The best of what this medium has to offer, the creme de la creme. Exceptional quality in all fields with an engaging story and interesting characters. Not necessarily a flawless show or the “perfect show” but definitely an incredible show. These are shows that I could rewatch thousands of times and they would never get old, an anime that never ceases to make me happy. What separates these shows from a 9 or an 8 was their ability to relate to me personally or create great emotional moments.
A great show that was consistently well made and exceptionally produced. These shows have a great cast and plethora of amazing aspects. These series manage to crack into my favorite anime’s of all time and create great emotional beats that consistently land. The only thing holding a 9 back from a 10 is its nostalgia or not as strong a personal connection to the series as a 10.
An exceptional show in all manners, a show that is good in all aspects, these shows don’t necessarily do everything perfectly and have their own flaws if only small ones. Usually these are shows that were well produced and had good characters and story; however they had a clear flaw that separated them from going higher into the 9 category.
By all means a decent show. It wasn't necessarily the most polished of shows but it showed a lot of promise in its ideas. Usually shows that fall into this category were ambitious stories that had moderate success in their execution but had glaring flaws holding them back. I find with these shows that the characters are mostly good with some stand out ones. Likewise, it also had 1 or 2 terrible characters that hindered the show.
A mostly mediocre show. It may have shown brief flashes of brilliance with a well written character or a decent plot point but it overall sits in the middle. Usually what separates a 5 from a 6 is the general entertainment of the show. Shows that sit at the 6 range tend to be guilty pleasures that’s only real substance is derived from their fan service.
The definition of mediocrity. A show that was sufficiently inoffensive, but one that lacks any creative passion. Shows that land a score of 5 can sometimes be worse than shows that land scores of 1 and 2 due to the entertainment value of the shows. Shows with a 5 tend to have a plethora of problems ranging from production issues to story and character issues. They might have interesting plots and might even have some good moments, but for the most part these shows lack any substance whatsoever.
The 4/3 out of 10 is the first sign of a show that's negatives outweigh its positives. These shows have noticeable and glaring problems, ones that severely hold back the show's potential. These shows tend to fumble even the most mediocre of plots and make potentially decent characters into bland and forgettable ones. Their only positives tend to be minor flashes of brilliance. Maybe a really cool soundtrack song or a nice piece of art.
Terrible anime with little to no redeeming qualities. These shows lack any care from production, to story and character. The overwhelming abundance of shortcomings is incredible and the lack of creative drive can be seen through the entire presentation of these shows. What little redeeming qualities they may have stem from tiny nitpicks that save it from the 1 out of 10.
The incomprehensible and infinite realm of suffering, the dreaded “1 out of 10”. The 1 out of ten is where creativity and passion goes to die. There is nothing positive about these series. They lack originality, writing, character and story. Their entertainment is derived from nowhere, because they have no entertainment value. The music Is Inauspicious, the characters paper thin and the plot nonsensical. Truly the “Mali principii malus finis.” of the anime world

All Comments (127) Comments
Just not the NBA...
Him winning with someone who shares the same role as him with no center???
If i am the Lakers,
I will find a center ASAP if i want to contend...
If not,
Dont sign him back & let the other retire & go rebuild...
But if i do...
its not now nor in the allstar weekend...
is skelter heaven possibly related to the mary skelter games? (real question)
on the other hand DR stone is not allat- drop the score
It says source VN so i guess yes
And Dr. Stone is GOAT
alucard, absolutely goat character
100%! Sometimes he doesn't get the love he deserves