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Jan 12, 2023 9:32 PM
Jul 2018
For anyone who doesn't know, NEET means "not in education, employment, or training." I see a lot of NEETs on this site. Because of the free time they have in unemployment, these users typically have a huge amount of completed entries in their anime lists. 

My question is, what came first - your anime obsession or your unemployment? In other words, did you become a NEET because you got so hooked on anime that you became disinterested in the real world? Or is it the reverse - you just ended up with so much free time and decided to occupy that time with anime?

By the way, I'm not asking from a judgmental standpoint. I'll admit I was a NEET myself for ~16 months.

Jan 12, 2023 9:43 PM

Aug 2014
My decades-long interest in anime and video games has nothing to do with the fact that I am not a member of the working class. When I worked many years ago, I had already been into them for a long time.

P.S. You have an awesome new profile layout!
Jan 12, 2023 9:46 PM
Jul 2018
SmugSatoko said:
My decades-long interest in anime and video games has nothing to do with the fact that I am not a member of the working class. When I worked many years ago, I had already been into them for a long time.

P.S. You have an awesome new profile layout!
Makes sense, I already liked anime years before I became a NEET as well.

And thank you! It still needs a lot of work but I have some plans to make it look really cool.
Jan 12, 2023 9:49 PM

Feb 2020
I'm a NEET mostly because of health issues, although I did used to be a kind-of property developer for my family's business, before they both passed and the houses are (almost all) sold. I also lack a lot of education because of safety complications when I was a kid, which made me not be in the system until pretty recently.

I've been an Anime fan for about 7 years or so now, but have been a NEET much longer.
Little_SheeplingJan 13, 2023 9:34 AM
Jan 12, 2023 9:55 PM

Jul 2021
I was a NEET before I was an otaku NEET. I was actually into anime first, but such interests were pretty well diminished at the time when I dropped out of college. From there I never got a job and just spent my free time watching anime for some artificial sense of accomplishment instead. And nowadays I just don't have any interest in living my life for what it could be had I got a job or somehow advanced my career. I know for sure, however, that my otaku hobbies have helped to perpetuate my disinterest in reality.
wizdom224Jan 12, 2023 10:31 PM
Jan 12, 2023 11:41 PM

Mar 2015
Neither, I am a NEET because I am severely mentally ill.
Jan 12, 2023 11:57 PM
Grave of Flowers

Dec 2012
The longest time I've been a NEET (not counting pre-employment) is from Feb 15, 2019 to July 3, 2019.

Addressing your question, obviously the anime obsession came first. As it is most probably for everyone else who get exposed to the medium in their teens.

The problem lies with if you will let it ruin your life. Not so long ago there's some dude who apparently had his life ruined by anime to bother making a long rant about how even his family relationships were broken as a result and although I feel sorry for him that doesn't necessarily follow.

I have cousins who own anime merch I can't afford, who have better jobs than I do. Anime has nothing to do with it, you are still the driver of your own life
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Jan 13, 2023 2:41 AM

Nov 2022
Financial Crisis ruined my life prospects for me, that and last year in uni made me NEET not anything else.
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Jan 13, 2023 3:50 AM

Jan 2009
im NEET because im mentally sick and even when i was healthy i already watch anime
Jan 13, 2023 4:16 AM
Oct 2020
well, i haven't even watched any anime for a long time. i am currently only followng one manga series. haven't even read the new chapters of the series my profile picture is taken from. after i updated firefox on my tablet, i lost all my manga bookmarks :(
i like to be alone alot and i have low energy/motivation
Jan 13, 2023 6:19 AM

Mar 2008
I have shitty parents that messed me up and lacked anyone reaching out to me leaving me alone and I also don’t fit into the current system of the focus of what is considered education and careers. I am the type of person who hates specialization and wants to do just about everything and not be tied down to anything but there is no easy path for people like me especially without the backing in such a system of profit motive so Im completely cast aside and left behind.
Jan 13, 2023 6:42 AM
Dec 2017
I'm a neet because well i just rather chose to be that way honestly. 

Jan 13, 2023 7:59 AM

Aug 2012
Mental illness and life situation create neets. Addiction may play part for some.
Jan 13, 2023 10:22 AM

Oct 2012
I always liked anime, through school time, exam phases and working. My having been a NEET for a while has nothing to do with my interest in anime. 
If life ain't just a joke
Then why are we laughing?

If life ain't just a joke
Then why am I dead?
Jan 15, 2023 8:06 PM

Feb 2020
I just ended up with tons of free time and decided to occupy it with porn and anime stuffs

being a NEET i also have tons of time to learn japanese and recently i've been getting into learning how to draw

the real world isn't entirely disinteresting but it's hard to justify ever going out anywhere cause there'd be nothing to do and nobody to go with

also i'm pretty content with the NEET life and will carry it on as long as I can really
unless i discover some miraculous job that I love doing
(maybe i'll translate hentai games/doujinshi? who knows)

Jan 15, 2023 10:32 PM

Jun 2014
I'm a NEET because I'm disabled. I couldn't work or drive, even if I wanted to.

Jan 16, 2023 1:08 AM
Dec 2010
For me, it was neither what the OP describes. The education system failed on the rare occasion and it happened to me, and the govt had to fix it. 
The course I used to enrolled in was taken out after a while, I believe. Not sure what happened after that.

On top of everything from the internet...which I rather not describe. 
Jan 16, 2023 4:50 AM

Aug 2012
I have chronic health issues. I haven't worked in almost 3 years and before that I would be on and off work for weeks to months at a time due to my health. I actually divide my hobby time between watching anime, reading manhwa, and reading fiction/webnovels/fanfiction. At the end of the month my time will be divided even more since I'm going to be looking after my sisters 4 kids a couple days a week while she sleeps (she works night shifts and needs me to watch the littles while she sleeps. She has a 3 month old, 2 year old, 3 year old, and a 13 year old. Obviously the 13 year old will be in school and can pretty much look after herself, but the littles need me to feed them, change them, and play with them so my sister can get some sleep while her husband is at work. It'll only be 2 days a week, but it'll be really difficult on me with my health issues, but I can't say no to my little sister because she really can't do it on her own and can't be expected to go to work the night shift with 3 hours of sleep which is all she'll get before she has to take her husband to work as he doesn't drive due to his seizures. I did it for a few months before my sister went on maternity leave so I know I CAN do it, it just takes a toll on me and I basically am bed bound for two or three days after watching her kids, though it might be easier this time as last time I watched them for 5 hours before my niece got home and this time it'll only be 2 hours as her husbands hours changed. To clarify I watch them an additional 3-4 hours after my niece gets home too. So having the 13 year old home early to help will take a lot of the burden off, I think. Also, the baby likes to be held all the time. All. The. Time. He gets fussy if you put him down, but is 100% okay as long as you hold him. He's been a little better about being put on the floor though so he can practice rolling over or play on his floor mat, but the bad part of that is the 2 year old is in this phase where he wants to hold his baby brother. So you have to watch the 2 year old like a hawk if you do choose to put the baby down. The 3 year old is super easy though, surprisingly. And she's an aspie, but so am I.).
Jan 16, 2023 7:22 AM
May 2022
starflutter said:

I had dropped out of a prestigious college and I felt so guilty, I beat myself up every day, and that caused my mental state to spiral. So that's how I became a NEET in the first place.
I dropped out of an MA programme, which I was attending on a scholarship no less, because I got unreasonably stuck at writing my dissertation. Before dropping out, I remained in the programme until my candidature expired, so I wasn't technically a NEET, but I might as well have been one for a couple? few? years. So I understand how you feel, I think. It's hard to face some people even now. ._.

I think it's just my unambitious, laidback, happy-go-lucky personality, though. I've never been diagnosed with anything, although my mother's side of the family has a history of schizophrenia and other mental issues (my grandmother, an uncle, my sister). If I can be generous to myself, I might say I was responding to my body's cues not to push myself over the edge? 

After NEETing while pretending to be in grad school, I did pick up a proper job for a few years, but the company retrenched heavily and I went back to NEETing interspersed with bouts of freetering doing various part-time and freelance jobs, up til now.

I think I'm just not cut out for intense city life. I want to move to the countryside and live a slow life, working gently. Been contemplating it on and off for a decade now. Maybe I'll move when my earning power here has eroded enough.

Oh, as for what came first, I actually didn't watch that much anime when I was a NEET the first time round. It was when I was freetering that I watched more anime. And then it exploded when I started studying Japanese. So in my case, definitely anime is the effect, not the cause.
Jan 16, 2023 10:15 AM
Jul 2018
I just despise normies and everything related to them.

I don't watch Anime (and don't even see the appeal in Anime), same with video games, Sports, and other similar crap (to me all these are more for everyday normies activities than for asocial types of people).

Being asocial has nothing to do with those types of entertainment, it's just that I don't find anything interesting about being out there.

Pretty much one of the reasons why all my relationships in the past failed is because I'm not a go-out type of person and lose interest (in seconds) in all normies activities. (and also my autism grew more with years).
Jan 16, 2023 11:19 AM

Sep 2018
Not currently a NEET but have been one in the past/will likely be one again in the future considering my track record.

I’ve always liked anime, gaming, etc., it’s not what made me a NEET though. I’ve been able to enjoy those things while also working. I’m was a NEET because I’ve got some mental illnesses and was unable to work or socialize the way most people are expected to. 

My hobbies like anime then became an escapist coping mechanism after accepting my NEET fate. I will say that made it a little harder to stop being a NEET and face reality, but I’ve been able to overcome it, though relapses have happened and probably will continue to happen. It is what it is, I guess.
Jan 16, 2023 12:21 PM

Jun 2022
hello fellow neets :)

i'm a neet again.

i dropped out of school at like 16 then was a neet from 16 to like 25.

i just played video games non stop and watched a lot of porn in that time.

25 i got my ged, went to community college, transferred to university, got an engineering degree...

i worked for intel as an engineer but i didn't make any friends and i think everyone disliked me.

after that i was a neet again for 5 years.

recently i was working dead end warehouse grocery store delivery jobs until i hurt my back and now i'm a neet again.

i wouldn't blame anime for my problems.  it was mostly video games i think.
Jan 18, 2023 5:43 AM
Jul 2018
Media is not just a hobby to me or a "coping mechanism", it always has been a big part of my life since I'm a kid. Also I'm neurodivergent, in which way is not important for others to know, and I've always been obsessed with my interests and felt awful when I've been obligated with anything that didn't evolve them.

I'm also convinced lot of people don't find that much meaning in their job and only look out for a relationship, so they don't come off as losers and "because other people do so", not because they really want one or want to be together with someone they really want to be together with.
So how is just a hobby or a coping mechanism, if you got a strong interest and a lot of joy out of that.

It's also not like I'm working because I seek some kind of meaning in life from a job. I like it on good days or at least, I don't dislike it, but it's not like most people find their meaning in work. So I don't see that argument of "people use media as a coping mechanism, because they are either unemployed or don't like their job." If any, a job steals your time, if you are not really into it.

If I could have finished and worked in a biological field, then yes, that job would have had much more meaning to me, but I couldn't because I have some physical disabilities, mainly dyspraxia and issues with my eyes

I've been unemployed for some time inbetween, but it's not like I work because I missed it so much or because I needed it to fill my time or boost my self-confidence, I just need money unfortunately.
Jan 19, 2023 5:00 AM
Neet Specter

Mar 2022
There is no bigger neet on Mal than me..

Jan 19, 2023 10:08 PM

Oct 2020
Came after i became a neet , i liked some series before , but i wasn't a weeb. Animanga were free and easy entertainment to waste all that free time on. The reason i became a neet? I was uninsterested in studying anything and it wasn't necessary for me work to support myself thanks to my family , I'm a lazy guy , so this was the natural conclusion for an unmotivated person

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