Hello, I’m xEryChan (but you can call me Ery) I’m from the United States, specifically from New York. I’m also a really big anime fan. Several of my favorite are in a collage below as well as my top 30 anime characters but those lists will grow, I can promise you that.
Feel free to send me a friend request or a comment below.
My top 15 animes.
Ery’s Top Fifty Anime Characters
All Comments (48) Comments
Hmm, I guess the fanbase really hasn't over all these years, but that's kinda expected considering how it always has been (I've experienced that well enough whilst being s regular in PAD for like 3 years).
I see. They used to be pretty fun back in those days when we and the others (you know the users I'm taking about ) used to be active regularly here. Perhaps a bit chaotic at times but still a very lively and engaging place. But now-a-days whenever I go back a few days there I see a lot of inactivity except for PGF~ and mehmeh1 occasionally posting there....it just doesn't feel the same as before. I wonder what actually happened to Vic and some others? Have they totally left the site for good?
Hmm, I don't think I'll go back to PAD ever again so I probably won't get to know much about how the fanbase gets riled up or so these days (I did experience a lot of that before when I used to be a part of PAD before so I kind of have a borderline idea how things can get when the fanbase gets salty or riled up lol). But are the games section or so active these days as before? They used to be pretty fun amd engaging when we used to post regularly there. :(
Hmm....I kinda figured that. I guess I'd have a good idea of how that place is now when I go back there the next time.
I'd return to Serebii sometime soon, it's about time now. Are things more or less active around there?
Anyways, how have you been? Haven't heard from you for a long time as well, has the issue with your house gotten resolved now (it wasn't really a pretty scenario for you & your family from what I heard from you the last time). Have you been watching any anime & stuff in the meantime?