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Anime that you get criticized for dropping.

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Oct 26, 2018 3:19 PM

Aug 2018
Ellert0 said:
Cowboy Bebop. : / Tried it like 3 times now because of people claiming I need to give it more chances but it's just not good. I think it's just people loving it because of it having been one of the few anime on TV in the US and Europe during their childhood alongside shows like Outlaw Star which is also bad but even that could hold my attention better than Cowboy Bebop.

Dude, that ending scene is so iconic it inspired Blade Runner 2049. Cowboy Bebop is freaking incredible.

Even Denis fucking Villeneuve has surrendered to Watanabe's brilliance. I don't get what you people actually want.
But hey, if you don't like it, you don't like it. Saying it's "just not good" though... quite the stretch.

-Funland- said:
When I say BNHA is horrible, I mean it. Not baiting or anything. It's not that I didn't like the story, I just felt like throwing up every time I saw Midoriya and my mood turned sour when Bakugo showed up. To me, the show was aesthetically revolting. For sure, if they changed the personalities of all characters and redrew all of them, I would enjoy the show a lot.

I think you need to watch some actual horrible anime. Seriously.
Oct 26, 2018 3:26 PM

May 2016
i remember i had some friends who were like, WHAAAAT YOU DROPPED MOB PSYCHO 100??? WHY. and that was basically it, but it doesn't happen often


from the days that i've
lived those i had spent
with you, seemed real

Oct 26, 2018 3:34 PM

Dec 2017
-Lightsbane- said:
I think you need to watch some actual horrible anime. Seriously.

Then can you recommend me some? I highly doubt it would be as revolting as BNHA. Just a reminder, i'm not hating on BNHA b/c of its story so don't link me Mars of Destruction or something.
Oct 26, 2018 3:36 PM

Dec 2013
TripleSRank said:
I haven’t received much criticism for dropping anything. Even with Shigatsu, which I’ve trashed many times over the years for its issues, it hasn’t really been called out much.

Ellert0 said:
Cowboy Bebop. : / Tried it like 3 times now because of people claiming I need to give it more chances but it's just not good. I think it's just people loving it because of it having been one of the few anime on TV in the US and Europe during their childhood alongside shows like Outlaw Star which is also bad but even that could hold my attention better than Cowboy Bebop.

You do realize that the majority of the online fandom wasn’t watching TV back then, right? Many of the older fans have moved on due to cultural changes within the fandom.

I love Cowboy Bebop, but I was three years old when it aired. I didn’t watch it until two years ago when I was twenty one. There’s nothing wrong with disliking the show, but don’t try to write off its lasting significance in the fandom as nostalgia.

Pullman said:

You gotta love how people would rather call something bad and jump to absurd conclusions about why droves of other people love something for petty reasons rather than just figuring out that it's not their type of show. A quick look at their list tells me that Bebop or Outlaw Star are just not for them but somehow they themselves can't realize that and instead have to objectivize their preferences by condescending towards their fans. Humans are truly wonderful creatures.

So yeah, maybe some people in this thread don't get criticized for dropping something, but for being an asshole about.

All right fine, I'm being a bit mean spirited here, just thinking about the kind of people who get on my goat about this show makes me irate. I do stand by that I think it's a bad show though. It was nice of you to join me down here Pullman, seems only TripleSRank will be taking the high road today.
Oct 26, 2018 3:43 PM
Jul 2018
HopefulNihilist said:
HeroicIdealism said:
I honestly wouldn't give a shit even if someone criticized my dropped list. I won't waste my time on garbage that I don't enjoy.

If I had to guess though, Bakemonogatari and Jojo are likely what people would say I have shit taste for dropping.

I understand why someone would drop Bakemonogatari. I do still find it hard to understand why someone would drop Jojo, though.

Jojo is far too flamboyant and ridiculous for my tastes. I understand that the anime adaptation was made with a lot of love for the source material but it's really not my thing.
Oct 26, 2018 3:47 PM

Aug 2018
-Funland- said:
-Lightsbane- said:
I think you need to watch some actual horrible anime. Seriously.

Then can you recommend me some? I highly doubt it would be as revolting as BNHA. Just a reminder, i'm not hating on BNHA b/c of its story so don't link me Mars of Destruction or something.

Try Born by Myself, by The Village of Marchen.

Then watch Worku after that. It's by the same people, but Worku is much better, since it contains some interesting social commentary.
Oct 26, 2018 3:49 PM
Jul 2018
HeroicIdealism said:
HopefulNihilist said:

I understand why someone would drop Bakemonogatari. I do still find it hard to understand why someone would drop Jojo, though.

Jojo is far too flamboyant and ridiculous for my tastes. I understand that the anime adaptation was made with a lot of love for the source material but it's really not my thing.

That's what I've always had difficulty understand; why people don't like ridiculous. But I still do understand why someone wouldn't like ridiculous, even if I have difficulty understanding it.
Oct 26, 2018 8:03 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
i remember i got shit on a couple of time when i dropped and gave a bad score to classroom of the elite when it was one of the hottest anime of its season.

Oct 26, 2018 8:20 PM

Jul 2013
I don't really talk about shows I drop, so no.

But I tend to drop shows very easily.

If a character starts annoy me, I drop. If the plot takes a side ways turn I don't enjoy, I drop. If I start to get bored, dropped.

It means nothing to me.
Oct 27, 2018 1:31 AM

Sep 2018
Techon6002 said:
For me, definitely Death parade and Your lie in April. just never really enjoyed them.

why Your lie in April is sad? pls spoil me.
Oct 27, 2018 1:37 AM

Jun 2011
Stein's Gate has got to be #1 in salty fans about me dropping it. Bakemonogatari yeah definitely. Jojo, less and less over time. Where Steins Gate still gets people riled up. Gurren Laggan... I would hate to truthfully move Code Geass to my dropped list.

They just... weren't for me. Generally I tend to dislike time travel shows. I tend to be unable to follow very fast subtitles and if there is no dub option, welp.

And then there is just my nitpicks about boob physics and costume designs.

If I am not enjoying it, I drop it. If I put it on hold, and never seem to come back, I might as well have dropped it.
Energetic-NovaOct 27, 2018 1:44 AM
The anime community in a nutshell.
Oct 27, 2018 1:38 AM

Jun 2011
mangaka-ish said:
I don't really talk about shows I drop, so no.

But I tend to drop shows very easily.

If a character starts annoy me, I drop. If the plot takes a side ways turn I don't enjoy, I drop. If I start to get bored, dropped.

It means nothing to me.

It doesn't matter if you don't talk about it or do, sometimes people just snoop on your list to try to discredit your feelings.
The anime community in a nutshell.
Oct 27, 2018 1:39 AM

Oct 2017
orario said:
Steins Gate

Code Geass


Basically, they were all dropped because of the MC

Dropped because of the character, criticized the wrong thing before you fully understand the character cuz you only give it 5 episodes..

Not really fair tbh..
It's not like those shows are 100+ episodes shonen that takes too long to fully flashout a character.

If I do that I'd miss alot of good shows. Some characters are meant to be hatable early on and then you learn about his motivation and mindset and comes to an understanding.
If the story doesn't suddenly go full retard because of said character, there's no reason to drop a show because of said character.
(Like I literally despise most of the casts of Shinsekai Yori, but I regret nothing after finishing it cuz the story is just so compelling )
Ventus_SOct 27, 2018 1:44 AM
Oct 27, 2018 1:53 AM

Jun 2011
Ventus_S said:
orario said:
Steins Gate

Code Geass


Basically, they were all dropped because of the MC

Dropped because of the character, criticized the wrong thing before you fully understand the character cuz you only give it 5 episodes..

Not really fair tbh..
It's not like those shows are 100+ episodes shonen that takes too long to fully flashout a character.

If I do that I'd miss alot of good shows. Some characters are meant to be hatable early on and then you learn about his motivation and mindset and comes to an understanding.
If the story doesn't suddenly go full retard because of said character, there's no reason to drop a show because of said character.
(Like I literally despise most of the casts of Shinsekai Yori, but I regret nothing after finishing it cuz the story is just so compelling )

That right there. Right there is why I will never ever pick steins gate or code geass back up ever ever again even though I dropped them a really long ass time ago and have possibly changed my taste. Those series have been utterly poisoned over the years.

I cannot imagine even finishing Death Note this day in age. Because you know what? Even if the last episode was "worth it" it wouldn't be "worth it" as an adult with access to so many other anime that I would much rather watch. And just because YOU feel some strange need to finish everything you start, doesn't mean I do! I hate feeling bitter towards anime. And the entire "don't drop" club on this site at one time completely killed my love of anime.

And I would know poision. Evangelion is a hardcore toxic fanbase and I tell people to drop Eva on ep 1 all the time if they don't like it.

Also, I happen to like long runners in general.
Energetic-NovaOct 27, 2018 1:57 AM
The anime community in a nutshell.
Oct 27, 2018 2:30 AM
Oct 2018
my fav

maid sama
boku no hero academia
attack on titan

Oct 27, 2018 2:32 AM

Apr 2013
Lol, like I'd ever let anyone criticize me for the anime I dropped.
Oct 27, 2018 3:23 AM

Aug 2018
It has happened once with one anime: FLCL.

Though by no means a bad anime, I just couldn't enjoy it, as it was not but random pop culture references, forehead mechas and psycho women for me.

I dropped it midway, and got criticized because of the fact it's a 6 episode series. Well, if I were to watch it whole, I would probably get fed up and rate it even lower, so it was probably for the better :P
Oct 27, 2018 3:59 AM
Jul 2018
BNHA and food wars would have the fanboys up in arms, the only 2 I have dropped after multiple seasons.
Oct 27, 2018 4:21 AM

Jul 2015
Some person private messaged me because i dropped Gintama once, I just don't get it
i watched like 30 or so episodes and it was soooo booooring
Neapolitan Nightmares
Oct 27, 2018 4:32 AM

May 2016
People will not care if u dropped a show. Indeed, they'll say that if you don't like it, just drop it. I mainly drop One Piece, Bleach and Death Note because of how boring and stupid they are. Not to mention, Pokemon is one anime I wanna drop because it made upsate.
Oct 27, 2018 4:34 AM

May 2016
When I dropped Karakiri Circus in episode 2, my friends kept telling me to undrop it because it was getting better in the following weeks. The sad thing is that it was getting better indeed, but went to shit again after episode 3. This show can go to hell.
Oct 27, 2018 4:40 AM

Mar 2018
Not to the level of 'criticized' but Violet Evergarden is the only anime some MAL users told me to reconsider.

Oct 27, 2018 8:17 AM

Mar 2018
It has never happened to me because I've only ever dropped one anime and I don't think it has many fans if any at all.
Oct 27, 2018 8:20 AM

Jun 2012
No such experience. Anyone reading this can try and check my drop list. Be warned tho, since there are a lot of recaps in there.
Welcome to club: Anime that Should Continue
Oct 27, 2018 8:32 AM
Oct 2018
I get heavily criticized for dropping my hero acadmeia and kimi no na wa but i really just watch what i like,i even get criticized By my friends for dropping game of thrones.LOL
Oct 27, 2018 8:34 AM
Oct 2018
VanVeleca said:
Some person private messaged me because i dropped Gintama once, I just don't get it
i watched like 30 or so episodes and it was soooo booooring
IKR i never found gintama funny,not even one episode
Oct 27, 2018 8:46 AM

Jan 2011
Gintama an Jojo... apparently i haven seen enough of Gintama to earn the right to criticize the show (ive seen around 220 eps though) as for Jojo apparently i just have shit taste or havent got to the part where "it gets good" (even if i watched till the end of part 3)
Oct 27, 2018 9:51 AM

Jul 2017
ive never dropped an anime before but i told my friends i barely finished ergo proxy half-asleep on my first watch and i was called out as a normie for not enjoying it
Oct 27, 2018 11:59 AM

Oct 2015
monster always, people always tell me i should just pick it up again since it's boring
for about 20 episodes. but i just don't care enough to watch it again even if it might
become great towards the end.
⠀     ‧     ⠀
Oct 27, 2018 12:30 PM

Aug 2014
Goblin Slayer, was not as much criticized more in the line of straight up harassment with one replying "I hope your family dies so you will see that murder isn't okay either." not exactly sure where why I got that respond though. - Another guy i never knew existed wrote on my wall "I didn't know you were such a pussy".

That is about the only time someone found it important enough to voice themselves after saying that I wouldn't continue watching a show.
Oct 27, 2018 12:35 PM

Nov 2007
I have some that I dropped and my friends trying to make me continue them.

1. One Piece. I know it's good but I really don't have the time or power to watch 600+ episodes. It's too much for me
2. Bleach. I just can't watch this, I didn't get it, I didn't liked it, I watched like 41 episodes and stopped after that.
3. Highschool of the Dead - I tried to like Ecchi and Harem but I really can't. I hate this Genere so much. I'm sorry for all Highschool of the dead lovers.
4. Fairy Tail - saw one episode and dropped it. I just don't like this anime and I really can't explain it.

Oct 27, 2018 2:00 PM

Jan 2013
Rakugo Shinjuu, it made me yawn a lot.
Oct 27, 2018 3:12 PM

Aug 2015
When I say that I didn't liked HunterXHunter and dropped after 12 episodes, some people are always trying to convince me how bad and wrong I am.
Oct 27, 2018 7:51 PM

Jul 2015
-Funland- said:
When I say BNHA is horrible, I mean it. Not baiting or anything. It's not that I didn't like the story, I just felt like throwing up every time I saw Midoriya and my mood turned sour when Bakugo showed up. To me, the show was aesthetically revolting. For sure, if they changed the personalities of all characters and redrew all of them, I would enjoy the show a lot.

I agree with you, at first i really enjoy it but i kinda getting tired at the direction they decided to go. Right now for me BNHA doesn't have something to focus about and how they want to grow a lot of character when they introduced more character make me more tired to follow the story.
Oct 27, 2018 9:27 PM
Jan 2018
I jst watched a single episode of Code Geass and dropped it....
I got criticised by most of the people..
once they banned me from an Anime Amino chat jst because i don't like Code Geass.
Oct 27, 2018 10:16 PM

Sep 2012
Angel Beats and Sword Art Online
those are the only ones that immediately come to mind
Oct 27, 2018 10:42 PM

Apr 2018
Well, it's SAO Alicization.
I dropped it because at first I thought it would more focus on the real world after watching The Ordinal Scale, but not, the people in this anime are still addicted to VR, and that's... not good.
And my friends (not on the internet, I do not go everywhere to say I don't like SAO, that's dangerous) said that I don't understand anything at all, that Alicization is the best arc of SAO, and dropped right from episode 1 is not respect the author, etc.
right. I really don't understand anything
Thank you Japan for all the weird shit
Oct 27, 2018 11:22 PM

Aug 2017
Steins;Gate. I always like to say to myself that I'll eventually finish it... but I probably won't. 7 episodes in and I just couldn't get into it.
Oct 27, 2018 11:26 PM

Apr 2011
If you delete it from your list they'll never know that you dropped it. 😘
Ericonator said:
By definition, everything is retro since by the time you realize something has happened it's already in the past.
Oct 28, 2018 4:17 AM

Jul 2013
Only losers drop series, man up boi!
Oct 28, 2018 4:21 AM
Sep 2016
Admittedly I used to be a fan also but... My hero academia.... For some reason people can't see it's garbage and if you criticize it in any way pointing out an obvious issue that anyone would be able to see in another anime you're a hater lol
Screw that fanbase

Also some Naruto, black clover and Gintama people but MHA is just the worst experience I've ever had with this
JudoJDOct 28, 2018 4:25 AM
Oct 28, 2018 5:15 AM
Jul 2018
Striker-3649 said:
Never happened to me but whenever someone drops jojo i try to make them regret they are alive
Oh shit
Runs away as fast as possible
Oct 28, 2018 5:22 AM

Aug 2016
Well if the "no drop masterrace" has taught me anything it's that you will get judged for dropping any series! As who knows? Maybe at the very last episode it'll get better.
Oct 28, 2018 5:33 AM
Apr 2016
Banana Fish. I hate those who try to convince me to watch it.
Oct 28, 2018 10:01 AM

Aug 2018
HighSchool DxD -__- i hate echii, but people still hate me because of that
Oct 28, 2018 10:28 AM

Jan 2017
Kukinta said:
Kill La Kill. I watched like 2 episodes and didn’t really like it, so I dropped it and my best friend got mad because it’s his fave. He even stopped talking to me for like 3 days after that 😂
LOL, thats hilarious. Some people really take petty issues seriously.

Not happened until now but i know that someone will troll me for dropping Deathnote
Oct 28, 2018 10:28 AM
Feb 2018
Re:zero My friend says something about it almost daily but I just cant get anything good/original out of it

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