The new He-Man sparked a huge fan rage after the new show turned out to be exactly what leaks described.
Jul 25, 2021 10:26 AM
#1 To be honest, I don't quite understand what they were counting on. They could rewrite the script or change the positioning of the show, but they literally lied to fandom and continued to do so when they put Adam in the center of the poster or built the entire trailer around his confrontation with Skeletor. I don't know, but doesn't American law criminalize false advertising? |
Jul 25, 2021 10:38 AM
let me guess, CUCKED & WOKE? ;) |
Jul 25, 2021 10:48 AM
TONY2Phones said: let me guess, CUCKED & WOKE? ;) I would describe it as a version of Jojo, where Dio and Joseph die in the first episode, after which the girl of the second turns into the most stereotypical butch lesbian and the show becomes something of a mediocre all-female action with yuri bait. |
Jul 25, 2021 10:54 AM
I haven't watched or heard, but judging from the trailer-- I take it they made a woman the lead and Adam-- what's after secondary? I'll check out a review, was on the fence, might've loss some interest. |
"In the end the World really doesn't need a Superman. Just a Brave one" |
Jul 25, 2021 10:59 AM
RobertBobert said: TONY2Phones said: let me guess, CUCKED & WOKE? ;) I would describe it as a version of Jojo, where Dio and Joseph die in the first episode, after which the girl of the second turns into the most stereotypical butch lesbian and the show becomes something of a mediocre all-female action with yuri bait. *sighs* keep ruining my 90's childhood with the female empowerment crap. ahh well |
Jul 25, 2021 11:00 AM
Silverstorm said: I haven't watched or heard, but judging from the trailer-- I take it they made a woman the lead and Adam-- what's after secondary? I'll check out a review, was on the fence, might've loss some interest. They literally positioned it as something like a direct sequel, plus a year before the premiere, Kevin Smith openly denied any leaks that we can see turned out to be literally true in the future. Moreover, the first trailer was very much hyped by fans who saw it as a take that! to woke She-Ra. But in the end it turned out that this is practically the same thing, only with queerbaiting instead of open tumblr content. |
Jul 25, 2021 11:03 AM
TONY2Phones said: RobertBobert said: TONY2Phones said: let me guess, CUCKED & WOKE? ;) I would describe it as a version of Jojo, where Dio and Joseph die in the first episode, after which the girl of the second turns into the most stereotypical butch lesbian and the show becomes something of a mediocre all-female action with yuri bait. *sighs* keep ruining my 90's childhood with the female empowerment crap. ahh well If that wasn't enough for you, there's a scene where Teela literally agnsty blames He-Man for making her feel uncomfortable with his death. That is, they not only killed the male MC, but technically even made him to blame for it. |
Jul 25, 2021 11:14 AM
RobertBobert said: TONY2Phones said: RobertBobert said: TONY2Phones said: let me guess, CUCKED & WOKE? ;) I would describe it as a version of Jojo, where Dio and Joseph die in the first episode, after which the girl of the second turns into the most stereotypical butch lesbian and the show becomes something of a mediocre all-female action with yuri bait. *sighs* keep ruining my 90's childhood with the female empowerment crap. ahh well If that wasn't enough for you, there's a scene where Teela literally agnsty blames He-Man for making her feel uncomfortable with his death. That is, they not only killed the male MC, but technically even made him to blame for it. damn, talk about emasculation. sounds like Teela won't give back He-man's balls from her purse. then with the strong shaming language so he knows his place. Hollyweird has been officially CUCKED folks 👌🏼 |
Jul 25, 2021 12:30 PM
TONY2Phones said: RobertBobert said: TONY2Phones said: RobertBobert said: TONY2Phones said: let me guess, CUCKED & WOKE? ;) I would describe it as a version of Jojo, where Dio and Joseph die in the first episode, after which the girl of the second turns into the most stereotypical butch lesbian and the show becomes something of a mediocre all-female action with yuri bait. *sighs* keep ruining my 90's childhood with the female empowerment crap. ahh well If that wasn't enough for you, there's a scene where Teela literally agnsty blames He-Man for making her feel uncomfortable with his death. That is, they not only killed the male MC, but technically even made him to blame for it. damn, talk about emasculation. sounds like Teela won't give back He-man's balls from her purse. then with the strong shaming language so he knows his place. Hollyweird has been officially CUCKED folks 👌🏼 I'm more amused by the situation itself, when Hollywood literally has to convince you that this is a hyper-masculine show about half-naked hunk in order to show you a supposedly feminist show. Also don't forget that a lot of the hype around the show was because it didn't look like the new She-Ra and many fans were even happy about it. Even when Trigger tried to hide the fujo bait in the Promare ad, it wasn't that funny. |
Jul 25, 2021 2:42 PM
I follow this and Smith was lying through his teeth about everything related to Masters of the Universe Revelation from start to finish. It doesn't help that he's everything he hates (basically an overemotional manchild), he'd get more sympathy if he embraced that character flaw of his and stopped lying every second. |
Jul 25, 2021 10:28 PM
Jul 25, 2021 10:45 PM
So basically once again the Chad nice guy loses to the ruthless bad guy and a woman has to save you all. It is actually formulaic precognition. A white blonde guy can't be the hero in *insert year*. However, neither can a women be the villain. Therefore, you get Big Dick Dragon Energy Skeletor to self insert as. |
SoverignJul 25, 2021 11:01 PM
Jul 26, 2021 12:58 AM
The trailer for Masters of the Universe Revelation was totally deceptive. It did feel like a bait and switch. |
Jul 26, 2021 2:19 AM
not sure why people thought it was going to be solely a He-man show when it was called "Masters of the Universe Revelation" not "He-man." That's like watching justice league unlimited and expecting it to just be about batman. he's also slated to have a bigger role in the 2nd part. So honestly not sure where all the fus was. He-man is not the only master of the Universes. there are literally 32 other members. i'm more disappointed that Man-at arms didn't get more screen time he makes cool robot shit. |
GrimAtramentJul 26, 2021 2:26 AM
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types. Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice “Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume “Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus |
Jul 26, 2021 3:08 AM
hazarddex said: not sure why people thought it was going to be solely a He-man show when it was called "Masters of the Universe Revelation" not "He-man." That's like watching justice league unlimited and expecting it to just be about batman. he's also slated to have a bigger role in the 2nd part. So honestly not sure where all the fus was. He-man is not the only master of the Universes. there are literally 32 other members. i'm more disappointed that Man-at arms didn't get more screen time he makes cool robot shit. Yes, the title doesn't mention him. That's all right. But then why did they continue to build all the promotion only on it, and a year before that, Kevin Smith literally denied everything that later really appeared on the show. Until a certain point, even the synopsis promised us He-Man, until Netflix realized that the fans were starting to get furious and rewrote it under Teela. That they were clearly trying to trick the audience is an obvious fact. Even if the second part tries to fix it, it is still a show with butch Teela and an openly deceitful advertising campaign. Moreover, when the original fans criticized She-Ra for obsessive queerness and wokeness, we were told that this is a show for girls and we shouldn't worry about it. But now we got another lesbian power fantasy again and now we still can't complain? Are you sure this franchise needs another all-female lesbian show? |
Jul 26, 2021 3:36 AM
So he man is a woman and they of course will have to drop the "masters" as that's offensive to Karens. Everyone who watched the original as it aired will have to be at least 40, these aren't the type of woke nutters that would want this, it will be a disaster. |
Jul 26, 2021 3:40 AM
QPR said: So he man is a woman and they of course will have to drop the "masters" as that's offensive to Karens. Everyone who watched the original as it aired will have to be at least 40, these aren't the type of woke nutters that would want this, it will be a disaster. They understand this very well, so they announced that unlike She-Ra, the new He-Man will not be positioned as a show for boys. Now this is a show for everyone. Of course, that doesn't mean that they can't make an 80s-style trailer to give the illusion that it's going to be a cartoon for guys who love metal and cool male warriors. For some reason, guys these days can't have a show oriented towards them, all titles like that will have to be created "for everyone". |
Jul 26, 2021 10:24 AM
Deceptive marketing and lying about it and blasting commentators for pointing it. Calling them toxic individuals and haters. Man.. Kevin Smith was supposed to be one of those geeky comic book guys with the fandom in mind. He was one of the guys. Instead, he sold out to Hollywood for a paycheck and a woke agenda. Lost all credibility and his fanbase too. This could have all been avoided if he was just honest. |
Jul 26, 2021 12:43 PM
RobertBobert said: For a person who makes multiple threads complaining about fans treating their headcanons of some fictional character's sexuality as canon, you sure seem to be doing the same thing.Are you sure this franchise needs another all-female lesbian show? |
Jul 26, 2021 12:47 PM
I get the backlash because it was not only deceptively marketed but also the plot summary doesn't sound all that interesting tbqh. |
Jul 26, 2021 12:56 PM
konkelo said: RobertBobert said: For a person who makes multiple threads complaining about fans treating their headcanons of some fictional character's sexuality as canon, you sure seem to be doing the same thing.Are you sure this franchise needs another all-female lesbian show? I wouldn't even mention it if the leaks from Netflix employees didn't imply that all queerbaiting was entirely intentional. Everything else is confirmed, so why can't I trust this one? |
Jul 26, 2021 1:21 PM
RobertBobert said: What queerbaiting? Is looking at another character a bit longer suddenly some message of hidden love and passion? Because what ever moments Teela had with other female characters is pretty much overshadowed by her moments with Adam.konkelo said: RobertBobert said: Are you sure this franchise needs another all-female lesbian show? I wouldn't even mention it if the leaks from Netflix employees didn't imply that all queerbaiting was entirely intentional. Everything else is confirmed, so why can't I trust this one? |
Jul 26, 2021 1:30 PM
konkelo said: RobertBobert said: What queerbaiting? Is looking at another character a bit longer suddenly some message of hidden love and passion? Because what ever moments Teela had with other female characters is pretty much overshadowed by her moments with Adam.konkelo said: RobertBobert said: For a person who makes multiple threads complaining about fans treating their headcanons of some fictional character's sexuality as canon, you sure seem to be doing the same thing.Are you sure this franchise needs another all-female lesbian show? I wouldn't even mention it if the leaks from Netflix employees didn't imply that all queerbaiting was entirely intentional. Everything else is confirmed, so why can't I trust this one? The leaked script directly describes it as canon queer coding and unspoken romance. What do you want from me? Start joking about how her character change looks like a grotesque "my ex was an asshole so I became a lesbian"? I repeat, all other author's decisions have been confirmed, why should we doubt the intentions behind this? |
Jul 26, 2021 1:46 PM
RobertBobert said: Give me a link to the leaked script then. Because as far as I have seen googling Revelations with queer/lgbt all i get is just speculations made by some poor journalist and He-man with his rainbows, and that's just given for any motu series.konkelo said: RobertBobert said: konkelo said: RobertBobert said: For a person who makes multiple threads complaining about fans treating their headcanons of some fictional character's sexuality as canon, you sure seem to be doing the same thing.Are you sure this franchise needs another all-female lesbian show? I wouldn't even mention it if the leaks from Netflix employees didn't imply that all queerbaiting was entirely intentional. Everything else is confirmed, so why can't I trust this one? The leaked script directly describes it as canon queer coding and unspoken romance. What do you want from me? Start joking about how her character change looks like a grotesque "my ex was an asshole so I became a lesbian"? I repeat, all other author's decisions have been confirmed, why should we doubt the intentions behind this? |
Jul 26, 2021 2:10 PM
Oh man, my ma was looking forward to see the new He-Man, that'll be a bummer when she sees it. I have no strong opinions on the franchise. |
Jul 26, 2021 7:41 PM
Aside from the proagonists being incompetent assholes, the show isn't really that bad. Skeletor carried the series lmao. |
Jul 27, 2021 5:23 AM
Fake outrage culture sucks. Not only that "out rage" is limited to political influencers disguised as media coverage but also expecting He man to be the main character from what we got is as dumb as expecting Godzilla to not take the back seat for humans in his movies. Did those people even watch a trailer besides the very first one? Like... the many others that are narrated by the other characters explaining the plot? Just because you are hyped in the trailer it doesn't means you the main character. |
Jul 29, 2021 12:45 AM
Noality said: Fake outrage culture sucks. Not only that "out rage" is limited to political influencers disguised as media coverage but also expecting He man to be the main character from what we got is as dumb as expecting Godzilla to not take the back seat for humans in his movies. Did those people even watch a trailer besides the very first one? Like... the many others that are narrated by the other characters explaining the plot? Just because you are hyped in the trailer it doesn't means you the main character. I'm not even surprised that woke people literally justify the fact that the trailer misled people. konkelo said: RobertBobert said: Give me a link to the leaked script then. Because as far as I have seen googling Revelations with queer/lgbt all i get is just speculations made by some poor journalist and He-man with his rainbows, and that's just given for any motu series.konkelo said: RobertBobert said: What queerbaiting? Is looking at another character a bit longer suddenly some message of hidden love and passion? Because what ever moments Teela had with other female characters is pretty much overshadowed by her moments with Adam.konkelo said: RobertBobert said: For a person who makes multiple threads complaining about fans treating their headcanons of some fictional character's sexuality as canon, you sure seem to be doing the same thing.Are you sure this franchise needs another all-female lesbian show? I wouldn't even mention it if the leaks from Netflix employees didn't imply that all queerbaiting was entirely intentional. Everything else is confirmed, so why can't I trust this one? The leaked script directly describes it as canon queer coding and unspoken romance. What do you want from me? Start joking about how her character change looks like a grotesque "my ex was an asshole so I became a lesbian"? I repeat, all other author's decisions have been confirmed, why should we doubt the intentions behind this? These leaks were in 2019, man. Seriously, I'll ask again. All other spoilers turned out to be true, why in this case should we be as denying as possible? Do you think that after Kevin-sensei fails, pure denial will work again somehow? |
Jul 29, 2021 10:58 AM
He Man doesn't matter, except for Skeletor anyway, he was funny in those commercials! |
Jul 29, 2021 11:20 AM
I saw a screen of this. He-Man died to save people and the female character (Teela, I think) blamed him for dying. How does one write a scene like that and still expect people to sympathise with the character in question? Mod Edit: Removed quote of deleted post. |
ShadowMonkeyAug 1, 2021 1:25 PM
Jul 29, 2021 12:54 PM
RobertBobert said: If everything happened according to the leaks from 2019, why everyone is so surprised Teela is in the spotlight and not Adam in part 1 tho?These leaks were in 2019, man. Seriously, I'll ask again. All other spoilers turned out to be true, why in this case should we be as denying as possible? Do you think that after Kevin-sensei fails, pure denial will work again somehow? Sorry man, but what ever search words and places I dig I'm unable to find anything that would count as a leak from year 2019. And while I haven't kept up with the news religiously all these years, I did still keep an eye for updates and have my own motu fandom circles I follow. Nothing I can remember mentioning canon LGBT content. And honestly this is Netflix show, if there was anything canonically LGBT Netflix would have already used it as a marketing gimmick somewhere. Butch Teela sounds intriguing however, maybe she can get it on with Evil-Lyn. I ain't gonna complain if that happens. |
Jul 29, 2021 1:02 PM
konkelo said: RobertBobert said: If everything happened according to the leaks from 2019, why everyone is so surprised Teela is in the spotlight and not Adam in part 1 tho?These leaks were in 2019, man. Seriously, I'll ask again. All other spoilers turned out to be true, why in this case should we be as denying as possible? Do you think that after Kevin-sensei fails, pure denial will work again somehow? Sorry man, but what ever search words and places I dig I'm unable to find anything that would count as a leak from year 2019. And while I haven't kept up with the news religiously all these years, I did still keep an eye for updates and have my own motu fandom circles I follow. Nothing I can remember mentioning canon LGBT content. And honestly this is Netflix show, if there was anything canonically LGBT Netflix would have already used it as a marketing gimmick somewhere. Butch Teela sounds intriguing however, maybe she can get it on with Evil-Lyn. I ain't gonna complain if that happens. I will repeat the question, why should we be selective about this, if the rest of the "predictions" came true? |
Jul 29, 2021 1:08 PM
RobertBobert said: Because you didn't give me anything, and instead expect me to believe what you have read somewhere on internet to be the truth.konkelo said: RobertBobert said: These leaks were in 2019, man. Seriously, I'll ask again. All other spoilers turned out to be true, why in this case should we be as denying as possible? Do you think that after Kevin-sensei fails, pure denial will work again somehow? Sorry man, but what ever search words and places I dig I'm unable to find anything that would count as a leak from year 2019. And while I haven't kept up with the news religiously all these years, I did still keep an eye for updates and have my own motu fandom circles I follow. Nothing I can remember mentioning canon LGBT content. And honestly this is Netflix show, if there was anything canonically LGBT Netflix would have already used it as a marketing gimmick somewhere. Butch Teela sounds intriguing however, maybe she can get it on with Evil-Lyn. I ain't gonna complain if that happens. I will repeat the question, why should we be selective about this, if the rest of the "predictions" came true? |
Jul 29, 2021 1:16 PM
konkelo said: RobertBobert said: Because you didn't give me anything, and instead expect me to believe what you have read somewhere on internet to be the truth.konkelo said: RobertBobert said: If everything happened according to the leaks from 2019, why everyone is so surprised Teela is in the spotlight and not Adam in part 1 tho?These leaks were in 2019, man. Seriously, I'll ask again. All other spoilers turned out to be true, why in this case should we be as denying as possible? Do you think that after Kevin-sensei fails, pure denial will work again somehow? Sorry man, but what ever search words and places I dig I'm unable to find anything that would count as a leak from year 2019. And while I haven't kept up with the news religiously all these years, I did still keep an eye for updates and have my own motu fandom circles I follow. Nothing I can remember mentioning canon LGBT content. And honestly this is Netflix show, if there was anything canonically LGBT Netflix would have already used it as a marketing gimmick somewhere. Butch Teela sounds intriguing however, maybe she can get it on with Evil-Lyn. I ain't gonna complain if that happens. I will repeat the question, why should we be selective about this, if the rest of the "predictions" came true? Are you saying that Clownfish and all the people who read leaks before they first deleted them are lying? |
Jul 29, 2021 1:27 PM
RobertBobert said: Thank you, finally you dropped some source. Cool if they actually do write some same sex romance into it, all power to them.konkelo said: RobertBobert said: konkelo said: RobertBobert said: If everything happened according to the leaks from 2019, why everyone is so surprised Teela is in the spotlight and not Adam in part 1 tho?These leaks were in 2019, man. Seriously, I'll ask again. All other spoilers turned out to be true, why in this case should we be as denying as possible? Do you think that after Kevin-sensei fails, pure denial will work again somehow? Sorry man, but what ever search words and places I dig I'm unable to find anything that would count as a leak from year 2019. And while I haven't kept up with the news religiously all these years, I did still keep an eye for updates and have my own motu fandom circles I follow. Nothing I can remember mentioning canon LGBT content. And honestly this is Netflix show, if there was anything canonically LGBT Netflix would have already used it as a marketing gimmick somewhere. Butch Teela sounds intriguing however, maybe she can get it on with Evil-Lyn. I ain't gonna complain if that happens. I will repeat the question, why should we be selective about this, if the rest of the "predictions" came true? Are you saying that Clownfish and all the people who read leaks before they first deleted them are lying? |
Jul 29, 2021 1:32 PM
konkelo said: RobertBobert said: Thank you, finally you dropped some source. Cool if they actually do write some same sex romance into it, all power to them.konkelo said: RobertBobert said: Because you didn't give me anything, and instead expect me to believe what you have read somewhere on internet to be the truth.konkelo said: RobertBobert said: If everything happened according to the leaks from 2019, why everyone is so surprised Teela is in the spotlight and not Adam in part 1 tho?These leaks were in 2019, man. Seriously, I'll ask again. All other spoilers turned out to be true, why in this case should we be as denying as possible? Do you think that after Kevin-sensei fails, pure denial will work again somehow? Sorry man, but what ever search words and places I dig I'm unable to find anything that would count as a leak from year 2019. And while I haven't kept up with the news religiously all these years, I did still keep an eye for updates and have my own motu fandom circles I follow. Nothing I can remember mentioning canon LGBT content. And honestly this is Netflix show, if there was anything canonically LGBT Netflix would have already used it as a marketing gimmick somewhere. Butch Teela sounds intriguing however, maybe she can get it on with Evil-Lyn. I ain't gonna complain if that happens. I will repeat the question, why should we be selective about this, if the rest of the "predictions" came true? Are you saying that Clownfish and all the people who read leaks before they first deleted them are lying? Finally? Dude, if you initially read the links in the first post instead of a long whining, then you would not waste my time and yours. |
Jul 29, 2021 1:39 PM
@RobertBobert none of your sources mentions anything about Revelations including anything lgbt though. First one is just long article about Kevin Smith lying about being a motu fan. Second is some article about some fans not liking this newest series. |
Jul 29, 2021 1:42 PM
Eh. It wasn't terrible but the dialogue was definitely the worst part about it. Very poorly written. Teela is a weird choice for lead but I kinda like the idea of Evil-Lyn being a lead. The new girl is meh. I don't care for her in the slightest. |
Jul 29, 2021 1:55 PM
konkelo said: @RobertBobert none of your sources mentions anything about Revelations including anything lgbt though. First one is just long article about Kevin Smith lying about being a motu fan. Second is some article about some fans not liking this newest series. "As showrunner, I really could've used these story suggestions *before* we locked the scripts. However, no - He-Man does no stepping aside and Teela has no girlfriend in our show. The storyline is pretty dark and way metal. Before REVELATION we were calling it END OF THE UNIVERSE." The quote from the first link. |
Jul 29, 2021 2:16 PM
RobertBobert said: So because the dude said Teela won't have a girlfriend, the show will include queerbaiting/queer coding or what ever? Okay then. We can wait and see since this is just part 1.konkelo said: @RobertBobert none of your sources mentions anything about Revelations including anything lgbt though. First one is just long article about Kevin Smith lying about being a motu fan. Second is some article about some fans not liking this newest series. "As showrunner, I really could've used these story suggestions *before* we locked the scripts. However, no - He-Man does no stepping aside and Teela has no girlfriend in our show. The storyline is pretty dark and way metal. Before REVELATION we were calling it END OF THE UNIVERSE." The quote from the first link. |
Jul 29, 2021 2:22 PM
konkelo said: RobertBobert said: So because the dude said Teela won't have a girlfriend, the show will include queerbaiting/queer coding or what ever? Okay then. We can wait and see since this is just part 1.konkelo said: @RobertBobert none of your sources mentions anything about Revelations including anything lgbt though. First one is just long article about Kevin Smith lying about being a motu fan. Second is some article about some fans not liking this newest series. "As showrunner, I really could've used these story suggestions *before* we locked the scripts. However, no - He-Man does no stepping aside and Teela has no girlfriend in our show. The storyline is pretty dark and way metal. Before REVELATION we were calling it END OF THE UNIVERSE." The quote from the first link. There was an indication in leaks that Teela will have a girlfriend on the show. In response to this, he denied this, along with other theses. All other theses turned out to be true. I see no reason not to trust this either. |
Jul 29, 2021 2:23 PM
People in this thread need to shut up about the show being bad because of the "wokes" or whatever, while I haven't seen it I heard the spoilers and killing He Man off to replace him with a random female character seems to be a decision more rooted in shocking the audience, subverting expectations or some other shit. (Just to be clear I'm not defending that, I'd complain too if I was a He Man fan) |
Jul 29, 2021 6:30 PM
RobertBobert said: I'm not even surprised that woke people literally justify the fact that the trailer misled people. Ah yes, the very missleading tatic off... having a character that isn't the mc get screen time. Again, the trailers didn't do anything wrong, the show is about the after math between the epic fight between Skeletor and He-man (that I'm beting will get revived) so ofc the trailer will show parts of that figth. It is idiots fault that they assumed He man would be the MC even tho the other multiple trailers explained that he wouldn't. Real fans of the franchise already knew. RobertBobert said: There was an indication in leaks that Teela will have a girlfriend on the show. In response to this, he denied this, along with other theses. All other theses turned out to be true. I see no reason not to trust this either. All others? The only one of those "all others" you have is that He man stepped aside, and even that is very debatable, since we are one season in, he can get revived, there is flash backs and tho he is dead now the show is all about the effects he had in other people. Also, if Teela get's a GF, what is the problem? |
removed-userJul 29, 2021 6:49 PM
Jul 29, 2021 7:06 PM
@Noality it's not even "he can revive." he will revive since they already stated he will play a bigger role in part 2. |
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types. Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice “Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume “Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus |
Jul 29, 2021 7:12 PM
epicpunnyname said: People in this thread need to shut up about the show being bad because of the "wokes" or whatever, while I haven't seen it I heard the spoilers and killing He Man off to replace him with a random female character seems to be a decision more rooted in shocking the audience, subverting expectations or some other shit. (Just to be clear I'm not defending that, I'd complain too if I was a He Man fan) Very few (nearly all of them are original works such as Steven Universe) and also Netflix She-Ra only had middling success at best. Also, subverting expectations outside of an original work is nothing more than an excuse used to cover up a creators political agenda or true intentions. There's one big sign of MoTU Revelation being agenda filled and that's the lack of femininity in the female characters that and He-Man's transformation sequence (He-Man is not a magical boy anime thus the Sailor Moon style transformation is out of place). |
Jul 29, 2021 7:55 PM
Hoppy said: Very few (nearly all of them are original works such as Steven Universe) and also Netflix She-Ra only had middling success at best. She-ra got more seasons than the original one, that's not what middling sucess looks like. Also, don't forget that Avatar the last air bender was the wokest thing ever made. |
Jul 29, 2021 11:05 PM
Noality said: RobertBobert said: I'm not even surprised that woke people literally justify the fact that the trailer misled people. Ah yes, the very missleading tatic off... having a character that isn't the mc get screen time. Again, the trailers didn't do anything wrong, the show is about the after math between the epic fight between Skeletor and He-man (that I'm beting will get revived) so ofc the trailer will show parts of that figth. It is idiots fault that they assumed He man would be the MC even tho the other multiple trailers explained that he wouldn't. Real fans of the franchise already knew. RobertBobert said: There was an indication in leaks that Teela will have a girlfriend on the show. In response to this, he denied this, along with other theses. All other theses turned out to be true. I see no reason not to trust this either. All others? The only one of those "all others" you have is that He man stepped aside, and even that is very debatable, since we are one season in, he can get revived, there is flash backs and tho he is dead now the show is all about the effects he had in other people. Also, if Teela get's a GF, what is the problem? Lol, now you are using victim blaming and even started talking about "real fans". Now I'm a little impressed. |
Jul 29, 2021 11:52 PM
MyJudgementIsBad said: I've never heard this before, could you elaborate? Well, there is many things: Sokka makes sexist comments often and get's called out on it by Katara, until epsode 5 where the Kyoshi warriors beat him up and make fun of his sexism until he humble up and says sorry, to then get trained by them and even use their make up and dresses. After that Suki becomes a recorrent character and constantly saving his ass or doing more traditionally mainly things than him. There is also the episode right before the 2 episodes ending of the water book where team avatar gets to the north pole where tho Aang and Katara both want to learn how to figth with water bending they would only teach Aang because in their minds woman should only learn how to heal, after a lot of fighting Pakku then learns that the costumes of the Tribe where the reason his wife ran away from the North Pole and so he decides that they should start dropping costumes and let's Katara learn how to figth too. The first time Aang goes to the spiritual world is in the 2 episodes ending of the water book and he is there because of a spirit that is perturbed with the environmental destruction of his land, the spirit only stops being a problem when Aang tells him that the florets will grow back and he will protect it. The environmentalist theme returns other times, like when Katara fights a fire nation factory that was dumping waste into a fire nation fishing town tho I don't remeber when that epsode happens, probably book 3. Besides that there is also Toph being physically disable wich is representation (And she get's bullied from being a weirdo in tales of ba sing se) and Aang being both a pacifist and a vegan two things that Steven (from another woke show) lives getting shit from being. There is probably more stuff but you get the idea. Avatar was political in many ways besides the more agreeable one "fascists bad". The only thing it didn't do was to explicitly be in favor of LGBT stuff, and taking in consideration that Michael Dante was active in writing Korra and Aaron Ehasz the dragon prince I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to add some LGBT stuff if they where writing today when it is more acceptable to have it. |
removed-userJul 29, 2021 11:57 PM
Jul 30, 2021 12:02 AM
Noality said: MyJudgementIsBad said: I've never heard this before, could you elaborate? Well, there is many things: Sokka makes sexist comments often and get's called out on it by Katara, until epsode 5 where the Kyoshi warriors beat him up and make fun of his sexism until he humble up and says sorry, to then get trained by them and even use their make up and dresses. After that Suki becomes a recorrent character and constantly saving his ass or doing more traditionally mainly things than him. There is also the episode right before the 2 episodes ending of the water book where team avatar gets to the north pole where tho Aang and Katara both want to learn how to figth with water bending they would only teach Aang because in their minds woman should only learn how to heal, after a lot of fighting Pakku then learns that the costumes of the Tribe where the reason his wife ran away from the North Pole and so he decides that they should start dropping costumes and let's Katara learn how to figth too. The first time Aang goes to the spiritual world is in the 2 episodes ending of the water book and he is there because of a spirit that is perturbed with the environmental destruction of his land, the spirit only stops being a problem when Aang tells him that the florets will grow back and he will protect it. The environmentalist theme returns other times, like when Katara fights a fire nation factory that was dumping waste into a fire nation fishing town tho I don't remeber when that epsode happens, probably book 3. Besides that there is also Toph being physically disable wich is representation (And she get's bullied from being a weirdo in tales of ba sing se) and Aang being both a pacifist and a vegan two things that Steven (from another woke show) lives getting shit from being. There is probably more stuff but you get the idea. Avatar was political in many ways besides the more agreeable one "fascists bad". The only thing it didn't do was to explicitly be in favor of LGBT stuff, and taking in consideration that Michael Dante was active in writing Korra and Aaron Ehasz the dragon prince I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to add some LGBT stuff if they where writing today when it is more acceptable to have it. Everything you described is stock messages, some of which you have deliberately described as more woke to change accents (Aang is not a vegan, he is the archetype of a Buddhist monk like his entire nation). If it's politics, then even Sesame Street is a political show. |
Jul 30, 2021 10:55 AM
Hoppy said: Utena, Owl House and if being "woke" is having liberal political views then I would count Metal Gear there as well (Additionally, while I wouldn't call them woke, several movies that critics claimed would "go woke, go broke" such as Star Wars the Last Jedi - which is one of the least explicitly political Star Wars movies -, Black Panther and Captin Marvel) We'll never for know for Netflix She-Ra in terms of financial success because Netflix hides viewing figures for its shows but it got 52 episodes so I'd have to guess it was successful. Also your second point needs evidence Very few (nearly all of them are original works such as Steven Universe) and also Netflix She-Ra only had middling success at best. Also, subverting expectations outside of an original work is nothing more than an excuse used to cover up a creators political agenda or true intentions. Hoppy said: which this does not provide in the slightest as the first piece of "evidence" is vague and the second makes no sense whatsoever. Just admit a show can be bad for reasons outside of politics, I severely doubt that anyone in Mattel honestly believed that He Man of all things was going to make a serious political change.There's one big sign of MoTU Revelation being agenda filled and that's the lack of femininity in the female characters that and He-Man's transformation sequence (He-Man is not a magical boy anime thus the Sailor Moon style transformation is out of place) |
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