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Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki (light novel)
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Feb 5, 2021 4:28 AM

Nov 2011
Well, Aoi knows her stuff about video games. Speaking of which, that game reminds me of Dragon Quest.

This episode also had more of Mizusawa, which I think is interesting. His character is so different from Tomozaki. Aoi's wise mind is also enlightening when you think about how much she knows about games and being a general life coach.
Stark700Feb 5, 2021 4:45 AM
Feb 5, 2021 5:27 AM

Sep 2019
It looks like Tomozaki is starting to get jealous of Mizusawa.

Kuso game counter: 1, I think I’ve only heard it once in this episode.

Anyway, the important part of this episode was how thicc Yuzu is.

Feb 5, 2021 5:44 AM

Oct 2017
Ofc the whole date with Hinami was just put in a 5 sec flashback, great.

Tomozaki looked kinda cool with gelled hair, he should keep that hairstyle. Also woa he's jealous that Hinami might be going out with Takahiro.
Feb 5, 2021 5:49 AM

Mar 2016
Those task are actually hard without proper knowledge within the city, it happened to me before and I don't know what to suggest or to control the group.
Feb 5, 2021 5:58 AM

Jun 2019
Damn, Tomozaki looks jealous of Mizusawa. And I won't blame him.
A shopping trip with some classmates doesn't seem too bad.
Mizusawa seems like a nice guy, even to Tomozaki. Yuzu being cute again in this episode. Also, Tomozaki is opening up more and more with every episode.
Feb 5, 2021 6:08 AM
Dec 2020
I really like how Tomozaki-kun thinks before speaking.
Maybe I'll need that de-geekification book.
Anyone knows where to buy?
Feb 5, 2021 6:08 AM
Jul 2020
mizusawa is damn good looking.
Feb 5, 2021 6:23 AM

Aug 2013
Why do I have the feeling that something might happen between Mizusawa and Tomozaki?

Anyways, Tomozaki going out with some of his classmates shows that he is improving himself. And Izumi considers him as a friend.

Feb 5, 2021 6:24 AM
Jul 2018
pretty nice episode, actually a pretty decent and way less cringe then last time. it was quite interesting seeing their interactions and social science when they went out to the mall together, i needa start taking some notes tbh.

also, ace attorney reference???
Feb 5, 2021 6:55 AM

Nov 2016
"It just has to sound good"

Important lesson

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Feb 5, 2021 6:58 AM
Aug 2020
This episode mainly felt like an introduction to Mizusawa’s character. Tomozaki’s getting a lot better at reading people, especially Izumi. Their friendship is really nice and refreshing, especially seeing the trust Izumi puts into him.
Feb 5, 2021 7:06 AM
Apr 2019
Tomozaki is lowkey jealous here and this episode is less cringe than earlier episodes. I'll give it 5/5.
Feb 5, 2021 7:25 AM

Dec 2014
Alright, I think Yuzu might be my favorite. She's great.

Pretty sure those were Ace Attorney references.
Feb 5, 2021 8:20 AM
Jan 2021
This episode was soothing
Feb 5, 2021 8:35 AM

Feb 2019
Another great episode for one of the best shows of the season. Highlight of today’s ep:

Again, we see Tomozaki’s communication and social awareness skills get better today. His conversations are so much more lively now than they were at episodes 1-2. He’s still awkward and they aren’t by any means fluid, but he’s making progress which is the purpose of the series. Remember that.

It looks like he’s jealous of Mizusawa, so I’m interested to see how that plays out. May boil over into an argument. I like his new hair a lot too.
Feb 5, 2021 8:56 AM

Mar 2020
I can't tell if Tomozaki is jealous our just thinking too hard.

Well Tomozaki failed to give two suggestions however failure is the recipe to success. He learned that suggestions only need to sound good. Guess he'll better himself next time.
Feb 5, 2021 9:12 AM

Jun 2020
The OP always puts a smile to my face, especially seeing Mimimi, she’s so cute!

Also Mizusawa is really cute, cuter than Nakamura might I add. He seems like a rather nice & friendly guy too & is cool with Tomozaki.

but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

Feb 5, 2021 10:18 AM

Jun 2015
Certainly discussing what you liked about a movie after watching it is the basics of basics in relationship dynamics. Its nice to see that as a result of overcoming so many trials that Tomozaki is able to have some friends within the class. Its amusing how suspicious Tomozaki's sister is of her brothers change though. Still the shopping trip sure proved to be an excellent opportunity for Tomozaki to improve his social skills with Izumi. Being the victim of a unexpected demo is unpleasant but at least the reward was worth it. Looks like there's some rivalry between Aoi and Minami here.
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Feb 5, 2021 10:34 AM

Oct 2020
Glad to see Mizusawa was chill throughout that whole episode. Tomozaki being curious of the rumors that Hinami and Mizusawa are dating hmmm. I like how Fuuka's the only one at Tomozaki's side right after the Negotiation game.

Feb 5, 2021 10:40 AM

May 2020
No Fuuka = sad.

This episode was good but I need more Fuuka screentime :)
Feb 5, 2021 11:44 AM
Jan 2016
I think I will read the light novel soon i like this show it's a nice change of pace
I'd rather die a free man then live under the rules of idiots
Feb 5, 2021 11:46 AM
Dec 2020
Wish my man would just declare his life a harem.
Also I wouldn’t mind an Aoi betrayal, she’s practically grooming him into someone she likes and he shouldn’t be jealous he’s her dog. Can’t tell if novel girl or yuzu is best girl
said the lolicon bastard
Feb 5, 2021 11:53 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
So on this weeks episode we get characters choosing sides over the basis of thinking if you should get serious over a video game, tomozaki deciding if it’s okay to join a group that he was invited to, his little sister suggestively rubbing some grave tomatoes, some equally suggestive mug designs, more pervy low angle shots, tomozaki getting jealous that another dude knows about the cheese fetish of a girl that he’s not even dating, and of course that wonderfully childish OP that makes this show looks like it’s what a 10 year old would be watching. And with all that get another dose of pain. Dang it, last episode had shed some hope that this was going to be bearable but nope we are back to some good old, cringe. Actually no this episode wasn’t all bad- aoi telling tomozaki to suck it up already was pure gold.

Still, not all hope is lost. I still have the faintest ray of hope that this show will prove itself in the end; I have faith that the pain will eventually subside

whiskey tango foxtrot

Feb 5, 2021 12:20 PM

Apr 2020
yes I love this anime, cuz I can get lessons for everyday of my life life and also I realize some small details in life and intend to fix them

Thanks for broadcasting this show:)
Feb 5, 2021 12:55 PM

Aug 2020
Mizusawa hot but Fuuka still the hottest.

AhrumFeb 5, 2021 12:59 PM
free candies: premium candies:
Feb 5, 2021 1:14 PM

May 2018
So, Aoi gave Tomozaki 2 missions, but only ended up with 1 lousy one.
Feb 5, 2021 1:17 PM

Apr 2018
I felt like the tasks were kinda too harsh since Tomozaki didn't really know where they were going. Although it would be good that he learned from it.

Tomozaki is getting better at life but looks like he's kinda jealous of Mizusawa, who is talking to Hinami a lot.

Yuzu kinda thicc ngl LOL
Feb 5, 2021 1:41 PM
Jul 2018
Tomozaki's steadily improving, and this episode was the first where I think I didn't cringe once (although I may just be growing into tomokazi). Izumi is actually pretty cool, and so far she's probably my favorite of the girls.
Feb 5, 2021 2:00 PM
Jun 2020
EthereaL015 said:
No Fuuka = sad.

This episode was good but I need more Fuuka screentime :)

Oh yeah, I think they cut Kikuchi and Tomozaki's conversation before he went on shopping with Hinami, Mizusawa and Izumi.

AgehaYoruFeb 5, 2021 2:19 PM
Feb 5, 2021 2:28 PM

Apr 2015
Not gonna lie, even I would find those tasks Hinami set up for Tomozaki difficult, she has a point though on that the suggestion doesn't need to be good, it's how you present it.

Tomozaki is learning from it though, as he's learning about jealousy.

So, I love me some of these angles... Izumi is thicc as hell
Feb 5, 2021 2:28 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
AgehaYoru said:
EthereaL015 said:
No Fuuka = sad.

This episode was good but I need more Fuuka screentime :)

Oh yeah, I think they cut Kikuchi and Tomozaki's conversation before he went on shopping with Hinami, Mizusawa and Izumi.

BetaMaleUltra said:
So on this weeks episode we get characters choosing sides over the basis of thinking if you should get serious over a video game, tomozaki deciding if it’s okay to join a group that he was invited to, his little sister suggestively rubbing some grave tomatoes, some equally suggestive mug designs, more pervy low angle shots, tomozaki getting jealous that another dude knows about the cheese fetish of a girl that he’s not even dating, and of course that wonderfully childish OP that makes this show looks like it’s what a 10 year old would be watching. And with all that get another dose of pain. Dang it, last episode had shed some hope that this was going to be bearable but nope we are back to some good old, cringe. Actually no this episode wasn’t all bad- aoi telling tomozaki to suck it up already was pure gold.

Still, not all hope is lost. I still have the faintest ray of hope that this show will prove itself in the end; I have faith that the pain will eventually subside

Aside from childish nitpicking, I think the real criticism that need to be addressed is how the production value have struggled, this is the first episode where Yano didn't directly supervise as 総作監, there's a noticeably drop in drawing consistency, but my main issue is definitely the music that more often than not don't really match with scene or overly exaggerated. But then again, the story alone is making it worth to watch. Also I'm not sure what you expect Tomozaki to prove to you, maybe elaborate a little bit so we LN readers can assure you that your irrational fear of its story falling flat is not true.

Yeah I’m sure it gets good in the light novels, that’s great. But I’m going in blind and only have this airing anime to go off of, and so far it’s just a cringefest of this baby of a character. Production quality, it’s music and voice acting is all more than fine. It’s story gets the job done and is nothing to complain about. But it’s this guy not knowing how life works though, that makes it painful to watch. But it’s a fun kind of painful, making me curious enough to see how things turn out as they hopefully progress

whiskey tango foxtrot

Feb 5, 2021 3:08 PM

Mar 2018
Tomozaki moving up the social chain, at this rate he'll be a social media celebrity.

Pretty cool episode, I guess this show focuses on girl at a time before switching to another, so that means Mimimi episode next :D.

Tomozaki jealous? or just curious? let's see.
Feb 5, 2021 4:15 PM
Jun 2009
I love Izumi, I think her and Tomozaki would be a good pair.

Next couple episodes are going to be good! We're in volume 2 of the light novels now.

yamiyugi101 said:
I think I will read the light novel soon i like this show it's a nice change of pace

I think they're pretty good and definitely worth reading if you're enjoying the anime. Hinami and Tomozaki's full discussions and banter are just great.
Feb 5, 2021 4:32 PM

Jan 2020
This was a more chill episode and I thought it was pretty good. Hopefully we'll get more slice of life episodes over drama episodes later on

Feb 5, 2021 4:38 PM
Jan 2016
Riichiro said:
I love Izumi, I think her and Tomozaki would be a good pair.

Next couple episodes are going to be good! We're in volume 2 of the light novels now.

yamiyugi101 said:
I think I will read the light novel soon i like this show it's a nice change of pace

I think they're pretty good and definitely worth reading if you're enjoying the anime. Hinami and Tomozaki's full discussions and banter are just great.
this show is fun and cute and i like seeing tomozaki learn and grow plus the banter is great
I'd rather die a free man then live under the rules of idiots
Feb 5, 2021 4:48 PM
Nov 2020
z00nex said:
It looks like Tomozaki is starting to get jealous of Mizusawa.

I was thinking maybe he was more in awe of Mizusawa's natural "normie" abilities. Like he realized that this is the level of social game that he needs to work himself up to. At this current point, he just seemed intimidated/overwhelmed by Mizusawa's natural skills.

z00nex said:

Anyway, the important part of this episode was how thicc Yuzu is.

I think Hinami did a similar pose in a previous episode (when they're doing those secret meetings to improve Tomozaki's "game") and I actually liked that view better. Then again, I kinda want Tomozaki to get with Hinami. Either Tomozaki wins her heart in a student-beats-master type of situation or Hinami slowly falls for Tomozaki because she is molding him into a person she can see herself be with (despite the personal flaws, which she's already accepted).
Feb 5, 2021 5:36 PM
Towel Attendant

Dec 2014
A nice plot progression for our MC. He is getting better at quick judgements and ideas. It looks like the student council election will bring some further drama into the mix.
Feb 5, 2021 5:50 PM
Apr 2019
BetaMaleUltra said:
So on this weeks episode we get characters choosing sides over the basis of thinking if you should get serious over a video game, tomozaki deciding if it’s okay to join a group that he was invited to, his little sister suggestively rubbing some grave tomatoes, some equally suggestive mug designs, more pervy low angle shots, tomozaki getting jealous that another dude knows about the cheese fetish of a girl that he’s not even dating, and of course that wonderfully childish OP that makes this show looks like it’s what a 10 year old would be watching. And with all that get another dose of pain. Dang it, last episode had shed some hope that this was going to be bearable but nope we are back to some good old, cringe. Actually no this episode wasn’t all bad- aoi telling tomozaki to suck it up already was pure gold.

Still, not all hope is lost. I still have the faintest ray of hope that this show will prove itself in the end; I have faith that the pain will eventually subside
haha I think last eps is quite cringy while this eps is actually really nice and chill, most people in this forum is also thinks the same. I guess opinion is really subjective huh
Feb 5, 2021 5:55 PM
Oct 2020
z00nex said:
It looks like Tomozaki is starting to get jealous of Mizusawa.

Kuso game counter: 1, I think I’ve only heard it once in this episode.

Anyway, the important part of this episode was how thicc Yuzu is.

They gotta stop with the camera angles like this 💀 This isn't the degenerate RAG Franchise
Feb 5, 2021 6:12 PM
Oct 2020
nabewry said:
BetaMaleUltra said:
So on this weeks episode we get characters choosing sides over the basis of thinking if you should get serious over a video game, tomozaki deciding if it’s okay to join a group that he was invited to, his little sister suggestively rubbing some grave tomatoes, some equally suggestive mug designs, more pervy low angle shots, tomozaki getting jealous that another dude knows about the cheese fetish of a girl that he’s not even dating, and of course that wonderfully childish OP that makes this show looks like it’s what a 10 year old would be watching. And with all that get another dose of pain. Dang it, last episode had shed some hope that this was going to be bearable but nope we are back to some good old, cringe. Actually no this episode wasn’t all bad- aoi telling tomozaki to suck it up already was pure gold.

Still, not all hope is lost. I still have the faintest ray of hope that this show will prove itself in the end; I have faith that the pain will eventually subside
haha I think last eps is quite cringy while this eps is actually really nice and chill, most people in this forum is also thinks the same. I guess opinion is really subjective huh

Jaku Chara is a good anime. It makes/has interesting arguments/perspectives about how you should socialize with ppl. Ex being how Tomozaki chose to stick to his guns and not lie about reading the books that a girl (forgot name) he was told to pursue liked. Aoi has a "ends justify the means" way of socializing that doesn't sit well with me or Tomozaki and I like how he takes the honest/transparent route like I would. Aoi and Tomo being at odds with eachother about these different ways of socializing is an interesting dynamic especially if Tomo continues to complete future objectives with his own approach. The only thing I don't like Jaku is how predictable it was for Tomozaki to develop a crush for Aoi as she gives of "Best girl" vibes from the start. I hope she rejects Tomo but remains friends with him and tomo gets with one of the other girls. This show would be an 8 if it goes down like that.
Feb 5, 2021 6:47 PM

Apr 2020
This episode is really solid. We get to see some improvement on Tomozaki, even though he fails his seemingly impossible task. Fuuka has a little screentime and doesn't even talk, am a little disappointed. And I know the hard time when you are going to decide whether you're joining a group or not, because it's hard to keep up with the conversation and usually just be a silent reader. Next eps please
Feb 5, 2021 7:04 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
nabewry said:
BetaMaleUltra said:
So on this weeks episode we get characters choosing sides over the basis of thinking if you should get serious over a video game, tomozaki deciding if it’s okay to join a group that he was invited to, his little sister suggestively rubbing some grave tomatoes, some equally suggestive mug designs, more pervy low angle shots, tomozaki getting jealous that another dude knows about the cheese fetish of a girl that he’s not even dating, and of course that wonderfully childish OP that makes this show looks like it’s what a 10 year old would be watching. And with all that get another dose of pain. Dang it, last episode had shed some hope that this was going to be bearable but nope we are back to some good old, cringe. Actually no this episode wasn’t all bad- aoi telling tomozaki to suck it up already was pure gold.

Still, not all hope is lost. I still have the faintest ray of hope that this show will prove itself in the end; I have faith that the pain will eventually subside
haha I think last eps is quite cringy while this eps is actually really nice and chill, most people in this forum is also thinks the same. I guess opinion is really subjective huh

Objectively speaking is a pretty solid anime so far... nothing great but if succeeds in just being good. Looks like most of the light novel leaders also think they’re doing a good job adapting their favourite light novel. It’s just that in my HUMBLE opinion it’s been super cringe

whiskey tango foxtrot

Feb 5, 2021 8:33 PM

Jul 2017
Heh, another pretty solid episode, another instance of #relatable normie moments.

Preparing for Nakamura's birthday, and Tomozaki is gaining his stance just as quick from Aoi's normie lessons. The banter between him and his sister though, I'd thought that it was speaking a lot more personally.

Mizusawa (one of Nakamura's clique friends) speaking up for Tomozaki, and getting his screentime just as prevalent. Still though, Izumi can be quite finicky when it comes to her decisions, and Tomozaki's push-to-shove may be all she needs.

The shopping trip of the foursome (Tomozaki, Aoi, Misuzawa, Izumi) is yet but another convergent task of courage for the otaku to come out of his shell. Still though, far from being a disappointing suggestion, trying to fake it with persuasion is the better option.

A Student Council nomination battle between Aoi and Nanami? Interesting.

Well this should hit hard, but it's very common: Suggestion acceptance =/= ACTUAL suggestion. Change yourself to fit the battle.
Feb 5, 2021 8:56 PM

Nov 2017
Today we learn the power of swindling intrests!
Feb 5, 2021 9:50 PM

Feb 2014
Nakamura played the group like a fiddle. Tomozaki should up his game anytime soon now.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Feb 5, 2021 10:29 PM

Jan 2011
i actually really liked this episode seeing how much hes grown so far has been nice also everyone was actually just good ol buddies , but the game of suggestions was rigged from the start Hiro and his persona was hard carrying due to many factors lol.

only thing i question still is a lot of the times Aoi's lessons come off as kinda manipulative and shallow but Tomozaki-kun doesn't really have any knowledge or grounds to challenge them so i'm hoping that end goal is that he can go about doing this in a more genuine way like he wants
Feb 5, 2021 10:56 PM

Aug 2017
Really decent show so far. Curious to see where things go.
Feb 6, 2021 1:10 AM

Apr 2020
I hope that the next episode, Kikuchi gets more screen time
Feb 6, 2021 1:21 AM

Jul 2013
Hinami taught us interesting things in this episode as well. I think Mizusawa and Hinami look good together, hopefully things progress in that direction, otherwise it's weird for her to push such a hard task on Tomozaki when she herself still didn't clear that mission.

Still interested in where all this knowledge came from, or rather, for what purpose. Can we expect a geek middle school Hinami flashback who taught herself how to live? Is she a very observant introvert who is pushing herself to the max or is she an analytical extrovert who is making a study out of social interactions?

Izumi is really nice but she likes Nakamura so Tomozaki should totally go with Kikuchi.
Noir… It is the name of an ancient fate. Two sisters who watch anime. The peace of the newly born, their black hands protect.
Feb 6, 2021 2:01 AM

Oct 2008
well that was boring...i also got a little bit sleepy...

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