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A video of why we love anime and why it shouldn't be compared to cartoons

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Jul 5, 2013 5:24 AM

Oct 2010
Tagredan said:
Why can't we just call everything animation?

That is just... too easy.
Jul 5, 2013 5:35 AM
Mar 2013
Not this again...
The only difference between cartoons and anime, is that the former is made in 'Murica or France, whilst the latter is made in Japan. I love how the video-maker argues that anime is not for kids, while presenting shows that are aimed at a young audience (Bleach).
The same case goes for the moronic argument, that manga are not comics. There is more difference between Amerian and French comics, than there is between American and Japanese.
Jul 5, 2013 5:43 AM

Jan 2013
It is really sad that so much people here call anime cartoons despite being anime fans, it is really so so sad.
The real world is past the virtual world is future.

Jul 5, 2013 5:46 AM

May 2009
I just watched an ugly video extolling animation from Japan and disparaging animation from the US.

Like most generalizations, this has the stench of ignorance and, I will say it - weabooism.

No. Both are animations - only the origins are different.
Jul 5, 2013 6:23 AM

Feb 2008
Before talking about the difference between "cartoons" and " anime", you should answer the most important question of all time.

"What is the difference between a duck?"

"Your sight, my delight. Will you marry me?"
Jul 5, 2013 6:35 AM

Feb 2012
Paul said:
@0:54. " is for kids and the other is not".

Yea I kinda just stopped watching and skimmed the rest. Anime isn't limited to 'adults' or 'older' audiences and neither are cartoons, things like NarubleacpiecenoteZ are aimed towards young/pre teens and some children anime in Japan but someone will argue that the blood and content levels make it for older teens and young adults in America. Then there are other demography as seinen and josei. Japan's ratings aren't the same as America's ratings either.

Pretty much this. The video is to one sided on a lot of things...


Anime and Cartoons is nothing more then word play. There isn't much difference in what they are but the difference is how they are done in different countries.
Jul 5, 2013 6:50 AM

Apr 2011
Great, now can we have a video of why people should not be faggots?
Jul 5, 2013 7:14 AM

Jun 2012
Anime = Cartoons = Anime
the different is Anime from Japanese people, that's all.
Jul 5, 2013 7:25 AM

Feb 2013
PWJP said:
I never really understood why people get so upset when others call their Japanese CARTOONS cartoons.

Aliis si licet, tibi non licet.
Jul 5, 2013 7:31 AM
Mar 2010
I really think this video is over the top. Sure we all know anime is great, but American cartoons are also very entertaining and can be considered art. Look at Avatar the Last Airbender... I would hold that in higher regards than a lot of the anime I've seen. It's truly a masterpiece. We don't need to all become weeabo haters/

If there was a way to break the stigma that "Anime is nerdy" in the United States (and elsewhere I suppose), then I think you would see many more people realizing how great anime and manga are. One of the major factors holding that back is shitty dubs though. I remember when One Piece was getting started on Toonami maybe 10 or more years ago.. the dub was just incredibly atrocious that I couldn't take it seriously. It wasn't until I discovered the manga in a Border's Books a couple years later that I even became interested in manga. After I started reading One Piece though (really out of sheer boredom while my mom was book shopping), I loved it and it allowed me to branch out to a ton of new things.
Jul 5, 2013 8:30 AM

Mar 2013
This video is really well done in terms of looks and sound. However, the information and opinion they give is not so great. First off, if you are going to make a video or post about a topic, for the love of god, spell check. People lose interest easily if it looks like a 6 year old wrote it. Which brings me to another point, they could have used a variety of descriptive terms. Instead, they chose to use words like epic. I'm not saying use a million dollar word, that would be an incredibly bad choice. Epic is just such an overused and meaningless word. It has such a general description that you probably shouldn't use it in a video that is trying to change others opinions. Which, again, brings me to another topic. They did a very poor job of trying to convince an audience of altering their opinions. First off, if you tell people to "Shut the hell up" or that their "argument is invalid" you've pretty much lost all hope of ever altering their opinions of the subject. The subject matter is also very biased. It's brings only one point of view. It isn't relating to non-anime watchers at all. The video is about an anime fan getting pissed off at people calling anime, "Cartoons". If you want to convince them otherwise, you should see the content from their perspective and relate it. Show them how things are the same and how they can be different. This video is mostly just about how anime isn't like cartoons. Which, I get, is the point of the video but no one is going to listen to it. Instead they should say something along the lines of "Anime is the same as cartoons because of *this* but is also different because of *this*. Being unbiased towards an audience gives a higher probability that you could influence their opinions, even slightly. If you see things from both perspectives, the knowledge of that makes it easier to convince them.


-Spell check or people will lose interest in the video
-Use better descriptive terms other than epic
-Make the video unbiased. Biased videos have no chance of convincing individuals who aren't into the related material to side with you or see your perspective.
Jul 5, 2013 8:51 AM

Mar 2012
That video...
Jul 5, 2013 8:59 AM
Mar 2011
i said many time bfore
Tv animation wise Japan makes more money per year than the us does [ sorry you cannot debate this]
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Jul 5, 2013 10:03 AM

Apr 2013
I think it's funny how some people make themselves believe that anime is some sort of superior art, which teaches about the deepest matters of life lmao. It's funny too when people keep creating these things just to justify their tastes for another people.

The truth is, doesn't really matter if it's named a cartoon or an anime or whatever, if you are having fun with it this the only thing that should count.
Jul 5, 2013 10:07 AM

Apr 2011
DateYutaka said:
i said many time bfore
Tv animation wise Japan makes more money per year than the us does [ sorry you cannot debate this]

Truth be told, I'm pretty certain nobody wants to "debate this" with you anymore.
Jul 5, 2013 10:21 AM
Mar 2011
yhunata said:
DateYutaka said:
i said many time bfore
Tv animation wise Japan makes more money per year than the us does [ sorry you cannot debate this]

Truth be told, I'm pretty certain nobody wants to "debate this" with you anymore.

thart my vieew take it as you will
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Jul 5, 2013 10:35 AM

May 2011
Yondie said:
I really think this video is over the top. Sure we all know anime is great, but American cartoons are also very entertaining and can be considered art. Look at Avatar the Last Airbender... I would hold that in higher regards than a lot of the anime I've seen. It's truly a masterpiece. We don't need to all become weeabo haters/

If there was a way to break the stigma that "Anime is nerdy" in the United States (and elsewhere I suppose), then I think you would see many more people realizing how great anime and manga are. One of the major factors holding that back is shitty dubs though. I remember when One Piece was getting started on Toonami maybe 10 or more years ago.. the dub was just incredibly atrocious that I couldn't take it seriously. It wasn't until I discovered the manga in a Border's Books a couple years later that I even became interested in manga. After I started reading One Piece though (really out of sheer boredom while my mom was book shopping), I loved it and it allowed me to branch out to a ton of new things.

It isn't dubs that's holding them back. In fact, dubbing quality improved greatly over the years, and 4kids is out of the picture. What anime needs is to get rid of that Pokemon/Digimon/DBZetc./Tentaclerape/T&A image in the US.
Jul 5, 2013 10:40 AM

Aug 2012
RockerXD said:
What anime needs is to get rid of that Pokemon/Digimon/DBZetc./Tentaclerape/T&A image in the US.
Yeah. We need more action and/or romance than anything else, in my opinion. The kids' stuff doesn't have to leave, but new additions are more than welcome.
This topic has not been locked and is still available for discussion.
Jul 5, 2013 10:43 AM

Jan 2013
RockerXD said:
It isn't dubs that's holding them back. In fact, dubbing quality improved greatly over the years, and 4kids is out of the picture. What anime needs is to get rid of that Pokemon/Digimon/DBZetc./Tentaclerape/T&A image in the US.

I agree that dubs aren't really holding back anime today. For the other remark though, we just need to put them in proper proportion within the image alongside the other aspects of anime, trying to "get rid" of it seems like a futile effort.

As for the video itself, useless and would likely just reaffirm the average outsiders view.
Jul 5, 2013 10:46 AM
Mar 2011
gamer2710 said:
RockerXD said:
What anime needs is to get rid of that Pokemon/Digimon/DBZetc./Tentaclerape/T&A image in the US.
Yeah. We need more action and/or romance than anything else, in my opinion. The kids' stuff doesn't have to leave, but new additions are more than welcome.

thats the US TV standers Falut putting anime thats is ment ofr kids as adult or teen anime

to the us anime id all late night stuff ypu need prime time uncensored anime in the us
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Jul 5, 2013 10:49 AM

May 2011
DateYutaka said:
gamer2710 said:
RockerXD said:
What anime needs is to get rid of that Pokemon/Digimon/DBZetc./Tentaclerape/T&A image in the US.
Yeah. We need more action and/or romance than anything else, in my opinion. The kids' stuff doesn't have to leave, but new additions are more than welcome.

thats the US TV standers Falut putting anime thats is ment ofr kids as adult or teen anime

to the us anime id all late night stuff ypu need prime time uncensored anime in the us

The closest we have right now is the chance of HBO doing a live monster adapatation of Monster. And from the people i know that watched Game of Thrones and such, they went to check out the source material. This can lead one thing to another.

The thing is with uncensored stuff, we need shows that aren't too Japanese. It needs to be like FMA or any show with a non-japanese setting, and can translate well into a dub.
RockerXDJul 5, 2013 10:53 AM
Jul 5, 2013 10:52 AM
Mar 2011
RockerXD said:
DateYutaka said:
gamer2710 said:
RockerXD said:
What anime needs is to get rid of that Pokemon/Digimon/DBZetc./Tentaclerape/T&A image in the US.
Yeah. We need more action and/or romance than anything else, in my opinion. The kids' stuff doesn't have to leave, but new additions are more than welcome.

thats the US TV standers Falut putting anime thats is ment ofr kids as adult or teen anime

to the us anime id all late night stuff ypu need prime time uncensored anime in the us

The closest we have right now is the chance of HBO doing a live monster adapatation of Monster. And from the people i know that watched Game of Thrones and such, they went to check out the source material. This can lead one thing to another.

Urasawa work makes good ,ive action stuff the 20 cnet boys movies show that
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Jul 5, 2013 10:52 AM

Nov 2011
My cartoons can beat up your cartoons.
The Art of Eight
Jul 5, 2013 10:55 AM

Sep 2010
I liked : Wakfu

was a french cartoon, but reminded me abit the japanese animations
Jul 5, 2013 10:56 AM

Aug 2012
DateYutaka said:
gamer2710 said:
RockerXD said:
What anime needs is to get rid of that Pokemon/Digimon/DBZetc./Tentaclerape/T&A image in the US.
Yeah. We need more action and/or romance than anything else, in my opinion. The kids' stuff doesn't have to leave, but new additions are more than welcome.

thats the US TV standers Falut putting anime thats is ment ofr kids as adult or teen anime

to the us anime id all late night stuff ypu need prime time uncensored anime in the us
The closest block we got was the old Toonami pre-2008, albeit most of the anime that aired were probably censored or heavily edited.
This topic has not been locked and is still available for discussion.
Jul 5, 2013 10:56 AM
Mar 2011
RockerXD said:
DateYutaka said:
gamer2710 said:
RockerXD said:
What anime needs is to get rid of that Pokemon/Digimon/DBZetc./Tentaclerape/T&A image in the US.
Yeah. We need more action and/or romance than anything else, in my opinion. The kids' stuff doesn't have to leave, but new additions are more than welcome.

thats the US TV standers Falut putting anime thats is ment ofr kids as adult or teen anime

to the us anime id all late night stuff ypu need prime time uncensored anime in the us

The closest we have right now is the chance of HBO doing a live monster adapatation of Monster. And from the people i know that watched Game of Thrones and such, they went to check out the source material. This can lead one thing to another.

The thing is with uncensored stuff, we need shows that aren't too Japanese. It needs to be like FMA or any show with a non-japanese setting, and can translate well into a dub.

sorry thats like saying us made films that come out here in Japan need to not be to American
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Jul 5, 2013 10:57 AM

Apr 2013
dankickyou said:
My cartoons can beat up your cartoons.

Well said.
"But ur a retard."
Jul 5, 2013 10:58 AM

Aug 2012
RockerXD said:
The thing is with uncensored stuff, we need shows that aren't too Japanese. It needs to be like FMA or any show with a non-japanese setting, and can translate well into a dub.
DateYutaka said:
sorry thats like saying us made films that come out here in Japan need to not be to American
I think for a show to work easily either way, a fantasy setting would work best. Why do you think stuff like Dragon Ball and Pokemon got so big in the first place?

People didn't need to know those two were Japanese to enjoy them.
This topic has not been locked and is still available for discussion.
Jul 5, 2013 10:59 AM
Mar 2011
Hell even Pocket Monsters was censored in the us [incudong full episdoed bing cut]

let alone the name changes fuck as a player of yje games its impooable for me to discabe or tell people the team i use cuase of stupid name changes
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Jul 5, 2013 11:01 AM

Apr 2013
Tagredan said:
Why can't we just call everything animation?

This makes the most sense. Arguments over this kind of crap is completely pointless.
"But ur a retard."
Jul 5, 2013 11:02 AM
Mar 2011
ssrex said:
Tagredan said:
Why can't we just call everything animation?

This makes the most sense. Arguments over this kind of crap is completely pointless.

that been my point in this tipic iv tried ma much as possibale to use the word TV Animation
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Jul 5, 2013 11:08 AM

Aug 2012
DateYutaka said:
ssrex said:
Tagredan said:
Why can't we just call everything animation?

This makes the most sense. Arguments over this kind of crap is completely pointless.

that been my point in this tipic iv tried ma much as possibale to use the word TV Animation
Some people are just unusually partial to the word anime for whatever reason even though we only use it to tell where the animation came from.
This topic has not been locked and is still available for discussion.
Jul 5, 2013 11:36 AM
Mar 2011
CurrentUsername said:
Anime is aimed at teenagers mostly, that's why no one really takes it seriously over here in West, except, well, for teenagers, with exceptions of course.

Personally, I just dont think it's normal when you're trying to oversexualize all females, it's immature and childish, I don't find school shows interesting, I'm not longer learning, and I'm certainly not interested in one man army shows where the good guy always win the bad guys.

This is coming from a person who only started watching anime last year by an accident.

no most of the anime ou say fir for teen in the us is kids anime that teens happned to watch here
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Jul 5, 2013 11:38 AM
Jul 2018
Pyronas said:
This video is really well done in terms of looks and sound. However, the information and opinion they give is not so great. First off, if you are going to make a video or post about a topic, for the love of god, spell check. People lose interest easily if it looks like a 6 year old wrote it. Which brings me to another point, they could have used a variety of descriptive terms. Instead, they chose to use words like epic. I'm not saying use a million dollar word, that would be an incredibly bad choice. Epic is just such an overused and meaningless word. It has such a general description that you probably shouldn't use it in a video that is trying to change others opinions. Which, again, brings me to another topic. They did a very poor job of trying to convince an audience of altering their opinions. First off, if you tell people to "Shut the hell up" or that their "argument is invalid" you've pretty much lost all hope of ever altering their opinions of the subject. The subject matter is also very biased. It's brings only one point of view. It isn't relating to non-anime watchers at all. The video is about an anime fan getting pissed off at people calling anime, "Cartoons". If you want to convince them otherwise, you should see the content from their perspective and relate it. Show them how things are the same and how they can be different. This video is mostly just about how anime isn't like cartoons. Which, I get, is the point of the video but no one is going to listen to it. Instead they should say something along the lines of "Anime is the same as cartoons because of *this* but is also different because of *this*. Being unbiased towards an audience gives a higher probability that you could influence their opinions, even slightly. If you see things from both perspectives, the knowledge of that makes it easier to convince them.


-Spell check or people will lose interest in the video
-Use better descriptive terms other than epic
-Make the video unbiased. Biased videos have no chance of convincing individuals who aren't into the related material to side with you or see your perspective.

Pretty much this
Jul 5, 2013 11:47 AM

Aug 2012
FeanorianAngst said:
In America, broadly speaking, what isn't made for kids is a flat out toy-commercial. It's my pessmistic opinion that the corporate-minded Disney, being so set on selling "kid-friendly" animation, has choked the growth of the medium for years in America.
Makes me wonder what Disney is gonna do with Star Wars.
This topic has not been locked and is still available for discussion.
Jul 5, 2013 12:12 PM

May 2013
I'll be honest, I don't care much for this topic and don't care what people think Anime is. Why? Because I can't really explain what it is. It is an art, that much is certain. I don't call Anime cartoons because look at what is regarded as cartoons (Spongebob, Ben 10 ect.) and then look at Anime. I just refer to it as the best of animation.

Also, I really enjoyed that video. Not because of the point of it, but because it was overall epic with awesome quotes. The video was nicely made, too.

It would have been perfect with the "No blood! No bones! No ash!" chant from K.
Looking for a character or a certain Anime/Manga?
Looking for recommendations?
Rie Kugimiya Fanclub
Jul 5, 2013 3:43 PM

Nov 2012
Jauregui said:
marian11 said:
Yes they are Japanese cartoons BUT people think they are cartoons like Sponge Bob and such and thats why they say its for kids.

And why should you or me give a fuck about what they think?
Also, I'm 20+ and I do watch anime for kids. I don't see the problem.

This guys got it right, i'll watch anything as long as the entertainment value is there.
Jul 5, 2013 6:15 PM

Feb 2012
FeanorianAngst said:

In America, broadly speaking, what isn't made for kids is a flat out toy-commercial. It's my pessmistic opinion that the corporate-minded Disney, being so set on selling "kid-friendly" animation, has choked the growth of the medium for years in America. Even if it was remade with great animation and the whole works, I really can't see something like Akage No Anne being much of a hit here. Its the fruits of the suppression of the medium by Disney and it's seeped into the minds of the people. We don't know we deserve better, so we keep eating the garbage we get sold in every summer blockbuster, and keep this poisonous mindset of animation needing to be "child-friendly". We deserve scores of shows and movies influnced by the achievements of Miyazaki and Takahata, and their works deserve to be studied in every animation school in the world.

Anything less is an insult to the medium.

It's a damn shame that the only adult animations left for US are those satire and black comedy shows like South Park and Family Guy, but non of them is capable of having any "serious" story-telling.
Everything must be "blood-free" for the sake of kids safety is the main issue when it comes to American animations, not to mention American animation industry having the out-sourcing and creativity wall problem starting in late 70s.
Jul 5, 2013 6:37 PM

Jun 2012
I watch anime to be entertained not because it's superior to any other form of entertainment.
Jul 5, 2013 7:48 PM

Nov 2011
FeanorianAngst said:

But where did the notion come from that adult animation = sex jokes and mindless violence? That's not adult. That's just crass. South Park disgusts me the most out of the two. What's the point? To make people laugh at really careless humor and offend a lot of people? Congratulations? You just wasted your life? You might say "any time spent laughing isn't wasted time" but what comes after that? Are we really basing our entertainment on meager pleasure pursuits? Don't we want something more? Something that speaks to us and helps us be better people? Don't we get tired of the same old bullshit all the time? The same fart jokes and the same running gags? Are we really satisfied once we turn the TV off?

Animation has incredible potential, and speaks to people in ways that live action simply can't. It's really saddening to see it used this way.

Congratulations on figuring out what entertainment is supposed to do. It takes a genius like yourself to figure out something like that.

Its not to help become a better person. You can find plenty of other things to help you with that, but its that is not the goal of entertainment.
rederoinJul 5, 2013 7:52 PM

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My : link
Jul 5, 2013 10:16 PM

Feb 2012
Starchaser187 said:
Pyronas said:
This video is really well done in terms of looks and sound. However, the information and opinion they give is not so great. First off, if you are going to make a video or post about a topic, for the love of god, spell check. People lose interest easily if it looks like a 6 year old wrote it. Which brings me to another point, they could have used a variety of descriptive terms. Instead, they chose to use words like epic. I'm not saying use a million dollar word, that would be an incredibly bad choice. Epic is just such an overused and meaningless word. It has such a general description that you probably shouldn't use it in a video that is trying to change others opinions. Which, again, brings me to another topic. They did a very poor job of trying to convince an audience of altering their opinions. First off, if you tell people to "Shut the hell up" or that their "argument is invalid" you've pretty much lost all hope of ever altering their opinions of the subject. The subject matter is also very biased. It's brings only one point of view. It isn't relating to non-anime watchers at all. The video is about an anime fan getting pissed off at people calling anime, "Cartoons". If you want to convince them otherwise, you should see the content from their perspective and relate it. Show them how things are the same and how they can be different. This video is mostly just about how anime isn't like cartoons. Which, I get, is the point of the video but no one is going to listen to it. Instead they should say something along the lines of "Anime is the same as cartoons because of *this* but is also different because of *this*. Being unbiased towards an audience gives a higher probability that you could influence their opinions, even slightly. If you see things from both perspectives, the knowledge of that makes it easier to convince them.


-Spell check or people will lose interest in the video
-Use better descriptive terms other than epic
-Make the video unbiased. Biased videos have no chance of convincing individuals who aren't into the related material to side with you or see your perspective.

Pretty much this

I concur. Soooo glad others noticed the glaring spelling errors.

Now for my thoughts. You can't say cartoons are for kids and anime is not. Who is Pokemon, Digemon, and tons of other anime I wouldn't be caught dead watching for then?

We also have a teenage and older kid section where stuff like Bleach, One Piece, and SOME of the lighter romances lie.

Then we have the teenage and young adult section. I would NOT want a kid watching Another, Hiragashi no... Highschool DxD...

We also have a rather large ADULTS ONLY section. Therein lies all the straight porn, gay porn, tentacle porn and porn for every other fetish out there.

Then we have the ageless section, where there isn't anything to scare a kid, and no skin is flashed, but the anime is thoughtful enough to entertain a grown-up also. In this section we have Natsume Yuujinchou, Aishiteruze Baby, most of the Studio Ghibli movies, Sakamichi no Apollon and others.

Trying to say cartoons are for kids and anime is for teenagers is very limited. With anime, there quite literally is SOMETHING out there for everyone. THAT is the main difference between cartoons and anime... for me at least. :3
Jul 6, 2013 1:22 AM

Oct 2010
rederoin said:
FeanorianAngst said:

But where did the notion come from that adult animation = sex jokes and mindless violence? That's not adult. That's just crass. South Park disgusts me the most out of the two. What's the point? To make people laugh at really careless humor and offend a lot of people? Congratulations? You just wasted your life? You might say "any time spent laughing isn't wasted time" but what comes after that? Are we really basing our entertainment on meager pleasure pursuits? Don't we want something more? Something that speaks to us and helps us be better people? Don't we get tired of the same old bullshit all the time? The same fart jokes and the same running gags? Are we really satisfied once we turn the TV off?

Animation has incredible potential, and speaks to people in ways that live action simply can't. It's really saddening to see it used this way.

Congratulations on figuring out what entertainment is supposed to do. It takes a genius like yourself to figure out something like that.

Its not to help become a better person. You can find plenty of other things to help you with that, but its that is not the goal of entertainment.

Where did Faenorian's quote come from? Seems I can't find it in the thread.

Anyway, regardless of the definition of entertainment, I'm kind of bugged by the definition of animation that is brought there. Animation is a stylistic choice, not a source made to cover the hole that live action leaves. I've actually read this definition some other times and to me it sounds very close-minded, basically it conditions the existence of a whole medium to the flaws of the rest when it shouldn't be this way, they should be able to deal with whatever situation they come with.

South Park anyway does have very strong technical reasons in those terms on making its storyline animated. Surrealistic turns, gorefests, over the top situations... they all are better handled in animated format -making the effects cheaper and more functional. But also, the main point of the series is that it's being told through the perspective of the kids, this is the reason why we have simplistic character designs that try to capture the world as they see it and can't be translated well to live action.

Fart, over-the-top violence and sex jokes, as gross as they may look, have always a context and in South Park it is usually very well brought up. So I don't really get this point either.
Jul 6, 2013 1:26 AM

May 2011
He probably deleted his post after reading how ridiculous his post was :P
Jul 6, 2013 1:41 AM
Feb 2012
MEanimaniac1 said:
I watch anime to be entertained not because it's superior to any other form of entertainment.

Why couldn't anime be something more than just entertainment?
Jul 6, 2013 2:23 AM

Jun 2013
Stupid video.
Xinil said:
Thanks for joining MAL.

Jul 6, 2013 2:34 AM

May 2012
Chibi-Alice said:
I stopped watching when Spongebob became "the bad guy" and Bleach became "the good guy."

Spongebob is so much better.

And anime is for all age groups. Both kids and adults.
LOL so right +1
Jul 6, 2013 2:38 AM

Oct 2012
Plusme said:
It's a damn shame that the only adult animations left for US are those satire and black comedy shows like South Park and Family Guy, but non of them is capable of having any "serious" story-telling.
Everything must be "blood-free" for the sake of kids safety is the main issue when it comes to American animations, not to mention American animation industry having the out-sourcing and creativity wall problem starting in late 70s.
Huh? South Park and Family Guy are blood free?
My subjective reviews:
Jul 6, 2013 2:40 AM

Jan 2011
Video made me cringe hard. Urgh.
Jul 6, 2013 3:02 AM

Aug 2011
I don't see the problem with black comedy. It's the best kind.
Jul 6, 2013 3:15 AM

Jun 2008
Jesus Christ not this shit again....

It's hilarious how Japanophiles get their panties twisted so much because others call their precious animu "cartoons".

The video is a huge waste of fucking time.

MEanimaniac1 said:
I watch anime to be entertained not because it's superior to any other form of entertainment.

And that's something that Japanophiles will never understand.

Personally, anime isn't even in my top 3 forms of visual entertainment.

1. Sports
2. TV drama (Dexter, GoT, Breaking Bad, etc.)
3. Live action Movies
--ALEX--Jul 6, 2013 3:24 AM
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