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Oct 30, 2023 6:55 PM

Dec 2019
Is it bad, is it good, what are your thoughts, i used to smoke, have a disposable vape now, if id get one i would get a tobacco flavoured one. without nicotin, right?
Oct 30, 2023 7:07 PM

Mar 2008
It's bad for you but whether it is worse or less bad as smoking cigarettes depends. Nicotine by itself is not as addictive as tobacco as far as I'm aware. Something to do with natural MAOIs in tobacco is the theory. Something flavoured is a mixed bag because there is various potentially harmful ingredients that could go into one that is flavoured and likely they all are bad but buttery flavours are the worst for you downright dangerous in fact which is the chemical Diacetyl (same stuff fake butter is made of). If you use a vape juice with vitamin E acetate in it that can cause severe lung damage relatively rapidly because it's sticky and clings to inside the lungs. The heating element in a vape is also important if it is a metal kind you are potentially breathing in fine particles of toxic metals but you could be fine with a ceramic or glass heating element. You also should try to avoid plastic parts on it. Also it depends on the temperature of the vapor, too hot and it causes detachment of the gums encouraging gum disease. What creates the vape fog is same stuff used in fogging machines, which isn't too clear the effects that has on breathing in but lungs weren't really made to breathe stuff like that in. Considering it's a disposable vape unlikely you meet all these requirements to be less harmful.
Oct 30, 2023 7:08 PM

Dec 2015
Tried a bit of them, especially the early ones when it was a new thing in Poland, in nutshell not my thing. I hate also the fact that this liquid is often leaking out straigth to your mouth which isn't a nice thing + if you screw up with the taste product than you're gonna have a "fun" time for a couple of days. So I still rather to smoke classical cigarettes, and after trying majority if not all of the existing alternatives available in my country they aren't offering a good deal to even think for a longer time to change into it.
Oct 30, 2023 7:18 PM

Dec 2019
Reply to traed
It's bad for you but whether it is worse or less bad as smoking cigarettes depends. Nicotine by itself is not as addictive as tobacco as far as I'm aware. Something to do with natural MAOIs in tobacco is the theory. Something flavoured is a mixed bag because there is various potentially harmful ingredients that could go into one that is flavoured and likely they all are bad but buttery flavours are the worst for you downright dangerous in fact which is the chemical Diacetyl (same stuff fake butter is made of). If you use a vape juice with vitamin E acetate in it that can cause severe lung damage relatively rapidly because it's sticky and clings to inside the lungs. The heating element in a vape is also important if it is a metal kind you are potentially breathing in fine particles of toxic metals but you could be fine with a ceramic or glass heating element. You also should try to avoid plastic parts on it. Also it depends on the temperature of the vapor, too hot and it causes detachment of the gums encouraging gum disease. What creates the vape fog is same stuff used in fogging machines, which isn't too clear the effects that has on breathing in but lungs weren't really made to breathe stuff like that in. Considering it's a disposable vape unlikely you meet all these requirements to be less harmful.
@traed ok i will stop and take deep breaths outside
Oct 30, 2023 8:27 PM

Sep 2020
if its not weed its not worth it

even then edibles are preferred
Oct 31, 2023 2:49 AM

Jan 2021
You dont need a vape. Breath air.
Seriously though, it might not show as deadly or serious effects as cigarette but research is still going on and its not beneficial for us at all. If someone is doing it to get rid of smoking and eventually get rid of vaping as well then he can but a lot of people I see nowadays just vape uncontrollably whenever and wherever they want. One or two puffs in a day might not produce serious effects but over 20 or 50 puffs a day definitely will.
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

Oct 31, 2023 4:48 AM

Feb 2020
Well, your certainly not gonna get any healthier from them... perhaps their a tiny bit healthier than cigarettes, but some people have been very unlucky with them, and have suffered collapsed lungs and have died even well-before some smokers generally do.

I don't smoke or vape and don't really have/understand the smokers/vapers mindset, but I'm not really convinced that vapes are an effective tool to stop smoking, as I see loads of people chain-smoking (chain-vaping?) them. And since their thought of as being much safer, everyone vapes literally everywhere, even in packed train carriages, like....FFS can you at least wait until you get off? No restrictions on them it seems?
Nah...not a fan of cigarettes or vapes as I'm very sensitive to certain smells, and these are some of the worst for me. My niece & her friend vape, but at least they usually go outside to do it.
Loyal_SheeplingOct 31, 2023 6:17 AM
Oct 31, 2023 3:11 PM

Jul 2021
Avoid both vaping abd cigarettes like the plague.
Nov 1, 2023 3:35 PM

Jul 2022
I'm at a point in my life where I just want to have good habits, I do physical activities and have a good diet, I gave up alcohol 18 months ago and I don't intend to go back to drinking, I don't feel the need.
> Hi! I'm Levi from Brazil
Nov 1, 2023 3:53 PM

Aug 2021
give it up ^_^ you live a better life!
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Nov 2, 2023 3:44 PM

Oct 2023
I used to smoke and by some mad fluke I gave up cold turkey and pulled it off (genuinely still surprised a year later). I can say with confidence that vaping is not good, like no chance. However if it helped you stop smoking then that's not a bad thing either. Vaping is still relatively new but it seems it was treated as super safe at first and gradually stories about health problems came up. Long story short inhaling anything other than regular air is gonna be worse for you, it might not shorten your life is you have good lungs but you're not gonna know that.

At the end of the day it's all up to you, the best lifestyle isn't always the most fun for everyone, I think we're all allowed some allowance for bad ideas, especially if it helps make our lives more fulfilling :) But don't use this randos advice as some excuse to do dumb ****, try to find a good balance where you push yourself towards healthy things but don't beat yourself up over each less healthy thing.

I said to someone (maybe it was you?) that I was gonna go bed like an hour ago and here I am, as you can see I also make some bad choices :) Gonna turn my pc off after this comment I hope... Pls
Nov 2, 2023 3:51 PM

Oct 2023
@hlepme They look cool when you're 14 then you grow up and have dutty teeth and the stamina of a biscuit. Nothing says "I have three kids that I don't see very often" as well as a cigarrete... Okay that's not completely true but my point is still valid.

Sucking tubes is sucking tubes whether the thing is slightly on fire, rechargeable or just a dudes penis.

I'm not here to judge peoples tube sucking habits as long as they don't live in my country cos our health service is already overwhelmed :)
Nov 3, 2023 4:23 AM

Jun 2020
the sheer amount of vape flavors nowadays should tell u that its for middle schoolers... don't ruin your life with that shi 😭

Nov 3, 2023 9:29 AM

Jun 2017
It's probably not good for you. I've tried it once, but it didn't do anything for me.
Nov 4, 2023 4:19 PM

Apr 2013
It's better than smoking cigarettes. I've never been into any of that kind of thing, though.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Nov 28, 2023 1:50 PM
Jun 2016
I see where you're coming from, trying to find a healthier alternative to smoking. Going for a tobacco-flavored vape without nicotine sounds like a smart move if you're trying to cut down on nicotine intake.

I've dabbled in vaping myself, mostly out of curiosity and as a social thing. For me, the variety of flavors was quite intriguing. It's a whole different world compared to traditional smoking.

I remember trying some flavors from Lost Mary Flavors once. They had this wide array of choices, which was pretty cool. It's kind of fun exploring different tastes, especially when you're trying to steer clear of nicotine. Just stay mindful of your health choices, and you should be good to go!
88expertDec 3, 2023 5:19 AM
Nov 28, 2023 2:03 PM

Jun 2020
The only healthy alternative to smoking is to not smoke. Vaping is for those that do not want to commit to actually fix their health and stop an addiction. In fact, some of the material used in them is even more toxic for you than the tobacco death sticks.

Personally, I am in the ban or heavily restrict side of the argument like with cigars, as it has clearly show than none of their users care for non-smokers around them. The smell makes me wanna puke and directly causes me headaches, the same way polluted smog riddled air does. Your experiences may differ, but I yet to find a thoughtful smoker that considers those around them that arent addicts like them. Some countries are considering their complete ban and I support that.
TechnopunkNov 28, 2023 2:13 PM

"Don't let your memes be dreams."- Ancient Japanese proverb, probably
Nov 28, 2023 10:53 PM

Feb 2018
Never had a thing for smoking or smokers. I really can't stand the smell

Nov 29, 2023 12:05 PM

Feb 2022
vaping sucks more then them brain dead millennials sucking any vape for their whole shortened 2 years lifetime

Nov 29, 2023 12:09 PM

Jul 2021
It is bad. Do not do it. I repeat DONT DO IT.

Nov 29, 2023 12:28 PM

Dec 2019
Used it for one month, not my thing still prefer smoke
Nov 30, 2023 1:04 PM

Oct 2013
It's clearly bad. You can argue if its better or worse that cigarettes, but either way you're inhaling things your body wasn't meant to inhale. Also, no offense, but vaping automatically makes anyone look like a douche, imo. Just my thoughts on it. But it's the most douchey thing someone can do.
Dec 1, 2023 8:00 AM

Jun 2015
Vaping: Australia to ban disposable vape imports from January

So yeah, just don't do it. Same goes for cigarettes.

I respect your opinion as long as you respect mine.
Dec 1, 2023 12:44 PM

Apr 2020
I hate them more than regular smokers. Zero spatial awareness, will puff big clouds wherever they are. How god damn times have I walked behind a vaper, only to taste their horrendous flavored smoke. Nobody wants to know that you picked the bubblegum strawberry melon flavored chemical waste.
You're better off smoking cigarettes, doesn't make look like a brainless zoomer.
Dec 7, 2023 1:49 PM

Dec 2023
I dont like vaping (coming from someone who smokes)

but like vaping just seems worse then smoking to me because of how much easier it is to obtain which has caused so many kids to be vaping in 2023 its harder to find one who doesnt its just bad either way though so dont vape
Dec 8, 2023 1:25 AM
Jul 2018
It's lame, plus you are putting in shit load of chemicals into your body and you don't even know what they can do to you.

Smoking is worse so, it's so skanky smelling and the smell is contagious. At least vapers only poison themselves and look stupid doing it.
Dec 9, 2023 7:38 PM

Jun 2019
I never really dabbled in or had any serious dealings with it, despite having ample opportunity with a friend in the past giving me one with one of those electronic chargers as well as getting some vaping -relating promotional offer items and coupons and the like.

I've smoked regular cigarettes of many different brands and flavors, cigars, pipe tobacco, and shisha with the hookah/waterpipe. Although in the cases of the latter three, rarely in recent years.

I only smoke two cigs daily, but have no interest in quitting.
Dec 9, 2023 9:17 PM

May 2019
I used to smoke cigs then switched to vaping, thinking it was a healthier option/a way to quit smoking. I no longer smoke cigs but I vape constantly. Regardless, nicotine is so highly addictive you're better off avoiding it. Do your best to just not, imo.
Jan 8, 1:07 PM

Feb 2021
I met a guy who smokes regular tobacco, and he told me cigarettes are better than vaping, cause you can literally vape anywhere anytime, while with cigs you only smoke in a few places and not every time....
Jan 8, 2:03 PM

Sep 2016
tried it, didn't do much for me

sometimes I think about picking up smoking when I'm in a self destructive mood, but my budding caffeine addiction might be enough to keep me satisfied in that department
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Jan 8, 4:26 PM

Jul 2014
i find it annoying
i despise the smell of cig smoke and can't breathe around em, and while vaping isn't that bad, the problem is that people are far too comfortable with it, like i can still smell your weird nonsense, stop breathing it at me.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

May 15, 11:53 PM

Feb 2024
I quit smoking cigarettes long ago. Now I smoke cigars occasionally and vape when having my morning coffee or driving. Vape is kinda cool thing, I like that nicotine boost, it sharpens my senses a lot. I don't care about health implications honestly - I'm healthy as a bull, and I'm not gonna live forever anyway.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
May 16, 12:09 AM

Aug 2018
I tried vaping, it's bad. I can see how someone could get addicted, and it's definitely not a substitute for smoking. Both are horrible.
May 30, 10:38 AM

Feb 2022
Reply to daky-kun
Vaping: Australia to ban disposable vape imports from January

So yeah, just don't do it. Same goes for cigarettes.

Excuse me, what is your community avatar if you don't mind?

May 30, 6:56 PM

Aug 2014
I don't give any thought to the topic of vaping, because it is useless to me.
May 30, 10:01 PM
best $30 i spent

Oct 2023
just do it at home so i dont have to smell that dogshit
May 30, 10:15 PM

Jan 2009
vaping is getting controversial here in the philippines since a lot of sudden deaths due to heart attack because of vaping and most of this cases are healthy people in the past
Jun 2, 6:40 PM

Jun 2015
Reply to z0idberger

Excuse me, what is your community avatar if you don't mind?
@z0idberger Not sure what are you asking me.

I respect your opinion as long as you respect mine.
Jun 3, 2:41 AM

Nov 2019
vaping is bad, it's a slow killer just like smoking though. (provided you don't have any prior health implications)
Yesterday, 3:32 AM

Feb 2022
Reply to daky-kun
@z0idberger Not sure what are you asking me.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhthe girl with blue hair green eyes orange shirt and its animated and shes playing on the controller. also where did u find my question to be confusing. i mean doesent avatar and profile picure mean the same thing nearly. and community is kind of self explanatory. but yh if you kindly hopefyll this willl hepl u understand my QUEEEEEEESTTTTTTTTTTTTTion more. if u still dont know uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhthe thing the square box where you just posted on the forums with the girl playing with a controller im jsut asking what anime is she from. which i couldnt care less about now because i thought i recongnised her biut now im not so sure anymore but saying something would still be helped too/ thank you in advaa=nce

kind regards
om too fucking tired old for this bullshti

Yesterday, 4:43 AM

Jan 2023
I smoke cigarettes.
I don't like vaping. It's not the same, and many of the "flavors" that people choose have a tremendous shit smell. Much more horrible than cigarettes.

Last year I traveled to Italy and Greece (I'm from Argentina), and many people used it, what caught my attention the most is that, incredibly, they used it in any closed place, even in airports or ships.

Coming to the health issue (?), vaping is terrible. The same for cigarettes.
Yesterday, 11:03 AM

Jul 2023
It helped me to quit smoking (then left vaping a few months later). But did you see the new studies about vaping that have been released this year? They're quite worrisome... In my opinion, vaping should only be used to quit smoking. I don't recommend doing it on the long run.

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