Anime & Manga News

'Fairy Tail' Mangaka Hiro Mashima to Begin New Manga Series

by Wind_Sr
Jan 19, 2014 11:50 PM | 140 Comments
Mangaka for the Fairy Tail series, Hiro Mashima, has announced on Twitter that he will be starting a new manga series. He did not announce what the series will be, but he clearly states that the Fairy Tail manga is not over yet and that he will work on both series at the same time.

Mashima also stated on Twitter that he has proved to be able to work on two manga series simultaneously when he had Groove Adventure Rave serialized and was working on what would soon to become Fairy Tail.

Source: Tweet #1, Tweet #2

20 of 140 Comments Recent Comments

It's the lack of writing in the chapters that make it possible for him to keep drawing nonstop, it can really be a good thing though. We did get 2 weeks in a row of 3 chapters and keep getting 27 or so page chapters with color pages.

He's been working on that another series for years now so I'm expecting it to be pretty good actually?

Feb 15, 2014 9:18 AM by k11chi

yeah the current arc is actually pretty damn good.

also him working on multiple manga simultaneously doesn't surprise me since he's know for his drawing speed.

guess we'll know what it's all about in next week's chapter.

Feb 14, 2014 7:41 PM by Inarius

Kerozinn said:
good for him. i had enough of FT since the GMG arc so i had to drop the manga.

i hope he doesn't do something too similar..

You don't know what you are missing with the new arc. It is quite good!

Feb 5, 2014 11:41 PM by Coquidragon

good for him. i had enough of FT since the GMG arc so i had to drop the manga.

i hope he doesnt do something too similar..

Feb 5, 2014 5:35 AM by Kerozinn

do it the ashirogi muto style

Feb 5, 2014 4:48 AM by Yato-kun

CrazyMeganeChan said:
.... If I'm not mistaken didn't he say he give his main male characters names relating to season (Haru = Fall (or spring I don't remember), Natsu = Summer)?

Actually, he already used all seasons, that is if we include a oneshot:
* Rave (Haru=Spring)
* Fairy Tail (Natsu=Summer)
* Monster Soul (Aki=Autumn)
* Monster Hunter Orage (Shiki=Four Seasons)
* Mashima-En Oneshot: Fighting Group Mixture (MaFuyu=Mid-Winter).
As for his other main characters, there is no relationship that I could see: Zephyr, Aoi, Silver, Cocona, Mikiya, Arteria, & Strat.

Feb 5, 2014 4:45 AM by Coquidragon

cool :)

Jan 26, 2014 9:47 AM by Otaculte

Uriel_The_Fourth said:
JD2411 said:
Nidhoeggr said:
One thing is for sure: Oda also has a family and arguably puts a lot more thought into his manga. The scope of the story and the amount of characters is ridiculous by now and that is surely a lot more taxing than the - let's be honest here - very simple and formulaic way Mashima writes his story.
Its quite well know that Fairy Tail has more characters than any other series

and Mashima does put an awful lot of effort in. Have you read Rave? Its much more thought out than One Piece could ever hope to be. And Mashima produces colour pages regularly and 30+ chapters, how often does Oda that?

ROFL and LMAO.....are you even trying bro. I read and watched Rave it was good. That's about all I can say, no where neaaar the same level as One Piece. I'd say its a slight cut above Fairy Tail at best. About the only thing Mashima has going for him is that he can draw really sexy chicks. He should just make an Ecchi manga to compete with Akamatsu's UQ Holder.

1.) Rave over Fairy Tail? LOL, let's not get carried away.

2.) UQ Holder isn't ecchi. And Mashima is a great guy...but he's no Akamatsu.

Jan 24, 2014 7:25 PM by SageShinigami

JD2411 said:
Nidhoeggr said:
One thing is for sure: Oda also has a family and arguably puts a lot more thought into his manga. The scope of the story and the amount of characters is ridiculous by now and that is surely a lot more taxing than the - let's be honest here - very simple and formulaic way Mashima writes his story.
Its quite well know that Fairy Tail has more characters than any other series

and Mashima does put an awful lot of effort in. Have you read Rave? Its much more thought out than One Piece could ever hope to be. And Mashima produces colour pages regularly and 30+ chapters, how often does Oda that?

ROFL and LMAO.....are you even trying bro. I read and watched Rave it was good. That's about all I can say, no where neaaar the same level as One Piece. I'd say its a slight cut above Fairy Tail at best. About the only thing Mashima has going for him is that he can draw really sexy chicks. He should just make an Ecchi manga to compete with Akamatsu's UQ Holder.

Jan 24, 2014 7:10 PM by FullmetalRaikou

JD2411 said:
Nidhoeggr said:
One thing is for sure: Oda also has a family and arguably puts a lot more thought into his manga. The scope of the story and the amount of characters is ridiculous by now and that is surely a lot more taxing than the - let's be honest here - very simple and formulaic way Mashima writes his story.
Its quite well know that Fairy Tail has more characters than any other series

and Mashima does put an awful lot of effort in. Have you read Rave? Its much more thought out than One Piece could ever hope to be. And Mashima produces colour pages regularly and 30+ chapters, how often does Oda that?
This is where you're trolling, just stop.

Jan 24, 2014 11:16 AM by IntroverTurtle

Nidhoeggr said:
One thing is for sure: Oda also has a family and arguably puts a lot more thought into his manga. The scope of the story and the amount of characters is ridiculous by now and that is surely a lot more taxing than the - let's be honest here - very simple and formulaic way Mashima writes his story.
Its quite well know that Fairy Tail has more characters than any other series

and Mashima does put an awful lot of effort in. Have you read Rave? Its much more thought out than One Piece could ever hope to be. And Mashima produces colour pages regularly and 30+ chapters, how often does Oda that?

Jan 24, 2014 9:29 AM by CD2411

What do you mean? I think nobody is really arguing that Mashima is not the best when it comes to story and characters. And that's ok, because I think he doesn't wants to have Inoue tier characters. And it's obvious that making stuff up as you draw costs way less time than planning out everything beforehand.
We aren't criticizing that, we criticize that Mashima - while having good work ethics when it comes to drawing, can still achieve much more. However, as it stands he'd please more people when he'd make an ecchi right now.

Jan 24, 2014 6:58 AM by Nidhoeggr

Nidhoeggr said:
IntroverTurtle said:
JD2411 said:
I just checked and One Piece's chapters are basically the same length as Fairy Tail's

It makes me wonder how Mashima produces colour pages regularly, 30+ chapters regularly, has a family and yet somehow has the time to write another manga alongside Fairy Tail while Oda's life is dominated by One Piece

(I'm not criticising him but I'm curious)
Art quality, amount of assistants(and I guess their ability), ability to draw fast, how much time they spend on the story, etc all matter. What I've been saying from the beginning is that work eithic doesn't equal results.

Well how many color pages does One Piece get?

One thing is for sure: Oda also has a family and arguably puts a lot more thought into his manga. The scope of the story and the amount of characters is ridiculous by now and that is surely a lot more taxing than the - let's be honest here - very simple and formulaic way Mashima writes his story.

A_Fat_Man said:
I wish Togashi had the work ethic of Mashima or Oda.

At this point I just imagine Togashi sitting on a pile of Drahon Quest games, humming the old Batman tune while replacing the word "Batman" with "DQ" and shouting at Takeuchi, who is busy phoning with Toei and Madhouse to make sure the new SM and HxH anime make even more money to ensure they never have to work again.
We know Miura is working all the time, but Togashi...

Why did I knew even before opening this thread I'd find a discussion like this inside? *sigh

I don't like Fairy Tail, but I'd be willing to try out his new manga.

Jan 24, 2014 5:32 AM by Vanessa-

It better be damn interesting as i have no material to watch and limited stuff to read ...
based on previous works i think it will turn out to be better with lot of interesting characters and ecchi girls as Hiro Mashima has lot of talent drawing busty girls in fairy tail........LOL :P

Jan 23, 2014 8:21 PM by Ep1c1aN

IntroverTurtle said:
JD2411 said:
I just checked and One Piece's chapters are basically the same length as Fairy Tail's

It makes me wonder how Mashima produces colour pages regularly, 30+ chapters regularly, has a family and yet somehow has the time to write another manga alongside Fairy Tail while Oda's life is dominated by One Piece

(I'm not criticising him but I'm curious)
Art quality, amount of assistants(and I guess their ability), ability to draw fast, how much time they spend on the story, etc all matter. What I've been saying from the beginning is that work eithic doesn't equal results.

Well how many color pages does One Piece get?

One thing is for sure: Oda also has a family and arguably puts a lot more thought into his manga. The scope of the story and the amount of characters is ridiculous by now and that is surely a lot more taxing than the - let's be honest here - very simple and formulaic way Mashima writes his story.

A_Fat_Man said:
I wish Togashi had the work ethic of Mashima or Oda.

At this point I just imagine Togashi sitting on a pile of Drahon Quest games, humming the old Batman tune while replacing the word "Batman" with "DQ" and shouting at Takeuchi, who is busy phoning with Toei and Madhouse to make sure the new SM and HxH anime make even more money to ensure they never have to work again.
We know Miura is working all the time, but Togashi...

Jan 23, 2014 11:40 AM by Nidhoeggr

I wish Togashi had the work ethic of Mashima or Oda.

Jan 23, 2014 10:46 AM by CodyMan

JD2411 said:
I just checked and One Piece's chapters are basically the same length as Fairy Tail's

It makes me wonder how Mashima produces colour pages regularly, 30+ chapters regularly, has a family and yet somehow has the time to write another manga alongside Fairy Tail while Oda's life is dominated by One Piece

(I'm not criticising him but I'm curious)
Art quality, amount of assistants(and I guess their ability), ability to draw fast, how much time they spend on the story, etc all matter. What I've been saying from the beginning is that work eithic doesn't equal results.

Well how many color pages does One Piece get?

Jan 23, 2014 10:31 AM by IntroverTurtle

IntroverTurtle said:
Monad said:
IntroverTurtle said:
Monad said:
Flume said:
God damn, there are some mangakas that are barely able to churn out chapters on a weekly basis or a monthly basis even and here we have Hiro Mashima

The guy constantly proves that all the other guys aren't OMG overworking themselves like their fanboys like to yell. Not even close actually.

And am not gonna talk about a certain lazy someone that start with "T".

Btw i hope he at least has a story-writer working with him for the new manga and his not writing the story himself cause he hasn't shown to be particularly strong in that department.
Oda works all day(sleeps 3 hours a night), has had one vacation since the manga started, and has had multiple health problems in the last year(probably made worse or caused by his daily routine). I don't think Oda is slacking, I think something is different with Mashima. Whether it's more assistants or what.

Sorry but were exactly to you know how many hours he sleeps and whether he works all day?
And if he works all day and sleeps three hours then how the hell does he need a week break every 3-4 chapters. Someone that works so much surely would manage to give the chapter every week.
I think this nothing but bullshit fan rumors. The guy sleeps normally and works normally and he got sick because people get motherfucking sick.
Because someone from shounen jump went to his house and asked him. How do you know Mashima draws his own manga? Maybe he has a dozen gnomes in his house drawing everything(replace gnomes with anything else so you don't pick at it for being ridiculous).

Maybe because he works that hard it's affecting his health, you're looking at it backwards. He's been drawing One Piece for 17 years straight(with one vacation), his breaks have only been happening recently IIRC.

Yeah bullshit fan rumors posted in shounen jump, get out.
I just checked and One Piece's chapters are basically the same length as Fairy Tail's

It makes me wonder how Mashima produces colour pages regularly, 30+ chapters regularly, has a family and yet somehow has the time to write another manga alongside Fairy Tail while Oda's life is dominated by One Piece

(I'm not criticising him but I'm curious)

Jan 23, 2014 10:26 AM by CD2411

Monad said:
IntroverTurtle said:
Monad said:
Flume said:
God damn, there are some mangakas that are barely able to churn out chapters on a weekly basis or a monthly basis even and here we have Hiro Mashima

The guy constantly proves that all the other guys aren't OMG overworking themselves like their fanboys like to yell. Not even close actually.

And am not gonna talk about a certain lazy someone that start with "T".

Btw i hope he at least has a story-writer working with him for the new manga and his not writing the story himself cause he hasn't shown to be particularly strong in that department.
Oda works all day(sleeps 3 hours a night), has had one vacation since the manga started, and has had multiple health problems in the last year(probably made worse or caused by his daily routine). I don't think Oda is slacking, I think something is different with Mashima. Whether it's more assistants or what.

Sorry but were exactly to you know how many hours he sleeps and whether he works all day?
And if he works all day and sleeps three hours then how the hell does he need a week break every 3-4 chapters. Someone that works so much surely would manage to give the chapter every week.
I think this nothing but bullshit fan rumors. The guy sleeps normally and works normally and he got sick because people get motherfucking sick.
Because someone from shounen jump went to his house and asked him. How do you know Mashima draws his own manga? Maybe he has a dozen gnomes in his house drawing everything(replace gnomes with anything else so you don't pick at it for being ridiculous).

Maybe because he works that hard it's affecting his health, you're looking at it backwards. He's been drawing One Piece for 17 years straight(with one vacation), his breaks have only been happening recently IIRC.

Yeah bullshit fan rumors posted in shounen jump, get out.

Jan 23, 2014 10:16 AM by IntroverTurtle

IntroverTurtle said:
Monad said:
Flume said:
God damn, there are some mangakas that are barely able to churn out chapters on a weekly basis or a monthly basis even and here we have Hiro Mashima

The guy constantly proves that all the other guys aren't OMG overworking themselves like their fanboys like to yell. Not even close actually.

And am not gonna talk about a certain lazy someone that start with "T".

Btw i hope he at least has a story-writer working with him for the new manga and his not writing the story himself cause he hasn't shown to be particularly strong in that department.
Oda works all day(sleeps 3 hours a night), has had one vacation since the manga started, and has had multiple health problems in the last year(probably made worse or caused by his daily routine). I don't think Oda is slacking, I think something is different with Mashima. Whether it's more assistants or what.

Sorry but were exactly to you know how many hours he sleeps and whether he works all day?
And if he works all day and sleeps three hours then how the hell does he need a week break every 3-4 chapters. Someone that works so much surely would manage to give the chapter every week.
I think this nothing but bullshit fan rumors. The guy sleeps normally and works normally and he got sick because people get motherfucking sick.

Jan 23, 2014 9:59 AM by Monad

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