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Nov 1, 2017 5:03 AM

Aug 2017
Some of you may already be aware of who I am. I stayed up for almost 24 hours yesterday and when I got home from the mall I played NBA2k11 and went straight to sleep after to answer why some may haven't seen me respond to the "Other" forum.
I want to make people aware that this isn't really what you expect. My opinions from my perception feels like it's in the minority than anything else.

Some Anime Fans Are Hypocritical, Pretentious, Superficial, Elitists
I hope that didn't get redundant. I think when it pertains to real iife? People who are fans or like anime aren't really similar to those I encounter on the internet. Infact only anime fans in real life I see are the ones who act like Japan > Every American Media and be like "Anime > Cartoons" "Anime is flawless". Kind of weeb behavior and some of those fans who run in the hallway like Naruto. This isn't about them though. The ones on the internet piss me off. I call them hypocritical for a reason. Sword Art Online is one of the most hated shows and I also think Sword Art Online is shit However I feel those who hate Sword Art Online just hate on it just to validate that they have good taste or follow the crowd. The lies I see told about Sword Art Online piss me off and it's not fair to the anime. If you're going to dislike the show atleast be honest about it.
There are things people hated about SAO and people made it clear on how they did not prefer the writing....but you know why I mention this?
It's because people can watch Kings Avatar and Kakegurui and love it despite it having issues like SAO did. People always misunderstand why I have a problem with this thinking I have an issue with people liking it. It's not I have an issue with people liking's that I have an issue with "Certain People" liking it.

If you state you hate every kind of Vanilla then you eat some Vanilla flavor snack saying it's Perfect....I call bullshit. Now don't get me wrong..people can change their minds about things, but no one I ever see really admits that. I see people saying The perfect way to write anime, This is how Anime should be written, The rules of narrative, Insert Rules for everything, Why this show is successful and why we love it Then literally go against what they established by liking something that contradicts those set of rules or ideals.
I can respect Kakegurui, Sword Art Online and Kings Avatar Fans and People who dislike the shows, but I don't respect hypocrites. It's the lack of self-respect for your own self and the pompous, pretentious feeling of people who think they know what they're talking about, but know nothing at all. They want the industry to listen to them when they're inconsistent. It's why despite not liking SAO I dislike many who dislike SAO because they just spout bullshit about the show just to spite it.

There are people who can explain why a show is popular then act like the internet represents the entire fan-base
If you really want me to be honest with you....many people don't know many popular Anime Youtubers and many don't get on MAL. I know many Anime Fans in real life who don't get on MAL or the internet. Not all anime fans are gathered on these site and possibly not even a majority of them are even here at all. It's like when I seen Anime Youtubers Shame Fans who pirate and illegally stream anime when literally EVERY ANIME FAN YOU COME ACROSS ILLEGALLY STREAMS! I think the internet creates this bubble for them thinking the internet represents what the world thinks.
There are alot of people who love SAO then hate it, but many people on the internet will act like SAO was shattered to pieces when Season 3 will come out and take everyones attention again and people will most likely watch Season 3 because many people actually like SAO. I met many people in real life and causually at School when I used to go everyone in the class to Casual to Frequent have all seen it and many have liked it.
But on Youtube you will see the dislike for SAO to be high.
If in real life you can find more SAO Fans commonly than SAO haters (The Minority) Then what does that say?
I want people to understand this Popularity doesn't equate to a show being good
It's funny because people can say why an anime they liked was successful was because it was good...they can't explain that for an anime that they dislike which they think it was bad.
People should understand that the world does not revolve around your opinion or you at all.
There are other people who make up this world and have different beliefs, personalities and preferences from you. If you can look at it from their perspective to why they like something it can easily make you understand why they like's called Opening your Mind

This is my main problem with anime fans.
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Pages (6) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
Nov 1, 2017 5:12 AM

Oct 2015
This whole post is basically elitism and people who hate others opinion because it's different, still elitism. I've seen plenty of people hate SAO and for good reasons. Yes, the hate bandwagon is there and will always be, though I never ride on it. I see more open minded people on MAL tbh with you and if they hate something, I've seen them bringing good reasoning. The focus on your post are the bandwagons which is something I ignore since it brings the hype, and the hate.

π”šπ”žπ”«π”«π”ž 𝔱𝔬𝔲𝔠π”₯ 𝔢𝔬𝔲,
π”šπ”žπ”«π”±π”¦π”«' 𝔢𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔦𝔱π”₯ π”žπ”©π”© π”ͺ𝔢 π”ͺ𝔦𝔀π”₯𝔱

Nov 1, 2017 5:21 AM

Aug 2017
Gintokikachi said:
This whole post is basically elitism and people who hate others opinion because it's different, still elitism. I've seen plenty of people hate SAO and for good reasons. Yes, the hate bandwagon is there and will always be, though I never ride on it. I see more open minded people on MAL tbh with you and if they hate something, I've seen them bringing good reasoning. The focus on your post are the bandwagons which is something I ignore since it brings the hype, and the hate.

My post is basically elitism? What? "People who hate others opinions because it's different"
What? Since when in this post am I saying my problem is with their opinion?
The entire post is me disliking the character of certain fans.
Literally where did I say that my problem with anime fans is that they have a different opinion than me?

I said it's certain people who contradict themselves and these people you may not know because I didn't outflat state it are mostly anime Youtubers. They have huge influence and they state what you can do and can't do in an anime and this literally restricts things.
Going against what their own rules were and acting like they're smarter for watching this show.

It's like how people make it seem an OP Main-Character is bad, but then love One Punch Man.
The people who don't give a fuck or don't follow this are not really the people I have an issue with.
It's the people who say and imply this then contradict and say "OPM DOES THIS RIGHT"
Despite it contradicting your own preferences.

I literally said it in the post the lack of respect for oneself is the problem.
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Nov 1, 2017 5:22 AM

Sep 2015
It's all just a matter of the anime fandom being Balkanized to shit. Anything else is hopeless because people are so steeped in it that trying to be diplomatic and be patient with people is fucking pointless. Just hunker down on whatever side you take or whatever faction you're with and fuck everybody else. That's the only way to stay sane in this shitheap.

Nov 1, 2017 5:24 AM

Aug 2017
Manaban said:
It's all just a matter of the anime fandom being Balkanized to shit. Anything else is hopeless because people are so steeped in it that trying to be diplomatic and be patient with people is fucking pointless. Just hunker down on whatever side you take or whatever faction you're with and fuck everybody else. That's the only way to stay sane in this shitheap.

Fuck a faction. I'm only on my side. I got good friends who respect how I feel about a show and I respect theirs. Discussions are fun and literally they're comfortable if people are mature about it.
No show is objectively good. I know what I want and people know what they want.
I like watching certain reviews of people because the give me their side instead of reviews that try to suck it's own dick (Circle Jerk and Pandering).
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Nov 1, 2017 5:25 AM

Apr 2017
Every time I see a wall of text about shit, it always sounds like this

Nov 1, 2017 5:26 AM

Jan 2010
Chill dear, all you need to do is just ignore those ignorant people and enjoy your anime with fellow fans ;D

The best action to deal with the bandbagons is to just watch and ignore them, let them do their job hyping up our favorite anime!
Nov 1, 2017 5:28 AM

Mar 2014
I'm sure you're right but I'm not going to read a 1000+ word long essay in Jamaican English. TL;DR please
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Nov 1, 2017 5:29 AM

Oct 2015
I mean, that's my 2nd statement are the bandwagons that can be influenced by YouTubers. Well, I don't care, I don't watch much of those anime YouTubers likes Super Eyepatch, Digibro or anyone. And I mean, your first statement is about elitism....about fans self-imposing them as if they look an intelligent.

Well, the thing is, the things that did "right" are quite visible at times. And I think the OP main character they are even talking about are the actual bad ones like the one in Isekai smartphone. It's not that hard to see. Then again, I didn't like OPM either, so what do I know...

Edit: And what you said to Manaban, you have good friends that respect yours, I also have my friends who respects mine. Then there are the sheeps. I just ignore them, but I admit, they can be abnoxious

π”šπ”žπ”«π”«π”ž 𝔱𝔬𝔲𝔠π”₯ 𝔢𝔬𝔲,
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Nov 1, 2017 5:30 AM

Nov 2014
I didn't find SAO to be anything special, didn't particularly like or dislike it either. Never watch Quan Shi Gao Shou and don't intend to. I find Kakegurui pretty average and pretty bad actually when it came to its gambling aspects. Your point?

Not that I hate popular anime, because I love quite a few popular ones. Also on a side note, based on MAL score people actually liked SAO more than Kakegurui... so yeah.

I'm well-aware most people who watch anime like to dissociate themselves from the "anime community", heck even I do. I only know like 1 other person in my life that has a MAL account, despite knowing dozens of people who watch anime. A handful of them watched like 100+ anime too.

Who thinks what is said on anime related content is representative of every anime watchers opinion? You might want to be talking to and discussing anime with smarter people.

However while most anime watchers don't express their opinions, most do watch some anime related content unless you are referring to those people who only have watched a handful of anime. Those people who have only watched a handful of anime don't exactly "watch anime", they just watch whatever shows comes up to them and they just so happen to watch a few. I don't really consider these people anime watchers, and I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't ever once consumed anime related content outside of watching the show itself. Again, your point?

You are kinda just strawmanning and stating the obvious, then pretending you are making a point. You seriously should considering ignoring anyone who doesn't at least understand that most opinions online isn't representative of the opinion of everyone, especially because it's blatantly obvious the vast majority of people in any community are lurkers.
BurningSpiritNov 1, 2017 5:38 AM
I'm not a lolicon, you're just projecting your tendency to lewd 2D characters.

If your favourite character is Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko, you are my soul mate.

Been a long time since I've been here, I'll continue expressing myself freely and believe everyone should too.
My MAL Interview
Nov 1, 2017 5:33 AM

Aug 2015
tl;dr but from what i did see, "SAO" was being mentioned many times.

Nov 1, 2017 5:34 AM

Jul 2016
Congratualtions, from reading through your post I can safely say you have successfully completed step 1 to not being a complete retard on the internet

All of your problems apply to most other "fandoms" too, as well as fans of other kinds of media. It isn't anime fans that are retarded, it's just that most people are retarded. Now I recommend you venture out to find a group of people that isn't dumb and you converse about anime with if you haven't already and you're set.
Nov 1, 2017 5:38 AM

Aug 2017
Gintokikachi said:
I mean, that's my 2nd statement are the bandwagons that can be influenced by YouTubers. Well, I don't care, I don't watch much of those anime YouTubers likes Super Eyepatch, Digibro or anyone. And I mean, your first statement is about elitism....about fans self-imposing them as if they look an intelligent.

Well, the thing is, the things that did "right" are quite visible at times. And I think the OP main character they are even talking about are the actual bad ones like the one in Isekai smartphone. It's not that hard to see. Then again, I didn't like OPM either, so what do I know...

No. I don't think anything does anything right it's just whether or not you prefer or don't prefer it. It alienates fans who think otherwise and literally thats leads to "Elitism" literally are you seeing the point?
If the "Did Right" video was talking from a popularity standpoint and how it became successful then I wouldn't mind, but those "Did Right" feel like they're saying it's doing something completely different.
Also I checked out Anime Youtubers and I stayed away from them more and more. Now think about their influence and think how that will affect the medium in the long run?

Fairy Tail can be praised as a god if one just says it like it's fact. I don't like the hypocrisy combined with the inability to think for yourself.
I met many people who call HXH a masterpiece (I also call it a masterpiece), but these people spout bullshit and stuff others who call it a masterpiece didn't even care about.
These people try to explain to others why people like us liked it and they get it completely wrong. Not everyone liked HXH for the same reason and some hate it and I got told by some they didn't liked it and I didn't have a problem with it really.

I care more about execution of an idea than the idea being the problem.
This is why my taste in media is very diverse and variable.
I can watch Mature and Immature stuff as long as I thought the execution is handled well.
I watched Erased and I enjoyed it even though I saw flaws that I thought were issues, but I appreciate the experience the show gave as Erased isn't even in my Top 5.
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Nov 1, 2017 5:42 AM

Oct 2013
I just want to say the fact they like something that is like something they tend to hate isn't always hypocritical considering there can be exceptions to certain things
for example I hate weak cry babies like these guys

But I don't hate Yukinari Sasaki so he becomes an exception
Nov 1, 2017 5:43 AM

Dec 2015
Comic_Sans said:
I'm not going to read a 1000+ word long essay in Jamaican English. TL;DR please

Words: 875
Characters: 4 767
Sentences: 39
Paragraphs: 19
Reading Level: 9-10th Grade
Reading Time: 3 mins 11 sec

Not as long as you said, plus there is nothing wrong with his text apart from his difficulty to form coherent paragraphs.

TLDR is a bad trend, like most Internet trends.

@Halpher It wasn't meant to criticize you, my bad. ^^"

BurningSpirit said:
But geez, why do you care? "Why XXX sucks?" can be found on almost all popular anime.

Exactly, even the ones who don't have anything to prove anymore: NGE totally sucks.
Rei_IIINov 1, 2017 6:22 AM
Nov 1, 2017 5:44 AM

Sep 2014
I feel you honestly and I have this same issue with other people on MAL.

It's like that they absolutely hate everythig Otaku-pandering but they still praise the shit out of Evangelion anyway. Another example is how hunter x hunter is praised for being a well executed shounen compared to other shounen that are obviously bad in their opinion. While in reality, hxh just have as much issue as the next shounen.

I was also tired of these people but now I don't really care about them anymore because I know that they are just trying to be wannabe elitist. They are mostly insignificant to me.

Written on my phone.
Nov 1, 2017 5:46 AM

Aug 2017
BurningSpirit said:
I didn't find SAO to be anything special, didn't particularly like or dislike it either. Never watch Quan Shi Gao Shou and don't intend to. I find Kakegurui pretty average and pretty bad actually when it came to its gambling aspects. Your point?

Not that I hate popular anime, because I love quite a few popular ones. Also on a side note, based on MAL score people actually liked SAO more than Kakegurui... so yeah.

I'm well-aware most people who watch anime like to dissociate themselves from the "anime community", heck even I do. I only know like 1 other person in my life that has a MAL account, despite knowing dozens of people who watch anime. A handful of them watched like 100+ anime too.

Who thinks what is said on anime related content is representative of every anime watchers opinion? You might want to be talking to and discussing anime with smarter people.

However while most anime watchers don't express their opinions, most do watch some anime related content unless you are referring to those people who only have watched a handful of anime. Those people who have only watched a handful of anime don't exactly "watch anime", they just watch whatever shows comes up to them and they just so happen to watch a few. I don't really consider these people anime watchers, and I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't ever once consumed anime related content outside of watching the show itself. Again, your point?

You are kinda just strawmanning and stating the obvious, then pretending you are making a point. You seriously should considering ignoring anyone who doesn't at least understand that most opinions online isn't representative of the opinion of everyone, especially because it's blatantly obvious the vast majority of people in any community are lurkers.

The wording of your post is weird. Look at "The Fall Of Bleach" video. Many people use that video to state why Bleach failed and in that video it states some things that people now use to state what is requied such as a "necessity".
Also you are advising me to ignore them, but how do you know that I don't already ignore them? You can ignore them and still have a problem.
Someone can scream in your ear and you can ignore it and you can still have a problem as thats why you stay away from that person.

Your first Point asking me "Your Point?" is weird. What is my point there? I'm not defending a show or saying one is better than the other necessarily. Thats not even the point at all.
I am stating the "Obvious" if you think so.

The Title is "My problem with fans"
It's my issue and why I feel this way. The point is to state what my problem is and you act like since it's obvious it can't be a point? I don't know...your post is weird and i'm not very sure of what you're saying.
Literally it's my problem and whether it's obvious or not it doesn't take away from the fact that I state it's my problem.
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Nov 1, 2017 5:47 AM

Oct 2015
Some people are just blind to things that are subjective. I never cared for the Did Right videos since I know it will add conflict anyway. I already see your point that art shouldn't be seen objectively. Everyone has their own taste, someone calls Mona Lisa shit? That's them.

My taste is also diverse as you can easily see in my favorites. I like brilliantly thought provoking shows then there are my harem and ecchi shows. That is why one time, I swear, when one of the video I watched that said "To Love-Ru is bad" in a video about Jojo references in other works, it honestly pissed me off a little. I love Jojo and the guy who made the video, but I have seen the guy that can easily tick off people. I love To Love-Ru for my own reasons, it relinquish my stress, that is one. Yet, people just say it's shit because it's some ecchi harem show. I definitely get you, but people can't just leave there small mental world in circle jerking.

π”šπ”žπ”«π”«π”ž 𝔱𝔬𝔲𝔠π”₯ 𝔢𝔬𝔲,
π”šπ”žπ”«π”±π”¦π”«' 𝔢𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔦𝔱π”₯ π”žπ”©π”© π”ͺ𝔢 π”ͺ𝔦𝔀π”₯𝔱

Nov 1, 2017 5:48 AM

Aug 2017
Deknijff said:
I just want to say the fact they like something that is like something they tend to hate isn't always hypocritical considering there can be exceptions to certain things
for example I hate weak cry babies like these guys

But I don't hate Yukinari Sasaki so he becomes an exception

I know. I mentioned that people can change their minds or there are some things they prefer done with certain concepts.
Like in SAO people could say that Kirito being OP is done in a way they don't like than making it seem OP Characters are just bad.

I know what you're saying and I'm not saying that it's always hypocrisy if people like something they tend to hate.
People say they hate juice, but make an exception to something they feel does the job for them.
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Nov 1, 2017 5:54 AM

Aug 2017
Gintokikachi said:
Some people are just blind to things that are subjective. I never cared for the Did Right videos since I know it will add conflict anyway. I already see your point that art shouldn't be seen objectively. Everyone has their own taste, someone calls Mona Lisa shit? That's them.

My taste is also diverse as you can easily see in my favorites. I like brilliantly thought provoking shows then there are my harem and ecchi shows. That is why one time, I swear, when one of the video I watched that said "To Love-Ru is bad" in a video about Jojo references in other works, it honestly pissed me off a little. I love Jojo and the guy who made the video, but I have seen the guy that can easily tick off people. I love To Love-Ru for my own reasons, it relinquish my stress, that is one. Yet, people just say it's shit because it's some ecchi harem show. I definitely get you, but people can't just leave there small mental world in circle jerking.

I love Shimoneta and Prison School and didn't mind the sexual stuff in there because my problem with Ecchi isn't the fan service it's always been the execution.
Like characters are just badly done to me and stuff doesn't make sense as in I don't mind it being absurd as through Absurdity it can make sense through context or just the universe or what the direction of the show wants to go.
Like Fan-Service is done in ways that turn me off.

Like i was weirded out in No Game No Life with Shiro's panties at times being what the camera focused on and while not minded if others watched it I didn't like how someone tried to justify it to me ignoring how I didn't like stuff like that.
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Nov 1, 2017 5:55 AM

Aug 2017
Rei366 said:
Comic_Sans said:
I'm not going to read a 1000+ word long essay in Jamaican English. TL;DR please

Words: 875
Characters: 4 767
Sentences: 39
Paragraphs: 19
Reading Level: 9-10th Grade
Reading Time: 3 mins 11 sec

Not as long as you said, plus there is nothing wrong with his text apart from his difficulty to form coherent paragraphs.

TLDR is a bad trend, like most Internet trends.

I was pretty lazy here. I apologize.
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Nov 1, 2017 5:59 AM

Oct 2015
I feel you brother. I feel you. I do also think the fanservice isn't the problem. I mean come on, it's ecchi, you go in an ecchi show expecting no fanservice? The fuck is wrong with anyone who watches ecchi with that expectations. Well, I never really hated any fanservice, mostly xD

π”šπ”žπ”«π”«π”ž 𝔱𝔬𝔲𝔠π”₯ 𝔢𝔬𝔲,
π”šπ”žπ”«π”±π”¦π”«' 𝔢𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔦𝔱π”₯ π”žπ”©π”© π”ͺ𝔢 π”ͺ𝔦𝔀π”₯𝔱

Nov 1, 2017 6:01 AM

Aug 2017
Hrybami said:
I feel you honestly and I have this same issue with other people on MAL.

It's like that they absolutely hate everythig Otaku-pandering but they still praise the shit out of Evangelion anyway. Another example is how hunter x hunter is praised for being a well executed shounen compared to other shounen that are obviously bad in their opinion. While in reality, hxh just have as much issue as the next shounen.

I was also tired of these people but now I don't really care about them anymore because I know that they are just trying to be wannabe elitist. They are mostly insignificant to me.

Written on my phone.

I agree. HXH being my most favorite series isn't outselling Naruto in any way. It isn't outselling SAO and neither is it outselling Bleach.
I like how they state "The Perfect Anime" yet they are in the minority. Why aren't people watching the "Perfect Anime"? Are they stupid or is it they don't think what you think is the perfect anime or maybe they didn't know it existed.
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Nov 1, 2017 6:02 AM

Aug 2017
Gintokikachi said:
I feel you brother. I feel you. I do also think the fanservice isn't the problem. I mean come on, it's ecchi, you go in an ecchi show expecting no fanservice? The fuck is wrong with anyone who watches ecchi with that expectations. Well, I never really hated any fanservice, mostly xD

I thought Fan Service can be really fucking hilarious.
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Nov 1, 2017 6:08 AM

Nov 2014
Halpher said:
The wording of your post is weird. Look at "The Fall Of Bleach" video. Many people use that video to state why Bleach failed and in that video it states some things that people now use to state what is requied such as a "necessity".

Sure. I've not watched Bleach so I've got no comments on that those particular haters. But geez, why do you care? "Why XXX sucks?" can be found on almost all popular anime.

If you are so intent on defending Bleach go ahead, I do it sometimes with the series I like.

Halpher said:
Also you are advising me to ignore them, but how do you know that I don't already ignore them? You can ignore them and still have a problem.
Someone can scream in your ear and you can ignore it and you can still have a problem as thats why you stay away from that person.

Because you create a thread on the forum regarding the topic?

There we go again, conflating opinions on the Internet and maybe occasional trolling with real life harrassment. You can call the cops if someone harassed you because that's actually hard to ignore, but you can ignore a poorly formulated opinion or a statement meant to get a reaction out of people.

Halpher said:
Your first Point asking me "Your Point?" is weird. What is my point there? I'm not defending a show or saying one is better than the other necessarily. Thats not even the point at all.
I am stating the "Obvious" if you think so.

It was to make a point as an opener to my post, clearly stating that I don't fit into the group of people you are criticising.

"Stating the obvious" was meant for your second point.

Halpher said:
The Title is "My problem with fans"
It's my issue and why I feel this way. The point is to state what my problem is and you act like since it's obvious it can't be a point? I don't know...your post is weird and i'm not very sure of what you're saying.
Literally it's my problem and whether it's obvious or not it doesn't take away from the fact that I state it's my problem.

You are complaining about people who use opinions online as a representation of everyone's opinions as as whole, you even acknowledge it's a minority of people that do this. There are always going to be that minority of people, and most of us know they exist. Sure you are free to post about it, but I'm just here telling you that most of us know already, so your efforts of creating a thread is in vain as it neither informs nor helps correct the people you are referring to.

Also you can ignore people. You seem to be putting in a lot of effort thinking, so channel it to create actual productive discussion rather than thinking about about small minority of people who can't think for themselves anyways, so they wait for anime youtubers to post and pretty much want their opinion told to them.
BurningSpiritNov 1, 2017 6:15 AM
I'm not a lolicon, you're just projecting your tendency to lewd 2D characters.

If your favourite character is Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko, you are my soul mate.

Been a long time since I've been here, I'll continue expressing myself freely and believe everyone should too.
My MAL Interview
Nov 1, 2017 6:09 AM

Apr 2017
But why do you even bother yourself ? Don't you know how to ignore those people ?

Our life would be so much easier if we didn't give a shit about everything.

"elles sont bien noires
les pensées des nuits blanches"

Nov 1, 2017 6:12 AM

Mar 2017
Halpher said:

However I feel those who hate Sword Art Online just hate on it just to validate that they have good taste or follow the crowd. The lies I see told about Sword Art Online piss me off and it's not fair to the anime. If you're going to dislike the show atleast be honest about it.
It's because people can watch The Kings Avatar's (snip) and love it despite it having issues like SAO did.


It's sickening how people call it the better SAO simply because there is no Digibro to bash it and an influx of anime YouTubers following suit and regurgitating the same old arguments to the point where it becomes synonymous with the word shitshow and it's now the cool thang to hate. (Yes, thang.)

It's like nobody watched Pokemon: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages to see what a real f*cking shitshow looks like.

All it does is remind me that some "critically-acclaimed masterpieces" are circlejerked to remain unassailable "masterpieces" and are un-ironically considered testament to intelligence, discerning/selective taste, and rational thinking when circlejerk is basically what's keeping them afloat.
EankiNov 1, 2017 6:19 AM
You gave up your freedom of speech when you clicked Agree to the User Agreement
This is not a public platform.
Nov 1, 2017 6:17 AM

Aug 2017
BurningSpirit said:
Halpher said:
The wording of your post is weird. Look at "The Fall Of Bleach" video. Many people use that video to state why Bleach failed and in that video it states some things that people now use to state what is requied such as a "necessity".

Sure. I've not watched Bleach so I've got no comments on that those particular haters. But geez, why do you care? "Why XXX sucks?" can be found on almost all popular anime.

If you are so intent on defending Bleach go ahead, I do it sometimes with the series I like.

Halpher said:
Also you are advising me to ignore them, but how do you know that I don't already ignore them? You can ignore them and still have a problem.
Someone can scream in your ear and you can ignore it and you can still have a problem as thats why you stay away from that person.

Because you create a thread on the forum regarding the topic?

There we go again, conflating opinions on the Internet and maybe occasional trolling with real life harrassment. You can call the cops if someone harassed you because that's actually hard to ignore, but you can ignore a poorly formulated opinion or a statement meant to get a reaction out of people.

Halpher said:
Your first Point asking me "Your Point?" is weird. What is my point there? I'm not defending a show or saying one is better than the other necessarily. Thats not even the point at all.
I am stating the "Obvious" if you think so.

It was to make a point as an opener to my post, clearly stating that I don't fit into the group of people you are criticising.

"Stating the obvious" was meant for your second point.

Halpher said:
The Title is "My problem with fans"
It's my issue and why I feel this way. The point is to state what my problem is and you act like since it's obvious it can't be a point? I don't know...your post is weird and i'm not very sure of what you're saying.
Literally it's my problem and whether it's obvious or not it doesn't take away from the fact that I state it's my problem.

You are complaining about people who use opinions online as a representation of opinions as as whole, you even acknowledge it's a minority of people that do this. There are always going to be that minority of people, and most of us know they exist. Sure you are free to post about it, but I'm just here telling you that most of us know already, so your efforts of creating a thread is in vain as it neither informs nor helps correct the people you are referring to.

Also you can ignore people. You seem to be putting in a lot of effort thinking, so channel it to create actual productive discussion rather than thinking about about small minority of people who can't think for themselves anyways, so they wait for anime youtubers to post and pretty much want their opinion told to them.

Never intended to do anything you're assuming. I'm just sharing how I feel. don't fit into the people i'm talking what? Not everyone acts like those I criticize....Also I literally said that i'm talking about people on the internet. The only thing that could've caused issue is my "Problem with Anime Fans" that could make it seem like it's on a bigger scale.

You're assuming alot
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Nov 1, 2017 6:20 AM

Aug 2017
le_halfhand_easy said:
Halpher said:

However I feel those who hate Sword Art Online just hate on it just to validate that they have good taste or follow the crowd. The lies I see told about Sword Art Online piss me off and it's not fair to the anime. If you're going to dislike the show atleast be honest about it.
It's because people can watch The Kings Avatar's (snip) and love it despite it having issues like SAO did.


It's sickening how people call it the better SAO simply because there is no Digibro to bash it and an influx of anime YouTubers following suit and regurgitating the same old arguments to the point where it becomes synonymous with the word shitshow and it's now the cool thang to hate. (Yes, thang.)

It's like nobody watched Pokemon: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages to see what a real f*cking shitshow looks like.

All it does is remind me that some "critically-acclaimed masterpieces" are circlejerked to remain unassailable "masterpieces" and are un-ironically considered testament to intelligence and rational thinking when sheepism is basically what's keeping it afloat.

Kings Avatar to me had shitty animation, unexplained game mechanics and a Main Character OP as fuck even though he restarted the game. It's like restarting a game and destroying a Boss by yourself because "Muh Experience" even though there are
"Levels and other things" in a game that factor to your success.
It's called "E-Sports the anime" while not actually focusing on the E-Sports side.
It's like people just repeat what everyone else said.
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Nov 1, 2017 6:21 AM

Mar 2017
Halpher said:

It's called "E-Sports the anime" while not actually focusing on the E-Sports side.
It's like people just repeat what everyone else said.

Slightly out-of-topic, but which esports scene do you follow?
You gave up your freedom of speech when you clicked Agree to the User Agreement
This is not a public platform.
Nov 1, 2017 6:22 AM

Oct 2007
TL;DR OP post, but if you ever feel like hating anime fans, go read the comments on nyaa.
Nov 1, 2017 6:22 AM

Aug 2014
Certainly it's subjective to discuss tittle you dislike to other people who likes it.
For me as an example i liked STKY, friend gave it 5. Yet he said i am not an elitist ,i gave score fairly.
I gave Tokyo Ghoul a rating of 3-4 in but friend gave it 10. I complain the anime being to half assed and rushed from source material including censorship.
Yet i still rate some anime that's even seems terrible that TG higher than it.
Complained about isekai and Generic crap yet i still rate it high as a Guilty pleasure.
Same applies to SAO you mentioned although i never watch the anime fully ever since it was out and idk why i am just not interested but i still fully watch Accel world and i am still wondering the fk is this.

Simply put everyone had their own taste but people often bring it up to other people the force their opinion to others.
Nov 1, 2017 6:44 AM

Jul 2016
Oh my fucking days... All this text 0_0

Nov 1, 2017 6:54 AM

Jun 2010
Well, don't know if SAO is good or not, but I added to my PTW list to watch it later, only because it was a very popular show, when it aired.

After watching it, I'll give my opinion if it's good or not.

The same can be said of Re:Zero.
Nov 1, 2017 7:06 AM

Sep 2014
Halpher said:
Hrybami said:
I feel you honestly and I have this same issue with other people on MAL.

It's like that they absolutely hate everythig Otaku-pandering but they still praise the shit out of Evangelion anyway. Another example is how hunter x hunter is praised for being a well executed shounen compared to other shounen that are obviously bad in their opinion. While in reality, hxh just have as much issue as the next shounen.

I was also tired of these people but now I don't really care about them anymore because I know that they are just trying to be wannabe elitist. They are mostly insignificant to me.

Written on my phone.

I agree. HXH being my most favorite series isn't outselling Naruto in any way. It isn't outselling SAO and neither is it outselling Bleach.
I like how they state "The Perfect Anime" yet they are in the minority. Why aren't people watching the "Perfect Anime"? Are they stupid or is it they don't think what you think is the perfect anime or maybe they didn't know it existed.

They can say that HxH is the perfect anime in their opinion. I have no problem with people favouring some anime. What I disagree with, and is also the point of your post, is that some fans claim with absolute hypocrisy that HxH is the only good shounen out there because and apparently it does well what the others shounen are unable to do. Therefore everything else is shit. This mindset is absolutely disgusting because it implies that if something is different that HxH, then it is bad. And it also implies that HxH is doing better in everything the other shounen could do. When in reality, each shows have their, issues, weakness and their pros and HxH really isn't an exception to that.

It is acceptable to love your favourite anime, but bragging about your anime being the superior god that overrule everything else is absolutely retarded.
Nov 1, 2017 7:07 AM

Feb 2010
"I also find SAO shit but I'm convinced everyone else who does so does it only for validation because only I can like or dislike things for real, acceptable reasons."

It's funny when people who are that hypocritical and elitist complain about hypocrisy and elitism. Not everyone is blessed with even basic levels of self-awareness apparently.

People can like and dislike shows for a multitude of reasons and just because you don't understand what they liked about Kakegurui or King's Avatar and what they disliked about SAO that makes them enjoy the former but not the latter doesn't mean it's hypocrisy on their side to not judge them the same way you do. Assuming that is the height of arrogance, making your subjective perception the ultimate standard for what's a valid reason and what's hypocrisy.

There are a million things to criticize about SAO but not everyone has issues with every single one of those things and not in every context either and a lot also depends on the execution that is specific to SAO so seeing some of its elements in other shows and enjoying them while either disliking SAO for other reasons or for how it handled those elements differently is not contradictory at all. Or maybe those elements only become a real issue when there's a lot of them combined into one anime (SAO) but on their own people can easily overlook them in favor of other parts of a show. But no, you're not interested in considering why people might like and dislike things, you're only interested in imposing your standards on them because calling them hypocrites is so much easier than trying to understand them.

There are so many assumptions involved when you talk about these 'hypocrites' that it says more about you then it says about them if you really believe in what you say. Taste in art and entertainment can be much more complex than obvious food dislikes like in your questionable metaphor. But even people like me who dislike vanilla in general can like vanilla in specific products or recipes, like Chai tea for example. Your black and white ideas are not representative of the complex reality of how people and their preferences and taste in general works. You're trying to oversimplify something that can't be simplified so it's no surprise that the result is you failing to understand other people who don't try to simplify these complex processes. But that doesn't make you ethically or logically superior to them or give you the right to call them hypocrites, end of story.

Manaban said:
It's all just a matter of the anime fandom being Balkanized to shit. Anything else is hopeless because people are so steeped in it that trying to be diplomatic and be patient with people is fucking pointless. Just hunker down on whatever side you take or whatever faction you're with and fuck everybody else. That's the only way to stay sane in this shitheap.

Am I that bad? :>

But seriously, the definite existence and prevalence of collectivism in the anime fandom (and society in general) aside, I do believe there is a lot of room for 'individuals' too in the fandom who just do their own thing and don't get along with any of the 'groups'. But be it in the fandom or in society, if you don't pick a side or camp you're more likely to get shit from both sides than to get respect from both sides. But there's always exceptions or ways to make it work. So I think you're overstating the extent of the balkanization a bit.
I probably regret this post by now.
Nov 1, 2017 7:07 AM

Mar 2016
You should be more straight to the point because your comment is too long but I admit that you have good writing skills, you should start writing reviews.

OT: About your problem with anime fans, it's because the internet makes people think they are smarter than they really are.
kikiabdullNov 1, 2017 7:18 AM
Nov 1, 2017 7:08 AM

Apr 2016
My problem with anime fans is ... well, the list contain explicit language.
Nov 1, 2017 7:14 AM
Aug 2016
Thank you, for bringing up Kakegurui and comparing it to Sword Art Online. I genuinely don't understand how someone can enjoy it when they didn't like Sword Art Online. Like garbage but dislike garbage? Ok then.

I fucking love you for this thread.
Nov 1, 2017 7:34 AM

Apr 2017
Aslt said:
Thank you, for bringing up Kakegurui and comparing it to Sword Art Online. I genuinely don't understand how someone can enjoy it when they didn't like Sword Art Online. Like garbage but dislike garbage? Ok then.

I fucking love you for this thread.
Ahh Kakegurui...the gambling anime that has nothing to do with gambling but rather "insane" people pulling faces.
Nov 1, 2017 8:17 AM
Mar 2014
"people who say op main characters are bad but like one punch man"
The reason people told you Kirito was bad is because the show tries to take him seriously and to act as though there's tension when the guy is clearly invincible. It tries to pretend he's struggling when you know he's just gonna pull the next powerup or "beta secret" out of his ass in the next moment. They aren't even creative or interesting powerups, nor does the character develop in any palpable way or one that leaves an impression.

On the other hand, Saitama's major struggle IS with his OPness. It brings various thematic issues to the table and the show does not try to make excuses for it or pretend he's struggling in terms of power. There's no tension no matter what battle he's in, it's always comedic or calm. Even when he's shown having trouble against Borors, it's not physical trouble, it's emotional. The OPness is actually interesting. It's an integral part of his personality and his relationships, and matters for more than how he reaches the top of Aincrad (which wasn't even an interesting world for the most part and was skimmed so as only to show flashing lights, bad choreography and kirito being a retard and making stupid mistakes that you wouldn't expect the kind of smart guy he's supposed to be to make).

The shows appeal to different people. OPM has a broader appeal because it is also flashy and actually much more exciting, so it might appeal to some of the same people.

I haven't read everything on this thread yet, and I haven't watched Kakegurui and the other show you listed. I agree with you that some people are hypocritical, but you shouldn't just assume that they're hypocritical because they like one thing and not another. Look into both shows and try to figure out what's the difference before you criticize broad groups of people.
omfgplzstopNov 1, 2017 8:21 AM
Rinth said:
Every opinion is not equal. Some opinions are simply made out of shit.

nasuverse > your favorite anime
Nov 1, 2017 9:29 AM

Feb 2013
i guess we should follow the advice of some tonya threads and just kill the anime fans
Nov 1, 2017 9:50 AM

Mar 2016
hey look, a guy who thinks people read what he wrote

α΄€ Κ™ Ιͺ α΄…
no i don't love you, and i never did
Nov 1, 2017 9:59 AM

Feb 2016
off topic but i'm surprised someone mentioned the word elitist and no one is screaming LoGH and EoE yet

it's kinda of a rule on this forum
Nov 1, 2017 10:06 AM

Apr 2015
iscum said:
off topic but i'm surprised someone mentioned the word elitist and no one is screaming LoGH and EoE yet

it's kinda of a rule on this forum
EoE is fucking TRASH.
There you go m8.
Aslt said:
Thank you, for bringing up Kakegurui and comparing it to Sword Art Online. I genuinely don't understand how someone can enjoy it when they didn't like Sword Art Online. Like garbage but dislike garbage? Ok then.

I fucking love you for this thread.

I sense a reductionist.
Nov 1, 2017 10:12 AM
Aug 2017
I really wanna read it but I have a life :|
Nov 1, 2017 10:16 AM
Jul 2018
As some people mentioned here, most of your problems comes from the "fandoms" standpoint. Which is something that I don't really like about anime fandoms because they go complete hypocritical sometimes. But that doesn't necessarily mean that they would be hypocritical every time.

People can dislike whatever they want though no matter the connotation nor the reasons it is. Even if it is stupid (unless its complete asinine argument to where it breaks basis of logic) @CodeBlazeFate remember the Hand Shakers thing *cough*

Nov 1, 2017 10:17 AM

Jan 2015
Halpher said:
Some of you may already be aware of who I am. I stayed up for almost 24 hours yesterday and when I got home from the mall I played NBA2k11 and went straight to sleep after to answer why some may haven't seen me respond to the "Other" forum.
I want to make people aware that this isn't really what you expect. My opinions from my perception feels like it's in the minority than anything else.

Some Anime Fans Are Hypocritical, Pretentious, Superficial, Elitists
I hope that didn't get redundant. I think when it pertains to real iife? People who are fans or like anime aren't really similar to those I encounter on the internet. Infact only anime fans in real life I see are the ones who act like Japan > Every American Media and be like "Anime > Cartoons" "Anime is flawless". Kind of weeb behavior and some of those fans who run in the hallway like Naruto. This isn't about them though. The ones on the internet piss me off. I call them hypocritical for a reason. Sword Art Online is one of the most hated shows and I also think Sword Art Online is shit However I feel those who hate Sword Art Online just hate on it just to validate that they have good taste or follow the crowd. The lies I see told about Sword Art Online piss me off and it's not fair to the anime. If you're going to dislike the show atleast be honest about it.
There are things people hated about SAO and people made it clear on how they did not prefer the writing....but you know why I mention this?
It's because people can watch Kings Avatar and Kakegurui and love it despite it having issues like SAO did. People always misunderstand why I have a problem with this thinking I have an issue with people liking it. It's not I have an issue with people liking's that I have an issue with "Certain People" liking it.

If you state you hate every kind of Vanilla then you eat some Vanilla flavor snack saying it's Perfect....I call bullshit. Now don't get me wrong..people can change their minds about things, but no one I ever see really admits that. I see people saying The perfect way to write anime, This is how Anime should be written, The rules of narrative, Insert Rules for everything, Why this show is successful and why we love it Then literally go against what they established by liking something that contradicts those set of rules or ideals.
I can respect Kakegurui, Sword Art Online and Kings Avatar Fans and People who dislike the shows, but I don't respect hypocrites. It's the lack of self-respect for your own self and the pompous, pretentious feeling of people who think they know what they're talking about, but know nothing at all. They want the industry to listen to them when they're inconsistent. It's why despite not liking SAO I dislike many who dislike SAO because they just spout bullshit about the show just to spite it.

There are people who can explain why a show is popular then act like the internet represents the entire fan-base
If you really want me to be honest with you....many people don't know many popular Anime Youtubers and many don't get on MAL. I know many Anime Fans in real life who don't get on MAL or the internet. Not all anime fans are gathered on these site and possibly not even a majority of them are even here at all. It's like when I seen Anime Youtubers Shame Fans who pirate and illegally stream anime when literally EVERY ANIME FAN YOU COME ACROSS ILLEGALLY STREAMS! I think the internet creates this bubble for them thinking the internet represents what the world thinks.
There are alot of people who love SAO then hate it, but many people on the internet will act like SAO was shattered to pieces when Season 3 will come out and take everyones attention again and people will most likely watch Season 3 because many people actually like SAO. I met many people in real life and causually at School when I used to go everyone in the class to Casual to Frequent have all seen it and many have liked it.
But on Youtube you will see the dislike for SAO to be high.
If in real life you can find more SAO Fans commonly than SAO haters (The Minority) Then what does that say?
I want people to understand this Popularity doesn't equate to a show being good
It's funny because people can say why an anime they liked was successful was because it was good...they can't explain that for an anime that they dislike which they think it was bad.
People should understand that the world does not revolve around your opinion or you at all.
There are other people who make up this world and have different beliefs, personalities and preferences from you. If you can look at it from their perspective to why they like something it can easily make you understand why they like's called Opening your Mind

This is my main problem with anime fans.

I could read your text but since I got a life then... :3
"No matter what painful things happens, even when it looks like you'll lose... when no one else in the world believes in you... when you don't even believe in yourself... I will believe in you!"

Nov 1, 2017 10:31 AM

Apr 2016
Wasshio said:
As some people mentioned here, most of your problems comes from the "fandoms" standpoint. Which is something that I don't really like about anime fandoms because they go complete hypocritical sometimes. But that doesn't necessarily mean that they would be hypocritical every time.

People can dislike whatever they want though no matter the connotation nor the reasons it is. Even if it is stupid (unless its complete asinine argument to where it breaks basis of logic) @CodeBlazeFate remember the Hand Shakers thing *cough*

Oh yeah, that was a crazy fiasco. Why are people like that one guy we debated with about that show?
Nov 1, 2017 10:34 AM
Jul 2018
CodeBlazeFate said:
Wasshio said:
As some people mentioned here, most of your problems comes from the "fandoms" standpoint. Which is something that I don't really like about anime fandoms because they go complete hypocritical sometimes. But that doesn't necessarily mean that they would be hypocritical every time.

People can dislike whatever they want though no matter the connotation nor the reasons it is. Even if it is stupid (unless its complete asinine argument to where it breaks basis of logic) @CodeBlazeFate remember the Hand Shakers thing *cough*

Oh yeah, that was a crazy fiasco. Why are people like that one guy we debated with about that show?

That was just some pretty bad fiasco. But yeah there are people that are like him that can go a bit... too much.

Funny enough he fits in this exact thread when it comes to the complaints a bit. xD
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