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Statistics of Anime Fans: What's So Special About K-ON?

Nov 25, 2011 7:50 PM

Feb 2008
According to Ure Pia magazine, Ascii Research Institute has released a comparative analysis of K-ON! fans. They concluded that the anime has appealed to the general public, especially young women, who don't watch anime frequently.

The sex ratio of anime fans of four titles

37% of K-ON! fans are women while women make up only 10% of Strike Witches 2 fans.

Percentage of people who don't watch anime frequently

15% of the audience of K-ON! anime don't watch other anime frequently, while all the audience of Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica anime watch other anime as well.

Age distribution of K-ON! fans

K-ON! fans show a wide range of age distribution. People in their 20s have the largest population both in male and female fans.

Source: Scan of UrePia, Scan 2
NaruleachNov 25, 2011 8:56 PM
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Nov 25, 2011 7:54 PM

Jan 2010
Well they're obviously doing something right.

You don't get sales like that when you're only appealing to the small otaku fanbase.
Nov 25, 2011 7:55 PM

May 2009
well that is kind of expected because k-on is a slice of life lighthearted anime... i was expecting only around 10% though and the majority being teenagers
Nov 25, 2011 7:57 PM

Sep 2011
Obviously more successful than Lucky Star. The music aspected appealed to a lot more people than just Moe fans.
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Nov 25, 2011 7:58 PM

Jan 2008
Watch it for the cake. Nothing else.
Nov 25, 2011 8:11 PM

Feb 2008
Paul said:
Watch it for the cake. Nothing else.

the cake is a lie!
Nov 25, 2011 8:17 PM

Oct 2011
K-ON reminds the female otakus of the high school life they could have had.
Nov 25, 2011 8:17 PM

Oct 2008
this makes sense because it's kyoani and they are the best
Nov 25, 2011 8:24 PM

Apr 2011
Wonder how they got these statistics.
colemanH.png colemanh-1.png
Nov 25, 2011 8:29 PM
Oct 2008
Woah. Hold up. Only otaku and other such anime watchers watched Madoka? What's even more, Strike Witches had a larger "general" audience? I thought those 50,000+ BD sales meant that Madoka was amongst those as well. This is a huge shock if the study is to be trusted.
Nov 25, 2011 8:31 PM

May 2011
These stats are really interesting. I'm fairly certain the audience is drawn in by the moe and music, but I for one just watch it for the music.
Nov 25, 2011 8:36 PM

Jul 2010
The music aspected appealed to a lot more people than just Moe fans.

Pretty much this. :)

If only Nichijou also had the similar or even better statistics..
Nov 25, 2011 8:38 PM
Jun 2010
K-ON! happens to be my all time favourite anime. I'm happy to see this news (\/) d[(^_^)]b (\/)
Nov 25, 2011 8:42 PM

Jul 2009
Pseudo-science thread.
Nov 25, 2011 8:51 PM
Apr 2009
colemanH said:
Wonder how they got these statistics.

Statistics is a lot of work. Trust me, I took it last year in college and loved it. One thing for sure is that statistics is a mathematical science--meaning this is not made up.
Nov 25, 2011 9:18 PM

Jan 2010
EmperorH3ctor said:

Statistics is a lot of work. Trust me, I took it last year in college and loved it. One thing for sure is that statistics is a mathematical science--meaning this is not made up.

People actually like statistics?

I took it last semester and I hated it. Apparently the rest of the class hated it as well since my terrible grades equated to a B+ by the end of the course. Thank the Space Pope for curves.
Nov 25, 2011 9:22 PM

Feb 2011
Because people likes music and bands.
Nov 25, 2011 9:22 PM

Jan 2011
I found myself to be more interested in the Madoka statistics. I mean, if they actually got the stat that NO ONE only watched Madoka and no other anime then I'd be surprised. I'm hoping it was just a very small percentage and thus wasn't the effort to put it on the graph. Still, they should have showed a sliver just so it's not misleading.

Also, I was expecting this would show more statistics on why people like it, not who likes it. Misleading title is misleading.
Fingerfood.png Fingerfood.png
Nov 25, 2011 9:41 PM

Jul 2009
suprised that no one given whatever poll did not only watch madoka at all, being such a hotseller as it was sales wise
If your going to complain that Yu-Gi-Oh! Mangas are on the top NY times manga best sellers, you must not realize how popular Card games are(as well as the fact that you get a free card).
Nov 25, 2011 9:44 PM

Mar 2009
Although I didn't like the series, some of the songs were catchy.
Nov 25, 2011 9:45 PM

Apr 2010
Fingerfood said:
I found myself to be more interested in the Madoka statistics. I mean, if they actually got the stat that NO ONE only watched Madoka and no other anime then I'd be surprised. I'm hoping it was just a very small percentage and thus wasn't the effort to put it on the graph. Still, they should have showed a sliver just so it's not misleading.

Also, I was expecting this would show more statistics on why people like it, not who likes it. Misleading title is misleading.

Careful there. The Madoka 0% statistic refers to the percentage of people who watched Madoka, but do not watch anime frequently. This is not the same thing as only watching Madoka and absolutely no other anime show.
peixNov 25, 2011 9:49 PM
Nov 25, 2011 10:03 PM

May 2010
Kuroshitsuji - 70% female audience. Lul.
Nov 25, 2011 10:10 PM

Dec 2010
Moe + Young Adult Males = Profit

Nov 25, 2011 10:37 PM

May 2008
I don't even really like K-On but I stilled watched it for..whatever reason..

Nov 25, 2011 10:43 PM

Nov 2008
well that should be obvious
Nov 25, 2011 11:00 PM

Sep 2011
There are 3 types of lies
Damned lies
And statistics
(- The person who said this)

They said madoka was watched by people who watch other anime. But they didn't say HOW FREQUENT. It could be watched by a kid that's a fab of Detective Conan/Doraemon etc.
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Nov 25, 2011 11:06 PM

Oct 2008
Very interesting research. I would like to see the same dedication to other series as well, and then have them all compared. THAT would be an awesome statistical analysis!
Nov 25, 2011 11:19 PM

Oct 2008
scrotey said:
Kuroshitsuji - 70% female audience. Lul.

Nov 25, 2011 11:23 PM

Aug 2009
All Shaft series has to be Otaku centered, even more than Kyoani unlike many will believe. It is pretty obvious that Madoka Magica can't appeal to female when it has Mamiru incident, and the reason that MadoMagi gave larger impression was how it broken unspoken but critical rule that all Mahou Shoujo series have - and this impression can only meet when viewer "knows" other series with this genre.
Nov 25, 2011 11:24 PM

Sep 2011
I'm pretty sure majority of madoka fans are "normal" otakus
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Nov 25, 2011 11:24 PM

Aug 2009
GodlyKyon said:
I'm pretty sure majority of madoka fans are "normal" otakus
There is no 'normal' otakus...
Nov 25, 2011 11:28 PM

Jan 2011
peix said:
Fingerfood said:
I found myself to be more interested in the Madoka statistics. I mean, if they actually got the stat that NO ONE only watched Madoka and no other anime then I'd be surprised. I'm hoping it was just a very small percentage and thus wasn't the effort to put it on the graph. Still, they should have showed a sliver just so it's not misleading.

Also, I was expecting this would show more statistics on why people like it, not who likes it. Misleading title is misleading.

Careful there. The Madoka 0% statistic refers to the percentage of people who watched Madoka, but do not watch anime frequently. This is not the same thing as only watching Madoka and absolutely no other anime show.

Oops, my bad. I think it was dtshyk's comment afterward which made me think it was no one. Regardless, I still think my statement stands. It may not be as bold, but I still think that chart's a damned lie.
Fingerfood.png Fingerfood.png
Nov 26, 2011 12:44 AM

Feb 2010
I always thought it was strange when people said Madoka would appeal to non-anime fans, since it only really works as a magical girl show and was designed like that from the beginning. As a straight up drama, it's actually incredibly bland.

Apparently these statistics agree with me. Of course I wouldn't have expected non-anime fans to like K-ON either, but I never actually watched it.
Nov 26, 2011 12:51 AM

Jan 2010
important factor for statistic:
how much the sample size?
how about the sample distribution of male and female?
where sample were taken? etc

can someone explain it to me? (can't read Japanese tough)
Nov 26, 2011 12:59 AM

Jun 2010
Yeah.. ANother Secret Story ^^a or Secret Plot? ^^a
Nov 26, 2011 1:17 AM

Sep 2011
ringoo4 said:
GodlyKyon said:
I'm pretty sure majority of madoka fans are "normal" otakus
There is no 'normal' otakus...

Never mind

I mean type A, if it's the type that watches for story,
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Nov 26, 2011 1:18 AM

May 2011
the story itself are the most boring..compared with other Kyoani's works
Lighthearted yet have some fanservice.. LOL
but, the music is okay :)
Nov 26, 2011 1:25 AM

May 2011
GodlyKyon said:
ringoo4 said:
GodlyKyon said:
I'm pretty sure majority of madoka fans are "normal" otakus
There is no 'normal' otakus...

Never mind

I mean type A, if it's the type that watches for story,

what do you mean otaku type A??
is there any other type?
Nov 26, 2011 2:17 AM

Oct 2009
Not very surprising, my sister doesn't watch anime and she loved K-ON ^-^
Nov 26, 2011 2:34 AM

Aug 2009
GodlyKyon said:
ringoo4 said:
GodlyKyon said:
I'm pretty sure majority of madoka fans are "normal" otakus
There is no 'normal' otakus...

Never mind

I mean type A, if it's the type that watches for story,
Oh yes... So you might read Senkaku complex... I just say that SO--CALLED distinguishing factor of different... NON-existing TYPES of otaku is absolute bullshit. What's funny? You call 'type A' otaku is 'NORMAL'. Oh, then why type B isn't? You obviously have 'no-grasp' of being 'normal otaku' is.
Nov 26, 2011 2:46 AM
Jul 2009
dtshyk said:
37% of K-ON! fans are women while women make up only 10% of Strike Witches 2 fans.

and i'm part of that 10% ^^
in fact ive seen all the anime they're comparing, though i didn't particularly like kuroshitsuji... the one with the the highest female audience...
loved k-on, madoka and strike witches though!
Nov 26, 2011 2:56 AM

Sep 2009
Why are people surprised about this?

Though I have to say, the replies to this thread are pretty hillarious. Especially those from outraged Madoka fans, and from those who think a show like K-ON!! could only appeal to lonely guys.

FYI: Normal people think Magical girl shows are for children.

FYI #2: Normal people like music.
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Nov 26, 2011 3:06 AM

Aug 2009
AnnoKano said:
Why are people surprised about this?

Though I have to say, the replies to this thread are pretty hillarious. Especially those from outraged Madoka fans, and from those who think a show like K-ON!! could only appeal to lonely guys.

FYI: Normal people think Magical girl shows are for children.

FYI #2: Normal people like music.
No-one outraged. I doubt you are reading the same thing as I did, or you are just doing 'usual bitching of Madoka fandom' here. Madoka Magica cannot be understood fully when it is not watched by Otaku. K-On, however, has no need for that. So? Why does this make Madoka fan like me 'rage'? People who make me rage is person like you who is so ignorant that cannot read any post clearly.

Edited: oh, and hey there. I was talking about 'NORMAL OTAKU', not 'NORMAL PEOPLE'.
ringoo4Nov 26, 2011 3:41 AM
Nov 26, 2011 3:09 AM
Mar 2010
FYI, they did not survey every single person who watched the shows. When they say no one who watched madoka did not regularly watch other anime, they mean no one who they surveyed that watched madoka did not frequently watch other anime. That's all. It's not a lie, they just did not find any such people. There are a few reasons why this would happen:

1) Coincidence
2) small sample size
3) There really are not many people that watched anime that do not frequently watch other anime.
4) a combination of the above
Nov 26, 2011 3:51 AM

May 2008
I think the results make sense. They should really have included a noitaminA show in there for a better reference, since these shows are usually designed to appeal to the general public.

I don't think they mention the sample size anywhere, but even if they did, it would not make it hard scientific evidence. It's a magazine study... Quite interesting, though

P.S.: in the study, there isn't a percentage for Madoka under the do you watch anime frequently clause, there's a bar... I'm not sure how to interpret it, but it could mean they didn't ask that question when conducting the study on Madoka.
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Nov 26, 2011 3:58 AM

Aug 2009
georgi said:
P.S.: in the study, there isn't a percentage for Madoka under the do you watch anime frequently clause, there's a bar... I'm not sure how to interpret it, but it could mean they didn't ask that question when conducting the study on Madoka.
I think that section of 'watching anime frequently' part is basically just indicating whether they are anime mania/otaku or not.

When it has its own flaws with usual statistical bullshit, it does say a lot of obvious things correctly - like Kuroshitsuki one. The part that is even more interesting for me is actually how many males actually watch Kuroshitsuki even with tons of BL vibe. :D
Nov 26, 2011 3:58 AM

Jul 2009
scrotey said:
Kuroshitsuji - 70% female audience. Lul.

Well duh, half the audience watched for Sebastian if nothing else :D. But seriously....Madoka kinda failed among general audiences....thats sad...
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Nov 26, 2011 4:17 AM

Feb 2010
the animation is done well plus it has uniqueness compared to other anime, if youre just looking for some fluffy, so lighthearted that you can just float and a story about nothing then, K-ON is for you
"never regret anything, because at one point it was exactly what you wanted"
Nov 26, 2011 4:29 AM

Sep 2010
I watched K-ON for the music aspect too, like a lot of people are saying. It's just a shame that aspect sucked. The themes are awesome, but they never play anything like that in the show, and it's basically all about how a group of girls never get round to playing much music...
Nov 26, 2011 4:40 AM

Jul 2011
ChessKitty said:
I watched K-ON for the music aspect too, like a lot of people are saying. It's just a shame that aspect sucked. The themes are awesome, but they never play anything like that in the show, and it's basically all about how a group of girls never get round to playing much music...

i think they did intentionally to make so whenever they play a song it will always be special and meaningful, like u&i , pure pure heart , tenshi ni fureta you etc.

Unlike beck , where they play the same song almost every episode that it got boring fast .
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