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Oct 18, 2012 6:27 AM
Dec 2011
Alright, the preview for Episode 2 just out:

I don't think Shinya will get any action for this episode. Guess that paralyzer was pretty strong.

Mod Edit: Do not start an episode discussion before you have actually seen it.
LunaOct 18, 2012 11:06 PM
Oct 18, 2012 8:36 AM

Nov 2011
Aw nooos. My darling Kougami is in hospital. Damn, that Dominator gun has some pretty potent paralysing properties *glares at Akane*. Get well soon Shinya so you can go and share some more Foe Yay scenes with Shogo XD.

Also you know what? That glasses dude, Nobuchika, looks and acts awfully similar to Ishida from Bleach LOL :P.

In all seriousness though, this has already become my favourite anime of the year with its fascinating concepts, excellent art and awesome soundtrack. I hope the high level of quality with continue throughout the rest of the series :).
jenanimeOct 18, 2012 8:41 AM
Oct 18, 2012 8:52 AM

Oct 2010
OK so now the episode officially starts.

About the OP, nice work of black and white colours in the spoiler
followed by,

Very nice render of our lovely heroine! I approve of such art and nice setup. The serious sides of this series really show in the OP.

Other than I find in the spoiler
rather to be a nice part that shows someone being shot down and residue of the gun’s blast/blood flying were interesting specifically there.

About the fan service, Akane got some nice shot in the spoiler
and strangely the setup reminded me of:
And in particular Akane is starting to become more her:
For me. Strangely enough.

About Akane, she surprised me the most in the following,

While the talk was great out suddenly tears from her caught me really by surprise. I did T_T but ONLY FOR HER! To make it clear. I really like her. She is a great girl. Must be my infatuation with Mardock’s MC girl somehow.

At the start she had quite a surprising development in the spoiler
that of seeing what her pet like is and her home is. That being shown now means most likely it will be important later on or it helps us establish some facts about Akane. Despite liking her yellow flavour, I think the first thing to know of Akane is that she needs her ZZZ else she looks terrible. The eye bags looks seriously bad on her. Another thing I notice of her place and fashion in the spoiler
is that it’s rather plain but has seashells/stars lying around while Akane’s fashion is hard to decide for herself. She had some trouble decisions, which means she has low esteem of her looks and how things make her look of whom she wears.

About Akane’s friends, really interesting part in the spoiler
as it showed Akane blushing towards her 2 female friends. That shows a side of Akane that is shy with people. It shows that Akane has trouble with conversations and is very shy in general. It’s further shown she checks herself again in the mirror. That shows further her shy part. While the robot was quite interesting itself of being shown. I liked both of the 2 girls. They have their own appeal and glasses in general.

About Akane at the HQ, the first part upon meeting Yayoi Kunizuka in the spoiler
she gave off vibes from GaiRei Zero from her:
Indeed the one and only. I do like her general appearance eyes/lips wise and it looks like Akane is quite blushed at her. Again goes back to being easily intimidated from a normal conversation.

About Akane meeting Shion Karanomori, the first thing about Shion is her breasts and pantyhose in the spoiler
while that much is emphasized, it’s merely to show her sexual appeals whom like a certain researcher in Symphogear, has similar charm albeit less nasty.

From the way she talks to Akane in the spoiler
about Shinya and going to see him, I can see some potential teasing there. Not sure of the Shion’s libido there but seems high to me.

About the meeting before the mission, the short meet up in the spoiler
of Akane and her men provided some rather interesting info on them. For one Kagari loves to play games and Yayoi has some music interest while Tomomi was plain cool. Of course Akane’s reactions were the best during that part.

About the mission, the first part of it in the spoiler
shows quite the interesting part that not only Cops can use the cloaking ability of the robots but it’s so real that you can’t know the difference. The techno is heavily axed on similar ideas as were in the matrix itself. That being said it was quite interesting to see it be put in effect.

The second part of that segment in the spoiler
goes back to seeing a problem of society. Possible girl cheating on guy situation or guy being plain jealous he can’t get a girl to love. Regardless his upscaling aggression was quite well dealt and fast. Sybil sure knows her things and has the whole city under-scope easily from how I see it. Before the guy could act upon his raging urge or violence he got dealt with and locked in. A cool down of rather good measures instead of becoming like the guy before.

About Akane’s talk with Kagari Shuusei, a very interesting talk that ended in Akane getting a good Pep-up from Kagari himself as at first in the spoiler
she clearly has a negative mood. As time passes by and Kagari talks to her. Akane’s mood changes in the spoiler
to a rather positive one. Having the PEP up work well.

About Akane’s talk with Shinya, at first I did think Shinya was in a terrible position in the spoiler
being so incapacitated still from the terrible paralyzer. However Akane’s talk with him changed things. Especially after the nice lecture of Kagari to her. Things to resolve and rather quite surprised of Akane’s reactions in thee end as I mention earlier. Still what bother me is in the spoiler
WTF is that?
Can it be Shinya’s past? It’s rather shown not clearly.

About the ED, to make it short and loud. GROUP POSE in the spoiler
APPROVED! YES! A most perfect ED due to that element for not only being great looking but to remind us of the team all the time. Might make it shittier if one of them dies but that’s to see.

So in thee end, the episode did a good job of fleshing out Akane and her interactions with other member while introducing some new faces along with some development in the action field.
Yumekichi11Oct 18, 2012 12:18 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Oct 18, 2012 9:12 AM

Nov 2007
The real OP and ED show the darkness of the anime, and so cool.

Wow, the system is so cute. Also, it's like living in the future and the imaginations that I've been wanted... to change cloths that way ("magically"?). Even those cute dolls can see if Psycho-Pass is dirty or not.

The confusion about the main girl, and that guy has a goal for not giving up.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Oct 18, 2012 9:16 AM

Nov 2011
Dat Akane fan-service. She eats breakfast without her clothes on? ^_^

I also lol'd at that floating white mechanism. I want one tbh.
Oct 18, 2012 9:29 AM

Oct 2010
Stark700 said:
Dat Akane fan-service. She eats breakfast without her clothes on? ^_^
YES! ^_^ I LOVE AKANE! So much like Rune. I was fool not to realize it in episode 1 with her appearance that she has similar innocence like Rune had in Mardock in the first movie albeit less dramatic for now.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Oct 18, 2012 9:31 AM

Feb 2012
Did anything actually happen in the episode besides fanservice?
Oct 18, 2012 9:35 AM

Sep 2011
Sigh, really? Can I get a T.V series that's action without fanservice? or are my dreams too big.
Oct 18, 2012 9:42 AM

Oct 2010
danilo07 said:
Did anything actually happen in the episode besides fanservice?
Yes of course. Akane character development. An example of an arrest that was rather interesting in preventive terms and more development with Kougami which surprised me the most emotionally speaking.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Oct 18, 2012 9:43 AM

Feb 2012
Yumekichi11 said:
danilo07 said:
Did anything actually happen in the episode besides fanservice?
Yes of course. Akane character development. An example of an arrest that was rather interesting in preventive terms and more development with Kougami which surprised me the most emotionally speaking.

Good!I am glad to hear that,I was starting to get afraid after all initial comments were about bath scene.
Oct 18, 2012 9:55 AM

Oct 2010
danilo07 said:
Yumekichi11 said:
danilo07 said:
Did anything actually happen in the episode besides fanservice?
Yes of course. Akane character development. An example of an arrest that was rather interesting in preventive terms and more development with Kougami which surprised me the most emotionally speaking.

Good!I am glad to hear that,I was starting to get afraid after all initial comments were about bath scene.
The problem is the mentality of the audience should be towards fan service as situational but most of all not oriented sexually like Hagure does for example. It should be taken as Mardock did. Gen is in series not to give a hard on to people but to make stuff look mature. Hard to explain but the audience of this series that do not have it like that tend to be angry for fan service, which is natural till you have a mentality change about it in this series, which I did with Mardock and hence the likes I tend to change my mentality in regards to that.

Whereas I am totally stupid and silly for Hagure or series with fan service presented in that way. Just giving my 2 cents of the aspects of this series. I know for sure Gen is not involved in silly fan service.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Oct 18, 2012 10:15 AM

Jun 2012
barely even noticed the afforementioned fan service. Episode was interesting though, nice character development as well as what seems a foreshadowing of what her job entails and the questions of morality that the story may explore.

Haven't personally seen many blade runner esque anime before either (being fairly new to anime) so it is most welcome.
Oct 18, 2012 10:24 AM

Oct 2010
Dropped i cant deal with Akane.
Oct 18, 2012 10:33 AM

Jul 2010
best episode of the whole fall season for me so far. \m/
Simplistic beauty can't be appreciated by someone who looks for something grand in everything he watch.
Oct 18, 2012 10:36 AM

Mar 2011
Great OP and ED.Nice character development episode.
Oct 18, 2012 10:50 AM

Aug 2010
Though there was no action I think I liked this ep more than the first one.

Man those OP and ED are good.

It seems from the OP that Akane will change, her eyes looked like those of a BA.

Man that house system is awesome, the Modern feel to it is epic, I'd like sth like that :D

Yay, Miyuki is voicing that hot chick!

I don't know why but I feel that the old man will be the first to die in this series...Characters like him are usually the most susceptible to die. Too bad since I like him a lot.
Oct 18, 2012 10:57 AM

Apr 2008
AmberFebruary said:
best episode of the whole fall season for me so far. m/

Are you kidding, because, I see nothing great in the episode.

It is far from the best of Gen with Phantom requiem for the phantom and Saya no uta.

EditL This was ok, I will continue. I hope see someting better in the next epiosde.
KiraYoshikageOct 18, 2012 11:04 AM
Oct 18, 2012 10:58 AM

Feb 2010
That jellyfish at the beginning ~so moe~. Made me think of Kuragehime, lol.
As for the rest episode, I quite liked it. How Kagami handled being paralyzed was interesting and shows that he is intelligent and can reflect. It makes sense for someone in his 'hunting dog' position to have their ethics heavily influenced by their superiors and surroundings, but he seems to be glad about the change of pace. I'm also glad it seems like there will be no negative consequences for Akane. Even a crazy system like this has to accept the logic that the rise was temporary.
Generally this episode made me feel a little less spite towards the system. Assuming it is indeed highly capable and chose Akane for the job as the only A Ranking person, it would be logical to assume that what she did in ep1 is exactly what the system chose her for. Judging from the reaction of the others it's something 'only she can do' (at least from the 500 people in her class). That would mean that the system itself realizes that its output is being abused by humans and it sends in someone morally steadfast as Akane to counterbalance the development. I could be overthinking things, but that's my theory after the impressions I got this episode :P
I also enjoyed how we got some 1n1 dialogue with a couple of Enforcers this episode to get to know them a little better. Can't say how glad I am this is 2-cours, so far the pacing seems very adequate.
I probably regret this post by now.
Oct 18, 2012 11:04 AM

May 2010
pretty good episode. oh and the jellyfish..haha so cute :D
really enjoying this show !
Oct 18, 2012 11:08 AM

Jan 2008
First minute.

Oh god a floating penis.
Oct 18, 2012 11:10 AM
May 2012
it is just typical, after a great pilot episode, thinks will settle down before the real thing starts
Oct 18, 2012 11:15 AM

Jan 2008
Oh dang, that opening... I like.

And yes, I'm just posting every time I find something interesting while be distracted by the forums.
Oct 18, 2012 11:34 AM

Mar 2012
June93 said:
Good ep, resolved Akane's worrying. Found out that Yayoi is a lesbian or bi or whatever, Found out a bit about cheerful-kun's backstory. Decent, I can't wait for the next episode.
Also, that OP is killer, so freaking good.

The OP was good, the ED was better. That's one of the best anime EDs I've seen all year. I've gotta put that up there with Another for best anime ED. Not selling the OP short though. That anime is Steins;Gate-esque good...I didn't care for the song a whole lot though. Sounds like the singer is choking on a chicken bone during parts of the song. lol

As for my thoughts on the episode, not bad. It started off pretty slow (lol at the people complaining about fanservice).That's not fanservice. That's a single girl living at home. The episode showed that even when she's at home with her "cute?" jellyfish thing doing everyday things, she antagonized herself over the decision she made. By the end of the episode after discussing it with her fellow Enforcers, she gained the confidence in that she made the right decision.

Honestly, I see so much complaining over Akane's character. This episode did a very good job of laying things out. This isn't a society where it's tough, gritty people doing the tough jobs like law enforcement. Turns out most of those people are deemed criminals by the Sybil System and their only role is to enforce the law through the watchful eye of the inspectors. From the looks of things, the system doesn't care if the inspectors are soft, crybabies that fret over their decisions. It appears it likes results and apparently Akane can get them.
LunaNov 8, 2012 11:37 AM
Oct 18, 2012 11:35 AM

Jul 2010
KiraYoshikage said:
AmberFebruary said:
best episode of the whole fall season for me so far. m/

Are you kidding, because, I see nothing great in the episode.

It is far from the best of Gen with Phantom requiem for the phantom and Saya no uta.

EditL This was ok, I will continue. I hope see someting better in the next epiosde.

give me an episode this season that exposed you so much to its world and procure a lot of character development at the same time ^^,
Simplistic beauty can't be appreciated by someone who looks for something grand in everything he watch.
Oct 18, 2012 11:46 AM
Sep 2012
Toucanbird said:
As for my thoughts on the episode, not bad. It started off pretty slow (lol at the people complaining about fanservice).That's not fanservice. That's a single girl living at home. The episode showed that even when she's at home with her "cute?" jellyfish thing doing everyday things, she antagonized herself over the decision she made. By the end of the episode after discussing it with her fellow Enforcers, she gained the confidence in that she made the right decision.

Honestly, I see so much complaining over Akane's character. This episode did a very good job of laying things out. This isn't a society where it's tough, gritty people doing the tough jobs like law enforcement. Turns out most of those people are deemed criminals by the Sybil System and their only role is to enforce the law through the watchful eye of the inspectors. From the looks of things, the system doesn't care if the inspectors are soft, crybabies that fret over their decisions. It appears it likes results and apparently Akane can get them.
I thought that exact same thing when I can accross those comments about fanservice. They didn't really show anything. No breast. No crotch area. No ass (was covered up with "white mist" so we saw nothing). One brief shot of panties. Really nothing that I would really consider fanservice other than that one brief shot. That one part where she's eating breakfast with a towel over her chest isn't fanservice either since we see nothing and it's something that quite a lot of single women, living alone, do. And no, showing a person's back doesn't count either.

This episode was a bit slow since it didn't have the action and excitement that the first episode had, but I'm okay with that since not every episode has to have action and shooting in it. Instead we were introduced to the other characters in the story and had some character development with Akane and that enforcer she shot.
LunaNov 8, 2012 11:37 AM
Oct 18, 2012 11:47 AM

Sep 2008
Whine some more please. Be depressed some more please.

Oh well, I really like the show besides the MC, really, really, really like the show.
Oct 18, 2012 11:56 AM

May 2010
2200 kilo calories? dafuq? thats like 1000 times more calories than you're supposed to eat (1 kilo calorie = 1000 calories, average diet of 2k calories :P)
Oct 18, 2012 12:01 PM

Apr 2008
AmberFebruary said:
KiraYoshikage said:
AmberFebruary said:
best episode of the whole fall season for me so far. m/

Are you kidding, because, I see nothing great in the episode.

It is far from the best of Gen with Phantom requiem for the phantom and Saya no uta.

EditL This was ok, I will continue. I hope see someting better in the next epiosde.

give me an episode this season that exposed you so much to its world and procure a lot of character development at the same time ^^,

I have not seen much psychological evolution for the moment. You have the right to your opinions, but but I do not share them. Already, Akane annoys me and some character I've seen are really of déjà vu.

For the universe, we could have it in episode 1 who was the pilot. This is a good point, except that it's not going to make me think that the anime is great for now. We will see that it will give in the next episode.

If you want to see what's really with gunfilght, you should see on the side Requiem for the Phantom

We're here to talk about Psycho-Pass and no other anime (it will eventually exaggeration, I saw the result on some other topic)
Oct 18, 2012 12:04 PM

Sep 2012
Decent episode.
awesome OP!
Oct 18, 2012 12:04 PM

Sep 2011
I hated that Jellyfish or whatever thing, and this episode was mostly boring. However I have great expectations for later on.
Oct 18, 2012 12:07 PM

Sep 2012
KiraYoshikage said:
AmberFebruary said:
best episode of the whole fall season for me so far. m/

Are you kidding, because, I see nothing great in the episode.

It is far from the best of Gen with Phantom requiem for the phantom and Saya no uta.

EditL This was ok, I will continue. I hope see someting better in the next epiosde.

Well its only 2 episodes so far, but i think it will be as good as phantom, saya, and fate/zero
Oct 18, 2012 12:14 PM

Feb 2009
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)

Oct 18, 2012 12:16 PM

Apr 2008
We will see that, but I have my doubts. Nowadays, you never know if the anime can take a path that leads to poor. At least, that's 22 episodes because 12 I would have had a differing opinion

I just hope that anime can improve, that all.
Oct 18, 2012 12:17 PM

Apr 2008
THeMooN said:
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)


I laughed so much when I see the American classification. They are always exaggerated on everything.
Oct 18, 2012 12:18 PM

Jan 2008
THeMooN said:
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)


Paul said:
First minute.

Oh god a floating penis.
Oct 18, 2012 12:21 PM

Aug 2012
I really liked the OP and ED, also wouldn't mind having that system Akane had for where she lives. So awesome. ^_^
Oct 18, 2012 12:23 PM

Feb 2009
KiraYoshikage said:
I laughed so much when I see the American classification. They are always exaggerated on everything.

I was hoping for a good, dirty and mature anime with a mass of blood and got ... pink jelly bean.
Oct 18, 2012 12:24 PM

Jun 2008
I liked it a lot, usually I hate heroines like Akane, but for some reason I like her. Cant wait to see more of her with Shinya. And I dont like that Sybil system at all. At least Im glad the woman didnt die.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Oct 18, 2012 12:28 PM

Apr 2008
THeMooN said:
KiraYoshikage said:
I laughed so much when I see the American classification. They are always exaggerated on everything.

I was hoping for a good, dirty and mature anime with a mass of blood and got ... pink jelly bean.

I don't care if there is blood, but where I live and in many others countries the anime will be PG-13. It is the exaggeration
Oct 18, 2012 12:30 PM

Feb 2009
I want my GitS back :<
Oct 18, 2012 12:40 PM

Mar 2012
THeMooN said:
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)


One thing I can say is that "floating penis" sure is annoying.
Oct 18, 2012 12:41 PM

Dec 2010
Ok episode, though i still find Akane extremely annoying, that may change as its only 2 episodes in but as of now she is by far the worst thing about this series. The concept however its interesting, the system breaking down is something i could so see happening later on.
Oct 18, 2012 12:41 PM

Jan 2012
I preferred the previous episode better... this one was ok imo...
I still don't like that girl Akane but it's good she showed some determination at the end...
Oct 18, 2012 12:44 PM
May 2012
what's the problem with akane???
she's voiced by the wonderful kana hanazawa, so nuff said, that alone makes her a likable character ^~^
Oct 18, 2012 12:48 PM

Mar 2009
I really liked this episode, even more than the first. While the first was used as a hook for the audience, this episode was used to really establish the setting and character interactions. It's really intricate how they designed this futuristic world, planning out the very details of even her pocket mirror. The episode really establishes context for us, the viewers, about how different, yet close to home the world of Psycho-Pass is.

Apart from the setting, Akane's already planting her roots in the workplace; her potential with Kogami is established, possibly leading to a new way of apprehending criminals, while her belief that people can change really struck a cord with Kagari. She's like the Saber of Psycho-Pass; everyone establishes very different relationships with her. But unlike Saber, she's willing to change the current system and question what's right (I enjoyed a little detail where she would always ask others their opinion of her beliefs and thoughts throughout the episode).

I honestly think people are giving this show more flak than they should be. While there are some fan-servicey moments (really, it was like a minute in the beginning of the episode), I think the anime's otherwise rather subtle, and so much can be read from it. I was hoping that this wasn't gonna be solely a mindless action-packed anime, and I'm glad IG delivers.

The only thing I have gripes about is the fact that the way the anime is structured so far is a little formulaic, and you can see how transparent it can get. E.g. first episode is the hook, second episode is context. Here's some hints to flashbacks for you, and a little bit of character development. While the anime's well-written, nothing feels too new, and I would have liked some surprise factor in it. Of course, this is only episode 2/22, so I know I'm speaking too soon. But, hopefully some new twists come in that'll keep the audience hooked.

tl;dr: Really solid, but nothing too surprising.
Oct 18, 2012 12:53 PM
Jul 2018
Clara, what are you doing in one of Butch's anime?

There's not a whole lot to say about the episode; it seemed very intro-ish. It developed the world and system a little more. Some of the characters (especially Kogami) turned out differently than they seemed from the little bit I saw of them in the first episode.

The OP interested me the most out of everything. Not sure how our protagonist with her constantly clear pass is going to get that dead-looking expression at the end there or how Kougami's going to play into things.
Oct 18, 2012 12:56 PM

Feb 2010
It was expected a more calmed episode after the first one.
Oct 18, 2012 12:58 PM

May 2009
THeMooN said:
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)


Kurara! Tequila!
Oct 18, 2012 12:59 PM

Jul 2010
the problem with Akane is because others don't like realistic and growing protagonists

instead they want their cool from the get-go, alluring, enticing, superbly beautiful, uber intelligent (yet very irrational), illogical over powered and more lists of character traits perceiving to the description of "epic"

anyway, Akane fan here, go bash her if you want, makes you like a kid can't take how much someone is being educated by his/her environment and experiences

Keilis said:
I really liked this episode, even more than the first. While the first was used as a hook for the audience, this episode was used to really establish the setting and character interactions. It's really intricate how they designed this futuristic world, planning out the very details of even her pocket mirror. The episode really establishes context for us, the viewers, about how different, yet close to home the world of Psycho-Pass is.

Apart from the setting, Akane's already planting her roots in the workplace; her potential with Kogami is established, possibly leading to a new way of apprehending criminals, while her belief that people can change really struck a cord with Kagari. She's like the Saber of Psycho-Pass; everyone establishes very different relationships with her. But unlike Saber, she's willing to change the current system and question what's right (I enjoyed a little detail where she would always ask others their opinion of her beliefs and thoughts throughout the episode).

I honestly think people are giving this show more flak than they should be. While there are some fan-servicey moments (really, it was like a minute in the beginning of the episode), I think the anime's otherwise rather subtle, and so much can be read from it. I was hoping that this wasn't gonna be solely a mindless action-packed anime, and I'm glad IG delivers.


totally agreed. and a breath of fresh air actually.

it not my next GiTS. but certainly is feeling close to one.
Simplistic beauty can't be appreciated by someone who looks for something grand in everything he watch.
Oct 18, 2012 1:13 PM

Sep 2012
pretty decent episode. nice op and ending. loved the development about Akane. i dont know why everyone is hating on her, i like her. her situation is understandable, not just what we want out of the show. which im sure everyone wanted her to be a badass character, and just didnt meet their expectaions.
'What we learned as children, that one plus one equals two, we know to be false. One plus one equals one. We even have a word for when you, plus another, equals one. That word is love.' ~ The Buddha
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