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The New Manga Enlightenment Camp - All plebes and Untermenschen MUST attend

Aug 21, 2015 9:42 PM

Apr 2012
So, you consider yourself well-read? You think you’re an intellectual because you have read a few comics from Japan, huh?! Think again! Welcome, aspiring Uber-Elitist, to the Uber-Elitist Enlightenment Camp. During your stay, you will work hard to become the best Uber-Elitist you can be. Below, you will see your training regiment’s guide; read the manga in the Enlightenment List, and refine your tastes. These are the series and one-shots that we democratically put together in hopes of saving your soul from the damnation of a plebeian existence. Together we shall fight against ignorance and promote thoughtful discussion on the medium. Good luck, recruit. Don’t take your training too hard. Dismissed!

Enlightenment Camp Rules and Procedure

Enlightenment List

Manga Carta Veritatis (Enlightenment Chart)

*NOTE 1* This is a provisional list; please make suggestions for additions/removals. If there's no consensus on certain titles, open a new thread with a poll to resolve it.
*NOTE 2* By posting suggestions on this thread, you claim to be a superior human. Be ready to prove it!
Enlightenment Purgatory:
A series must attain at least five votes total, a reasonable number of which must be votes for enlightenment (green), before being polled for the actual Enlightenment List. This shows that the series has been viewed by enough members for our pseudo-democratic system. If a series has mostly negative (red) votes, it will be taken out of the list. Negative votes will not be counted if you have not seen a series in its entirety. If you give a positive vote for a series you have not seen, please explain why.
Please consider that giving a negative rating does not necessarily imply that a particular series lacks quality, but that it is not at a must read for anyone interested in the medium.
Upcoming Poll Schedule
Nothing! Please read the series in purgatory, and cast your votes!
Key: Enlightenment Polling, Relations Polling, Re-Polling,
Enlightenment Purgatory:

New Mentions: (Less Than Three Positive Votes)

I will also try to add anything that is recommended, but please give me at least a couple reasons why you think it is impressive enough for the prestigious enlightenment list! If a series remains in New Mentions with only one positive vote for a while, it will be brought up to raise discussion, but if it is unrecognized it will be removed (if it is later recognized for its merits it may be easily added again).
[*]Brand new Manga Enlightenment Camp! (People like new things)
[*]A slight change on the already existing rules, details will be in my first post
[*]Added to New Mentions: Futatsu no Spica, not simple, Sunadokei
[*]Removed from the Enlightenment List: SOIL

Ducat_RevelNov 19, 2023 1:00 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Aug 21, 2015 9:53 PM

Apr 2012

There was a huge problem with people coming into the club to vote and just leaving when it came time for polls. So there will be a new modification to the existing rule set, which if one thinks about it hard enough will barely affect most of you. These rules are freshly made so we're going to test how it runs, but since it's only adding onto the foundation of rules we already established and cutting out the rules that was unneeded we believe it'll be just fine.

The most important change for you is how we changed the voting procedure.

Previous System
First person nominates something and it includes a short paragraph on why he believe it should be on the list. Then the following people either +1 or -1 the series in question.

New system
The nominating procedure is the same. The change is that all +1 or -1 to the series must also include a reason for why it should be on the list. Spoiler free, a short paragraph at minimum. Nothing too general that can be applicable to anything, e.g. This is the best Slice of Life manga ever, it changed my life.

Of course the more details and persuasive your vote is the more likely it will convince other people to read on it and to perhaps agree with you. We're doing this so we can have more engagement with other people and to make it a bit harder (and more rewarding) to get a manga into the list.

An ongoing manga can only be nominated if it has 6 volumes available for readers. As for completed manga, it is important that the nominee must be available in full for readers.

Following +1/-1 must include a short paragraph on why it should belong on the elist (or why it shouldn't in the case for a -1). And make sure readers can read enough of it.
Ducat_RevelMar 18, 2023 11:19 PM
Aug 22, 2015 10:11 PM

Jan 2013
I'm once again nominating Futatsu no Spica for the Enlightenment List:

FnS focuses on an girl named Asumi Kamogawa, who's astronaut mother was killed in a tragic shuttle liftoff accident along with many other people several years ago. Asumi decides to carry on her mother's dream by joining the Tokyo Space School to become an astronaut as well. There, she becomes friends with four other students there, who are all competing for a spot on board the Lion, the new space shuttle that's set to leave for space in a few years.

With likable characters, artwork that's charmingly-simple yet beautifully-atmospheric, interesting lessons about space, and an engaging story with a lot of heart, FnS is just fantastic overall. While the manga has a few fantastical elements (ie. Asumi is guided by the ghost of one of the dead astronauts), the story as a whole is rather down-to-earth and the emotional moments never feel sappy/forced. The main cast all get their fair share of development, and by the story's climax, you'll grow to care about each one of them to the point that you'll wish any one of them would get that seat aboard the shuttle.

I came across the whole series at my library last year, and after I finished reading, it became one of my favorites. It's a really great, CRIMINALLY-underrated manga series, and I humbly believe it deserves to be on the E-List.
Nei-sanAug 22, 2015 10:53 PM
Aug 22, 2015 11:10 PM

Oct 2012
I nominate Natsume Ono's "not simple".

It's a story about Ian and his unusual disposition in life. Carefully paced, the manga unravels a story about abuse and bonds. It shows the strength some relationships give but also how frail happiness is. Ultimately, this manga is about how dreams die and how strength is lost. At what point does one break? It's not question that can be answered, as everyone has their own situation and their own threshold. So instead, the manga illustrates a story with good characters trying to deal with misery and malcontent. It's bleak but compelling. Miserable but not manipulative. If you're the kind of person who likes Don Hertzfeldt's "It's Such a Beautiful Day," then this manga might just be something you'd wanna read.
Aug 23, 2015 1:08 AM

Apr 2012
+1 to 'not simple' my current favourite series from the manga readalong thread

It's a compelling narrative detailing the unfortunate life of Ian. The relationship is painted in a meticulously subtle fashion. The elements of the story aren't expressed explicitly which accentuates the sheer hopeless tone--you aren't told to be depressed but you feel it regardless. Natsume Ono is able to turn several positively nuanced element in our world and express the sheer greyness and transience of it-- family, relationships, love. It isn't a suffocating hopelessness either, it's more sombre than soul crushingly depressing.

Read not simple to see Ian be struggle with the tantalizing nature of hope. As he grabs on dearly for the small fragments of happiness only to be further dragged into the abyss. Natsume Ono's not simple should definitely be on the list.
Aug 23, 2015 1:11 PM

Aug 2011
-1 to "not simple".

I was going to post my thoughts in the monthly readalong but I figure I might as well do it here. I thought Ian's depressing story didn't do anything different from the usual stuff where a child is hated by both parents and thus desires warmth from those close to him. So as the titular character I found Ian to be uninteresting. I did like how his desire affected other people however, how it made them rethink their actions towards a bond they, as opposed to Ian, could have. Not in a blissful way thankfully, but in a gloomy yet hopeful way. The tone of the story was done well, like said above: you aren't told to be depressed but you feel it regardless.

What made me certain on my -1 vote are the character designs. I found their cartoonish, childlike appearance very clashing with the content. I don't mind stylized character designs (even if done this much) but I felt it didn't fit the manga at all. This threw me off and made it hard to immerse myself. Also, the quality of the drawings (character designs included) was very inconsistent.

Nei-san said:
I'm once again nominating Futatsu no Spica for the Enlightenment List:

You had me excited. A shame it's only available up until chapter 29 online.
StrawAug 23, 2015 1:25 PM
Aug 24, 2015 10:05 PM

Feb 2013
No nominations here, just a little thing. The chart is missing like 7 manga that got in. It would be a good opportunity to fix the last row lol.
Aug 24, 2015 10:12 PM

Aug 2009
We are well aware of that. Maintaining the chart is my task and I never feel in the mood to update it because it will require rearranging the whole damn thing, due to some titles being removed. However, I have been planning to do it by the end of this week, time permitting.
Aug 25, 2015 1:40 PM

Jan 2013
I guess with all the nominations being started over and fresh I might as well read those Twin Spica volumes sitting on my shelf soon then.
Aug 25, 2015 1:53 PM

Feb 2008
No point doing it for the camp though, as I doubt we'll include something that's not completely scanned. Although, if someone thinks it's e-list material and really wants it there, they can just scan their books or edit raws with text from the books haha.

"Your sight, my delight. Will you marry me?"
Aug 25, 2015 2:11 PM

Jan 2013
ZetaZaku said:
No point doing it for the camp though, as I doubt we'll include something that's not completely scanned. Although, if someone thinks it's e-list material and really wants it there, they can just scan their books or edit raws with text from the books haha.

If I'm feeling committed enough I could write out all the lines and send them to someone if they want to edit the pages, never tried that kind of stuff. Looks like up to 6 volumes are translated, although the English release amalgamates a few volumes, so I'll just have to find what volume the next chapter is on these ones.
Aug 25, 2015 2:18 PM

Aug 2009
AngelsArcanum said:

If I'm feeling committed enough I could write out all the lines and send them to someone if they want to edit the pages, never tried that kind of stuff. Looks like up to 6 volumes are translated, although the English release amalgamates a few volumes, so I'll just have to find what volume the next chapter is on these ones.

If you decide to do that, let me know and send me the text, so I'll find the raws, clean them and insert the English text. Provided that I can find the raws (they should be available online).
Aug 25, 2015 2:29 PM

Jan 2013
metamorphius said:
AngelsArcanum said:

If I'm feeling committed enough I could write out all the lines and send them to someone if they want to edit the pages, never tried that kind of stuff. Looks like up to 6 volumes are translated, although the English release amalgamates a few volumes, so I'll just have to find what volume the next chapter is on these ones.

If you decide to do that, let me know and send me the text, so I'll find the raws, clean them and insert the English text. Provided that I can find the raws (they should be available online).

I think I'd be up for it, once I reach the volume 7 or w/e I'll let you know and I'll write it down and send it your way!
Aug 25, 2015 2:40 PM

Feb 2014
I nominate Sunadokei or Sand Chronicles in English.

The story focuses on a group of friends who meet in a rural village - Ann (the new girl, and I suppose the main protagonist), Daigo (the country boy), and Shiika & Fuji (two rich siblings) - and their lives beginning at age 12 when they meet and through their school years and adulthood. They all start out as generally standard archetypes but soon flesh out into their own characters. The thing that really intrigued me about it was that the events in the manga were portrayed so realistically. It's almost like you're reading a real story about real people instead of a fictional story with characters. For a shoujo manga, you see practically none of the stereotypical elements about it. It reads much more like a josei manga than a shoujo manga, if anything.

Aug 25, 2015 3:12 PM
Dec 2013
You know, I was going to nominate Usamaru Furuya's Ningen Shikkaku but realized that it wasn't available to read online. Oh well, I move on to my next choice. I go to nominate Osamu Tezuka's Mysterious Underground Men, and I find that it's not available online. Thanks Internet. Finally, I look at maybe trying to find Taiyo Matsumoto's Blue Spring... AND I CAN'T FIND IT ONLINE! I just give up, I'll nominate something later...
Aug 25, 2015 3:29 PM

Aug 2009
^ Blue Spring is available online (if you're referring to this manga). I re-checked and found it on bakabt and some online manga reading sites.
Aug 25, 2015 4:04 PM

Feb 2013
Ningen Shikkaku is up on kickthekitty's blog lol
Aug 25, 2015 7:45 PM

Jan 2013
I'd heard Sand Chronicles was pretty good, maybe I'll check it out soon.
Aug 26, 2015 6:43 AM

Apr 2012
I removed SOIL from the list because only 56 of the 90 chapters are scanlated and the last update was from 2013 (it got in without polling anyway so it's not a huge change).
Aug 31, 2015 3:40 PM

Aug 2011
-1 to "Sunadokei"

Sunadokei is told in an interesting way. It shows the lives of several characters over the course of their teenage and young adult lives yet it’s only eight volumes (last two are side stories). It skips and slows down time when necessary, showing their turbulent moments without making it feel as if their lives are nothing but drama (a problem many romance manga/anime have I think). Furthermore, because of the time skipping we see these characters grow up, wrestle with problems that we have witnessed the origin of, and most importantly, we get to really know them. Near the end the time skipping goes a bit too fast though. I can’t help but wonder if it wasn’t a better idea to sacrifice a volume worth of side stories for another story volume. Speaking of the side stories, they were good for the most part and at times even more interesting than the main story was.

The main draw are the two characters Daigo and Ann, and the relationship between them. The conflicts they encountered in their relationship were very convincing. What I found especially well done was how difficult it was for them to communicate in a long-distance relationship during a fight. Over the course of the manga they struggle with what love is and what the limitations are to what one can mean for another. The other two main characters, brother and sister Fuji and Shiika, weren’t as interesting sadly. Fuji had great development in the beginning, but with a certain plot twist it was pretty much spat upon. Shiika mainly served to bring drama. After their roles in the relationship between Daigo and Ann were pretty much over, Fuji and Shiika faded to the background and had their development happen in the skips of time.

In terms of storytelling, Sunadokei offered a good mix of drama and comedy. The drama is light and the comedy kept it fun to read because of the variety. The romance could get a little bit cheesy at times, accompanied by typical shoujo art, but since I found myself strangely compelled by the romance I didn’t mind this too much.

In conclusion, Sunadokei is a good series despite a few faults here and there and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to anyone looking for a romance manga. But enlightenment material is a different matter entirely. I think it neglected two of the four main characters too much and the shoujo elements should have been toned down.
Sep 7, 2015 3:08 PM

Mar 2009
People should just read the original novel of Ningen Shikkaku. Let's all get depressed.
Apr 11, 2022 12:04 AM

Oct 2012
Dunno how many people will care but I'm trying to make a quick addendum to the manga e-list. It's been a long time since we added anything so why not.

I'll post a list of various titles that have been mentioned by other members at some point. If you want to pitch a manga, just make sure it is completed or that it has more than 7 volumes as an ongoing work.

Currently, the list looks like this:

Oshi no Ko
Ao Ashi
Houseki no Kuni
Call of the Night
The Apothecary Diaries
Pandora Hearts
Sengoku Youko
Kawaii Hito
Usotsuki Rhetoric
Ani no Yome to Kurashiteimasu.
Dungeon Meshi
Drifting Dragons
Our Dreams at Dusk
Children of the Sea
Ducat_RevelApr 16, 2022 11:49 AM
Apr 11, 2022 9:15 AM

Apr 2020
Ducat_Revel said:
Dunno how many people will care but I'm trying to make a quick addendum to the manga e-list. It's been a long time since we added anything so why not.

I'll post a list of various titles that have been mentioned by other members at some point. If you want to pitch a manga, just make sure it is completed or that it has more than 7 volumes as an ongoing work.

Currently, the list looks like this:

The entries that are in bold are entries that I believe the general consensus agrees upon when it comes to merit so I will be adding them to the e-list soon but I wouldn't mind hearing input about them or other entries that maybe should be added already.

Chainsaw Man
Neon Genesis Evangelion

Those are all already in the Critics and Connoisseurs club's equivalent of the enlightenment camp. The club is very similar to this one and has a lot of the same "enlightened" animanga, so I imagine they have a lot of the same members, their voting system is also somewhat similar. I can't personally vouch for these manga because I haven't read them, but I imagine a decent number of the people who voted for them in that club are also in this club so I thought I'd at least mention them so other people might vouch for them.
Starslayer_Oct 3, 2022 8:32 AM
Apr 11, 2022 12:03 PM

Oct 2012
I am personally opposed to the NGE manga, Genshiken, xxxHolic, Annarasumanara. I have no strong stance on CSM.

Thanks for the input tho. I am a former member of CnC so Im aware of their manga relations. Wanna see what this inactive club feels tho.
Apr 14, 2022 9:25 AM

Oct 2012
Update post: After a few days, it's been made clear that 10 of these entries should be added to our list. These are:

March Comes in like a Lion, Giant Killing, Witch Hat Atelier, Lonely Alien, Spirit Circle, Blank Canvas, Golden Kamuy, Otoyomegatari, Ran and the Ashen World, and not simple.

The other entries will remain as suggestions but I won't make any more quick changes unless there's overwhelming demand for it.
Apr 16, 2022 11:00 AM

Mar 2009
Ducat_Revel said:

Dungeon Meshi
Children of the Sea


I feel indifferent about some others, but I haven't read most of them. Pandora Hearts is good? Huh... I don't believe it haha.
Apr 16, 2022 11:46 AM

Oct 2012
AlabastreAizo said:
Ducat_Revel said:

Dungeon Meshi
Children of the Sea


I feel indifferent about some others, but I haven't read most of them. Pandora Hearts is good? Huh... I don't believe it haha.

With that, I'll make those two bold. Dunno when I'll make the next round of additions, but they'll be added unless others say no.

Also, I'd personally vote against Pandora Hearts.
Mar 18, 2023 10:29 PM

Oct 2012
Hello club! I have just updated the Manga Enlightenment chart. This includes the addended entries we voted for last year. I'd like to propose a new addendum for this year. I'm looking for 3 manga at max to add to the list. Currently, some of the nominated titles include:

However, we do not have to limit ourselves to those entries. If you have a manga that you think deserves to be added, please nominate it so we can see if there will be any backers. I'm currently taking input from this forum, as well as the votes from the members in our discord server. It will take at least 3 positive votes for a manga entry to be included, provided it surpasses the total amount of votes made against it.

Currently, there are 4 manga that are already slated to be added to the list. These 4 are Delicious in Dungeon, Children of the Sea, Pink, and Sunny. Again, I'm looking for, at most, 2 entries so that the Manga Enlightenment chart evens out. Any other entries that become eligible for inclusion will have to wait until we get a new set of 7. Thank you to the 1-2 people who will read this and not give a fuck. You're the heroes.

Edit: Nidhoeggr has nominated Magus of the Library; Sushi nominates Cross Game. Starslayer_ nominated Rose of Versailles.
Ducat_RevelJun 21, 2023 2:35 AM
Mar 21, 2023 7:31 AM

Mar 2009

I'll vote for Nana, Children of the Sea, Dungeon Meshi, and Sunny for now.
Jun 7, 2023 8:22 PM

Apr 2020
I read Pink a while back, it has my vote. I started reading Ao Ashi also and have been enjoying it, I'm not very deep into it though.

Edit: Also read about half of The Rose of Versailles a while back and quite enjoyed, haven't had the time to finish it but I don't rly see why it shouldn't be enlightened considering the anime is unless it was a really tranaformative adaptation.
Starslayer_Jun 12, 2023 8:24 AM
Jun 21, 2023 2:29 AM

Oct 2012
Starslayer_ said:
I read Pink a while back, it has my vote. I started reading Ao Ashi also and have been enjoying it, I'm not very deep into it though.

Edit: Also read about half of The Rose of Versailles a while back and quite enjoyed, haven't had the time to finish it but I don't rly see why it shouldn't be enlightened considering the anime is unless it was a really tranaformative adaptation.
I think this makes it so that Pink will be added. I'm down to including RoV in the nominations. I've watched the anime and loved it. I do think Ikeda is a great mangaka (but I've only read Poland and Dear Brother.) I'm sure if I read RoV, I'd vote for it too. Until then, I can only add it to the nominations until other people vouch for it.
Apr 2, 6:33 PM
Jul 17, 5:02 AM

Oct 2012
Damn, I'm still the only person here but fuck it. I'm nominating Ooku: The Inner Chamber. A grand chronicling of the Tokugawa shogunate with a gender bend angle that allows for some of the best melodrama I've read. Top tier stuff.
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