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Jan 8, 2022 5:26 AM
Dec 2021
I just learned that there's a ranking for stuff like this. So how do I get on the list? Should I just flood Mal with reviews?

Mod Edit: thread locked to prevent it from being necro'd. Also violates AD Rule 2.c
Zach-chanMar 12, 2022 12:14 PM
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Jan 8, 2022 6:17 AM

Oct 2013
The tricycle panda dude has some good reviews, although most are negative so I'm really wondering if they're enjoying anime actually
Jan 8, 2022 9:38 AM
Jan 2022
Most of them write terrible reviews. The only good reviewer I could think of is Polyphemus.
Genocyber is a masterpiece everyone has to experience.

Please do me a favor and watch Genocyber.
Jan 8, 2022 10:10 AM

Sep 2020
Archaeon's pretty good.

Castjinyam01 said:
I just learned that there's a ranking for stuff like this. So how do I get on the list?
There's a ranking for reviewers on MAL?
Jan 8, 2022 10:10 AM

Aug 2018
elnino02 said:
Archaeon's pretty good.

Castjinyam01 said:
I just learned that there's a ranking for stuff like this. So how do I get on the list?
There's a ranking for reviewers on MAL?
Castjinyam01 said:
I just learned that there's a ranking for stuff like this. So how do I get on the list? Should I just flood Mal with reviews?
You'd need to get a lot of people to vote for them, and if you just flood mal might delete them (unless they are properly written reviews)
_______I like rocks__
Jan 8, 2022 10:11 AM

Mar 2015
Where can I see the ranking of the best MAL reviewers?

Edit: The person above just posted the list lol Anyways it looks like it's ranked by the most 'helpful' votes so just spamming reviews won't work if no one gives you a helpful. I think your best bet would be to write good reviews that people are gonna find helpful :) Also reviewing new anime that just finished airing is probably good as well since I doubt many people check new reviews for 10 year old anime...
MiraiJan 8, 2022 10:14 AM
Jan 8, 2022 1:16 PM

Oct 2010
almost all are botted votes, people barely read reviews here and most of the top reviewers are very bad writers and only spurn controversy
Jan 8, 2022 1:41 PM

Aug 2021
mothers basement and gigguk seem to match my tastes so i like themm sometimes animeman too but mostly not
Stawberry Milk Supremacy
Jan 8, 2022 2:06 PM

Nov 2019
Archaeon and @santetjan have retired from reviewing, so I have got to settle with RebelPanda for entertainment.
SgtBateManJan 8, 2022 2:36 PM
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp!

Jan 8, 2022 2:30 PM

Mar 2021
Many of the people on the list are veterans on this site and they have a following which is why they not only get votes as soon as they post reviews but people even wait for them to post their next reviews. You probably have to get a following like that to reach that list. Some things you can do is to start by reviewing the trendy things like ongoing seasonals since a review on a new thing is more likely to get attention than something that ended a while back or long ago. Another is to make your reviews detailed, unbiased and professional not bashful (like if something is bad just show why u think it's bad, don't rant about how much u hate it), in short term being bashful might work since that attracts the haters of the show but after the hype dies, more professionalsound reviews are likely to last. The rest just depends on your luck and whether people end up liking your reviews or not.
Jan 8, 2022 2:43 PM

Jun 2016
Reviews are useless as every person perceives anime differently, its just a way to show "oh look i am very informed as i know countless shows and have the knowledge to judge a piece of media" and on MAL most of the time a review is either biased or have too much to shit on so not a reliable source and being here for years i realised that if you wanna judge some anime watch it yourself and decide.

2023 might be the year where I will be happy. This year is not happy year.
Jan 8, 2022 2:52 PM

Oct 2012
I don't religiously read reviews, but I knew Archaeon would be up there despite not having written reviews in forever. I also learn a lot of new words and terms from his stuff
Jan 8, 2022 3:59 PM

Mar 2020
I don't read reviews really. I prefer to just watch and make my own judgements. I am not sure about rankings etc. Seems like a shitty waste of time unless you want to do it professionally.
Jan 8, 2022 4:12 PM

Feb 2016
The only reviewer worth it in this hell hole is ZephSilver. Anyone else is racing for that number 1 spot in the already flawed review system that rewards those quickly enough to post their review. (Oh, with the exception of Stark, he's a cool guy)
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Jan 8, 2022 4:16 PM

Sep 2018
Reviews are mostly useless since they can`t be categorized by sex or age.

If you want on the list you are too late since most people only read the top reviews. You must post your review as soon as possible, and spam everywhere so people know your name. Try to have a pfp to cater to everyone too (like a dolphin). Staying bland is the best choice. Nobody likes neutral reviewers. Praise a series to heaven, or admonish it to no end. Being dumb can yield you followers too like praising tsuyu`s ass in my hero academia. You got to become a internet persona in your review.
rohan121Jan 8, 2022 4:29 PM
Jan 8, 2022 11:11 PM

Jan 2020
You have to have a mix of quantity and quality. Except those couple with less than 5

Jan 8, 2022 11:15 PM

Aug 2020
I didn't know there was a ranking for that.
Anyways it'd be TheRealKurapikaTard but rip him 😔
Jan 9, 2022 8:14 AM
Review Moderator
Life is strange.

Jun 2017
I wonder when we'll have an overhaul of the rankings.
Jan 9, 2022 8:32 AM

Jul 2015
@literaturenerd is a pretty solid choice if you're into funny shlock. He's more likely to review the damn thing, wether he liked it or not, than to flex his grammar and vocabulary over 5 pointless paragraphs just to ear himself talk. Something you can't say about everybody on that list, and that's why he's pretty much the only reviewer I actually read.
Honestly all the anime Lester Bangs wannabe need to realize that while Lester was massively popular as a music critic, he also had a severe case of shit taste + "I love hearing myself". His fans probably thought he was really funny when he roasted Black Sabbath without paying any atention to the music, but BS spawned a genre that has a solid half-billion fans around the world nowadays, while people below 30 reading this shit are wondering wtf Lester Bangs is.

Just thought I'd mention nerd too since he's active and on that list.
DeathkoJan 9, 2022 8:38 AM
Jan 9, 2022 8:57 AM

Oct 2010
Out of the ones I've read at least sporadically, I think ZephSilver may be the most interesting.

Literaturenerd has an interesting taste to say the least but works many times as a soft, all ages version of TAS. Archaeon is the definition of an all-correct, fully aseptic reviewer. Polyphemus is an occasionally likeable verbose edgelord. RebelPanda is not a personal favourite because his analysis often include questionable if not incoherent interpretations of the content, but seems a fine guy. Krunchyman is an unfunny troll. The other, less confrontational seasonal reviewers are just serviceable in general.
Jan 9, 2022 11:59 AM

Jun 2021
Polyphemus and Zephsilver are the only two reviewers who actually write half decently and not just in it for the rat race( maybe SingleH too)
Jan 9, 2022 12:22 PM

Dec 2020
heyy heyy my reviews are great :)
yeah but pls dont look at them lol
Jan 9, 2022 1:33 PM

Aug 2019
just gotta hope you make a really good review for a show that becomes really popular, seeing as some of the people on that list have low amounts of total reviews and just have a few highly upvoted ones
Jan 9, 2022 1:36 PM

Aug 2021
I like rebel panda even though his reviews are mostly negative
Never forget bungee gum has both the properties of both rubber and gum
Jan 9, 2022 1:44 PM

Aug 2016
Ha, never knew there was a ranking.

Stark No.1, fair enough he writes decent reviews.
Rebel Panda's No.3, they do make me laugh sometimes and at times valid points are raised.
Karuh No.5....... fcking cancer reviews.
“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Jan 9, 2022 2:01 PM

Jul 2020
I'm honestly surprised at all the people bashing reviews. I think they're really useful, especially when you're looking into something more obscure that doesn't have much info about it online. Obviously a review isn't the sole thing that will convince someone to watch/read something most of the time, but they're still handy to get a general feel for what to expect.

Also, Stark700 being at #1 makes total sense, his are generally pretty reliable.

"Truth is always a cruel thing."

Jan 9, 2022 5:02 PM

Jul 2021
rebel panda and Polyphemus make the bst reviews

realkurapikatard made great reviews as well. may his soul rest in peace 😔

Jan 9, 2022 5:15 PM

Jan 2019
None. They all suck as far as I am concerned.
Jan 9, 2022 5:28 PM

May 2021
I suppose that the easiest way to get into it is by:

1. Timing the seasonals limits so your review is the first one to hit the page
2. Do an overview of the sentiment of the community about the anime to appeal the masses. Start the review by saying "This is the best anime of all time", or "This anime is complete shit", so you get attention from the selected audience
3. Interpolate your barely recognizable thoughts with the plot of the anime, basically summarizing all the aspects without giving your own thoughts.
4. Spam your reviews in your network, tell everyone about your magnificient new review that is barely anything but an outline of the plot that people who didnt watch the anime cant read because they would be completely spoiled

Or you can not care about a ranking of longetivity and just do reviews to express your own thoughts, like a normal human being

Jan 9, 2022 5:43 PM
Jul 2014
The best writers on this site write like 10 reviews and stop. Since most people can’t recognize good writing, they go under the radar. I could tell you guys who the actual good writers are, but then they would yell at me on Discord for bringing attention to them. As far as the seasonal reviewers go, Panda is legitimately a solid writer. He gets a little political and he doesn’t read enough to write like some erudite scholar, but he’s pretty good. SingleH has the “correct” opinions. He’s playfully edgy. Politically he’s probably le based paleocon or least he plays one. However, I don’t think he’s a great writer, I just think many people agree with him. There’s a difference. Poly was a flat out troll whose best review was for School Days and he stole almost all of that review from a forum shitpost done by a dude named Zerg. Zeph as you know him is great, but back when he was writing reviews he had 3 separate people heavily editing and assisting. The MAL reviewer you know as “Zeph” is basically a collective. Zeph’s editors are indeed fantastic writers, but they deserve as much credit as the man. I’m a bad writer of course, but then again I review hentai and stan Elfen Lied 24/7. I never claim anywhere to be a good writer. Anyways, those are my thoughts as someone deeply familiar with MAL’s review scene.
Jan 9, 2022 5:50 PM

Sep 2015
Rapid fire takes on the top 10: I'm apathetic to Stark's content. I like Archaeon's content well enough. I strongly dislike RebelPanda's content. I dislike Veronin's content. I've never read Karhu or paid his content much mind. Same with TheLlama's content, who I have never even heard of until I looked, if I'm being honest. I like Zeph's content well enough. I have never read Skadi's content. I dislike literaturenerd's content. HaXX's content can be hit or miss, but I greatly appreciate that he used to be a big-name reviewer that could get an ecchi fan's perspective out there. His To LOVE-Ru: Darkness manga review is my personal favorite review on the site, albeit I don't agree with him 100% on the series.


I *do* want to say that I find the power rankings to be largely worthless. In the current review environment, they revolve around getting out your reviews within a very specific timeframe and exclusively reviewing seasonal content. Like, that's a simplification of how to farm upvotes, which, granted, is largely based off of personal observation and talking about this with some of the MAL Reviewers I talk to regularly on Discord - some of which are in the top 50 themselves! - as opposed to hard data.

The issue just becomes more believable to me when a few of the ones at the very top have consistent issues with completely incoherent interpretations that can directly oppose the content within the series or, frankly, act very toxic and somehow Houdini their way out of getting their reviews deleted. Yet, the common factors is that they have some minor element - i.e., they publish a *lot* of reviews, or they use a lot of "colorful" language, et cetera., but mainly always get their reviews out in the timeframe shortly after a show finished airing and exclusively sticking to seasonal content to maximize review upvotes.

It's not like they're bad people for doing that, mind you, but it's the main reason they're at the top. Success in reviews in terms of the most helpful reviews largely revolves around stuff that's super meta to the actual content of the reviews themselves. And the reason I'm dismissive towards as much is because I don't really think that it says anything about the content that's being created when things have reached that point. It's like how fast food restaurants prioritize location over food quality, I guess. I don't want to praise McDonald's for making a lot of money and prioritizing location above all else. I want to judge them by the food they serve. Which is shit.

I do want to draw an exception for Archaeon, because he did get his ranking without playing by this meta because that meta literally did not exist when he was active. It feels like it only became so overwhelmingly dominant to the point of being the only way to actually consistently get upvotes in the first place within the last 3 - 4 years. And hell, if a dude got a bunch of upvotes by reviewing obscure as fuck ecchi comedies like Magipoka years and years after they finished, I can't say I think they were making everything they wrote with e-clout in mind to the point where it overwhelmed the content. The same can probably apply to most of the people who are more old school MAL reviewers that are still ranked highly, i.e. HaXX or literaturenerd. I'm more dismissive towards the seasonal rat race and how that influences the power rankings so strongly these days, and that problem has only become so pronounced within the last few years.
ManabanJan 9, 2022 6:45 PM

Jan 9, 2022 5:55 PM

Jul 2019
As cool as it would be to get on the list, no one really reads shit anymore. It's more fun to just make my review count go up. Maybe one day I will look at everything I've written and think "wow."

People who don't review obscure anime/manga instantly can't be a reviewer worth more than 8/10.

literaturenerd said:
Poly was a flat out troll whose best review was for School Days and he stole almost all of that review from a forum shitpost done by a dude named Zerg.

literaturenerd said:
Zeph as you know him is great, but back when he was writing reviews he had 3 separate people heavily editing and assisting. The MAL reviewer you know as “Zeph” is basically a collective. Zeph’s editors are indeed fantastic writers, but they deserve as much credit as the man. I’m a bad writer of course, but then again I review hentai and stan Elfen Lied 24/7. I never claim anywhere to be a good writer. Anyways, those are my thoughts as someone deeply familiar with MAL’s review scene.

You learn something new every day. Where did you even hear this from btw or were you just there?
NextUniverseJan 9, 2022 6:01 PM
Jan 9, 2022 6:19 PM
Jul 2014
@NextUniverse the MAL review community in 2014 wasn’t too big. We all knew each other, so I’ve spent plenty of time talking to Zeph and talking to the people who helped edit for Zeph. As for Poly’s School Days review I know the person who did the original copypasta “school days is secretly brilliant “ post way back in the day. I’ve been on MAL constantly since 2014 and hung out with a lot of MAL OGs who have been here since 2009.
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