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Do you ever feel bad for not supporting the creators...?

Do you feel "bad" for reading manga online, therefore not giving mangakas revenue?
Apr 24, 2016 7:14 AM

Sep 2013
It's not a big surprise that most of us here read our manga online, and not by waiting for a volume to come out. Our scanlations tend to give us warnings to "support the original creator!" And I think everyone is familiar with the "sorry, this manga is licensed and not available" warning. I've been thinking about this a lot lately - does this bother you? Do you find ways other than buying the physical manga to support its creators?

For me, I kind of feel like it's like taking a book out of the library. The problem is actually getting the manga read more than the book sales. Of course, maybe I'm just kidding myself.
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Apr 24, 2016 7:53 AM

Jan 2015
The only manga that the English manga licencors/publishers are publishing now that I am interested in are JoJo, Vinland Saga and some vertical manga. I'm planning to read those manga eventually. The rest don't interest me. The stuff these guys license don't appeal to me so I don't feel bad. I feel bad if the manga is available and I don't buy it, but in my case most manga I like aren't officially translated in english.

Apr 24, 2016 8:08 AM

Feb 2016
I'm aware that I'm not supporting the creator financially but that doesn't mean I don't "support" them. I'm apart of the fan base and a creation without a fan base is as good as useless. If they didn't have fans or people who loved their work, they wouldn't do it. I don't think buying their material stops any of that from happening.

Also, sometimes it isn't my fault or it isn't in my financial capability to buy their creations in some cases. Apart from that, I'm just comfortable the way I receive their product. I definitely buy manga when I'm able to though.
Apr 24, 2016 8:11 AM

Mar 2008
I actually think that a lot of people do support the industry by buying their favorite manga or alternatively those that are not completely scanlated/not scanlated at all but already have an official (english) release
.. at least that's what I do.

I don't really feel bad as I believe that manga is actually gaining more popularity through being easier accesible -> exposed to a wider audience -> more potential buyers.
I would feel bad if I only pirate without ever buying anything, but I think that's up to the individual to decide. I always prefer having the book in my hands rather than reading online... but if you read a lot buying everything you read will really hurt your pocket... if you can afford that good for you, but I doubt the majority can
Apr 24, 2016 8:52 AM
Dec 2014
I always buy mangas in the store, the good ones, and that volumes that i enjoyed. But, is bad that only poppular mangas are published here, that famouse that everyone likes, impossible to find some mangas.
Apr 24, 2016 8:56 AM

Jul 2013
Of course, but I do tend to buy manga that I really enjoyed.

╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭

Apr 24, 2016 9:38 AM

Oct 2014
the only manga that I buy is tokyo ghoul and I have the occasional naruto and one piece. Honestly most of the manga available isn't released in English so I don't really feel bad reading something that I can never own in my native language
Sasuke or Kaneki I can't decide
Apr 24, 2016 10:16 AM

Jan 2016
I tend to buy the manga that i enjoyed. Most of the times i have some problems to retrieve the volumes of the less popular series though.
Apr 24, 2016 10:46 AM

Oct 2012
When I really like a Manga I buy it, sadly some of the Manga I liked were not fully released in English Physical Copies due to the lack of interest and such.
Apr 24, 2016 2:32 PM
Jul 2015
i've read very few mangas, and the ones i've read where just something i got from the nearby library, so i don't have anything to feel bad for
Apr 24, 2016 2:34 PM

Jun 2015
Well I buy english manga if and when I find the stuff that I want. Once, I really really wanted a manga(hetalia) that I had my brother in Japan buy it for me. Never did it again as I hated how slow I was reading.
Apr 24, 2016 2:37 PM

Feb 2016
Well... the user(s) who uploaded the manga for us to read supported them. So, not really. Plus some manga are slow being adapted (officially) to english, by the time the full series is out, I could of read the manga like 10x over. Maybe if the manga I really cared for were available (full), I might buy. Although, I don't really have the storage for buying mangas at the moment so... I'll stick to reading online and just buy somewhere down the line.

“Don’t just mindlessly judge people as you please.” – Rin Okumura
“Your past shouldn’t stop you from achieving your goals and dreams.” – Rin Okumura
Apr 24, 2016 3:19 PM

Sep 2015
Well, the thing is that the manga that I like reading are usually not available in English. If there are English licensed manga that I like, I will actually buy it.
Plus, I live in the middle of nowhere and the nearest manga stores only sells One Piece, Ao no Exorcist, Tokyo Ghoul and other similar manga.
Apr 24, 2016 3:32 PM

Jul 2015
I didn't because I didn't know it was illegal and a detriment to the creators well being. I now strive to read all my manga legally because I use the service and thus the creators should be equally compensated for it.

You wouldn't walk in to a restaurant, order food, eat it, and leave without paying that's what you're doing when you read manga illegally except you are anonymous and think you aren't harming anyone. There are lots of ways to support the creators and you should want to if you use their content that they live off of.

And if you want to support more manga being licensed why not support Kickstarters bringing classic manga to an English audience for the first time like this:

Lastly, the excuse that "I read manga that aren't in English" is just pathetic and self centered I guarantee that who haven't read every single manga that is available to you legally and thus make up excuses like that to make yourself feel better and if you accept your illegal actions than you are an immoral thief.
"Few, but ripe." - C.F. Gauss
Apr 24, 2016 3:36 PM

Sep 2013
Quazar said:
I didn't because I didn't know it was illegal and a detriment to the creators well being. I now strive to read all my manga legally because I use the service and thus the creators should be equally compensated for it.

You wouldn't walk in to a restaurant, order food, eat it, and leave without paying that's what you're doing when you read manga illegally except you are anonymous and think you aren't harming anyone. There are lots of ways to support the creators and you should want to if you use their content that they live off of.

And if you want to support more manga being licensed why not support Kickstarters bringing classic manga to an English audience for the first time like this:

Lastly, the excuse that "I read manga that aren't in English" is just pathetic and self centered I guarantee that who haven't read every single manga that is available to you legally and thus make up excuses like that to make yourself feel better and if you accept your illegal actions than you are an immoral thief.

I get the essence of what you're saying, but by your logic I'm a thief for using libraries. Not to mention, not everyone can afford to support Kickstarters.
Apr 24, 2016 3:44 PM

Jul 2015
tokenfemale said:
Quazar said:
I didn't because I didn't know it was illegal and a detriment to the creators well being. I now strive to read all my manga legally because I use the service and thus the creators should be equally compensated for it.

You wouldn't walk in to a restaurant, order food, eat it, and leave without paying that's what you're doing when you read manga illegally except you are anonymous and think you aren't harming anyone. There are lots of ways to support the creators and you should want to if you use their content that they live off of.

And if you want to support more manga being licensed why not support Kickstarters bringing classic manga to an English audience for the first time like this:

Lastly, the excuse that "I read manga that aren't in English" is just pathetic and self centered I guarantee that who haven't read every single manga that is available to you legally and thus make up excuses like that to make yourself feel better and if you accept your illegal actions than you are an immoral thief.

I get the essence of what you're saying, but by your logic I'm a thief for using libraries. Not to mention, not everyone can afford to support Kickstarters.

Libraries are much different than stealing. A library is allowed to give you books for free because they are paid by the government and obtain said books through legally purchasing them and then legally distributing them to you. Whereas scanlations may legally purchase a manga but they illegally scan and upload it to the internet for others to read without purchasing costing the creators and the industry dearly.

Now if you repay your scanlations by purchasing the manga you read I would consider that a good enough response to illegally reading them but if you read them and convince your self that by just reading them you are doing good then well you are extremely selfish and are creating an era of irresponsible and entitled people who do not value hard work and supporting entertainers rather than stabbing them in the back.
"Few, but ripe." - C.F. Gauss
Apr 24, 2016 3:52 PM

Aug 2013
Yes, I do... I can even listen voices in my head... ・へ・
But when the time comes, I promisse to fix my love and do the right thing!
hunhun... The money is so faraway.
Apr 24, 2016 4:01 PM

Sep 2013
Quazar said:
tokenfemale said:

I get the essence of what you're saying, but by your logic I'm a thief for using libraries. Not to mention, not everyone can afford to support Kickstarters.

Libraries are much different than stealing. A library is allowed to give you books for free because they are paid by the government and obtain said books through legally purchasing them and then legally distributing them to you. Whereas scanlations may legally purchase a manga but they illegally scan and upload it to the internet for others to read without purchasing costing the creators and the industry dearly.

Now if you repay your scanlations by purchasing the manga you read I would consider that a good enough response to illegally reading them but if you read them and convince your self that by just reading them you are doing good then well you are extremely selfish and are creating an era of irresponsible and entitled people who do not value hard work and supporting entertainers rather than stabbing them in the back.

I pretty much agree with everything you're saying until the last bit. A lot of people simply cannot afford to support the mangaka by buying the actual. I make peanuts and have to focus all of my funds on college costs, whether that be for books, food, or etcetera. To tell me that I cannot read manga that I can't buy would be unfair. That doesn't make me or others in my situation selfish. It's a financial limitation. Plus, a lot of libraries tend to be hilariously bad at stocking manga, limiting legal methods of reading manga. Book stores are going out of style, so you can't buy them through there. Online, well, you need to read an illegal version to see if you'll be into the actual print version of the manga before purchasing, otherwise you're wasting your money. And for the hentai fans out there, let's not forget that you can actually get arrested for buying something your country's government deems CP (though of course, this is bit of a stretch on my part, and there is a moral argument here). It all kind of stems back to illegality.

Plus, although you tried to discredit it before, the fact still remains that there is a lot of manga out there that isn't English translated, making the scanlation the only way to read it. How is a series like that supposed to gain Western hype to push it to an official release to begin with without illegal scanlations?

Is there no merit in contribution to a manga in other methods? Such as, say, creating a fandom for it? People who contribute art and fanfiction and AMVs to a certain manga convince other people to read it, which helps puts pressure on an English company to localize it, which makes the manga legally purchasable. Or, in cases of licensed manga, brings more attention to the manga. Is there no value in non-monetary contributions, especially when it's your only way to contribute? It's not an accusation, but rather a question.
Apr 24, 2016 6:04 PM
Jul 2018
i'm almost completely indifferent to any of my illegal downloading, watching, reading and streaming altogether
Apr 24, 2016 6:13 PM

Jul 2015
tokenfemale said:
Quazar said:

Libraries are much different than stealing. A library is allowed to give you books for free because they are paid by the government and obtain said books through legally purchasing them and then legally distributing them to you. Whereas scanlations may legally purchase a manga but they illegally scan and upload it to the internet for others to read without purchasing costing the creators and the industry dearly.

Now if you repay your scanlations by purchasing the manga you read I would consider that a good enough response to illegally reading them but if you read them and convince your self that by just reading them you are doing good then well you are extremely selfish and are creating an era of irresponsible and entitled people who do not value hard work and supporting entertainers rather than stabbing them in the back.

I pretty much agree with everything you're saying until the last bit. A lot of people simply cannot afford to support the mangaka by buying the actual. I make peanuts and have to focus all of my funds on college costs, whether that be for books, food, or etcetera. To tell me that I cannot read manga that I can't buy would be unfair. That doesn't make me or others in my situation selfish. It's a financial limitation. Plus, a lot of libraries tend to be hilariously bad at stocking manga, limiting legal methods of reading manga. Book stores are going out of style, so you can't buy them through there. Online, well, you need to read an illegal version to see if you'll be into the actual print version of the manga before purchasing, otherwise you're wasting your money. And for the hentai fans out there, let's not forget that you can actually get arrested for buying something your country's government deems CP (though of course, this is bit of a stretch on my part, and there is a moral argument here). It all kind of stems back to illegality.

Plus, although you tried to discredit it before, the fact still remains that there is a lot of manga out there that isn't English translated, making the scanlation the only way to read it. How is a series like that supposed to gain Western hype to push it to an official release to begin with without illegal scanlations?

Is there no merit in contribution to a manga in other methods? Such as, say, creating a fandom for it? People who contribute art and fanfiction and AMVs to a certain manga convince other people to read it, which helps puts pressure on an English company to localize it, which makes the manga legally purchasable. Or, in cases of licensed manga, brings more attention to the manga. Is there no value in non-monetary contributions, especially when it's your only way to contribute? It's not an accusation, but rather a question.

Alright I think we can come to agree on a few of these points. I don't like when people defend their illegal actions and do not admit to it. If you consciously recognize that scans are illegal then you are willing to repay for what you've taken when you have the chance I am assuming? I work part time and am still in high school so I can't afford to buy a lot of manga yet I don't complain anymore since I realize that I will not always be given everything I want I will work for it. If you are willing to buy manga when you can then I do believe that basically makes up for any illegal reading.

When it comes to the whole fandom method I have a few points I'd like to bring up. Now I completely agree that exposure is a major benefit from the illegal sites as that was how I found out about anime and manga in the first place. However, there comes a time when these fans need to realize that if they truly love the industry and the medium then they will give money to it. I could sit here all day talking about how much I love it and get people into it but if they all just become only illegal users then that actually hurts the industry more than it helps because they will breed more illegal users who can't support the industry. The fans, for the most part, don't even care about the industry. At least you seem to have concerns which is why I think you will support the industry but I have met far too many people online that just do not care and refuse to admit that they are hurting the industry by only being illegal. So if the fandom accepts that and just says "oh well" it will only hurt us which is why I say "no you are completely wrong" and I criticize as much as possible for people to open their eyes which again rarely works because too many are just ignorant and pig headed. There is minimal value in the non-monetary level because it breads more "fans" who don't care enough to support the industry or who are blind and ignorant to the fact that they can but if those not supporting it monetarily realize they are in the wrong and progressively change and try to spread that change than I believe they are doing right to the industry and themselves.

For non licensed series I will agree that illegal scans are the only way to read and expose them to the fandom and if you are supporting the manga licensed and also reading illegal scans of unlicensed series than I think that is more beneficial than harmful.

In short, I wish anime and manga fans would realize that they can support the industry and that they are not the center of the world and should not feel entitled to have every series made for them to have illegally and learn that if they really enjoy something they would want to support it and see it thrive. There is an extent to which illegal is acceptable if it is kept in balance with the monetary and the mindset of legality and supporting the industry.
"Few, but ripe." - C.F. Gauss
Apr 24, 2016 6:19 PM

Jun 2014
If it's licensed yes, if it's not no.

I buy plenty of series, especially those that I know are less popular in the west so that they'll know there is interest in the series and continue to publish more of it.
Apr 24, 2016 7:19 PM

Sep 2013
Quazar said:
tokenfemale said:

I pretty much agree with everything you're saying until the last bit. A lot of people simply cannot afford to support the mangaka by buying the actual. I make peanuts and have to focus all of my funds on college costs, whether that be for books, food, or etcetera. To tell me that I cannot read manga that I can't buy would be unfair. That doesn't make me or others in my situation selfish. It's a financial limitation. Plus, a lot of libraries tend to be hilariously bad at stocking manga, limiting legal methods of reading manga. Book stores are going out of style, so you can't buy them through there. Online, well, you need to read an illegal version to see if you'll be into the actual print version of the manga before purchasing, otherwise you're wasting your money. And for the hentai fans out there, let's not forget that you can actually get arrested for buying something your country's government deems CP (though of course, this is bit of a stretch on my part, and there is a moral argument here). It all kind of stems back to illegality.

Plus, although you tried to discredit it before, the fact still remains that there is a lot of manga out there that isn't English translated, making the scanlation the only way to read it. How is a series like that supposed to gain Western hype to push it to an official release to begin with without illegal scanlations?

Is there no merit in contribution to a manga in other methods? Such as, say, creating a fandom for it? People who contribute art and fanfiction and AMVs to a certain manga convince other people to read it, which helps puts pressure on an English company to localize it, which makes the manga legally purchasable. Or, in cases of licensed manga, brings more attention to the manga. Is there no value in non-monetary contributions, especially when it's your only way to contribute? It's not an accusation, but rather a question.

Alright I think we can come to agree on a few of these points. I don't like when people defend their illegal actions and do not admit to it. If you consciously recognize that scans are illegal then you are willing to repay for what you've taken when you have the chance I am assuming? I work part time and am still in high school so I can't afford to buy a lot of manga yet I don't complain anymore since I realize that I will not always be given everything I want I will work for it. If you are willing to buy manga when you can then I do believe that basically makes up for any illegal reading.

When it comes to the whole fandom method I have a few points I'd like to bring up. Now I completely agree that exposure is a major benefit from the illegal sites as that was how I found out about anime and manga in the first place. However, there comes a time when these fans need to realize that if they truly love the industry and the medium then they will give money to it. I could sit here all day talking about how much I love it and get people into it but if they all just become only illegal users then that actually hurts the industry more than it helps because they will breed more illegal users who can't support the industry. The fans, for the most part, don't even care about the industry. At least you seem to have concerns which is why I think you will support the industry but I have met far too many people online that just do not care and refuse to admit that they are hurting the industry by only being illegal. So if the fandom accepts that and just says "oh well" it will only hurt us which is why I say "no you are completely wrong" and I criticize as much as possible for people to open their eyes which again rarely works because too many are just ignorant and pig headed. There is minimal value in the non-monetary level because it breads more "fans" who don't care enough to support the industry or who are blind and ignorant to the fact that they can but if those not supporting it monetarily realize they are in the wrong and progressively change and try to spread that change than I believe they are doing right to the industry and themselves.

For non licensed series I will agree that illegal scans are the only way to read and expose them to the fandom and if you are supporting the manga licensed and also reading illegal scans of unlicensed series than I think that is more beneficial than harmful.

In short, I wish anime and manga fans would realize that they can support the industry and that they are not the center of the world and should not feel entitled to have every series made for them to have illegally and learn that if they really enjoy something they would want to support it and see it thrive. There is an extent to which illegal is acceptable if it is kept in balance with the monetary and the mindset of legality and supporting the industry.

Yes, I think we can agree on that. I definitely do buy when I love something, or at least a small trinket (keychain, gatchapon figure) for something I simply "like". But I think you're still demonizing the majority of manga fans. I truly believe from the bottom of my heart that a lot of fans do give back to the industry when they can. Maybe you've just had a worse experience with them than me?
Apr 28, 2016 10:38 PM

Jan 2013
I wish I could support the mangakas but I don't have much money (I'm a student with no job). The books are really expensive for me. Any manga that's available at the library, I would try to take out and read them. If I could find used copies somewhere I would totally buy.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 28, 2016 10:41 PM

Jan 2016
Sometimes yeah.

Like when you have beautiful shit like Re:Zero, then yeah I feel bad. I wish I could go buy every last copy of the LN just to support the series.

Then you have shitty studios like Perriot who milk Naruto fillers when fans just want to go back to canon already since the manga's been DONE ages ago.

Elsa - Queen of Seductive Rape Faces
Apr 29, 2016 3:36 AM

Apr 2010
When they won't have half or two arcs in the volume, I'll feel more sorry.

Apr 29, 2016 3:37 AM

Jul 2012
yes but then i recently purchased japanese raws so i dont feel as bad
Apr 29, 2016 4:19 AM

Dec 2015
Living in a French-speaking country, I like to support creators whenever possible, because it's the only real way to show that there is a demand in our countries. For example, Yotsuba to!, although not really an obscure title, was no more published and translated in France during some years because sales were only a few hunderd.
Buying more means that we'll see more series being published in the future, and i like having the real mangas rather than just files.

tokenfemale said:

For me, I kind of feel like it's like taking a book out of the library. The problem is actually getting the manga read more than the book sales.

Exhalant said:
I'm aware that I'm not supporting the creator financially but that doesn't mean I don't "support" them. I'm apart of the fan base and a creation without a fan base is as good as useless. If they didn't have fans or people who loved their work, they wouldn't do it.

I don't really care for people pirating, and they usually end up supporting creation in other ways, but i find this argument weak.
If all the creator wanted was to have his work read, he would have posted it online or distributed for free. If it's sold as a manga, that means that he considers it his work, and wants to live off it, and it's not up to us to decide that the important is just to be a fan and read it. If you're not buying it, you're not supporting the author the way he wanted, that's it, there's no need to hide behind weak arguments.
Also, it's pretty obvious that the important factor is sales and not being a fan. It's not the success scanlation that allow a series to be published, it's the sales of previous mangas. The publishing industry needs to see how much people are willing to pay, they don't care about the thousands of people who might like it but will read it online without paying.
In the end, people need to realize that the lack in the offer is not a cause for their actions (i read online because it's not published), but rather a consequence (it's not published because people read online). Considering that there are probably much more english-speaking anime fans than Japanese fans, if they supported the creators as much as the Japanese, they would have a commercial power sufficient to have every single manga, anime or game translated and published.

As I said, almost everybody read manga illegally, it's understandable for various reasons, but it would be better to acknowledge that it's not helping the industry rather than self-justify to feel better.
YarrowiaApr 29, 2016 4:23 AM
Apr 29, 2016 7:54 AM

Jul 2014
Yes I feel bad about it and given the option, I'd definitely buy the manga I really like (which I still plan on doing once I move) but I don't exactly have any other choice right now besides reading it all online since there's legit nowhere to borrow or buy manga where I live... it makes me sad. :c
. . . . . . . . . .
DO NOT touch my rice. . . . . .
I'm Asian. . . . . .
Apr 29, 2016 5:32 PM

Feb 2012
Not particularly. Importing manga is too expensive; I can't afford to buy each and every series I'd like read. I'll buy favorites or maybe something I really, really think I'll like that has no scans available.

I also don't think of it much different from reading something in the store, library or wherever before you choose whether to buy it or not. I would never haven given some of my favorites a second look had it not been for being able to read them freely online beforehand. Probably wouldn't even have gotten into anime and manga at all.

The only time I do feel bad is when seeing something I liked sold poorly, especially when in disappointed tweets or whatever from the author.
Apr 29, 2016 6:51 PM

Aug 2013
I often refuse to buy manga that aren't legally available in my country. Importing and shipping is insanely expensive in my third world nation, often far more than the cost of the books themselves. And even if i really import books at all, it's usually ones that are heavily censored, heavily watered down by shitty publishers in my country, and i buy them in bulk after destroying my wallet.

And since i cannot read Japanese at all, any semblance of directly supporting the mangaka totally goes out of window. American publishers become the go to place instead. Like this shit
AmiluhurApr 29, 2016 7:04 PM
Apr 30, 2016 8:03 PM

Feb 2015
If it's licensed and I loved a volume/series enough to spend my money on it, then yes, I'd buy in a heartbeat. I'm a huge manga collector so buying manga is something I enjoy.

If it's not licensed, then no. Why would I spend money on something I can't read? If I liked it enough I'll wait for some company or other to license it.

I don't feel guilty about reading manga online at all. I'm not rich--I can't purchase every single manga I'm remotely interested in. Most of the time I end up not enjoying them. Reading manga online first offers me the opportunity to figure out whether a series is worth purchasing. I used to buy a lot of manga before I read them and ended up wasting so, so much money. I don't like throwing books away so now I'm left with boxes of manga I've never finished/will never read again/etc.

reinakunApr 30, 2016 8:12 PM
Apr 30, 2016 11:16 PM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
To be honest, the reason why I don't have much read manga on my list is because I usually buy what I read. That's also why a lot of manga aren't finished on my list; because I'm not rich, yo. Then sometimes it's difficult to find certain titles in bookstores (ever since Borders closed) and I limit what I buy online so...;; I really just prefer to have the manga in my hands as I flip through the pages. Good stuff.

But then actually purchasing e-book format of manga is for the birds. Like you can't be serious? Do you want me to just read from a scanlation team? You better get to killing some trees and make that a paperback. And then the price they charge for e-book formats is a joke too.
And then when they expect you to buy the e-book to show support or else they won't continue translating the manga when they know fans will already HAVE the paperbacks ( =buying a lesser version of something they already have for not that much of a difference in price/sometimes the same price). They must think I'm Boo Boo the Fool.

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
May 1, 2016 8:34 AM

Jan 2016
I used to do 100% of my reading online through various sites, and lately I've been feeling kind of guilty about that.

So this weekend I decided I'd start collecting my favorite series, so I went out and bought 5 or 6 manga, and I plan on getting some more later this week.

It really is a different feel reading an actual physical manga, and I kind of like it... My wallet doesn't like it that much though.
May 1, 2016 8:37 AM

Feb 2010
nope, they should be glad that i read their works
May 1, 2016 10:09 AM
May 2016
Yeah, I feel real bad. I have bought a decent amount of manga, but nowhere near the amount I read online. I try to buy as much as I can, but I just can't buy everything-
Although I gotta admit, it's much nicer reading the actual translation as oppose to the fan-translation where some bubbles and boxes are left unfilled-
What is the question of if one lives to watch anime or if one watches anime to live?
They both mean that anime controls most of your life.

(Made this just to have a signature)
May 1, 2016 10:44 PM

May 2010
tokenfemale said:

For me, I kind of feel like it's like taking a book out of the library.

Please don't use this analogy. It's a terrible one.

In the US, libraries are one reason why certain books can reach the NYT Bestseller list and why some longer series like Detective Conan have survived despite vocal hate.

"Taking a book out of the library" may mean something small to you but where I live, it usually means taking one from the many copies the library bought for all its branches within the city.
May 2, 2016 3:16 PM

Sep 2013
4evaDC said:
tokenfemale said:

For me, I kind of feel like it's like taking a book out of the library.

"Taking a book out of the library" may mean something small to you but where I live, it usually means taking one from the many copies the library bought for all its branches within the city.

You literally just said it. It is a small thing to me because I don't live in a district like that.
May 2, 2016 4:17 PM

Apr 2016
I try to find other ways to support the author. In the end, I spend about as much if I bought the manga.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 2, 2016 8:52 PM

May 2010
tokenfemale said:

You literally just said it. It is a small thing to me because I don't live in a district like that.

You don't. But don't enable that longstanding misconception that piracy is like borrowing from the library when you don't even have a clue on the how & why the library buys the books they do. In the US, a country that licenses manga, the misconception is not true at all and I would love nothing more than every pirate to add to the queue for manga since more people seriously in queue can mean more copies bought.

But it won't happen as piracy exists and cuts the demand easily because of its convenience.
May 4, 2016 11:04 AM

Mar 2016
I normally buy 90% of what I read to own. If I am not buying it than it is through a library or a trusted site with licensing rights such as CR. I do not believe in piracy. If I have contributed to the problem it is without being aware. I normally read up on licensing rights if something claims to "free".

I have a friend who is constantly debating with me because I insist on paying for all digital purposes. But he will never when this argument because it is a matter of morals with me.
"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are."
May 4, 2016 11:06 AM

Feb 2015
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, and no.

I view them as an art, not a property.

Do you buy an art in a museum?
May 4, 2016 11:28 AM

Apr 2016
I don't think much of it. Recently, I've been checking out manga from the library. If I really like it then I do end up buying it.
May 4, 2016 1:48 PM

May 2016
Magus said:
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, and no.

I view them as an art, not a property.

Do you buy an art in a museum?

Rich people do. Most art in a museum is on loan from some rich buyer.

Anyways, I read a shit load of scanlations, but I also buy the manga I really like when I have the money. I think of it as sampling before I buy.
May 4, 2016 5:03 PM

Feb 2015
KingSwisher said:
Magus said:
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, and no.

I view them as an art, not a property.

Do you buy an art in a museum?

Rich people do. Most art in a museum is on loan from some rich buyer.

Anyways, I read a shit load of scanlations, but I also buy the manga I really like when I have the money. I think of it as sampling before I buy.

They do, and so are mangas. However, they must've already seen that art already, and enjoyed it. It works at mangas too.
May 5, 2016 4:22 AM

Jun 2012
I just buy mine (as long as its out over here). If I read it online and it starts to get published over here (tokyo ghoul as an example) then I will pick it up as it is released. I have a job to help pay for it all, since it is only fair that I work to get what others put a lot of work into making.

Aside from buying figures and and merchandise related to the series, buying the actual manga is the only way you can really support a manga creator. It's not like they are living the millionaire lifestyle either, cause a lot of manga creators work crazy hard to put out their series and don't really make that much money.
May 6, 2016 3:11 PM

Jun 2015
I'm bothered by the fact that I can't buy the manga I want in normal prices. I'm not really fond of manga translated to my native language and I would prefer to read them in English but then the price can be quite ridiculous. For example I wanted to collect Claymore (it's not translated to my native language anyway). Right now I have 14 volumes in English which is worth same as my Undertaker statue and that's about 135 €. And in my country 135 € is a lot cause 1 volume of Claymore is about 10 € and 1 volume od Kuroshitsuji is usually less than 4.5 €. Even hot stuff, like One Punch Man, don't cost more than 4.5 € but they are licensed here.

Very little % of the price per item goes to the creator.
May 6, 2016 4:28 PM

May 2008
I read online illegally, then buy them whenever i can as i prefer physical copy.

Magus said:
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, and no.

I view them as an art, not a property.

Do you buy an art in a museum?

By that logic, then you should only be looking at manga covers without reading the contents, since they're an "art" to you. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
May 7, 2016 1:28 PM

Jul 2015
No .
Apart from the fact that i don't care about them , the manga is very expensive (the currency euro-ron ) where i live anyway.You can buy 3 pizzas , 3 pepsi and a desert with the money you put in a single normal manga volume .Without transport.
May 8, 2016 1:00 AM

May 2008
targa said:
No .
Apart from the fact that i don't care about them , the manga is very expensive (the currency euro-ron ) where i live anyway.You can buy 3 pizzas , 3 pepsi and a desert with the money you put in a single normal manga volume .Without transport.
If manga(s) are very expensive in your local stores, i recommend Book Depository as they provide free shipping worldwide~
May 8, 2016 1:06 AM

May 2016
I try to support the creators of my favorite shows&manga wherever I can. That said, sometimes it's not particularly easy to do, due to either availability of merch or being cost prohibitive.
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