What started off as what seemed to be a bland-version of Sword Art Online turned out to be one of the hidden gems of anime shows. Log Horizon starts off slow with the usual setup of a "no-faults" main character, but with a slight difference. That difference is how the main character, Shiroe, strategically approaches each situation that makes Log Horizon an exciting show to watch. Shiroe isn’t the typical shounen main character that powers up throughout the story and then overpowers his enemies. Rather, he’s the guy in the background, the “villain in glasses” who controls the flow and direction of battle. Overall, Log
Horizon is a genuinely fun show without all the pitfalls that we've come to expect from a shounen-type series.
The story begins by introducing a set of typical MMORPG rules/restrictions that many viewers are familiar with. But what's not so familiar are the way these rules are manipulated, opening paths to feats that were previously impossible. When one thinks of rules and boundaries, one would assume that it would limit whatever it governs. Ironically, these strict rules expand Log Horizon's story from a generic show to a well thought-out strategic adventure. It's an extremely appealing story given the relatability to many of its viewers. Having played games like World of Warcraft, I and many other viewers understand how the core mechanics of questing, leveling, raiding and more work. That’s why when other possibilities that greatly affect these game mechanics are discovered, Log Horizon truly becomes special. It also feels completely plausible. It is NOT a “power of friendship defeating the boss that was previously kicking your ass.” It’s fundamentally sound and really becomes an intriguing show.
Although some may disagree, I really thought that one of the show’s biggest strength is how the characters all have defined, unique roles. Where Shiroe is the leader in the shadows, Crusty is the leader in the spotlight. Where Akatsuki is loyal, quiet and small, Naotsugu is the loud, pervy and funny big guy. And you also have... Rundelhaus, who's in a category of his own when it comes to goofiness. These kinds of distinctions allow Log Horizon to have all kinds of interactions between characters and the possibilities become endless. To me, the characters are one of the biggest strengths of the show.
The story is what makes Log Horizon quite different from a typical shounen show. It has heavy political/economical themes that tie well into one of the show’s biggest points: building a world. In fact, there are a few episodes where the dialogue gets quite heavy and may not be everyone’s cup of tea. With that being said, I genuinely enjoyed the dialogue and found the story to be engaging. Log Horizon also executes its' story quite well. I found the pacing and structure of the arcs to be satisfactory and enjoyable.
Art is decent, it's not UFOtable amazing, but not terrible either. It's consistently pretty decent and not "inconsistent" like some other shows. Nothing else to be said here.
Sound is decent as well, the opening and ending songs are quite good but take time to get used to. The background music, while not bad, is overused. You'll know what I mean when you get halfway through the season.
With all that being said, Log Horizon is not a perfect show. For example, why does no one care about what's happening to their bodies in the real world? You'll find yourself asking this question as you watch the show. It's almost as if the topic of what's going on in the real world is completely forgotten. Also, some people may find that the interactions between the characters become quite repetitive, especially with Henrietta, who has a loli fetish for Akatsuki. Her interactions with Akatsuki are always of the same manner and it gets boring very quickly. It seems that Akatsuki's character is reduced to mere loli humor later in the show.
On a side note, I really feel that it's important to point out that Log Horizon is not a combat-heavy show. That in itself already distinguishes itself from other shounen shows. But what's really important is how the show focuses on actual strategy and manipulating the rules within the game world that the characters live in. If Log Horizon's story didn't have these elements, I really believe that Log Horizon would not be an exciting show to watch, it would just be another okay show.
Log Horizon is not your typical show. It has firm grounded roots of realism in a world of fantasy that is genuinely exciting to watch. From diverse characters, to bending the rules in a world most of us are accustomed to, Log Horizon is a good show and is worth your time. With that being said, it is by no means a perfect show. It's a rather simple show in terms of concepts, as well as having plot holes in the overall story. But Log Horizon more than makes up for it in terms of its pure enjoyability (isn't that why we watch anime in the first place?) and execution of its story.
Alternative Titles
Japanese: ログ・ホライズン
More titlesInformation
Finished Airing
Oct 5, 2013 to Mar 22, 2014
Fall 2013
Saturdays at 17:30 (JST)
Light novel
24 min. per ep.
PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
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Filtered Results: 156 / 212
Your Feelings Categories Mar 24, 2014
What started off as what seemed to be a bland-version of Sword Art Online turned out to be one of the hidden gems of anime shows. Log Horizon starts off slow with the usual setup of a "no-faults" main character, but with a slight difference. That difference is how the main character, Shiroe, strategically approaches each situation that makes Log Horizon an exciting show to watch. Shiroe isn’t the typical shounen main character that powers up throughout the story and then overpowers his enemies. Rather, he’s the guy in the background, the “villain in glasses” who controls the flow and direction of battle. Overall, Log
Apr 4, 2014
Log Horizon. The basic premise, as is evident in the synopsis, centres around a group of players who by some - as of yet - unexplained phenomenon, got stuck in an online massive multi player role playing game.
I can imagine anyone familiar with Sword Art Online doing a double take at this point, obviously comparing the two anime, itching to see how one holds up against the other. SAO lovers and haters alike will travel down this line of thought. To be honest, I was and is one of the latter. Infact, I went into the series hoping to find all I missed ... Mar 22, 2014
There are certain degrees to which MMROPG series are adapted these days. While not an original concept, Log Horizon has been unanimously compared to another popular series known as Sword Art Online. It’s almost unavoidable considering both series are based off a light novel and relates to character in an MMORPG setting – an open world based off a video game. But really, that’s all there is to it and the similarities ends there. Log Horizon isn’t a rip off of SAO, .//hack franchise, or anything else relating to the MMOROPG theme. It’s a show that shines in its own way that makes its point
Jul 15, 2014
This is not Sword Art Online period.
I've decided to write a review because I severely misjudged this anime by assuming it was a cheaply made SAO knock off. Although it has the same premise of players being stuck in a virtual world, Log Horizon approaches the theme in a different direction by mainly focusing on the impact and development the players have on the virtual world of Elder Tale. The author's approach on the subject of assimilation, which I personally felt SAO lacked, left me thoroughly satisfied with political and historical based struggles of settlement, such as laws, and cultural integration between Adventurers (Players) and ... Jun 2, 2015
A review for Log Horizon, a show that for a long time has been my favourites, and is currently the only show I've ever fully rewatched. The 2nd season is a different story for me, but this is the first one, and this is the Log Horizon I love.
This review includes spoilers from only the early episodes, so I can freely explain the plot of the story. Story: Plot 4/5, Development 5/5, Total 9/10 In the first episode Shiroe, a gamer that has been playing Elder Tale for soon 8 years finds out he is locked inside his game world. He goes on to find his friend ... Apr 2, 2014
Hello buddies, why don’t we have a little chit chat over Log Horizon.
Log Horizon is an adaptation of a manga written by the fabulous Touno Mamare. Maybe you already knew him as the creator of Maoyuu Mao Yuusha, which by the way really is something. The anime adaptation is directed by Ishihira Shinji who works on Fairy Tail’s adaptation, and some Full Metal ’O’ God Alchemist (Brotherhood version of course). Now that the bases are set, let’s start the review. Story: 9 The main lines are pretty simple. Due to the arrival of a new expansion pack, a bunch of players are transported into a game ... Jan 14, 2015
Let's speak about Log Horizon: an anime that tells about, for the most part, the adventures of the characters trapped in a virtual world; definitely very pleasant for those who appreciate the genre, but with some underlying defects that can not be ignored ... But let's start, analyzing, specifically, every aspect.
STORY 5/10: Unfortunately the story is not the strong point of this anime. In fact, in my opinion, it is a bit abstract and lacking in depth, because this does not seem to have a definite starting point and evolves with a certain repetitiveness and carelessness. It's, essentially, a story based on how the characters ... Feb 18, 2015
**The character development part of the review is not good.**
Yet another MMORPG anime. People always compare LH with Sword Art Online. For me, I cannot find even the slightest similarity between them. They are two completely different show with distinct objectives and focus. I have not started season two as for the time this review was written thus tis purely based on my impression on the first season. All constructive criticisms are welcomed via PM or comment. They will be greatly appreciated. STORY (Concept 3.5/5, Development 4/5) Rounded down The series starts off with a terribly explained situation: random players get trapped in a fantasy universe. ... Jul 24, 2014
At the peak of my disgust of all of RPG Anime things, here comes the Log horizon. Unfortunately not saving the day just making it a bit better but that suffices for now. Let me clear up some things first before I will get to the review itself.
Usually RPG Anime genre which is at some point certainly very tempting but nonetheless vastly empty, except the fact that the story is happening in virtual environment nothing new nor awesome is going on by all means. Not mentioning all of the wasting of potential for fun-service which is understandable for the simple reason that most of Anime ... Sep 14, 2014
While Log Horizon may not end up being in the list of favorite shows all too many times, and while majority of its characters won't have a long-lasting impact on the audience, it still manages to be a fun ride with occasional fantastic moments as well as some downfalls which all eventually balance themselves out.
When I first found out about the show, I, as many probably have, instantly thought "Oh look, carbon copy of SAO. *sigh*". Still, as I scrolled through some opinions, a lot of people have said that Log Horizon plays out as SAO should have. I'll leave that to your own decisions ... Apr 19, 2014
People trapped in a MMORPG sounds like something we've seen at times especially recently, we have one of the animes that more polarized as the community:Sword Art Online
SAO is a similar premise, but still quite different in their implementation and development and it is not fair to compare one nor to the other. What makes it different, Log Horizon show some implication from the first chapter, which will be the tonic that makes the whole anime, and its they're stuck in the game, what they gonna do now? That's what makes it different, the lack of an objective/specific goal that leads them to be more outstanding fight ... Apr 17, 2014
Log Horizon has really impressed me. It is a solid 9/10 and possesses a quiet intelligence and maturity that rivals other flashier shows.
Any anime about being stuck in a computer game is inevitably compared to Sword Art Online. When Log Horizon made its début on the scene, the most common compliment was that it was ‘more realistic’ than SAO. This didn’t strike me as necessarily a good thing. I don’t want to watch a show just to get lectured on proper MMORPG mechanics. As it turned out, Log Horizon does get the mechanics of MMORPGs right, but what makes it truly great is so much ... May 29, 2015
Log Horizon follows in the same path as Sword Art Online in being focused on a popular MMORPG game where thousands of its players find themselves incapable of logging off the game under mysterious circumstances. Unlike SAO though, Log Horizon is a bit more light-hearted in its focus on how players handle their rather unique situation and the serious moments are not as heavy-handed, the latter being the major reason why I never got drawn into Sword Art Online. Mainly focused on enchanter Shiroe and the members of his party, our leads strive to restore stability and order to the game as many players are
Nov 15, 2014
This anime is playing second fiddle to SAO in regards to viewership; but can hold its own through thought-out dialogue and a political intrigue filled plot line.
Story & Character: The story is carried through several strong characters; and a few side characters that over-shadow some of the leads. I especially did not enjoy Akatsuki the assassin-girl. It seems like she could have had a whole lot more depth to her but they didn't add it in. Shiroe is definitely one of the best male protagonists I've recently seen (much more interesting than Kazuto from SAO), and by the end Minori seems to almost take ... Jul 9, 2014
“Hard to believe it all started with a hamburger that has some flavour.”
Log Horizon is a surprise package, it began airing not long after the immensely popular Sword Art Online ended, and shares the same concept: players are trapped in a MMORPG and unable to get out, also its animation isn’t as flashy as SAO, causing some may cast their doubts onto Log Horizon, I was one of those viewers. However, things actually turned out rather well here. STORY: 8/10 The story of Log Horizon can be summarized by 3 words: simple, straightforward, sweet. Its plot follows a very clear path and it is not difficult to ... Nov 8, 2014
Having just watched half of SAO s1 and thrown it down in raging disgust, I came across Log Horizon and ignored it at first due to its extremely similar synopsis. I finally came back and watched it after seeing some decent reviews. Now that I've seen it, I would like to proclaim Log Horizon to be the salvation of the gaming anime genre!
Art and sound are decent and consistent but the characters and setting of Log Horizon are what makes this series truly amazing. This series has a diverse cast of utterly lovable characters. Even the supporting characters or the mains who occasionally get sidelined are ... Feb 22, 2015
ok, first order of business: do NOT watch the dub because it makes Nyanta (cat man) sound like even more of a seductive pedophile.
ok, fine I'll be honest i was kinda into it too. I'm going to start with the bad. What killed this anime for me was the FILLER EPISODES (trust me, so far the second season is three times as bad). The main plot was REALLY engaging, but in many cases, it barely moved. There was tons of distracting and petty shit that got in the way. FOR EXAMPLE: romantic development was annoying and disappointing. also, the whole food thing. WHY? also, NOBODY ... Feb 16, 2015
The anime bases on three principle characters, Shiroe, Naotsugu, and Akatsuki, who are among in the ballpark of 30,000 players in Japan – and a few hundred thousand around the world – caught in the realm of 'Elder Tale', a long-running MMORPG that, for some unexplained reason, has caught everybody inside it. Right now, I must say that I love the setting for this arrangement. The move all makes put on the genuine islands of Japan and in genuine spots like Akihabara and Susukino, yet in "Elder Tale," they are situated in a sort of post-whole-world destroying, sword-and-divination environment.
The arrangement opens with our principle ... Apr 2, 2014
Log Horizon is finally finished, and I like like many people can't wait for the second season to air. It was possible the most enjoyably show this season, but it isn't everyone "cup of tea". Unfortunately, the way it sets it sets up is open to much discussion. The thing is , you cannot compare this to SAO or Accel World in terms of action, as it is not a main key element. What you can compare is the way it is executed and the way it represents people being trapped in an MMO.
For example, SAO was not a bad show. It had a great ... Jul 18, 2014
Many will compare this series to Sword Art Online. Mainly due to the fact both are set in the setting of an MMORPG trapping people within the game. While this comparison has some fair ground, I would venture to say that these two series look to achieve very different things and end up really pulling away from each other pretty quickly. Log Horizon is very much an individual series that is unique and offers a good story, quality characters, and an enjoyable ride alongside the adventures of Elder Tale.
Probably the most lacking of the qualities the show had was in the sound. Not ... |