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May 23, 2020 4:54 PM

Oct 2015
The Miko's entrances at the perfect moment were so hilarious, got me laughing for a while.

That last part was so random haha, I expected that would be all a Kaguya's dream, I never expected that could be real, especially the Ishigami behaviour.
May 23, 2020 5:03 PM

Aug 2018


5/5 i love it
May 23, 2020 5:20 PM

Nov 2011
Holy Crap from Start to finish I was fricking CRYING watching this episode. Ishigami getting changed in the Student Council room and Fujiwara ripping him was so funny. Then the underwear talk, into the manga discussion with everyone getting slapped in the face with tape, into the Sex talk, into the massage, and finally into SHOUJO KAGUYA-SAMA! LOL Holy shit every episode this season has been gold but I think this one was the funniest so far.

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May 23, 2020 5:24 PM

Dec 2016
This episode was superb! Hilarious!! XD
The Shoujo Manga after credits are gold! It could be featured in an Otome game X3

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May 23, 2020 5:24 PM

Jan 2019
When the ED comes up, I was like: "Wait... is it ended"
Until I see the timeline.

Didn't expect that coming.

This episode was a f*cking comedy gold.
Best Episode so far. Another 5/5 Episode.
Holo no Graffiti is the best anime of all time... peko
May 23, 2020 5:25 PM
Waifu Inspector

Sep 2019
I felt personally attacked by Ishigami's anti-boxer briefs stance. Man had me feeling bad for even owning them, not to mention wearing them occasionally.

Man, I feel really bad for Miko Iino. Poor girl walked in at the worst moments. She must think the Student Council is very risqué.

Ishigami being attractive was weird and funny. Loved that scene.
May 23, 2020 5:26 PM
Aug 2017
Looks like Kaguya-sama returned from the ashes. This episode was a blast!! I laughed the entire show. The direction, ost, and voices were 100/10. I said the last episode was the end of 1st season for me, and now on we're going to the rollercoaster of intellect battles and feels.
Waiting for the next saturday!
May 23, 2020 5:36 PM
Mar 2015
The shoujo manga brain syndrome was hilarious
May 23, 2020 5:47 PM

Aug 2019
Absolutely loving this series. This episode in particular knocked it out of the park. Looking forward to the next couple of episodes.
May 23, 2020 6:15 PM

Sep 2019
This is the best episode so far.
If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick.
May 23, 2020 6:16 PM

Dec 2015
I was not expecting that after credit scene. This episode tops the series. PANTIES
May 23, 2020 6:18 PM
Jul 2019
The episode was hilarious af haha
the shoujo part made laugh a lot 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
thanks A1 for this master piece
May 23, 2020 6:27 PM
May 2019
If people get to actknowledge what ishigami's gone through (which they will), and understand what kind of a personality he actually has, i am sure what he did in the shoujo part was all for a certain purpose and this smile, to me, proved it all ladies and gentlemen, our expert wingman ishigami
May 23, 2020 6:46 PM

Oct 2016
They fucking nailed that episode it was just as funny as the manga or even more, this was definitely the funniest and best episode so far of the series and if you loved this episode, expect more episodes of this quality.
May 23, 2020 6:59 PM
Oct 2017
The manga was essentially was essentially "Your lie in April" without the music.
NGL seeing kaguya reading berserk, blade of the immortal or some other violent-ass manga would've sold me as the best ep in the series.
May 23, 2020 7:01 PM

Feb 2014
The syndrome scene hit outta nowhere.XD
The misinterpretations in this episode were off the charts.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

May 23, 2020 7:15 PM

Jan 2020
Man, I fucking laughed my ass off when I heard shirogane's grunt at 09:27. Kudos to the voice actors, they're the best I've ever heard
May 23, 2020 7:17 PM

Feb 2020
I loved before the ed played when Kaguya and Hayasaka read the manga and cried.

Kyoto Animation rocks
May 23, 2020 7:44 PM
Dec 2018
The episode was more ore less what I did expect after reading which chapters got adopted.

I laughed a lot even if the whole shoujo scene was not perfectly adapted and alot is missing there is another huge issue, - This is more or less the Chika dance episode of s2.

We all knew they could never redo something like that and make it a global hype but the season 2 equivalent is just way too niche.

They just wont get tons of 2million+ vids out of it like with s1 especially if maybe 5% of the non domestic viewers actually know what a shoujo manga is. I don't think too many got all the jokes.

I reeeallly hope this doesn't influence a possible s3 too much.

KelrazMay 23, 2020 7:53 PM
May 23, 2020 7:44 PM

Oct 2018
This adaptation is so good, week after week it surpasess itself flawlessly, the amount of creativity and quality on every episode is just unbelievable.
The secret shojo ending destroyed my sides and send them to another multiverse

Also the narrator keep on blessing us with his top notch performance, that guy is a absolute legend

This ep is 5/5 , 10/10 or if you are ishigami briefs/boxers if that makes any sense
May 23, 2020 7:46 PM
Anti-social One

Mar 2013
The cover of Go Sweet reminded me of Kou from Ao Haru Ride... also poor poor Miko. Your senpais are crazy (and I guess pure...?)

curious to what kind of undies Kaguya wears. I feel like she's a pure maiden boyshorts person lololol.
May 23, 2020 8:04 PM

Aug 2019
YOU WHAT. what on Gods green earth have i just witnessed. I'm literally in awe as my brain just fried trying to process what happened. These fucking episode get better and better i swear.
Poor Iino, all she wanted was to join the student council and start change to help everyone, not get roped in some weird kinky fetish Shirogane has or join a threesome hand massage. omfg i literally <b>howled</b> with laughter when she said asked Shirogane to spare her and booked it out.
And for the love of God CONTEXT GOOD LORD kaguya asking small little Iino to "join them" made me spit out my pot noodles and she then later, continues to calls herself a "novice" was officially the point where my pot noodles were spat on the wall from laughter.
Don't get me started at the end, they upped the "hot" meter on Ishigami and that made me question my sexuality. Hard bromance is all i'm going to say.
i havent laughed this hard at an anime in a good while.
May 23, 2020 8:16 PM

Jan 2017
AAAAAAAA a lot of my favorite chapters all in one episode;; aa that was great. I'm kinda sad they didn't animate the part where Kaguya and Hayasaka also cry over the manga, but at least we got a eye catch for that. I think I laughed harder while watching these scenes animated then when I was reading it. Absolutely great episode 10/10 would like to read the manga they were reading still.
May 23, 2020 8:40 PM
May 2017
now we know what pantsu president likes 😂😂😂😂
May 23, 2020 8:48 PM

Jul 2016
I KNEW IT! I knew Ishigami had ikemen potential! I swear that shoujo manga parody raised his sex-appeal to the skies xD

Absolutely hilarious episode. Simply loved every segment and I gotta say that Miyuki's VA did a fantastic job portraying his incessant outbursts. Also those grunt noises from him and Ishigami had me dying in laughter in such a way xD

And by the way, poor Iino. Guess I now know what comedy purposes her character will be used for.
May 23, 2020 8:48 PM

Apr 2019
This episode had me laughing out loud multiple times.

Seeing Miko getting scared and running away was hilarious (not for her though lol), and the whole shoujo bit towards the end was done perfectly.

Great episode this week, (imo it was the funniest), can't wait to see next week's.

May 23, 2020 9:07 PM

Mar 2013
This was the best episode so far.
May 23, 2020 9:34 PM
Oct 2012
I'm a guy, and sometimes I'm shy to admit I like Shojo, but this episode totally mocked shojo genre in a brilliant way. Just realized how silly some arguments, situations and mindset can be in shojo manga. But it is difficult to not enjoy the sugar from them lol

10/10 for episode 7. Can't wait to see more of Kaguya-sama
May 23, 2020 9:41 PM
Jan 2019
The voices were top-tier in conveying the change to the "shoujo theme"; as they usually are in Japanese voice acting; Japanese VAs are simply the best.
Iino's facial expressions of shock were very accurate and nuanced too.
Japan demonstrating that they're still following their degenerate kind of humor to this day. I hope they never back down! Fuck the normies!
The artstyle is 10/10, the best Japan can offer.
spicychile said:
For people who can't stand other people criticizing the show and falling back on calling them elitists because you literally can't come up with anything better, please grow up
May 23, 2020 9:51 PM

Nov 2019
Probably one of the funniest episodes iv'e seen yet. The ending part portraying the shojo style was hilarious, especially with the characters excessively grunting,also leading to one of the cutest Chika moments for me.

10/10 for the funnies. It's nice to see Ishigami getting more development this season.
May 23, 2020 10:12 PM
Oct 2019
Post-credits scene gave me HoneyWorks feels. I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to do a collaboration with HoneyWorks
May 23, 2020 10:19 PM

Feb 2013
Iino was the biggest loser this episode, she witnessed some scary things haha.
May 23, 2020 10:21 PM

Apr 2017
Was the insert song Hayasaka's song?

May 23, 2020 10:22 PM

Oct 2019
This is by far my favourite episode so far, I couldn't stop laughing and my sides are literally hurting

A 10/10 in every possible way
May 23, 2020 11:11 PM

Jun 2013
Okay, this was one of the best episodes because of all the stupidity and misunderstandings.

Plus I got to see my goddesses: Chika, Kei and iino.
May 23, 2020 11:17 PM

Nov 2007
Capture of the Episode!

The only problem with this week's episode is Iino<3 because of the

For now, I am happy that fans are slowly starting to see why Iino<3 will be such a fun inclusion in the council. These run of chapters in this episode almost guarantee chapter 80 to be animated! And I can hardly wait for that!

Also, this is arguably the pinnacle of voice acting. Some of the segments were as good as Gintama's voice acting and that's usually the yardstick for me!

As for the meat of the episode, as an avid shoujo manga fan and knowing that Akasaka-sensei also likes shoujo manga, it was a fantastic experience for the animated segment showcasing the sappy mainstream shoujo manga. The wall breaking with the Narrator-san going all shoujo-ee was also fantastic.

I really hope the fun segment doesn't damage the image of the shoujo manga to western fans which are not mainstream haha! There are actually some incredibly good ones out there without these sappy troupes.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
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May 23, 2020 11:45 PM

Jan 2016
Omg that was so random xD Great episode! :D
May 23, 2020 11:48 PM

Feb 2019
I was confused when the ED started playing like 16 minutes in. I knew there was going to be something at the end, but when it came I was totally unprepared!

That shoujo-style part was hilarious. They even made an OP for it! It was even more hilarious when every time Fujiwara does or says something, it turns back to its un-romantic, un-shoujo style lol
May 23, 2020 11:49 PM

Jan 2011
thought this episode was just really quick closed it as soon as the ed started only after coming here realized there was a post credits lol it was very cursed

Ishigami as ikemen just reminds me of the persona 3 protag even more
May 24, 2020 12:02 AM
Jul 2017
I was waiting for this chapter to be animated for a long time. My favourite along with the anime one that will come later maybe. Gold chapter. I mean episode.
Really loved it. Can keep looking forward to more like this.
"You are the result of 4 billion years of evolution. Act like it."
"Why don't you eat make up? Then you can be beautiful on the inside too."
"'Sick'? Call me 'twisted'. 'Sick' makes it sound like there's a cure."
"What's messed up isn't my thinking, what's messed up is this god damn world."
"The world isn't perfect, but its out there doing the best it can for us. That's what makes it so damn beautiful."
May 24, 2020 12:48 AM

Aug 2013
Episode was great but I wish they wouldn't have rushed through Kaguya and Ai's reading of shoujo trash.

Mostly because I wanted to hear Koga Aoi's version of "aaaaaa, i wanna fall in love" too. Oh well.
May 24, 2020 12:57 AM

Dec 2014
For people who can't stand other people criticizing the show and falling back on calling them elitists because you literally can't come up with anything better, please grow up (ironic for me to be saying that, I know).

Anyway, loved the episode. Adaptation turned up the ham levels so hard I was just wtf the entire time. Bullied Iino (for the laughs and not the serious moments) gives me sadistic joy. VAs had so much fun.
spicychileMay 24, 2020 1:01 AM
I need sleep.
May 24, 2020 1:40 AM
Apr 2020
Episode 7 is hilarious af. Shirogane the man whore. Shinomiya the pervert. Ishigami the manga columnist. Fujiwara the spoiler girl. And Miko the queen of misunderstanding. 😂
May 24, 2020 2:07 AM

Dec 2018
And thus Iino Miku learned that being part of the student council is suffering.

Some of my favorite parts of the manga are coming up, and I am loving how quickly the show is going through the material!

At this rate, we'll most likely end this season with Kaguya's cellphone story, as seen in the ending, and thus we'll start S3 with the sports' festival.

And you know what that means...

jimfaindelMay 24, 2020 2:11 AM
If I could be an expert in just one arcane,
and madness inducing field of study,
it would be you.
May 24, 2020 2:16 AM
Apr 2019
What a funny and enjoyable episode! Ishigami and Chikaget more spotlight in the comedy aspects and even Miko gets some funny faces in the episode (feel bad for her though, walking in at all the wrong times).

The pantsu sketch felt like a lighthearted teenage comedy show with the panties skit. Chika seeing Ishigami and planting the seeds of dirtier things to Kaguya, leading to her more bashful actions and seeing more of her Bakaguya side which i find cute and funny. Skit ends with Miko catching Shirogane at a bad time and running away, showing more cute Miko reaction faces.

The Hand Massage sketch felt more like a continuation of the pantsu sketch then it's own but it was great because we see the escalation of Kaguya seeing Shirogane as a playboy and trying to get him to "stay loyal" and be with her. We also get to see more funny interactions of Kaguya and Hayasaka as Hayasaka tempts Kaguya to make a move already.

The Manga skit was one that had me laughing immensely throughout. With the amazing visuals and hilarious character interactions between Kaguya, Shinomiya, Chika, and Ishigami (Chika and Ishigami being the highlights) which led to chaos in the student council room with all of them (excluding Kaguya) raving over the romance of the manga and Kaguya just wondering how she got in this scenario.

The 4th skit is a really funny spoof of how the show would be done as more of a romance shoujo show with Ishigami and Shirogane both trying to fight for Kaguya's affection. This was a great skit with even a new mock up opening to resemble a shoujo opening and a more cutesy artstyle. Kaguya starts turning into Bakaguya as the episode shows her as she just gets emotions of love as Ishigami and Shirogane both try to invite her to the aquarium.

Really funny and enjoyable episode with very fast pacing to keep you laughing throughout as fast visual gags and jokes are thrown out in quick bursts. Seeing the characters be more unleashed to visual humor was great and well done both comedically and visually. Great episode!
May 24, 2020 2:38 AM
Jul 2018
Best episode so far?XD
Ishigami really had his moments haha
May 24, 2020 3:29 AM
Dec 2018

Since the election arc has completed ,the comedy is back .Finally the psychological battle is back but still is not as good as the1st season
May 24, 2020 3:35 AM

Mar 2016

Since the election arc has completed ,the comedy is back .Finally the psychological battle is back but still is not as good as the1st season

If the psycological pattle is what you're expecting, sorry to dissapoint you but there'll hardly will be more of it. The series is more centered now in the personalities, sentiments and growth of the characters, and is way less episodic. But its comedy is still gold.
May 24, 2020 3:52 AM
Jun 2017
Love this episode overall... From first part up until that shoujo manga part... Yeah...
May 24, 2020 5:24 AM

Feb 2017
This episode was amazing. The shoujo segment was pure gold.
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