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8 hours ago

Feb 2011
Saw another weeb-related thread and this idea popped into my head.

So how many points did you get?

Also, here's a clean version (if you want your reply to be in the image format)

If you have interesting ideas for questions of your own, feel free to share them below. And remember, don't take this too seriously.

Looks like I got 163 points.

8 hours ago

Jan 2009
1 30 = 60 points
2 900 = 18 points
3 no
4 no
5 no
6 no
7 no
8 no
9 no
10 no
11 no
12 yes = 10
13 yes = 20 points
14 no

108 weeb points total
8 hours ago

Feb 2011
@deg wow, 30 years is a lot, respect.

8 hours ago

Jan 2009
Reply to Shizuna
@deg wow, 30 years is a lot, respect.
@Shizuna im 40 years old and a 1990s kid so ye im that old
8 hours ago

May 2019
1. I've been watching anime casually for 20 years and actively for the last 7 years.
2. Around a 100 or so.
3. No, i watch anime because of softcore female nudity.
4. No, i don't want to visit japan, i'm fine where i am.
6. Not exactly, but i know japan's major historical highlights and events.
7. Yes, inaccurate translations anger me even outside anime like in published books.
8. No, i do not put any effort nor do i intend to learn the japanese language.
9. Yes, i read a lot of dojinshi, mostly the pornographic ones.
10. Yes, i listen to dojin music mostly ones from VNs and Games.
11. Yes, i read Visual Novels, mostly the pornographic ones.
12. Yes, as you can see from my profile and online persona, i'm attracted to any female character who wears a bikini armor as her default outfit.
13. Yes, My waifu is Leina Vance from Queen's Blade
14. No, but i do own touhou fumos and anime-style video games.

I got 83 points.
tchitchouan7 hours ago
7 hours ago

Jun 2016
1. 8 years
2. According to my profile, 756
3. No
4. No. Visit yes, but I wouldn't want to live there.
5. Neutral, I like some things about their culture more and some things about mine more.
6. I know next to nothing about Japanese history prior to Commodore Perry
7. Not really
8. No
9. Not really, but that may change in the future
10. Not really, but that may change in the future
11. Yes
12. Yes
13. Yes
14. Yes

76.12 points
7 hours ago
Jul 2024
Damn, I cannot even accurately remember seeing as how I grew up as a little kid watching Speed Racer & Kimba: The White Lion. But my love for Anime started with Starblazers, back in 1982. Still, I really didn't get into it a lot until the 1997.
1) 25+ Years.
2) Easily over 1000.
3) Some times. ( This also varies if Sub or Dub
4) Not really, working conditions there are worse than the USA.
5) In some areas.
6) No
7) No
8) Not really, but I've picked some up.
9) No
10) No
11) Not really available here, not many anyway.
13) Hard to say, maybe not really.
14) No.
7 hours ago

May 2022
1. 4 years
2. 206
3. No
4. No, I'm terrible at Japanese
5. Eh, both have ups and downs so no opinion.
6. I think I know mine better, Japan's is more complex
7. No
8. I guess
9. I don't think so
10. Yeah
11. Yeah
12. Yeah
13. No
14. Yes, but only posters and DVDs and such.

52.12 weeb points, I guess I'm terrible at being a weeb
"If at first you don't succeed, mistake if you aren't is not, is to into consequences the succeeding to enter the path of true successfulness"
-Mike Tyson, The 32nd President of The United States
6 hours ago

Apr 2012
1. I think about 23 - 46pt.
2. About 700 - 14pt.
3. No, I pay almost no attention to them.
4. No, it's a great place to visit, but not to live.
5. No, they both have relative strengths and weaknesses. A blend of the best bits of both would be awesome.
6. No. I don't even really know it better than countries like Russia, Egypt etc.
7. No. Although Americanisation can be very annoying.
8. Yes - 15pt
9. No.
10. No.
11. Yes - 5pt.
12. Sort of. Let's say half points here - 5pt.
13. No.
14. Yes - 10pt
Total: 95 points.
6 hours ago

Feb 2009
The weeb Otaku Chart FTFY.

1. ~25~ years range
2. My profile needs to be updated but ~1000~ range. my profile is sitting in the year 2008-2009 still when I was obsessed with Lucky Star. (except for recent releases and ones that pop into my mind occasionally)
3. No
4. Yes.
5. Yes
6. Better
7. Yes.
8. Yes
9. Yes
10. Only if it's remixes of original tracks, so I'll say yes.
11. Yes
12. Yes
13. Yes
14. Yes

-Crimson-6 hours ago
6 hours ago

Jul 2023
1. 2 years
2. 900
3-10: no
11: LN
12: I don't count
13: obviously no no no.
14: no

point: 27.

6 hours ago

Apr 2020
1.8 years
4.Nope (I would visit the country as a tourist tho)
5.I like some things from their culture but nope
9.Yes but rarely nowadays
11.I read visual novels
12.Not really
6 hours ago

Jul 2017
1. 7 years
2. 166
3. No
4. Live? No. But for a vacation hell yeah (short answer no)
5. Yes :(
6. Yes
7. No
8. No
9. Yes (hent*i counts right?)
10. No
11. No
12. No
13. No. I have some but can't say I've been fixated on the same single character over the years.
14. Yes some tshirts and a few figures

Total 56
6 hours ago

Feb 2020
I'm bad at maths lol, if someone wants to add my scores feel free.

1. About 9 years
2. 642
3. Not really? I may have done so once or twice just to see her range, but I don't stalk her anime(s) lol
4. I would maybe like to live in-between, but it's more of a fantasy than possible reality, my country has too much stuff I like here to fully leave.
5. My country's culture is nothing like it used to be, so definitely probably.
6. I know little about either lol
7. Not really
8. I did for a little bit
9. Yes
10. I didn't even know that was a thing?!
11. Yes, moreso LNs though.
12. Kinda?
13. Kind-of? I wouldn't ever put them over a real relationship, but I treat them as comfort things like some other stuff I like.
14. Yes, both figures & Dakimakura... in case you really wanted to know.
6 hours ago
Sep 2018
hahaha nice chart, loved it.
I got 160 😂
5 hours ago
Nov 2017
1. 16
2. More than most people
3. No
4. Only if I could do it part time, like three months a year or so on vacation
5. Lmao no
6. No
7. No
8. No
9. Yes
10. Dafuq is doujin music
11. Light novels only
12. No
13. No
14. No
5 hours ago

Apr 2008
1.) 27 years
2.) Over 1,000 if you count all the rewatches i have
3.) No
4.) No but I would like to visit
5.) No
6.) No besides like major events
7.) No I just get annoyed when they are bad
8.) Yes in high school I took Japanese all 4 years
9.) Yes
10.) No
11.) Yes
12.) No
13.) No
14.) Yes

109...idk if thats a lot or not lmao

5 hours ago

Dec 2022
1. 8 years
2. 581
3. No
4. No. A vacation would be nice though.
5. No. Neither is better.
6. No. Although, I do know some.
7. No
8. No
9. Yes
10. No
11. No
12. Yes
13. No
14. Yes

52.62 points. Is that good or bad?
4 hours ago

Aug 2021
103.64 weeb points to be exact. My god I never knew I was such a big weeb lol
4 hours ago

Feb 2024
10 (<1 year + 150 anime + manga).

So, I guess it means lots of excitement ahead.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
4 hours ago

Jul 2022
Only 30 points, so not nearly as weeb as I anticipated.

Don't know if that's a good thing...
3 hours ago

Aug 2017
1. 8 years (16 pts)
2. 2146 (42.92 pts)
3. Yes (5 pts)
4. Yes (5 pts)
5. Yes (5 pts)
6. Yes. In fact. I know Japan history more than my own (5 pts)
7. Yes, angry (15 pts)
8. Yes (15 pts)
9. Yes (5 pts)
10. Yes (5 pts)
11. LN (5 pts)
12. Yes (10 pts)
13. Yes (20 pts)
14. Yes (10 pts)

Total: 163,92

I think the Weeb chart give people who actively watching Anime for many years an unfair advantage for others who watch a lot of Anime in less years since I really doubt those people haven't stopped without reaching at least 1000-2000 if they have 8 to 10 years watching Anime. And 0.02 pts per Anime are too low.
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
3 hours ago
Oct 2019
1. About 5 years, I think.
2. Not counting sequels (because I don't add them to my list), 85.
3. No, but I'd probably consider watching an anime just for Takehito Koyasu or Ai Fairouz
4. Nah. For now, I'd rather stay here in America. If things ever get really bad here, Japan is one country I'd consider moving to, but I'm not even sure that it's THE one I'd want to move to.
5. Yes, but only because we don't really have much (if any) unique culture here. Any culture we have, they also have in pretty much every other part of the world.
6. Lol, no. I know basically nothing about Japanese history.
7. No. I dislike mistranslation issues in localization, but it's not something I'm passionate enough about to get angry or depressed over, just a little bit frustrated at worst.
8. No. I just casually pick up on certain words and phrases when watching anime or playing Japanese games. I'd go out of my way to learn the language if I was going to move to Japan or if I got tired of waiting for Yen Press to translate the next No Game No Life volume though.
9. No.
10. No.
11. Yes, but barely. There's one LN series that I've read, and two visual novels.
12-14. No. Though I would buy JoJo figures if I had the money to spare.

21.7 points in total. Guess I'm not much of a weeb. (I prefer the term "Otaku" anyway, judging by how the Japanese use it)
3 hours ago

Jun 2024
1. 22 ( I watch anime since 5 since my parents both of anime fans they try to watch me)

2.400 ( It's so hard to update a list I need to track them before give a score there some anime I watch as a teen I need to track it down)

3. No

4. No ( I'm been there in my vacation three years ago)

5. No (Our Culture have some wild thins)

6.Yes ( Since I'm a History Teacher I think there History is alright I think France still have complex)


8. No ( But I want to learn it but since I already learn three language like French my native, English, and Tagalog)

9. No

10. No

11 Yes ( I'm more of light novel fan than manga)

12 No

13 No

14 No

Well It's 62 well I say I an a fan not a weeb that is true but! I know its History so that's okay
Kirika_Madeleine3 hours ago
3 hours ago

Mar 2021
I won't write a detailed breakdown of the scores, but the total is 139.4 points.

2 hours ago

Jan 2019
1. 4 years actively, 8pts
2. 278, 5.56pts
3. No
4. Not really
5. No
6. No
7. Angry of terrible localizing, 15pts
8. No
9. Yes, 5pts
10. No
11. Yes, 5pts
12. No
13. No
14. No

39pts, not even a passing grade :)
2 hours ago

Oct 2021
1 10
2 14
3 0
4 0
5 5
6 0
7 15
8 0
9 5
10 0
11 5
12 10
13 20
14 0

84 points
2 hours ago
Handler One

Jan 2023
1. 1.6 years (3 pts)
2. Using what I have on my MAL profile, 472 (9.44 pts)
3. No
4. Yes (5 pts)
5. Vietnamese and Japanese culture have their ups and downs, N/A
6. Nope
7. Not really, it's more irritating than anything
8. Yes, I'm currently learning Japanese (15 pts)
9. No
10. No
11. Yes (5 pts)
12. Kinda, I'd be lying if I said no. (5 pts)
13. Yeah (20 pts)
14. I guess so, I don't own much (10 pts)

Total points: 72.44

"You fought to the end. You survived. That's why you're here now. I think that's something you should be more proud of."
- Vladilena Milizé
2 hours ago

Feb 2020
1. 5 years
2. 1000+
3. No
4. No
5. Yes and no
6. No
7. No
8. No
9. No
10. No
11. No
12. No
13. No
14. No

35, I guess.
60 minutes ago

Apr 2018
1. 12 years (24 pt)
2. Around like 600 (12 pt)
3. yes
4. no, but I would like to visit
5. 50/50 to be honest but more of a yes
6. yes
7. no
8. yes
9. no
10. no
11. yes
12. yes
13. yes
14. yes.

111 in total

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