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Would you say that you act more "masculine" or more "feminine" for your gender?

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Dec 21, 2019 3:49 AM

May 2019
Irl, l lean masculine, I'd say. My voice is relatively gentle though. No idea what people make of how I act online.
@Kosmonaut @Bakchos
Help me. How masculine/feminine do I behave? Maybe I behave like a man who is without gender?
Dec 21, 2019 3:56 AM

Feb 2019
Freshell said:
@Kosmonaut @Bakchos
Help me. How masculine/feminine do I behave? Maybe I behave like a man who is without gender?
I have to preface this by saying I'm woke and in no way reinforcing gender stereotypes. You're too assertive for having a feminine personality, you don't say 'I think' or 'I guess' nearly enough. Having strong opinions isn't too ladylike, imo.
KosmonautDec 21, 2019 4:29 AM
Dec 21, 2019 4:07 AM

Jan 2017

This makes you Extremely Masculine.

guess the "toxic" masculinity is strong with this one lmaoo
Dec 21, 2019 4:10 AM

Jul 2016
Kosmonaut said:
My tests usually alternate between ENTP and INTP, more often the former.

Based on a process that I use where I input someone's full birth date and general location on an astrological chart website, and then look for certain things in the chart, I get ISTP for you.

But it seems my N/S detection isn't precise enough, since some people I thought were S claim they are N.
Dec 21, 2019 5:14 AM

Sep 2015
I would say that I act more masculine than feminine in general. Not in an assertive way. Compared to other males I would probably not stand out as particularly masculine.
Weeee quiz
can dis sig fit
Dec 21, 2019 5:55 AM

May 2016
I act like "me", the singular human person that I am.

Also, this gender role test is bullshit, there's no such thing.
HyperLDec 21, 2019 5:59 AM
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Dec 21, 2019 7:00 AM

Aug 2018
I have a feminine side for sure (I'm an INFP after all, heh). Somewhere in between I think nowadays even I really am leaning towards my masculine side.
Or atleast trying. Feels good to be proud in having a ballsack.
Timz0rDec 21, 2019 7:06 AM
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Please come drink tea, eat cake and procrastinate at the Cute Girls Doing Cute Things Club. We have simulwatches! \o/
Dec 21, 2019 7:04 AM

Feb 2018
Pretty neutral and can go from really feminine to top-tier masculine girl.Deppends on the mood.

Dec 21, 2019 7:09 AM

Jan 2009
HyperL said:

Also, this gender role test is bullshit, there's no such thing.

gender is a social construct for sure but that means it exist since we live in a society

and retaken the test again this time without skipping since its scale or spectrum and the ones i find not applicable to me i skipped it earlier

Dec 21, 2019 7:46 AM

Jan 2009
MySweetLucifer said:

@deg What do you generally think about such tests? I checked that test out and I couldn't identify with anything in that.

the gender test in this thread are stereotypes like being dominant is masculine while being caring/compassionate is feminine
Dec 21, 2019 7:49 AM

Jan 2009
MySweetLucifer said:
deg said:
the gender test in this thread are stereotypes like being dominant is masculine while being caring/compassionate is feminine

I'm glad that Im not a stereotype but a real individual.

lol ok boomer dude thats a good one

society today especially the media still promote old gender stereotypes or gender roles anyway like there is bisexual erasure going on entertainment media
Dec 21, 2019 8:06 AM

Jan 2009
MySweetLucifer said:
@deg It's pretty ridiculous to connect different forms of behaviour/tastes/preferences with a specific gender.

you and sphinxter would get a long with all your anti social construct stuff lol

but its fine since the very existence of you 2 and many others like you is showing social change is happening and with it the gender stereotypes will change or get remove sooner or later
Dec 21, 2019 8:13 AM

Jan 2009

just say you hate labels but we humans like to label or categorize things anyway same with science
Dec 21, 2019 8:17 AM

Jun 2019
@Freshell yeah dawg, you do not seem feminine to me. Not as manly as myself ofc.

Leading biologist Scott Pitnick said:
The bigger your 'nads, the smaller your brains
Dec 21, 2019 8:35 AM

Jan 2009

>No one is any of these labels to 100%

obviously what this labels are trying to understand some part of yourself like you said and the self is a complex thing as you implied anyway

Dec 21, 2019 8:43 AM

Jan 2009

im not sure whats your point is though, there are people that can be 100% masculine since 100% is part of the scale and no one is saying you are 100% masculine too

i thought you are saying that masculinity is just one part or small part of yourself and i agree with that
Dec 21, 2019 8:55 AM

Jan 2009

ye you can call it brainwashing or social engineering or whatever but the fact remains we live in a society with this gender roles for now and like i said it starting to change or maybe become obsolete too anyway

its time for me to watch anime so im out bye
Dec 21, 2019 10:13 AM

May 2018
I'm a girl and I took that gender role test, it said 31% masculine and 39% feminine. Which apparently makes me "Undifferentiated-Androgynous", I thinks this makes sense. When I hang out with guys I act more masculine and when I hang out with girls I become more feminine, so I can be either way.
Dec 21, 2019 10:46 AM
Jul 2018
More feminine than masculine, for sure. I'm a little on the sensitive side, very emotional/moody, and just like things (in anime, music, etc.) that girls go for (Such as Magical Girl anime for instance.

Dec 21, 2019 11:25 AM

Aug 2016
Seijatachiiii said:
I'm a girl and I took that gender role test, it said 31% masculine and 39% feminine. Which apparently makes me "Undifferentiated-Androgynous", I thinks this makes sense. When I hang out with guys I act more masculine and when I hang out with girls I become more feminine, so I can be either way.
I personally feel that this is probably the best result to get since this type basically keeps all options open. I got 67% masculine and 36% feminine and it described me as nonchalantly masculine. I don't really care if others think i am masculine or not i just do what i feel like doing anyway
Dec 21, 2019 12:45 PM

Mar 2018
i'm a girl, but i think my personality is more masculine than feminine. i don't show my emotions a lot and im very competitive. the way i dress and certain behaviours i have are femine so i think i can have both masculine and feminine moments.
Dec 21, 2019 12:51 PM

Mar 2015
I really don't know, I feel like I'm a both masculine and feminine female. I wouldn't say I'm totally feminine, there are many feminine things I can't relate to. Same with masculine things. I feel more of a connection to the masculine side of myself though.

I got this when I took a 'gender role' test.

woah there
Dec 21, 2019 1:07 PM
Jul 2018

Lol whut. I am a potato. ....

Dec 21, 2019 1:08 PM

Mar 2018
Savasvania said:

Lol whut. I am a potato. ....

It appears to be that you are not of this world...

“The most shameless thing in the world is political power that can be inherited regardless of ability or talent!”
Dec 21, 2019 1:08 PM

May 2014
My result on the test:

I'm typically female apparently which was not what i was expecting. Obviously not to be taken seriously though.

Dec 21, 2019 1:09 PM

Oct 2017
MySweetLucifer said:
@deg It's pretty ridiculous to connect different forms of behaviour/tastes/preferences with a specific gender.

You don't think hormones play a factor in personality?

How about physical make-up? There's good evidence that the brain and therefore personality only exist to facilitate our physical interaction with the world. Wouldn't then being one of two types of an organism, one with a gap that needs to be filled, and one with an extension of themselves that fills others... wouldn't those phsycial aspects affect the way one sees themselves and the world?

I think denying these things far more ridiculous than acknowledging that there are some fundamental differences between the genders. Of course there are elements of gender roles which are social constructs, doesn't make them illegitimate or harmful unless you buy in to the rantings of angry crazy people on Twitter.
YossaRedMageDec 21, 2019 1:14 PM
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Aggregate scoring is bad for the anime fandom
Dec 21, 2019 1:39 PM
Jul 2018
17%-78% "Typically feminine"

Test assumes that men are assertive and women arent it seems. Way to unrealistic
Dec 21, 2019 1:42 PM

Jan 2009
YossaRedMage said:
MySweetLucifer said:
@deg It's pretty ridiculous to connect different forms of behaviour/tastes/preferences with a specific gender.

You don't think hormones play a factor in personality?

How about physical make-up? There's good evidence that the brain and therefore personality only exist to facilitate our physical interaction with the world. Wouldn't then being one of two types of an organism, one with a gap that needs to be filled, and one with an extension of themselves that fills others... wouldn't those phsycial aspects affect the way one sees themselves and the world?

I think denying these things far more ridiculous than acknowledging that there are some fundamental differences between the genders. Of course there are elements of gender roles which are social constructs, doesn't make them illegitimate or harmful unless you buy in to the rantings of angry crazy people on Twitter.

its nature vs nurture again this time biology vs social construct
Dec 21, 2019 2:56 PM

Mar 2016
I act more feminine, but I am pervier than 5 men combined.

edit: Took gender test.
3% masculine, 58% feminine.

Offended that this test is calling my big dick energy small.
KiyomiceDec 21, 2019 3:01 PM
"Wonder is always difficult until you forgive whoever destroyed your love of surprises"  Edmond Manning

Dec 21, 2019 2:56 PM

May 2016
YossaRedMage said:
MySweetLucifer said:
@deg It's pretty ridiculous to connect different forms of behaviour/tastes/preferences with a specific gender.

You don't think hormones play a factor in personality?

How about physical make-up? There's good evidence that the brain and therefore personality only exist to facilitate our physical interaction with the world. Wouldn't then being one of two types of an organism, one with a gap that needs to be filled, and one with an extension of themselves that fills others... wouldn't those phsycial aspects affect the way one sees themselves and the world?

I think denying these things far more ridiculous than acknowledging that there are some fundamental differences between the genders. Of course there are elements of gender roles which are social constructs, doesn't make them illegitimate or harmful unless you buy in to the rantings of angry crazy people on Twitter.

I know you didn't ask me but...

What I oppose most is the "gendering" of behavior and action.

One could say, for instance, that having masculine hormones can make you more prone to exerce assertiveness, and I could acknowledge that.

What I cannot accept is the idea that "assertiveness" itself is a "masculine" behavior/act.

Or like some consevative types love to say, that being "courageous" and a "risk taker" are the exceptional traits of masculinity.

For me, It is incredibly important that actions and behaviors be considered genderless.
HyperLDec 21, 2019 3:03 PM
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Dec 21, 2019 3:52 PM

Oct 2017
HyperL said:
YossaRedMage said:

You don't think hormones play a factor in personality?

How about physical make-up? There's good evidence that the brain and therefore personality only exist to facilitate our physical interaction with the world. Wouldn't then being one of two types of an organism, one with a gap that needs to be filled, and one with an extension of themselves that fills others... wouldn't those phsycial aspects affect the way one sees themselves and the world?

I think denying these things far more ridiculous than acknowledging that there are some fundamental differences between the genders. Of course there are elements of gender roles which are social constructs, doesn't make them illegitimate or harmful unless you buy in to the rantings of angry crazy people on Twitter.

I know you didn't ask me but...

What I oppose most is the "gendering" of behavior and action.

One could say, for instance, that having masculine hormones can make you more prone to exerce assertiveness, and I could acknowledge that.

What I cannot accept is the idea that "assertiveness" itself is a "masculine" behavior/act.

Or like some consevative types love to say, that being "courageous" and a "risk taker" are the exceptional traits of masculinity.

For me, It is incredibly important that actions and behaviors be considered genderless.

Like, I am trying to see where you're coming from so bear with me.

You can acknowledge that hormones make men more prone to assertiveness (and risk taking, which you mention, but idk about courage, that's different). But then you don't want society to recognize that fact? And this is important to you, but why? There isn't any inherent harm in labelling certain behaviour as masculine / feminine unless,

1. Those behaviours are viewed negatively.

Ironically, a lot of these attitudes seem to be based on the idea that masculine traits are inherently superior to feminine ones, which is one of the fundamental hypocrisies of certain forms of feminism (I'm not anti-feminism in general, but I think certain forms of it are deeply flawed).

Assertiveness requires a certain amount of being an asshole. Less assertive people are much easier to get on with, but of course they're more easily manipulated, either way it's a trade-off and I don't think one is superior to the other. Same goes for other (traditionally) gendered traits.

I think this is a fairly straightforward thing to explore until you get to a certain point and that's the whole dominance / submission element of human interaction. I've argued this before to the consternation of certain people, but I really don't think it's inherently superior to be dominant than submissive. Not when a person is submissive by preference at least. But much of the push to change the way the genders are percieved seems to be based on this notion.

Hell, I could almost agree with the notion of the patriarchy (and toxic masculinity, which I also partly agree with), but not in the same way that it's often brought up. Western society seems to massively value (traditionally) masculine traits and it's really harmful. The (traditionally) feminine traits are the basis for a close, friendly society, and I think there's a lot of this stuff at play with how we see the deteriation and fracturing of western society compared to somewhere like Japan which has a high degree of social cohesion and still has a great appreciation for (traditionally) feminine traits.

2. People lose their freedom because they feel pressured to conform to stereotypes.

I think this might be more where you're coming from? Thing is though, many people want to conform to stereotypes. And the sort of people which do conform to them are going to be the sort which want to identify with some group. As long as people who don't conform aren't judged or looked down, but... it feels like that is a long way off unfortunately. Still, I don't think removing group stereotypes entirely, especially when they're not negative, is the answer. It feels more like a band-aid to a greater problem.
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Aggregate scoring is bad for the anime fandom
Dec 21, 2019 5:03 PM

May 2013
Oh boy. This test was weird af

I tend to be neutral in general but it depends on my mood.

Dec 21, 2019 5:04 PM

Oct 2014
I'm a man and I like anime made for girls and enjoy wearing women's clothes, but when I'm around other people I generally present myself in a rather masculine way. I've also gone into a very male dominated career.

@C-ko What's funny is that growing up in a household of mostly men I feel starved of femininity in that way, choosing to seek it out more in media and the like. TBH I'm not sure if the two are related.
Dec 21, 2019 5:29 PM

May 2016
Oops...Forgot to tag you.
There we go.

You can acknowledge that hormones make men more prone to assertiveness (and risk taking, which you mention, but idk about courage, that's different). But then you don't want society to recognize that fact?

Almost that. I do want people to acknowledge the unadulterated and verified data acquired through biology, but making no extrapolations about them.
I just believe there's a important difference to be made between the predisposition to act and the act itself, and those two must not be mingled or conflicted.

And it's not about stereotypes. It's about the norm as a whole.

The main problem with "gendering" behavior, is that such a process is the core component of "gender norms".

See, when you said:

As long as people who don't conform aren't judged or looked down, but... it feels like that is a long way off unfortunately.

Why is that?

It's because there is a "gender norm" to begin with, and the judgement and alienation will never stop while IT continues to exist, AND one of, if not THE thing that mantains IT in place is the idea that certain acts and behaviors are "indicative of a certain gender", x act is masculine, y act is feminine etc..

It is indeed a ways off, but the only way to crumble the tower is to slowly chip at its foundation.

Also, it may be because I'm a individualist at core, but I don't see "conforming for the sake of identifying and being accepted by a group" to be particularly healthy.
HyperLDec 22, 2019 9:22 AM
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Dec 21, 2019 5:35 PM
Jul 2018
I don't like to conflate male-female values to personality traits. That said, I'd say I fit more the social expectations of femininity rather than of masculinity.
Dec 21, 2019 5:38 PM

Sep 2017
Took the test above, and...welp, I guess I expected that kind of result

Well, according to this test and in general, a calm and quite reserved temper is mostly associated to women, and in the opposite being bold is more associated with men and masculinity

Besides this I don't particularly act "feminine" stereotypically (does that word even exist ?) speaking
But honestly, when it comes to behaviour and personnality, masculine and feminine don't mean anything. They're just other words for "macho" and "sensitive"

Physically speaking however, I'm like 100% masculine, except if you consider long hair feminine
Dec 21, 2019 6:13 PM

Dec 2019
But not bad you act like a woman, in internet me act like woman but not at all
Do it and don't overdoit
Dec 21, 2019 7:34 PM

Aug 2009

Somehow I'm not surprised, my alias aside.

Dec 21, 2019 11:31 PM
Oct 2019
The test that was posted earlier says that I'm 42% masculine and 19% feminine (what about the other 39%?).

Regarding my own opinion, I am quite shy and secretive, which I guess are considered feminine traits. However, I can still be quite assertive if the need calls for it (and assertiveness seems to be considered a masculine trait from what I've read). I think overall I might act slightly more "feminine" that the "average man".

Dec 22, 2019 1:50 AM

Oct 2013

Nah, I don't agree. Should be the other way around.
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Shabada shabadabadaba
I am DjG545 aka Dj Fo Fo aka The Mutha Fkn Name I'm Usin Now
Dec 22, 2019 4:19 AM

Apr 2017
I'd say both. If you were to just meet me, you'd think I was masculine since I really like sports and lifting weights, but if you got to know me, I definitely have a feminine side as well.
Dec 22, 2019 5:48 AM

Oct 2009
i'm an ISTP chad alpha bro. what do u think brahh?
Dec 22, 2019 6:31 AM

Mar 2019
I watch jojo so isn't it obvious? Im gay and Im masculine
Dec 22, 2019 7:02 AM
Jul 2018
I always thought that I was masculine, but I think people see me externally as more feminine. Once a friend of mine, a girl, told me that I wasn't masculine and that I should embrace my feminine side.

I think my pride as a man was destroyed that day.
Dec 22, 2019 7:15 AM

Nov 2012
Give me that booty, I'm a WARRIOR!!!
Dec 22, 2019 8:05 AM

Jun 2019
I'm feminine aff

I dance to red velvet and look cute doing it ofc

Edit: The test is stupid af :'(
Edit: took the test and I'm 68 percent masculine and 50+ something feminine. :'( crisis
HappyPicnicDec 22, 2019 8:13 AM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 22, 2019 9:06 AM

Oct 2017
MySweetLucifer said:
YossaRedMage said:

You don't think hormones play a factor in personality?

How about physical make-up? There's good evidence that the brain and therefore personality only exist to facilitate our physical interaction with the world. Wouldn't then being one of two types of an organism, one with a gap that needs to be filled, and one with an extension of themselves that fills others... wouldn't those phsycial aspects affect the way one sees themselves and the world?

I think denying these things far more ridiculous than acknowledging that there are some fundamental differences between the genders. Of course there are elements of gender roles which are social constructs, doesn't make them illegitimate or harmful unless you buy in to the rantings of angry crazy people on Twitter.

I know that biological differences exist and I accept that. And I'm well aware of the fact that some of these things have to do with human behaviour. But I reject the thought that this is everything we are and that were damned to be slaves of our physical organisms. Experiences exist, preferences develop, and I think it's pretty ridiculous that people think I'm a certain role just because I'm born with a penis.
I just want to be myself without putting myself in a box. I want to watch my ultra-violent gore-films and at the same time have something cutesy like Inuyasha. Know what I'm saying?
I mean as a gay man it's impossible to be seen as a "real man" in society anyways (no matter what I do) so I decided not to care and just be myself. Cause if you really think about it it's impossible to always be seen as 100% "masculine" or "feminine" if you have a complex and developed character/personality/self with individual tastes and preferences.

Sure, I don't disagree with any of that. I just had a problem with the statement you made that it's ridiculous to connect certain behaviour/etc to certain genders. Of course the genders are going to be different on average. And that difference should be celebrated, but not at the expense of people who don't fit within the average and not in a way that says feminine women or masculine men are inherently better in any way.

Actually, I don't agree with everything from your last comment, because I'm not sure I agree that a gay guy can't be seen as a "real man". It's kind of a rabbit hole when you get in to the semantics and implications, but... I think there are plenty of people like me who don't see being gay or straight as a particularly masculine or feminine issue. You only need to look at the attitude to sexuality in ancient greek/roman times where it wasn't an issue of fucking men or women, but other aspects that "made the man" so to speak.

Besides, the whole "real man" label, like... it would be harmless if there weren't negative things implied about people who don't fit the label. Labels themselves are fine when they're just descriptive and people can be humble about preferences. It's the difference between someone saynig they prefer the company of masculine men and someone says masculine men are inherently better in some way. One is a preference, the other is putting people down. Everyone has preferences for certain traits and characteristics and those things need labels.
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Aggregate scoring is bad for the anime fandom
Dec 22, 2019 11:07 AM
Jul 2018
Dec 22, 2019 11:50 AM

Nov 2017
I was like 54/45 masc fem. Undifferentiated androgynous. I feel horrible shame now.

I must make the dick strong.

I'll vote for Trumpf because he said he'd make the dick strong again. I'll wear a bright red hat to remind me of the days when the dick was strong.

I'm so sad, I have half a vagina down there. ):):):
Dec 22, 2019 12:02 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Eh idk, in my everyday life I don't really like to think about gender stereotypes much

In my spare time then I'm a femboy and occasionally I do stuff like crossdressing and similar so I guess I'm more on the feminine side in that sense but it's not like I actually identify that way

I guess I'd say I just like to do whatever I want rather than specifically try to fall into what people would normally associate with being masculine or feminine, because ultimately that serves no purpose other than putting dumb restrictions on your life choices
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