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What the fuck happened to the anime community?

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Mar 15, 2021 2:44 AM
May 2018
Ryuk9428 said:
Gatekeeping is a good thing. Now I don't actually wear fedoras or carry body pillows around in public either mainly because I just don't think about it. But I do have a body pillow, I have not attempted to hide it at all, my parents and my IRL friends have all seen it, and I do think you should be able to look at that photo I posted in the OP and feel proud of that guy. You're not required to carry a body pillow around in public yourself, but if you look at guys who do and feel embarrassed or ashamed of them, like they reflect badly on us, then yeah you're not a true anime fan.

Also don't give me that horseshit about how I haven't seen enough anime. I've got 211 completions and I'm in the middle of about 34 different animes. I've also got a few visual novels completed, School Days I've pretty much completed, I've gone through 90% of the routes and School Days is a 40 hour long VN. My list also doesn't count all the times I've rewatched shit, if those hours were added the number of days would probably increase a decent bit. According to MAL-badges, my score is higher than 55% of the people on this website and that's despite the fact that MAL attracts more hardcore weebs than the general population. I have seen PLENTY enough to call myself a true otaku. I can acknowledge that your list is a lot bigger than mine is, but let's not pretend that over 200 animes is a drop in the bucket.

I've also been watching anime for over two years now. I'm not just some guy who started watching anime a few months ago and think I know everything. I've been in the community for a long time now. I've been planning to go to Japan and got enough money saved up to go, I'm just waiting for this goddamn COVID hoax to end.

Well if you're saying gatekeeping is a good thing then we're too different to even argue because that's too far from me even understanding unfortunately. I think if you like something you shouldn't be ashamed or told you arent a true fan of it which is in line with what you're saying about people rocking body pillows in public. Seems contradictory to me to say gatekeeping itself is good then get mad at people who would feel embarrassed or to put in a closer example to what you're saying is a good thing: to get mad at people who would want to exclude others who behave a certain way from their fandom. You can say the act of people saying they dont want people in the community proudly walking around with body pillows in public is gatekeeping. Like I can get saying judgemental people are bad and shouldn't be in the community in a perfect world but to say it's good to judge and keep people out of the community you dont like then complain people are judging and making people you like outcasts in the community is just the definition of hypocritical.

Now dont think I'm saying you havent seen alot of anime or anything I'm simply stating to want to declare who is and isnt a real fan of anime and deserves to be in the community your list isn't anything special. I would think it's on the low side of average I've personally seen by clicking names on the site. It's not intended as an insult it's just a thing that comes with time. My list isnt impressive and someones always out there who's seen more. Even if you were one of those crazy people with enough entries to where your list cant load I still would just be saying you're just a single person.

The point was to even attempt to tell someone they arent a real fan of something and act superior I feel like you it least need some solid ground to stand on and yours isn't. 2 years isnt much time either. I feel like I blink and I'm a year older. I'm ancient and dying help me please. And with rewatching almost EVERYONES score would be it least doubled. I've seen Bleach a few times, read Bleach literally over 10 times as I had most of the books, seen Naruto a few times, Yugioh countless, Gintama I've seen over 5 times etc. I rewatch more than I new watch. I love showing friends the things I find.

Yeah Covid sucks in general and affected the anime community alot especially with delays, deaths of voice actors, and the shut down of decent mail and travel. There are some figures I've wanted to buy for going on a year and a half now... hopefully stuff clears up soon and you can get your trip man.
Mar 15, 2021 2:49 AM

Jun 2019
Blame those shity anitubers who made all this trend so cool.....
Mar 15, 2021 4:00 AM

Oct 2008
Is that you in the picture dude. If so want to go out with me.
Mar 15, 2021 4:27 AM
Jul 2018
Breach344 said:
It amazes me this isnt a joke post. You're the one being toxic here. I guess I'm not a "true fan" because I dont want to wear a fedora and bring a body pillow around with me when I'm buying groceries. Apparently that's me being ashamed or trying to fit in with mainstream people. Well I dont really care about fitting in with you or your crowd cause thats just not who I am. And no I dont worship Japan. I like anime and many things Japan has and does but I'm not looking away from its issues or trying to move there.

This is just gatekeeping. If you like anime that's awesome, heres a site to talk about it. But forcing this culture stuff is ridiculous. I also really dont want to pull this card as it's most of the time dumb and most people including me are nowhere near up to date with their MAL account lists but from your profile you havent seen or read nearly enough to be gatekeeping people and saying they aren't "true anime fans". Relax my dude.

Most of the self deprecating things anime fans say are jokes. Some might ACTUALLY be embarrassed because of the environment they're in or maybe they're just younger and not confident enough yet. Who cares. On MAL we all like anime(mostly. Looking at you 700 days watched average rating of anime 3-4 people) and it's nice that the people like that have a place where they can talk about it without feeling judged aside from normal toxicity and posts like these.

This... I might have some key chains, but I won't go fully weeb, because I don't feel the need to. Although I like sometimes colorful / "alternative" clothes that are still suitable for my daily life ofc

I must say that I feel really comfortable with anime fans or other nerds just because their open-minded personalities etc... not talking about the fedora and incel guys ofc lol, I talk about all the other great people there.

That doesn't mean I can't get along with other people outside the community or let my whole personality and life revolving around one thing only, even tho it's really important to me.
I think these are the really boring people. They don't have really anything going on for them, but what do I know. I'm just a "normie" and all lol.
Mar 15, 2021 8:12 AM

May 2016
_Maneki-Neko_ said:
I think these are the really boring people. They don't have really anything going on for them,

Hit the nail on the head. Other things exist, people. If you define yourself solely by the media you consume, that's not great, but if you do so while only consuming one specific type of media...then that's just pathetic.

When you've only got one topic of conversation you have any amount of depth in, you're the most boring motherfucker in the room.

This glorious signature image was created by @Mayumi!

I am the Arbiter of Absolute Truth, and here is my wisdom:

"Anime was always influenced by the West. This is not news.
Shoujo is the superior genre primarily aimed at young people.
Harem/isekai are lazy genres that refuse any meaningful innovation.
There is no 'Golden Age.' There will always be top-shelf anime.
You should be watching Carole & Tuesday."
Mar 15, 2021 8:27 AM

May 2018
Anime fans is fan as long as it isnt to the extreme.

Like having a wedding with a 2d character. Imagine telling your parents and friends and relatives to come with the wedding just to see that happen. Weeaboo, sacrificce their own culture to become a japanese so they can fit in with the anime world.

"Don't give up after failing just twice.
We'll be able to do it next time.
Failure is the stepping stone to success."

Mar 15, 2021 8:28 AM
Jul 2018
Zelkiiro said:
_Maneki-Neko_ said:
I think these are the really boring people. They don't have really anything going on for them,

Hit the nail on the head. Other things exist, people. If you define yourself solely by the media you consume, that's not great, but if you do so while only consuming one specific type of media...then that's just pathetic.

When you've only got one topic of conversation you have any amount of depth in, you're the most boring motherfucker in the room.

Fun thing is that I met my closest friends in the anime community, but we just occassionally talk about anime and watch them together, because that's not what people bonds together in long term.

People who only care about your interests and hobbies, will leave you as soon as you can't invest that much time into your interests atm or anything. These are not friends or a partner, these are a fanclub. xD
Mar 15, 2021 8:29 AM

Feb 2021
ah this post is a breath of fresh air. tired of all the daily aot posts. thanks!
by the way, is that you with the body pillow? cool pic 😁
Protesters, assemble!!
Mar 15, 2021 8:30 AM

Nov 2020
I really really hope this is ironic, if not I have lost all hope in humanity.
thats what-she
Mar 15, 2021 8:55 AM

Apr 2020
Are you trying to start a fight with me? Dont try it, I can do the perfect barrel roll and dodge all you got.

You remember me why I dislike Anime Fans sometimes
Mar 15, 2021 8:57 AM

Apr 2020
be the change you want to see in the world

γ…€ οΎ γ…€ join the
οΎ Hayasaka club =>

Mar 15, 2021 9:50 AM

Nov 2018
What if I just want to watch anime, not openly share it? I mean I don't really have money to waste on anime figurines, but I've got a few posters and a yuru camp towel sort of thing (not sure what the actual name for the type of towel is). But I just want to enjoy it, not be a dick about it, and force my hobbies on other people. I'd go to anime conventions if I had the opportunity, but being so obnoxious about sharing the fact that I'm an anime addict is just strange, not for an anime fan, but for a human.

I mean people in general who overexpress themselves, have some issue. To prove my point, Christians who try to force people to go to church are weird, and Fortnite kids doing different dances from the game, and going to school with a Fortnite shirt are weird. So what makes anime any different? Just because I'm a fan of some genre, doesn't mean that that type of expression isn't weird or justified.

And of course, you don't have to take shit from anyone, but it's just strange to open yourself up that much. You really are just asking for people to bully you if you express yourself in that manner.

So I don't see why you miss those types of anime fans. It's honestly better that people are sharing their love for anime in a more mature way.
Mar 15, 2021 9:52 AM

Nov 2018
Zelkiiro said:
_Maneki-Neko_ said:
I think these are the really boring people. They don't have really anything going on for them,

Hit the nail on the head. Other things exist, people. If you define yourself solely by the media you consume, that's not great, but if you do so while only consuming one specific type of media...then that's just pathetic.

When you've only got one topic of conversation you have any amount of depth in, you're the most boring motherfucker in the room.

I completely agree, this is exactly the point
Mar 15, 2021 10:15 AM

May 2020
It's actually pretty simple: they grew up.
Mar 15, 2021 10:36 AM
Apr 2017
Well, I m not going to read all comments, so may be someone already said what I'm going to say.
Yes, anime comunity used to consist of introverts, those who enjoy solitude and dont care about public opinion. But it doesnt mean only people like that can enjoy anime, there are just were first to discover that anime is actually interesting and entertaining. Anime fan doesnt have to be weebo.
Nowdays anime is less experimental and more adjustent to common folks, which helps to further promote it among people. Somewhere at the start of "new age" appeared individuals who see the anime culture just as a way to stand out and attract attention. I honestly dont like people like that. But it doesnt bother me much and I m not going to rant about that.
But why here are so many rotten people who hate this guy just because he is not afraid to show his hobbies? I dont fucking care if he walks at the street with dakimakura, AS LONG AS HE DOESNT BOTHER ME WITH THAT. If he just passes by, why not? Whats so wrong with that?
Mar 16, 2021 3:15 AM

Mar 2019
Breach344 said:
Ryuk9428 said:
Gatekeeping is a good thing. Now I don't actually wear fedoras or carry body pillows around in public either mainly because I just don't think about it. But I do have a body pillow, I have not attempted to hide it at all, my parents and my IRL friends have all seen it, and I do think you should be able to look at that photo I posted in the OP and feel proud of that guy. You're not required to carry a body pillow around in public yourself, but if you look at guys who do and feel embarrassed or ashamed of them, like they reflect badly on us, then yeah you're not a true anime fan.

Also don't give me that horseshit about how I haven't seen enough anime. I've got 211 completions and I'm in the middle of about 34 different animes. I've also got a few visual novels completed, School Days I've pretty much completed, I've gone through 90% of the routes and School Days is a 40 hour long VN. My list also doesn't count all the times I've rewatched shit, if those hours were added the number of days would probably increase a decent bit. According to MAL-badges, my score is higher than 55% of the people on this website and that's despite the fact that MAL attracts more hardcore weebs than the general population. I have seen PLENTY enough to call myself a true otaku. I can acknowledge that your list is a lot bigger than mine is, but let's not pretend that over 200 animes is a drop in the bucket.

I've also been watching anime for over two years now. I'm not just some guy who started watching anime a few months ago and think I know everything. I've been in the community for a long time now. I've been planning to go to Japan and got enough money saved up to go, I'm just waiting for this goddamn COVID hoax to end.

Well if you're saying gatekeeping is a good thing then we're too different to even argue because that's too far from me even understanding unfortunately. I think if you like something you shouldn't be ashamed or told you arent a true fan of it which is in line with what you're saying about people rocking body pillows in public. Seems contradictory to me to say gatekeeping itself is good then get mad at people who would feel embarrassed or to put in a closer example to what you're saying is a good thing: to get mad at people who would want to exclude others who behave a certain way from their fandom. You can say the act of people saying they dont want people in the community proudly walking around with body pillows in public is gatekeeping. Like I can get saying judgemental people are bad and shouldn't be in the community in a perfect world but to say it's good to judge and keep people out of the community you dont like then complain people are judging and making people you like outcasts in the community is just the definition of hypocritical.

Now dont think I'm saying you havent seen alot of anime or anything I'm simply stating to want to declare who is and isnt a real fan of anime and deserves to be in the community your list isn't anything special. I would think it's on the low side of average I've personally seen by clicking names on the site. It's not intended as an insult it's just a thing that comes with time. My list isnt impressive and someones always out there who's seen more. Even if you were one of those crazy people with enough entries to where your list cant load I still would just be saying you're just a single person.

The point was to even attempt to tell someone they arent a real fan of something and act superior I feel like you it least need some solid ground to stand on and yours isn't. 2 years isnt much time either. I feel like I blink and I'm a year older. I'm ancient and dying help me please. And with rewatching almost EVERYONES score would be it least doubled. I've seen Bleach a few times, read Bleach literally over 10 times as I had most of the books, seen Naruto a few times, Yugioh countless, Gintama I've seen over 5 times etc. I rewatch more than I new watch. I love showing friends the things I find.

Yeah Covid sucks in general and affected the anime community alot especially with delays, deaths of voice actors, and the shut down of decent mail and travel. There are some figures I've wanted to buy for going on a year and a half now... hopefully stuff clears up soon and you can get your trip man.

If my point of criticism was that they are being judgmental, then yes it would be hypocritical. My reason for criticizing them isn't for being judgmental though. My reason for criticizing them is because the anime community is and always was built for certain types of person. Now people are trying to act like those types of people are embarrassing.

That's the way every hobby, community, and culture on the planet is. People who want to enjoy these cultures from a distance can consume their products but they are overstepping their boundaries by actually trying to be a part of it if they are not the type of person the culture and community was built for. They are especially overstepping their boundaries if they want to be a part of it and simultaneously have contempt for the people it was made for.

Consider the relationship of black people and white people with hip hop. I'm sure black people don't mind white people listening to hip hop, but a lot of them are rightfully pissed off at sheltered suburban white kids who are trying to be part of the hip hop culture because it seems cool at the moment. Eminem is white but he gets a pass because he grew up in the culture and understands the background and mentality. Therefore, even though hip hop culture was created by black people, Eminem is a part of it because he is still the type of person who built the culture because it was ultimately built for people coming from an environment of urban poverty. Simultanously, Drake, even though he's black, actually gets criticized a lot for not really being the type of person that the hip hop community is made for because he grew up in a sheltered middle class neighborhood in Canada.

Normies can enjoy the products of anime culture, but they are overstepping their boundaries by trying to influence or call themselves a part of it. Anime is a culture built by the Japanese, but ultimately it was built as a refuge for people with social difficulties. For people who have trouble reading facial expressions and body language. Romance anime is created from the perspective of people who have a tough time understanding social cues and it gives stories reflecting their wishes, mindset, and experience with life. Anime has kind of taken over Japanese culture the way hip hop has kind of taken over American culture. If people are inspired by the norms and culture of people who created a community and hobby as a refuge for their social difficulties and more normal, extroverted people want to take some of those values into their personal lives, then that's fine. But to encroach on the space and try to change it from being a refuge for those with social difficulties into just another product for the masses is destroying the culture and community that anime ultimately was made for.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 16, 2021 1:28 PM

Jul 2013
wait...... this aint a joke post???
Mar 16, 2021 1:39 PM

Jul 2015
Really, a true anime fan should be someone who just loves to watch anime and doesn't worry about any of that otaku shit, just chill out and watch anime, no need to get too weird about it.
Mar 16, 2021 1:55 PM

Nov 2008
The keyboard warriors who claim "they want to protect children from evil pedophile cartoons" invaded our fandom (because they were bored) so now it kinda sucks.

But this is not limited to our fandom.

It is every fandom. Nobody is allowed to enjoy anything.

Mar 16, 2021 6:54 PM
May 2018
Ryuk9428 said:
My reason for criticizing them is because the anime community is and always was built for certain types of person

I think if anyone would get to say who the intended target audience(who the community was built for) is and TRY to say who shouldn't be a part of the community it should be the mangaka and other people involved that help create these things and they're generally just happy to find out that people are enjoying their works. When they become widespread the people involved are usually just thankful and happy.

If you made a picture and wanted to show everyone but someone said "This is a good picture" and they decided "This picture is for people like me" and started telling people off for trying to look at it to keep people away I imagine you'd be annoyed and be like "Who are you to decide that? I MADE this and want these people you're pushing away to see, enjoy, be a fan of, and talk about my work with each other". Maybe youd have some people you dont want seeing it yourself but the point is the fans ideas differing from the authors and enforcing what they believe against your fans even as it goes against your own beliefs and wants for them.

The people that dont adhere to their standards of a true fan may not fit YOUR standards as the artist. Maybe they're saying your best friend or family cant look at, talk about, and say they're a fan.

You can say the creators dont get to decide who's in the communities for their work but I would say if anyone WOULD get to it would be them. They have an intended audience, are happy the more people enjoy their works, and WANT everyone who does to talk about it and form communities openly. They themselves(aside from probably a few because people are always different but there are probably also a few who cringe at things like buying dakimakura) don't want people to be told they aren't true fans and should silently watch from afar while staying away from the community.

Cultural appropriation isnt a world wide idea and Japan especially generally doesnt care about things like that and says the idea is very American so their worry is just that by our own standards we would be making fun of them just not in a way they have over there. Unless you're wearing a kimono to make fun of the act of wearing it then it's most often seen as appreciation and they're happy the western world especially has come to adore so much of their art and culture. So saying it's how every hobby, culture, and community on the planet is becomes wrong from that angle and of course for the same reasons I mentioned and more that gatekeeping is always considered bad.

Continuing on this with hip hop while staying on Japan: Hip hop is very big in Japan. People arent getting mad at them. It's again more of a western shame thing. And a very large section of the hip hop community dont care what color some one is as long as they make good music. Country music also has a large section of the community where they get upset if you sing country without being from and experiencing rough and tough life in the country with another large section just enjoying the music whoever sings it. Saying a sub sect of some communities agree with you in some places of the world leaves the majority against you. These statements are based on knowledge of such a small part of the world and even then ignore the majority in those parts of the world siding with the loud minority.

I wouldnt say anime has taken over Japanese culture but what most westerners see as their culture. It's alot more everyday thing for the normal person there to just watch or not watch without it mattering. It's not like America where most people dont and it exists anywhere from a cult to a fringe mainstream thing that people unite over. I would say that I and many people watch romance just cause we like the stories, characters, and the development of their relationships with each other not really because I'm an awkward no social cues dude. If anything I see most people get annoyed at main characters too dumb to get the social cues and move in.
Mar 16, 2021 7:03 PM
Jan 2021
this is a sad cringe post but this might be another troll tho
Mar 16, 2021 7:19 PM

Aug 2018
This better be satire.

Mar 16, 2021 7:42 PM

Feb 2021
Anyone saying OP is a troll clearly do not understand the anime culture.

If you ever went to Akihabara in Japan, you will know what it is to be a true/hardcore anime fan.
People doing cosplay, being chuuni, going maid cafe, buying shit tons of waifu figures/body pillow/whatnot in their home. You might have some understanding if you ever watched Steins Gate.

I'm not saying you have to do anything above to be an anime fan. An anime fan could be just simply enjoy watching anime. However while you joined the community, you should at least have the decency to respect these true/hardcore fans instead of calling them an embarrassment to the community. Because it is them who built the anime culture.
hohofishMar 16, 2021 7:45 PM
Mar 16, 2021 7:47 PM

Oct 2013
monkeybrain14 said:
I really really hope this is ironic, if not I have lost all hope in humanity.

Either way, it's the funniest thing I've read in a while...
Mar 16, 2021 7:56 PM

Mar 2016
People are missing the point. I agree with this sentiment 100%. If you want to call yourself an anime fan, then don't hide behind irony. There's nothing more obnoxious than someone coming in to suck all of the status out of a subculture for themselves, all the while shitting on more passionate fans.
Mar 16, 2021 7:58 PM

Aug 2010
You hear that you nerds, this cuck is a real anime fan. Learn from his anti-social REBEL ways. His lack of a life should be respected and revered. - I make free-to-play browser games for PC and I sell pixel art animation here
Mar 16, 2021 7:59 PM

Feb 2021
i want to do this but imma be shamed for life

Mar 16, 2021 8:35 PM
Jul 2018
If you disagree with a single word of what OP said literally get off this website, please
Mar 16, 2021 9:04 PM

Nov 2008
hohofish said:
However while you joined the community, you should at least have the decency to respect these true/hardcore fans instead of calling them an embarrassment to the community. Because it is them who built the anime culture.

WELL SAID. WELL SAID. You could not have explained this better.

we built this city, bitches xD

Mar 17, 2021 12:56 AM

Apr 2015
hohofish said:
However while you joined the community, you should at least have the decency to respect these true/hardcore fans instead of calling them an embarrassment to the community. Because it is them who built the anime culture.
lolno.I've been around myself but still, lolno.
Mar 17, 2021 1:10 AM
Jul 2018
hohofish said:

Anyone saying OP is a troll clearly do not understand the anime culture.

If you ever went to Akihabara in Japan, you will know what it is to be a true/hardcore anime fan.
People doing cosplay, being chuuni, going maid cafe, buying shit tons of waifu figures/body pillow/whatnot in their home. You might have some understanding if you ever watched Steins Gate.

I'm not saying you have to do anything above to be an anime fan. An anime fan could be just simply enjoy watching anime. However while you joined the community, you should at least have the decency to respect these true/hardcore fans instead of calling them an embarrassment to the community. Because it is them who built the anime culture.

That's spittin too much facts for one day...
removed-userMar 17, 2021 1:17 AM
Mar 19, 2021 12:18 AM

Mar 2019

Its like I said, there's a difference between consuming products and actually trying to take over a culture. I'm not even talking about people wearing kimonos as that's completely harmless imo. There are a lot of people on this forum who come in and act like the people who built this community are an embarrassment.

Enjoying another culture is a good thing, I don't mind casual fans who aren't necessarily on board with all the hardcore anime concepts like dakimakuras. I do expect them, however, to understand what community they are in. Going into another culture and trying to remake it into an image that saves you from worrying about embarrassment is being subversive to the community. We should not change our community to accommodate people who are too embarrassed to associate with us. Hence, why these people do not deserve to be called anime fans.

Chiibi said:
we built this city, bitches xD

Damn right.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 19, 2021 12:36 AM

May 2019
Can we set this thread on fire and forget that it ever existed?

"𝘚𝘰 𝘸𝘦'𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘀𝘡𝘦π˜₯ π˜ͺ𝘯 𝘡𝘩π˜ͺ𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘒𝘢𝘡π˜ͺ𝘧𝘢𝘭 𝘭𝘰𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘳𝘺
𝘞𝘦 𝘴𝘡𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘨𝘭𝘦π˜₯ 𝘴𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘢𝘡 π˜ͺ𝘡 𝘦𝘯π˜₯𝘦π˜₯ 𝘴𝘰 𝘦𝘒𝘴𝘺
𝘐𝘡'𝘴 𝘴𝘡𝘒𝘳𝘡π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨 𝘡𝘰 𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘧𝘒𝘀𝘦, 𝘒𝘭𝘭
𝘨𝘰𝘭π˜₯𝘦𝘯 𝘒𝘯π˜₯ 𝘨𝘰π˜₯𝘭π˜ͺ𝘬𝘦
π˜›π˜©π˜ͺ𝘴 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘦 𝘩𝘒π˜₯ 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 π˜₯𝘒𝘺 𝘒𝘯π˜₯ 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘯π˜ͺ𝘨𝘩𝘡
𝘐𝘡 𝘣𝘢𝘳𝘴𝘡𝘴 π˜ͺ𝘯 𝘒𝘯
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Mar 20, 2021 12:23 AM

Mar 2019
zieek said:
Is that you in the picture dude. If so want to go out with me.

Its not me in the picture unfortunately. Although I guess I look kind of like him but with short brown hair. If that's you in your profile picture, however, and especially if you like Kotonoha, then sure, sounds good to me.
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45 minutes ago
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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