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Nov 29, 2013 1:08 PM

Jul 2011
Vladz0r said:
5chan said:
With more effort and execution, I feel this episode could have been done better. I still have my doubts on JC Staff's handling with the series. I feel for the VN readers.

Praise the heavens! An anime-only watcher who understands rather than mindlessly complains.
Yeah, it's kinda frustrating that they'd attempt Little Busters without bringing their all to the anime series.

Mindlessly complains? Pot calling the kettle black much? Just look at the first page of this to see the severe overreaction from people who have played the VN after watching the episode. It makes me feel ashamed that I have to be lumped up with you guys who complain about every. single. thing. that went wrong.

I agree that sticking with Little Melody would have been a FAR better choice than the song they went with, but god damn, you act like they committed a felony by changing it out for something else. It's very annoying to see, and I can completely sympathize with the anime-only watchers who have to deal with you and everyone else's constant whining.
Nov 29, 2013 1:29 PM

Sep 2012
Bro, I've said it so many fucking times that Little Melody wasn't even all they fucked up.
Masato looks like a retarded drunk and a fucking zombie, rather than someone who's supposed to be serious and terrorizing the school. His delusions were more gutbustingly hilarious and silly than frightening and tense, and they lasted for a mere 2 minutes.The sound direction didn't make the fight as serious or emotional as it should've been. Riki's character design was derp as hell this episode, and the fact that they removed the scenes of himtaking care of Rin in the previous episodes doesn't help people actually like him as an MC. They've pretty much removed all of his best moments from the VN at this point, and I can see why people can feel little emotion at all for this even more forgettable anime version of Riki to be re-inviting Masato back into the Little Busters.

The song change wasn't my main fucking complaint, so don't think it's that.

I'm calling it a reasonable complaint rather than a mindless complaint because he isn't blaming the source material or saying the VN players are overreacting.
If I went on the forums for any other VN anime adaptation, like Danganronpa, BlazBlue, or White Album 2, and people started saying "The VN did it MUCH better", I would feel obligated to believe them and be upset at the execution of an episode that could've been better, rather than complaining at them and saying to just suck it up and enjoy that their shit got passably done.

I know you marathoned the anime recently and you have less problems with it, but watching it without my nostalgia goggles on, JC Staff is doing a pitiful job , and worse than s1 imo aside from the animation. The scenes were closer to what they SHOUD'VE been like in season 1 than they are in season 2. They've adapted the CGs worse this season than they did last season, and when the CGs are the highlight of memorability for VN players, and are what VN players are WAITING FOR to be adapted, it's natural for people to be disappointed when a studio of hired artist can't top KEY's Itaru Hinoue or Na-Ga.

Dramatizing mundane events to specific songs and highlighting scenes by slowing down time a bit is literally KEY's bread and butter, so I can't even justify JC Staff taking a shit on the bit of style that could've remained in this anime adaptation. Try to recall a memorable KEY scene in ANY of their works where the pacing wasn't adjusted to highlight the scene, or didn't have an impactful song played or visual on-sceen. I'd be shocked if you could find one.

CG comparisons in my sig, in case you care.
Vladz0rNov 29, 2013 1:51 PM
Nov 29, 2013 2:14 PM

Dec 2012
Vladz0r said:
Bro, I've said it so many fucking times that Little Melody wasn't even all they fucked up.
Masato looks like a retarded drunk and a fucking zombie, rather than someone who's supposed to be serious and terrorizing the school. His delusions were more gutbustingly hilarious and silly than frightening and tense, and they lasted for a mere 2 minutes.The sound direction didn't make the fight as serious or emotional as it should've been. Riki's character design was derp as hell this episode, and the fact that they removed the scenes of himtaking care of Rin in the previous episodes doesn't help people actually like him as an MC. They've pretty much removed all of his best moments from the VN at this point, and I can see why people can feel little emotion at all for this even more forgettable anime version of Riki to be re-inviting Masato back into the Little Busters.

The song change wasn't my main fucking complaint, so don't think it's that.

I'm calling it a reasonable complaint rather than a mindless complaint because he isn't blaming the source material or saying the VN players are overreacting.
If I went on the forums for any other VN anime adaptation, like Danganronpa, BlazBlue, or White Album 2, and people started saying "The VN did it MUCH better", I would feel obligated to believe them and be upset at the execution of an episode that could've been better, rather than complaining at them and saying to just suck it up and enjoy that their shit got passably done.

I know you marathoned the anime recently and you have less problems with it, but watching it without my nostalgia goggles on, JC Staff is doing a pitiful job , and worse than s1 imo aside from the animation. The scenes were closer to what they SHOUD'VE been like in season 1 than they are in season 2. They've adapted the CGs worse this season than they did last season, and when the CGs are the highlight of memorability for VN players, and are what VN players are WAITING FOR to be adapted, it's natural for people to be disappointed when a studio of hired artist can't top KEY's Itaru Hinoue or Na-Ga.

Dramatizing mundane events to specific songs and highlighting scenes by slowing down time a bit is literally KEY's bread and butter, so I can't even justify JC Staff taking a shit on the bit of style that could've remained in this anime adaptation. Try to recall a memorable KEY scene in ANY of their works where the pacing wasn't adjusted to highlight the scene, or didn't have an impactful song played or visual on-sceen. I'd be shocked if you could find one.

CG comparisons in my sig, in case you care.

I tend to partly agree with your complaints and stuff, but I feel like you're being really silly with your annoyance in terms of CG adaptation. The first problem is obvious from the fact that you're talking solely about VN fans. All adapting the CGs directly does is please VN fans. Now think. Some of those CGs would've been fairly difficult to pull off. I mean, the 'Called Game' CG. Think about it. It looks amazing as a still image. But whenever I try to imagine an animation that flows into that exact shot and hightlights on that pose, it just looks weird in my mind. Next, the Komari hug. One slight problem with that is that it may seem too 'close'. Think about it. That was meant to be quite a romantic hug. Instead they gave the hug to Rin, because that's a bit more fitting and adds to the whole 'Rin and Komari' friendship. I mean, sometimes adapting some CGs looks weird. Like in Clannad. There was a scene where Tomoya puts his hand on Nagisa's shoulder and confesses to her in the VN. In the anime, they have that CG for like, a split second, then move on to Kyou interrupting their special moment. It ended up looking really odd to me, because it was such a dramatic CG and it somewhat broke the feel of the moment as it appeared for, what? A second or two?

This one complaint seems more like 'J.C. Staff isn't appealing to my needs of nostalgia!' rather than 'This wasn't done well'. And especially in this episode where I feel they adapted the CGs quite accurately. I mean, your side by side shows that the CG was very faithful to the original, being the same angle and positioning, with Masato in the same position and everything. How they fit Rin's kick into a CG felt pretty awesome actually. The fact that they were able to get that really tricky shot to feel smooth and actually fit with the scene actually impressed me.
Nov 29, 2013 3:22 PM

Sep 2012
Yes, just completely ignore that lighting, art, background quality and angles are what killed this season's CGs.

Miyuki was more of a phantom haunting Kengo rather than plain appearance in the anime.
The entire baseball game was really bleak, but I would've liked to at least seen Kyousuke smirk, and have had the lightning strike his entire body, rather than strike as the camera pans up to him.
"Komari hugs with Riki are too intimate, we have to preserve the Riki x Rin romance"
Just kidding, we'll rush Rin's route anyway and tone down her scenes.

Well, I guess I really shouldn't blame JC Staff for making scenes less impactful than the VN. They've been doing it from the beginning, anyway.
The difference in Clannad is that KyoAni made up for it with a lot of well done NEW scenes that were made from scratch with dialogue and interpretation from the VN, and Little Busters is bland by comparison.
Also, there's plenty of good screenplay surrounding the CG adaptations in Clannad, even if CG adaptations aren't explicitly shown for a few seconds at a time. The scenes are least made to be pretty impactful in the anime. The LB anime barely even has other scenes besides what they adapt from CGs that are even unique, memorable, or impactful, due to JC Staff's cheap and shoddy screenplay, and especially since Little Busters is dialogue heavy and doesn't have a lot of screenplay written into each route. These scenes were the highlights of the VN, and are supposed to be the highlights of what JC Staff can do with their budget.

In season 1, I didn't even have an issue wotjto the CGs because they were how I imagined they would look if they were animated, and there were plenty of CGs that exceeded the original. (Komari's, some of Haruka's)

If this is a good adaptation, than I guess the Little Busters VN is just overrated and it's not as good as I thought it was.

Whatever. The show is still underwhelming, even moreso because "The scenes are too hard to adapt" so JC Staff just does them poorly and neglects the intended impact of scenes, because the directors aren't good, and the show will still sell to Key fans.
Vladz0rNov 29, 2013 3:31 PM
Nov 29, 2013 3:35 PM

Sep 2012
The CGs in the VN are awesome, and they really fit the mood of each route, but the CGs from the adaptation are horrible. The present Masato CG in the anime looks nowhere near as good as the VN counterpart, and there are some other examples (like that one with Futaki on the rain, during Haruka´s route).

So please don´t say we´re just saying subjective stuff. Its a fact that the CGs are being butchered in the anime.
Nov 30, 2013 2:04 AM

Dec 2012
masterfxx1 said:
The CGs in the VN are awesome, and they really fit the mood of each route, but the CGs from the adaptation are horrible. The present Masato CG in the anime looks nowhere near as good as the VN counterpart, and there are some other examples (like that one with Futaki on the rain, during Haruka´s route).

So please don´t say we´re just saying subjective stuff. Its a fact that the CGs are being butchered in the anime.

What I'm TRYING to say, is that some of the CGs, if adapted faithfully, may not actually work in an animated format. CGs are designed ENTIRELY as a still image and are intended to work as a still. Converting them to animation can be difficult for some of them. One example I find is the Called Game CG. Look at it. Try to imagine an animation that fits into place with that. It's pretty weird.

Also, Vladz0r, if you watch ep 6 again, you'll notice that Kyousuke has quite the shit eating grin on his face as Kengo runs up to him to fuck him up. And there was more to Kyousuke's CG adaptation than just the shot of him standing in the rain. They had that extreme-close up on his eye which I felt added a bit more power to the scene. Yes, I agree that it wasn't AS great as the original CG.

And KyoAni certainly missed a lot of great CGs in the Clannad anime. Tomoya and Nagisa's kiss? Nagisa's play was nowhere even CLOSE to the CG. The Nagisa and Tomoya CG that popped up for only second was one of my favourite CGs and they did that to it. Not only that, but it wasn't even the same. Tomoya has his hand on her shoulder. In the CG, he's hugging her from behind, pressing his face against the back of her head. Kotomi's hug was also not adapted. Also, THIS CG of Sanae. Where the hell even was this? Why did they not put it in? It was so great. There's even one for Akio. Where are those CGs?

I understand your desire for there to be accurate CG adaptations and that JC aren't really doing them 100% accurately, but your idea that KyoAni is better in that retrospect is purely self-built and only comes from the fact that they said in an interview that they 'try to adapt the pictures as often as possible'. Do you know that means? Sometimes, they can't do some or do them to their exact form. Which is entirely the case for JC as well. You've already shown that they've adapted a lot of the CGs already. But some have been a bit more difficult or haven't entirely been able to make it in.
Nov 30, 2013 2:18 AM
Jun 2013
Seano299 said:
masterfxx1 said:
The CGs in the VN are awesome, and they really fit the mood of each route, but the CGs from the adaptation are horrible. The present Masato CG in the anime looks nowhere near as good as the VN counterpart, and there are some other examples (like that one with Futaki on the rain, during Haruka´s route).

So please don´t say we´re just saying subjective stuff. Its a fact that the CGs are being butchered in the anime.

What I'm TRYING to say, is that some of the CGs, if adapted faithfully, may not actually work in an animated format. CGs are designed ENTIRELY as a still image and are intended to work as a still. Converting them to animation can be difficult for some of them. One example I find is the Called Game CG. Look at it. Try to imagine an animation that fits into place with that. It's pretty weird.

Also, Vladz0r, if you watch ep 6 again, you'll notice that Kyousuke has quite the shit eating grin on his face as Kengo runs up to him to fuck him up. And there was more to Kyousuke's CG adaptation than just the shot of him standing in the rain. They had that extreme-close up on his eye which I felt added a bit more power to the scene. Yes, I agree that it wasn't AS great as the original CG.

And KyoAni certainly missed a lot of great CGs in the Clannad anime. Tomoya and Nagisa's kiss? Nagisa's play was nowhere even CLOSE to the CG. The Nagisa and Tomoya CG that popped up for only second was one of my favourite CGs and they did that to it. Not only that, but it wasn't even the same. Tomoya has his hand on her shoulder. In the CG, he's hugging her from behind, pressing his face against the back of her head. Kotomi's hug was also not adapted. Also, THIS CG of Sanae. Where the hell even was this? Why did they not put it in? It was so great. There's even one for Akio. Where are those CGs?

I understand your desire for there to be accurate CG adaptations and that JC aren't really doing them 100% accurately, but your idea that KyoAni is better in that retrospect is purely self-built and only comes from the fact that they said in an interview that they 'try to adapt the pictures as often as possible'. Do you know that means? Sometimes, they can't do some or do them to their exact form. Which is entirely the case for JC as well. You've already shown that they've adapted a lot of the CGs already. But some have been a bit more difficult or haven't entirely been able to make it in.

I'm okay with that, but I don't think it was so difficult to adapt the depressed Kyousuke in the classroom CG. They did the smiling one during season 1, so why not adapt it ?
Nov 30, 2013 2:23 AM

Sep 2011
I'm guessing they wanted to emphasize how Kyousuke is pretty much a shut-in instead of using time showing him both in class then his room :o
"Now's the time for you to run towards the day you awaken from this dream."

~Boys be Smile
Nov 30, 2013 2:27 AM

Dec 2012
Ol-Hybrius said:
Seano299 said:
masterfxx1 said:
The CGs in the VN are awesome, and they really fit the mood of each route, but the CGs from the adaptation are horrible. The present Masato CG in the anime looks nowhere near as good as the VN counterpart, and there are some other examples (like that one with Futaki on the rain, during Haruka´s route).

So please don´t say we´re just saying subjective stuff. Its a fact that the CGs are being butchered in the anime.

What I'm TRYING to say, is that some of the CGs, if adapted faithfully, may not actually work in an animated format. CGs are designed ENTIRELY as a still image and are intended to work as a still. Converting them to animation can be difficult for some of them. One example I find is the Called Game CG. Look at it. Try to imagine an animation that fits into place with that. It's pretty weird.

Also, Vladz0r, if you watch ep 6 again, you'll notice that Kyousuke has quite the shit eating grin on his face as Kengo runs up to him to fuck him up. And there was more to Kyousuke's CG adaptation than just the shot of him standing in the rain. They had that extreme-close up on his eye which I felt added a bit more power to the scene. Yes, I agree that it wasn't AS great as the original CG.

And KyoAni certainly missed a lot of great CGs in the Clannad anime. Tomoya and Nagisa's kiss? Nagisa's play was nowhere even CLOSE to the CG. The Nagisa and Tomoya CG that popped up for only second was one of my favourite CGs and they did that to it. Not only that, but it wasn't even the same. Tomoya has his hand on her shoulder. In the CG, he's hugging her from behind, pressing his face against the back of her head. Kotomi's hug was also not adapted. Also, THIS CG of Sanae. Where the hell even was this? Why did they not put it in? It was so great. There's even one for Akio. Where are those CGs?

I understand your desire for there to be accurate CG adaptations and that JC aren't really doing them 100% accurately, but your idea that KyoAni is better in that retrospect is purely self-built and only comes from the fact that they said in an interview that they 'try to adapt the pictures as often as possible'. Do you know that means? Sometimes, they can't do some or do them to their exact form. Which is entirely the case for JC as well. You've already shown that they've adapted a lot of the CGs already. But some have been a bit more difficult or haven't entirely been able to make it in.

I'm okay with that, but I don't think it was so difficult to adapt the depressed Kyousuke in the classroom CG. They did the smiling one during season 1, so why not adapt it ?

Pretty much what OLHearts said. They certainly got a shot of him from the same angle with a very similar expression, just in his room with some darkness over his face. I think it helped give the idea that he doesn't want to leave his room.
Nov 30, 2013 2:35 AM

Sep 2012
The CGs thing was a side point, anyway.
The awful sound direction and weak execution of scenes to make them memorable is what is killing the show.
Even if they couldn't do the Clannad CGs that well, they made up for them.
I literally already said all of this.
There are plenty of newly added memorable scenes added to the Clannad anime
from the text and sprites in the VN that weren't necessarily CGs. I'm sure there weren't scenes in the VN of Tomoya smoking and drinking from his depression post-Nagisa, for example. LB often comes as a continuous episode of mediocrity in between the CGs. The point of the CG adaptation is that they don't always make the scenes turn out as great or as memorable as in the VN, when they're the highlight of the episode. Little Busters really doesn't have a ton going on in terms of screenplay in the VN besides dialogue and development in between CGs.

Gah, I didn't want to be flooding the episode discussion with these posts.
The point was that the CGs highlighted things like the sharp change in behavior, the shock of some scenes, etc, and JC's directors failed to carry the impact of the scenes.

I don't even get why this adaptation is still being argued when there's such a huge dissonance in Little Busters' reception compared to every other Key work, and the source material didn't have most of the issues people are complaining about on the forums. This argument has been beaten to death already. The anime doesn't leave an impression on anyone because of animation quality and directing.

Kurugaya's was better directed and had good animation. The route itself has more comedy than development for Kurugaya, buildup for Riki to go out with Kurugaya which never happened, time wasted on Riki trapped in a time loop where Kurugaya and Riki essentially did NOTHING in it, while they struggled to retain their memories in the VN, and Kurugaya's motives were changed to "wanting to keep her friends forever", despite showing her romantic feelings for Riki. The route was so utterly inconsistent thematically, and had forced buildup for Rin's route which wasn't even as romantic as in the VN, but the final scene carried that shit so hard, because it was memorable and impactful for people. They didn't adapt the same CGs as the VN, but the newly done scenes worked out and were impactful for people. They haven't managed to do the same for episodes 4-8.

Just realize that the execution of a scene and the music timing >>>>>>> the actual story and development for a lot of people. Masato's STORY was done fine, but the execution of a lot of the scenes and the songs used were badly done.

And Kyousuke being a shown as more of a shut-in from the beginning was a fine change, but the black aura looks dumb in my opinion.
Nov 30, 2013 3:07 AM

Dec 2012
Vladz0r said:
The CGs thing was a side point, anyway.
The awful sound direction and weak execution of scenes to make them memorable is what is killing the show.
Even if they couldn't do the Clannad CGs that well, they made up for them.
I literally already said all of this.
There are plenty of newly added memorable scenes added to the Clannad anime
from the text and sprites in the VN that weren't necessarily CGs. I'm sure there weren't scenes in the VN of Tomoya smoking and drinking from his depression post-Nagisa, for example. LB often comes as a continuous episode of mediocrity in between the CGs. The point of the CG adaptation is that they don't always make the scenes turn out as great or as memorable as in the VN, when they're the highlight of the episode. Little Busters really doesn't have a ton going on in terms of screenplay in the VN besides dialogue and development in between CGs.

Gah, I didn't want to be flooding the episode discussion with these posts.
The point was that the CGs highlighted things like the sharp change in behavior, the shock of some scenes, etc, and JC's directors failed to carry the impact of the scenes.

I don't even get why this adaptation is still being argued when there's such a huge dissonance in Little Busters' reception compared to every other Key work, and the source material didn't have most of the issues people are complaining about on the forums. This argument has been beaten to death already. The anime doesn't leave an impression on anyone because of animation quality and directing.

Kurugaya's was better directed and had good animation. The route itself has more comedy than development for Kurugaya, buildup for Riki to go out with Kurugaya which never happened, time wasted on Riki trapped in a time loop where Kurugaya and Riki essentially did NOTHING in it, while they struggled to retain their memories in the VN, and Kurugaya's motives were changed to "wanting to keep her friends forever", despite showing her romantic feelings for Riki. The route was so utterly inconsistent thematically, and had forced buildup for Rin's route which wasn't even as romantic as in the VN, but the final scene carried that shit so hard, because it was memorable and impactful for people. They didn't adapt the same CGs as the VN, but the newly done scenes worked out and were impactful for people. They haven't managed to do the same for episodes 4-8.

Just realize that the execution of a scene and the music timing >>>>>>> the actual story and development for a lot of people. Masato's STORY was done fine, but the execution of a lot of the scenes and the songs used were badly done.

And Kyousuke being a shown as more of a shut-in from the beginning was a fine change, but the black aura looks dumb in my opinion.

Well, this is a slight problem I have with the anime community in general. Little Busters has such a fantastic plot and story development, yet all the anime community cares about is 'the feels'. The feels shouldn't be the scale for which you measure a story. To me, it's more like a side thing. It's what I find makes LB so different. LB was never that emotional for me until 'that'. Masato's route didn't bring feels for me in the VN. Neither did Kengo's. The thing I loved about Little Busters was the fantastic plot and amazing subtley they had with their characters and their intentions and desires.

Also, just so you know, I really like a lot of the execution in the Masato episode because it gave me a very similar feeling I got from the VN. That feeling of intrigue and slight creepiness. Not only that, but I feel they captured Masato as a character quite nicely in it. Like, when he fell down the ramp while chasing Riki. That was actually in character. Despite the seriousness of the situation, he still ended up being his stupid self. But the one thing I'm trying to highlight here with what I'm saying: Masato's route, I feel, wasn't meant to be super emotional. It wasn't emotional for me. It was just very interesting, and pushed and created themes and gave the story more objective. It's what I loved about his episode. It was character building. It wasn't just built to make you emotional. It was built to flesh out Masato as a character. And this is where I feel Key's track record is hurting this thus far. Everyone's just out for the 'feels'. That's what they expect from Key. So when they instead get a deep and meaningful plot, they just say it sucks as a Key story and that it shouldn't be this way and that way.
Nov 30, 2013 9:19 AM

Oct 2012
i have to say,, the adaptation of this part was quite enjoyable.... yeah maybe not perfect, but i still felt the emotion...

Nov 30, 2013 11:49 AM

Oct 2011
Is there a reason why Masato reverted back to his old way?? It's like he wasn't never part of the Little Busters?
Nov 30, 2013 11:54 AM

Sep 2012
AnimeFan500 said:
Is there a reason why Masato reverted back to his old way?? It's like he wasn't never part of the Little Busters?

His behavior was part of a test for Riki/Rin to become stronger.
Dec 1, 2013 12:12 AM

Aug 2012
This is getting weirder and weirder.
Dec 1, 2013 8:27 AM

Feb 2013
Was wondering if anyone had seen this or something similar.

Way episode 8 should have ended imo.
Dec 2, 2013 3:57 AM

May 2010
I didn't know Masato had such a touching backstory. I am not sure if I completely get it, with multiple Masato's I mean.

"Right to the end", this part really strikes me...

I wish I could play the vn, have heard way too many awesome things about it but got no time, sadly.. :/
Dec 2, 2013 4:05 AM
Jun 2013
TragicRomance said:
I didn't know Masato had such a touching backstory. I am not sure if I completely get it, with multiple Masato's I mean.

"Right to the end", this part really strikes me...

I wish I could play the vn, have heard way too many awesome things about it but got no time, sadly.. :/

Don't worry about it, they should explain why Masato was seeing everyone as himself in episode 10. ;)
Dec 2, 2013 11:45 AM

Oct 2011
Ol-Hybrius said:
TragicRomance said:
I didn't know Masato had such a touching backstory. I am not sure if I completely get it, with multiple Masato's I mean.

"Right to the end", this part really strikes me...

I wish I could play the vn, have heard way too many awesome things about it but got no time, sadly.. :/

Don't worry about it, they should explain why Masato was seeing everyone as himself in episode 10. ;)

Was the reason why Masato saw himself was because he wanted to fight strong opponent. The only one who defeat him was himself?? Another reason I can think of was because he hated himself?? During his backstory, everyone called him names and didn't like the way he was. So he wanted to be stronger. But Kyousuke and everyone on Little Busters accepted him for who he was.
AnimeFan500Dec 2, 2013 12:07 PM
Dec 3, 2013 2:30 PM

Jan 2011
Wow, this episode was actually pretty damn good.
Some nice comedy and I was able to take it seriously!
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Dec 3, 2013 4:52 PM

Sep 2012
AnimeFan500 said:

Was the reason why Masato saw himself was because he wanted to fight strong opponent. The only one who defeat him was himself?? Another reason I can think of was because he hated himself?? During his backstory, everyone called him names and didn't like the way he was. So he wanted to be stronger. But Kyousuke and everyone on Little Busters accepted him for who he was.

Masato wanted to prove he was the strongest as a kid. Something caused him to re-live that experience, and the only one who can take him down was Riki. It wasn't because Riki was Masato or "himself", but because Riki (and Rin) have become stronger and were able to defeat him, and forgive him for the similar rampage and accept that whatever happened was in the past, now that he's calmed down.
Dec 31, 2013 9:41 PM

Apr 2011
Masato going berserk. Riki defeating him.

Good episode.
MagitoDec 31, 2013 9:48 PM
Jan 6, 2014 9:09 PM

Oct 2012
Well, Masato's already a baka... Since he still a child xD
Kengo next
"Signature removed"
Jan 17, 2014 9:59 AM

Nov 2010
And so the Little Busters has gained a third member with a lot of effort planned by Masato himself

What a way to abuse a school symbol the statue
The way Riki and Rin lured Masato with those posters all over was amusing
Hulk Masato raging around with that rock attached to him was disturbing to see

Seeing him carameldansen when he was young was funny
It's nice to see his backstory finally

Retelling it from his view was kind of odd, he looked like he was high on something

I can see Masato cosplayers glued to a statue or mailbox now xD

The "Song for friends" at the end was really good

Kengo's next!
Jan 22, 2014 8:09 AM

Mar 2008
This anime still makes little sense to me.
I understand the explanations given, but I don't find them very... logical..
It's really frustrating to watch, as I think I could have liked this anime... maybe.
Apr 6, 2014 4:55 PM

May 2012
Pretty intense episode, that backstory was also quite lovely, let's see what's next though!
Apr 16, 2014 7:59 AM

Aug 2013
That must have been one nasty elbow hit if he could take down Masato in one hit haha.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Jul 8, 2014 2:02 AM

Jan 2012
fell asleep twice for this one..

wtf does this shit have anything to do with wtf is going on...

Sep 24, 2014 4:33 AM
Jul 2018
Masato's very creeped me out at the first, but when i realized what's Masato feels.
I don't know should i feel sorry for him or hate him.
Anyway, good episode..
Sep 25, 2014 6:53 PM

Aug 2013
Well, if we follow Komari picture book, Masato should now disappear, since his problem seem to be solved. Now, it will be Kengo turn.

Masato past is kinda sad, in a sweet fun way. The way Kyousuke dealt with him was so warm. It felt like some kind of street worker, helping him to stand up proud. Really contrasting to the Kyousuke we see now.

I think it had some deep meaning how Riki reenacted what Kyousuke did with Masato even if he didn't knew he that. It was even the same finishing blow. I get the feeling that he's slowly turning into a real leader, the leader Kyousuke failed to be in the end.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Oct 28, 2014 4:03 PM

Aug 2014
Awesome! Great fights in the present and in masato's memories. So emotional and feels so fantastic remember when we made our first friends :)
Maloween 2017
Main Candies
Jan 23, 2015 9:51 PM

Feb 2013
It feels like everyone's memories were wiped? They don't remember being in the Little Busters? Ehh, Masato backstory wasn't as sad as I thought it was going to be. But if they didn't forget how did Masato remember how Kyousuke defeated hin whenn they were children? Things are startig to get confusing!
Mar 4, 2015 10:00 AM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
this was the most stupid episode I've ever seen-
Mar 17, 2015 1:23 PM

Jan 2014
Well wow, the shit got real there for a bit.
For me, the anime only watcher, this episode was epic. BEYOND EPIC O.O
The flashbacks was amazingly well done and very interested. The Song For Friends fit the ending perfectly! Probably favorite episode till now. Rin x Riki such a cute couple <3 It was a bit frustrating to see Riki got hit in the face... oh...
May 31, 2015 6:19 PM

Jul 2014
This was such a mess, what the hell is going on.
Aug 14, 2015 12:53 PM

May 2009
Gosh I've been wanting answers since ep 3 or so and the only thing I'm getting is more questions. What's with this "unlock your friends" thing? Masato things Riki is now strong enough and he can become his true friend or something??

Omg I've never been so genuine confused before. CAN I GET SOME ANSWERS KEY?!
check out my twitch:
Nov 22, 2015 11:55 PM

Aug 2009
well, that wasn't too bad, had me a little manly tears at the end

masato's POV was creepy lol... anyone would go insane when seeing that

ready for some kengo
Dec 1, 2015 11:09 AM

Mar 2010
Random45 said:
Vladz0r said:

Praise the heavens! An anime-only watcher who understands rather than mindlessly complains.
Yeah, it's kinda frustrating that they'd attempt Little Busters without bringing their all to the anime series.

Mindlessly complains? Pot calling the kettle black much? Just look at the first page of this to see the severe overreaction from people who have played the VN after watching the episode. It makes me feel ashamed that I have to be lumped up with you guys who complain about every. single. thing. that went wrong.

I agree that sticking with Little Melody would have been a FAR better choice than the song they went with, but god damn, you act like they committed a felony by changing it out for something else. It's very annoying to see, and I can completely sympathize with the anime-only watchers who have to deal with you and everyone else's constant whining.

Yup i just skip all those pages now as anime only watcher... Just typing my own vision and reading a couple of comments here on the last page.

Zyukichan said:
Gosh I've been wanting answers since ep 3 or so and the only thing I'm getting is more questions. What's with this "unlock your friends" thing? Masato things Riki is now strong enough and he can become his true friend or something??

Omg I've never been so genuine confused before. CAN I GET SOME ANSWERS KEY?!

Indeed! It only gets more mysterious damn X_X guess at the finsl ep we will now and before that they add more questions LOL

Anyways i liked this episode since i think masato is awesome! Hes unique yeah maybe not the brightest but hes still damn funny an awesome in his way.

So there is a 2nd world heh maybe even more since masato saw so many copies of himself.
What will happen if riki estabilishes the LB group again, will it start again or will therefinally be some piece?

And every other member of LB doesnt exist anymore except as a memory? Besides rin ofc
Jan 13, 2016 4:06 PM

Jan 2010
Amazing episode! It was very nice to see more about Masato's past, since we didn't get a chance to know more about him so far...

The moments he went insane were amazing aswell!
The last part left me was amazing


"Just how a mirror reflects you,people will also reflect your heart."
~Athena Glory,Aria

"Whatever happens,happens"
~Spike Spiegel's thoughts on dying(Cowboy Bebop)
May 14, 2016 2:07 PM

Dec 2009
Elbowed the shit outta Masato.

So one down, 2 to go before the original busters are back.
Jan 5, 2017 7:04 AM

Sep 2015
Next is Kengo then is Kyousuke the final boss? Or is it one of the Little Buster girls then Kyousuke?
Jul 20, 2017 1:19 AM

Dec 2013
Masato suddenly going crazy was weird but I really enjoyed that flashback and the parallels with the current Riki.
Jul 22, 2017 12:42 PM

Nov 2016
The chase was incredible stupid and a bit cringeworthy ( why didn't he just put off his jacket), but dat end made more than up for it. Masatos past moved me, I think this is my favorite episode so far.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Feb 11, 2019 11:00 AM

Apr 2013
Uhm I still don't get what's going on. But I'm starting to think that it won't make any sense in the end. Season 2 is pretty boring so far.
Jul 28, 2021 12:28 PM

Apr 2018
That was sad to see Masato going berserk especially with that terrifying visions with everybody having the same appearance as him in his eyes... Riki is doing Kyousuke's work like the 1st time they met Masato, it was great to have that backstory, emotional episode once again.
Aug 4, 2021 3:12 PM

Jan 2020
Some parts with masato are super well done (especially the past and ending parts of the episode) but as a whole, I don't care a whole lot which is a shame

but that song at the end was fantastic. A perfect match

Sep 3, 2021 8:06 PM

Jun 2020
I don't know where this show is going but I know Riki is going to deal with a lot of problems caused by them surprisingly

Masato's on a rampage and he's really that strong that it's already a given and he's scary to talk to you just communicate with him once and you're getting punched in the face

Glad that Riki is there to outsmart his rampage good job on him on that one I was just confused what's happening in this episode.
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