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Comprehensive sex education versus abstinence-only sex education

WHICH DID YOU -ACTUALLY HAVE- IN SCHOOL (read definitions if you are unsure):
comprehensive sex education
abstinence-only sex education
68 votes
Jan 27, 2009 7:02 PM

May 2007
Dictionary defs for those who are unsure (please read before answering the poll):

Abstinence-only Sex Education:
The student(s) are taught that abstinence is their only option. Students are encouraged to not have sex or masturbate outside of wedlock. Masturbation is most often not represented as a relief of sexual urges. Avoids the discussion of contraceptives.

Comprehensive Sex Education:
Encourages abstinence, but educates students on the proper use of contraceptives, as well as educating them about STDs.


I want to get a rough idea of how many people actually receive comprehensive sex education in school. From what I understand, most schools limit their options to abstinence-only sex education, and to me that is just like telling kids that they SHOULDN'T DRIVE until they are eighteen, and then letting them use a car without teaching them how to use it. In the same way, it seems like most high schools refuse to teach students how to use contraceptives--how is that a good idea?

In my high school, we were taught that abstinence was our only option and were shown pictures of STDs, as scare-tactics, in between ads for Coca-cola (man, public schools are messed up). And wouldn't you know it, there were so many pregnant girls in my graduating class.

So anyway, question of the topic: Which form of sex education did you receive? Where do you live/did you live during high school? How do you feel about the education you received, and which form of sex education would have preferred?
ScrumYummyJan 27, 2009 7:19 PM
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Jan 27, 2009 7:09 PM

Jul 2008
I'm going to go ahead with comprehensive sex education. Main reason being is that telling somebody that they are not allowed to do something will just make them want to do it more lol.

I knew several dudes back in high school that wouldn't use condoms and still sleep around, to be honest those dudes scared me because I couldn't possible imagine doing it myself. They probably acted that way because they weren't nearly educated the way they should have been, by the schools or their parents. Our school also went with the abstinence-only sex education. Luckily my parents educated me properly before the school tried to.

So I agree that abstinence-only sex education is a terrible idea and sex education(in American public schools) should be reformed.
Jan 27, 2009 7:18 PM

May 2007
Oh god, I don't think I was clear enough in the poll ;__; poll was for which one you actually had.

Defiance said:
I'm going to go ahead with comprehensive sex education. Main reason being is that telling somebody that they are not allowed to do something will just make them want to do it more lol.

Our school also went with the abstinence-only sex education. Luckily my parents educated me properly before the school tried to.

So I agree that abstinence-only sex education is a terrible idea and sex education(in American public schools) should be reformed.

I agree; just telling somebody not to do something is a horrible idea. They're going to do it anyway, and then they're going to get an STD or get pregnant.

Good on your parents. It's great to see parents actually giving a damn. My parents didn't know what I was being taught in school, I don't think, otherwise they probably would have said something.
Jan 27, 2009 7:21 PM

Apr 2008
I never got any "real" sex ed in school, I missed it somehow. But when I was around 11 I started listening to Love Line (...though I'm not sure anyone on MAL knows what it is) on the radio with Dr. Drew and Adam Carolla which both showed me how retarded people can be and taught me a great deal about, well, everything. It was especially effective for emphasizing consequences of stuff, and giving real advice without fear of reprimand from some higher authority (such as a school board). I probably listened to that show almost nightly for two years or more, until the station that carried it here went off. After a while it was because it was the funniest thing on the radio, not because I was finding anything new, though.

I think pretty much any young girl should have had the same education, albeit impossible.

Anyway, despite the anything the public education system trying to do ending up failed horribly, I think comprehensive would be a whole lot better. After all, just stressing abstinence is kind of assuming that telling a stupid kid "no" is going to keep them from doing anything.
Jan 27, 2009 7:24 PM

Nov 2007
I had comprehensive sex education and think it benefited me much better than an abstinence-only eductation plan would have. We started when were in grade 6 and were given a run down on the different contraceptives and how effective they are (always followed by "but abstinence is still the only 100% effective bla bla bla"). And then we went over the most common STDs and were tested on them or something. I think we also learned a bit about the biology of the sex organs. I think my education worked out quite well, I certainly won't have sex without a condom.
Jan 27, 2009 7:24 PM

Aug 2006
ScrumYummy said:
Oh god, I don't think I was clear enough in the poll ;__; poll was for which one you actually had.

That or people really just don't read...

Either way I went to a private high school (and grade school) and was givena comprehensive sex education (at both).

Probably moreso of an issue for the public schools rather than the private schools. Then again, parents are involved in this whole process as well. Parents should be informative rather than too scared to talk about it.
Jan 27, 2009 7:25 PM

Jul 2008
aisakku said:
That or people really just don't read...
Bingo, that's me lol. Just assumed it was which one you were for, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT WHEN YOU ASSUME...
Jan 27, 2009 7:25 PM

Jan 2008
I had comprehensive sex education in school (in Massachusetts). I think I would've hated the abstinence version..and I hope school are starting to switch over more to comprehensive.

oh, btw (kind of on topic?) here's an interesting thread about condom use in Japan (nama vs gomu):
sniWJan 27, 2009 7:30 PM
Jan 27, 2009 7:31 PM

Feb 2008
I only had my 'Comprehensive Sex Education' during my biology lessons in high school but they weren't that comprehensive but i can assure you that they weren't even close to this abstinence-only sex education category of yours.

Everything else i learn through the net with the guide by the name of 'common sense'.
Jan 27, 2009 7:31 PM

Jul 2008
I received a very comprehensive sex education in my health class back in middle school. I'm not sure if other school have this kind of program, but it was a full year class, once a week and we mostly went over sex.

We got the whole 9 yards; videos, diagrams which we were required to memorize for tests, speakers, and the teacher one day brought in a ridiculous amount different contraceptives and explained how each should be used rather vividly.

Also, my school was private in the middle of a decently secure neighborhood, so it was way too concerned about its reputation. If I remember correctly, if a girl were to become pregnant, they would "ask" her not to return to school the following semester.
FactorJan 27, 2009 7:34 PM
Jan 27, 2009 7:32 PM

May 2008
I never had sex ed.. "the talk".. etc. I don't see why people make such a big deal of it. It's not like you'll never learn about it. And honestly, if people are too stupid to use a condom (At any age), they are going to fail at life at some point anyway.

I don't know, I think sex in general is too big of a deal. People think about it too much, talk about it too much, worry about it too much and legislate it too much. Let it be what it is, calm down a bit. There is more to life than sex and having sex and talking about sex.
Jan 27, 2009 7:36 PM
Apr 2008
ScrumYummy said:

So anyway, question of the topic: Which form of sex education did you receive? Where do you live/did you live during high school? How do you feel about the education you received, and which form of sex education would have preferred?
All we got is a little booklet in 8th grade. I skimmed through it and all it had in it was conservative Christian bullshit about how God made sex special, it can only be done between a man and a wife, etc.

I feel like the school skimped on the sex ed because frankly, a booklet encouraging abstinence because God said so doesn't count. I pretty much had to learn everything on my own through experience, pornos, and internet research. The least the school could've done was teach a class on it.
Jan 27, 2009 7:42 PM

Aug 2008
I had a decently comprehensive sex education. I was in a public school in a very red/conversative Midwestern state. However, this was before the Bush years, so maybe their program has changed.

I was fine with it. It honestly didn't provide me with really any new info in terms of preventive stuff/birth control, but if they're going to do it, they should do it right. I find what the OP describes as sex ed pointless and possibly harmful (hence lots of teenage moms).
Jan 27, 2009 7:43 PM

May 2007
aisakku said:
ScrumYummy said:
Oh god, I don't think I was clear enough in the poll ;__; poll was for which one you actually had.

That or people really just don't read...

Either way I went to a private high school (and grade school) and was givena comprehensive sex education (at both).

Probably moreso of an issue for the public schools rather than the private schools. Then again, parents are involved in this whole process as well. Parents should be informative rather than too scared to talk about it.

GRRR I am not the only person who had abst-only, dangit XD Stupid poll.

You are probably right, this is more of a public school problem. But those are the kids that need that education the most.

hikky said:
I never had sex ed.. "the talk".. etc. I don't see why people make such a big deal of it. It's not like you'll never learn about it. And honestly, if people are too stupid to use a condom (At any age), they are going to fail at life at some point anyway.

I don't know, I think sex in general is too big of a deal. People think about it too much, talk about it too much, worry about it too much and legislate it too much. Let it be what it is, calm down a bit. There is more to life than sex and having sex and talking about sex.

Comprehensive sex-ed shows you how to use a condom, as well as other contraceptives. If they taught this kind of education in schools, we would have a lower rate of teen pregnancy and STDs. Ignoring the problem and saying that people talk about sex too much isn't going to make it go away; in fact, it's the source of the problem.
Jan 27, 2009 7:44 PM
Nov 2007
only sex ed i got was on how people make babies. then was told not to do that til i was a dad. (lol?)


i guess "abstinence-only" category fits most closely
Jan 27, 2009 7:46 PM

Jul 2008
Scrummy is just upset that she never got to watch bad seventies' porn films and learn about female masturbation in high school.

She feels cheated and deprived.
Jan 27, 2009 7:46 PM

Sep 2008
Comprehensive Sex-Ed. They taught it in 5th grade in Oakland (not sure when they start it in other cites/states/countries...)
Jan 27, 2009 7:46 PM

May 2007
shinkeikaku said:

I was fine with it. It honestly didn't provide me with really any new info in terms of preventive stuff/birth control, but if they're going to do it, they should do it right. I find what the OP describes as sex ed pointless and possibly harmful (hence lots of teenage moms).

That was the sex ed I received, but if you actually read it I was saying that I was pro-comprehensive and actually pointed out the dangers of a-o sex ed..

ShaolinRibiero said:
Scrummy is just upset that she never got to watch bad seventies' porn films and learn about female masturbation in high school.

She feels cheated and deprived.

Jan 27, 2009 7:48 PM

Nov 2008
In Junior High (grades 7-9, and also a Catholic school, mind you), we were taught Comprehensive Sex Ed, for blatantly obvious reasons.

The school board here realized long ago that, when you tell people not to do something, most of the stupid ones (which consists of pretty much everyone at that age) will go off and do it.

NOTE: I am a legitimate (meaning usually on-topic and polite) hit-and-run poster. Do not expect me to reply to your reply to my reply.
Jan 27, 2009 7:49 PM

May 2007
lol, the poll still says that only one person (me) had abst-only sex ed, while several people in the topic have stated that they received a-o sex ed.

So much for that poll.
Jan 27, 2009 7:51 PM

Aug 2008
ScrumYummy said:
shinkeikaku said:

I was fine with it. It honestly didn't provide me with really any new info in terms of preventive stuff/birth control, but if they're going to do it, they should do it right. I find what the OP describes as sex ed pointless and possibly harmful (hence lots of teenage moms).
That was the sex ed I received, but if you actually read it I was saying that I was pro-comprehensive and actually pointed out the dangers of a-o sex ed..
? I did read it and said what the program did was a disservice and pointless. Perhaps "sex ed experience?"
Jan 27, 2009 7:54 PM

Feb 2007
I missed sex ed when I was a kid.

School district x did it in grade 5, school district y did it in grade 6.

I started in Y and moved between 5 and 6 to x. Thus I missed all that "my body is mine" shit or whatever.

Then in grade 10 we had "[life] planning 10" and our teacher talked about sex however she wanted to. "Birth control is good." etc. Though apparently her sister got pregnant when she was 16 or so in the early 60's, but her dad let her keep it "if she got married" so she did.

It turned out she couldn't have kids later on in life and she loves her kid to death (who is not much younger than that teacher was) and she said all in all it all worked out.

Nice story.
Jan 27, 2009 7:57 PM

Jul 2007
I'm not sure what my sex-ed counts as. In 8th grade it may as well have been abstinence only - she emphasized every class period that the surest way not to get pregnant or get STDs (presented in the typical sensational manner of LOOK AT THESE PICTURES and a list of gorey details) was not to have sex. Sure condoms COULD protect against pregnancy but they weren't 100% reliable, and neither was hormonal BC. If you just don't have sex though...

In tenth grade I'd say it was a bit more balanced.
Jan 27, 2009 7:57 PM

May 2008
ScrumYummy said:

Comprehensive sex-ed shows you how to use a condom, as well as other contraceptives. If they taught this kind of education in schools, we would have a lower rate of teen pregnancy and STDs. Ignoring the problem and saying that people talk about sex too much isn't going to make it go away; in fact, it's the source of the problem.

I think just pointing the kids to an internet forum would get a whole lot more done than any sex-ed class. Just find any generic teen sex forum that talks about sex and they'll get it down.

I wonder, what would be an effective process of showing a kid how to use a condom? Not that it's hard to figure out.. but what, are you going to show them a diagram? They can figure that part out, you just unroll the condom on the dick. Not hard. if they manage to mess it up, it's because they haven't gotten the hang of it yet, in terms of motor skills. You certainly can't do it hands-on in any western society ;). I don't think you can have a proper sex ed class as long as the parents don't want their kids fucking. A lot of these problems simply can't be solved until the public attitude changes.

Maybe my opinion isn't the most relevant on this topic, because if it was my choice, there would be no sex education and eventually most of the kids who fuck incontinently and can't put a sleeve on their penis would die from STDs. Natural selection is cool like that.

And we'd abort all the babies so they didn't bring on a 2nd generation of ignoramus horny 13 year olds. Artificial selection is cool like that.

But noooo we have to be all "compassionate". Pheh. Mammals suck.
Jan 27, 2009 7:59 PM

May 2008
I had comprehensive. They had a pretty good sex ed program actually.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Jan 27, 2009 8:00 PM

Feb 2007
Roll condom onto bananaz
Jan 27, 2009 8:04 PM

May 2008
Comprehensive sex-ed shows you how to use a condom

Wait, nevermind.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Jan 27, 2009 8:07 PM
Jun 2007
I think sex ed should also teach about oral and anal sex. As well as homosexuality and what a fetish is, what is and isn't okay and why etc.

THAT would be comprehensive.

"You shouldn't do it, and if you do wear a condom. Also, lol babies and STDs."

That's not even really education to me. I don't even know how they managed to make these things last an hour when there was only 5 minutes of info.

Jan 27, 2009 8:31 PM

Jul 2008
AnimusNathan said:
I think sex ed should also teach about oral and anal sex. As well as homosexuality
....most do.
Jan 27, 2009 8:35 PM

Aug 2008
Defiance said:
AnimusNathan said:
I think sex ed should also teach about oral and anal sex. As well as homosexuality
....most do.
Interesting. Mine didn't. Then again, people didn't really acknowledge that gay people existed either.
Jan 27, 2009 8:44 PM

Dec 2007
received comprehensive and live near D.C.

Eh no matter what education type i received I would have learned about all this stuff anyways.
Jan 27, 2009 8:47 PM
Jun 2007
Defiance said:
AnimusNathan said:
I think sex ed should also teach about oral and anal sex. As well as homosexuality
....most do.

I live in backwater Alberta(Canada) so maybe it was just mine, I dunno. lol.

Jan 27, 2009 8:50 PM

Jul 2008
AnimusNathan said:
Defiance said:
AnimusNathan said:
I think sex ed should also teach about oral and anal sex. As well as homosexuality
....most do.

I live in backwater Alberta(Canada) so maybe it was just mine, I dunno. lol.
I was being facetious, I guess it just didn't come across that way(lulz sarcasm via typing).
Jan 27, 2009 8:54 PM

Mar 2008
We were "taught" this stuff in middle school =P

Basically everyone just messed around and laughed so much about the corny videos
Jan 28, 2009 5:48 AM

Feb 2005
comprehensive sex education. If you can call it that. We only got some info about contraceptives, some popular STDs of the week and the ordinary overview of the biological implications of sex and baby-farming.
They also touched slightly in on the gay stuff about how it wasn't abnormal and whatnot. But I wouldn't call it comprehensive, far from it. We all knew 90% of it already, and they didn't really go into potentially useful stuff about how to find the G spot or such.
Waste of time it was, but certainly better than doing it the religious-brainwashing way.
Jan 28, 2009 5:55 AM

Jul 2007
I received comprehensive sex education in high school in Canada, Ontario. We also did some sex education in grades 5 and 7, but we didn't go into depth on abstinence and contraceptives until grade 9.

I like the way sexual education is set up here, and I hope it doesn't change. Heck, maybe even some earlier education about sexual predators will help confused children as well. (Or worsen the state of those already in such a situation... which could prove disastrous. D:)

I think the education was good, though a bit awkward. Hopefully that will also be wiped away when society stops condemning sexual pleasure.
Jan 28, 2009 6:01 AM

Dec 2007
I received no sexual education. Due to anime I was always led to believe that it's something to be done with whoever you want, as far as you appreciate that person. And I'm all for this. I don't see any need on "education" about girls have a vagina and boys have a penis. It's something everyone ends up discovering.

And I feel that sexual education as it was inserted in our schools (I was already too old for it) just created more whores.
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Jan 28, 2009 10:30 AM

May 2007
hikky said:
Natural selection is cool like that.

As sad as it is, I actually laugh a little inside when I hear about kids getting STDs because they tried to have sex without "having sex" (e.i. oral, anal, etc).

Natural selection aside, don't you want to stop the stupid people from breeding? D:

asandari said:
I received comprehensive sex education in high school in Canada, Ontario. We also did some sex education in grades 5 and 7, but we didn't go into depth on abstinence and contraceptives until grade 9.

Hopefully that will also be wiped away when society stops condemning sexual pleasure.

We had the "here is what the plumbing is like" talk in 5th and 6th, and then throughout high school (9-12) they would hold rallies in the auditorium telling us not to have sex. It was so stupid >__>

I think you hit the nail on the head, though. Our society needs to stop condemning sexual pleasure, stop equating nudity with sex, and start really educating people. (I'm really happy that so many that have replied to this topic have had comprehensive sex ed., but I also know from experience that there are a lot of areas that still teach abstinence only.)
Jan 28, 2009 10:52 AM

Feb 2005
ScrumYummy said:
Natural selection aside, don't you want to stop the stupid people from breeding? D:
The world would be a bit drab and boring without idiots to make fun of don't you think? I can no longer imagine the internet without /b.
We intelligent people would still need someone to do all the boring jobs for us right? Manual labour don't do itself and robots are known to develop sentience and destroy humanity...
Jan 28, 2009 11:39 AM

Jan 2009
comprehensive xD

Jan 28, 2009 11:47 AM

Nov 2007
I learned everything I need to know about sex from the following:

1) TV
2) Internet
3) Friends

School is nowhere in there since all they say is "DON'T HAVE SEX GOD WILL HATE YOU, AND DON'T MASTURBATE EITHER GOD IS WATCHING YOU" sort of shit going down, really it taught you nothing about condoms or safe sex, which imo is bad, The book we used was "Love and Life" and it pretty much was saying how sex is bad if you have it until marriage (LOL, that books is shit, I lost my virginity that year). But since there are retards out there I agree with Comprehensive Sex Education, what I learned was "Abstinence Only". To bad I accidentally choose the wrong one on the poll T___T
StephanBlackhawkJan 28, 2009 11:51 AM
Jan 28, 2009 11:52 AM

Jan 2009
i voted for comprehensive. kids are gonna have sex no matter what their school teaches them so they might as well gain knowledge that will protect them from pregnancy and stds.

teaching abstinence is a waste of time.
Jan 28, 2009 11:52 AM

Feb 2005
StephanBlackhawk said:
School is nowhere in there since all they say is "DON'T HAVE SEX GOD WILL HATE YOU, AND DON'T MASTURBATE EITHER GOD IS WATCHING YOU" sort of shit going down.
Damn. If I was in a school like that, I'd probably flip out and massacre someone.
Or at least wear one of those "Jesus is a cunt" Tshirts everyday just to provoke the bastards.
Jan 28, 2009 12:04 PM

Apr 2008
Baman said:
StephanBlackhawk said:
School is nowhere in there since all they say is "DON'T HAVE SEX GOD WILL HATE YOU, AND DON'T MASTURBATE EITHER GOD IS WATCHING YOU" sort of shit going down.
Damn. If I was in a school like that, I'd probably flip out and massacre someone.
Or at least wear one of those "Jesus is a cunt" Tshirts everyday just to provoke the bastards.

you'd get sent to jail : )
damn fundimentalist christians.
Jan 28, 2009 12:16 PM

Aug 2008
I voted comprehensive, but now I'm wondering if I should have said abstinence only, because it wasn't all that comprehensive, as it probably should have been.

They probably preached about abstinence for a while, and then did a "oh, by the way, condoms, STD's, babies." Even though I had one teacher that wanted to talk about female condoms for way longer than necessary. Does anyone even use those?

We also had Brad Henning as a guest speaker that promoted the "virginity is cool" mantra. He told us a great story about some girl that told him that she and her boyfriend were having sex, and they were just fine, and they loved each other. Six months later he got a letter from her and her boyfriend had bashed her over the head with a lamp or something.
Jan 28, 2009 12:20 PM

Feb 2005
lizguana said:
We also had Brad Henning as a guest speaker that promoted the "virginity is cool" mantra. He told us a great story about some girl that told him that she and her boyfriend were having sex, and they were just fine, and they loved each other. Six months later he got a letter from her and her boyfriend had bashed her over the head with a lamp or something.
And this guy meant that story was related to what exactly? :/
Jan 28, 2009 12:21 PM

Aug 2008
Baman said:
lizguana said:
We also had Brad Henning as a guest speaker that promoted the "virginity is cool" mantra. He told us a great story about some girl that told him that she and her boyfriend were having sex, and they were just fine, and they loved each other. Six months later he got a letter from her and her boyfriend had bashed her over the head with a lamp or something.
And this guy meant that story was related to what exactly? :/

If you have sex before marriage your boyfriend will eventually go crazy with desire and beat you to a bloody pulp. Duh.
Jan 28, 2009 12:25 PM

Jul 2008
I've actually had both (Jr. High and High School taught differently), but I've more lessons on abstinence so that's what I selected.

I don't plan on even dating until I'm out of high school, so avoiding sex shouldn't be a problem either. I'll probably do it before I'm married, but I just can't imagine myself doing it at this age. :P
Jan 28, 2009 12:36 PM

Mar 2005
our school did the comprehensive thing, but we are in new york so no backwards conservative christian teachings here ^^ our teachers laugh at creationism har har har
Jan 28, 2009 12:38 PM

Mar 2007
ScrumYummy said:

We had the "here is what the plumbing is like" talk in 5th and 6th, and then throughout high school (9-12) they would hold rallies in the auditorium telling us not to have sex. It was so stupid >__>

I think mine was more on the comprehensive side or maybe a mixture of both.

I think my sex ed classes started in 5th grade (early-mid 1980's, Catholic elementary school in California), but it was mainly those "here is what the plumbing is like" for boys and girls. Then the girls would have a separate class where they talked about what a period is (which was funny, since I think at least half of us already already knew quite well what a period is) and the boys had a separate class where I guess at that age they talked about wet dreams or something, lol)

Then in middle school (public school in California) they had more classes on the reproductive system, and would then cover STDs and birth control and babies and AIDS (which was just starting to be a major topic). It wasn't abstinence-only education, but they did make sure to mention that abstinence was most effective. We had to watch goofy movies that were like those after-school specials on TV that would cover various teen situations (being pressured on dates to have sex when you aren't ready, etc)

In high school, I don't remember any specific sex-ed classes, but the first high school I went to (Catholic, in California) was very much into the 'behaving responsibly' idea, and encouraged abstinence, but if you DO do it, be safe, etc. My second high school school newspaper (public school in Texas) caused a huge fuss and local controversy when they ran articles on safe sex and explaining oral sex and how it is done, etc) LOL Along with the groups encouraging no drinking and driving at prom, there were other student groups promoting safe sex. Er not tha they were saying everyone should go out and have safe sex, but that if you do it, be safe, or whatever.

At the time I was in high school, we didn't really have the internet (well, there was Prodigy, where you could get news and send emails - and pay per email sent... but no websites really), so I am sure what kids know at what ages has changed a LOT XD
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