TV Anime 'All Out!!' Reveals Staff for Fall 2016

Director: Kenichi Shimizu (Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu)
Series Composition, Script: Masahiro Yokotani (Free!)
Script: Shingo Irie (Kuroko no Basket)
Character Design: Masanori Shino (Black Lagoon)
Studio: TMS Entertainment × Madhouse
Production Planning Cooperation: Telecom Animation Film
The series is adapted from the manga drawn by Shiori Amase. There are currently seven compiled volumes in print, with an eighth scheduled to go on sale on February 23.
Source: Comic Natalie
20 of 103 Comments Recent Comments
Feb 26, 2016 1:13 AM by ToG25thBaam
Producers care because shows like Haikyū!! and Kuroko no Basuke and pretty much any recent Shōnen Jump series have all ridden on the female fanbase. Does it make these series gay/trashy? No!
What's trashy isn't the anime but the fanbase.
Feb 24, 2016 3:43 AM by removed-user
Why don't you learn how the industry works instead of msking stupid comments?
Yes, I have a understanding of how the industry works. It's basically the producers job to look for something that they think might be suitable to produce by looking into the production values, selling point of view, how it'd look in TV/Movie/OVA format etc. Of course nothing can be done until you have the authors permission. From a producers point of view, I'd obviously look for something that already has a level of popularity to add something to the value.
If you know how the industry works, then you should understand that it's outside producer who decided to adapt this. Telecom is listed in production assistance, and I can't find info about main produce, but probably Kodansha wanted to bump manga sales. Madhouse got proposition to work on the project in one form or another, they decided that it's worth it (or NTV did), so they're doing it. They're not picking what to adapt. At the very best, they would have freedom in deciding which contracts to accept, but with 95% shares in hands of NTV they may have not much to say.
Feb 23, 2016 2:29 PM by sataniel
but you just stated a popular viewpoint from multiple users on this site
why would i think it's a joke when people legitimately believe that a show is worse if it has all male cast?
Btw the manga has not an all male cast. It's something like Haikyuu
Feb 23, 2016 1:32 PM by Xenocrisi
who the fuck cares if some girls ship some characters? does that make the series any more gay/trashy? no...
i don't understand MAL male logic.
Producers care because shows like Haikyū!! and Kuroko no Basuke and pretty much any recent Shōnen Jump series have all ridden on the female fanbase. Does it make these series gay/trashy? No!
Feb 23, 2016 1:17 PM by Mayuka
who the fuck cares if some girls ship some characters? does that make the series any more gay/trashy? no...
i don't understand MAL male logic.
Producers care because shows like Haikyū!! and Kuroko no Basuke and pretty much any recent Shōnen Jump series have all ridden on the female fanbase. Does it make these series gay/trashy? No!
Feb 23, 2016 12:58 PM by scruffykiwi
Feb 23, 2016 10:50 AM by xull
Feb 23, 2016 7:11 AM by CapedBaldy21
but yeah, lets compare that with ecchi shows lol
Holy shit people are annoying as my grandmother when she asks me if I'm still hungry after 5k of food.
An Anime about rugby/soccer/etc... airs: Fujoshi bait everywhere. It sucks.
An ecchi Anime airs: it's fine. There are boobs.
we should create a word like fujoshit but when its anime aimed for straight horny male fans mmm
Feb 23, 2016 6:18 AM by badwolf45f
i only laugh when it's like the new female sports anime where it's about using your boobs and butt to attack each other
i don't care if more ecchi series happen. it's not targeted for me. they have their own fans. i don't like to be a downer in these threads.
Feb 23, 2016 2:43 AM by Mayuka
why would i think it's a joke when people legitimately believe that a show is worse if it has all male cast
Everyone has their subjective preferences. I think some may just be overwhelmed/annoyed by the recent mass-production of anime with all-male casts (which is why they tend to overlook some). Don't you ever start giggling whenever you see another new moefest adaptation?
Feb 23, 2016 2:32 AM by Fumito
who the fuck cares if some girls ship some characters? does that make the series any more gay/trashy? no...
i don't understand MAL male logic.
Wow, I was only joking, didn't know a 'lol jk' was required.
why would i think it's a joke when people legitimately believe that a show is worse if it has all male cast?
Feb 23, 2016 2:07 AM by Mayuka
who the fuck cares if some girls ship some characters? does that make the series any more gay/trashy? no...
i don't understand MAL male logic.
Wow, I was only joking, didn't know a 'lol jk' was required.
Feb 23, 2016 1:59 AM by Fumito
no, i mean, shounen does not cater to females in the first place, other than a few series like kuroko and prince of tennis.
Shounen is no longer the same, the fujo have claimed that demo long ago.
i don't understand MAL male logic.
Feb 23, 2016 1:32 AM by Mayuka
I'll watching this :) !!
hmm never seen rugby match before lol, hope it will make me love the sport itself xD (like haikyuu did to me).
O.o wow...why many ppl avoiding it..'s sport.....and the main male char more than doubt they avoid it like a plague......"it's a fujobait!! hah!" :v.....=.=*
Feb 23, 2016 1:25 AM by -Catsidhe-
Feb 23, 2016 1:22 AM by hanamori7
no, i mean, shounen does not cater to females in the first place, other than a few series like kuroko and prince of tennis.
Shounen is no longer the same, the fujo have claimed that demo long ago.
Feb 23, 2016 12:35 AM by Fumito
why madhouse working together with TMS Entertainment to make this shit though....
rugby sports. i wonder what will happen if they put girls with big boobs in that anime XD it will turn into a comedy anime i guess.
Feb 22, 2016 11:45 PM by YizelTro
Seinen doesn't prevent it from being fujobait though
Most of the biggest fujo-fandoms are for seinen series
Lol…few seinen series cater to fujo and it's mostly due to some shoddy undertones (Gangsta, Bungou Stray Dogs, etc.)
The demographic primarily targets adult men though.
the top fandoms for fujoshi are all seinen series such as jojo and kekkai sensen, minus one which is shounen. lol
there's no such thing as undertones in those series, it's more like if there's male characters and friendship/bonds, the shipping will happen.
Feb 22, 2016 11:38 PM by Mayuka
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