AM

Nov 2016
AlphaOmegaKnight said:
BestBoiEren said:
it also has the single worst main character of any shounen ever

Even tho I can say Naruto is worse. MHA kinda ruined my mood by showing it's true colors during the 2nd cour of Season 3. It felt like a formula to me. The plotline is pretty linear and repetitive - training arc -> invasion/villain arc -> training arc and so on. I can see Season 4 being shorter than 14 episodes and that's is much my last straw. This show just got worse.
Good thing the manga is kind of breaking the Formula right now. Seems like Horikoshi noticed his mistake of making the manga too formulaic. Even though Anime onlys won't see this until 2021 at the very least.

I hope he keeps this up and doesn't go back to making it formulaic after this current arc.
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Jul 17, 2019 11:48 AM

Nov 2014
Thread locked

Most Overrated/Underrated Anime Discussion Thread v.5 is the correct thread to discuss whether specific series deserve more praise or not.
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