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These days, learning how to dance and play musical instrument has much more values than studying engineering, agree?

Jan 17, 2022 5:29 PM

Dec 2013
These days, learning how to dance and play musical instrument has much more values than studying engineering, agree?

I mean tik tok, instagram, youtubes, nobody want to see theories of FEA or how to solve PDE, only nerds do watch those. But dancing, singing, playing musical instruments, people love to watch those.

People need entertainment and fun. Let the nerds do the boring engineering jobs. These days kids, for financial success, should learn to use those technologies coupled with their art skills and great inspiring character to become famous. Once you are famous, money comes, can be via endorsement etc.

"I dont want to be famous, I prefer working behind the screen, alone with my computer", then go join the nerds when you will be put in a small cubical inside office working your ass off, wearing the similar boring costumes everyday, until you are old, and realize you take the wrong path in life.

All these just my thought...

Jan 17, 2022 5:39 PM
Jan 2020
philtecturophy said:

"I dont want to be famous, I prefer working behind the screen, alone with my computer", then go join the nerds when you will be put in a small cubical inside office working your ass off, wearing the similar boring costumes everyday, until you are old, and realize you take the wrong path in life.

Because people that make bank from music, singing and dancing dont work their ass off everyday and dont feel trapped with routines. Got it.
Jan 17, 2022 5:53 PM

Oct 2018
Welp, this is the dumbest thing I've read all day

Jan 17, 2022 6:20 PM
Jan 2022
Are you trolling? There are more successful engineers than there are successful entertainers. You are only sampling the most successful of the entertainers group while ignoring the considerable social mobility being a engineer or similar jobs provide. There are a lot of losers who think they are gonna be the next Michael Jackson but only 0.1% of them end up being so. But being a moderate earning engineer is quite easy and you only need to study. The technical term for this is Apex Fallacy.
Jan 17, 2022 6:28 PM

Aug 2014
As a musician, I can tell you that very few people in the music industry make lots of money.
Jan 17, 2022 8:28 PM

May 2013
Thinking of dropping out and becoming a chippendale, huh man? Lol!! Don't do it bro! XD
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
Jan 17, 2022 8:33 PM
Aug 2021
How much do they make? How much job it generates? Does it ensure join security? Are they more useful than engineers? I don't think any of those have an answer that favors musicians or dancers over engineers.

The artist that value the most to me are novel writers and manga creatiors. Don't really care about dancers or musical instrument players (except when its music for a scene)
Jan 17, 2022 8:41 PM
Jan 2022
I mean you make a fair point, but Mark Rober is one of the biggest youtubers on the platform and he does engineering.
Jan 17, 2022 8:43 PM

Jan 2017
A job at McDonald's most likely pays more and has more job security than any amateur musician or dancer lmao and that should say something.
Jan 17, 2022 8:44 PM

Jan 2022
You see the few entertainers that make a lot of money, but forget that showbusiness is very fickle and left to chance, and you do not see pile of corpses of those who tried, but did not make it, again, largely due to chance.
Jan 17, 2022 9:14 PM

Dec 2013
Cneq said:
A job at McDonald's most likely pays more and has more job security than any amateur musician or dancer lmao and that should say something.

Im not saying amateur, I said use those technologies coupled with their art skills and great inspiring character, which assumes he has been trained as musician since early ages, and become very good at playing musical instrument, or dance, and has good character, with decent knowledge of using technologies like marketing himself via sosial media etc. As compared to well trained enggineer, working hard to get a degree in university, masters, then Ph.D then working at office etc.

Zurryyy said:
People that use the phrase "contributing to society" have been brainwashed by society itself. We as people have no obligation to contribute to society. I couldn't give less of a shit what happens to this planet once I'm gone. If someone is making a living through social media as an influencer, then they're living a more stress free and happy life compared to someone with a 9 to 5. So as a way to make themselves feel better, wage-slaves will often criticize those who make money and aren't "contributing to society".

This day and age, it's easier than it has ever been to get some level of fame. There's people I know myself that can get lots of clout simply because of their apperance, yet they're settling for the typical college and then 9 to 5 route. That's pretty disappointing. People need to realize that there are ways to make a living without being a 9 to 5 wage-slave.

Finally, someone who view life the same as me, at least in this particular matter

Jan 17, 2022 9:43 PM

Jan 2017
philtecturophy said:
Cneq said:
A job at McDonald's most likely pays more and has more job security than any amateur musician or dancer lmao and that should say something.

Im not saying amateur, I said use those technologies coupled with their art skills and great inspiring character, which assumes he has been trained as musician since early ages, and become very good at playing musical instrument, or dance, and has good character, with decent knowledge of using technologies like marketing himself via sosial media etc. As compared to well trained enggineer, working hard to get a degree in university, masters, then Ph.D then working at office etc.

Zurryyy said:
People that use the phrase "contributing to society" have been brainwashed by society itself. We as people have no obligation to contribute to society. I couldn't give less of a shit what happens to this planet once I'm gone. If someone is making a living through social media as an influencer, then they're living a more stress free and happy life compared to someone with a 9 to 5. So as a way to make themselves feel better, wage-slaves will often criticize those who make money and aren't "contributing to society".

This day and age, it's easier than it has ever been to get some level of fame. There's people I know myself that can get lots of clout simply because of their apperance, yet they're settling for the typical college and then 9 to 5 route. That's pretty disappointing. People need to realize that there are ways to make a living without being a 9 to 5 wage-slave.

Finally, someone who view life the same as me, at least in this particular matter
philtecturophy said:
Cneq said:
A job at McDonald's most likely pays more and has more job security than any amateur musician or dancer lmao and that should say something.

Im not saying amateur, I said use those technologies coupled with their art skills and great inspiring character, which assumes he has been trained as musician since early ages, and become very good at playing musical instrument, or dance, and has good character, with decent knowledge of using technologies like marketing himself via sosial media etc. As compared to well trained enggineer, working hard to get a degree in university, masters, then Ph.D then working at office etc.

Zurryyy said:
People that use the phrase "contributing to society" have been brainwashed by society itself. We as people have no obligation to contribute to society. I couldn't give less of a shit what happens to this planet once I'm gone. If someone is making a living through social media as an influencer, then they're living a more stress free and happy life compared to someone with a 9 to 5. So as a way to make themselves feel better, wage-slaves will often criticize those who make money and aren't "contributing to society".

This day and age, it's easier than it has ever been to get some level of fame. There's people I know myself that can get lots of clout simply because of their apperance, yet they're settling for the typical college and then 9 to 5 route. That's pretty disappointing. People need to realize that there are ways to make a living without being a 9 to 5 wage-slave.

Finally, someone who view life the same as me, at least in this particular matter
All kids have hobbies and if they grew competent at said hobby as they grew up that doesn't mean said hobby can or should be made into a career.

I only speak for myself on this but turning any type of hobby into work ruins it and instead of pursuing your own creative freedom for fun you more than likely will be forced into doing commissions you personally do not find interesting and instead of using your own creative vision you instead have to appeal to the clients specific requests and thus compromises the entire reason one may of enjoyed the hobby in the first place which was the ability for creative freedom.

This can apply to music, art, video editing, acting and just about every "creative" type of hobby out there and due to the highly competitive nature of these groups [usually due to an overabundance of talent] you have to make sacrifices of your own creativity all in the pursuit of making money off of your work.

Of course one can reach a state where they get paid for their own creative works purely as they intended but these people most likely didn't start off in this position and instead had to go through the commission hellhole to get them the clout to be able to do such a thing.

Now, with this being the case and the obvious requirement for most people to make wealth why would anyone potentially ruin their outlet for creativity and use it to make money when instead they could pursue a more focused path in which they gain skills that are universally in demand and have infinite routes to progress and most likely have a very limited amount of skilled workers in said position?

Sure, to complete any STEM degree [or even law/medicine] it will take a lot of years of work and you most likely will need a knack for it [and in some cases such as I.T you will be required to learn/reskill for the rest of your life] but in exchange for this commitment you gain access to a wealth of lucrative jobs that will give you the money to better enrich your life including time for your hobbies.

Just because one chooses the more lucrative and sought after career doesn't mean they forsake the arts/humanities and not only can these hobbies remain a focus on the side but they can be enjoyed thoroughly without worrying about making money, getting famous or any other ambitious thoughts that can compromise the genuine joy of such a hobby.

It may seem like humanities/art is the easier path and that STEM/Law/Medicine is the more "hard" path but in reality humanities/art have a low barrier to entry but to actually make the same money in such a space you will need to dedicate just as much time and effort as any other career and you will be rewarded less for it in the end.

Where as STEM/Law/Medicine have a steep initial difficulty curve/commitment but once you have the degree and an understanding of the industry the jobs asked of you will most likely be much more mundane than what you learned and thus the majority of jobs you'll be much more comfortable because instead of participating in the rat race of talent where there are so many people competing you'll instead compete in a smaller setting in which your skills are universally in demand.

I'm personally completing a Bachelors of IT and most likely will be required to upskill with certifications and constantly learn for the next 20+ years but this hasn't stopped me from continuing to pursue more humanities based pursuits in my free time such as history, languages, piano, video editing, graphic design and various other hobbies. Even a few hours at night can amount to a lot over time and most people can spare a few hours every night even working full-time. So despite not pursuing art/humanities formally I still put aside time for it daily without exception.
Jan 17, 2022 9:45 PM

Nov 2020
Nope. I heavily disagree with this. Ngl, this is a pretty shitty take.

Not everyone wants a job like that. There are many risks in jobs like that, for example irregular pays, no consistency in their work, less chance of getting successful etc. All you are doing is looking at the tiny substrata of very successful people on these sites and think that you can do the same. No, it is not an accurate representation of reality. Why do you think everybody does not open a business? Why do most people want the boring 9 to 5 job? Because they want stability in their lives. You probably don't want it, but don't think everybody is the same as you.

Also, because they are famous, they get a lot of negative comments and hate for their work, maybe even death threats. There are a lot of people out their that can not take all of the criticisms. This is also a reason why depression and suicide rates are higher among these people.

And lastly, do you seriously think society will function if everybody does those stuff? Entertainment is, at the end of the day, entertainment. It is not a necessity. For there to be necessities in our lives and a fully functioning society, most people have to work like "wage-slaves". To believe otherwise is to live in ignorance.

@149597871 Lol good one.
WutIsDisJan 17, 2022 10:56 PM
If you ever feel bored and are questioning the meaning of your existence, read deez blogs. Maybe you will find your answers.
Jan 17, 2022 10:00 PM

May 2017
The people I hear say this are usually the ones that try to tell us that robots will take engineering jobs from other people.

Meanwhile, I’ve seen recent technologies where they have robots doing jobs that artists usually do, like since and dance.
Jan 17, 2022 10:43 PM
Cat Hater

Feb 2017
Lol, don't listen to these sceptics. Cover yourself in tattoos and find someone to give you a lobotomy, and you will make it in the music industry in no time. TikTok is definitely the place to start.

You will also be finally able to wear your pants down without anyone judging you.

P.S. come to think of it actually, a lobotomy might be an overkill. Just the tattoos. Unless you can screech like Adele or play the piano like this Korean dude, looks are everything in the modern pop music industry.
149597871Jan 20, 2022 3:52 AM
Jan 17, 2022 10:52 PM

Dec 2013
149597871 said:
Lol, don't listen to these sceptics. Cover yourself in tattoos and find someone to give you a lobotomy, and you will make it in the music industry in no time. TikTok is definitely the place to start.

You will also be finally able to wear your pants down without anyone judging you.

No wonder you see things with shallow minded perspective. I can see why, judging from the selection of video about your understanding of music.

To show you how very dedicated musician can become, how about these:

Jan 17, 2022 11:00 PM
Cat Hater

Feb 2017
philtecturophy said:
149597871 said:
Lol, don't listen to these sceptics. Cover yourself in tattoos and find someone to give you a lobotomy, and you will make it in the music industry in no time. TikTok is definitely the place to start.

You will also be finally able to wear your pants down without anyone judging you.

No wonder you see things with shallow minded perspective. I can see why, judging from the selection of video about your understanding of music.

To show you how very dedicated musician can become, how about these:

Wait, there are other types of music?! Woah, I've been listening to these guys non-stop over the past month and I absolutely hated it. Good thing there are some geniuses on MAL to tell me that there is more to music than that! It is not like I was trying to make a point or anything.

I'm an island boy... I'm gonna wear my vest, yeah... Island boy, Island boy...
149597871Jan 17, 2022 11:04 PM
Jan 17, 2022 11:08 PM

Dec 2013
149597871 said:
philtecturophy said:

No wonder you see things with shallow minded perspective. I can see why, judging from the selection of video about your understanding of music.

To show you how very dedicated musician can become, how about these:

Wait, there are other types of music?! Woah, I've been listening to these guys non-stop over the past month and I absolutely hated it. Good thing there are some geniuses on MAL to tell me that there is more to music than that! It is not like I was trying to make a point or anything.

I'm an island boy... I'm gonna wear my vest, yeah... Island boy, Island boy...

I never said I'm genius, I'm just a simple person with certain expertises and hobbies.

Yeah, you should start listening to some other types of music too, other than those island songs types. For classical piano, tried Beethoven's pieces: pathetique sonata, moonlight sonata, sonata appasionata for more easy listenings.

You can thank me later

Jan 18, 2022 9:27 AM

Dec 2015
philtecturophy said:
These days, learning how to dance and play musical instrument has much more values than studying engineering, agree?

Agree and Disagree as engineers are also needed and get paid as some singers/performance the difference as that the succesfull are the most popular ones x), no one cares about the non popular singers or artist who are struggling to get paid and need to make shift jobs in their daily roitnes.

The good examples for that are Viu Viu (Russia) and Metalion (Poland) actually Viu Viu is quite popular in Russia for holding 52nd around position in charting (but well the others example I can't post as I can't write in russian cyrylic alphabet) and Metalion is a small local metal group which I don't even know if they perform anything anymore.

And as I like discovering music/art in internet there are thousands or even tens/hundred of thousands of people who don't make a single coin on this as they are just not popular x)
Jan 18, 2022 9:31 AM

Jul 2015
You're so unbelievably wrong...

There's more money in STEM now than ever before. The people who make a living as influences are outliers. Making bank with STEM is pretty much a guarantee once you're in the field.
"my life at this state could be transposed into a pretty massive biography"

- Cneq, "the guy who was literally using BTC in 2012 to make deals in the first main instance of a digital itemized economy forming naturally in all human history (also the precursor of NFTs) and who had 20k+ total trades.", 23 years old

MAL's most prolific antivaxxer, Noboru.
Jan 18, 2022 9:37 AM

Nov 2008
Only if you want to be an idol or a social media influencer (the latter of which is oversaturated with dancers and musicians who can play an instrument), there's still some room in the latter if you are bilingual (There's still room for male English speaking idols) and have a good persona (and also are able to be a Vtuber).

Jan 18, 2022 9:41 AM

Apr 2013
Here's the major difference: an engineer degree as well as years of experience as an engineer are pretty much guaranteed to always be relevant in society and when searching for a job, they'll never betray you, unless you betray them first.
Being famous on social media and making money like that though, it's super unstable, especially with how it works. Even when being widely popular, one single scandal angering the fans and you're probably toast. And nowadays with that whole special snowflakes/offended by everything community, everything can start a scandal so yeah.
Yes you can make WAY, WAY more money with enough talent/ creative sense when using the right media services nowadays. There's ton of money to make. but what about your life in 10 years. 20. 30. 40 years. and later. that's the thing.
Jan 18, 2022 9:43 AM

Mar 2015
I agree that people need art, but if everyone started to work in the arts life would probably get somewhat harder for everyone because engineers/STEM jobs are pretty important for society to function...

If working in a creative field is your passion you should pursue it, but calling everyone else nerds makes you look kinda stupid...
Jan 18, 2022 10:12 AM

Feb 2008
engineering pays more and is more in demand than artists.
and I say this as an artist, living your life with a fake persona will break your psyche. Especially if you're only trying to do it to get attention from social media, it takes years for some people to get any kind of following, days for others.
Yea engineers are nerds but my dude you're on myanimelist, so are you.
Jan 19, 2022 7:58 AM

Oct 2021
philtecturophy said:
These days, learning how to dance and play musical instrument has much more values than studying engineering, agree?

I mean tik tok, instagram, youtubes, nobody want to see theories of FEA or how to solve PDE, only nerds do watch those. But dancing, singing, playing musical instruments, people love to watch those.

People need entertainment and fun. Let the nerds do the boring engineering jobs. These days kids, for financial success, should learn to use those technologies coupled with their art skills and great inspiring character to become famous. Once you are famous, money comes, can be via endorsement etc.

"I dont want to be famous, I prefer working behind the screen, alone with my computer", then go join the nerds when you will be put in a small cubical inside office working your ass off, wearing the similar boring costumes everyday, until you are old, and realize you take the wrong path in life.

All these just my thought...

I couldn't agree nor disagree but both engineering and the entertainment industry has its own values. Engineering is on a scienctific side and the entertainment is on the art side. Without each life would be boring. Everything is connected to life you just gotta know how to apply it. Lets say in engineering, you must be able to secure the sturdiness of the foundation to make the building last long (so in life, if you don't have a stable foundation, you'll end up ignorant. Whereas in music, dance etc... you need to learn to practice to master it and mastering teaches you a lot of patience. Also timing because everything will be smooth if the timing is right. Just as well as in life) Something like that.

Ofcourse, the source of FUN depends already from each individual. You may have fun doing this but not me and vice versa. It all comes to how they seek something to entertain oneself.

BELIEVE you deserve it and the universe will serve it.
Jan 19, 2022 8:09 AM

Oct 2021
Harwyck said:
Are you trolling? There are more successful engineers than there are successful entertainers. You are only sampling the most successful of the entertainers group while ignoring the considerable social mobility being a engineer or similar jobs provide. There are a lot of losers who think they are gonna be the next Michael Jackson but only 0.1% of them end up being so. But being a moderate earning engineer is quite easy and you only need to study. The technical term for this is Apex Fallacy.

Excuse my interruption. How well do you know and what are your scope of the term entertainers? With this mindset you have already underestimated not just the entertainers but the whole entertainment industry. Not to mention all the artists behind the production of a single anime.
The world of arts is as highly respected as engineering way back years ago even check your history not until this generation (maybe?) the world of arts has been seen as unworthy of a profession because of the fact that people aren't willing to pay someone with a talent and instead they want it for free. That's already a disrespect to the industry.

BELIEVE you deserve it and the universe will serve it.
Jan 19, 2022 8:12 AM

Oct 2021
SmugSatoko said:
As a musician, I can tell you that very few people in the music industry make lots of money.

It's because they look down on these profession.

BELIEVE you deserve it and the universe will serve it.
Jan 19, 2022 8:13 AM

Oct 2021
Cneq said:
A job at McDonald's most likely pays more and has more job security than any amateur musician or dancer lmao and that should say something.

You underestimate musicians and dancers too much...

BELIEVE you deserve it and the universe will serve it.
Jan 19, 2022 8:24 AM

Dec 2013
sakinachi said:
Cneq said:
A job at McDonald's most likely pays more and has more job security than any amateur musician or dancer lmao and that should say something.

You underestimate musicians and dancers too much...

Well, if what they listen is only this kind of island music, then ofc they will underestimate musicians in general
And there is no need to convince them otherwise, coz you know the character and mind of that person judging by what they like to listen

Jan 19, 2022 11:19 AM

Aug 2014
sakinachi said:
Excuse my interruption. How well do you know and what are your scope of the term entertainers? With this mindset you have already underestimated not just the entertainers but the whole entertainment industry. Not to mention all the artists behind the production of a single anime.
The world of arts is as highly respected as engineering way back years ago even check your history not until this generation (maybe?) the world of arts has been seen as unworthy of a profession because of the fact that people aren't willing to pay someone with a talent and instead they want it for free. That's already a disrespect to the industry.

sakinachi said:
It's because they look down on these profession.

sakinachi said:
You underestimate musicians and dancers too much...

A tiny fraction of one percent of all the musicians out there make lots of money. That's just a fact.
Jan 19, 2022 12:05 PM

Aug 2018
It would be better to define value as a first step.
Jan 19, 2022 1:45 PM

Jan 2017
sakinachi said:
Cneq said:
A job at McDonald's most likely pays more and has more job security than any amateur musician or dancer lmao and that should say something.

You underestimate musicians and dancers too much...
As in what aspect? The entire entertainment industry is oversaturated and for the vast majority of people with these skillsets to actually get paid for their work it takes far more effort and competition than if one was to gain a skillset that allows them into more lucrative and in-demand industries [such as I.T, medicine, law, traditional engineering].
Jan 19, 2022 4:45 PM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
In terms of making buck, only a handful manage to make it big but knowing to dance or play an instrument DOES come in useful when making contacts and appearing interesting, which is a very important factor of getting a better job

Both. Both is good.
Jan 19, 2022 6:16 PM

Jun 2017
id say no cause if you have an engineering degree you have a higher probability of getting rich than the luck you would need to blow up online
Jan 19, 2022 6:32 PM
Jan 2022
sakinachi said:
Harwyck said:
Are you trolling? There are more successful engineers than there are successful entertainers. You are only sampling the most successful of the entertainers group while ignoring the considerable social mobility being a engineer or similar jobs provide. There are a lot of losers who think they are gonna be the next Michael Jackson but only 0.1% of them end up being so. But being a moderate earning engineer is quite easy and you only need to study. The technical term for this is Apex Fallacy.

Excuse my interruption. How well do you know and what are your scope of the term entertainers? With this mindset you have already underestimated not just the entertainers but the whole entertainment industry. Not to mention all the artists behind the production of a single anime.
The world of arts is as highly respected as engineering way back years ago even check your history not until this generation (maybe?) the world of arts has been seen as unworthy of a profession because of the fact that people aren't willing to pay someone with a talent and instead they want it for free. That's already a disrespect to the industry.

Do you disagree that the average artist is paid less than the average engineer?
Jan 20, 2022 3:42 AM
Jul 2018
According to the most superficial value that being money, engineers are always going to beat creative jobs on average. The average annual pay of artists in the UK is approximately 31.000 pound. A musician earns on average 25.000 pound. Engineering gets you around 37.500 pound for entry level jobs with software engineers making on average 52.000 pound. Other sites paint an even bleaker picture and increase the gap between creative and STEM jobs drastically.

The only way for artists and musician to beat STEM graduates is for them to get incredibly lucky and bring out a hit and continue to be successful after that. So not really likely.
removed-userJan 20, 2022 3:50 AM
Jan 20, 2022 3:46 AM

Apr 2012
There will always be more people who want to become famous or become "great artists" than people who want to become good specialists, because it is considered easier and allows you to rise. For example, I remember back in the 00s people were joking about Russia having problems with the economy because half of the country were photographers and guitarists.
Jan 20, 2022 3:49 AM

Apr 2013
Disagree. While I am a passionate guitar player myself, studying made it a lot easier to sustain myself. It's already difficult to get a job in the entertainment industry and a lot of them are not that well-paid.
Jan 21, 2022 5:18 AM

Oct 2021
Cneq said:
sakinachi said:

You underestimate musicians and dancers too much...
As in what aspect? The entire entertainment industry is oversaturated and for the vast majority of people with these skillsets to actually get paid for their work it takes far more effort and competition than if one was to gain a skillset that allows them into more lucrative and in-demand industries [such as I.T, medicine, law, traditional engineering].

but the entertainment industries don't just revolve around competition and perfomances.

BELIEVE you deserve it and the universe will serve it.
Jan 21, 2022 5:25 AM

Oct 2021
Harwyck said:

Do you disagree that the average artist is paid less than the average engineer?

If that's factual then I'd def agree. But knowing 2 people who's an engineer and an artist, The artist's monthly salary is way higher than of the engr. So, im open to the idea that artists SHOULD and MUST GET paid more not less. And it's def impossible that artists dont get paid more than engrs. All work regardless of what field must be treated equally with respect and value.

BELIEVE you deserve it and the universe will serve it.
Jan 21, 2022 6:59 AM
Jan 2022
sakinachi said:
Harwyck said:

Do you disagree that the average artist is paid less than the average engineer?

If that's factual then I'd def agree. But knowing 2 people who's an engineer and an artist, The artist's monthly salary is way higher than of the engr. So, im open to the idea that artists SHOULD and MUST GET paid more not less. And it's def impossible that artists dont get paid more than engrs. All work regardless of what field must be treated equally with respect and value.

See now you are saying 2 different things. Are you saying the salary IS higher or SHOULD BE higher? Because the original question which was asked was "These days becoming an artist is more valuable than an engineer. Agree or Disagree?" And I disagreed because I said the salary of an average engineer is more than the salary of an average artist.

I didn't say that being an artist is less than being an engineer. You are making that up.
Jan 26, 2022 10:28 PM

Oct 2021
Harwyck said:

See now you are saying 2 different things. Are you saying the salary IS higher or SHOULD BE higher? Because the original question which was asked was "These days becoming an artist is more valuable than an engineer. Agree or Disagree?" And I disagreed because I said the salary of an average engineer is more than the salary of an average artist.

I didn't say that being an artist is less than being an engineer. You are making that up.

Disagreeing with some message of disappointment from your first reply proves how you see artists less of a value than of an engineer. If that's not your intention, then pardon for understanding it that way with your word choices. For the salary matters, Im just saying that just because society thinks/you think that an engineer is VALUED MORE, they should EARN MORE than artists. That's lowkey discrimination. Artists deserve a pay with equal or higher value than of engineer. That's the point I'm saying. Besides, the value of a job isn't supposed to be based from their salary.

BELIEVE you deserve it and the universe will serve it.
Jan 26, 2022 10:41 PM

Jul 2020
Holy shit this is probably the most stupid shit I've read in awhile
Jan 27, 2022 12:01 AM

Apr 2013
sakinachi said:
Harwyck said:

See now you are saying 2 different things. Are you saying the salary IS higher or SHOULD BE higher? Because the original question which was asked was "These days becoming an artist is more valuable than an engineer. Agree or Disagree?" And I disagreed because I said the salary of an average engineer is more than the salary of an average artist.

I didn't say that being an artist is less than being an engineer. You are making that up.

Disagreeing with some message of disappointment from your first reply proves how you see artists less of a value than of an engineer. If that's not your intention, then pardon for understanding it that way with your word choices. For the salary matters, Im just saying that just because society thinks/you think that an engineer is VALUED MORE, they should EARN MORE than artists. That's lowkey discrimination. Artists deserve a pay with equal or higher value than of engineer. That's the point I'm saying. Besides, the value of a job isn't supposed to be based from their salary.

It's not him disagreeing, it's the whole society you live in that is disagreeing. Unless you've managed to be part of a successful minority, artists gets paid way less than engineer in our society. And in our society, the ratio between the value that the society sees in specific job compared to how much that job is in demand is proportionate to how much they get paid.
The society need all its current engineers so all engineers get a good pay. The society does NOT need all of the current artists so only a small portion get well paid.
This is sad for talented artists that struggle to live by, but that's how the human society works regardless of our emotional response towards it.
Jan 28, 2022 4:23 AM
Jul 2018
It's quite the opposite. As AI and Technology play an increasingly important role in the world, with the AI singularity predicted to strike in 2036, it's more important than ever as demand for engineers and computer scientists will increase dramatically. We would not be here without science, it's the nature of humanity to want to progress and tinker.
Jan 28, 2022 6:11 AM

Nov 2019
Some people get entertained by technology, like myself. Judging by your comment, you seem like you’d be the type to pick on someone for knowing something in C++ or Python, just because you didn’t want to or care to even remotely try to understand.

I get programming and technology isn’t everyone’s taste, but you don’t need to go insulting our passions. The fact that you assume that all nerds work behind a cubical really shows you don’t know anything about the tech industry.

And it’s not nobody wants to see Instagram, theories of FEA, or TikTok — it’s you and maybe a few others who doesn’t want to see it, dude.
Jan 28, 2022 9:15 AM

Nov 2020
According to the way you said this, almost every idiot with a good phone camera and an account on social media can make a video of showing two generic dance moves and go viral over night. Sure, it isn't far away from truth though but you should be extremly lucky, not really talented. Those people cannot give anything else exept repeating those similar dance moves with a different song. No one guarantees that life as an influencer is completely carefree and that everyone could manage living that kind of lifestyle (dealing with hate and death threats here and there).

On the other hand, people whose professions are music or dancing work their asses off everyday and still aren't as close to making a decent salary as engineers are. This and pervious are incomparable tho.

Not everything should be entertaiment. Without engineering most of the things we use everyday wouldn't even exist. Someone wants to dance in front of camera, someone wants to do programming all day. Both are fine if that is what you want to do it, I suppose.

I want to talk to you as openly as I can,
but my heart is empty. The emptiness is a
mirror turned towards my own face.
I see myself in it,
and I am filled with fear and disgust.

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