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Every anime viewer has gone through this phase:

May 12, 10:27 AM
Jul 2023
You know, every anime watcher has had a period of addiction (a time when they were an extreme anime addict). Do you have any embarrassing or bad memories from that period? Looking back now, do you ever think "What was I thinking at that time?"
May 12, 10:29 AM

Jan 2009
i guess i was an addict in the 1990s and early 2000s watching anime on local tv and nope i do not regret it since i was still a kid and at school back then
May 12, 10:29 AM

Oct 2015
I don't think this is the case, there have been times where I watched a lot in a given day, but it was because I had jack to do and a whole lot of free time, not because of addictedness, it wasn't rare that the next day from a binge I watched little to nothing.
May 12, 10:30 AM

Feb 2020
"Do you have any embarrassing or bad memories from that period?"

Not really. I loved to binge all those anime.
May 12, 10:34 AM

Aug 2017
It isn't a phase for me. I'm still an extreme Anime addict.
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
May 12, 10:35 AM

Aug 2018
Binge watched to get to the Chimera Ant Arc, lol.
May 12, 10:38 AM

Sep 2016
9765 said:
do you ever think "What was I thinking at that time?"

More like "How did I manage to binge so many episodes per day?"
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
May 12, 10:38 AM

May 2019
Yeah i remember doing that for Naruto and Hunter x Hunter (1999) around 2007.
May 12, 10:39 AM

Nov 2014
Even though I spend most of my free time watching anime, I would never call it an addiction. Addiction makes it sound like I stop functioning as a normal human being for the sake of watching anime. I spend time watching anime the same way that people spend time watching shows, movies, streamers, reading, etc, and no one portrays those people as addicts. I don't regret spending my time watching anime, because I did it to entertain myself, and it fulfilled its purpose.

I do have an embarrassing moment, which was while I was watching a Bleach filler episode where they go to the beach and Matsumoto is trying to pick up water with her "balloons" and my mom enters my room.
May 12, 10:45 AM
Jul 2023
My personal bad memories mostly come from the period between 2020 and 2021. During that time, my mental state was quite unstable due to the stress of exams and being confined at home because of the coronavirus pandemic. The most important exam of my life kept getting postponed, and I ended up sitting at home for a year. I would often talk about anime on YouTube during those times, and I would argue with people about it… And yes, I acted quite foolishly during that periodMy personal bad memories mostly come from the period between 2020 and 2021. During that time, my mental state was quite unstable due to the stress of exams and being confined at home because of the coronavirus pandemic. The most important exam of my life kept getting postponed, and I ended up sitting at home for a year. I would often talk about anime on YouTube during those times, and I would argue with people about it… And yes, I acted quite foolishly during that periodMy personal bad memories mostly come from the period between 2020 and 2021. During that time, my mental state was quite unstable due to the stress of exams and being confined at home because of the coronavirus pandemic. The most important exam of my life kept getting postponed, and I ended up sitting at home for a year. I would often talk about anime on YouTube during those times, and I would argue with people about it… And yes, I acted quite foolishly during that periodMy personal bad memories mostly come from the period between 2020 and 2021. During that time, my mental state was quite unstable due to the stress of exams and being confined at home because of the coronavirus pandemic. The most important exam of my life kept getting postponed, and I ended up sitting at home for a year. I would often talk about anime on YouTube during those times, and I would argue with people about it… And yes, I acted quite foolishly during that period
May 12, 11:01 AM

Jul 2010
No, I find it cool that I had so much energy to binge all those series. Now I often suffer with 2 eps, or I need to take a break often from watching anime.
May 12, 11:41 AM

Feb 2021
Looking back, I am actually proud of myself that I could watch as many anime as I did. Nowadays, I just stick to watching shows one episode at a time as they are airing since I often struggle to pay attention for longer periods of time, especially when a story is slow. May TikTok burn in hell for ruining my attention span.
May 12, 11:51 AM
Mar 2017
If I don’t watch at least one anime eps a day , I’ll be really frustrated (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
Not really because I’m addicted … there was a 3years of my life void of anime completely, like I told my self * if you watch even one ep you’ll fail exams and blah blah * so my passion eventually got tired of me and left …. Now it’s been 2 years since then and I just can’t believe I FINALLY am back to enjoy my anime time
So even watching 30eps is okay with me , I just want more
May 12, 11:51 AM

Oct 2017
That was me as a teenager and it really helped feed into the other shit that made me a horrible person back then. I pretty much acted exactly like the insufferable people I tend to call out these days.
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
May 12, 12:11 PM

Oct 2019
Idk about addict, but I definitely had a honeymoon phase at the start where every show was the most fun thing ever since everything was so new to me. which meant I watched at least 6 episodes a day.

I still get that feeling of wanting to just watch more and more, but nowadays it happens with way fewer shows than before.... because I mean obviously.
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May 12, 12:16 PM

Jul 2016
Reply to Vampire_Lord
No, I find it cool that I had so much energy to binge all those series. Now I often suffer with 2 eps, or I need to take a break often from watching anime.
@Vampire_Lord suffering with 2 eps? now there's finally someone i can actually relate to
May 12, 12:26 PM

Oct 2018
I’m actually watching more anime now than when I was younger thanks to streaming (as opposed to tv & VHS/DVD/Bluray). Plus more non-Ghibli anime movies are making it into theaters here in the US in recent years. I can foresee myself being less focused on seasonals at some point in the future, but doubt I’ll ever give up anime entirely.
OhayotakuMay 12, 12:32 PM
May 12, 3:42 PM

Jul 2016
Yayaya, my phase was from 2014-2020. Don't regret the time I focusing on anime, feels like a simpler time looking back. :)
May 12, 3:52 PM

Dec 2020
What was I thinking at that time? I was very depressed.
May 12, 4:18 PM

Mar 2021
9765 said:
You know, every anime watcher has had a period of addiction (a time when they were an extreme anime addict). Do you have any embarrassing or bad memories from that period? Looking back now, do you ever think "What was I thinking at that time?"

Ya I went through a phase like this... back in the early 90s. I probably watched the streamline pictures release of "Akira' over 100 times on VHS almost once every weekend since I bought it.

I don't simply just look back and question what I was thinking much. I was just a horny teen back then that was easily entertained by sex, nudity, and violence in entertainment. Japanese Anime had plenty of this back then, specifically with what was actually getting released to Western Audiences at the time. I even remember getting my 1st girlfriend to watch it with me at one point where she basically told me she was appalled by the fact I watched such violent entertainment. Not like when she was ever over at my house to watch a movie alone together did we actually really spend much time watching what was playing on the screen (mostly we just made out the entire time completely ignoring anything playing on the TV).

One thing I do think about is some of the Anime I was into back when I was just a Horny Teenager... I still cringe at the fact I use to think so highly of a title like "Crying Freeman". As well as looking back at some of the actual Hentai I owned back then (before it was actually even called Hentai) such as "U-Jin Brand". All I have to say is "U-Jin Brand" is probably one of the most sexist, misogynistic, and chauvinistic Anime I have ever seen in my life back then. I bought the title on a whim on VHS when I saw it on sale in a bargain bin at a local Blockbuster Video brand new for only $10 in the early 90s. Since they didn't have it to rent I just ended up buying it just to watch it. The 1st time I viewed it with a friend of mine I was laughing so hard at the time because how blatantly sexist, misogynistic, and chauvinistic the story was that I passed it off to a friend of mine at school to watch who was a Riot grrrl. Specifically so her and her Riot grrrl friends could deconstruct everything wrong with it. lol Just the look on her face after I asked what she thought about it after viewing it was priceless. I have never seen a female friend of mine so disgusted by something before in my life back than. But the reaction was predictable.
ColourWheelMay 12, 7:36 PM
May 12, 4:39 PM

Jun 2019
In my case it's just because my entire life I always need to have one or multiple things - an intense main interest - at any given time. Sometimes the phases of periods of intense interest in that topic lasted for days or weeks. Sometimes for months and years, or ever since I first developed it and never stopped. I still have other areas of obsessive interest, though they fluctuate in intensity and prominence (the share of time and energy devoted to them compared to the other interests and everything else), but I would say that I've been like that with respect to anime since my discovery of it in 2016.

For example, another of mine which is lifelong is the study of history and particularly specific periods or eras of history, and that is still very much with me from around 10 years-old to this day, but I will say that currently and in the past several years I just don't spend as much active time on it daily, but it's still there in the background.
WatchTillTandavaMay 12, 4:43 PM
May 12, 4:50 PM

Sep 2018
Glad I was a closet weeb in those middle school days. My most cringe memory of it was just trying to learn japanese.
May 12, 4:59 PM

May 2021
I would binge any yuri I could find at one point even if it wasn’t very good and just ate that shit up rewatched them a lot too lmao that’s a funny memory of being younger and going through some self discovery
May 12, 5:05 PM

Jun 2022
I'm glad I spent time watching anime because it brought me happiness. There's no point regretting something that made me happy. And the past can't be changed.

I regret not doing anything more productive and failing to enjoy high school and university when I had the chance. I should have waited until I had finished high school and university before binging anime.

I learned Japanese to an intermediate level because of anime. And was able to talk with people. I'm actually proud of that.
creepylurkerMay 12, 5:23 PM
May 12, 6:18 PM

Jul 2013
I am still addicted to anime atm btw...
May 12, 6:36 PM
Apr 2022
No embarrassing or bad memories. It's been decades since my first time watch anime from local tv and I always waiting at Sunday morning when there's many anime being shown.
May 13, 11:33 AM

Jul 2013
I am still addicted to anime tbh. Nothing wrong with that.
May 15, 3:12 PM

Sep 2007
Reply to Auron_
I don't think this is the case, there have been times where I watched a lot in a given day, but it was because I had jack to do and a whole lot of free time, not because of addictedness, it wasn't rare that the next day from a binge I watched little to nothing.
Auron_ said:
I don't think this is the case, there have been times where I watched a lot in a given day, but it was because I had jack to do and a whole lot of free time, not because of addictedness, it wasn't rare that the next day from a binge I watched little to nothing.

Same here as I was pretty much watching anime to either kill time or something to enjoy.
May 15, 3:22 PM
Feb 2022
I'm still in that phase. I don't do anything embarrassing in public, but it really affected me in some points.
Aug 3, 9:30 AM

Jan 2018
not a single chotto matte moment so all is well
Aug 3, 10:20 AM

Apr 2024
Reply to Vampire_Lord
No, I find it cool that I had so much energy to binge all those series. Now I often suffer with 2 eps, or I need to take a break often from watching anime.
Vampire_Lord said:
Now I often suffer with 2 eps, or I need to take a break often from watching anime.

Why? i see a lot of people in the same case of you but i don't really understand (no judgment) what happen for changing your capacity of watching anime
Currently madly in love with my babygirl Laura Kinney💛💛 (yes i'm horny)
Aug 3, 10:48 AM

Jul 2010
Reply to Zakatsuki_
Vampire_Lord said:
Now I often suffer with 2 eps, or I need to take a break often from watching anime.

Why? i see a lot of people in the same case of you but i don't really understand (no judgment) what happen for changing your capacity of watching anime
Just a phase or I hope it is, last year I finished more than 100 titles, the most of them were seasonal ones btw, and even re-watched Bleach. But this year only around 20 with re-watching. Gaming is my #1 hobby, btw, often I don't have time for both, and when I'm playing anime related games like Visual Novels or Persona series games for example I've zero interest in watching anime.
Vampire_LordAug 3, 10:52 AM
Aug 3, 11:01 AM

Jun 2017
When i first got into anime, i was so excited to learn about how vast it was outside of the mecha and shonen-action shows i grew up with. But i never knew where to start, so i watched a shit ton of ecchi. Why? Well cause i just thought i'd get to boobies so if the show was bad, it wouldn't have been a waste
My waifu is the most wonderful waifu. Mai Valentine.
Aug 3, 11:31 AM

Jul 2013
I barely watch any anime. Outside of MMDs vids on Youtube, of course. Like this one.

【原神/Genshin Impact MMD】 なにやってもうまくいかない 【 Furina 】
Aug 3, 11:42 AM
Sep 2020
When I first started watching anime one of the first shows I saw was Elfen Lied and Mirai Nikki. Thought they were goated.Years passed and I rewatched them. Yeah fam, they alright but nowhere near the top ten IMO. lmao
Aug 3, 1:27 PM
Jul 2024
Yes, but I think I will keep them to myself for now. LOL
Aug 3, 2:57 PM

Feb 2018
Reply to rohan121
Glad I was a closet weeb in those middle school days. My most cringe memory of it was just trying to learn japanese.

Trying to Learn something is Never, EVER "Cringe" inducing...
especially not when the subject in question happens to be one of the most difficult written/spoken languages ever devised by humanity...
Aug 3, 3:48 PM

Aug 2010
Not embarassed about, but I wish I didn't sacrifice some sleep for anime when I was in high school.
Aug 4, 6:34 AM

Oct 2023
Can't really say I went through that "phase". I pace myself and still manage to watch a ton of anime while maintaining a somewhat normal life. The most embarrassing time would be suffering through corny Pokemon episodes and terribly passed Dragon Ball Z episodes. Growing up I was more obsessed with video games...and we will leave at that.
Aug 10, 8:16 PM

Jul 2023
No, it would be too sad. It didn't happen with me, I love to binge ☺

Aug 10, 11:38 PM

Nov 2013
Reply to Nurguburu
It isn't a phase for me. I'm still an extreme Anime addict.
@Nurguburu Same. It's rare I watch fewer than 2~3 episodes of any anime per day. When I'm binging, I can easily burn through an entire series in a sitting.

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