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WHY do you find comedy anime funny? What does comedy anime do WELL, from a critical standpoint?

Aug 23, 2018 4:15 PM
Jul 2018
EDIT: Saying "there are no rules to humour" is a complete cop out. There are countless videos and articles online that have rules/formulas that explain what good comedy is. Just like other genres in fiction, comedy has standards:

Look, I'm just ASKING an honest question. I am NOT trying to create a shitstorm.
Regardless, I know a lot of you are still going to say:
"Oh look, it's HopefulNihilist, trying to stir up shit again, hahahahaha!!!"
"How low can this guy get?"
"Why hasn't he been banned from MAL yet?"
LOL! Too fucking bad, I'm going to continue making threads, and I'm going to ignore all you haters :)

When I was a kid, I thought comedy anime was the funniest shit ever: My Bride is a Mermaid and Baka and Test made me roar with laughter.

Now, I'm 19 years old, and aside from Konosuba, Jojo, Tsurezure Children, and Shimoneta, I don't find comedy anime funny anymore. At all. To a point where I simply don't understand WHY other people find it funny.

I am JUST going to explain why I don't funny comedy anime funny:

1) I've noticed that comedy anime lack buildup: as in, there'll just be the punchline, but no sense of irony or anticipation to the joke.

2) The jokes themselves lack WEIGHT; the basis of the joke tends to be incredibly trivial. For example, in Aho Girl, one of the jokes is that the main girl is obsessed with...bananas. Fucking bananas. Anyone can write this shit!

3) Characters CONSTANTLY scream, and usually over the stupidest things.

4) The basis of the joke of a lot of Japanese comedy is one character does something stupid, and then another character points out them being stupid...what part of this formula is CLEVER? What part of this formula requires THINKING?
removed-userAug 25, 2018 5:15 PM
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Aug 23, 2018 4:20 PM

Apr 2016
I agree with you mostly. Especially the fact that the main joke is usually very stupid and is very easy to write. I usually don't like comedy anime and I think this season's Grand Blue has solidified that. I suggest watching this season's Asobi Asobase. It's really the only anime comedy I can remember that has made me laugh out loud. The comedic timing and build up is very well executed and the actual jokes themselves are very out there and unique. At least, compared to most comedy anime.
Aug 23, 2018 4:22 PM

Sep 2017
This is a massively generalised and sweeping view of a very diverse medium. What constitutes "humorous" is pretty subjective and personal to you. I don't see how any discussion from your fellow weebs will change this aspect of your personality.
Aug 23, 2018 4:24 PM
Jul 2018
S0ARIN said:
This is a massively generalised and sweeping view of a very diverse medium. What constitutes "humorous" is pretty subjective and personal to you. I don't see how any discussion from your fellow weebs will change this aspect of your personality.

Is comedy anime really diverse? Can you name some that are NOTHING like the comedy anime I listed?
Because I've watched a good chunk of them, and the structure of the jokes, the flow, everything, isn't actually that different from each other.
Aug 23, 2018 4:26 PM

Feb 2015
>from critical standpoint

you lost me there? The only example I can really give would be Chio-chan Tsuugakuro that goes beyond just being funny. In times, it delves to the metaphysical of the human mind; primarily by our lust and our moral obligations to prefer Highschooler ass. It does generally appeal what the consensus from reality's perspective; in which the portrayal of certain exaggerated jokes are on par on the daily basis that everyone whose a lowlife fujoshi weeb will know.

In short, Chio-chan Tsuugakuro isn't just about what the MC sees on her daily basis going to school; it can also be interpreted as what we, as the scum of the Earth had once seen in our life. Yes, including wanting to of course, touch a HS'ers ass in a train packed with other people. Of course.
Aug 23, 2018 4:30 PM

Apr 2014
has to be unexpected. only a few comedy series has actually made me laugh continuously throughout the show. d-frag and daily lives of hs boys were fun. chocolate underground is a political satire, interesting watch too
Aug 23, 2018 4:35 PM

Apr 2017
Cutieply said:
A wise person once said: Fun things are fun.

+1 Well said.. you uncultured filthy swine.. :p

"Think about that glowing dust
That destroys the night sky's dream of
Just being nothing"
Aug 23, 2018 4:36 PM
Jul 2018
I think that the whole point of a comedy anime is to make the viewer laugh through the utter nonsense of the situation. If something were to be 'built up' and a joke was just then made of it, I think it would feel forced.

Comedy centers around the idea that you don't expect the joke and you can never predict what the joke will be (in most cases).

Sometimes, of course, jokes can be played around with. They can be funny because the viewer knows what will happen etc... But that does not mean it was predictable through the building of plot.
Aug 23, 2018 4:39 PM

Dec 2017
You can't really define "good" comedy because not everyone thinks the same when watching such show. Comedy is best when you didn't see it coming, and some people may see it coming a mile away, while others may have not.
Least degenerate visual novel enjoyer.

Aug 23, 2018 4:43 PM
Jul 2018
changelog_ said:
I think that the whole point of a comedy anime is to make the viewer laugh through the utter nonsense of the situation. If something were to be 'built up' and a joke was just then made of it, I think it would feel forced.

I don't understand. Because I find that when the joke is always so SUDDEN it feels more forced.

changelog_ said:
Comedy centers around the idea that you don't expect the joke and you can never predict what the joke will be (in most cases).

Okay, I understand the appeal in that...but at the same time, that's what a lot of American humour does too: make the audience laugh from the unexpected. Like for example, this skit from Bill Burr:
All the jokes connect to each other, they build off of each other, yet EVERY joke is so unexpected, that I laughed my ass off.

changelog_ said:
Sometimes, of course, jokes can be played around with. They can be funny because the viewer knows what will happen etc...

I admit, I do find a lot of jokes to be funny even when I see them coming. We all know how much Aqua from Konosuba's gonna whine when shit hits the fan, but a majority of us all still laugh.
But what I don't understand is how someone can find a comedy funny when a MAJORITY of the jokes are predictable.

changelog_ said:
But that does not mean it was predictable through the building of plot.

I'm confused here. Could you please clarify?

Reina_Orikasa said:
You can't really define "good" comedy because not everyone thinks the same when watching such show.

I find this opinion to be a cop-out. Because there are certain standards when it comes to what makes a good drama, action, fantasy, supernatural anime. Why aren't there any standards for comedy anime?

Reina_Orikasa said:
Comedy is best when you didn't see it coming, and some people may see it coming a mile away, while others may have not.

A lot of comedy anime: Konosuba, Aho Girl, rely on predictable pre-established character behaviors. For example, in Konosuba, a lot of Megumin's jokes revolve around her eccentricity around explosions.

Deknijff said:
I just find it funny
still laugh at this after all these years

Okay now that that I think is hilarious; because the joke has WEIGHT to it; it's mean as fuck, and the basis of the joke is Santa Claus, not something retarded like Bananas.
removed-userAug 23, 2018 4:57 PM
Aug 23, 2018 4:46 PM

Jul 2017
well the fact that you liked konosuba means that there are comedy animes out there which you can like.

also the flaws you noticed of some of these comedy animes are mainly... pretty bad animes, imo, or as aho girl, animes that aren't aimed at adults.

my fav comedy animes are saiki kusuo, konosuba, and detroit metal city. they often play on exageration and don't realy have the flaws you mentioned.
I think you, just like me and a lot of others people, have become harder to satisfy and won't like things as easily and you used to.
Aug 23, 2018 4:47 PM

Jul 2017
also you might have gotten bored of japanese comedy after watching a lot of them.
I had a period like that were I was bored of animes, it was like 6 months ago and lasted 2-3 months, god it was horrible.
Aug 23, 2018 4:50 PM

Oct 2013
I just find it funny
still laugh at this after all these years
Aug 23, 2018 5:00 PM

Sep 2013
that's really subjective, but I'll try to answer the question by simply saying: I find it funny because it makes me laugh.

there is really no formula, at least to me. there is no secret or pattern, things happen in anime and I laugh.

and I found ironic that you hate when characters just scream for fun, but konosoba is funny to you, and that you like shimoneta and complains about joke depth when shimoneta jokes are purely sexual insunations. and don't get me wrong, I like konosuba and shimoneta. I'm a hardcore comedy fan.
Aug 23, 2018 5:04 PM

Feb 2013
HopefulNihilist said:
S0ARIN said:
This is a massively generalised and sweeping view of a very diverse medium. What constitutes "humorous" is pretty subjective and personal to you. I don't see how any discussion from your fellow weebs will change this aspect of your personality.

Is comedy anime really diverse? Can you name some that are NOTHING like the comedy anime I listed?
Because I've watched a good chunk of them, and the structure of the jokes, the flow, everything, isn't actually that different from each other.
because like half the database is tagged commedy, i suggest some comedy classics like FMAB, Clannad: After Story, Cowboy Bebop, Tatami Galaxy and the Haruhi movie
Aug 23, 2018 5:04 PM
Jul 2018
blumenbalt said:
that's really subjective, but I'll try to answer the question by simply saying: I find it funny because it makes me laugh.

there is really no formula, at least to me. there is no secret or pattern, things happen in anime and I laugh.

and I found ironic that you hate when characters just scream for fun, but konosoba is funny to you, and that you like shimoneta and complains about joke depth when shimoneta jokes are purely sexual insunations. and don't get me wrong, I like konosuba and shimoneta. I'm a hardcore comedy fan.

I actually shouldn't have listed Shimoneta. It's been a long time since I last watched it, so my tastes may have changed.
Konosuba? That's easy. Because the jokes in Konosuba have more weight to it than bananas and a guy accidentally seeing a girl naked. Konosuba is MEAN as FUCK; and in my opinion, a good joke has to have a certain level of mean-spiritedness that most comedy anime I've seen don't have. At the same time though, the cast in Konosuba, yes they scream, but they scream over things that are WORTH screaming; like how Kazuma screams in his head how hopeless Darkness is after she states that her ideal man is an abusive one.

romagia said:
because like half the database is tagged commedy, i suggest some comedy classics like FMAB, Clannad: After Story, Cowboy Bebop, Tatami Galaxy and the Haruhi movie

Yeah, that's my problem: FMAB and Clannad After Story I don't consider to be comedies. It's been a long time since I watched After Story, but I never found it funny. FMAB's humour made me cringe every time it happened on screen, as it did for, from what I can gather, most who watched FMAB.
Cowboy Bebop and the Haruhi movie I'm not interested in. Tatami Galaxy, I plan to watch.
Maybe you could describe HOW these anime handle their humour? Or hell, just put some clips.

[quote=S0ARIN message=55524992]
HopefulNihilist said:
S0ARIN said:
This is a massively generalised and sweeping view of a very diverse medium. What constitutes "humorous" is pretty subjective and personal to you. I don't see how any discussion from your fellow weebs will change this aspect of your personality.

Is comedy anime really diverse? Can you name some that are NOTHING like the comedy anime I listed?
Because I've watched a good chunk of them, and the structure of the jokes, the flow, everything, isn't actually that different from each other.

S0ARIN said:
You may have watched it, not understood it and just failed to appreciate it.

Maybe you could look through my completed anime list, and list anime from there?

S0ARIN said:
For instance Kill La Kill and the clever use of puns by Mako in her speeches, I had to read up on it. The following article barely scratches the surface:

Mako as a whole was just an excellent plot mechanic for delivering humour at times that you did not expect it.

Unfortunately, because I'm not a Japanese speaker, I can't appreciate that. Though, I will read the article later. Besides that, I never found Mako funny, but she didn't make me cringe either.
removed-userAug 23, 2018 5:11 PM
Aug 23, 2018 5:06 PM

Sep 2017
HopefulNihilist said:
S0ARIN said:
This is a massively generalised and sweeping view of a very diverse medium. What constitutes "humorous" is pretty subjective and personal to you. I don't see how any discussion from your fellow weebs will change this aspect of your personality.

Is comedy anime really diverse? Can you name some that are NOTHING like the comedy anime I listed?
Because I've watched a good chunk of them, and the structure of the jokes, the flow, everything, isn't actually that different from each other.

You may have watched it, not understood it and just failed to appreciate it. For instance Kill La Kill and the clever use of puns by Mako in her speeches, I had to read up on it. The following article barely scratches the surface:

Mako as a whole was just an excellent plot mechanic for delivering humour at times that you did not expect it.
Aug 23, 2018 5:10 PM

Sep 2013
HopefulNihilist said:

Konosuba? That's easy. Because the jokes in Konosuba have more weight to it than bananas and a guy accidentally seeing a girl naked. Konosuba is MEAN as FUCK; and in my opinion, a good joke has to have a certain level of mean-spiritedness that most comedy anime I've seen don't have. At the same time though, the cast in Konosuba, yes they scream, but they scream over things that are WORTH screaming; like how Kazuma screams in his head how hopeless Darkness is after she states that her ideal man is an abusive one.

I didn't point that konosuba doesn't have buildup/comedy context, but only that they do scream a lot in the anime, specially kazuma and aqua.

Also, I merely did some look over, and I understand why, since you made this thread, but try looking out for more comedy animes.

just a few pointers that I do agree on you
- a lot of jokes lacks depth
- there are a lot of screams in animes
- there are a lot of repetitive jokes as well
Aug 23, 2018 5:12 PM
Jul 2018
blumenbalt said:
HopefulNihilist said:

Konosuba? That's easy. Because the jokes in Konosuba have more weight to it than bananas and a guy accidentally seeing a girl naked. Konosuba is MEAN as FUCK; and in my opinion, a good joke has to have a certain level of mean-spiritedness that most comedy anime I've seen don't have. At the same time though, the cast in Konosuba, yes they scream, but they scream over things that are WORTH screaming; like how Kazuma screams in his head how hopeless Darkness is after she states that her ideal man is an abusive one.

I didn't point that konosuba doesn't have buildup/comedy context, but only that they do scream a lot in the anime, specially kazuma and aqua.

Also, I merely did some look over, and I understand why, since you made this thread, but try looking out for more comedy animes.

just a few pointers that I do agree on you
- a lot of jokes lacks depth
- there are a lot of screams in animes
- there are a lot of repetitive jokes as well

Well then, what comedy anime SHOULD I look for? People have recommended me Cowboy Bepop, Tatami Galaxy, the Haruhi movie, but between those 3, I'm only interested in Tatami Galaxy. Not only that, but I'm trying to reduce the my plan to watch list as much as possible.
Aug 23, 2018 5:16 PM

Dec 2016
Comedy is extremely subjective, there's really no recipe or formula here to make a "comedy done right".... some types of comedy/jokes will work for some, other types/jokes will work for others...

For example some people found Konosuba hilarious, to me it was absolutely dreadful, with probably the most obnoxious cast I've ever witnessed, and the only reason behind this difference is because well...every human being is different, is just as simple as that.
Aug 23, 2018 5:22 PM

Mar 2017
_Ako_ said:
>from critical standpoint

you lost me there? The only example I can really give would be Chio-chan Tsuugakuro that goes beyond just being funny. In times, it delves to the metaphysical of the human mind; primarily by our lust and our moral obligations to prefer Highschooler ass. It does generally appeal what the consensus from reality's perspective; in which the portrayal of certain exaggerated jokes are on par on the daily basis that everyone whose a lowlife fujoshi weeb will know.

In short, Chio-chan Tsuugakuro isn't just about what the MC sees on her daily basis going to school; it can also be interpreted as what we, as the scum of the Earth had once seen in our life. Yes, including wanting to of course, touch a HS'ers ass in a train packed with other people. Of course.

Is this a pasta? It looks like a pasta.
You gave up your freedom of speech when you clicked Agree to the User Agreement
This is not a public platform.
Aug 23, 2018 5:26 PM

Oct 2013
I'll be the first to admit I can find the stupidest of things funny,but I have to agree.
I can't find most comedy anime funny just like I don't consider horror anime to be scary.
Aug 23, 2018 5:26 PM

Oct 2013
I'll be the first to admit I can find the stupidest of things funny,but I have to agree.
I can't find most comedy anime funny just like I don't consider horror anime to be scary.
Aug 23, 2018 5:26 PM

Feb 2018
one man pucnh is hilarious for me
i think its the best show for comedy

kono suba was eh.......
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 23, 2018 5:30 PM

Jun 2012
Arkab said:
Comedy is extremely subjective, there's really no recipe or formula here to make a "comedy done right".... some types of comedy/jokes will work for some, other types/jokes will work for others...

For example some people found Konosuba hilarious, to me it was absolutely dreadful, with probably the most obnoxious cast I've ever witnessed, and the only reason behind this difference is because well...every human being is different, is just as simple as that.
but That sounds really complicated.

Eanki said:
_Ako_ said:
>from critical standpoint

you lost me there? The only example I can really give would be Chio-chan Tsuugakuro that goes beyond just being funny. In times, it delves to the metaphysical of the human mind; primarily by our lust and our moral obligations to prefer Highschooler ass. It does generally appeal what the consensus from reality's perspective; in which the portrayal of certain exaggerated jokes are on par on the daily basis that everyone whose a lowlife fujoshi weeb will know.

In short, Chio-chan Tsuugakuro isn't just about what the MC sees on her daily basis going to school; it can also be interpreted as what we, as the scum of the Earth had once seen in our life. Yes, including wanting to of course, touch a HS'ers ass in a train packed with other people. Of course.

Is this a pasta? It looks like a pasta.
Names could have been swapped from Prison School.
OchimushaAug 23, 2018 5:33 PM
Aug 23, 2018 5:32 PM

Sep 2013
HopefulNihilist said:

Well then, what comedy anime SHOULD I look for? People have recommended me Cowboy Bepop, Tatami Galaxy, the Haruhi movie, but between those 3, I'm only interested in Tatami Galaxy. Not only that, but I'm trying to reduce the my plan to watch list as much as possible.

you see, that's why it is really subjective. I've watched some episodes of cowboy bepop, and I didn't list it, but I didn't find it funny at all, but take a look anyways I guess. Same with the haruhi movie.

All I can do is recommend my favorite comedy ones and hope that'll entertain you, some I find really good are: binbougami ga, detroit metal city, nichijou, danshi koukousei no nichijou, hinamatsuri, haganai, hataraku maou sama.

now, I do warn you, there are jokes without depths in these anime, there are screams and there are repetitive jokes as well, but then again, find something funny is purely subjetive..
Aug 23, 2018 5:32 PM

Feb 2015
Eanki said:
_Ako_ said:
>from critical standpoint

you lost me there? The only example I can really give would be Chio-chan Tsuugakuro that goes beyond just being funny. In times, it delves to the metaphysical of the human mind; primarily by our lust and our moral obligations to prefer Highschooler ass. It does generally appeal what the consensus from reality's perspective; in which the portrayal of certain exaggerated jokes are on par on the daily basis that everyone whose a lowlife fujoshi weeb will know.

In short, Chio-chan Tsuugakuro isn't just about what the MC sees on her daily basis going to school; it can also be interpreted as what we, as the scum of the Earth had once seen in our life. Yes, including wanting to of course, touch a HS'ers ass in a train packed with other people. Of course.

Is this a pasta? It looks like a pasta.

I've never really went to Reddit nor 4chan
Aug 23, 2018 5:43 PM

May 2015
There is a thing called sense of humour and it can differ from person to person, so if the show is aligned with your sense of humour, it's great. If not, then the show is shit, obviously, well, you can't really do anything about it.
Aug 23, 2018 5:46 PM

Jan 2018
Deknijff said:
I just find it funny
still laugh at this after all these years

Lmao this is justified considering how dense he can be.
Aug 23, 2018 5:47 PM
Jul 2015
It depends on which way the humor is inserted, For example Gintama used that practice a lot that in an episode convert the characters into... Hairdressers to be able to make all the jokes of hairdressers that emerge from the writers.
The sense of the comedy of Seitokai Yakuindomo is good from a critical point of view, his comedy is more based on the wit of the jokes and the way the characters show their sense of humor, is not from another world, but neither, nothing forced or ridiculous like Nichijou.

Although knowing that comedy is humor, nothing I can write matters.
Aug 23, 2018 6:00 PM

Sep 2012
I think anime is at its funniest when they nail the reaction faces, has over the top and wacky situations and is creative when doing a subversion.

Asobi asobi is a show that I find pretty funny!
Aug 23, 2018 6:28 PM

Oct 2010
You are beating your own dead horse here, but well, let's give it a chance.

HopefulNihilist said:
1) I've noticed that comedy anime lack buildup: as in, there'll just be the punchline, but no sense of irony or anticipation to the joke.

A lot of anime comedy is based on the reaction to sudden events or information found by the characters. It makes sense that there's no buildup if the joke emphasizes the surprise.

Other than that, I have seen anime that effectively build up, and I have seen comedy anime that lack a punchline. All of them can be great.

HopefulNihilist said:
2) The jokes themselves lack WEIGHT; the basis of the joke tends to be incredibly trivial. For example, in Aho Girl, one of the jokes is that the main girl is obsessed with...bananas. Fucking bananas. Anyone can write this shit!

The basis of a joke being trivial means nothing to the final result of the joke. You can laugh at the most utterly stupid things if the show knows how to apply the right tone, which depends on many factors. You probably didn't find any of your interest in Aho Girl. I don't know, I didn't watch that.

HopefulNihilist said:
3) Characters CONSTANTLY scream, and usually over the stupidest things.

Being very expressive and theatrical seems a very Japanese thing I think. But you are generalizing. On the other hand, animation is a medium that allows being explosive and over-the-top so it's only natural that comedy takes advantage of this. Think of how wacky the slapstick of the Looney Tunes or Tom & Jerry is compared to the slapstick in Keaton or Chaplin movies.

HopefulNihilist said:
4) The basis of the joke of a lot of Japanese comedy is one character does something stupid, and then another character points out them being stupid...what part of this formula is CLEVER? What part of this formula requires THINKING?

That's related to point three. And you don't have to find this clever. It is culturally ingrained in Japan and anime only reproduces it as part of this cultural context.

"What part of this formula requires THINKING?" - What part of your proposed alternative formulas require thinking? None as a basis. Boke-tsukkomi is a style, it can be done better or worse. You are stuck to talking about the formulas when the formulas alone are not what makes you laugh.

Really, you've made this thread a number of times and it seems you are trying to find some sort of validation or justification to your feelings about anime comedy that goes beyond the basic "I don't find this funny". You are asking the wrong questions and to the wrong people. This is something you have to analyze and decide by yourself. It's not like somebody else explaining a joke will make you laugh harder.

Of course, I may be misinterpreting you but since you insist so much on this, and the way you word it, it gives me this vibe. Sorry in advance if that's the case.
jal90Aug 23, 2018 6:44 PM
Aug 23, 2018 8:44 PM
Jul 2018
jal90 said:

A lot of anime comedy is based on the reaction to sudden events or information found by the characters. It makes sense that there's no buildup if the joke emphasizes the surprise.

That makes sense...but why not make the joke the surprise AND have buildup? A lot of the best comedies I've seen do both.

jal90 said:
Other than that, I have seen anime that effectively build up, and I have seen comedy anime that lack a punchline. All of them can be great.

Well, why not name examples?

jal90 said:

The basis of a joke being trivial means nothing to the final result of the joke. You can laugh at the most utterly stupid things if the show knows how to apply the right tone, which depends on many factors. You probably didn't find any of your interest in Aho Girl. I don't know, I didn't watch that.

But the basis of the joke makes up the joke. The reason why so many of us laugh at Aqua in Konosuba, is because she's a crying, selfish, bitch. You take away that basis, and you're left with nothing. If all it takes is to apply the right tone, then that makes the joke well-done by [i]default[/b].

jal90 said:

Being very expressive and theatrical seems a very Japanese thing I think. But you are generalizing.

How am I generalizing? Why do MAL users love to make a claim, without backing it up, and then when confronted by their lack of support, they run away by not replying?

jal90 said:
On the other hand, animation is a medium that allows being explosive and over-the-top so it's only natural that comedy takes advantage of this.

Of course, I know this, and wasn't trying to imply that anime should [i]not[/b] be over the top.

jal90 said:
Think of how wacky the slapstick of the Looney Tunes or Tom & Jerry is compared to the slapstick in Keaton or Chaplin movies.

The difference between iTom & Jerry and something like Aho Girl, is the [i]reason[/b] why the characters are screaming:
In Tom and Jerry, characters will scream after a brick falls on their foot.
In Aho Girl, a character will scream because the main girl is [i]stupid[/b].
Basically, one show provides good justification for why the characters are screaming, while the other one doesn't.
Imagine someone next to you just starts screeching at the top of their lungs for almost no reason. Wouldn't that be annoying?

jal90 said:
And you don't have to find this clever. It is culturally ingrained in Japan and anime only reproduces it as part of this cultural context.

I know that, I literally addressed that the humour in anime is cultural. But that doesn't matter at all; being cultural does not grant you a free ticket from criticism.

jal90 said:
What part of your proposed alternative formulas require thinking? None as a basis.

I haven't suggested any formulas in my original post.

jal90 said:
Boke-tsukkomi is a style, it can be done better or worse.

Well, I haven't seen the style done well. At all.

jal90 said:
You are stuck to talking about the formulas when the formulas alone are not what makes you laugh.

Then let me ask:
What is an example of the Boke-tsukkomi style being done [i]well[/b]?

jal90 said:
Really, you've made this thread a number of times

Once again, a mal user is throwing a claim, without supporting it. I'm going to add this to my list of problems with mal users: just like the case with anime youtubers, they love masterbating to their own intelligence.

jal90 said:
and it seems you are trying to find some sort of validation or justification to your feelings about anime comedy that goes beyond the basic "I don't find this funny".

I haven't been trying to find this justification, I've already [i]found[/b] it a long time ago.
Why is it that whenever somebody criticizes comedy, they are immediately attacked with the, "your taste just doesn't suit it" argument, but the same argument doesn't apply to when the individual criticizes other genres like drama?
Whether the individual finds a joke funny or not does not prevent them from criticizing the joke. I find Konosuba fucking hilarious, but that show is about as smart as something a 10 year old would write, and I could and maybe even will, write a blog criticizing Konosuba's comedy.

jal90 said:
You are asking the wrong questions and to the wrong people. This is something you have to analyze and decide by yourself. It's not like somebody else explaining a joke will make you laugh harder.

Sighs. You know what pisses me off about mal users? What makes me want to start banging my head against the wall like a fucking cartoon character?
You people always misinterpret my intentions.
The title of the cock-sucking thread is:
"Why do you find comedy anime funny?"
But no, because you...people (I'm fucking choking on my food from applying that word here) are so fixated on picking apart other users logic, to a point where it borders on obsession, you start misinterpreting.
Why in the name of God's ass does this shit never happen in real fucking life?

Seriously, you mal users just fucking looooooooooovvvvee taking advantage of my short temper, and you love, you absolutely fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, motherfucking love, the fact that I can't bombard you with insults that would make you smash your laptops, on the floor.
Aug 24, 2018 3:25 AM

Oct 2010
HopefulNihilist said:
jal90 said:

A lot of anime comedy is based on the reaction to sudden events or information found by the characters. It makes sense that there's no buildup if the joke emphasizes the surprise.

That makes sense...but why not make the joke the surprise AND have buildup? A lot of the best comedies I've seen do both.

Of course. That's another tactic.

But you are a bit too obsessed with the buildup. The buildup is not everything that makes a joke good, not by itself.

HopefulNihilist said:
jal90 said:
Other than that, I have seen anime that effectively build up, and I have seen comedy anime that lack a punchline. All of them can be great.

Well, why not name examples?

Yeah, why not?

Nichijou is an example of a series that builds up its jokes a lot. It will often start with something mundane and will escalate its absurd to reach a point of total absurdity. And it plays a lot with anticipation as well.

Azumanga Daioh is another example of buildup with different tactics. The trick here is slowing down the dialogue and letting the audience breath before some other character gives the answer. It's a comedy that plays a lot through its timing.

Those would be two examples of anime that do effectively build up, but there are many and perhaps the wrongest assumption would be to think that all the comedy of a show can be adscribed to a single style or format. That won't happen frequently. What I mean is that you are going to find jokes that build up, jokes that not and etc., in the same show.

As for comedy that lacks a punchline, that's something that makes sense for instance if the comedy is of the observational type: characters acting in funny in-character ways and the show paying the same attention to it as it does to any other element of its narrative. Yuru Camp is an example of a series that does it a lot.

HopefulNihilist said:
jal90 said:

The basis of a joke being trivial means nothing to the final result of the joke. You can laugh at the most utterly stupid things if the show knows how to apply the right tone, which depends on many factors. You probably didn't find any of your interest in Aho Girl. I don't know, I didn't watch that.

But the basis of the joke makes up the joke. The reason why so many of us laugh at Aqua in Konosuba, is because she's a crying, selfish, bitch. You take away that basis, and you're left with nothing. If all it takes is to apply the right tone, then that makes the joke well-done by [i]default[/b].

I don't think so. We wouldn't laugh at Aqua in Konosuba if the way the show portrays her as a crying, selfish, bitch, wasn't backed by an effective execution or if it didn't carefully construct the situations. We would end up with a character who is potentially funny but the comedic moments wouldn't land. Kind of like being told a joke by somebody who is bad at telling jokes. No matter if the basis is insanely good, it requires some skills to be effectively conveyed. In the case of anime you have a number of elements (timing, voice acting, accompanying visuals, pre-established atmosphere and tone, music even) that influence in the final result.

And you are undervaluing a lot the idea of applying the right tone. If it was that easy, every joke would land. Your "then that makes the joke well-done by default" is talking more about you and your fixation with the premise than me. You are the one saying that a joke is funny if the basis is.

HopefulNihilist said:
jal90 said:

Being very expressive and theatrical seems a very Japanese thing I think. But you are generalizing.

How am I generalizing? Why do MAL users love to make a claim, without backing it up, and then when confronted by their lack of support, they run away by not replying?

You are generalizing because you are talking about the comedy of an entire medium with multiple styles and methods and trying to find an all-encompassing element to them, when often that's not even the case of the same show. For an easy example: a lot of shows have both tsundere and kuudere characters, and the way comedy works around either of these archetypes can't be more different.

And well, here we go.

HopefulNihilist said:
jal90 said:
On the other hand, animation is a medium that allows being explosive and over-the-top so it's only natural that comedy takes advantage of this.

Of course, I know this, and wasn't trying to imply that anime should [i]not[/b] be over the top.

Fair point then.

HopefulNihilist said:
jal90 said:
Think of how wacky the slapstick of the Looney Tunes or Tom & Jerry is compared to the slapstick in Keaton or Chaplin movies.

The difference between iTom & Jerry and something like Aho Girl, is the [i]reason[/b] why the characters are screaming:
In Tom and Jerry, characters will scream after a brick falls on their foot.
In Aho Girl, a character will scream because the main girl is [i]stupid[/b].
Basically, one show provides good justification for why the characters are screaming, while the other one doesn't.
Imagine someone next to you just starts screeching at the top of their lungs for almost no reason. Wouldn't that be annoying?

I said that I don't watch and haven't watched Aho Girl but even then, I can find a few reasons why the main girl being stupid can be considered funny:

-Her stupidity makes her socially incompetent, leading to situations that are uncomfortable to anybody around.
-She makes random non sequitur stuff, therefore hitting the notes of unexpected comedy.
-This character trait subverts expectations, because the audience expects female characters in anime to act in a completely different way.

I don't know if the series makes use of either of these, but even with the example you provided in your original post, being stupid wasn't the end of the joke. The end of the joke was something she did because of how stupid she was.

HopefulNihilist said:
jal90 said:
And you don't have to find this clever. It is culturally ingrained in Japan and anime only reproduces it as part of this cultural context.

I know that, I literally addressed that the humour in anime is cultural. But that doesn't matter at all; being cultural does not grant you a free ticket from criticism.

It does to an extent, actually. At least it should make you consider your own position towards that culture, and realize that there's an obvious clash that is not the fault of either and it can't be solved easily.

HopefulNihilist said:
jal90 said:
What part of your proposed alternative formulas require thinking? None as a basis.

I haven't suggested any formulas in my original post.

You talked about them later, specifically about the formula Konosuba uses.

HopefulNihilist said:
jal90 said:
Boke-tsukkomi is a style, it can be done better or worse.

Well, I haven't seen the style done well. At all.

I can't give you examples and expect you to like them. What I prefer you to do is to notice the difference. How for instance Gintama makes the tsukkomi part so prevalent that often the entirety of the joke is about how over-the-top the reaction to the boke can become, which makes it different to the more traditional boke-tsukkomi routines of something like One Piece.

HopefulNihilist said:
jal90 said:
You are stuck to talking about the formulas when the formulas alone are not what makes you laugh.

Then let me ask:
What is an example of the Boke-tsukkomi style being done [i]well[/b]?

I don't dislike boke-tsukkomi, neither as a basis nor in execution in many cases. My answer may not be useful to you. But I've laughed a lot at this with Gintama, for instance.

HopefulNihilist said:
jal90 said:
Really, you've made this thread a number of times

Once again, a mal user is throwing a claim, without supporting it. I'm going to add this to my list of problems with mal users: just like the case with anime youtubers, they love masterbating to their own intelligence.

Oh please, shut the fuck up. When you begin with your random stuff about MAL users and how awful they are you are insufferable.

HopefulNihilist said:
jal90 said:
and it seems you are trying to find some sort of validation or justification to your feelings about anime comedy that goes beyond the basic "I don't find this funny".

I haven't been trying to find this justification, I've already [i]found[/b] it a long time ago.
Why is it that whenever somebody criticizes comedy, they are immediately attacked with the, "your taste just doesn't suit it" argument, but the same argument doesn't apply to when the individual criticizes other genres like drama?

There is a common idea about comedy being the most subjective genre. It's unsubstantiated, but perhaps the problem is that it's more difficult to trace and explain why it's funny.

Is it funny because it subverts expectations? Well, simply subverting something does not make me laugh.

Is it funny because it's nasty and cruel? Some cruel jokes land, some make me indifferent, some make me feel uncomfortable.

Is it funny because of the timing? Try to explain how does this mechanism apply in a detailed way.

The issue, maybe, is that with drama we can appeal to clearer factors than comedy when it comes to explaining why it works. We can relate it to real life drama, for instance, and explain why this affects us. How do we do this with comedy, which will often stem from exaggerating reality or seeing it in a completely different light?

HopefulNihilist said:
Whether the individual finds a joke funny or not does not prevent them from criticizing the joke. I find Konosuba fucking hilarious, but that show is about as smart as something a 10 year old would write, and I could and maybe even will, write a blog criticizing Konosuba's comedy.

I'm surprised at your assumption that good comedy is something that a 10 year old would write. Well, not so much, because it explains this thread.

A 10 year old would not even know how to use the surrounding aspects of the anime to make the joke land like Konosuba does.

HopefulNihilist said:
jal90 said:
You are asking the wrong questions and to the wrong people. This is something you have to analyze and decide by yourself. It's not like somebody else explaining a joke will make you laugh harder.

Sighs. You know what pisses me off about mal users? What makes me want to start banging my head against the wall like a fucking cartoon character?
You people always misinterpret my intentions.
The title of the cock-sucking thread is:
"Why do you find comedy anime funny?"
But no, because you...people (I'm fucking choking on my food from applying that word here) are so fixated on picking apart other users logic, to a point where it borders on obsession, you start misinterpreting.
Why in the name of God's ass does this shit never happen in real fucking life?

Seriously, you mal users just fucking looooooooooovvvvee taking advantage of my short temper, and you love, you absolutely fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, motherfucking love, the fact that I can't bombard you with insults that would make you smash your laptops, on the floor.


Again, just shut the fuck up. No wonder why people dislike you, you are always the same self-absorbed prick who can't engage in a cordial conversation without indulging in your victimist crap, like I care about you enough to antagonize you on purpose.

"The fact that I can't bombard you with insults" - says after bombarding with insults.

Do me a favor and next time you have one of these rage attacks choose the closest wall in your room and smash your head against it.
jal90Aug 24, 2018 3:42 AM
Aug 24, 2018 3:39 AM

Aug 2015
Humor is not something you can logically explain. You are laughing or not and that's all.
Aug 24, 2018 3:40 AM

Sep 2015
HopefulNihilist said:
Seriously, you mal users just fucking looooooooooovvvvee taking advantage of my short temper, and you love, you absolutely fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, motherfucking love, the fact that I can't bombard you with insults that would make you smash your laptops, on the floor.

Here's another one for the "laughably edgy things Nihil has said" scrapbook >_>

It's kind of sad, in a way, because when I watched your threads up until this one jal seemed to be pretty patient with you and lasted longer than most people who try to engage in some kind of discussion with you do. Continue blaming everybody else and treating it like MAL is at fault and that people are out to get you whenever the real reason people come down on you so hard is because you have an absolutely god-awful attitude and aren't capable of articulating at least a semi-decent argument.

Bah. And you have made this thread so many times it makes me want to puke, as an aside. There's not even a point in trying to explain anything to you because this is pretty much how it'd invariably go down for anybody who attempts to offer any kind of perspective or opinion of you that falls outside of a pre-established narrative or idea you've shoddily built up and will desperately cling onto through some means of whiny, childish self-victimization mixed with some awkward and uncomfortable flexing about your totally-not-bullshit Dr. Doofenschmirtz-tier tragic life backstory and/or some (admittedly unintentionally humorous) lipservice about how incredibly tough and mean you could be if you wanted to.
ManabanAug 24, 2018 3:52 AM

Aug 24, 2018 3:43 AM
Jul 2018
OP watch Mitsudomoe, easily the greatest comedy anime out there. Or idk, Cromartie High? You sound like you've only seen shitty comedies.
Aug 24, 2018 3:55 AM

May 2013
HopefulNihilist said:

Seriously, you mal users just fucking looooooooooovvvvee taking advantage of my short temper, and you love, you absolutely fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, motherfucking love, the fact that I can't bombard you with insults that would make you smash your laptops, on the floor.

Calm the fuck down...jeez. You make it sound as if you are a pubescent kid playing CoD instead of a 19 year old. Take it easy man.

To start out, I don't find comedy anime to be funny every time. Humour is subjective as much as the next person's appreciation for draft beer. This isn't even a cop out. You just need to look for the stuff that entertains you. If you can find something fun, stick to it.

Agreed, the buildup is a hit or miss and the punchline feels disjointed. However, there are anime like Irresponsible Captain Tylor whose comedy routine lies on zero punchlines but on the premise that the events make it seem as if the main character is an absolute genious or an absolute idiot (or perhaps this is the only punchline in the anime).

There is anime such as Plastic Neesan whose humour relies on sheer unpredictability, forget any punchlines.

A lot of Japanese humor is that way, like it or not. Quite often many self-proclaimed comedy anime will be parodies of existing stuff (anime such as Akiba's Trip, in recent times). People like to point at retarded stuff and laugh their ass off. Childish? Perhaps. Do you enjoy childish stuff? No? Well that is the point.

You are better off looking at videos of stage comedians if you want your fix. Can guarantee you that not every joke of Bill Burr hits the mark (yes I follow him too).

Roast humor is in the same manner. People seem to love it. It is mean spirited as hell but does it require a lot of thinking other than simply butchering the status of the person? Do you find it funny? Yes? That is yet again the point.
KreatorXAug 24, 2018 4:01 AM
Truly a Divine Comedy
Aug 24, 2018 4:04 AM
Sep 2017
Deknijff said:
I just find it funny
still laugh at this after all these years

A man needs a source.

(No MAL, I have nothing more to say)
“There is an art, it says, or rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground ... and miss."
Aug 24, 2018 4:07 AM

Feb 2017
HopefulNihilist said:

Well then, what comedy anime SHOULD I look for? People have recommended me Cowboy Bepop, Tatami Galaxy, the Haruhi movie, but between those 3, I'm only interested in Tatami Galaxy. Not only that, but I'm trying to reduce the my plan to watch list as much as possible.

I'm pretty sure the guy who recommended those "comedy" to you was making a joke and a point that the comedy tag is overused on MAL to the point of where it's basically meaningless and where many shows get the tag for containing any comedy at all. Of those three I've only seen Cowboy bebop and like FMAB it does contain comedy (probably more than FMAB) you definitly wouldn't call it it's principal or secondary genre. So yeah I don't think any of those are really comedies.
Aug 24, 2018 4:10 AM

Oct 2010
Knightmare_YK said:
Deknijff said:
I just find it funny
still laugh at this after all these years

A man needs a source.

(No MAL, I have nothing more to say)

That's Hayate no gotoku, if I'm not mistaken.
Aug 24, 2018 4:25 AM

Jan 2016
Comedy is one genre that is so hard to actually look at a critical standpoint. If you're gonna try and actually delve deep into what makes something funny then more often than not, it ceases to be. What makes something funny is deeply rooted in an individual's values anyways like I kinda don't find a feminist's humor funny because it kind of clashes with my set of values. This is the reason why some people dont find self deprecating jokes funny too. As for anime comedy this still applies but with the added caveat of cultural differences. You mentioned people shouting and that's just part of the tsukkomi-boke style that theJapanese people are more likely to find funny. Of course Westerners would have a hard time finding it funny unless you're just so used to it by now.
Aug 24, 2018 4:35 AM

Aug 2018
HopefulNihilist said:
changelog_ said:
I think that the whole point of a comedy anime is to make the viewer laugh through the utter nonsense of the situation. If something were to be 'built up' and a joke was just then made of it, I think it would feel forced.

I don't understand. Because I find that when the joke is always so SUDDEN it feels more forced.

changelog_ said:
Comedy centers around the idea that you don't expect the joke and you can never predict what the joke will be (in most cases).

Okay, I understand the appeal in that...but at the same time, that's what a lot of American humour does too: make the audience laugh from the unexpected. Like for example, this skit from Bill Burr:
All the jokes connect to each other, they build off of each other, yet EVERY joke is so unexpected, that I laughed my ass off.

changelog_ said:
Sometimes, of course, jokes can be played around with. They can be funny because the viewer knows what will happen etc...

I admit, I do find a lot of jokes to be funny even when I see them coming. We all know how much Aqua from Konosuba's gonna whine when shit hits the fan, but a majority of us all still laugh.
But what I don't understand is how someone can find a comedy funny when a MAJORITY of the jokes are predictable.

changelog_ said:
But that does not mean it was predictable through the building of plot.

I'm confused here. Could you please clarify?

Reina_Orikasa said:
You can't really define "good" comedy because not everyone thinks the same when watching such show.

I find this opinion to be a cop-out. Because there are certain standards when it comes to what makes a good drama, action, fantasy, supernatural anime. Why aren't there any standards for comedy anime?

Reina_Orikasa said:
Comedy is best when you didn't see it coming, and some people may see it coming a mile away, while others may have not.

A lot of comedy anime: Konosuba, Aho Girl, rely on predictable pre-established character behaviors. For example, in Konosuba, a lot of Megumin's jokes revolve around her eccentricity around explosions.

Deknijff said:
I just find it funny
still laugh at this after all these years

Okay now that that I think is hilarious; because the joke has WEIGHT to it; it's mean as fuck, and the basis of the joke is Santa Claus, not something retarded like Bananas.
HopefulNihilist said:
changelog_ said:
I think that the whole point of a comedy anime is to make the viewer laugh through the utter nonsense of the situation. If something were to be 'built up' and a joke was just then made of it, I think it would feel forced.

I don't understand. Because I find that when the joke is always so SUDDEN it feels more forced.

changelog_ said:
Comedy centers around the idea that you don't expect the joke and you can never predict what the joke will be (in most cases).

Okay, I understand the appeal in that...but at the same time, that's what a lot of American humour does too: make the audience laugh from the unexpected. Like for example, this skit from Bill Burr:
All the jokes connect to each other, they build off of each other, yet EVERY joke is so unexpected, that I laughed my ass off.

changelog_ said:
Sometimes, of course, jokes can be played around with. They can be funny because the viewer knows what will happen etc...

I admit, I do find a lot of jokes to be funny even when I see them coming. We all know how much Aqua from Konosuba's gonna whine when shit hits the fan, but a majority of us all still laugh.
But what I don't understand is how someone can find a comedy funny when a MAJORITY of the jokes are predictable.

changelog_ said:
But that does not mean it was predictable through the building of plot.

I'm confused here. Could you please clarify?

Reina_Orikasa said:
You can't really define "good" comedy because not everyone thinks the same when watching such show.

I find this opinion to be a cop-out. Because there are certain standards when it comes to what makes a good drama, action, fantasy, supernatural anime. Why aren't there any standards for comedy anime?

Reina_Orikasa said:
Comedy is best when you didn't see it coming, and some people may see it coming a mile away, while others may have not.

A lot of comedy anime: Konosuba, Aho Girl, rely on predictable pre-established character behaviors. For example, in Konosuba, a lot of Megumin's jokes revolve around her eccentricity around explosions.

Deknijff said:
I just find it funny
still laugh at this after all these years

Okay now that that I think is hilarious; because the joke has WEIGHT to it; it's mean as fuck, and the basis of the joke is Santa Claus, not something retarded like Bananas.
hey what is that santa anime name? Jajajajajajajaja
Aug 24, 2018 4:51 AM
Jul 2018
most comedy anime i don't find funny
idk there are always exceptions
Aug 24, 2018 4:53 AM

Mar 2018
"Oh look, it's HopefulNihilist, trying to stir up shit again, hahahahaha!!!"
"How low can this guy get?"
"Why hasn't he been banned from MAL yet?"
Aug 24, 2018 5:09 AM

Jan 2017
In comedy (whether its an anime or any other tv show) the only thing that interests me is slapstic comedy. And i'm not talking bout Tsundere beating beta cuck. Thats total bullshit and i dont like it. The one which doesnt know any gender bounds, thats what i call a real slapstic comedy.

Not a fan of dark humour though. When someone cracks a joke, i'm always like "Wow, so cool" but it doesnt make me laugh that much.

Yeah, u got it right, i'm a simple man :-P
Aug 24, 2018 5:35 AM

May 2014
I was going to reply, but @jal90 said everything I wanted to say, so kudos to you.
Aug 24, 2018 5:38 AM

May 2012
Grand Blue = generic & boring. Noting funny about it. Even the average echii can be more fun that this trash

I watched Borat more than one time and yet even to this date it can me laugh sometimes even after watching the same scene many times. THat how you make a good comedy.
Aug 24, 2018 5:44 AM

Mar 2015
>from critical stand point

here we go meme-ing again... those "objectivity" obsessed people really annoying huh... at least "subjectivity" obsessed people is silent until they get poked on...

it's about general consensus of bunch of individual understanding of what the story telling poking fun of where they style of punchline is created to fit with the individual audience with expected comedy experience then suspension of disbelieve come in hand with moral and society/cultural norm as consideration which later mixed with personal preference...

if you forcing the joke to fit with your arbitrary "better" value, or need to explained for it, than the joke obviously not targeted towards you... move on and change to something that more suitable to your taste... no one forced you to watch it...
KumaAug 24, 2018 5:50 AM
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
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