If you don't know where you're from, then you don't know where you are, and you don't know where you're going. It's a fairly trite adage, but like most old sayings there's an element of truth to it. When it comes to visual media though, such sentiments seem to go out of the window, across the fields, and off into the wild blue yonder, especially where adaptations are concerned.
So where does that leave Amagami SS?
A number of people may already be familiar with the fact that the series is yet another adaptation of a dating sim, and given that this is the spiritual successor to
Kimikiss, it's only natural that Enterbrain would attempt to emulate the relative success of the latter game and its anime adaptation. Unlike its predecessor though, Amagami SS decides to take a different approach with the storyline, and breaks things up into bite-sized relationship pieces that supposedly makes them easier to swallow, which works ... kind of.
The series is split up into six short stories (and one "special" episode), that recount Tachibana Junichi's quest for high school love, and how he finds it with six different girls (and before you ask, no, this isn't School Days all over again). Along the way various relationship shenanigans ensue which cause the usual misunderstandings, reconciliations, attractions, repulsions, etc, etc.
Now on the surface Amagami SS looks like the common or garden harem romantic comedy (but with the harem aspect applied in a different way). The plot follows the game's methodology by offering up multiple heroines for the protagonist to pursue, and while some may find this a refreshing approach, it's not really original as the series attempts to mask its shortcomings by adopting different narrative styles from one tale to the next.
The biggest problem with short stories is that there needs to be enough content and context within the plot to justify the actions, thoughts and emotions of the characters, and it's surprising that Amagami manages to offer some semblance of a storyline over the course of each tale. Then again, the majority of development points where both the plot and the characters are concerned have really been done to death in anime and manga, so it's no surprise that there's at least a half decent story in there.
After all, if you give enough monkeys enough time they can apparently produce Shakespeare (although it does make one wonder where they keep him).
Each individual tale is pretty decent in its own right, but when one considers them as part of the whole a different picture begins to appear. What emerges are a series of contradictory actions and behaviours that don't really seem to make sense. Now these could be explained away by assuming that people act one way with one person, and another way with someone else, and so on, and one could easily view Amagami in this light. The problem is that this assumption ignores the portrayals of the characters in the previous stories, effectively making them little more than blank canvasses. To further compound this, certain characters seem to be clueless about the circumstances around people they've known for years.
Still, if one simply treats them as a series of short stories then they can be entertaining, but the plot for each is nothing special, and the formulaic approach to each tale is, at times, a bit too familiar, and offers very little in the way of innovation, and rather a lot in the way of predictability.
It's pretty obvious from the artwork that there is a large degree of genericism inherent in this anime, and Amagami does nothing to break away from the stereotypes. The high school setting, town and surrounding environs are nicely designed and detailed, but when it comes to rom-com anime, once you've seen one high school, you've pretty much seen them all. Granted there are a few exceptions to the rule, but in general there's not much difference between the various depictions on offer.
The design principle is a little bit strange in one respect (which I'll come back to in a bit), as the characters are nicely envisioned, but are also as generic as they come (much like a lot of things in this anime). That doesn't mean they're poorly realised though, as they're clearly based on Enterbrain's designs from the games, and coupled with some decent animation and backgrounds, they do give the show a familiarity that can sometimes be mistaken for quality. The acid test occurs when one compares the series to its spiritual predecessor, and although Kimikiss was produced by a different animation studio, there are a number of similarities that stand out, not the least of which is the look of the heroines.
But simply looking like another show doesn't mean that the design and animation is substandard, and in all honesty Amagami does manage to hold it's own in the visuals department. It simply could have been better than it is, and it's puzzling why this isn't the case, especially for such a popular gaming franchise.
One of the better aspects of the series is the music, specifically the manner in which it's used rather than the actual tracks played throughout the anime (which are fairly routine affairs, but that's pretty much expected by this point). There are far too many shows out there that play music for no specific reason, so it's nice to watch a series that treats silence as golden for a change, and this is something that works in Amagami's favour as it allows the viewer to focus on the characters without having to suffer through tunes that sound a lot like the music played in just about every other high school rom-com/drama ever made.
That said, the music in itself isn't bad per se. It's simply ... generic (there's that word again), and even with two opening themes and six ending themes (sung by the lead actress from each character arc), there's little on offer that really stands out. Granted there are some decent enough songs (the law of averages and all that), but in all honesty this is probably nothing more than "when you're given lemons, make lemonade", or in this case, when you're given a romantic comedy drama, make a cheesy love song.
Which leaves only the acting, and in this respect Amagami is a bit of a mixed bag. Maeno Tomoaki plays the role of Junichi rather well (even though it's a bit like playing the role of a wet paper bag at times), and the strength of his portrayal gives much needed support to the lead actress roles.
See, here's the problem. No matter how good the seiyuu are, there's a limited amount that can be achieved in four episodes. Granted the actors and actresses have cameos throughout the series, but it's nowhere near enough time for them to truly come to grips with their characters. In this respect Kimikiss is actually superior, as by the end of that anime the seiyuu had grown accustomed to their roles and were able to play their parts with a confidence that, with the obvious exception of Maeno (who plays the only continuous lead character), none of the seiyuu in Amagami can match.
All of which leads to the characters themselves, and in a nutshell they're as generic (I seem to be using that word a lot these days), as they come, but once again that doesn't automatically mean that they're bad. Junichi could very well be a poster boy for harem lead males, and fits just about every stereotype going, especially the ones about nice guys and being a little slow on the uptake. That said, he's a pleasant enough character, and as the only lead in focus throughout the series there is some development to be had, but the nature of the story dictates that this tends to be repetitive.
Unfortunately the female leads aren't as clearly defined, and the reason for this is the relatively small amount of screen time they get. While they also grow as characters, this is tempered with a necessary urgency that precludes any substantial development. The supporting characters also suffer from the "resetting" of their personalities as this leads to repetitive behaviours and actions that simply don't go anywhere, and add nothing more than inane by-plays to the main narrative.
Amagami SS isn't a bad show though, and it does have its plus points. The relationship mechanics are handled in a reasonable manner, and the characters, especially the male lead, aren't as wishy-washy as some I could name. The problem is that instead of trying something original, director Hiraike Yoshimasa and AIC have opted to follow a "tried and tested" method that will yield results when it comes to DVD sales and merchandising, but only in the short term, and this makes one wonder why a hugely popular game franchise like Amagami has an adaptation that is only passing good.
The series is enjoyable to a degree, but it's still nothing more than one amongst many romantic comedies in anime, especially where schools are concerned.
Given the popularity and fervour surrounding the games one would expect AIC to expend more effort on making the anime adaptation better than it is, especially where things like plot and design are concerned. Granted there's only so much one can do in that respect, but the overuse of stereotypes means that the whole series plays out like nothing more than a glorified advert for the game(s). Like so many other game adaptations, the producers, director, animation studio, and just about everybody else in the making of this series have failed to realise the what fans really want. Instead of offering something that is an evolution of the franchise, we're treated to nothing more than a vapid retelling of the same old story. Even though the Amagami tries to be a little different with it's approach, one cannot laud the attempts to hide this anime's failings, especially the overtly generic design and plot, characters that don't really get the kind of attention needed to raise the level of the series, and an almost blind obedience to formula.
In a very odd way, Amagami SS is a clear case of too many girls, not enough time, and the decision to make it in the first place seems to have had little to do with wanting to tell a story, and more to do with letting everyone know how good the games are.
I suppose I can chalk this up as another "victory" for the marketing department.
Alternative Titles
Japanese: アマガミSS
More titlesInformation
Finished Airing
Jul 2, 2010 to Dec 24, 2010
Summer 2010
Sentai Filmworks
Visual novel
24 min. per ep.
PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
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Filtered Results: 105 / 108
Your Feelings Categories Dec 19, 2010
If you don't know where you're from, then you don't know where you are, and you don't know where you're going. It's a fairly trite adage, but like most old sayings there's an element of truth to it. When it comes to visual media though, such sentiments seem to go out of the window, across the fields, and off into the wild blue yonder, especially where adaptations are concerned.
So where does that leave Amagami SS? A number of people may already be familiar with the fact that the series is yet another adaptation of a dating sim, and given that this is the spiritual successor to ... Sep 24, 2013
"Nii nii~~"
"Nii nii no baka" - Miya Tachibana To put it simply, the combination of each of the heroines to the main protagonist is like a fireworks show. All of them are pretty. The Story: 9/10 -------------------- The story starts with our main male protagonist Junichi Tachibana being stood up on a Christmas Eve date which occurred two years ago. Having a hard time warming up to others, he does not have a girlfriend. In the seven arcs which comprises of four episodes each,(except for Risa Kamizaki who is given one episode) each arc is given one main heroine girl in which Junichi is their personal love interest. Each ... Apr 6, 2013
"That was Christmas Eve, two years ago. She never showed up to the date." - Junichi Tachibana, Episode 1
No no, that's not what the story is all about. Sorry to scare you about a what you thought was a spoiler. Amagami SS hit every note correctly. As a fan of romance, it was a very, very, enjoyable series. Story: You have Tachibana Junichi. He has a calm and kind personality, and can be a pervert sometimes with his friend Masayoshi Umehara. As quoting above, he was stood up two years ago on Christmas Eve. That event derailed his happiness ever since. It affected him so much that ... Jan 8, 2015
Amagami SS in short is probably the best adaption of a dating sim that stays true to its roots while feeling like it was from a collection of stories rather than a game. Each arc is wonderful to watch and fulfills the story for the viewer, in the end even actually expanding on it.
Story: 10/10 It is in omnibus format meaning that the stories may contain the same characters but every four episodes they "reset" and focus on another aspect (in this case a girl) and expand the story on these "what if" moments. Overall very enjoyable each arc had it's differences and no two ... Jul 10, 2010
I've watched plenty of romance animes in my lifetime, and normally I don't write my reviews for them. But this anime makes me hate so much.
After watching 2 episodes, this anime is slowly becoming unbearable What makes it truly annoying and irritable are the retarded motives and ideas. What gets me to the core is that the male lead is deeply traumatized by some stupid past event: being stood up on a middle school date on Christmas Eve. Ok big deal, but now the lead is a completely depressed cynic of love and lives some depressing life. He further randomly believes that the cure for his broken ... Dec 26, 2010
A countless number of visual novel to anime adaptations have seen the light of day and it takes no genius to figure out the trend in story-telling. Divide the show into a series of character arcs, whilst following an over-arching story/plot; or just follow a single character arc and be done with it. This has proven to be quite an effective method for telling these kinds of stories but it's not ideal for pleasing all the character's fans. Now in comes Amagami SS, a series that takes a step in a new direction by telling each of the character's stories, as a 4 episode standalone
Jul 9, 2010
I like the guy. He is not chickening out the time he has to something to say. He has a goal, he goes for it. No 5 minutes of blushing combined with anos, etos and sonos, where in the end someone barges right in and spoils all the fun.
The other characters are not stupid either. And there are no stupid misunderstandings, led by "just happened to pass by and see the most embarrassing moment" kind of things, so this is no love comedy. The art is a bit different from what I've seen recently, so it took me a while to get used to it. ... Dec 17, 2010
'Amagami SS' is based on galge (non-hentai dating-sim) 'Amagami'. The title means "light bite", which probably describes the playfulness and cuteness of the heroines (half of them do bite or get bitten). "SS" is believed to stand for "Short Stories". It is the most comprehensive and game-like anime I have ever seen that's based on a dating-sim.
STORY: 'Amagami SS' is made up of 7 short stories where the protagonist goes after a different girl each time. The heroines are made up of the most common archetypes for galge or moe anime. The reason I say this series is the most comprehensive, however, is because there's a ... Dec 23, 2010
This is my first legitimate review, so please bare with me. Ok, let's get on with the review.
Amagami SS isn't your typical visual novel adaptation. Unlike other adaptations, such as the Key VNs (Kanon, Air, Clannad) or the TYPE-MOON works (Fate, Tsukihime), this follows an omnibus format. For those that don't know what that means, it's basically several different arcs told separately, with each arc reseting after the final episode. This, in turn, gives Amagami an interesting experience. Due to the omnibus format, each arc is treated differently. The personalities of characters, storytelling, and even pacing are different; which makes it feel as if you're watching ... Dec 17, 2010
There’s a lot of visual novels (at least this is what I think it is) being made into anime these days a lot of them around this time seem a bit disappointing but Amagami SS does not disappoint
Plot: The story starts of with the main protagonist Junichi Tachibana who gets his heart broken when his date doesn’t show up during Christmas Eve. Fast forward two years and Junichi is just a regular second year in high school. This anime is in an omnibus format so each character would get there own arc, so I’m going to review every arc. Haruka Morishima (8.5/10) - At ... Jul 24, 2010
First of, I never played the game so this review is based completely on the episodes I've seen so far, and I might have a different view of this series after seeing all of it. With that in mind:
Story: Typical harem-like story, with an even more typical boy who's awkward, shy, and has some, if not a lot of trouble trying to go out with the girls that clearly have interest with him. The plot progression is different, though in my opinion not the best, especially if this anime is going to be short. The anime is subdivided into different groups in which has ... Jun 22, 2013
Amagami SS is one of those anime where I couldn’t decide if I should watch it or not. After watching a few episodes, I had to say that it was magnificent. You probably thought that Amagami SS would be cliché and boring, but it is not! It is nothing like your boring beta main character and girls falling for the main character for no reason. One reason that made me hesitate to watch Amagami SS is because it was based off a dating game. I didn’t expect a game to be made into a good anime. What can we expect of Tachibana Junichi?
To start off, ... Oct 11, 2015
Amagami SS is not your traditional linear anime. It is arranged in Arc's where they show how things "could" have gone with a specific female during the same time frame with the same male protagonist Junichi Tachibana.
Don't believe the hype of the "Omnibus Format" unless you like seeing the same person (the male) doing the same things but just with different females. Yes the girls have different characteristics but the guy doesn't and he falls short of having any real substance to him. I *really* wanted to like Amagami SS. The romance side of the story would have made for an interesting full ... Dec 28, 2010
Amagami SS is a lighthearted romantic high-school anime with a little bit of humour here and there, telling the story of Junichi Tachibana, who had his heart broken two years ago on Christmas when he got stood up by his date. Therefore, he has a hard time opening up to his feelings and fears that he will have to spend another Christmas alone. Luckily for him, there are plenty of girls in his high school that he will soon get close to.
This anime consisting of twenty-five episodes is divided into story arcs, each leading to a different path for Junichi as he gets involved with ... Mar 18, 2012
(Sorry for this being such a long review, but please enjoy.)
"They spoil every romance by trying to make it last forever." - Oscar Wilde Many believe that love is eternal, and that even after death those who love, will always love. Some may disagree, but I believe that romance will last forever, as long as the two who are in love, love the other until death. Romance is not spoiled by trying to make it last forever. If the ones in love don't believe it will last forever, then they most likely have doubt in their love, and it will most likely end at some point. The ... Dec 11, 2015
Have you ever felt sorry for a girl that didnt get her chance?Well you dont have to worry here,every girl gets her happy ending.
Story 10/10: Story is very simple, but well maybe thats what makes this show show you the magic it does.The protagonist is afraid of love but soon he realizes that he cant run forever from it,in fact he gladly accepts it when the time comes. Art 8/10: I dont pay too much attention to background art and such,but I didnt find any flaw in this anime art.Its your average anime art with really nice character art and nice environment details. Character 9/10: Characters are simple yet ... Jul 29, 2010
This anime is very interesting, I mean the story arc divides between these completely different acting girls and one, normal guy. This anime isn't at all very perverted but it still has those unusual/lucky moments and those always understanding guy thoughts. XD
But what i really like about his anime is that it shows the different possiblites and oppurtunities of one guy, and that his futures turn out completely different because of them. So far the anime has not ended, but it just draws me in everytime I see a new episode. Very enjoyable and entertaining. Jan 7, 2012
Amagami ss in my opinion is a mess unless you really like short stories. I decided to give this anime a try without knowing it was really just full of 4 episode short stories so i was in for a big shock on episode 5 when they totally switch the main heroine. I felt cheated that I spent 2 hours really liking 1 character and then thats it and they have 5 other stories with him falling for another girl. I'd suggest just watch the first 4 episodes then stop and that'll be enough, or watch the first episode and if you don't like the
Jun 30, 2011
Because it's a multiple arc-ending Anime for six heroines, there won't be any filler episodes. At the end of every arc, it immediately goes into setting up the foundation for the next heroine in the next episode. There isn't any link between arcs either; it's as if the whole story restarts from the beginning for each arc. If you can get past that, this was a very enjoyable series. Each heroine is given four episodes, so some people (myself included) may say that each heroine can be not as detailed compared to Junichi Tachibana or other main characters from another Anime series.
Feb 7, 2012
Still watching, this is more of a note for myself.
ARC 1: 1. Some back of the knee fetishishing stuff involving puppies 2. NYAN 3. Hostage scenario ramen feeding in public cafeteria 4. Pointless narrative excursions 5. ONII CHAN MY SWEAT DROPS ARE MOVING ON THEIR OWN 6. "Senpai, why did you take me to this hotel where we're all alone and why did you take a bath and why have you turned out the lights, saying "it's embarrassing", and walked into the room with only a towel on? I honestly am dumbfounded and shocked by this turn of events and couldn't possibly think of a logical explaination for this. I'm going ... |