Highschool of the Dead

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Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Gakuen Mokushiroku: Highschool of the Dead, HOTD, HSOTD
English: High School of the Dead
Spanish: High School Of The Dead: Apocalipsis en el Instituto
French: High School of The Dead
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Type: TV
Episodes: 12
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Jul 5, 2010 to Sep 20, 2010
Premiered: Summer 2010
Broadcast: Mondays at 11:30 (JST)
Licensors: Sentai Filmworks
Studios: Madhouse
Source: Manga
Genres: ActionAction, HorrorHorror, SuspenseSuspense, EcchiEcchi
Themes: GoreGore, SurvivalSurvival
Demographic: ShounenShounen
Duration: 23 min. per ep.
Rating: R+ - Mild Nudity


Score: 7.071 (scored by 967961967,961 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #40742
2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #79
Members: 1,556,081
Favorites: 10,354

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Preliminary Spoiler
Aug 19, 2010
Preliminary (7/12 eps)
High School of the Dead is about a group of breasts trying to avoid getting eaten by zombies in whatever way possible. Tagging along with these breasts are 2 of our heroes, Kouta and Takashi. A couple pairs of breasts are even in on the action part when they're not bouncing across the screen like jello filled balloons hiding behind incomplete articles of clothing.

But in all seriousness, High School of the Dead has actually been very enjoyable overall. And I'm not a fan of fan service.

Story: Here are some breasts, here are some zombies, and here are 2 guys to enjoy and protect the breasts ...
May 17, 2014

--The review contains spoilers--

One could review this in a single sentence: "Why is no one having sex in this hentai anime?"

Here's the plot: In an alternate universe where the average female has breasts the size of grapefruits and all bras are made of wet paper towels, a zombie apocalypse happens. And as far as the plot goes, that about covers it. You could probably replicate it by watching The Walking Dead on mute next to a porn hub playlist.

In all seriousness, this is one of the worst anime I've ever seen. Here is one of those anime that really struggles to understand what its trying ...
Sep 18, 2010
Preliminary (11/12 eps)
High School Of The Dead is a good anime. The tragedy is that it could have been a *great* anime if not for some horrible mistakes.

Let me explain. The setup is awesome. Zombie apocalypse+ a renegade group of kids + anime? It's pretty much every nerd's wet dream. Unfortunately, the writers decided to focus on the "wet" part much more than the dream.

A lot of people have been debating over HotD's overuse of fan service. Is it justified? I personally don't think so. Here you have a perfectly awesome setup for the apocalypse. People grabbing their guns, moral ...
Aug 9, 2010
After seeing the long line of reviews on HotD, I thought I'd say my piece on here to what I think is a "good" show. Not a "very good" show, not even a "great" show, but a "good" show as it is. Of course this may change should the anime continue to be as entertaining as its been so far.

Having come with no expectations, seeing as that ecchi seemed to ooze the moment you watch opening credits(something people should have noticed when they started this series), I was pleased and amused to what it had delivered.

Story - 6
Before I start I believe it my duty ...
Nov 27, 2010
Highschool of the Dead is a show that knows a very, very base demographic and knows exactly how to pander to it. It aims to please simple-minded, uniformly male teenagers with base level action and lots and lots of large, jiggling breasts. Highschool of the Dead has quickly entered into the ranks of shows extremely popular, not for being well-written or emotive, but simply for being a barrel of big, dumb fun.

The problem is... it's not very good at it.

As the name would suggest, Highschool of the Dead involves a highschool and dead things. More specifically, the series begins in a highschool and revolves around ...
Oct 25, 2014
Warning: the following review contains spoilers and gratuitous amounts of pure, seething rage. Please don't be offended or take this review too seriously. I don't actually want to kill zombie fans. I just REALLY hate zombie media.


Highschool of the Dead represents the latest in an endless string of attempts to cash in on Zombiemania. If there is one thing that makes me go blind with rage it is zombie media and the brainless IDIOTS that keep this cash train rolling. Shows, games, and movies that are decent or mediocre become "OMG da best thing EVAR!" thanks to moron zombie fans. Walking Dead is a mediocre ...
Jul 12, 2010
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (2/12 eps)
If you're looking for a complex detailed anime, you're looking in the wrong direction.

I know this is based on only two episodes. However, reading all of the 9s and 10s on this show made me furious. This show is not that great. Period.

What is this show about? It's another cliched apocalyptic world, but here's the twist! It's Ecchi! Wooo. Not.

If reviewers are allow to review and praise this series after one or two episodes, I'm allowed to criticize it. Am I not? So here it goes:

The first episode opens up with an outbreak of the zombie infestation in school and the school is quickly ...
Jul 4, 2010
Preliminary (1/12 eps)
Wow. As I'm watching the new anime shows of Summer 2010 season one by one, it seems like each one is better than the last. Well, it looks like this one is going to be my favorite show of this summer. Basically, H.O.T.D takes place in a post-apocalyptic world filled with countless zombies. What makes this show special is that it combines just the right amount of fan-service, horror, and goriness without being too excessive to spice up the show. In fact, all the panchira-like fanservice seems very superficial and you'll be surprised at how the atmosphere is very sad, serious, and even quite touching. ...
Jul 21, 2010
Preliminary (1/12 eps)

Not a genre I've seen in anime very often, when they do appear its always in some upbeat anime, Like hey heres a zombie, and a vampire, and a succubus, and they all love this kid who happened to go to a school full of monsters... not really my ideal zombie.

This anime does a great job of displaying what a zombie apocalypse should be like. In recent years zombies have been transformed into allot of things, there bugs, there virus', there aliens. I say NO, zombies are the mindless undead, HOTD accomplishes that.

Its hard to tell where this anime will go off of only 3 ...
Sep 29, 2014
Highschool of the Dead is one of those shows that I find myself having to show all of my friends, but not for the reasons the creators would probably like. Simply put, this show is bad. It is bad on a rather insulting level too. What could have been an enjoyable zombie romp had to be castrated with annoying characters, stupid plot moments, inconsistent logic (even within the realm of it's own universe), unbelievable amounts of fan service, and moments that just make you scratch your head and wonder how this ever made it into production. Because it didn't just make ...
Feb 24, 2015
Everytime I think of this title it conjures up an awful feeling in my gut. That uneasy queasiness that you get from a laughably shitty experience, which is only made worse when you realize what it contributed to the medium as a whole. Too fully grasp this feeling of comical disgust and disappointment I'll like to ask for your attention as I construct a made up story scenario.

Picture this, you're in class with your fellow students but you're the only one who watches anime as a storytelling medium. Your teacher then announces that we'll have show and tell and the subject will be different forms ...
Sep 20, 2010
There's enough reviews out there and enough information to debate over as to if Highschool of the Dead is a masterpiece or an abomination. This review is not about trying to convince you that one side is right, I'm just laying down the facts as I saw them.

Story: 7/10
To put things into perspective, I want you to review in your mind, all the zombie media you have ever seen - maybe it's none (maybe you're a veteran). That being said, as far as zombie media goes, the story behind HOTD is not awful. A virus hits the world, an infectious one, that spreads on contact ...
Sep 4, 2011
HoTD is one of those anime which fanservices are proven far more annoying than any arousing. Naked female zombies, girls' panties being reveal as they are eaten, and female zombies in one of those 'fetish costume'(eg.nurse) did not turn me on in the slightest bit(and I'm a straight guy with average hormone level) and is rather highly disturbing. The mangaka's demand on how to 'put in as many jiggly boobs and panties as much as possible' sounds sick, and yeah he still make lots of money from it.

One thing I dislike of any zombie fiction is how the story is carried out, it simply bring ...
Apr 9, 2015
"This is the way the world ends- not with a bang, but a whimper." - TS Eliot


Oh, Tetsuro Araki, how you've divided anime audiences since you introduced yourself to the world with Death Note, and look where we are now!
I'm going to make this plain and simple: Highschool of the Dead is boob, butt, and fanservice city. You want bouncing breasts? Check. You want upskirt shots? Check. Do The Matrix inspired scenes of fatty mammary issue jiggling and waving in slow motion like grass in the wind excite you? My friend, you have come to the right place.

(Note: I'm going to rate this ...
Jul 6, 2010
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (1/12 eps)
As everyone else who has reviewed so far, this is based on one episode, which isn't entirely fair. But I will try anyway since I feel the reviews so far are heavily (and unfairly) one sided for what the anime is.

If you havent seen any episodes yet then I suggest watching the opening sequence, it'll give you a pretty accurate view of what to expect the first episode: Violence, zombies, and pantyshots. Not that I didn't guess this from the poster image on this page. So I wasn't exactly surprised.

So far we've been introduced to most of the main characters, though two were ...
May 5, 2013
Fan Service and zombies. That's all this show is. So I suppose that any review has to cover both of them. Ladies first I guess.

The opening titles alone has a dozen crotch and boob shots. None of them serve any purpose. Throughout the show you are constantly plastered with this given the slightest opportunity. Or even when they have to create an opportunity. The number of dialogue scenes where the camera slowly goes down to focus on their panties averages out to at least two an episode. Probably more. The worst episode by far is episode six. In it the girls all bathe together, with ...
Aug 13, 2013
Mixed Feelings
Hello there fellow anime lover, and welcome to yet another review of the REALLY hyped anime called Highschool of the dead (or HOTD for short...). In this review I'll be pointing out why you should (or you should not) watch this, but before I start let me say one thing: If you don't like high-end ecchi animes then this series is NOT for you. That said, let's get on with it.

HOTD is yet another one of Japan's attempts to take on the "zombie fighting" scene, this time following six survivors as they try to... well... survive through the apocalypse. Does it remind you of something? ...
Jul 22, 2014
Highschool of the Dead is based at the beginning of the zombie apocalypse, centered around the lives of five teenagers, a teacher and a small child - accompanied by her dog - in their quest to find their families.
The plot/story-line provided a good basis for the anime itself, giving many different directions to be taken and to keep the anime ongoing for several series. However, it quickly becomes clear that the story-line, while still obvious and in play, appears to fade into the background in a few episodes, the idea of teenage drama taking over. Yet, the plotline is a constant and this is a ...
Feb 12, 2013
I wanted to like this anime, but in the long run, I didn't and here's why.

The Good;

This anime was not boring. Its hard to be bored in this fast paced anime where something is always happening. The story basic but one that can be good as long as done right. There's plenty of action to be found and this anime and its not half bad. The zombies weren't PERFECT in my opinion, they were slow and apparently deaf and blind, but they weren't terrible. There were times were I did laugh occasionally, and I think if you just want a zombie horror anime with blood ...
Oct 24, 2012
Welcome back to horror anime month. This week we're going to look at a zombie apocalypse anime, Highschool of the Dead. An anime from Madhouse based on the manga by Sato Daisuke. It's also one that I've been avoiding because every clip and image I've seen makes it look ridiculously exploitative and overly fan-servicey. So, of course, I've gotten a request to review it. I can only hope that it's better than it looks because if it's exactly what it looks like this is going to be painful. Let's dig into Highschool of the Dead and find out. Okay, now that I've watched it I ...