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May 11, 2022 6:28 AM

Nov 2011
This episode felt like the climatic one for this season, or at least mid-season. Fitoria also returned to join the fight! Tbh, I can't stand the book hero Kyo. He is obnoxious with a massive ego.

One of the stand out characters this episode is Rishia would took her stand and fought back against Kyo. Ost was also a champ for helping Naofumi and the others to take care of him. Shame he got away.

Stark700May 11, 2022 8:39 AM
May 11, 2022 6:30 AM

Apr 2014
Naofumi in the Multiverse of Madness.
bye bye Ost Horai 😢
In the end, the most useless of all are those 3 heroes. They just brag and can't do anything for their own world.
May 11, 2022 6:35 AM
Aug 2021
Fitoria is finally here! This EP is actually better than other episodes of this season so far.
_william26May 11, 2022 6:44 AM
May 11, 2022 6:36 AM

Sep 2021
And with this we actually finish the turtle arc, it was really fast at the start of the season i believed this arc would last the 13 episodes.
No OP this week, only the song at the climax of the episode and also no ending.
Halfway of the season, and one arc over, we probably will get to finish the next arc
May 11, 2022 6:45 AM
Oct 2016
Soon as we didn't get the opening played normally I knew this episode was about to hit different. Best episode of the season thus far and a top five shield hero episode overall. Everything clicked for the climax against the turtle as we end this arc. The head and heart regenerating since the souls gathered are still intact in the core. Fitoria flying in to assist getting the head off again was so awesome! Cool seeing her fight again and for much longer this time. Her going supersonic so badass! Who knee bird versus turtle could be so entertaining. Naofumi and crew inside still dealing with Kyo as they try to get the heart and core. Larc team going after the heart this time, cool seeing Therese and Glass combo attack. Rishia using that essence the old lady mentioned before to defy Kyo gravity magic was a stellar moment for her. She's been pretty down this whole season constantly feeling lesser but now seeing Itsuki in pain she rises, literally, to stop Kyo. Giving Ost a chance to power up Naofumi shield to blast the core. Sacrificing herself in the process since she is directly linked to the core. The animation this whole fight in both parts of it was so good! Some genuinely great shots and sequences. The music seemed cranked up with great tracks highlighting the fights and character moments for Rishia and Ost. Not over yet though. Kyo wouldn't forget about a backup plan. Running off to his and Larc crew world. Naofumi chasing after. Turtle arc complete. Isekai arc is next.
May 11, 2022 6:46 AM
Dec 2021
it was my impression or at the end of the episode the animation improved considerably. It seemed that the animators didn't even want to make this arc......Good next week:OTHERWORLD ARCH...
May 11, 2022 7:02 AM
Aug 2015
Well that was a load of BS loaded into one episode. The episode was alright, but felt typical/cliché. The villian was awful with his speech. Rishia as a character wasn't that beliveable, I thought she may aid at battle since she literally didn't have any fights to begin with, but suddenly she is the only one capable of opposing the villian for some reason..
Ost dying, I wasn't sold on her character as well from the beginning, so if her death suppose to be emotional, for me it isn't.
The fighting was good, but I feel like it could have been much more interesting if Naofumi used different types of shields etc, instead of everyone just doing their signature attacks. There wasn't really any depth in it.
Overall the episode was solid for a standard anime, but from Shield Hero I expected more after a great season 1.

May 11, 2022 7:06 AM

Mar 2012
DoubleR said:
Well that was a load of BS loaded into one episode. The episode was alright, but felt typical/cliché. The villian was awful with his speech. Rishia as a character wasn't that beliveable, I thought she may aid at battle since she literally didn't have any fights to begin with, but suddenly she is the only one capable of opposing the villian for some reason..
Ost dying, I wasn't sold on her character as well from the beginning, so if her death suppose to be emotional, for me it isn't.
The fighting was good, but I feel like it could have been much more interesting if Naofumi used different types of shields etc, instead of everyone just doing their signature attacks. There wasn't really any depth in it.
Overall the episode was solid for a standard anime, but from Shield Hero I expected more after a great season 1.

You have your expectations as much almost everyone who is an anime only way to high.
Those who read both the books and manga knew this was not going to be same level as this was and most still consider it the weakest arc in the series.

Well besides that, this episode was still great when compared to almost all the other episodes. Kevin (made in abyss composter) killed it with the soundtrack this episode.

The Animation quality improved a lot even the ST was 2d animated in its scenes this time. And the action sequences were killer.

Rishia finally had her moment and it was well portrayed, Kyo is still the ever piece of shithead and over the top as ever and i justlove his antics, now the real good arc can finally begin with next weeks episode and it should be a wild ride.
May 11, 2022 7:31 AM

May 2020
Woah, some out of world development for Rishia there, and for real she felt like a different person. Atleast for once she wasn't behaving the way she usually used to, so thank god i guess. Animation felt good, with that shield transforming scene being the highlight, though it didn't go well for Ost, sacrificing herself for the good.

Anyways was the first good episode of this season.
May 11, 2022 7:32 AM
Sep 2014
I am lost.What happened?

In the final attack,it looked like Naofumi didn't want to destroy it because he imagined it would kill Ost(and it did by the looks of it) but why would he aid LeArc,Glass and Jewel girl by sending Filo with them and giving the drink to Glass to aid them killing the thing that would have also killed Ost.Why did he help in the first destruction but reluctant in the second one.
Also,why did he stop midway with the cool shield.I beared through the abomination to see that.What did he mean- not enough hatred.Also,why did Rishia survive Gravity attack but Raphtalia didn't when they both were close to mastering it as per the old hag.
May 11, 2022 7:35 AM
Jul 2021
GREAT episode, my favorite of the season and it actually felt like it was on par with S1 stuff for me. Btw THANK god her suit fell off, I have been wanting her to have that turn up moment, but when I thought they were going to do it with the silly Filo costume (cool suit but not for this kind of thing) I was like oh no, Because I couldn't have taken it seriously while looking at a Flio suit.

But I really loved the new shield (although I wish he could master the rage shield too and without hurting himself, that is soo badass) Loved OST, and was sad to see her go, Loved Rishia's scene, Liked the villain, he was a good asshole, and definitely made me want to see him get whooped, especially when he was stomping Naofumi out and his eye was bleeding, looked cool as hell. Very hopeful for the rest of the season after this, really hope they do it justice.

Btw, I am a sub watcher now, but when this came out I was dub only, and (I know it's for a sad and crappy reason, and hopefully he gets better asap, he was in several things I liked) I loved Naofumi's English voice actor, and I really don't like the new one. Hope in S3, he can come back, also really hope a lot of people not liking this season doesn't make them cancel the already confirmed S3
May 11, 2022 7:46 AM

Feb 2019
Animation was actually decent this week, a solid episode to end the spirit tortoise arc and now we’re onto the other world arc which means second best girl will be showing up next week.

Rishia been getting a lot of slander this season and she finally gets her moment to shine, but anime onlies won’t even really appreciate it because all of her characterisation and training has been butchered by the anime. This moment in the book was supposed to give you goosebumps at how far Rishia has come. OST’s death was also more emotional in the LN, given how bad the adaption is.. shouldn’t be a surprise

Shield hero anime is beyond saving, but praying they don’t butcher this next arc at least.
May 11, 2022 7:48 AM

Aug 2018
Did I just witness a record breaking rate of ass pulls per minute?
May 11, 2022 7:48 AM

Dec 2020
This episode was embarrassing.
Ivyred, Rishia to some extent can now fight, and until this episode she was just crying for the bow hero. Poor thing, does she become strong from an emotion? Shame on you. I don't understand why they are in such a hurry to adapt so much. They better not do season 2 now and do it in a year or two. They were seriously fooled into adapting.
May 11, 2022 7:54 AM

Sep 2018
That was quite literally painful to watch.

Quantum ille canis est in fenestra
May 11, 2022 8:07 AM
Sep 2018
Best episode so far!
May 11, 2022 8:21 AM

Nov 2019
"Invading of another world, now permitted"

What is this Elden Ring PvP? Well, I guess that was the tortoise arc end. It was much better than the previous episode for sure, despite the You may have outsmarted me, but I outsmarted your outsmarting moments.

May 11, 2022 8:32 AM

Jun 2021
Finally, we are out of turtle arc, seems like things will finally be more intresting.
May 11, 2022 8:45 AM

Jul 2021
Well damn. This episode certainly was an improvement from all the others of this season. No OP or ED either.

Rishia's moment to shine was great, it wasn't fully explained how she was so OP suddenly but well I liked it, she was badass this whole episode.

I just didn't understand why Naofumi didn't feel rage, I mean he has several reasons to feel angry towards the spectacled dude, right? This didn't sit right with me, just felt too convenient to me, it seemed like just because they wanted to have a reason for Naofumi to use his new spirit tortoise shied, they suddenly showed him being not angry, rest was ok.

Ost is for sure dead now, she was nice, wouldn't have minded more of her.

Overall, 5/5 episode. This is the first episode of this season that made me lost track of time, didn't realise when 20 minutes were over.

May 11, 2022 8:55 AM
Apr 2022
They really pulled another you thought you defeat it but nah I still have another backup plan not once but twice this episode.
May 11, 2022 8:57 AM
Jan 2022
Rishia is said she could manipulate life energy, and gravitation is one of them? If so then it make sense she was unaffected.

What is actually Kyo final purpose, why he collect souls?

Anyway best episode so far. Some things are improved, although animation not so much. Good ending for such meh arc.
May 11, 2022 9:02 AM

Apr 2018
Rishia was impressively good, that was nice to conclude the Reiki's arc, RIP Ost.
Well seems like they're up to that other world part now, I suppose it will be interesting
May 11, 2022 9:06 AM

Feb 2019
- good fight
- imo amazing ost
- slighlty better animation (but they still can do a loooot better)
- BUT armor plot made of scenarium
Overall ok-tier ep, best of this season for now, but still not the best they could do.
May 11, 2022 9:15 AM

Jul 2014
TsutanaiFuun said:
I just didn't understand why Naofumi didn't feel rage, I mean he has several reasons to feel angry towards the spectacled dude, right? This didn't sit right with me, just felt too convenient to me, it seemed like just because they wanted to have a reason for Naofumi to use his new spirit tortoise shied, they suddenly showed him being not angry, rest was ok.

While I find the new shield bullshit, the cursed shield didn't work not because he didn't hate the guy, but because he didn't hate Ost (he was about to use the cursed shield to destroy the core, but when he knew he didn't want to do that, he couldn't anymore)
May 11, 2022 9:42 AM

Jul 2017
It's time to face both the Book Vassal Hero Kyo, and tear down Ost Hourai herself as the Spirit Tortoise's vessal, not forgetting that the 3 useless Cardinal Heroes do nothing to this series than wack shit and be hostages in this case.

Fitoria has come for aid, as do the L'Arc and the other Vassal Heroes, but Kyo is just too powerful with the Spirit Tortoise's aid for power. But of all the people to stand against him, Rishia being the sole saviour in the spirit of vengeance, and Ost imparting the Spirit Tortoise's power to Naofumi to make specialized power before her death, I'd guess this is Anego Yusaki's way of ultimate redemption for Rishia's character being the hidden trump card for the Spirit Tortoise arc.

In the end, Naofumi still has to finish Kyo's liar game by killing Ost Hourai altogether with the new impartation of the special Spirit Tortoise Heart Shield, and going out to another world of unknowns where Kyo will continue take center stage as the villain, and Naofumi and gang, and other Vassal Heroes will continue to chase him down.

Definitely a huge improvement considering that this episode concludes the much maligned Spirit Tortoise arc that the majority hated, and now we can move on to the good stuff.
May 11, 2022 9:54 AM

Jun 2020
Too much developments in one episode made it like everything was happening on its own, and there was a lot of plot armour which I dont think was. Things were kind of cliche..
Still the best episode so far in the season.
May 11, 2022 9:59 AM

Jun 2017
Damn, that was quite the pleasing step up in animation! It's a pity that the villain managed to slip away like that though, I feel like the Wind Hero from the other world could've intervened there but then we wouldn't be having the following arc so it is what it is, I suppose.

Fitoria making an entrance was great for the world's sake, it was almost checkmate before she arrived. It was a touching scene to see her send her regards to the Turtle after its demise, they're sort of similar in the sense that they possess monstrous strength but mean to use it for the best of the world in their own ways. Likewise, Ost Hourai's final moments were moving too, good on her for forcing those spells to activate, Naofumi wouldn't have been able to make it in time otherwise.

Gotta give this episode to Rishia, however. Who'd have thought she'd be dominating the game like this out of the blue! Literal 360 degrees.

All in all, despite this episode, the arc has been poor and here's to hoping the next will make up for it. It was just too rapid and I couldn't care for some of the earlier developments...
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

May 11, 2022 10:03 AM

Jul 2021
Kuroimi said:
TsutanaiFuun said:
I just didn't understand why Naofumi didn't feel rage, I mean he has several reasons to feel angry towards the spectacled dude, right? This didn't sit right with me, just felt too convenient to me, it seemed like just because they wanted to have a reason for Naofumi to use his new spirit tortoise shied, they suddenly showed him being not angry, rest was ok.

While I find the new shield bullshit, the cursed shield didn't work not because he didn't hate the guy, but because he didn't hate Ost (he was about to use the cursed shield to destroy the core, but when he knew he didn't want to do that, he couldn't anymore)
Ah, that explains it. It was indirectly killing Ost so yes.

May 11, 2022 10:12 AM

May 2016
what a dog shit episode. another crap shitty weak ass character somehow carrying the team.
Kayle_x_MorganaMay 11, 2022 10:17 AM
May 11, 2022 10:13 AM
Apr 2012
The writing and characters in this season are bland and way too cliche. It's like the magic of first season is completely gone. Now it turns out that this arc was all for the purpose of Naofumi getting a laser shield, but he barely had any good moments to justify that. It doesn't feel like he actually worked for it, he got it like a handout. Honestly, I didn't enjoy this whole arc. It failed to make me care about Ost, Rishia or the Turtle and the Book Hero is an annoying villain. :(
May 11, 2022 10:22 AM

Jun 2015
Looks like they ran out of time. Figures that the energy source for the tortoise is the three idiots. Its nice to see Fitoria again. And my she's damm powerful oh right. Never thought we get to see Rishia enter the spotlight though but damm thats some determination she has there. Its unreal seeing Rishia face down someone that Naofumi and couldn't even get near. Away from the heart that was a nice save from the queen that enabled Fitoria to do some real damage on the tortoise. The new spirit tortoise shield though while less of a shield and more of a weapon system looked damm cool. Too bad that by destroying the heart Ost's life is also forfeit. RIP Ost to the very end she was a hero who fought her hardest to put a stop to the machinations of Kyo. Overall i really liked this ep and felt that i liked this version of Ost better than the LN version. While the arc did streamline the arc this did ensure that we understood the events that led to this point without being sidetracked. Looking forward to seeing the next arc which is the one that i want to see the most.
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May 11, 2022 10:39 AM

Nov 2016
Yeah, way too much stuff cramped into these episodes. Not sure if the next arc will be able to save this season. I don't feel like picking up the LN, but at this rate the manga might be a good option.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

May 11, 2022 10:41 AM

Feb 2014
While the cliches were a bit overused here, at least this episode had a good step up in the animation department. =)

With the arrival of Fitoria to protect the army while battling the spirit tortoise, Kyo then unleashed the gravity powers and proceeded to act all high and mighty like the scum that he is. However, it was nice to see Rishia stepping up and took him on, making him look like a joke in the process.

Ost did the right thing in overriding Naofumi's shield to take out the core, even if he was vocally against it. Sadly, Kyo was able to take his sample and used a portal to escape, with L'arc's team in hot pursuit. Once again, Ost used the last of her powers to grant Naofumi's party special permission to go through the portal and into the world that L'arc and the others come from.

Hopefully this time, they can take out Kyo once and for all.

Overall, this is definitely one of the better episodes of this season. Not great, but it's a good step in the right direction.
May 11, 2022 10:41 AM
Mar 2021
I feel like there’s not a lot of context this season, is this being rushed? Ik they skipped something but i feel like everything just shows up out of know where or just happens ig.
May 11, 2022 11:00 AM
Feb 2022
I liked it because the episode shows that Naofumi will have to kill Ost one way or another but as the head and heart regenerated, he had to cut the head and destroy the heart and they managed and then went to another dimension
May 11, 2022 11:02 AM

Mar 2020
Undoubtedly the best episode of the season so far, but not without a lot of plot armour as well. The highlight of episode has to be the music, and props to Kevin Penkin for his great work. In a way this episode felt like Demon Slayer but just without Ufotable.

Still can't get over how weird the turtle looked, and with this arc done, maybe better things are ahead?
May 11, 2022 11:13 AM

Aug 2019
They totally downgraded the Spirit Tortoise vs Fitoria fight! Originally the Tortoise had three heads. Fitoria was way bigger and used her Vassal Weapon, Carriage, which is basically a tank for her.

For those wondering about the next arc:
May 11, 2022 11:36 AM

May 2014
why cant this worlds heros go another world but the other world's heros can come to this world ???
i am confused
Just watch what you may like.
Don't watch it and don't make bad comment about it.
Every anime wants to be praised.
May 11, 2022 11:41 AM

Mar 2012
sba said:
why cant this worlds heros go another world but the other world's heros can come to this world ???
i am confused

Naofumi is a Cardinal Hero normally they are in charge to protect their worlds so they cant leave it, as already mentioned the vassal heroes can hence they can travel freely. But he got an exception thx to ost power before she died.
May 11, 2022 11:51 AM
Apr 2021
It was a really good episode, if there is one thing i hate about it is that naofumi isn't getting much speech and character he barely said a couple of lines which irritated me, but the episode was verry good overall, can't wait for next episode.
May 11, 2022 12:07 PM
May 2022
I personaly feel that this episode was one of the best since now. Rest was not the worst but also not like Tate no Yuusha style. I really like that they went back to kind of simmilar style as it was. After all thats what we loved. And finally about the Book Hero. In my opinion he does nkt fit here. His weapon is a book. It does not match other 3 so I guess he is like Naofumi in their world. Well there is one thing I am sure about. Next episodes are going to be interesting.
May 11, 2022 12:08 PM
Aug 2021
Everybody gives zero fucks about Ost, fps is still worse than the previous season. Book hero is really well written, Glass is cute af
May 11, 2022 12:38 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Whoa, this was so awesome. Anime of the season probably. Very good writing; everything makes so much sense. Really epic fight scenes too. This is probably the best fight scenes that I have ever seened in anime befores. Ost is gone now, that's really sad. Shield Hero won't be the same without the best character ever Ost. How is this anime so good? It has the best animation ever seen and is so emotional. 10/10 anime, but actually more like 11/10 I think, maybe 100/10.

whiskey tango foxtrot

May 11, 2022 12:49 PM

Dec 2014
as expected of the useless trio
May 11, 2022 12:54 PM

Nov 2014
The annoying girl gets the spotlight fighting the most annoying bad guy author could've written AND he runs away instead of just getting killed. Other 3 heroes are useless to the point of it being a meme. Everyone cries after a character who barely joined them.
Honestly, I'd drop at this point if not that portal. I'm somewhat interested in that other world... and hope for more Glass lol.
May 11, 2022 1:02 PM

Feb 2017
The rishia "moment" lacked something critical... deep internal katharsis -> determination & then badassery
May 11, 2022 1:06 PM

Jul 2012
I don't understand what's happening anymore lol.
May 11, 2022 1:18 PM

Jun 2015
Fu me side ways. I'm in full squeeeeeeeee mode!!! That was epic. And for anyone who might of come across one of many many rants might know I love an epic awakening, and I got!!!. After beasting some trolls complaining the green haired girl was the worst thing about the season in earlier episodes, I was like gentle people, she has only started on her journey and the shield hero has chosen her.

And damn did that resonate just now. Now that was an awakening. I'd go so far as to say hers trumped even the shield heros turtle shield seeing as they spoiled us with two awakenings in one show.

Love it. And I love how mad its got now that they have ported to another world. Shit is hitting the fan and people keep throwing more shit at it!! love it!!!!
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
May 11, 2022 1:32 PM
Jan 2021
i'm confused, why the turtle lady has the power to rewrite the "hero can't invade another world" rule?
May 11, 2022 1:52 PM

Dec 2015
"You didn't hate me even though I killed so many" my brother in Christ just shut the fuck up and die already, you are only waifu bait to cover for your genocidal ass.

"I hate bitches that have a personal agenda against me and enslavers, but I draw the line at antropomorphic genocidal turtles" - Naofumi the despiteeverythingstillmorereliablethanthose3piecesofgarbage Shield Hero.
AuRomulMay 11, 2022 2:06 PM
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