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Why do most people on Mal hate critical Anitubers ?

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Nov 9, 2018 8:03 AM

Feb 2015
Nah, I see the same on game forums when someone links a relevant video of a Youtuber with a decent following, and you still get comments, like "literally who" and "who cares" all over the thread. Forumers seem to have a strong dislike towards Youtubers from my experience, and it's not just in anime.
Nov 9, 2018 8:23 AM

Jul 2017
I don't like critical people in general, especially those who are critical to the merits of life, like entertainment, parental care or food. I just feel like we owe too much that we should not be in a position to be critical. People should treasure what they still have more.
Nov 9, 2018 8:44 AM

Mar 2017
because they don't make it clear that what they say are only opinions
An admin's dickhead Soul banned me from MAL t('v't)
Nov 9, 2018 8:45 AM
Jul 2018
Because they take the fun out of an otherwise good anime.

For people like me who rate on enjoyment, we can really sometimes get pissed by people like Gigguk and Digibro. Admittedly, their content is amusing, but I cannot stand it when they make a video that just flames and insults X anime for 15-minutes without even going over what could be considered good about it. It's like they picked a random anime out of a hat and thought to themselves "I'm going to turn this perfectly enjoyable show into a piece of trash by making a video on it that will discourage thousands of other people from watching it because my opinion is superior and people will listen to my opinion, AND make me thousands of $$$ in the process".

Death to all elitists.
Nov 9, 2018 8:49 AM

Nov 2016
I think this should be titled 'why do most people hate criticism?'
Nov 9, 2018 8:50 AM

Nov 2016
red-tomato said:
because they don't make it clear that what they say are only opinions

The thing is almost everything you can say about art is subjective. There's no need to state the obvious.
Nov 9, 2018 2:35 PM

Dec 2017
Some anitubers like Mothers Basement are backwards. I wouldn't even call them critical if they can't even form an argument on why they like/dislike the show. Mb does this alot with Sao. He doesnt actually hate the show, but rides on the cash cow that is hating it. And he still rambles about it with him almost mentioning it in every video. Then there are the critics who base stuff off skin color like its valid. "Why is there more diversity blah blah blah" Then there are people like AnimeSnob who i think are trolling which is funny ngl. And finally, the shounen critical critics are the ones i hate the most. They overrate shows like BnHA for being epic or not doing a cliche or even doing a cliche. These are the same people who overlook shows like HnI, Ashita no Joe, and even ln series for being "cliche", "by the books" and whatever stupid arguments. Good critical youtubers would be like Eyepatch Wolf and many others too. Though what I'm saying pertains to every fandom.
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Nov 9, 2018 6:39 PM

Oct 2014
Virtually no one hates critics. There's a reason everyone wants to evaluate every second and panel of every show and manga - it's cool. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't there at least 5 youutubers with large following that always rate seasonal shows with relatively positive receival? Hell I was watching one the other day and I've seen little to no rage in the comments.

Nov 9, 2018 8:08 PM

May 2018
Because people who think for themselves don't need Youtubers to tell them what's good and what's not.
Nov 10, 2018 2:13 AM

Feb 2015
You should check out TheAnimeHero and Mr Falcon Punch. They make good recommendation videos (mostly on old and obscure stuff).
Nov 10, 2018 5:47 AM

Jul 2014
Most of them are pretty mediocre and have nothing all that interesting to say but the vehement hatred they receive here is kinda odd and I've never really understood it.

Regardless, Super Eyepatch Wolf and Ninouh are the shit.
Take care of yourself

Nov 10, 2018 5:48 AM
Mar 2017
Seeing the posts on this thread made me think that a lot of people have a "criticism = bad" mentality on this site.
Nov 10, 2018 5:59 AM
Nov 2018
WhAt Is A aNiTuBeR? If it is what i think it is i guess a inferiority complex is the best thats coming to my mind.
Nov 10, 2018 8:02 AM

Mar 2017
Aboo_We said:
WhAt Is A aNiTuBeR? If it is what i think it is i guess a inferiority complex is the best thats coming to my mind.

I don't know if this is a serious question or an attempt at wry humor, but I'll treat it as the former. A youtuber is someone who posts self-produced videos offering observations, analysis, and opinions on some favorite topic. If the topic is anime, they're an anime youtuber, sometimes called an anituber.
A møøse once bit my sister...
Nov 11, 2018 5:13 AM
Nov 2018
mwalimu said:
Aboo_We said:
WhAt Is A aNiTuBeR? If it is what i think it is i guess a inferiority complex is the best thats coming to my mind.

I don't know if this is a serious question or an attempt at wry humor, but I'll treat it as the former. A youtuber is someone who posts self-produced videos offering observations, analysis, and opinions on some favorite topic. If the topic is anime, they're an anime youtuber, sometimes called an anituber.

How do i respond to your response? *sits in awkward silence* (alone)
Nov 11, 2018 8:53 AM

Apr 2014
they are jealous that those select people are making money doing the exact same thing as they are. they have lost. the anitubers have won.
Nov 28, 2018 3:29 AM
Nov 2018
RedPlaty said:
they are jealous that those select people are making money doing the exact same thing as they are. they have lost. the anitubers have won.

Then expect a Genocide because around 70 percent of the population of earth make more money than us(me).
Nov 28, 2018 9:15 AM

Nov 2017
I don't watch anitubers' reviews though, only analysis of anime/manga videos. Maybe their tone of speaking/narrating offended many MAL users? otherwise if that's true then most people here can't take criticisms (if there's a valid one).
Nov 28, 2018 9:23 AM

May 2016
People who haven't read Database Animals or Beautiful Fighting Girl basically aren't allowed to have an opinion on anime. Anitubers included.
Nov 28, 2018 1:09 PM

Sep 2017
I want more critical anitubers, but most of those anitubers we have now are just not good. I studied film criticism and I don't often see a piece of critical video on anitube that is decent by the standard of film criticism. I get tired of watching a 20 min video without a single insight. People who want to be a "critical anituber" need to read more books. Read some serious literature, philosophy, politics, psychology, sociology and art history to get yourself a better perspective of the world. Please learn from the best intellectual achievements in human history, not just from youtube.
Nov 29, 2018 11:18 PM
Jul 2018
i don't find most anitubers to have an interesting style of review

i've liked a couple but overall i find most of them to be droll
Nov 30, 2018 9:07 AM
Nov 2018
RAI_KE1 said:
Every community on YouTube has critical YouTubers,Gaming channels,Music (Needledrop,deepcuts),Movie (Redletter media) most people are supportive of these channels.But most people in the Anime community seem hate critical Anitubers.why? They don't over analyse Anime they mostly try to make the mass understand what the creators intentions were behind the work and how it deals with many social subjects.

Maybe because they don't do it well, the vast majority of "anitubers" don't know what they're talking about.
Nov 30, 2018 9:09 AM
Nov 2018
ComboSmooth said:
personally, i got tired of bland nerds trying to explain their bland opinions to me in nasally voices.

The likely reason for anger and anitubers is that someone who goes around telling others what to think will always come across backlash. Impossible to please everyone or for everyone to agree. Also we have a large flaming/salt culture here on the internet

sure this is their own opinion, but at the end of the day, analysis really comes down to you arguing for how things are meant to be viewed. So youre telling others what to think in some sense and its simply impossible to please everyone. Add flaming/salt culture that is the internet in a nutshell and your bound to see a boat load of flamers.

As you said it's their own opinion so that means that they're saying what they think about a certain series not what you have to think about that series. I don't really like anitubers because they aren't truly certain of what they're talking about but i can validate their opinion.
Dec 21, 2019 11:46 AM
Jul 2018
I don't know about all those other channels, but I do know about TheNeedleDrop, and oh boy, he gets a LOT of hate. Particularly on Reddit. Still, I'm sure there are plenty of people who hate those other channels. If something is popular: plenty of people are going to hate it.
The only Anitubers I know who are hated are Digibro and Mother's Basement because they, "act egotistical." I haven't seen anyone who hates Gigguk.
Dec 21, 2019 11:50 AM

Jul 2016
I don’t understand the hate for digibro.I remember I made a thread once,and I linked a digibro video to kind of explain my point.There were some comments from people just outright dismissing what I as trying to say just because it was a video from him.I know he has some really controversial opinions,but I don’t feel like the hate is warranted.I like that he actually goes into my detail about why he or dislikes likes certain things and it’s really interesting to hear his opinions.
SummerynDec 21, 2019 11:53 AM
Dec 21, 2019 12:18 PM

Jun 2019
Missaliensan said:
I don’t understand the hate for digibro.I remember I made a thread once,and I linked a digibro video to kind of explain my point.There were some comments from people just outright dismissing what I as trying to say just because it was a video from him.I know he has some really controversial opinions,but I don’t feel like the hate is warranted.I like that he actually goes into my detail about why he or dislikes likes certain things and it’s really interesting to hear his opinions.

I found the same thing recently, but with a Gigguk video. I'm fairly new to mal, so haven't been on the forums very long. I posted a comment on a thread asking why people watch anime a few days ago, and I included a video from Gigguk in my response, as he'd jusy released a video ("why i enjoy watching bad anime") that emphasised the point I wanted to convey in my message, but mentioning Gigguk seems to colour people's opinion of what you have to say & they instantly dismiss anything you have to say, just because of my liking for his videos.

I find that there tends to be at least one video i like from every anituber. I don't watch any one person in particular, I just pick up videos that look interesting. And nearly all of the main anitubers (Mothers Basement, Gigguk, Digibro) have a good few videos that are worth checking out imo.

23feanorDec 21, 2019 12:21 PM
Dec 21, 2019 12:52 PM

Feb 2010
Because being critical in a vacuum is worthless unless you're actually good at it and either avoid letting your biases cloud your judgment or at least are self-aware enough to know when they do and do the viewers the service of pointing out those instances.

A lot of the time it just doesn't feel like they are applying their knowledge of critical analysis in order to make a fair assessment of the shows qualities, but rather that they have a pre-determined opinion on the show and then just selectively apply critical analysis to back up that opinion while ignoring or misrepresenting anything that contradicts it.

I also feel like in many cases their knowledge of critical analysis is very limited and one-sided and lacks any nuance or awareness of competing theories. Whatever they hear first they just stick with and treat it like fact, when anyone who studies literary criticism or the likes could tell them that these are controversial theories at best and there's many other approaches that they choose to be ignorant of.

Basically they're frauds in many cases.

And last but not least, some of them are just unlikable as fuck. I don't care that digiobro occasionally puts out a decent in-depth analysis of a particular scene or whatever, the guy is an arrogant prick and it shows in all his after dark rants that are full of malicious misrepresentations and pointless antagonizing of people for extremely trite reasons, like him not finding their 3x3s 'original' enough. I'm not gonna watch content from someone I think is an asshole even if occasionally, when he talks about specific anime instead of ranting about the community and whatnot, they aren't bad.

I just hate that mentality that seems to be dominating in the anime community that being critical and being kind of a prick go hand in hand. Not only is it just questionable in general and I want to avoid unlikable content creators independent of their quality, it's also actively making their content worse because they let their obnoxious personalities influence the quality of it.

23feanor said:
Missaliensan said:
I don’t understand the hate for digibro.I remember I made a thread once,and I linked a digibro video to kind of explain my point.There were some comments from people just outright dismissing what I as trying to say just because it was a video from him.I know he has some really controversial opinions,but I don’t feel like the hate is warranted.I like that he actually goes into my detail about why he or dislikes likes certain things and it’s really interesting to hear his opinions.

I found the same thing recently, but with a Gigguk video. I'm fairly new to mal, so haven't been on the forums very long. I posted a comment on a thread asking why people watch anime a few days ago, and I included a video from Gigguk in my response, as he'd jusy released a video ("why i enjoy watching bad anime") that emphasised the point I wanted to convey in my message, but mentioning Gigguk seems to colour people's opinion of what you have to say & they instantly dismiss anything you have to say, just because of my liking for his videos.

I find that there tends to be at least one video i like from every anituber. I don't watch any one person in particular, I just pick up videos that look interesting. And nearly all of the main anitubers (Mothers Basement, Gigguk, Digibro) have a good few videos that are worth checking out imo.

Aside from what I said above about a few decent videos not making up for generally disliking someone I also want to mention that, at least as far as I'm concerned, part of always getting annoyed when people make a discussion thread and then just post some anitubers video and 'discuss!' has nothing to do with who made the video. It's just on principle that I find it lazy and unnecessary to make threads like that.

If you want to discuss that video, there are the youtube comments under the video for that. If you want to make a MAL discussion thread, talk about it in your own words and don't make watching some video a requirement and the whole content of your thread. That's just annoying.

I have no opinion on Gigguk, but I would not be surprised if I was one of the people reacting negatively to your thread because that's just not how you start a discussion, by not contributing anything of your own and basically making the thread an extension of the youtube comments for that video.

There's a reason this was recently added to the AD Forum Guidelines as a kind of unwanted thread:
"c. gossiping about individuals (e.g. youtubers, channels/videos, MAL members, other sites' users, etc.)"

If there's nothing to your thread asking people to gossip about one video, that shouldn't be a thread in my opinion.
I probably regret this post by now.
Dec 21, 2019 1:13 PM

Jul 2016
Pullman said:

Aside from what I said above about a few decent videos not making up for generally disliking someone I also want to mention that, at least as far as I'm concerned, part of always getting annoyed when people make a discussion thread and then just post some anitubers video and 'discuss!' has nothing to do with who made the video. It's just on principle that I find it lazy and unnecessary to make threads like that.

If you want to discuss that video, there are the youtube comments under the video for that. If you want to make a MAL discussion thread, talk about it in your own words and don't make watching some video a requirement and the whole content of your thread. That's just annoying.

There's a reason this was recently added to the AD Forum Guidelines as a kind of unwanted thread:
"c. gossiping about individuals (e.g. youtubers, channels/videos, MAL members, other sites' users, etc.)"

If there's nothing to your thread asking people to gossip about one video, that shouldn't be a thread in my opinion.

Ok,I think you misunderstood what I said here.I did ‘t link the video and leave it at that,I did it to sort of back up the point that I was trying to make on that thread.I guess that is also a fault on my end for not making it clear enough in my previous comment.And also,there is people that clearly dismissed the whole thread,just because of the whole thing of hating on digibro.They clearly and very obviously pointed out his name as a reason for dismissing the whole thread.
SummerynDec 21, 2019 1:20 PM
Dec 21, 2019 2:29 PM

Mar 2016
Most 'critical' anime content is really bad and having it in the format of a video by some obnoxious attention whore just makes it so much worse.
Dec 21, 2019 2:48 PM

Feb 2010
Missaliensan said:
Pullman said:

Aside from what I said above about a few decent videos not making up for generally disliking someone I also want to mention that, at least as far as I'm concerned, part of always getting annoyed when people make a discussion thread and then just post some anitubers video and 'discuss!' has nothing to do with who made the video. It's just on principle that I find it lazy and unnecessary to make threads like that.

If you want to discuss that video, there are the youtube comments under the video for that. If you want to make a MAL discussion thread, talk about it in your own words and don't make watching some video a requirement and the whole content of your thread. That's just annoying.

There's a reason this was recently added to the AD Forum Guidelines as a kind of unwanted thread:
"c. gossiping about individuals (e.g. youtubers, channels/videos, MAL members, other sites' users, etc.)"

If there's nothing to your thread asking people to gossip about one video, that shouldn't be a thread in my opinion.

Ok,I think you misunderstood what I said here.I did ‘t link the video and leave it at that,I did it to sort of back up the point that I was trying to make on that thread.I guess that is also a fault on my end for not making it clear enough in my previous comment.And also,there is people that clearly dismissed the whole thread,just because of the whole thing of hating on digibro.They clearly and very obviously pointed out his name as a reason for dismissing the whole thread.

I wasn't really talking about you, I was talking about what 23Feanor said about a gigguk video and just how I feel in general.

As far as digibro goes, I just strongly, strongly dislike the guy on a personal level based on a lot of his rants and 'meta commentary' on the community videos. And unfortunately those are always the videos that get posted here on AD to 'stark a discussion' or 'make a point', at least when I see it. So I'd assume it was something like that in your case too and not some video about one specific aspect of one specific anime (those are the only digibro videos worth anything in my opinion), in which case I can relate to the negative reaction and probably was a part of it tbh. I don't remember which particular thread you are referencing, but as a rule of thumb I always express my disdain for digibro whenever someone starts a topic with one of his rants. I can't help it *shrugs*.
I probably regret this post by now.
Dec 21, 2019 10:18 PM

Jul 2017
what is the point of having this thread in ad?
anitubers are self-proclaimed anime 'critics' have nothing to do with anime as a whole
they aren't even part of the industry
Dec 21, 2019 10:51 PM

Oct 2017
There are some I don't mind but I don't really watch their videos if they're the super analytical types anymore because they so often fall in to certain mental/analytical traps. Thing is, the sorts of people who should be reviewing anime don't review anime. The sort that get in to it tend to be egotistical, narrow-minded, elitist in one way or another... all of which which leads to all sorts of perception issues which make them unfit to give proper reviews.

EDIT: Serious eye-rolling at you "it's just criticism, you just don't like other opinions huur durr" assholes. I don't like overly negative opinions. AniTubers mostly have a huge lack of humility. And there's no need to talk about something one thinks is bad. We can appreciate the more compex, interesting elements of what makes up anime as an artistic story-telling media, by elevating stuff we like, NOT putting down stuff we don't. When you shit on an anime, you shit on all anime. You don't raise anything up by pulling other stuff down.

Besides, it's alot more challenging and interesting to find all the elements of production that made a show good and explore all the intracacies and interpretations of the themes, than it is to say "hey guys this is shit!" Like... I'm exagerrating, sure, but most hit-piece videos tend to be much simpler in their criticisms than videos praising stuff are in their analysis. Negative reivews are, mroe often than not, intellectually dishonest and lazy.
YossaRedMageDec 21, 2019 11:07 PM
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
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