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Jul 20, 8:58 PM

Jan 2017
I haven't made a thread in like a year so here's a quiz

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Jul 21, 12:31 AM

Sep 2016
My archetype is the Wizard (90%)

The Wizard: Represents an individual who is deeply knowledgeable, wise, and often perceived as having a mystical or profound insight into complex problems. This archetype is characterized by its capacity to use intelligence and analytical skills to solve challenges, offering solutions that others might overlook or consider impossible. Wizards are not just thinkers but also innovators, frequently pioneering new ways of understanding or doing things. In many narratives and cultural myths, the Wizard is the strategist, the sage, or the advisor who uses their deep knowledge to guide others towards a better understanding or to help them navigate difficult paths. They are often behind-the-scenes influencers, using their intellectual power to shape outcomes and guide leaders. In the workplace, a Wizard might be a consultant, a senior analyst, or a seasoned professional in any field where expertise is highly valued. Wizards are admired for their problem-solving abilities but must be wary of becoming detached or overly cerebral, losing touch with the human side of situations. Their greatest challenge is to balance their vast knowledge with empathy and practicality, ensuring that their solutions are not only brilliant but also applicable and humane.

The description seems exaggerated, but not entirely wrong I guess.

This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jul 21, 2:59 AM

Mar 2008
Results were thrown off from way too many questions about coworkers and colleagues. I have none so didnt know what to answer. Not sure where "lover" score even came from since I didnt see any questions relating to it directly...i wound up a little of everything.

traedJul 21, 5:22 AM
Jul 21, 5:15 AM

Jan 2009
I'm apparently 70% innocent

traed said:
Results were thrown off from way too many questions about coworkers and colleagues.
Yeah, even though I do have co-workers, it's not necessarily that I would want to get close to any of those. There are other factors at work. This test has way too many questions that depend more on the individual person or on other circumstances rather than something where I can have generally valid statements
Jul 21, 5:38 AM

Jun 2024
Yep I'm a explorer and second is artist that is both true this why I am a history teacher and art teacher. I'm always curious about things and creative teaching this experience to others I always adapted on situations and I will make my own style.
Jul 21, 6:34 AM

Jan 2009
the rebel eh guess it makes sense for me

Jul 21, 5:46 PM

Sep 2019
60 questions? Nah you're taking the piss jigsaw!

Maybe I'll do it later though.
Jul 21, 8:17 PM

Sep 2023
I think this is the first time I have taken one of these and gotten so many equal matches, honestly a bit disconcerting.

Be safe and well travels,
Jul 21, 8:23 PM

May 2021
Always love me some random tests :p

I usually don’t like those sliders in tests -_- there are too many ways to interpret the questions and answer them, and I never feel like my results are concrete in any shape or form. "It could like this, but it also could be like this" - that kind of thing. But I tried answering with outmost accuracy, giving a proper thought to each question.

@traed lol yeah :p colleagues...? Hmmm the term sounds vaguely familiar...what's that? lol
I just tried to imagine what my priorities would be or just extrapolated the whole thing onto the "colleagues" I used to have at university, or a similar group of people that I spent a lot of time with, or did something together. What was I doing back then, what were my priorities? Etc. I mean, many of these questions were hypothetical anyway and about what are your priorities, and I highly doubt that they would change in practice. If you have shitty rude co-workers and don't care about them, how would that change your desire to have a supportive relationship with co-workers in general? You just need other co-workers that would be responsive to it :) but in quite a few questions I stayed in the middle because I could either disagree or agree, depending on the circumstances or whether we account for my past, my present or my future.

@Noboru would you not want to get close with your co-workers in general or only with those particular co-workers? :) Often people say things like "work is for working, not for sharing your personal life", so I'd assume those people wouldn't want to get involved with co-workers on principle. But if someone has a longing to feel closer to their colleagues and can't just be purely professional and impersonal all the time, their desire for personal human touch with people is too strong, then they'd have that feeling regardless of how nice/rude their current colleagues are. Well, at least that's how I see it.
Jul 21, 8:34 PM

Mar 2008
-YaoiBoy- said:
lol yeah :p colleagues...? Hmmm the term sounds vaguely familiar...what's that? lol
I just tried to imagine what my priorities would be or just extrapolated the whole thing onto the "colleagues" I used to have at university, or a similar group of people that I spent a lot of time with, or did something together. What was I doing back then, what were my priorities? Etc. I mean, many of these questions were hypothetical anyway and about what are your priorities, and I highly doubt that they would change in practice. If you have shitty rude co-workers and don't care about them, how would that change your desire to have a supportive relationship with co-workers in general? You just need other co-workers that would be responsive to it :) but in quite a few questions I stayed in the middle because I could either disagree or agree, depending on the circumstances or whether we account for my past, my present or my future.

It is a coworker or someone you do research in the same field as and work with in either case.
Jul 21, 8:40 PM

May 2021
Reply to traed
-YaoiBoy- said:
lol yeah :p colleagues...? Hmmm the term sounds vaguely familiar...what's that? lol
I just tried to imagine what my priorities would be or just extrapolated the whole thing onto the "colleagues" I used to have at university, or a similar group of people that I spent a lot of time with, or did something together. What was I doing back then, what were my priorities? Etc. I mean, many of these questions were hypothetical anyway and about what are your priorities, and I highly doubt that they would change in practice. If you have shitty rude co-workers and don't care about them, how would that change your desire to have a supportive relationship with co-workers in general? You just need other co-workers that would be responsive to it :) but in quite a few questions I stayed in the middle because I could either disagree or agree, depending on the circumstances or whether we account for my past, my present or my future.

It is a coworker or someone you do research in the same field as and work with in either case.
@traed I was just being sarcastic! lol
Because I never had real colleagues/co-workers, at least not for a very long time anyway.
Jul 21, 9:20 PM

Jul 2017
My archetype is the Creator/Artist. I'm quite surprised by the percentages I got for some of these other archetypes lol

Jul 21, 9:31 PM

Apr 2018

So basically my archetype is the clown huh
Jul 22, 3:43 AM

Apr 2024
My archetype is the hero at 100%

The Hero: Represents the model of courage, bravery, and adventure. Often seen as a central figure in both mythological tales and real-life scenarios, the Hero embodies the qualities of strength, perseverance, and a strong moral compass. Typically, this archetype is called upon or voluntarily steps forward to undertake significant challenges or quests that involve great risks and require overcoming daunting obstacles. The Hero is motivated by a desire to achieve, protect, or restore justice and order, often exhibiting self-sacrifice and the ability to inspire and lead others. In psychological terms, the Hero denotes an aspect of the personality that seeks to assert itself through action and determination, overcoming internal and external adversities to reach a new level of understanding or societal contribution. This archetype refers to the journey of self-discovery and personal development, highlighting the transformative power of facing and embracing challenges. In everyday life, individuals channeling their inner hero are seen as role models, demonstrating resilience and the capacity to enact significant change.

IT looks like me but i don't really like the name of this category but i can identify to this tbh
Jul 22, 6:17 AM

Jan 2009
-YaoiBoy- said:
would you not want to get close with your co-workers in general or only with those particular co-workers? :) Often people say things like "work is for working, not for sharing your personal life", so I'd assume those people wouldn't want to get involved with co-workers on principle. But if someone has a longing to feel closer to their colleagues and can't just be purely professional and impersonal all the time, their desire for personal human touch with people is too strong, then they'd have that feeling regardless of how nice/rude their current colleagues are. Well, at least that's how I see it.
I'm generally not interested in getting close with anyone unless I'm into them. I'm indifferent whether or not I'm on my own or with others. If there is more to do, I prefer to be left alone during work, but will still help my colleagues if they have questions. Otherwise, if there's less to do, then I don't mind small talk during the job. For the rest, it depends on whether I would respect a colleague or feel strongly attached to someone for me to be interested to go to any company events or to do anything private with them.
Jul 22, 8:46 AM

May 2021
Reply to Noboru
-YaoiBoy- said:
would you not want to get close with your co-workers in general or only with those particular co-workers? :) Often people say things like "work is for working, not for sharing your personal life", so I'd assume those people wouldn't want to get involved with co-workers on principle. But if someone has a longing to feel closer to their colleagues and can't just be purely professional and impersonal all the time, their desire for personal human touch with people is too strong, then they'd have that feeling regardless of how nice/rude their current colleagues are. Well, at least that's how I see it.
I'm generally not interested in getting close with anyone unless I'm into them. I'm indifferent whether or not I'm on my own or with others. If there is more to do, I prefer to be left alone during work, but will still help my colleagues if they have questions. Otherwise, if there's less to do, then I don't mind small talk during the job. For the rest, it depends on whether I would respect a colleague or feel strongly attached to someone for me to be interested to go to any company events or to do anything private with them.
@Noboru Makes sense :) I didn't really think of "getting close" as "becoming close friends", but rather just a way to know where each person is at and not feeling completely disconnected from them, assuming it's a relatively small group of people and especially if it can affect work in some way. I don't know how explain it...just feeling connected to each one of those people to a small extent, enough to have that "supportive environment" that the test was describing, without it being forced or awkward. Anyway, I'd rather not have any co-workers at all :p being placed in an environment where you're forced to interact with random people that you might not be interested in is quite annoying.
Jul 22, 9:04 AM

Feb 2024
Multiple archetypes, whatever that means. Maybe just miss-clicked something, not gonna look back to check.
LoveYourSmileJul 22, 1:11 PM
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jul 22, 10:06 AM

May 2021
Reply to LoveYourSmile
Multiple archetypes, whatever that means. Maybe just miss-clicked something, not gonna look back to check.
I don't think it's weird to have multiple strong archetypes :) if the test is to be believed, of course. Some things more strongly define your personality or priorities than the others, I guess.

I only knew that The Ruler was going to be low for me because I'm not good at being a leader, making split-second decisions (or any decisions, really lol) or giving orders, so whatever test someone throws at me - the aspect responsible for it in that particular test will always be low :p when I saw it being the lowest, I was like "yep, that's what I thought" lol
The Explorer also seems to require a more daring, adventurous and adaptive personality, so that's probably why it's so low. At least when it comes to exploring the outside world. I love traveling and discovering new things...with someone else to back me up :p to feel more secure. And preferably with a more or less solid plan, so that nothing unexpected and/or stressful happens.
Jul 22, 10:47 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to -YaoiBoy-
I don't think it's weird to have multiple strong archetypes :) if the test is to be believed, of course. Some things more strongly define your personality or priorities than the others, I guess.

I only knew that The Ruler was going to be low for me because I'm not good at being a leader, making split-second decisions (or any decisions, really lol) or giving orders, so whatever test someone throws at me - the aspect responsible for it in that particular test will always be low :p when I saw it being the lowest, I was like "yep, that's what I thought" lol
The Explorer also seems to require a more daring, adventurous and adaptive personality, so that's probably why it's so low. At least when it comes to exploring the outside world. I love traveling and discovering new things...with someone else to back me up :p to feel more secure. And preferably with a more or less solid plan, so that nothing unexpected and/or stressful happens.

Thanks for the explanation. I'm not into psychology, it was quite a disappointment to get that "multiple" thing with no clue what it means - I saw other people posted some textual explanations.

I wonder what "The wizard" means, I bet I can do some magic one way or another, but it's so low for me, my inner Potter is crying. Would be cool to get a meaningful summary in the end, not just some soulless charts.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jul 22, 11:08 AM

Sep 2016
LoveYourSmile said:
I wonder what "The wizard" means, I bet I can do some magic one way or another, but it's so low for me, my inner Potter is crying. Would be cool to get a meaningful summary in the end, not just some soulless charts.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jul 22, 11:13 AM

May 2021
Reply to LoveYourSmile

Thanks for the explanation. I'm not into psychology, it was quite a disappointment to get that "multiple" thing with no clue what it means - I saw other people posted some textual explanations.

I wonder what "The wizard" means, I bet I can do some magic one way or another, but it's so low for me, my inner Potter is crying. Would be cool to get a meaningful summary in the end, not just some soulless charts.
Oh, if you open the test and scroll down - there are descriptions for each archetype :) in case you've missed them. I assume that after finishing that test, even with multiple 100%, there was one archetype that was chosen for you as well?

Lol you just aren't a spellcasting class :p if you read about its description, it seems that The Wizard is about being a natural at complex problem-solving.
Jul 22, 11:43 AM

Feb 2024
Ah, right! Now it all sums up well.

"Laws of the universe? Search for truth? What nonsense! Let's have a party! Tonight! In the woods!
And let's invite that sad girl crying in the corner. I want to see her smile. What? No one knows her name? How exciting, I'll find out.
Too dark? We'll burn something! No worries, I'll take all the responsibility.
Could someone make a music set or draw a poster? Not me, please.
No one wants to go to the woods? Damn, okay, okay, the bar is fine. Vox populi, vox Dei - hide your knives, no rebellion.
But we are still bringing that girl. I'm ecstatic to know what's hidden at the bottom of her dark eyes..."

Ahaha, psychology can be fun sometimes.
LoveYourSmileJul 22, 1:12 PM
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jul 22, 1:10 PM

May 2021
Reply to LoveYourSmile
Ah, right! Now it all sums up well.

"Laws of the universe? Search for truth? What nonsense! Let's have a party! Tonight! In the woods!
And let's invite that sad girl crying in the corner. I want to see her smile. What? No one knows her name? How exciting, I'll find out.
Too dark? We'll burn something! No worries, I'll take all the responsibility.
Could someone make a music set or draw a poster? Not me, please.
No one wants to go to the woods? Damn, okay, okay, the bar is fine. Vox populi, vox Dei - hide your knives, no rebellion.
But we are still bringing that girl. I'm ecstatic to know what's hidden at the bottom of her dark eyes..."

Ahaha, psychology can be fun sometimes.
Is that you in a nutshell? :p
Jul 22, 1:15 PM

Feb 2024
Reply to -YaoiBoy-
Is that you in a nutshell? :p
@-YaoiBoy- Just tried to align those bars and numbers with some simple story - uh, no Hemingway here. But I think it's quite to the point.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jul 22, 2:07 PM

Jun 2019
A better political test than the political compass.

I do not understand why caring about your coworkers is supposed to be a normal expectation though—I care more about stray cats...
Jul 22, 10:13 PM

May 2021
Reply to LoveYourSmile
@-YaoiBoy- Just tried to align those bars and numbers with some simple story - uh, no Hemingway here. But I think it's quite to the point.
@LoveYourSmile I see lol using my limited familiarity with your posts, I mostly pegged you for "easy-going, probably likes to party, kind", so it seems like I wasn't wrong :) does it sound weird that I’m randomly trying to figure out people’s personalities on MAL? I hope it doesn’t :p

Meusnier said:
I do not understand why caring about your coworkers is supposed to be a normal expectation though—I care more about stray cats...

It really pushed that "co-worker care" angle :p I don't think it should be a normal expectation either, but I'd probably still care "by default", unless they give me plenty of reasons not to. Being around people and staying impersonal all the time doesn't sound like something I'd be very good at. Anyway, replacing co-workers with cats seems like the best solution :)
Jul 22, 10:59 PM

Jun 2016

Many of the questions I felt neutral on, neither strongly agreeing nor disagreeing. But I agree with the results, especially Artist and Rebel being tied for second place. The workplace-related questions seemed strange to me, I've only ever had one job where I worked alone 99% of the time.
Jul 23, 2:21 AM

Feb 2024
-YaoiBoy- said:
does it sound weird that I’m randomly trying to figure out people’s personalities on MAL? I hope it doesn’t :p

Ahaha, I do that myself, it's fun. Feeling like opening advent calendar: little sweet finding every day. What else to do here, lol?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jul 23, 6:53 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to -YaoiBoy-
@Noboru Makes sense :) I didn't really think of "getting close" as "becoming close friends", but rather just a way to know where each person is at and not feeling completely disconnected from them, assuming it's a relatively small group of people and especially if it can affect work in some way. I don't know how explain it...just feeling connected to each one of those people to a small extent, enough to have that "supportive environment" that the test was describing, without it being forced or awkward. Anyway, I'd rather not have any co-workers at all :p being placed in an environment where you're forced to interact with random people that you might not be interested in is quite annoying.
@-YaoiBoy- I do have an interest to be on good terms with my colleagues, so even if I find some blabbering annoying, I'll keep it to myself and just nod in understanding or otherwise react positive towards them and neutral when it's a conflict about something. Otherwise, I'm generally a bit human-friendly so I can easily be basically generally interested when people talk to me, but it would be just some mere small talk to pass the time and no deeper questions to get to know how and why a person thinks or acts the way they are or how they feel about things
Jul 23, 10:37 AM

May 2021
LoveYourSmile said:
Ahaha, I do that myself, it's fun. Feeling like opening advent calendar: little sweet finding every day. What else to do here, lol?

True lol I still remember how I was sure that I'd never post on the forums or interact with anyone here...things clearly derailed somewhere along the way :p not that I'm complaining :)

Noboru said:
@-YaoiBoy- I do have an interest to be on good terms with my colleagues, so even if I find some blabbering annoying, I'll keep it to myself and just nod in understanding or otherwise react positive towards them and neutral when it's a conflict about something. Otherwise, I'm generally a bit human-friendly so I can easily be basically generally interested when people talk to me, but it would be just some mere small talk to pass the time and no deeper questions to get to know how and why a person thinks or acts the way they are or how they feel about things

I see :) although, it also sounds like you're trying to be on good terms with them at your own expense, which is understandable and sometimes unavoidable, I guess. In an ideal situation, there would be no needless blabber to annoy you or conflicts that you have to mitigate. There are many sides to this, as expected, so it's no wonder that so many people have problems/complaints related to those co-worker questions.

Overall, I just try to look at the whole thing like this: would I be able to stay impersonal while surrounded by the same people for months or years? No, I most likely wouldn't be able to, even if I'd prefer to be left alone and minimize social interactions with others. I'd still care about whether they need help or not, how they're doing if something bad happens in their lives etc., to a point where I might interject and show a clear concern for their well-being. So, I'd have to at least partially agree that caring about my co-workers would be an important priority for me, and I can't really stay in the middle on that question or pretend that I wouldn't care. Maybe I'll end up being completely useless and never actually help anyone, but it still will be something that will be on my radar, so to speak. Other people just wouldn't care in the first place. Not because they're bad or anything - that's just how they're, and it's not their priority in any shape or form. Anyway, it seems like this discussion is more detailed than said topic deserves lol not that I mind :)

Small talk can be annoying >_< I like it more when it's a hook for some deeper conversation :p or when it allows me to understand something about a person. But I guess I can sometimes enjoy it for what it is as well.
Jul 23, 10:58 AM

Jul 2013
I don't take these online quizzes (for obvious reasons)...
Jul 23, 1:27 PM

Jun 2019
-YaoiBoy- said:
Meusnier said:
I do not understand why caring about your coworkers is supposed to be a normal expectation though—I care more about stray cats...

It really pushed that "co-worker care" angle :p I don't think it should be a normal expectation either, but I'd probably still care "by default", unless they give me plenty of reasons not to. Being around people and staying impersonal all the time doesn't sound like something I'd be very good at. Anyway, replacing co-workers with cats seems like the best solution :)

Apparently, not caring about people who cannot wait to stab you in the back is enough to make you score 0 in the love category... It would never come to my mind to speak about really personal topics in the work place, and it is better to stay professional to avoid any unpleasant experiences. For me, the default category is "I don't even remember your name," but I understand that not everyone is like that.

It is nice to see you here again, I hope that you have been well. I had forgotten that you were a specialist in psychology by the way.
Jul 23, 1:54 PM

May 2021
Reply to Meusnier
-YaoiBoy- said:
Meusnier said:
I do not understand why caring about your coworkers is supposed to be a normal expectation though—I care more about stray cats...

It really pushed that "co-worker care" angle :p I don't think it should be a normal expectation either, but I'd probably still care "by default", unless they give me plenty of reasons not to. Being around people and staying impersonal all the time doesn't sound like something I'd be very good at. Anyway, replacing co-workers with cats seems like the best solution :)

Apparently, not caring about people who cannot wait to stab you in the back is enough to make you score 0 in the love category... It would never come to my mind to speak about really personal topics in the work place, and it is better to stay professional to avoid any unpleasant experiences. For me, the default category is "I don't even remember your name," but I understand that not everyone is like that.

It is nice to see you here again, I hope that you have been well. I had forgotten that you were a specialist in psychology by the way.
Exactly :) I completely understand that point of view and its benefits, especially when it comes to avoiding unpleasant experiences.
Meusnier said:
Apparently, not caring about people who cannot wait to stab you in the back is enough to make you score 0 in the love category...

Yeah, this seems quite ridiculous. I wish it was possible to see which answer contributes to which archetype. It's possible to guess some, of course, but details would be much appreciated.

Thanks :) I'm doing as fine as I can, I guess. Just popping up on the forums from time to time, whenever I feel like it.
But I'm not a specialist in psychology lol if I did something to give that false impression, then I apologize :) it wasn't my intention.
Jul 23, 7:31 PM

Apr 2013

The Rebel: Represents the figure of the challenger or disruptor, driven to question, oppose, and overturn the existing order. Rebels are motivated by a deep-seated desire for change and a distaste for conformity and unjust authority. They challenge traditional norms and rules, not for the sake of rebellion alone, but to bring about improvement or reform. In stories and mythology, the Rebel often emerges as a hero who stands up against oppressive systems or figures, fighting for freedom and justice. In personal development and psychology, the Rebel denotes an aspect of the personality that resists following paths laid by others, preferring instead to forge new paths or solutions. This archetype is frequently creative, turning its innovative ideas into actions that can initiate significant transformations. However, the Rebel also faces the risk of becoming alienated due to its radical views and actions. When positively integrated, the Rebel can be a powerful force for advocacy and innovation, often inspiring others to rethink their views and challenge the status quo.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Jul 24, 8:52 AM

Jan 2009
@-YaoiBoy- I prefer to avoid drama if possible, so can't really relate to people having problems/complaints with co-workers

I mean, there is some basic concern on my side as well if someone I know suddenly feels bad or I see something bad happen to them, but it takes more for me to actually care about how someone is doing more in detail or how they are feeling for a longer period of time

I don't mind small talk if it's to pass the time, but I only prefer deeper conversations if I'm into someone. It feels pointless to me asking those types of questions to someone if you are not interested in them. But I cannot force genuine and more in-depth interest. It happens when it happens
Jul 24, 9:11 AM

Nov 2021
I got rebel 75%, most of them are somewhat balanced tho lol
Jul 24, 10:25 AM

Mar 2012
I got the rebel (70%). The next highest was the hero (65%) which I have no clue about.
Jul 24, 10:40 AM

Jan 2009
Maou_heika said:
I got the rebel (70%). The next highest was the hero (65%) which I have no clue about.
Someone else got hero as their highest further above, but I wouldn't interpret too much in those results. You usually get a much clearer picture with the Big Five personality test, but even there, I've had the issue that the answers are rather situational than general for me
Jul 24, 9:56 PM

Sep 2017
my archetype is the creator/artist. this makes sense cause i just got my degree in graphic design

Jul 24, 11:03 PM

May 2022
Tie between Wizard and Caregiver! I think that's good? Idk though.

Multiple Results

You appear to have two or more equally prominent matches. It is possible that you are an equal fit for all of those matches. On the other hand, it is also possible that you simply answered the questions in such a way that you ended up with tied results even though, in reality, you do have a definite match. Whether you really are an equal fit for all of these characters or you just happened to get an equal score on all of them, we are unable to say; we are therefore also unable to give you a more personalized description. But you can consult the chart above to see which of the characters you matched the closest.
"It's just one of those days when you don't want to wake up, everything is fudged, everybody sucks, you don't really know why but you want to justify ripping someone's head off."
-John Cena, Romanian Philosopher and former politician

Jul 25, 9:05 AM

May 2021
Reply to Noboru
@-YaoiBoy- I prefer to avoid drama if possible, so can't really relate to people having problems/complaints with co-workers

I mean, there is some basic concern on my side as well if someone I know suddenly feels bad or I see something bad happen to them, but it takes more for me to actually care about how someone is doing more in detail or how they are feeling for a longer period of time

I don't mind small talk if it's to pass the time, but I only prefer deeper conversations if I'm into someone. It feels pointless to me asking those types of questions to someone if you are not interested in them. But I cannot force genuine and more in-depth interest. It happens when it happens
@Noboru Yeah, same :) if there is some drama, then it's usually created by someone other than me lol I'd be quite low on the "drama creation priority list" :p

Also understandable :) nor is it your duty to care.

True :p there were a few people that I discussed weather with, or something similar, for months after months. Clearly, something didn't work there lol it also made me tense because I wanted to talk about something more meaningful, but I didn't know how to approach said person or if they felt the same way. And yeah, forcing a more in-depth interest sounds like something that can only end in disaster.
Jul 25, 9:39 AM

Feb 2024
@-YaoiBoy- @Noboru It must be industry specific. The more I read your conversation, the more I feel that. Our people are sales mostly, and all they do is sipping coffee/beers while talking economy/politics and their romances, all day long. Say, I had to visit one of our offices this week, and we were playing damn Evolution till midnight. Those bastards literally sucked me dry with not-so-small talks that day lol.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jul 25, 10:39 AM

Jan 2009
@-YaoiBoy- That's great to hear you're not the one creating dramas

I still prefer to have at least one person to care, but it doesn't have to be a coworker

Actually, it's less the topics and more the with whom that can make something feel more meaningful. Well, there may be still some worth in trying, plus every failure can be a learning experience

@LoveYourSmile People in sales do have to talk lots for their job. It's not that much different with my colleagues as well, but it still depends on the person how much they prefer to focus on work-related stuff and how much they prefer to use smoking/toilet/coffee breaks or whatever. But lol, playing games at work? Some people seem to feel at home at work way too much
Jul 25, 3:51 PM

Feb 2024
Noboru said:
But lol, playing games at work? Some people seem to feel at home at work way too much

Well, we were drinking and singing karaoke actually, it wasn't like real workday, just my official visit and party. But then I sneaked past the sales to join quiet girls from accounting, who played tabletop games. I know where all the fun happens in that office lol.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Yesterday, 9:36 AM

Jan 2009
LoveYourSmile said:
Well, we were drinking and singing karaoke actually, it wasn't like real workday, just my official visit and party. But then I sneaked past the sales to join quiet girls from accounting, who played tabletop games. I know where all the fun happens in that office lol.
Heh, that sounds like you're their CEO or something xD

Also, for some reason, I've dreamt of there being an arrangement where 4 people or so at a time could temporarily take a break to play some games and people from other departments would join, too. I've forgotten the details, but I didn't seem to have been that eager about it in my dream
Yesterday, 10:19 AM

Feb 2011

@-YaoiBoy- our results look fairly similar.

Yesterday, 11:01 AM
Apr 2024
I adore these kinds of things. I'll give it a go even though Jung isn't my favorite psychologist.

Kind of hard to answer the coworker related questions since I've been in and out of neetdom I don't really see myself as artistic or intelligent, so I'm not sure how those ended up higher than the rest.
Yesterday, 4:54 PM

May 2021
LoveYourSmile said:
@-YaoiBoy- @Noboru It must be industry specific. The more I read your conversation, the more I feel that. Our people are sales mostly, and all they do is sipping coffee/beers while talking economy/politics and their romances, all day long. Say, I had to visit one of our offices this week, and we were playing damn Evolution till midnight. Those bastards literally sucked me dry with not-so-small talks that day lol.

Yeah, why would anyone go into sales if they didn’t want to have tons of random conversations to begin with? lol Sales require the blah blah blah talent after all :p things being industry specific makes total sense to me, especially because certain industries usually attract certain kinds of people.

Playing tabletop games sounds like a good co-worker situation lol I had to kind of run away from the last place that had the concept of co-worker(s) :p and I was fortunate enough to avoid having co-workers ever since :) well, I guess I made it sound like having co-workers is always a bad thing :p but I didn't mean it like that.

Noboru said:
@-YaoiBoy- That's great to hear you're not the one creating dramas

I still prefer to have at least one person to care, but it doesn't have to be a coworker

Actually, it's less the topics and more the with whom that can make something feel more meaningful. Well, there may be still some worth in trying, plus every failure can be a learning experience

Oh yes, having "at least that one person" to care sometimes can be life-changing, but that's another topic.

It's true. The closer you're to someone, the more meaningful every interaction can feel, if not the topics themselves.
I imagine trying more might help things, but it just feels so hard to remove the random barrier that can appear over time. As an example: there is a guy that I've known for like more than 20 years, ever since elementary school, and we were pretty close, all things considered...but I can't even call him a friend! Or use a term "childhood friend", since it feels weird, despite him being one of the two people I spent the most time back then. There is like this obstacle that I don't think is even possible to remove at this point, but maybe it's not even that much of a problem? It's not possible to be truly close with everyone, and sometimes people just aren't compatible enough. Anyway, I digressed a bit there, but I agree that trying more at least wouldn't hurt. I feel like I could talk forever about this particular topic lol need to watch that word count :p

Shizuna said:
@-YaoiBoy- our results look fairly similar.

That's nice :p you have higher magic proficiency lol I'm always skeptical about my results when doing such tests, unsurprisingly, but in terms of personal values, I don't necessarily disagree with my top-3 archetypes, even though I'm sure something could be switched out, depending on the reality of the situation. What actually drives me the most or what I'm good at can be up for a debate, as are the actual percentages, but at least the results don't feel outlandish. If I got The Ruler in my top-3 or something, then I'd be shocked, since I immediately knew that The Ruler was going to be the lowest, and it didn't disappoint lol and knowing my weaknesses or/and low priorities, I guess bottom-3 actually makes sense too. The Ruler, The Explorer and The Hero should absolutely be somewhere at the bottom, more so than any other types, and they are, disregarding the questionable percentages. Anyway, this test and discussions surrounding it made me go down another typical and inevitable introspective rabbit hole :p taking a random internet test for fun and not thinking about it too much = mission impossible lol
Yesterday, 7:12 PM
Nov 2017
my archetype called me a clown 0___0

Yesterday, 8:20 PM

May 2023
... no surprise, 90% rebel ........
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