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How do you respond to walking on to a family member watching ecchi/hentai?

Sep 5, 9:04 PM

Apr 2018
How would you handle a situation like this?
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Sep 5, 9:15 PM
May 2017
Judge them based on the specifics of the content they're watching. I'd quickly leave the room giving them either a thumbs up or disapproving shake of the head. If you're going to be caught watching something lewd, at least make sure it's something of quality.
Sep 5, 9:18 PM

Apr 2024
I've only had this situation once, where my dad was watching food Wars and I walked in on one those scenes. I just make fun of him for it, all the time, and probably will until the day he dies
"Dreams are worth fighting for"
Backloggery | YouTube | Heatmap
Sep 5, 9:19 PM

Oct 2010
it's just an anime featuring sex or sexual innuendos, why would I even care. I would react badly if a family member is watching mushoku.
Sep 5, 9:46 PM

May 2019
I'd show them the classics and teach them about the history of hentai.
Sep 5, 10:16 PM

Feb 2020
"How do you respond to walking on to a family member watching ecchi/hentai?"

That never happens, so...
Sep 5, 10:27 PM

Jun 2024
Not technically the same, but I once opened up my older brother's laptop, and he had a tab open on some random naughty website. This was when I was still in primary school, so I had no idea lol. Now he has a wife and a daughter.
Sep 6, 12:03 AM

Aug 2018
literally the only time anyone ever walks in on me while Im watching anime is when theres something lewd happening on screen. Hundreds of hours of purity and wholesomeness under my belt and that accidental panty shot or boob grab scene is exactly when they pop in to say hello. This is why I hate 3d people.
Sep 6, 1:42 AM

Jul 2024
I'm alone in the world, I don't know how to react.
Sep 6, 3:22 AM

May 2021
Laugh like a maniac and run off screaming "X is watching hentai! X is watching hentai!", yes i am that immature
Sep 6, 3:23 AM

May 2021
Reply to Timeline_man
I've only had this situation once, where my dad was watching food Wars and I walked in on one those scenes. I just make fun of him for it, all the time, and probably will until the day he dies
@Timeline_man You are a good son 😁
Sep 6, 3:30 AM

May 2020
Go download "what the dawg doing".mp3, put it on something that has speakers, raise volume to max, sneak behind them with the speakers and hit them with the "WHAT THE DAWG DOIN'?"
Sep 6, 3:31 AM

May 2021
Reply to epidemia78
literally the only time anyone ever walks in on me while Im watching anime is when theres something lewd happening on screen. Hundreds of hours of purity and wholesomeness under my belt and that accidental panty shot or boob grab scene is exactly when they pop in to say hello. This is why I hate 3d people.
@epidemia78 Reminds me of when i paused Summertime Render and it was right on the bike catapult panty shot xD
Sep 6, 3:32 AM

Jan 2009
i will just answer honestly anything they ask me about it
Sep 6, 3:34 AM

Jun 2024
Sit them down for a conversation about the importance of torrents and how to access the mythical land of the sad pandas.
Sep 6, 3:40 AM

Jun 2016
Get Fr. Chad Ripperger to cleanse the house of the evils of chinese cartoon pornography.
Sep 6, 3:44 AM

Mar 2023
Call the police. No degeneracy in my Christian household.
Sep 6, 3:45 AM

Jun 2010
It has never happened and probably won't happen.
Sep 6, 3:47 AM
Oct 2019
Zero care live and let live I have other things to do that bothers what people do in their free time. Live is to short to spend it judging other.
Sep 6, 3:50 AM

May 2021
Don't have siblings and my parents would never watch that so...Impossible scenario
Sep 6, 4:23 AM

Jun 2024
I was in a situation like this once and I'm not sure I'll ever manage to cope with it.
Sep 6, 4:49 AM

Jul 2013
There is nothing wrong with watching hentai. What is morally wrong with hentai lol?
Sep 6, 4:56 AM

Aug 2022
honestly it depends on what they're watching...if it looks like something i might have seen before, then im totally gonna embarrass the hell out of them...then give recommendations on some other stuff that i feel is similar, that they might enjoy. if i dont recognize it, then im still gonna embarrass the hell out of them, then ask what it is that they're watching...because why not lmfao
Sep 6, 4:58 AM

Jun 2024
Reply to DesuMaiden
There is nothing wrong with watching hentai. What is morally wrong with hentai lol?
@DesuMaiden Nobody said watching hentai is immoral. Who said watching hentai is immoral?
Sep 6, 5:04 AM

Jul 2013
Reply to kutuya
@DesuMaiden Nobody said watching hentai is immoral. Who said watching hentai is immoral?
@kutuya some prudes consider it immoral.
Sep 6, 5:07 AM

Jun 2024
Reply to DesuMaiden
@kutuya some prudes consider it immoral.
@DesuMaiden Are they with us in the room right now?
Sep 6, 5:34 AM

Mar 2021
Dragevard said:
How do you respond to walking on to a family member watching ecchi/hentai?

lol My wife knows I have watched plenty of Ecchi Anime throughout my life time and often enjoys just looking over all the Anime I own on Official Physical Copies just like I like to look over the Japanese and Western torture and gore films she collects on Official physical copies. There have been times my Wife has even watched a few Ecchi Anime titles with me before.

I even remember back when my Wife was still just my girlfriend in college. One night she spent the night with me and while I was still sleeping in the bed she told me she was looking over my huge collection of Anime on VHS and DVDs and noticed I have quite the collection of perverted Anime. It didn't even bother her back then. She has a brother who has an extremely large Smut collection so she thinks it's just natural for men to be interested in perverted entertainment. I even remember back in the early 2000s visiting her family in Japan and then going to visit her brothers house seeing 1st hand the smut collection he owned on full display. I have never seen so many JAV VHS and DVDs in my life in a personal collection in one place before. The guy could have opened up his own smut video rental business at the time. Not even the local Blockbuster video back home in the states had as much smut to rent in the early 2000s. My brother-in-law even had a larger collection of Japanese smut magazines.

As for Hentai, I haven't consumed a Hentai Anime since around the turn of the century. It's mostly due to noticing Hentai basically started becoming more just animated porn than anything else. I think the last Hentai Anime I rented was "Angel Blade" back in the early 2000s before I simply lost complete interest in the genre. I even own less than a hand full of Hentai titles on physical copies that I bought in the 90s on VHS (Before Hentai was even coined in the West and more than just porn). If my wife ever caught me trying to watch 'modern' Hentai (or even general Porn) these days she would probably think there was a screw loose in my head (she knowns I don't have much interest in watching graphic animated sex) and she would probably literally try to hardcore seduce me and ask if I would rather just have sex with her that moment (my wife travels a lot due to her career these days so I only get to spend time with her a few times a month). I am just lucky to be married to such a beautiful Wife who is overly self-conscious about wanting to keep me sexually satisfied as much as I always want to keep her sexually happy anyway I can too. It's one of the reason why I love her so much and why she loves me is because we are so openly honest to each other about everything. Basically if my wife ever caught me watching 'Modern' Hentai (porn) she would probably think it's a sign I was just really really that horny and end up grabbing my hand to lead me into our sex dungeon that instant. My wife would probably even put on her old Japanese high school uniform with loose socks for me that still fits her perfectly to this day even though she is in her late 40s now too (My wife is still just as physically fit as if she was still in her early 20s, It's probably just genetics because she obviously doesn't work out as much as I do).

As for my daughter. I would always tend to be mindful to stay clear of exposing her to media entertainment that wouldn't be appropriate for her age. Since my Daughter is now in her 20s it's not really an issue. Exposing her to such things never became an issue as she grew up because my wife and I sent her to Japan to go to school from primary school through high school living with my Wife's family. If my daughter ever walked in on me watching Ecchi Anime I would likely ask her if she would like me to put something else on to watch instead and not make a big deal about it. My daughter isn't stupid and understands that a majority of males in general have interests in perverted entertainment, this includes me her father.

One time both Wife and my Daughter have joked about when I reach my 80s and 90s that they imagine me being that stereotypical perverted dirty old man sitting on a park bench feeding birds while trying to look up women's skirts. lol

My parents were never Puritans. When I was child I accidently found my fathers smut collection in my parents bedroom once and just pretended I never saw it. Even when I was a horny teenage brat in the 90s, my mother walked in on me once while I was masturbating and she just pretended she saw nothing and let me be. If my father ever witnessed something like that he would have likely just told me to stop and get decent for him because he would only bothers me when he needs to talk about something. I doubt any of them would have been that shocked to have ever witness me watching something like Ecchi Anime or Hentai growing up. In fact one year for my birthday my parents asked me what I would like that year as a gift, I said it would be nice for a specific Anime title on VHS if they could find it called "Guy: Double Target". The Anime contained nudity, graphic sex, and over all adult themes. To my surprise they still got it for me even though I was only turning 17 years old that year.
ColourWheelSep 6, 9:02 AM
Sep 6, 5:34 AM

Jul 2013
Reply to kutuya
@DesuMaiden Are they with us in the room right now?
@kutuya who knows? They might be on here. I don't consider hentai as immoral. It is not like any real people are harmed from its creation.
Sep 6, 6:28 AM

Sep 2016
If it's a sexy female family member I would ask if she's into incest 😏
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Sep 6, 6:41 AM

Jun 2024
Reply to Zarutaku
If it's a sexy female family member I would ask if she's into incest 😏
@Zarutaku "Yes but not with you" 😪
Sep 6, 7:02 AM
Jan 2024
sit down and watch it with them :D

...if they're not masterbaiting of course...
Sep 6, 7:40 AM

Aug 2024
"Why the hell was the door unlocked, dude?!"
Sep 6, 7:43 AM

Sep 2018
I would just pretend like a did not see it, and walk away. Everybody goons, but that is a private matter. I do share funny henrai memes with my bro though.
Sep 6, 7:53 AM

Jul 2019
It depends if it's Boku no Pico or not, if it is, I'll call them gay, if it's not, I'll tell them it's a must see.
Sep 6, 7:54 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to kutuya
@Zarutaku "Yes but not with you" 😪
@kutuya Project gaslight begins...
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Sep 6, 8:03 AM
Émilia Hoarfrost

Dec 2015
Join in on the fun, why?

Sep 6, 8:05 AM

Sep 2020
Just ignore them like it's nothing and since you didn't get embarrassed, they will think it's a normal anime that just happened to have one few second ecchi scene, no big deal. Now if you watch anime that has incest stuff in it, good luck explaining that one, especially if you have siblings.
Sep 6, 8:11 AM

Jul 2024
I will say to that family member " you are a degen , go to a mosque "
What you see is what you get , Sorry my English is not the best .
Sep 6, 8:58 AM

Sep 2020
Recommend Shoujo Kyouiku RE to them.
I LOVE Loli Hentai

Send me a PM if you want to debate my talking points.
Sep 6, 9:15 AM
Oct 2019
Reply to internetguy214
I will say to that family member " you are a degen , go to a mosque "
@internetguy214 and if that person is not religious or do not believe in anything that comment will fall on tone deaf.
Sep 6, 10:46 AM

Oct 2017
I genuinely wouldn't care to be honest
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
Sep 6, 10:50 AM

Jul 2024
I explain to them how much better my waifus are than theirs.
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Sep 6, 11:28 AM

Jun 2007
One of three ways:

"Oh, I've seen that one before, it was great/good/okay/mediocre/terrible."

"Oh, I haven't seen that one before, but I've wanted to check it out."

"Oh, I don't know what that is, what's the title?"

Everything that connects to MAL

Contains Ecchi, but not Tagged Ecchi: Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3

Sep 6, 2:30 PM

Jan 2022
>How do you respond to walking on to a family member watching ecchi/hentai?
Too based to be any of my family members.
Sep 6, 3:25 PM

Mar 2022
Are you winning son

Character Limit
Sep 6, 6:53 PM
Jul 2024
I have no living family relatives except for my Cousins, but they live in Texas or Ohio. So I'm safe. LOL
Sep 6, 8:55 PM

Dec 2012
I don't know, pull up a chair?

more Wordz
"The name's Gambit. Remember it."
-Gambit "X-Men '97"

7 hours ago

Sep 2007
Reply to ProGoddess
It has never happened and probably won't happen.
ProGoddess said:
It has never happened and probably won't happen.

Same here, even if they did, they'll most likey hae their door closed or so for privacy and such.
5 hours ago

Jan 2020
Caught my dad once, well, nothing much happened.

5 hours ago

Jun 2024
Reply to eblf2013
Caught my dad once, well, nothing much happened.
@eblf2013 What did you catch him watching?
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