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Feb 2, 2010 8:48 PM

Jun 2009
Lame episode from the start, the good one starts when you know it's nearly to end =)

Gotenks and Goku SSJ 3 was there. And made the ending worth watching, when Goku use his Ultimate Attack.

So that's why Trunks was a sword user, I think that explains it.
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Apr 5, 2010 3:51 PM

Feb 2010
this is third to fusion reborn and android 13 for me
Sep 16, 2010 4:17 AM
Aug 2008
well my question is when did trunks find the time to do this whole movie solo in the alternate timeline with the androids around and all that...? (heck he couldn't even turn ssj3 then)
Sep 16, 2010 5:00 AM

May 2010
Dragonball z is always worth watching. :D
Mar 31, 2011 9:40 PM

Apr 2007
They saved the best for last~ The story was decent and not too rushed, plus Tapion is a pretty cool guy. I especially loved seeing little Trunks fight with the sword. Even though it was for less than half a minute it was so awesome! :3 And I find it interesting how Tapion's spaceship looks like the time machine. Guess the animators just decided to throw that in there and I like it.
Sep 22, 2011 12:39 PM

Aug 2010
This film wasn't my favorite, but not the worst either. I found the villains to be not that interesting, which may have killed it for me. It was nice to see Trunks get some spotlight, and his relationship with Tapion was cute.

The end felt rushed though. So Goku could have beaten him the whole time if he had just used Saiyan 3 from the get go? Why did he wait?
Bum Bum Dum Dum

Jan 2, 2012 5:54 AM

Jun 2009
like always DBZ creators don't put much effort into their stories!! :(
could've been better!!! :(
Apr 4, 2013 9:57 AM

Apr 2010
Osprey said:
like always DBZ creators don't put much effort into their stories!! :(
could've been better!!! :(

It could have been much better, Tapion's song was great.
Nov 28, 2013 8:32 AM

May 2012
This movie sure had a lot more story than any of the other movies before, and well it sure was quite a lovely story with even a couple nice touching moments! Quite nice movie so lets see what the last movie has to offer us!
Jan 10, 2014 9:14 AM

Jun 2009
This movie is probably the second best DBZ movie so far, slightly edging out #12 for that spot. Battle of Gods is still easily the best movie (I watched #14 before I watched 1-13) so far. Tapion was a pretty cool character, the villain was a bit...ehh, wasn't that cool but let's be honest, all the movie villains are pretty ehh. Lack of character development does that.

Quoting what I posted last movie.

Tyestor said:
There's a list on Kanzenshuu that shows where each movie takes place and where you can watch them while watching DBZ despite the fact that all the DBZ movies technically take place in an alternate universe.
Mar 17, 2014 12:31 PM

Jan 2013
Wasn't too bad but in no case awesome. Also Goku's finishing move is Shen Long xD. The end of DBZ is in this movie... lol. Anyways GT and Kai are left.
What I can't really understand if Trunks got his sword from here then all this happened in Trunks 2 world line too? The bad guys there must have been really weak to be defeated without Goku and Vegeta (Trunks 2 never met Goku or Vegeta so he couldn't have gotten the sword with them there).
ao_no_exoMar 17, 2014 12:39 PM
Aug 10, 2014 12:55 AM

Oct 2013
was pretty good got to see were trunks got his sword from
May 6, 2015 3:28 AM

Jan 2013
Was pretty good. The super saiyan 3 form of Goku is always worth a watch. Ryu Ken fist is badass, I always use it in Budokai games.
Sep 5, 2015 12:19 PM

Sep 2009
I honestly quite liked this one. One of the better movies, though that isn't really saying much.

I'm really confused about the sword, though. How did Trunks get it in the original timeline? Piccolo died, so they couldn't have used the Dragonballs to unlock the music box, which means Trunks could never have met Tapion.
Sep 25, 2015 10:34 AM

Dec 2013
Hoi's motivation seems fairly dumb.
"Destroy the entire Universe!"
for HWAT purpose? You're part of the universe, y'know.

Oh, it's cool that Bulma just has time machines lying around. Couldn't you use that to solve a shit ton of problems in the DBZ universe? Isn't that an absurdly powerful gadget to just have in your garage and never use?

And just handwave away all the collateral damage you caused via "we'll revive them with the Dragon Balls!"
You used the Dragon Balls at the beginning of the movie, remember? those people will stay dead for a year.
How about instead of that, Goku could've just turned SSJ3 right away and defeated Hildegarn on the spot?

That end defeats the entire purpose of the story. All that drama with Tapion sealing Hildegarn in his body and the almost self-sacrifice by letting Trunks kill him?
Goku could've solved it at any time anyway.

Movie starts promising enough, but completely shits itself by the end.
Feb 27, 2016 8:03 PM

Dec 2014
Any dragoball is awesome.. Liked the trunks part
Sep 9, 2016 9:41 AM

Feb 2016
Nice follow-up to the end of the series, got to see how Trunks got his sword. Although... I kinda wonder why Bulma gave Tapion a time machine? I guess maybe he's gonna go back in time to be with his people on his planet again? But then he would have to deal with Hirudegarn... that clearly didn't go well for him the first time. I don't see a second time being any different, Goku defeated Hirudegarn, not Tapion... so...

Couldn't Bulma have just gave him a spaceship to go out a find a new planet to live on or maybe he could of just stayed with them at Capsule Corp...

Vegeta: I was enjoying my first day in over a month, until some flat footed behemoth stepped on my house!

Poor Vegeta, lmao.

Also Goku's new technique at the end of the movie "Dragon Fire" was pretty awesome. Goku pulled a rabbit out of hat there :p Although... I remember the move being called "Dragon Fist" in the Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (Videogame). Whatever, I guess.

“Don’t just mindlessly judge people as you please.” – Rin Okumura
“Your past shouldn’t stop you from achieving your goals and dreams.” – Rin Okumura
Oct 14, 2016 12:31 AM

Sep 2013
I really liked this movie. They actually made an effort to give it a plot prior to the big fight at the end. Usually, the DBZ movies are 50 minute slugfests with no real content. I like the surprise of finding out how Trunks got his sword!

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Jul 28, 2017 6:39 PM

Mar 2016
I don't know if I like seeing Mystic Gohan getting his ass beaten so easely but still, very good movie!

SSJ3 looking awesome again.
azertz99Jul 29, 2017 9:29 AM
Sep 27, 2017 12:10 PM

Sep 2012
That hit nearly all my fanservice buttons c:

  • High school Gohan/Saiyaman
  • Bulma being important and generally rad
  • Cool & drunk Roshi
  • Fusion
  • SSJ3
  • 90's animation

Sep 27, 2017 3:07 PM
Jan 2017
Why did Goku take so long to go SSJ3?
Apr 30, 2018 3:04 AM
Dec 2017
Lulzboat said:
Dragonball z is always worth watching. :D
Thats the speciality of dragon ball series
Jul 27, 2019 10:10 PM
Jan 2017
OMG that was awesome! That was probably my new 2nd favorite behind android 13 and above fusion. We got the origin of Trunks' blade and we got a DBZ version of Zelda which I find only complaint was the main villian looked dull but he sure was fun to fight.
Mar 31, 2020 2:17 PM

Nov 2016
Save the best for last I guess. Nice tone and soundtrack, also overall favorite version of the Z fighters.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 12, 2021 10:19 AM

Dec 2015
Seen in french as "DBZ the movie" (packed with the Fukkatsu no Fusion film).

The one film that boasts the better (or at least most finely drawn) drawings. I remember thinking that "it didn't look like Dragon Ball Z at all". The only DBZ film (with maybe Fusions) that seemed to benefit from work with cinema in minds.
(Nice giant monster urban battle. And music.)

Score: 7/10
Enjoyment: 3/5

@FMmatron What do you mean by "favourite version of the fighters"? The way they're drawn?
FMmatron said:
This one had Mystic Gohan among others.

Oh, the characters selection !

PS: I had my friend with "Canal+" (the big private payedTV broadcaster, also cinema producing machine that helped with Terminator 2 and more) tape it in 1997 (following the 96 french cinema release of this "DBZ the movie") so I could watch it as soon as possible. ^^" (I still have the tape somewhere at home!)
Rei_IIIApr 12, 2021 11:20 AM
Apr 12, 2021 10:25 AM

Nov 2016
Rei_III said:
Seen in french as "DBZ the movie" (packed with the Fukkatsu no Fusion film).

The one film that boasts the better (or at least most finely drawn) drawings. I remember thinking that "it didn't look like Dragon Ball Z at all". The only DBZ film (with maybe Fusions) that seemed to benefit from work with cinema in minds.
(Nice giant monster urban battle. And music.)

Score: 7/10
Enjoyment: 3/5

@FMmatron What do you mean by "favourite version of the fighters"? The way they're drawn?

Compared to Movie 12 this one had Mystic Gohan among others. The drawings looked good as well I guess:P

PS: I also owned the DVD as a child.



My story was a sad one. When both movies came to our cinema(I think that was in 2003) I was too young and wasn't allowed to enter the theatres. Not even with my dad ;_; :D

FMmatronApr 12, 2021 12:53 PM

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 8, 2022 10:03 AM
Nov 2010
Ah, I remember Hirudegarn from Budokai Tenkaichi 3! If SS3 Goku can beat him like that, he's definitely weaker than Janemba. In BT3 he's also weak and he's just a huge target for attacks. He was super annoying as a boss in story mode though. I struggled so hard to beat him.

I find it annoying that they keep sticking to SS1 against an obviously strong enemy. Use SS2 at least goddammit! 7/10
Sep 22, 2022 2:13 AM
Jan 2021
the_Krsd said:
Why did Goku take so long to go SSJ3?

Ahem, to increase the duration of the movie?
Apr 8, 2023 3:18 AM
Apr 2023
Dragon frist attack!
Also hirudegarn soo coool and creative
Apr 8, 2023 3:18 AM
Apr 2023
Dragon frist attack!
Also hirudegarn soo coool and creative
Sep 29, 2023 8:01 AM
May 2023
very good but not a lot of fight scenes
Oct 12, 2023 12:13 PM

Nov 2012
back in the day it was a toss up between this and metal cooler for me as my favourite Z movie. rewatching again now years later, I think this one takes the cake. The story is just so enthralling; Hoi, Hirudegarn & Tapion and their entire backstory is so cool.

Still hilarious and kind of embarrassing that Goku goes "trunks no, this monster is mine to handle, alone" after the entire movie building trunks and tapion's relationship. We actually see very little of him until the fight, with much more Trunks and Gohan. The movie falls to one DB's flaws that it always needs to almost entirely revolve around Goku, something Super Hero more recently was able to overcome. Hopefully they set the example for movies being able to do well spotlighting others, especially with how nuts power scaling has got, could easily follow Super Hero with a Trunks/Goten focused movie, hell even Krillin/18, Yamcha/Tien could maybe theoretically shine in one, although that feels extremely unlikely...and we were probably lucky to even get the Gohan/Piccolo one lol. In fact with how DBS ended, a 17 focused movie maybe? Okay I'm definitely getting carried away lmao.

with this I've completed a "kind of" complete DB rewatch. (I watched Kai, GT, Super, then all the movies and specials) but [for now at least] I'm leaving out Battle of Gods, Resurrect of F {due to them being covered in DBS} and Dragonball, it's movies and the entirety of Z (covered in kai). What I have watched is still over 400 odd episodes lmao that I recently got through, I feel like it gave me more than my fill of dragonball for a while. So I guess when I next get the DB rewatch urge I can watch DB, it's movies, Z & then Battle of Gods and Resurrect of F, thus putting the two rewatches together is covering the entirety of Dragon Ball.
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers
Feb 12, 2024 6:57 PM

Apr 2021
It was good, after that I never saw that wizard again, he transformed and disappeared with that punch... so that's where Trunks gets the sword. 8/10
Jan 3, 8:57 PM

Aug 2014
This is one of the two DBZ movies that one can say is canon. The other being Movie 09 Bojack

This movie 13 fits perfectly after the Buu saga but before they reached the final episodes timeskip.

And present-Trunks gets a sword like Future Trunks had. Although I highly doubt that Future Trunks got his sword the same way by the same character.

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