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The Honor Student at Magic High School
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Jul 10, 2021 7:58 AM

Nov 2011
Even their school has hierarchy levels...

It looks like Honoka really wants to be Miyuki's friend. Got to see more of their school life in this spinoff, which is more or less the same as the main series. Best part of the episode is when Erika showed up. Honestly, I want to see more of her in this spinoff.

Plot felt rather loose for this episode though. The episode almost felt like a slice of life.
Jul 10, 2021 8:01 AM

Feb 2018
I feel like rewatching Mahouka Koukou Rettousei. It's an OP Animation, It was a new student test. And it was Honoka's first time meeting Tatsuya, Some there are some interesting scenes. I liked that lunch scene, when Tatsuya was away. Miyuki looks angry and how Honoka and Shizuku went to walking together wih Miyuki. Honoka ask to Miyuki, What is Miyuki's relationship with Tatsuya, Miyuki replied that they are siblings. Honoka assumed that Tatsuya was bloom student. But yeah, Tatsuya are weed... Honoka said that Tatsuya had a beautiful activation magic during the school entrance test. The event at the gate, it was an important event for triggering the Honoka flag. It's the same as in the anime but in this episode it explains in more detail why Honoka activates magic. And it ended with Tatsuya's lie, Honoka managed to get close to Tatsuya. There are several scenes, such as Miyuki being kidnapped by Morisaki, It's like being raped and yeah i like Honoka and Shizuku bath scene... And also, It seemed that Saegusa had really kept an eye on Tatsuya's group from the beginning

Miyuki was able to have lunch with Tatsuya because of Honoka's initiative.... And Honoka seemed happy because she could call Shiba by her first name, Miyuki... For Ed? Idk
Jul 10, 2021 8:12 AM

Nov 2007
Showing twin tail girl admiring main girl how she did in the entrance test.

How main girl is politely greeting made everyone fall in love, even Kimura-san's character. That bully in girls' side (not just main girl).

That twin tail girl knows oniisan's true potential and thought the same as main girl.

lol @ main girl's imaginations.

The members that student council is interested in recruiting, especially that long red hair girl that is not from the main series...

2 friends helping out in joining the Rettousei group.

ED is cheerful.
tsubasaloverJul 10, 2021 10:12 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jul 10, 2021 9:14 AM
Jul 2018
The ED is great.

I'm just kinda disappointed about the animation. Movements are limited, seems like they are statues and the one who talks is the only one who moves.
removed-userJul 10, 2021 9:18 AM
Jul 10, 2021 9:14 AM

Jul 2020
The art still blows my mind even in the flashbacks lol. That extra saturation filter is clean af, even if miyuki looks like a ghost lol. Honoka is too precious in this episode lool

Every time one of miyuki's delusions pop up it's so ridiculous I end up laughing, not helped by saegusa egging her on understand what's happening lmao. And then there's honoka's delusions on top of that, her practicing speaking to miyuki, then her fainting at the first name basis lmao. They included some what I like to call fan physics with her fainting lmao.
LeviathanHWDJul 10, 2021 9:29 AM
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Jul 10, 2021 9:26 AM

Jul 2020
tsubasalover said:
that red hair girl is not from the main series...

You on about Erika? The one with the staff? I'm pretty sure she is, but she's a supporting character from the second class that hangs around with tatsuya
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Jul 10, 2021 9:46 AM

Feb 2019
I love the humour and comedic approach that the spin off takes. Even tho we know what happens already, it keeps things feeling fresh. Love the OP and ED.
Jul 10, 2021 9:46 AM

Feb 2019
tsubasalover said:
Showing twin tail girl admiring main girl how she did in the entrance test.

How main girl is politely greeting made everyone fall in love, even Kimura-san's character. That bully in girls' side (not just main girl).

That twin tail girl knows oniisan's true potential and thought the same as main girl.

lol @ main girl's imaginations.

The members... that red hair girl is not from the main series...

2 friends helping out in joining the Rettousei group.

ED is cheerful.

Erica is definitely in the main series.
Jul 10, 2021 9:47 AM

Jun 2015
Entrance exams is always a nerve wracking experience. Honoka's panic was amusing but there was no need to be that intimidated to begin with. Miyuki is someone that treats all equally. But at least Honoka and Shizuku were able to introduce themselves. Its unfortunate that their first day was marred with the encounter with the social injustice inherent within the school. Seeing that infamous incident from the series from Honoka's viewpoint sure was interesting. Still despite their skill its so unfair to see the course 1 students treat the c2 students like that. Honoka choosing to act as the first to defy the school's discrimination though was a nice move. Overall a nice ep that served to do well to introduce the characters of Honoka and Shizuku and show their views towards the powerful discrim attitude present within first high.
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Jul 10, 2021 9:52 AM

Aug 2013
Honoka really wants to be friends with Miyuki.

Honestly, it is going to take a while for me to get used to the animation.

Mayumi's teasing was hilarious. I want to see more of her. And also Erika as well.

Jul 10, 2021 10:03 AM

Nov 2007
@Criticiza @Marinate1016 Sorry, I wasn't clear. it should be "long red hair" girl, who was shown at the most right of the computer screen.
I know the one you mention was from the main series, but I wasn't talking about her.
tsubasaloverJul 10, 2021 10:12 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jul 10, 2021 10:18 AM

Dec 2014
Not enough Onii-sama compared to last episode but can't complain about getting more Miyuki even though it was a more Honoka centric episode.

I'm liking the humor, it's pretty fun.
Jul 10, 2021 10:22 AM
Feb 2019
It's honestly so weird watching this because I know the original show by heart. It's so familiar yet it's so different.
Jul 10, 2021 10:34 AM
Sep 2020
The animation is a little poor, the original show looks better. Aside from that it's ok. I wasn't expecting the same as the original show.
Jul 10, 2021 10:47 AM

Jan 2013
gotten so used to God Tatsuya for so long that completely forgot about there was a Class discrimination deal during the beginning

i like the ED tho…very Persona 3ish
dannymilkJul 10, 2021 10:57 AM
Jul 10, 2021 10:59 AM

Oct 2020
Could someone explain why they basically recapped the first bit of s1 in this episode? Is it meant to be filler?

Or are they just re-doing the entire show again from the start? I'm so lost...

Jul 10, 2021 11:10 AM

Aug 2017
I feel a dejá vu during the entire episode. I wonder if they're going to adapt the entire source or not.
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Jul 10, 2021 11:10 AM
Jan 2019
The ep all but killed my interest in the series.

The writing is all over the place, the art style has gotten sloppy enough that even i am starting to notice, there are all sorts of inconsistencies in character positions and scene dynamics. Even the sound sucks.

Whatever worked well for me in ep.1 stopped working in ep.2 and likely won't come back.

SaintZeph said:
Could someone explain why they basically recapped the first bit of s1 in this episode? Is it meant to be filler?

Or are they just re-doing the entire show again from the start? I'm so lost...

They are redoing the events of s1 from the point of view of the girls (primarily Miyuki but i guess Honoka too?).
The confusion comes from the fact that they are both skipping important moments (such as the student council discussion) and messing up other important moments (the student standoff is simply worse than it was in the original version).
malMaxiJul 10, 2021 11:14 AM
Jul 10, 2021 11:34 AM

Oct 2020
Animation is really weird. Need to get used to it but apart from that it’s nice, it’s like a SoF of the 1st season. Just wished it had the original animation.

Jul 10, 2021 11:39 AM
Apr 2020
so, since The irregular at magic school was very good, i had huge expectations, and honestly im dissapointed.

this show is just remake, creating this serial seems like wasting time.

(this isnt hate, im watching the show in case something interesting happens, its just tha dissapointment)

Jul 10, 2021 11:48 AM

Nov 2010
tsubasalover said:
@Criticiza @Marinate1016 Sorry, I wasn't clear. it should be "long red hair" girl, who was shown at the most right of the computer screen.
I know the one you mention was from the main series, but I wasn't talking about her.

But Eimi appeared in the main series as well? On episode 2 of the first season.
Jul 10, 2021 11:54 AM

May 2018
So basically this was the same as Mahouka koukou no rettousei but focussing on Miyuki's perspective. So I guess we will have the sports festival next in her perspective as shown by the OP
Jul 10, 2021 11:55 AM

Oct 2020
malMaxi said:
The ep all but killed my interest in the series.

The writing is all over the place, the art style has gotten sloppy enough that even i am starting to notice, there are all sorts of inconsistencies in character positions and scene dynamics. Even the sound sucks.

Whatever worked well for me in ep.1 stopped working in ep.2 and likely won't come back.

SaintZeph said:
Could someone explain why they basically recapped the first bit of s1 in this episode? Is it meant to be filler?

Or are they just re-doing the entire show again from the start? I'm so lost...

They are redoing the events of s1 from the point of view of the girls (primarily Miyuki but i guess Honoka too?).
The confusion comes from the fact that they are both skipping important moments (such as the student council discussion) and messing up other important moments (the student standoff is simply worse than it was in the original version).

Ahh yikes I really hoped that wasn’t the case T-T

Jul 10, 2021 12:54 PM

Jul 2020
tsubasalover said:
@Criticiza @Marinate1016 Sorry, I wasn't clear. it should be "long red hair" girl, who was shown at the most right of the computer screen.
I know the one you mention was from the main series, but I wasn't talking about her.

Gotcha! Didn't notice that!
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Jul 10, 2021 1:19 PM

May 2020
I love Mahouka except for one thing, Miyuki. For me is better to rewatch the reason or re-read the first volumes than watching this but I guess I watch this until the end just because I have time lol.
Jul 10, 2021 1:34 PM

Feb 2018
Ishaan_Basu said:
It's honestly so weird watching this because I know the original show by heart. It's so familiar yet it's so different.

I agree,
I thought the first episode was flawless, but this second episode is... idk how to describe it other than that it feels different. Not sure whether i like or dislike what i'm seeing so far, maybe a mixture of both.

EthereaL015 said:
I love Mahouka except for one thing, Miyuki. For me is better to rewatch the reason or re-read the first volumes than watching this but I guess I watch this until the end just because I have time lol.

I think Miyuki is great, i'm just hoping the other girls wont occupy too much of the screentime. Shizuku and Honoka doesn't interest me the least.
Jul 10, 2021 1:40 PM

May 2020
EthereaL015 said:
I love Mahouka except for one thing, Miyuki. For me is better to rewatch the reason or re-read the first volumes than watching this but I guess I watch this until the end just because I have time lol.

I think Miyuki is great, i'm just hoping the other girls wont occupy too much of the screentime. Shizuku and Honoka doesn't interest me the least. [/quote]

Let's see how this works out!
Jul 10, 2021 1:45 PM

Feb 2018
malMaxi said:
the art style has gotten sloppy enough that even i am starting to notice, there are all sorts of inconsistencies in character positions and scene dynamics.

I agree, something is not quite right with the art and animation of this episode, it was the first thing i noticed when i started watching it and for the whole duration of the episode it has been bothering me.

Tatusya art and animation especially just doesn't seem right at all.
Jul 10, 2021 1:47 PM

Sep 2019
This episode makes me want to rewatch the first season lol
Jul 10, 2021 2:24 PM

Apr 2018
Isn't this just season 1 but with worse animation and artstyle? The pacing is pretty fast too but wtv.
It's still pretty wholesome and fun to see Miyuki and Chadsuya..

Mayumi is still the best girl
SideCharacterKalJul 10, 2021 2:31 PM

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Jul 10, 2021 3:01 PM
Jan 2021
The animation sucks but the art style is ok. Im so glad that they didint animated the main story
Jul 10, 2021 4:29 PM

Apr 2015
Comes to no surprise that we are seeing scenes from S1 of the original show. I always had an issue with the discrimination that the course 2 students faced from a particular group of course 1 students and I hate how this POV managed to bring that up again.

I do have to say that I really missed the Mayumi moments. She's great and I want to see more of her, maybe this spin-off will provide just that. Same with Honoka.

At this rate, I hope we're gonna see some arcs of sort that is exclusive to the girl's POV, otherwise this show is going to be one big recap with the important plot points left out.
Jul 10, 2021 5:54 PM
Jun 2017
"onii sama is the best" 💪💪💪💪
Jul 10, 2021 7:20 PM

Jul 2008
Why is the animation and quality of art so much worse? Its almost childish in comparison to the previous stuff
Jul 10, 2021 10:11 PM

Nov 2007
Rinji- said:
But Eimi appeared in the main series as well? On episode 2 of the first season.
Oh, I see... Thanks for telling me. I don't remember about her at all.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jul 10, 2021 10:22 PM
Apr 2021
malMaxi said:
The ep all but killed my interest in the series.

The writing is all over the place, the art style has gotten sloppy enough that even i am starting to notice, there are all sorts of inconsistencies in character positions and scene dynamics. Even the sound sucks.

Whatever worked well for me in ep.1 stopped working in ep.2 and likely won't come back.

SaintZeph said:
Could someone explain why they basically recapped the first bit of s1 in this episode? Is it meant to be filler?

Or are they just re-doing the entire show again from the start? I'm so lost...

They are redoing the events of s1 from the point of view of the girls (primarily Miyuki but i guess Honoka too?).
The confusion comes from the fact that they are both skipping important moments (such as the student council discussion) and messing up other important moments (the student standoff is simply worse than it was in the original version).
better than ep 1 because at least there is some actual conflict in the story here

the best thing this show has done so far is make me appreciate the first season more. Back when Mahouka was trying to be something other than a male power fantasy.
Jul 10, 2021 10:28 PM

Oct 2008
so how's the ONISAMA counter this 2nd episode? lolz

EDIT: According to reddit: 9

Jul 10, 2021 10:28 PM

Aug 2017
tsubasalover said:
Rinji- said:
But Eimi appeared in the main series as well? On episode 2 of the first season.
Oh, I see... Thanks for telling me. I don't remember about her at all.

she appears more during the tournament arc but she's definitely a background character during it. I expect she'll show up more in Miyuki's perspective since she's also a course 1 student, and since they made a point to show her as one of the promising students.
Jul 10, 2021 11:25 PM
Apr 2021
Worthy to watch this anime.I like to see the show from shiba myuki side.❤️❤️
Jul 10, 2021 11:54 PM
Jan 2019
theGodde said:
better than ep 1 because at least there is some actual conflict in the story here

How is conflict in ep.2 in any way better than conflict in ep.1?
Conflict in ep.1 built both Miyuki's character (as a power fantasy Mary Sue, but whatever) and the world. What did conflict in ep.2 achieve? Who in the world would take the whole Bloom-Weed thing seriously after that display? All we learned in that altercation is that Honoka is useless. But we already knew that from earlier in the episode, so what was even the point?

Let me tell you what the point could have been: Honoka is introduced as someone who can judge people's actual power, having accurately picked up not just on Miyuki's strength, but also on Tatsuya's. This ability of hers is actually what cements her as a friend in Miyuki's eyes, making her a story-relevant character going forward.

All they needed to do beyond that is to introduce to us the power set of the entire new supporting cast through Honoka's eyes. We should have gotten a bit of a characterization of the red-hair as someone who is adept at martial arts. We should have gotten some characterization of the strange, subtle but also amazing powers that ooze from other group members, show Honoka feeling comfortable in their presence. That would establish the Weed group and would make us root for their well-being as the group.

And THEN enter the Bloom group stage left, Honoka seeing their treatment of the wonderful group and their desire to tear Miyuki away, being scared of their horrible oppressive auras, but trying her best to stand up for her friends nonetheless. Ultimately, upon seeing the red-hair show off the strength Honoka already saw, Honoka would gather her courage and ultimately go so far as to actually charge a combat spell...

Can you see how little i changed about the story? Can you see how much better it could have been? How the final scene where Honoka is overjoyed from being officially accepted by Miyuki and everyone rushing to her could have been much more earned?

Instead, we go the bs we got.


Apparently because we needed to, no matter what, waste time listening - but not seeing - about Tatsuya getting into the Disciplinary Commitee. Who the hell cares about that?! They could easily do it in the start of next episode :(


So yeah, ep.2 sucks.

the best thing this show has done so far is make me appreciate the first season more. Back when Mahouka was trying to be something other than a male power fantasy.

Mahouka fully embraced being a power fantasy. This is actually a good thing, i'd take a work that knows what it wants to be over a Honoka any day.

I am not sure how exactly you narrow down the concept of power fantasy to specifically "male" power fantasy. Especially in the world of Mahouka where not just males, but more or less everyone (with magic power, of course. Can't have normal plebs in our stories that condemn segretation) is capable of random willful acts of wanton violence, complete with authority coverups.
Jul 11, 2021 6:13 AM
Sep 2015
i love this, it is like rewatching, but from a different point of view, 1 issue i got with the whole anime in general is that it is so hard to watch it on legal sites, like for me to watch this anime even tho it is 1 of my favorites, i really think twice before i venture into the free sites that i never use, this is not the only anime i have this issue with, i found a site, and after 5 mins of closing pop up ads, i could finally enjoy the episode, which i would say is 1 of the highlight of my week.
Jul 11, 2021 6:35 AM
Apr 2021
first, I wanna start off by reminding you that this isn't a standalone show. None of the characters (aside from mayuki and to an extent tatsuya) are given a proper introduction. Everyone else just kind of exists and the only way you can make heads or tails of it is by watching the original first season. This is more of a season 1.1 rather than a standalone spinoff.
malMaxi said:
theGodde said:
better than ep 1 because at least there is some actual conflict in the story here

How is conflict in ep.2 in any way better than conflict in ep.1?
Conflict in ep.1 built both Miyuki's character (as a power fantasy Mary Sue, but whatever) and the world. What did conflict in ep.2 achieve? Who in the world would take the whole Bloom-Weed thing seriously after that display? All we learned in that altercation is that Honoka is useless. But we already knew that from earlier in the episode, so what was even the point?

now looking at this with that context, I would like to remind you that episode one was over 50% just Mayuki and Tatsuya awkwardly...talking (I want to call it flirting, but I'm not even sure what to call that abomination of dialogue). Their relationship is probably the most synthetic and unnatural relationship in the entire series, and so making it the main focus of the entire first episode was just awful. Whether you like it or not, the relationship-related dialogue is objectively bad, even worse than the exposition or plot-related dialogue.
As for the cliche tragically evil villain-of-the-week bad guy of episode 1, that has to be the lamest, laziest, and most boring type of conflict in the action genre.

Therefore, this second episode having more of a plot rather than "let's go shopping and defeat evil bad guy" is an improvement. However it is impossible to follow if you haven't seen OG season 1. There is no real continuity in the episode, it just skips between the key events of S1 while adding a bit of original stuff. However, S1 still has the strongest plot arcs of all of mahouka currently aired, so even fragmented there's more actual conflict and plot than the first episode.

malMaxi said:
All they needed to do beyond that is to introduce to us the power set of the entire new supporting cast through Honoka's eyes. We should have gotten a bit of a characterization of the red-hair as someone who is adept at martial arts. We should have gotten some characterization of the strange, subtle but also amazing powers that ooze from other group members, show Honoka feeling comfortable in their presence. That would establish the Weed group and would make us root for their well-being as the group.

Apparently because we needed to, no matter what, waste time listening - but not seeing - about Tatsuya getting into the Disciplinary Commitee. Who the hell cares about that?! They could easily do it in the start of next episode :(
mahouka has always been bad at character introductions, but I agree this episode is especially incompetent. Once again, this is because the entire season is designed to be watched with the knowledge of season 1, rather than as a standalone. Quite possibly the scummiest type of storytelling - piggybacking off your own story because you're too lazy to write anything new. However I suppose the reason why this didn't trigger me was because I had no expectations after being reminded of the pain of watching Mahouka in the first episode.

[quote=malMaxi message=63791331Mahouka fully embraced being a power fantasy. This is actually a good thing, i'd take a work that knows what it wants to be over a Honoka any day.

I am not sure how exactly you narrow down the concept of power fantasy to specifically "male" power fantasy. Especially in the world of Mahouka where not just males, but more or less everyone (with magic power, of course. Can't have normal plebs in our stories that condemn segretation) is capable of random willful acts of wanton violence, complete with authority coverups.[/quote]
a power fantasy does not just refer to physical strength, but a situation where a character that stands in for a particular audience has basically the entire cast and plot cater to them. Tatsuya is a clear male power fantasy because all the women love him, he's smart, he's overpowered, he's an engineer, he's got an edgy "emotionless" persona and backstory. The entire plot caters towards tatsuya. He is the foundation for the entire plot. The concept of making a mahouka series from any other perspective drastically reduces what little redeeming qualities the series had to begin with.

However, as I mentioned before, season 1 tried to be different. It presented a hurdle that tatsuya could not instantly overcome. That is, classism. Tatsuya can't cancel out the classism. Even when he turns a situation around and stops it from escalating, he hasn't defeated classism, because the very existence of the situations he resolves are the problem itself. Mahouka season 1 forced tatsuya to slowly and carefully work hard within the school to change their attitudes. Sure he never failed because he's a power fantasy protagonist, however it felt nonetheless like a struggle. Even if the blooms/weeds thing is cingey af and super one the nose, it still made for a more interesting story than the rest of the show, where instead tatsuya is presented with physical problems that he can effortlessly overcome. This is why power fantasies are generally looked down with scorn and disgust within the writing world, because so many of them turn out like the later arcs of mahouka, where the protagonist is never challenged beyond what they can easily handle, and everything always goes smoothly for them.

So, does episode 2 suck? undoubtedly. But was it worse than episode 1? I would personally disagree, however it does come down to taste. I wouldn't say there is a right or wrong answer here because we are ultimately comparing two different kinds of shit. Everyone has their own personal hatreds, and mine is awful, stilted romantic/flirty dialogue.
Jul 11, 2021 6:38 AM
Apr 2021
RoaringViking said:
i love this, it is like rewatching, but from a different point of view, 1 issue i got with the whole anime in general is that it is so hard to watch it on legal sites, like for me to watch this anime even tho it is 1 of my favorites, i really think twice before i venture into the free sites that i never use, this is not the only anime i have this issue with, i found a site, and after 5 mins of closing pop up ads, i could finally enjoy the episode, which i would say is 1 of the highlight of my week.
don't stress, they don't need you money
the amount they must make off this series compared to its... less than stellar production value is more than enough to cover your (and my) rather...unethical viewing of the mahouka series
Jul 11, 2021 7:44 AM

Feb 2020
Ah, Honoka and Shizuku, and the others finally here. Its kinda be feel like a long time for not seeing you all after the previous year of season! Shizuku actually be cuter here, even though with this different art style, i am still liking her, no exception. So thats the real story behind Honoka attachment through the Shiba siblings on the main series. First sight love over those two people charisma wasn't a wrong take at all. Good job, Honoka for getting along to the group well enough, and nice backup for Shizuku at all times.

The art style already getting used to me. The oped can be better. But, its fine considering this is just a side dish. So, its no problem after all and lets see what else they have next...
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Jul 11, 2021 8:00 AM
Jan 2019
theGodde said:
first, I wanna start off by reminding you that this isn't a standalone show. None of the characters (aside from mayuki and to an extent tatsuya) are given a proper introduction. Everyone else just kind of exists and the only way you can make heads or tails of it is by watching the original first season. This is more of a season 1.1 rather than a standalone spinoff.

That's in your mind. Plenty of viewers will see this show as their first experience with the subject matter. I am trying to treat it as such, too.

No reason to be burdened by the past. No reason to consider the authorial intent for the show, either. Every show ever can be viewed as a standalone work, and is best viewed that way, as far as i'm concerned.

now looking at this with that context, I would like to remind you that episode one was over 50% just Mayuki and Tatsuya awkwardly...talking (I want to call it flirting, but I'm not even sure what to call that abomination of dialogue). Their relationship is probably the most synthetic and unnatural relationship in the entire series, and so making it the main focus of the entire first episode was just awful. Whether you like it or not, the relationship-related dialogue is objectively bad, even worse than the exposition or plot-related dialogue.


I am sorry, but "objectively bad" is not going to fly with me. If you fancy yourself the anime pope, then Mother's Basement called, he wants his mitre back.

Let me tell you one thing that is objectively true about episode 1. It has other elements beside the series of date scenes. And the series of date scenes has a rather obvious objective relationship of tension with those other elements of episode 1. But you obviously were way too distracted by your own hatred of the portrayal of the relationship to pay attention.

If you want to talk objective things, get rid of the hate blinders first.

As for the cliche tragically evil villain-of-the-week bad guy of episode 1, that has to be the lamest, laziest, and most boring type of conflict in the action genre.

Nope, that's not. The lamest, laziest and most boring type of conflict in the action genre is the kind of abstract segregation we see in ep.2. Even the evil villain of the week needs to be at least somewhat uniquely designed, with special effort being put in specifically his presentations. The Blooms of ep.2 are basically copypaste uniforms with technicolor hair - no effort whatsoever.

Going by your later comments, you seem to have a thing for the topic of segregation in stories. The fact that the show exploits your particular topical fetish in ep.2 doesn't make the antagonists of ep.2 any less lazy or low-effort.

I can see how it would make them less boring for you. But they are actually more boring for me. Which tells us that "boring" is a rather poor way to approach objective evaluations.

Therefore, this second episode having more of a plot rather than "let's go shopping and defeat evil bad guy" is an improvement. However it is impossible to follow if you haven't seen OG season 1. There is no real continuity in the episode, it just skips between the key events of S1 while adding a bit of original stuff. However, S1 still has the strongest plot arcs of all of mahouka currently aired, so even fragmented there's more actual conflict and plot than the first episode.

You were obviously too busy hating the relationship of ep.1 to notice its plot.

You have, however, agreed to the following:
1) Ep.2 is very hard to follow, even with prior familiarity with the work.
2) Whatever original stuff it adds is hamstrung by its complete failure to retread S1 of the original show

Ep.1 has 99 problems, but (1) and (2) ain't one. And that makes ep.1 superior to ep.2.

Obviously, ep.2 is horrible, so being better than it isn't saying much ). But i'd appreciate if you stopped dressing whatever hate you have towards ep.1 as "objective" evaluation.

mahouka has always been bad at character introductions, but I agree this episode is especially incompetent. Once again, this is because the entire season is designed to be watched with the knowledge of season 1, rather than as a standalone. Quite possibly the scummiest type of storytelling - piggybacking off your own story because you're too lazy to write anything new. However I suppose the reason why this didn't trigger me was because I had no expectations after being reminded of the pain of watching Mahouka in the first episode.

The reason i watch anime is because i have expectations. Once i lose expectations, i drop the series. I see you are different, but hey, maybe you're into mental self-torture or something. We all have our kinks :D

Oddly enough, after making the previous writeup about how ep.2 could have been better i have rekindled my own expectations for the show :D. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to do that :)

a power fantasy does not just refer to physical strength, but a situation where a character that stands in for a particular audience has basically the entire cast and plot cater to them. Tatsuya is a clear male power fantasy because all the women love him, he's smart, he's overpowered, he's an engineer, he's got an edgy "emotionless" persona and backstory. The entire plot caters towards tatsuya. He is the foundation for the entire plot. The concept of making a mahouka series from any other perspective drastically reduces what little redeeming qualities the series had to begin with.

So i take it that it is "male power fantasy" because Tatsuya is male? Would it be any different if he was an Onee-san instead of Onii-san, but otherwise completely identical?

Let's have a thought experiment :D. Imagine the entire cast of the show gender flipped. Miyuki is now a talented shota crushing hard on his ever-protective hypercompetent oneesan. The seito-kaichou pair are now attractive guys, one playful and one serious. Honoka is now another shota, who is all adorable and awkward. The Bloom group are all violent girl bullies high on their status, who want the miyuki shota for themselves, etc. etc.

Does anything at all change in terms of how that "power fantasy" plays out? Not as far as i can tell. But maybe you, who are more sensitive towards the whole "male" aspect of "power fantasy" can spot something different?

However, as I mentioned before, season 1 tried to be different. It presented a hurdle that tatsuya could not instantly overcome. That is, classism. Tatsuya can't cancel out the classism. Even when he turns a situation around and stops it from escalating, he hasn't defeated classism, because the very existence of the situations he resolves are the problem itself. Mahouka season 1 forced tatsuya to slowly and carefully work hard within the school to change their attitudes. Sure he never failed because he's a power fantasy protagonist, however it felt nonetheless like a struggle. Even if the blooms/weeds thing is cingey af and super one the nose, it still made for a more interesting story than the rest of the show, where instead tatsuya is presented with physical problems that he can effortlessly overcome. This is why power fantasies are generally looked down with scorn and disgust within the writing world, because so many of them turn out like the later arcs of mahouka, where the protagonist is never challenged beyond what they can easily handle, and everything always goes smoothly for them.

To that, i will answer with three things.

1) The parts that Tatsuya struggled with (what little of it was there in S1) had nothing to do with blooms or weeds. All antagonistic blooms were rather effortlessly put in their place, serving little more than fodder for establishing Tatsuya's powers.

2) You seem to confuse notions of "classism" with notions of "relationships within aristocracy". Tatsuya is not a member of a different class. I assume this isn't much of a spoiler to openly state that Tatsuya is among the highest ranking members of his society, a literal war trump card of his nation. In our world, he'd easily be something like a duke or a count (or a count's protege on account of his youth).

To begin with, the entire school is a school for high end families capable of wielding magic. Even "weed" people are all special people from special families in various ways. All of Tatsuya's friends are sons and daughters of high ranking officials and businessmen.

If Tatsuya was a literal magic-less protagonist, getting by in the world of nobles by sheer guile and grit, then you'd have a point. And i'd also love to see that show :D. But that show ain't Mahouka.

3) Mahouka is not "classist" in any shape, way or form. In fact, it rather sucks at portraying class struggles. In Mahouka, if you are magic-less and resisting, then you are Blanche - an utterly unsympathetic group of terrorists. That's as far as Mahouka goes in exploring the representatives of the actual oppressed.

Having said these three things, i'll also say one more.

As far as i'm concerned, the "writing world" can go to hell.

Do not ask me to elaborate. Just take it as a given that i hold no respect towards that class of people whatsoever. If you want to convey something, then attempt to do so without appealing to their authority, as i will view every attempt to appeal to their authority as a sign of inability on your part to defend your own views. I do not care what they treat with love or what they treat with disgust. Their evaluations do not matter. Neither do their views.

The only ones in this discussion are the ones currently in this thread. If you want "the writing class" to participate, they are welcome to sign in with their accounts and voice their opinions as individuals. Until then, as far as i'm concerned, they do not exist and certainly do not matter.

So, does episode 2 suck? undoubtedly. But was it worse than episode 1? I would personally disagree, however it does come down to taste. I wouldn't say there is a right or wrong answer here because we are ultimately comparing two different kinds of shit. Everyone has their own personal hatreds, and mine is awful, stilted romantic/flirty dialogue.

I agree that we are comparing a 2/10 shit with 3/10 shit. The point is - ep.1 is the 3/10 shit, whereas ep.2 is 2/10. If you feel this evaluation is subject to opinion - that's your right. On another hand, it is my right to view your opinion as poorly validated.
Jul 11, 2021 10:18 AM

Sep 2018
Marinate1016 said:
I love the humour and comedic approach that the spin off takes. Even tho we know what happens already, it keeps things feeling fresh. Love the OP and ED.

I was concerned this "retelling from a different perspective" idea would run out of steam pretty fast.

But nothing to fear, this is so deliciously self knowingly funny I have no idea why it's doesn't have Comedy as its primary tag.

borderlinerJul 11, 2021 10:25 AM
Quantum ille canis est in fenestra
Jul 11, 2021 12:09 PM

Mar 2019
I getting disappointed ep by ep . this show was supposed to solely focus on Miyuki and her gang but it seems it keeps coming back to shiba over and over .

Jul 11, 2021 4:18 PM

Apr 2018
Well right now it just feels like S1 but with Miyuki's point of view even though it's still focused on Tatsuya for the plot, these guys were so annoying, I'm dancing so hard on the ending though, definitely the best ending of the season so far IMO xD
Jul 11, 2021 7:41 PM
Apr 2021
malMaxi said:
theGodde said:
first, I wanna start off by reminding you that this isn't a standalone show. None of the characters (aside from mayuki and to an extent tatsuya) are given a proper introduction. Everyone else just kind of exists and the only way you can make heads or tails of it is by watching the original first season. This is more of a season 1.1 rather than a standalone spinoff.

That's in your mind. Plenty of viewers will see this show as their first experience with the subject matter. I am trying to treat it as such, too.

No reason to be burdened by the past. No reason to consider the authorial intent for the show, either. Every show ever can be viewed as a standalone work, and is best viewed that way, as far as i'm concerned.

you can view it as a standalone show if you want, but the fact is that it clearly isn't designed to be watched that way, otherwise even the incompetent idiots behind the mahouka production series would bother to reintroduce all the characters.
Not every show ever can be viewed as a standalone work. You don't watch Avengers Endgame without at least watching infinity war(and it's recommended you'd have watched at least the mainline MCU movies as well). Watching Endgame as your first marvel movie is just going to give you a subpar experience. Some shows just aren't designed to be watched that way, and like I stated before it's clear that this mahouka series can't be viewed as a standalone. It's going to be physically impossible to watch this as your first mahouka show and understand what's going on. Therefore, you can treat it like a standalone and hate it, or you can take it for what it is - a "season 1.1" - and the next episode won't hit you like a stack of bricks to the face.

malMaxi said:
now looking at this with that context, I would like to remind you that episode one was over 50% just Mayuki and Tatsuya awkwardly...talking (I want to call it flirting, but I'm not even sure what to call that abomination of dialogue). Their relationship is probably the most synthetic and unnatural relationship in the entire series, and so making it the main focus of the entire first episode was just awful. Whether you like it or not, the relationship-related dialogue is objectively bad, even worse than the exposition or plot-related dialogue.
I am sorry, but "objectively bad" is not going to fly with me. If you fancy yourself the anime pope, then Mother's Basement called, he wants his mitre back.

Let me tell you one thing that is objectively true about episode 1. It has other elements beside the series of date scenes. And the series of date scenes has a rather obvious objective relationship of tension with those other elements of episode 1. But you obviously were way too distracted by your own hatred of the portrayal of the relationship to pay attention.

If you want to talk objective things, get rid of the hate blinders first.

I am an amateur writer, and I can tell you anyone who writes dialogue like Mahouka doesn't deserve to be called an author. Writing dialogue is a entire profession in and of itself. To explain in the most concise way I can, I'll highlight the most basic of writing concepts, known as subtext. Subtext refers to how we as humans don't usually ever say exactly what we mean. For example "I hate you" can be the subtext for a character walking up to someone and saying "hi how are you going" with a real sarcastic tone. If you took the dialogue at face value you wouldn't get the whole story. Now going back to mahouka, the dialogue is just bad. There is almost never any subtext, characters say exactly what they think, and it comes off feeling stilted and unnatural. The worst part however is romance, because romantic conversations always typically have the most subtext out of any kind of conversation. People never say exactly what they think because romance is such a touchy subject. As a writer, I can tell you that the dialogue of mahouka is objectively not good. Take that as you will.

episode 1 most certainly had other aspects other than the date scenes, such as the opening scene that's taken from the mainline season 1, and the villain - as well as tatsuya's briefing. And despite what I said before, that's not to say that a "villain of the week" bad guy can't be done well. If he didn't laugh maniacally and constantly tell mayuki to pity him then he might have been a somewhat competent antagonist. However despite his sympathetic villain backstory, the guy is about as cliche evil as it gets. The fight choreography was also complete BS. At the start, mayuki is using her typical abilities, but then she just starts pulling random stuff we've never seen before - like where she grabs the little girl and the fire just disappears without any visible sign of mayuki's magic - almost as if the animators forgot to animate mayuki blocking the fire magic, and just made it randomly disappear without any visible sign as to why. Overall there is a chance that this episode was ruined for me because I came in with higher expectations than I should have. The animation art quality is looking a fair bit better than season 2 of mahouka was, so I assumed that perhaps the show might have changed directors or studio for this spinoff, and therefore there may be a chance this show would be an improvement over the mainline. However it took a whole episode for me to realise my expectations were clearly unfounded, and so when episode 2 came around I had already adjusted my expectations, and it didn't irritate me at all when the second episode proved to be (in terms of story pacing) a complete abomination.

malMaxi said:
As for the cliche tragically evil villain-of-the-week bad guy of episode 1, that has to be the lamest, laziest, and most boring type of conflict in the action genre.

Nope, that's not. The lamest, laziest and most boring type of conflict in the action genre is the kind of abstract segregation we see in ep.2. Even the evil villain of the week needs to be at least somewhat uniquely designed, with special effort being put in specifically his presentations. The Blooms of ep.2 are basically copypaste uniforms with technicolor hair - no effort whatsoever.

Going by your later comments, you seem to have a thing for the topic of segregation in stories. The fact that the show exploits your particular topical fetish in ep.2 doesn't make the antagonists of ep.2 any less lazy or low-effort.

I can see how it would make them less boring for you. But they are actually more boring for me. Which tells us that "boring" is a rather poor way to approach objective evaluations.

It's not that I have a thing for segregation, but I am tired of seeing stories where the MC can just effortlessly fight their way out of something. I prefer conflicts where the MC has to face threats that they can't beat up, however that is just personal preference. I ain't gonna force my opinions any further because that's really all they are, opinions and preferences.

malMaxi said:
So i take it that it is "male power fantasy" because Tatsuya is male? Would it be any different if he was an Onee-san instead of Onii-san, but otherwise completely identical?

Let's have a thought experiment :D. Imagine the entire cast of the show gender flipped. Miyuki is now a talented shota crushing hard on his ever-protective hypercompetent oneesan. The seito-kaichou pair are now attractive guys, one playful and one serious. Honoka is now another shota, who is all adorable and awkward. The Bloom group are all violent girl bullies high on their status, who want the miyuki shota for themselves, etc. etc.

Does anything at all change in terms of how that "power fantasy" plays out? Not as far as i can tell. But maybe you, who are more sensitive towards the whole "male" aspect of "power fantasy" can spot something different?

it's known as a male power fantasy because it contains elements mostly desirable to men. If you want to see a female power fantasy, then look at things like beauty and the beast, or as an anime comparison - the saint's magic power is omnipotent. In a typical female power fantasy, it's less about characters being physically overpowered, and more about romance and beauty and friendship all coming easily to the main protagonist. That isn't to say that only women like female power fantasies, and only men like male power fantasies, but more that this is how the two power fantasies are classified by critics and the industry. Using the words "male power fantasy", is just narrowing down the specific genre elements mahouka uses in its story. It's like writing shorthand.

malMaxi said:
1) The parts that Tatsuya struggled with (what little of it was there in S1) had nothing to do with blooms or weeds. All antagonistic blooms were rather effortlessly put in their place, serving little more than fodder for establishing Tatsuya's powers.

2) You seem to confuse notions of "classism" with notions of "relationships within aristocracy". Tatsuya is not a member of a different class. I assume this isn't much of a spoiler to openly state that Tatsuya is among the highest ranking members of his society, a literal war trump card of his nation. In our world, he'd easily be something like a duke or a count (or a count's protege on account of his youth).

To begin with, the entire school is a school for high end families capable of wielding magic. Even "weed" people are all special people from special families in various ways. All of Tatsuya's friends are sons and daughters of high ranking officials and businessmen.

If Tatsuya was a literal magic-less protagonist, getting by in the world of nobles by sheer guile and grit, then you'd have a point. And i'd also love to see that show :D. But that show ain't Mahouka.

3) Mahouka is not "classist" in any shape, way or form. In fact, it rather sucks at portraying class struggles. In Mahouka, if you are magic-less and resisting, then you are Blanche - an utterly unsympathetic group of terrorists. That's as far as Mahouka goes in exploring the representatives of the actual oppressed.

Yes, the blooms are put in their place, but that doesn't in any way solve the underlying problem of their existence in the first place. Tatsuya doesn't immediately convert all the blooms to his viewpoint (until later lmao), and so therefore even though he is effortlessly solving all these situations, he is still failing to solve the bigger problem within the story.
now as for classism, it doesn't have to specifically refer to a long standing established social class, because you can have micro-classism as well -> that is classism that occurs only within a specific social circle (such as a school). The school itself operates through classism within the classism of the world. The segregation between "weeds" and "blooms" is a form of classism, however poorly represented.
either way, it's all pedantics.

"If Tatsuya was a literal magic-less protagonist, getting by in the world of nobles by sheer guile and grit, then you'd have a point. And i'd also love to see that show :D. But that show ain't Mahouka."
just wanted to say there is a manga that is exactly this - it's called MASHLE and it's a comedy masterpiece on the level of mob psycho and one punch man. Would 100% recommend.

malMaxi said:
As far as i'm concerned, the "writing world" can go to hell.

me: a writer
( *ー*)

malMaxi said:
The reason i watch anime is because i have expectations. Once i lose expectations, i drop the series. I see you are different, but hey, maybe you're into mental self-torture or something. We all have our kinks :D

whelp... you're not wrong. For someone with such high standards for anime, I watch far too much shit.

anyhow, this is quite the discussion that has formed, and over mahouka of all things lmao.
Jul 11, 2021 11:51 PM
Jan 2019
theGodde said:
you can view it as a standalone show if you want, but the fact is that it clearly isn't designed to be watched that way, otherwise even the incompetent idiots behind the mahouka production series would bother to reintroduce all the characters.
Not every show ever can be viewed as a standalone work. You don't watch Avengers Endgame without at least watching infinity war(and it's recommended you'd have watched at least the mainline MCU movies as well). Watching Endgame as your first marvel movie is just going to give you a subpar experience. Some shows just aren't designed to be watched that way, and like I stated before it's clear that this mahouka series can't be viewed as a standalone. It's going to be physically impossible to watch this as your first mahouka show and understand what's going on. Therefore, you can treat it like a standalone and hate it, or you can take it for what it is - a "season 1.1" - and the next episode won't hit you like a stack of bricks to the face.

Maybe, but that's also all coulda woulda shoulda. I find it much more interesting to approach every work as a standalone and only attempt viewing the work in the context of other works once there is an actual reason to.

Since our discussion gave me a reason to, i just quick-rewatched the original Mahouka. if you skip all the boring parts, it is actually quite decent until the moment Tatsuya just casually solves the magical engineering equivalent of Ferma's theorem (at which point, everything crashes completely in the story and character department). And i have to say that ep.2 couldn't even be faithful to the actual sequence of events as they happened in the original show. I won't bore you with details, but let's just say i am no longer convinced that being overly faithful to s1 of Mahouka is a significant priority for the writers of this show. They only want some of the iconic moments (for their definition of iconic) and might probably do their own thing more than they do the s1 thing.

However, like i said, IMO none of this actually matters. What matters is where the writers will take the next episode and how they are going to execute it. I don't expect anything actually meaningful, but it might at least be entertaining :D

I am an amateur writer, and I can tell you anyone who writes dialogue like Mahouka doesn't deserve to be called an author. Writing dialogue is a entire profession in and of itself. To explain in the most concise way I can, I'll highlight the most basic of writing concepts, known as subtext. Subtext refers to how we as humans don't usually ever say exactly what we mean. For example "I hate you" can be the subtext for a character walking up to someone and saying "hi how are you going" with a real sarcastic tone. If you took the dialogue at face value you wouldn't get the whole story. Now going back to mahouka, the dialogue is just bad. There is almost never any subtext, characters say exactly what they think, and it comes off feeling stilted and unnatural. The worst part however is romance, because romantic conversations always typically have the most subtext out of any kind of conversation. People never say exactly what they think because romance is such a touchy subject. As a writer, I can tell you that the dialogue of mahouka is objectively not good. Take that as you will.

I mostly agree on that part. Good dialogue without subtext is possible, but it has to be really earned by the drama, which obviously doesn't happen here.
Also the whole "who deserves to be a writer" thing i find dubious, but that topic we are dicsussing in another segment :D

Ultimately, not sure how this dialogue observation is germane to our discussion. This is a flaw shared by both ep.1 and ep.2 (and is imo much worse in ep.2).

episode 1 most certainly had other aspects other than the date scenes, such as the opening scene that's taken from the mainline season 1, and the villain - as well as Tatsuya's briefing. And despite what I said before, that's not to say that a "villain of the week" bad guy can't be done well. If he didn't laugh maniacally and constantly tell mayuki to pity him then he might have been a somewhat competent antagonist. However despite his sympathetic villain backstory, the guy is about as cliche evil as it gets. The fight choreography was also complete BS. At the start, mayuki is using her typical abilities, but then she just starts pulling random stuff we've never seen before - like where she grabs the little girl and the fire just disappears without any visible sign of mayuki's magic - almost as if the animators forgot to animate mayuki blocking the fire magic, and just made it randomly disappear without any visible sign as to why. Overall there is a chance that this episode was ruined for me because I came in with higher expectations than I should have. The animation art quality is looking a fair bit better than season 2 of mahouka was, so I assumed that perhaps the show might have changed directors or studio for this spinoff, and therefore there may be a chance this show would be an improvement over the mainline. However it took a whole episode for me to realise my expectations were clearly unfounded, and so when episode 2 came around I had already adjusted my expectations, and it didn't irritate me at all when the second episode proved to be (in terms of story pacing) a complete abomination.

So i take it you are okay with ep.2 being horrible because ep.1 is already horrible in your eyes.

For me it was a bit different. I literally wrote that ep.1 is 9/10 material for people who can stand the specific relationship fetish (and maybe 5/10 material for someone like me who doesn't care for it). I really believed that at the time - ep.1 COULD have been followed by a decent show, if they well and truly embraced the Miyuki's side of relationship, while continuing to develop her moral stance. However, ep.2 then went and threw all of that out of the window. The worst part is that Miyuki, who was supposed to be our PoV character, completely lost all agency, thus utterly nullifying all the character-building she received in ep.1.

The situation could have been salvaged if Honoka was a better character that actually contributed to the situation. The moment where she told Miyuki about her special analysis power is a moment that is unique to this show and actually gave me a bit of hope. Only to utterly fail to actually deliver on it. Which is why ep.2 is worse than ep.1. However fetishistic, cringy and cliche, ep.1 actually delivered on the points it brought up.

This also leads me to an odd observation - i am against judging any work on the basis of what preceded it, including the nature of its author. But i will certainly judge any work on the basis of what followed :D. Ep.1 was actively diminished in my eyes by the fact that it was followed by ep.2 (it still is better than ep.2 though).

It's not that I have a thing for segregation, but I am tired of seeing stories where the MC can just effortlessly fight their way out of something. I prefer conflicts where the MC has to face threats that they can't beat up, however that is just personal preference. I ain't gonna force my opinions any further because that's really all they are, opinions and preferences.

I believe we can find middle ground on the notion that every hero needs to have an established baseline of ability, being able to confidently triumph over everything below that and having to struggle with everything above.

I find the segregation-based storytelling boring because it is damn near always presented as this unbeatable force that hero cannot stand against, only for the hero to win through some ass-pull bs. We almost never see stories where a hero triumphs over segregation on the strength of his/her own personal development. I'd take a story where a near-invincible hero has like 1 character flaw that he spends 12 episodes correcting over a botched segregation story any day.

In fact, i have just described the modus operandi of the writer behind One Punch Man and Mob Psycho :D.

it's known as a male power fantasy because it contains elements mostly desirable to men. If you want to see a female power fantasy, then look at things like beauty and the beast, or as an anime comparison - the saint's magic power is omnipotent. In a typical female power fantasy, it's less about characters being physically overpowered, and more about romance and beauty and friendship all coming easily to the main protagonist. That isn't to say that only women like female power fantasies, and only men like male power fantasies, but more that this is how the two power fantasies are classified by critics and the industry. Using the words "male power fantasy", is just narrowing down the specific genre elements mahouka uses in its story. It's like writing shorthand.

How exactly is Beauty and the Beast any sort of power fantasy? A romance is a romance, no need to call it anything else.

The "Saint's magic power" thing is definitely completely rooted in how utterly overpowered the main character is. And is therefore certainly a power fantasy. I did drop it after 2 episodes on the account of it being an example of an OP protagonist with no character flaws. If it developed in some later direction - i am not aware.

On another hand, something like "A world god only knows" is definitely an example of power fantasy, despite all the "battles" taking the form of relationship plots. So is something like "date a live".

On the third hand, there is Nanoha, where combat IS relationship-building and a vehicle for empathy. Nanoha is not a power fantasy, though, It is more straight drama (at least for the first couple of seasons).

I understand that the "male" part is about being "attractive to the boy", but time and time again i find that particular descriptor to be utterly useless when talking about any sort of artistic substance of the work. Well, it wouldn't be the first (or the last) time "critics" have adopted marketing slang as some sort of revelation. As far as i can tell, the entire profession died in XIX century with Belinski :(

Yes, the blooms are put in their place, but that doesn't in any way solve the underlying problem of their existence in the first place. Tatsuya doesn't immediately convert all the blooms to his viewpoint (until later lmao), and so therefore even though he is effortlessly solving all these situations, he is still failing to solve the bigger problem within the story.
now as for classism, it doesn't have to specifically refer to a long standing established social class, because you can have micro-classism as well -> that is classism that occurs only within a specific social circle (such as a school). The school itself operates through classism within the classism of the world. The segregation between "weeds" and "blooms" is a form of classism, however poorly represented.
either way, it's all pedantics.

None of the antagonistic blooms are relevant to the story going forward. The issue is completely solved after the duel in ep.3. Well, okay, it is perfectly laid to rest after Tatsuya displays his power as a law enforcer. And is never brought up from the bloom side again, outside of like 1 episodic character's personality quirk. The "underlying problem" persists for a couple more episodes, as the actual antagonists of the arc are revealed to be weeds and Blanche that lurks behind them. And the whole thing is resolved by - get that - saying that people are wrong for hating themselves for accepting the "weed" label.

I mean, what more of a denial of classist approach do you even need? The Bloom side is not even a class to begin with. And the Weed side is said to be wrong for trying to act like a class.

S1 of Mahouka itself spends the first arc utterly refuting the "classist" (be it micro or macro) approach and then never brings up the topic again.

Furthermore, you are, of course, aware that the entire notion of "micro-classes" was created as an ideological weapon against the notion of large social classes? If not, you should familiarize yourself with history of marxism and the specific genesis of Frankfurt school of marxism.

So when you say you are not interested in macrosocial classes and are instead interested in "micro-classes", then congrats, you have been successfully diverted away from the essence of class theory :D. And, while you may want to write that off as pedantics, i at this point no longer understand what you find so interesting about micro-classes. To me it looks like missing the forest for the trees.

just wanted to say there is a manga that is exactly this - it's called MASHLE and it's a comedy masterpiece on the level of mob psycho and one punch man. Would 100% recommend.

Thanks for the recommendation ). I, in turn, would recommend a webnovel "Unordinary" from the webtoon library. It is an entirely altogether more powerful spin on the whole concept of magic schools and ranks. And it actually touches on class ideas, too (admittedly, from the PoV of the privileged class, but still).

me: a writer
( *ー*)

as the world around you, (*writing world*)




Well, it certainly isn't collapsing right this moment ). But it is also true that i haven't been able to find any enjoyment in any significantly popular publication for decades now. Instead i'm watching anime and reading light novels, because these at least have some interesting ideas.

Who knows, maybe you'll be able to correct that :D

anyhow, this is quite the discussion that has formed, and over mahouka of all things lmao.

"I wish you knew
the kind of garbage heap
Wild verses grow on,
paying shame no heed"

Anna Akhmatova

Incidentally, this is also my general approach to "who deserves to be a writer" problem.
malMaxiJul 12, 2021 12:04 AM
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