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Delicious in Dungeon
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Mar 28, 2024 9:04 PM
Jul 2021
for me personally the best episode so far, definitely hit the emotional notes of the manga more consistently and used the medium to add on to it, so some of this hit as hard and even harder than the manga.
While Dungeon Meshi is a comedy it's also so much more than that and I personally always preferred the more serious and darker moments overall so I am over the moon this episode struck a perfect balance, that bodes well for everything that is yet to come.
I chased fame, fortune and CANDY during MALoween 23

Main :

Mar 28, 2024 9:33 PM

May 2016
This ork women has a very high potential
beware of crappy engrish
Mar 28, 2024 9:48 PM

Feb 2019
Damn, what a Dungeon Meishi episode. As soon as Falin rejoins the party she’s gone again, the mysterious dungeon master appears again and the story just got a whole lot darker. I’ve been waiting for this, I like the slice of life stuff, but I always felt there was more they could do with this world. Very much looking forward to seeing where things go from here.

The dungeon master is such a cool antagonist. The fact he’s legit mental and can’t be reasoned with, at least for now, puts a nice spin on things. What mysteries lie deeper in the dungeon? So much we don’t know about this dark elf, his lord, Falin’s condition, etc.

One thing for sure, proud of my boy Chil for overcoming his fear of losing his friends, with some help from the orc chief sister, MVP of this episode.

Hype for second cour
Marinate1016Mar 28, 2024 10:22 PM
Mar 28, 2024 10:58 PM
Sep 2016
I love this episode
Mar 28, 2024 11:13 PM
Sep 2023
This is finally getting good
Mar 28, 2024 11:47 PM

Apr 2009
That took a dark turn pretty quick. Oh no, so no more dangerous but delicious in the dungeon, just dangerous? TT_TT

On another note, I like the dogs of the Orc, they're very dependable.
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Mar 29, 2024 12:36 AM
John Titor

Jul 2017
Quite interesting episode, with the appearance of the dark elf, Falin missing and Chillchuck showing more development. I really missed the cooking, tho.

F for the dragon ham ;_; .
Mi música chiptune (auténtica, no fakebit) / My chiptune music (real, no fakebit)
Battle of the Bits
Mar 29, 2024 12:38 AM
Aug 2021
yo why no cooking this episodr
im deeply saddened.
Mar 29, 2024 1:05 AM
Nov 2018
Suddenly we got studio Triggered. Show has finally hit its stride.
Mar 29, 2024 1:37 AM

Jan 2021
I didn't expect at all that I would shed tears because of this anime......

Falin was just back with them and she's gone again now... why is it that if the previous episode is too fun, then the episode after it must be sad..?

But what Chilchuck said was true. With their current state they will not be able to get or achieve anything. Their skills must be honed to be even stronger, especially since they already know how the dungeon terrain they will go through, it can make it easier to know what they need to improve. Aaaah. Can't wait for this! Let's get Falin back!

Mar 29, 2024 2:57 AM
Sep 2021
Never though that plot will be a driving factor in this series, now excited for more of the dungeon exploration.
Mar 29, 2024 3:04 AM

Jul 2023
Sad that Falin is gone again. Anyway, what at first was a silly waste of time in a previous episode turns out to be consequential in this episode. That elf is angry with Laios, that's for sure.
Mar 29, 2024 4:47 AM

May 2015
No ! The ham ! There's no more ham !
Mar 29, 2024 5:40 AM

Feb 2020
I see so its turns out those dark elf was the one from the living paintings. Things getting even weirder when the dark elf kinda makes an absurd saying toward Falin. Was she the Red Dragon? The fact that the dark elf wanted to brings back the King of the Golden Kingdom seems very contradicted by how the dungeon created. Whats his real purpose at?

Too bad, the magician had some beef with Laious by how he encountered him at the living paintings. Now everything just went down to the starting point. Laious and co needs to return, gather more ally, and ofc cooking supplies, so they can unravel the dungeon mysteries for once and for all...

Idk if the second cour can wrapped up all of the stories. But at least if its not, Dungeon Meshi can brings it to the end by having another season, or a movie. Ah dungeon meshi dungeon meshi...
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Mar 29, 2024 5:42 AM
Apr 2021
Ok WTF WAS THAT? This episode was so so dark I see why ppl were saying the series gets more intense as we go more into the story bc wtf is with that Dark Magician Elf and why is he the keeper of the dungeon? And why is he so loyal to the king that’s already dead? And why can he summon monsters for the dungeon? So many questions yet so little answers😭😭😭

Falin got taken away which means we’re back to the same goal as the first episode and tbh I thought we were gonna get at least one episode with her but nah Laios can’t catch a break and Falin as well, it looks like she’s merged with the dragon bc of the forbidden ancient magic Marcille casted to bring her back😯

While Chilchuck was correct about being reckless he still kinda cheesed me out with how pussy he was acting, like bro you just defeated a red dragon yet you’re still this much of a pussy? Damn hope bro gets more character development and becomes more of a real nigga instead of what was displayed in this episode tbh🤷🏽‍♂️

Laios and Marcille got assaulted from being kissed by that orc lady, I don’t want to even know wth she put down their throats😭

Let’s see what the next episode has in store for us I wonder if they’ll go back to the surface or if they’ll stay down in the dungeon🤩
Mar 29, 2024 6:22 AM
Mar 2024
Reply to Embient
Probably the last time We'll see this OP. It's quite relaxing, I like it.

9:38, 9:42 It wasn't subtitled, but the ghost said これ以上は心配しないで (kore ijou wa shinpai shinaide) - "You don't need to worry anymore"

The ED is so out of place again xD
A bit tonal shift this episode. Losing Falin again is a bit frustrating, but I like this development. I hope people don't start hating on Chilchuck too much, he was just super frustrated.

A trailer for the second cour just came out, so check it out.
Embient said:
Probably the last time We'll see this OP. It's quite relaxing, I like it.

9:38, 9:42 It wasn't subtitled, but the ghost said これ以上は心配しないで (kore ijou wa shinpai shinaide) - "You don't need to worry anymore"

The ED is so out of place again xD
A bit tonal shift this episode. Losing Falin again is a bit frustrating, but I like this development. I hope people don't start hating on Chilchuck too much, he was just super frustrated.

A trailer for the second cour just came out, so check it out.

Why people should be anti-Chilchuck, because of his reaction in this Episode? He was the only one who acted responsibly and considered the situation that they were in. There is a difference between a coward and a logical person who knows when he comes to his limits and when it's pointless to continue when he considers their current status.

And thank you I wondered what the ghost said.
By the way, how did you understand what the ghost said?

Marinate1016 said:
Damn, what a Dungeon Meishi episode. As soon as Falin rejoins the party she’s gone again, the mysterious dungeon master appears again and the story just got a whole lot darker. I’ve been waiting for this, I like the slice of life stuff, but I always felt there was more they could do with this world. Very much looking forward to seeing where things go from here.

The dungeon master is such a cool antagonist. The fact he’s legit mental and can’t be reasoned with, at least for now, puts a nice spin on things. What mysteries lie deeper in the dungeon? So much we don’t know about this dark elf, his lord, Falin’s condition, etc.

One thing for sure, proud of my boy Chil for overcoming his fear of losing his friends, with some help from the orc chief sister, MVP of this episode.

Hype for second cour

The king is probably the same one who said that he gives his rule to the one who will defeat the crazy mag that rules the dungeon right now (the elf).
And that is weird because this elf seems like he really cares about his king.
Mar 29, 2024 6:25 AM

Feb 2021
That Lunatic Magician is very dangerous...
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Mar 29, 2024 7:49 AM

Sep 2010
Wonder what everyone's motives are here.
The mad mage seemingly created and tasked the red dragon with finding the king, who was said to have turned to dust and vanished at the start of episode 1.
Falin seems to have somehow bonded with the red dragon. I suppose that's an improvement over being in the dragon's stomach or fuel sack though. Still sad for them to lose her less than a day after reviving her.
The old city's ghosts stand between Falin and the mad mage, as if to defend her, but they have no effect on the mage.

Wonder what the mage was doing in the paintings. Reminiscing of the distant past?

Marcille's staff broke... maybe she's due for an upgrade or replacement.

That's scary, getting kissed by the female orc. Even Kazuma avoided that in the Konosuba movie.

I see we have a new poster image. What is that in the far background? Looks like Falin and the dragon.
Mar 29, 2024 7:52 AM

Feb 2021
Reply to tuorm
Embient said:
Probably the last time We'll see this OP. It's quite relaxing, I like it.

9:38, 9:42 It wasn't subtitled, but the ghost said これ以上は心配しないで (kore ijou wa shinpai shinaide) - "You don't need to worry anymore"

The ED is so out of place again xD
A bit tonal shift this episode. Losing Falin again is a bit frustrating, but I like this development. I hope people don't start hating on Chilchuck too much, he was just super frustrated.

A trailer for the second cour just came out, so check it out.

Why people should be anti-Chilchuck, because of his reaction in this Episode? He was the only one who acted responsibly and considered the situation that they were in. There is a difference between a coward and a logical person who knows when he comes to his limits and when it's pointless to continue when he considers their current status.

And thank you I wondered what the ghost said.
By the way, how did you understand what the ghost said?

Marinate1016 said:
Damn, what a Dungeon Meishi episode. As soon as Falin rejoins the party she’s gone again, the mysterious dungeon master appears again and the story just got a whole lot darker. I’ve been waiting for this, I like the slice of life stuff, but I always felt there was more they could do with this world. Very much looking forward to seeing where things go from here.

The dungeon master is such a cool antagonist. The fact he’s legit mental and can’t be reasoned with, at least for now, puts a nice spin on things. What mysteries lie deeper in the dungeon? So much we don’t know about this dark elf, his lord, Falin’s condition, etc.

One thing for sure, proud of my boy Chil for overcoming his fear of losing his friends, with some help from the orc chief sister, MVP of this episode.

Hype for second cour

The king is probably the same one who said that he gives his rule to the one who will defeat the crazy mag that rules the dungeon right now (the elf).
And that is weird because this elf seems like he really cares about his king.
@tuorm Idk, when the ghost started talking I just immediately recognized it as words.
Mar 29, 2024 7:58 AM
Dec 2013
Dungeon Meshi manga finally in the Top 100. Maybe the anime too will end up in the Top 100 one day. This episode seems to be the point where the show starts getting serious.
Mar 29, 2024 8:40 AM
Apr 2023
Using the dragon's meat to make Falin's new body backfired on them since Thistle (the dungeon creator) was the one who brought/created it in the first place. Now that Falin's soul is in that body, it created this dilemma now because technically every living tissue in her body is being beckoned to follow Thistle's commands. That's so unfortunate, Falin just resurrected and now she's pulled back into the dungeon again.
Mar 29, 2024 9:16 AM

May 2020
I already loved this show, but now we've got some real SETUPS
Mar 29, 2024 10:27 AM

May 2015
Save Falin part two :)
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Mar 29, 2024 11:19 AM

Sep 2013
Aaah yes, this sure itched the scratch I had. Thank you for the "not-shota but close enough shota moe" blessing. Round, crying, tiny Chillchuck is the best.

Also, so begins the Dragon Falin villain arc xd
Mar 29, 2024 11:28 AM

May 2019
Ugh, so right after Falin got rescued she essentially got kidnapped by the mad mage (or whatever his name is) and needs rescuing again. And I was looking forward to how she would work with the team too.
Mar 29, 2024 12:02 PM

Sep 2007
Senshi probably never though of ham rolls like that.
Mar 29, 2024 12:26 PM
Dec 2020
Probably the best episode up until now

Also zon's sister is a baddie😩 (respectfully)
Mar 29, 2024 2:26 PM
Jul 2022
Reply to HyperlinkBlocked
@therealab Dragon soul, clearly. They said monster souls don't persist, but Dragon seems to be different. Maybe a familiar? The rest of the things we've seen seem to just be animals that moved in and adapted. Dragon seems to be a construct.

On an unrelated note: The subs continue to be shaky, and the Orcs objectively inferior animals.
Logical response which makes sense.

Asked this on reddit and got all out abuse and downvotes.
Mar 29, 2024 4:51 PM

Mar 2018
Just catched up and ARGH! After some pretty emotional episodes we're hit with such a cliffhanger! The dread! I've been quite hooked emotionally since episode 9 or so, and kinda want to just drop everything I'm doing and go read the manga. Heavily looking forward to the second cour
"Thus, my life needs no meaning. This body is made out of infinite swords"
"A name... Toru Rikiishi"
Mar 29, 2024 5:59 PM

Mar 2008
What's the deal with that dark elf? So angry all the time.

Laios loses his sister again and Senshi loses his dragon ham. What bad luck.

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Mar 29, 2024 8:57 PM

Sep 2010
Reply to HyperlinkBlocked
@therealab Dragon soul, clearly. They said monster souls don't persist, but Dragon seems to be different. Maybe a familiar? The rest of the things we've seen seem to just be animals that moved in and adapted. Dragon seems to be a construct.

On an unrelated note: The subs continue to be shaky, and the Orcs objectively inferior animals.
HyperlinkBlocked said:
On an unrelated note: The subs continue to be shaky
Care to point out any actual examples for those who actually rely on them?
Mar 29, 2024 8:59 PM

May 2022
This anime is going to a way that I never expected when I started watching and I simply loved it!

So I think we can consider that the first arc has ended. Fallin is saved. But now Fallin isn't Fallin. Somehow, the Red Dragon took Fallin's body and the Lunatic Magician is controling her.

I may say that this is beeing one of my biggest surprises ever in animes.
Mar 29, 2024 10:36 PM

Oct 2016
Just when I thought the story had no where else to go, it surprised me with this new development. Although it wasn’t action heavy, nor did it feature a new meal, it was definitely one of my favorite episodes as it built up so much, and I can’t wait to see how it will play out. (9/10)
Mar 30, 2024 1:14 AM

Dec 2022
Oof, I like the development but now I need a new comfy anime, because this show got real.
Mar 30, 2024 2:16 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Cooking time is over.

Now it's time to COOK.

whiskey tango foxtrot

Mar 30, 2024 5:56 AM
Apr 2023
Reply to FeanorianCruiser
see, in my mind
Ep 12 is where the story ended
they found falin, they saved falin, they went home with falin.

I am not sitting around to watch them ruin the story by dragging it out even longer. haffun on the kamikaze plane.
Um, what? What are you talking about?
Mar 30, 2024 6:11 AM
Oct 2022
Reply to Takata
HyperlinkBlocked said:
On an unrelated note: The subs continue to be shaky
Care to point out any actual examples for those who actually rely on them?

9:50: ”頭がどうにかなりそうだ” (Lit. My head's going crazy/is close to the edge) is translated as "I feel like my head's about to explode". Obviously Chuck's just saying he's about to lose his mind. This one's particularly egregious since it implies the ghosts may have done something to them, if unintentionally. As if they attacked briefly, or their mere presence is painful somehow.

10:18: ”一体どこから..." (Lit. Where the heck...?) was translated as "How did they get in?". She was asking where they got in through, like the last guy did. Nitpick? Absolutely. Inaccurate? Also yes.

11:10: "お前がこんなところまで来るなんて... 族長との約束とは?" (Lit. For you to come all the way here... what was your promise with the chief?) was translated as ""What brings you all the way down here? What promise did you make to our chief?". There was only one long question being asked. She didn't ask a question, then immediately re-state the question, or ask a separate, but similar one. She was wondering what promise he made to the chief that would compel him to come to buttfuck, nowhere for no apparent financial benefit.

20:05: ”おい置いていくぞ” (Lit. I/We'll leave you behind) gets translated as "Do you want to be left behind?". Nitpick? Arguably. Inaccurate? Technically!

20:07: ”あっああ” (Lit. Y-yeah) translated as "C-coming". Nitpick? Yes.

I left out more annoying nitpicks, like phrasing issues where the the dialogue and the translation don't match levels of formality, for example. But that's the gist of the issues. It's a really step up from last episode, where every other line seemed to be off somehow.
Mar 30, 2024 11:25 AM
Feb 2015
Falin only stay in group for one episode before she got kidnapped by lord of the dungeon, so she basically the fusion of dragon and human. That what making the dark elves able to control her and transform her to something else. Laios and the group have to retreat and get sme help before seeking out Falin once more. It was high and down again. Chilchuck want they to get the hell out before anyone kick the bucket is good head on his.

Also are the dragon searching for the King or something, that interesting. Is the ghost have something to tell to the group? they seem to save them. Shoutout to Kobayashi yuu, she's doing great job on getting the story to another level as lord of dungeon.
jumbosanMar 30, 2024 11:35 AM
Mar 30, 2024 12:28 PM
Oct 2020
were getting more plot with this ep
Mar 30, 2024 3:14 PM
Mar 2024
Reply to Embient
@tuorm Idk, when the ghost started talking I just immediately recognized it as words.
Embient said:
@tuorm Idk, when the ghost started talking I just immediately recognized it as words.

I realized that the ghost said something but I didn't understand what she said so I thought that the correct words were published somewhere so that is why I was asking you about this.
Anyway, thank you!
Mar 30, 2024 5:45 PM
Oct 2019
well that reunion wasn't last that long... god damn it.

Dark Elf is a problem problem for sure.
Mar 30, 2024 7:52 PM

Sep 2010
Reply to HyperlinkBlocked

9:50: ”頭がどうにかなりそうだ” (Lit. My head's going crazy/is close to the edge) is translated as "I feel like my head's about to explode". Obviously Chuck's just saying he's about to lose his mind. This one's particularly egregious since it implies the ghosts may have done something to them, if unintentionally. As if they attacked briefly, or their mere presence is painful somehow.

10:18: ”一体どこから..." (Lit. Where the heck...?) was translated as "How did they get in?". She was asking where they got in through, like the last guy did. Nitpick? Absolutely. Inaccurate? Also yes.

11:10: "お前がこんなところまで来るなんて... 族長との約束とは?" (Lit. For you to come all the way here... what was your promise with the chief?) was translated as ""What brings you all the way down here? What promise did you make to our chief?". There was only one long question being asked. She didn't ask a question, then immediately re-state the question, or ask a separate, but similar one. She was wondering what promise he made to the chief that would compel him to come to buttfuck, nowhere for no apparent financial benefit.

20:05: ”おい置いていくぞ” (Lit. I/We'll leave you behind) gets translated as "Do you want to be left behind?". Nitpick? Arguably. Inaccurate? Technically!

20:07: ”あっああ” (Lit. Y-yeah) translated as "C-coming". Nitpick? Yes.

I left out more annoying nitpicks, like phrasing issues where the the dialogue and the translation don't match levels of formality, for example. But that's the gist of the issues. It's a really step up from last episode, where every other line seemed to be off somehow.
@HyperlinkBlocked Hm... I might have sat through the subtitle track for the English dub, instead of the subtitle track for the Japanese dub, and not even noticed, because they were arranged the other way around to usual in the file.

For #4, Phrasing it as a statement instead of a question suggests a bit more intent to actually leave him behind. ...although by this point she's had a nice enough conversation with Chilchuk and is helping him haul 4 peoples' worth of bags, so, almost certainly not serious in context.

For #1, I think it's obvious from the context that the ghosts have not harmed them. There's no freezing effect, and they lack the open hostility of the ghosts encountered earlier. The first one even says "it's okay". -and that's all after the ghosts helped the party out of the crushing chamber. Wonder where the ghosts' allegiences lie... "I feel like my head's about to explode" seems to denote physiological pain, perhaps a result of the tumble into the crushing chamber earlier. "I think I'm going crazy" seems to denote a state of confusion, as opposed to any actual pain. In context, Chilchuk is probably experiencing both at the time.

It's going to take more than this to bother me though. I've noticed subs in other anime that seemed pretty far from what the characters were actually saying, and I understand no more than a little Japanese vocabulary.
TakataMar 30, 2024 9:18 PM
Mar 30, 2024 9:10 PM
Oct 2022
Reply to Takata
@HyperlinkBlocked Hm... I might have sat through the subtitle track for the English dub, instead of the subtitle track for the Japanese dub, and not even noticed, because they were arranged the other way around to usual in the file.

For #4, Phrasing it as a statement instead of a question suggests a bit more intent to actually leave him behind. ...although by this point she's had a nice enough conversation with Chilchuk and is helping him haul 4 peoples' worth of bags, so, almost certainly not serious in context.

For #1, I think it's obvious from the context that the ghosts have not harmed them. There's no freezing effect, and they lack the open hostility of the ghosts encountered earlier. The first one even says "it's okay". -and that's all after the ghosts helped the party out of the crushing chamber. Wonder where the ghosts' allegiences lie... "I feel like my head's about to explode" seems to denote physiological pain, perhaps a result of the tumble into the crushing chamber earlier. "I think I'm going crazy" seems to denote a state of confusion, as opposed to any actual pain. In context, Chilchuk is probably experiencing both at the time.

It's going to take more than this to bother me though. I've noticed subs in other anime that seemed pretty far from what the characters were actually saying, and I understand no more than a little Japanese vocabulary.
Takata said:
For #1, I think it's obvious from the context that the ghosts have not harmed them. There's no freezing effect, and they lack the open hostility of the ghosts encountered earlier. The first one even says "it's okay". -and that's all after the ghosts helped the party out of the crushing chamber. "I feel like my head's about to explode" seems to denote physiological pain, perhaps a result of the tumble into the crushing chamber earlier. "I think I'm going crazy" seems to denote a state of confusion, as opposed to any actual pain. In context, Chilchuk is probably experiencing both at the time.

Right, but remember that they just fell down a hole of unknown dimensions. Not to mention the fact that ghosts are supernatural creatures. Not only could Chil have hit his head, the ghosts themselves might have other anomalous effects beyond the obvious freezing. It doesn't matter what the ghost said (barely audible as it was), if they hypothetically radiate some kind of pain aura, you'll get hit no matter what they tell you. A better line would have been something like "I'm about to lose it!", since Chilchuck very specifically says his sanity is nearing its breaking point.

Takata said:
It's going to take more than this to bother me though. I've noticed subs in other anime that seemed pretty far from what the characters were actually saying, and I understand no more than a little Japanese vocabulary.

This is great compared to last episode, and practically a Master Class in translation compared to "Gushing over Magical Girls".
Mar 30, 2024 9:44 PM

Sep 2010
Reply to HyperlinkBlocked
Takata said:
For #1, I think it's obvious from the context that the ghosts have not harmed them. There's no freezing effect, and they lack the open hostility of the ghosts encountered earlier. The first one even says "it's okay". -and that's all after the ghosts helped the party out of the crushing chamber. "I feel like my head's about to explode" seems to denote physiological pain, perhaps a result of the tumble into the crushing chamber earlier. "I think I'm going crazy" seems to denote a state of confusion, as opposed to any actual pain. In context, Chilchuk is probably experiencing both at the time.

Right, but remember that they just fell down a hole of unknown dimensions. Not to mention the fact that ghosts are supernatural creatures. Not only could Chil have hit his head, the ghosts themselves might have other anomalous effects beyond the obvious freezing. It doesn't matter what the ghost said (barely audible as it was), if they hypothetically radiate some kind of pain aura, you'll get hit no matter what they tell you. A better line would have been something like "I'm about to lose it!", since Chilchuck very specifically says his sanity is nearing its breaking point.

Takata said:
It's going to take more than this to bother me though. I've noticed subs in other anime that seemed pretty far from what the characters were actually saying, and I understand no more than a little Japanese vocabulary.

This is great compared to last episode, and practically a Master Class in translation compared to "Gushing over Magical Girls".
HyperlinkBlocked said:
This is great compared to last episode, and practically a Master Class in translation compared to "Gushing over Magical Girls".
I was thinking Oniichan wa Oshimai. There was also a line in Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun that made no sense even if I disregarded the audio and video.

I guess tumbling through non-Euclidean space bothers Chilchuk's rational, risk-averse mind. Pretty sure there had to be some teleportation involved in the mad mage sending them into that crush chamber. Same for the escape hole. ...Namari also got severe nausea just from passing through a portal a few episodes ago.
Mar 31, 2024 10:42 AM

Nov 2013
Damn, Laios lost his sister again and so soon. Falin be a dragon now? That'll be cool if she can regain consciousness.
Mar 31, 2024 1:15 PM

Aug 2016
We get some big hints and revelations as to the purpose of the dungeon here. My guess is the mad mage created a more complex jar the school tested it's students with in order to trap her kings spirit within his body and I guess he is trying to use the red dragon to find his body so he can resurrect him, though I wonder why he has been unable to find him? Falin poor girl is now part red dragon and seems the dark elf sees her as nothing more than the red dragon and is able to control her as well.
Mar 31, 2024 2:54 PM
May 2021
that orc lady is realy hot
Mar 31, 2024 2:55 PM
May 2021
that orc lady is realy hot
Apr 1, 2024 6:50 AM
Feb 2024
The ogre lady motherbirding into her mouth was hot.
Apr 1, 2024 10:23 AM
Jun 2020
Chilchucks relaization was very human an the way he was very frustrated at the start an then was able to calm down and communicate with Laois was a something very hard and good to see
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