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Nov 13, 2016 2:02 PM

Apr 2013
because she thinks calling it friends with benefits but remaining exclusive is somehow different even though she's super attached and we spend so much time together people think we're a couple anyway
Nov 13, 2016 3:02 PM

Apr 2016
Too busy drooling over Shinobu brb

Error 404 GF not found. :>

Nov 13, 2016 3:23 PM

Aug 2015

Man tell me the secrets for i can make my future marriage last so long

1. Make sure there are no personality disorders in your partner.
This means no narcissistic tendencies, like lies, extreme selfishness, having no empathy for others. If your intended partner has these traits, and many do these days, drop it. Have nothing more to do with. Love cannot cure this disease.

2. If you then get married, it is pure stubbornness that keeps you together. It is not love, because there will be times you do not feel love. It is just plain stubbornness that you will not walk away. Love does not cure problems.

3. Faith. Without faith, it is difficult. It is an anchor of the soul in a stormy world. When everything is going wrong and you feel like you are drowning, and you just want it to end, faith will keep you just that little longer. Faith is stronger than love, faith will cure things where love will not.

4. If the partner hasn't in actual fact given themselves to you, you will never own them. Unless you are mutually owned by each other partner, there is no marriage, it is just a façade.

We live in difficult times when it comes to marriage and or finding a life partner. The older sexual roles are defunct with new technology, and so we have to find new ways.

If marriage is not a sacrament; it is not a marriage. If it is not of the same importance as the vow to become a Monk, or a Priest or Bishop or Nun, because that's what marriage is, entering in to the married state, via a church sacrament, if it is not of this paramount importance in both partner's lives, then don't.
idk about you but the closer a girl gets to looking like ronald mcdonald, the more aroused i become. CAV

where can we cast our eyes to @PoruMairu who thinks of himself a member of the true church. Helion.
Nov 13, 2016 3:43 PM

Nov 2016
PoruMairu said:

Man tell me the secrets for i can make my future marriage last so long

1. Make sure there are no personality disorders in your partner.
This means no narcissistic tendencies, like lies, extreme selfishness, having no empathy for others. If your intended partner has these traits, and many do these days, drop it. Have nothing more to do with. Love cannot cure this disease.

2. If you then get married, it is pure stubbornness that keeps you together. It is not love, because there will be times you do not feel love. It is just plain stubbornness that you will not walk away. Love does not cure problems.

3. Faith. Without faith, it is difficult. It is an anchor of the soul in a stormy world. When everything is going wrong and you feel like you are drowning, and you just want it to end, faith will keep you just that little longer. Faith is stronger than love, faith will cure things where love will not.

4. If the partner hasn't in actual fact given themselves to you, you will never own them. Unless you are mutually owned by each other partner, there is no marriage, it is just a façade.

We live in difficult times when it comes to marriage and or finding a life partner. The older sexual roles are defunct with new technology, and so we have to find new ways.

If marriage is not a sacrament; it is not a marriage. If it is not of the same importance as the vow to become a Monk, or a Priest or Bishop or Nun, because that's what marriage is, entering in to the married state, via a church sacrament, if it is not of this paramount importance in both partner's lives, then don't.

Thank you so much for this!!!

I'm gonna think about it and analyze my relationship :))
There's no heart without you!

Nov 13, 2016 6:16 PM

May 2015
what the fuck is a girlfriend ew get that shit outta here
Freddy Nicholas said:
have control, be yourself, god is dead
Nov 13, 2016 9:31 PM

Apr 2014
Because I have no social life since I work at a CNC machinery full of 40+ year old Vietnamese men.
And I'm socially awkward as it is to begin with.
Nov 13, 2016 9:36 PM

Apr 2016
I don't want to spend money on gf.
One reason here.
Anime List「Anime stats → Completed 1 Thousand」
Nov 13, 2016 10:24 PM

Mar 2009
I have a partner. I love them very much. We've been dating for over two years now I think? When you were friends with someone initially, I find the time between the partnership and the friendship is a blurry line, but we've been friends for 3-4 years.

Cool if people don't have a partner or don't want one though; everyone has different priorities.
Nov 13, 2016 11:44 PM

Nov 2011
PoruMairu said:
If I find one half reasonable, she is already taken maybe, but at my age I stopped caring. I cannot afford to lose my house, my money, and my future on some crazy that wants to go "find herself". Even guys are complete flakes, all they want is sex

Dude the pure fact that you are saying things like this is a pretty good sign that you are also kind of fucked up too ;P "All the good ones are already taken" is an irrational thought, no matter the age bracket
Nov 14, 2016 3:07 AM

Apr 2014
I've never met anyone I've liked enough to want to be in a relationship with. And I don't see the point in dating someone I'm not that into. Idk I have hard time just tolerating people most of the time tbh.
Nov 14, 2016 3:16 AM

Jan 2012
lalabella said:
I've never met anyone I've liked enough to want to be in a relationship with. And I don't see the point in dating someone I'm not that into. Idk I have hard time just tolerating people most of the time tbh.

Tja ! i can be ur husbando , we are from same country

Nov 14, 2016 3:39 AM
Jul 2018
Because I don't see the point in something so frivolous. One day I'll marry and raise a large family - until then I'll try keep my hands to myself and not ruin things for other men.
Nov 14, 2016 4:53 AM

Jul 2013
Because I already have a 2d waifu so no need for those 3d waifu
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Nov 14, 2016 7:23 AM

Sep 2016
AllenVonStein said:
Frag- said:
That's why you should try a guy, dicks aren't that bad as people think. Also because males tend to be more honest, unlike girls.

No NO stop deceiving some kids here

I think what gays are doing isn't normal , inhuman and not natural , and let's not forget about disease they are spreading.

Glad they aren't allowed to donate blood

You should be fired if you’re an LGBTQ , well they have hard time getting job , also LGBTQ community shouldn't have any protection
gay couples should be denied housing

This is exactly why I hate most people, including Christians. You're an embarrassment to the Church. Homosexuality is unnatural and is a sin, I'm not arguing against that. However, your attitude is appalling and hypocritical since you yourself are a sinner. You've lied, stolen and probably looked at someone with lust in your heart, so you deserve the exact same treatment.

John 8:6-7: "This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."

According to the Bible, judgment is supposed to be righteous and without hypocrisy. You're doing the opposite of that, just like the Pharisees did. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Nov 14, 2016 7:31 AM
Jul 2018
Because she lives half across the planet.
Nov 14, 2016 8:51 AM

Jan 2012
@Apoc_Revolution haha go back to church dude , it's been long time since u have been there .

This is exactly why I hate most people

that say a lot about you , keep sharing that love lol

Nov 14, 2016 8:56 AM

Nov 2014
Did you just assume my gender? triggered

But speaking seriously, I've never really cared about it. And when I had opportunities to have a gf I didn't take that extra step for various reasons.
Nov 14, 2016 9:34 AM

Sep 2016
AllenVonStein said:
@Apoc_Revolution haha go back to church dude , it's been long time since u have been there .

This is exactly why I hate most people

that say a lot about you , keep sharing that love lol

Girl, I don't go to church because I don't need to. You must be one of those that think you need to go to church and pray 10 times a day, etc to be considered a "real" Christian. In other words; earning salvation. It doesn't work that way. Salvation is by faith alone. I'm not a good Christian, but at least I admit my wrongdoings and am not a Pharisee like you. You're certainly not sharing love either. I like how you only comment on my hatred for other people, by the way. It shows that you can't think of anything else to respond with since you know you're wrong, so you use that as a last resort.
Apoc_RevolutionNov 14, 2016 9:40 AM

Nov 14, 2016 9:40 AM

Jan 2012
@Apoc_Revolution first of all i am a man , not a girl


This is exactly why I hate most people, including Christians

like i have said that say a lot about you

try to be better person, not sure why you hate people ?

learn to share love
Homosexuality is unnatural and is a sin, I'm not arguing against that

nice u didn't

how do you know this You've lied, stolen and probably looked at someone with lust in your heart

lol i am like angel walking in earth , don't do that stuff .

back to topic : why you don't have a gf?

Nov 14, 2016 9:59 AM

Apr 2014
Because guys are annoying and not as visually appealing as girls, so I try to tell girls that.

If you think I'm wrong feel free to tell me what males are attractive Allenvonstein you homo.
Trance said:
I'm a guy and I can imagine buttfucking another guy. I don't find the thought repulsive, and I can even imagine kissing another man.
Nov 14, 2016 10:06 AM

Sep 2016
AllenVonStein said:
@Apoc_Revolution first of all i am a man , not a girl

I expected exactly that kind of response. I'm not a man either, yet you assumed my gender by referring to me as "dude" (no, I'm not a girl either). Let's see how you like it when I misgender you.

AllenVonStein said:

This is exactly why I hate most people, including Christians

like i have said that say a lot about you

try to be better person, not sure why you hate people ?

learn to share love

Why do you even use that as an argument? We're both not sharing love. The difference is, I know that it's wrong whereas you try to justify your appalling and hypocritical behaviour.

Why I hate most people? Well, because of people sharing your mindset maybe?? I'm sick of humanity.

AllenVonStein said:
how do you know this You've lied, stolen and probably looked at someone with lust in your heart

lol i am like angel walking in earth , don't do that stuff .

You're either extremely ignorant or a bad troll (I hope you're trolling). Everyone on Earth has lied or stolen something unless they're newborn babies. Lying and stealing are sins. The Bible says that not ONE person is good, all have sinned. Yes, that includes me and you. It's impossible for people to be sinless, so you're lying.

AllenVonStein said:
back to topic : why you don't have a gf?

To answer your question, I'm not looking for one. I have no interest in romantic or sexual relationships and I'd rather stay alone.

Nov 14, 2016 10:17 AM

Dec 2012
That's because doesn't matter had sex.
Nov 14, 2016 11:45 AM

Sep 2016
To be honest, I really don't have time for one right now, there are other things like my music connections that I don't want to sacrifice stability in for a maybe relationship. There is also a bit of advice I'd like to bestow on those who have never had a girlfriend, fiance, etc...

There are three positive qualities that you look for in a girl:
1) Low Maintenance
2) Attractive
3) Smart

...pick two. Seriously, you cannot have all three. However there is only one situation in which you will find all three. If you find a low maintenance, attractive, and smart woman guess what? She's crazy. No joke, I could name you several right now. One makes 6 figures, looks attractive and has a great rack, plus she's into anime/gaming as well. BRUTALLY crazy and doesn't even know it. If you're ready to give up or be derided for your hobbies just for someone to (maybe) have sex with, go get a girlfriend.
Nov 14, 2016 12:19 PM
Jan 2015
- I hate females.
- Don't want that much compassion or attachments.
- Busy watching animu/browsing internet
- lots of work
- Edgy humor (like MDE)
- Don't know what to say
Nov 14, 2016 12:32 PM
May 2015
1)I'm not gay
2)I'm not currently interested in dating
3)Read number 2
Nov 14, 2016 12:33 PM

Jan 2012
Apoc_Revolution said:

lol not sure why keep typing in italic

you are ignorant , if you have checked my profile u will see Gender = Male


you are not a girl or man then what are you lol?


I'm sick of humanity.

i told you u have been deceived by devil , u feel like really depressed
try to go out of house and talk to people
We are all humans, have faith in everyone

i am sharing love , but u ain't doing that

in fact my question of thread is about love

I have no interest in romantic or sexual relationships and I'd rather stay alone.

again u want to be alone

have u stolen something b4 ? cuz i have never did .

Illudere said:

Dear AllenVonStein,
I'm glad to hear that you're a true follower of god,
Regilion is something beautiful,

lol Regilion : it's religion

If human is a creation of god, then so are LGBTQ people.

wrong again
God created Adam and eve

LGBTQ people are followers of devil , no longer part of god and love

what atheism has to do with this lol?

there were gays in middle ages too

this has nothing to do with modern , more people are against LGBTQ , they are a minority to begin with but sooner or later we will say goodbye to them

do u know they keep spreading hiv

do u know who support LGBTQ ?

do some research b4 talking

Nov 14, 2016 12:49 PM
Jul 2016
Because I'm so flippin' busy that I don't have time to find a girl worth dating, let alone go on the actual dates. Fortunately, that looks like it's going to change next year.
Important Note: I no longer - in any way, shape, or form - consider myself a moral nihilist (even in my old, convoluted definition of the term). I very much do believe there is such a thing as objective good and evil. In addition, I apologize for any of the posts I've made that are rude, aggressive, or otherwise unbecoming.

I've always striven to walk a path befitting a follower of Christ, and now recognize some of my old comments here as misguided if not outright wrong. If you happen upon them, pray do not let them darken your view of the God I serve. He is kind, even if I, at times, have not been.
Nov 14, 2016 1:45 PM

Aug 2015
I don't put much effort into having one tbh but I guess it would be nice.

AllenVonStein said:
TheConquerer said:
Cause we suck

Thats the answer

Oh and were on Mal

why i get the vibe that you are taking some pride in it

#time to change

2017 everyone will have gf.

everything is possible i mean a clown will become president of USA

You know what?
You're right, 2017 is a year of change. I will finally put effort into finding myself a gf, even if applying force is necessary. I will report my status back from jail, no worries xD

"So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
Nov 14, 2016 2:47 PM

May 2015
Don't have a girlfriend because I am a professional fuckboi

Girls are dumb and easy.

No reason to date unless it is required to get in.
Then when you get bored you get out.
Vishnu was trying to persuade the prince to do his duty, so to impress him he took on his multi armed form and said now I become death, the destroyer of worlds.
Nov 14, 2016 2:54 PM

Sep 2016
AllenVonStein said:

AllenVonStein said:
lol not sure why keep typing in italic

Not sure why this is relevant, but this is my personal style. Just like using profile pictures, text can be used for the same purpose...

AllenVonStein said:
you are ignorant , if you have checked my profile u will see Gender = Male


you are not a girl or man then what are you lol?

No, you are ignorant. You did not seem to get my point. It doesn't matter what you identify as, if you're going to assume my gender by using gender-specific pronouns, then don't complain when I do the same in return. I guessed you were a man and was proven right, that is precisely why I called you 'girl' - to bait you in giving that response and showing your hypocrisy. Your lack of understanding should be the reason for your facepalm.

I'm not a man or woman. I do not feel masculine or feminine. I am simply a person, nothing more. Agender suits me perfectly because it literally means: lack of gender. Now you're probably thinking "How is that possible?" I'll explain why.

Gender and biological sex are not the same and don't necessarily have to match. Your gender is a part of your identity, and by extension, your soul. Since the body is merely a vessel, it should never be considered more important than the person inhabiting it. Thus, your body doesn't dictate what you are, your identity does. Male =/= man and female =/= woman. This shouldn't be too hard to grasp, but the amount of stupid people in this world is astounding, so I wouldn't be surprised if you're one of them.

AllenVonStein said:
i told you u have been deceived by devil , u feel like really depressed
try to go out of house and talk to people
We are all humans, have faith in everyone

I'm not deceived by the devil. You seem like you are though. Putting your faith in humans is one of the dumbest things you can do, how can you be so stupid to not realise that? How people can have faith in a cancerous species like ours is beyond me.

AllenVonStein said:
i am sharing love , but u ain't doing that

in fact my question of thread is about love

Saying LGBTQ people shouldn't be protected or accepted and that you're glad they're not allowed to donate blood is NOT love. Let's say hypothetically, that you would end up in a life threatening situation and the only available person to donate blood to you is a homosexual, would you refuse? I don't think so. You're a fucking bigot and you're trying to justify it, that's the worst part.

AllenVonStein said:
have u stolen something b4 ? cuz i have never did.

I highly doubt you've never stolen even something small and insignificant like a piece of candy or a pencil before. Even if you would have never stolen something, there are other sins you have committed. And sinning even once in your entire lifetime is like breaking ALL of God's Law. Again, there is no excuse. You're a sinner, end of discussion.

Illudere said:

Dear AllenVonStein,
I'm glad to hear that you're a true follower of god,
Regilion is something beautiful,

lol Regilion : it's religion

If human is a creation of god, then so are LGBTQ people.

wrong again
God created Adam and eve

LGBTQ people are followers of devil , no longer part of god and love

what atheism has to do with this lol?

there were gays in middle ages too

this has nothing to do with modern , more people are against LGBTQ , they are a minority to begin with but sooner or later we will say goodbye to them

do u know they keep spreading hiv

do u know who support LGBTQ ?

do some research b4 talking

The Bible specifically uses the words "male and female" (biological sexes) when it talks about God creating Adam and Eve. It doesn't mention anything about their gender. Essentially, what you're saying, is that LGBTQ people aren't humans and that they all follow the devil. Wow... Great love you're sharing here. /sarcasm

I'll refer you to the story about the blind man in the Bible:

John 9:1-3: "And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him."

This blind man represents everyone who is born with disabilities or illnesses. Your body not matching your gender is a physical illness since the body should conform to the soul, not the other way around. God uses these people so that His works may be manifest in them. It couldn't be more clear than that. If you think you know better, then you make God a liar.

Everyone who doesn't believe in Christ is following the devil since they're condemned by default. The Bible says "Believe and thou shalt be saved". It doesn't say "Believe and be this, and do this, and that, etc". You're preaching a work-based salvation that isn't biblical. Anyone who believes is saved, it doesn't matter who they are or what they've done.

Finally, I'll say this. You're an imbecile and you don't have a clue what you're talking about. A cult would be more suitable for you, you'll find lots of deceived people there who'll share your disgusting views. I hate people like you with all my heart and soul, and the world would be a better place if it weren't infested with your kind.
Apoc_RevolutionNov 14, 2016 2:57 PM

Nov 14, 2016 3:19 PM
Oct 2016
I hate people and I'm a complete bitch so all of my relationships have been short, maybe I should try guys.
Nov 14, 2016 5:40 PM

Nov 2011

Jesus man, who the hell has the time to read that big ass wall of text you wrote? e.e You are a beautiful and unique snowflake, we get it

bodyslam said:
I hate people and I'm a complete bitch so all of my relationships have been short, maybe I should try guys.

Or maybe you should try, you know, not hating humanity

AdoSama said:
I will report my status back from jail, no worries xD

We're not. We all think you are going to be very loved there
Nov 14, 2016 6:10 PM

Sep 2016
gemanepa said:

Jesus man, who the hell has the time to read that big ass wall of text you wrote? e.e You are a beautiful and unique snowflake, we get it

You're not forced to read them, you know? As long as AllenVonStein reads them, it doesn't matter if no one else does. And I never claimed I'm a "beautiful and unique snowflake", those are your words.

Nov 14, 2016 7:54 PM
Nov 2013
Because relationships are a lot of work. And I'm just not interested.
Nov 14, 2016 7:55 PM

May 2015
just haven't met anyone that i wanted to date.

plus im pretty antisocial irl and spend too much time watching anime.
Nov 14, 2016 8:01 PM

Sep 2012
I don't know. To answer that I'd have to know what are the requirements and ways for it to happen and compare to what I have, then see what's lacking. But I have no idea what they are.
Nov 14, 2016 9:24 PM

Jul 2015
_Kiritsugu_ said:
Neither. In reality I'm just too shy to initiate a conversation with anyone male or female without them talking to me first (which rarely ever happens)

So I basically go to class, avoid eye contact and try to look happy and confident, listen to the lecture and walk as quickly as possible to my car to go home.

Edit: Also semi-insecure because I'm skinnier than most girls and look like I'm 15

similar to this, minus the skiny bit

Nov 15, 2016 1:03 AM
Nov 2016
Beauty and brains never go hand in hand that's why! I'm more of the nerdy type, sitting and coding all day, can talk about life endlessly, can cook , I play football for a club and look decent.
If the girl i approach is beautiful, she either happens to be stupid or insensitive else the opposite
Nov 15, 2016 1:11 AM

Feb 2014
PeepGangLing said:
Don't have a girlfriend because I am a professional fuckboi

Girls are dumb and easy.

No reason to date unless it is required to get in.
Then when you get bored you get out.
u know what else is easy

generalizations haha
Nov 15, 2016 1:28 AM

Jan 2014
I do, for over a year now. @SnugglyWhuggly is the most amazing woman I've ever met and I hope to make her my wife.
I love Christine

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness." - Henry David Thoreau

Nov 15, 2016 2:29 AM

Jul 2014
This is a bizarre thread...what a way to start of my first forum interaction here. To the people just hating on women in A whole gender is not inherently awful. 2. To the people bashing queer folks, why? We have done nothing to deserve the hatred you are spouting. We simply exist.

And finally to the question at hand: I am currently single and have been single for my 23 years on this earth so far. I am still working on improving myself, getting better at my writing (My long term goal is to be able to make money full time from fiction writing), and also enjoying my hobbies such as reading novels, comic books, and manga, watching anime, western cartoons, films, and western live action TV etc. I dabble in online dating occasionally but nothing really comes from it. My last date stood me up. But I am just fine being single. Maybe one day I will be in a relationship but who knows. I just take life day by day, and enjoy my own company and the company of friends.
Geekgasm_IncNov 15, 2016 2:37 AM
Nov 15, 2016 2:37 AM

Jun 2016
I suppose the reason I don't have one currently is because I don't really go out of my way to intentionally hook up with anyone nowadays.
I figure I'm not missing out on too much right now really, which is why I'm more focused on other things instead.I don't see being single as a negative thing at this point.
Nov 15, 2016 3:01 AM

Dec 2015
Hehe, there is too much reasons, that i can't explain in one post, but i try.
1. I'm very quiet person, that is afraid to speak not only with girls, but also with other people in general. Starting with just asking someone about help and finishing turning red when someone start to talk with me. Fuck this shit.
2. Bad first experience. At the age maybe 12-14 (now im 17) i told about my feeling to one girl, but i think you guess what she do. So after that i can't told to girls anymore. I'm something like angry and afraid to be with them.
3. I think, that i very ugly person. Yea, really, if i look into mirror, i see ugly face with eyes and acne. But, thats not the only problem. I'm also fat, thank god, not very, but, i also dont like this.
4. Well, i also very lazy shit, if i start doing something that i dont want to do, i can drop them after 5-10 mins. I think girls also will dont like this.

Thats not the all, so if u wanna more you can ask me. Thank for reading this bullshit
Nov 15, 2016 3:27 AM

Apr 2015
I don't go outside and online dating feels lame. I don't trust people on the internet.
Nov 15, 2016 3:41 AM

Aug 2014
cuz im a Lame ass mc that looks out the window everyday.. waiting for a stupid heroine to fall for me .

_Kiritsugu_ said:
Neither. In reality I'm just too shy to initiate a conversation with anyone male or female without them talking to me first (which rarely ever happens)

So I basically go to class, avoid eye contact and try to look happy and confident, listen to the lecture and walk as quickly as possible to my car to go home.

Edit: Also semi-insecure because I'm skinnier than most girls and look like I'm 15
PERFECT ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

*sees ur profile Lable'd as Male*

oh sht i almost fell for a trap... p.s if ur rly that skinny... have u tried cosplaying? :3 skinny people find it easier to cosplay..

on a serious note..for me to find a girlfriend....' i have way to many expections.. for that happen. certainly for it to be possible she could'nt be a local.. if she was Foreigner. it be possible... the Local girls r... how can i put it... Not my type? .-.
TheDiabolicEsperNov 15, 2016 3:51 AM

Nov 15, 2016 4:02 AM

Feb 2014
Because 2D girls >>>>>>>. 3D girls

But i am attracted to both 2D and 3D guys as well
Stop calling me your bunny I won't hop and you don't own me
Nov 15, 2016 4:08 AM

Jul 2014
As a mal user I've transcended the need of such things.
Wecc said:
All hail HaXXspetten king of the loli traps!
Nov 15, 2016 6:48 AM
Nov 2016
Because i'm fat and no one in my class love fat boy
Nov 15, 2016 7:39 AM

Dec 2013
I guess I'll respond to this for fun.
I probably have Aviodant Personality Disorder that creates barriers around certain parts of my social life.
Like for my first 2 semesters I refused to go into the library for some reason.
I've always been a loner as well though I actually was a very happy kid until 7th grade.
That is where my depression started to develop and has come on and off for the last 10+ years.
I haven't considered even having a friend since the 6th grade when he moved away and sadly has had a hard life since.
The biggest problem is because I haven't had a friend for so long and I want that moment when I say "yes this is my first friend in 10+ years" to be meaningful. It is the same thing with crying. I haven't cried in I believe 7-8 years. I also want that to be meaningful.

I have also just developed a learned helplessness about my situation and won't allocate my time to get to know people or for them to get to know me because I'm use to the same situation over and over again where I'll talk to someone in the moment but nothing ever happens after that. I will talk to them when I have classes with them but no one ever consults me outside of class.

So finally we come to the way I'm attracted to people.
There is a big difference in my eyes of having an interest and having a crush.
An interest is simply on looks and style but a crush comes after your able to soak in their personality and find relatable hobbies
I am apart of the opposites attract but similarity is more long-lasting club.
I also find myself as a very boring person so if we don't have anything in common to talk about it would be a very boring relationship for her and myself.

Eventually I will start doing online dating after I have a stable job.
I hope that would be within in the next 3 years.
Until then I'll just continue to be a big influence in the club scene on MAL XD.
Nov 15, 2016 8:21 AM

Aug 2015
Because I'm a geek. and Otaku... lol

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deg - Jun 26

32 by deg »»
11 minutes ago

» アニメ文化祭とはどんなイベントなのでしょうか? What kind of event is the Anime Culture Festival ?

ISeeLifePeople - 4 hours ago

1 by Zarutaku »»
33 minutes ago

» How Do You Respond to Anti-Feline Purropaganda?

KittenCuddler - 9 hours ago

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2 hours ago

» I bet you can't guess from what game this piano piece is

philtecturophy - Yesterday

8 by philtecturophy »»
2 hours ago
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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