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How greedy people can be if they're filthy rich?

Nov 19, 2019 2:57 AM
Aug 2016
If you were to be filthy rich and never have to work ever again, and you'll have an infinite amount of money, what would you do with all that money you have?

I would personally first help my parents with everything that they need, then build a big house and after everything is set with the house, I would buy tons of clothes, shoes, accessories (like earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc), buy the most expensive and best gadgets (like phone, tablet, computer, laptop, etc), eat the most expensive food at the most fancy restaurants, go out all the time to malls and of course go on a bunch of trips all over the world. I would basically do everything that I want to do.
Oh, and also one thing, I would do some work on my appearance. Even if I'm fine the way I am, there will always be room for improvement. I don't even have that much to change on my face, maybe just a nose job and make my face a little more V shape. And of course, get rig of all the body hair except the hair on my head, eyebrows and eyelashes. Everything except that would be gone forever.

Aaaand, one more thing that I would do, is that I would often donate some money to the charity.

Now, the second question is, if you were to have this much amount of money, and all those expensive goods, would you be able to have more friends and more people would want to hang out with you, and maybe some would even be romantically interested in you?

Also, those who have a driver's licence, imagine you also have lots of cool and nice cars. I skipped the car part cuz I don't have a driver's licence.

What would you do with all the money you have?

I will pass with my answer on the 'friends and romance' question I asked above, because I personally am not interested in those kind of stuff, but I want to see your answer guys and girls of MAL.

So, now let's see how the users of MAL would act in this kind of situation.
-Mayhem-Nov 19, 2019 3:02 AM
Nov 19, 2019 3:07 AM

May 2019
Hire lobbyists and create a Super PAC for a progressive agenda.
Lol, somehow my eyes glazed over literally having infinite money. Would probably use my money specifically for anti-corruption measures. You'd see ads on every station during breaks between every tv show and have them be a typical sight on websites. Any time a politician voted against an anti corruption measure, they'd be put on blast. Every time they voted for it, they'd be boosted.
FreshellNov 21, 2019 3:10 AM
Nov 19, 2019 3:07 AM

Mar 2012
Id buy some beer and drink it. No use yearning or fantasizing about things you will never have
Nov 19, 2019 3:32 AM
Jul 2018
The title doesn't seem to match the post but I will tell you how greedy they can be. A billionaire football owner was filmed saying the players didn't need more than one bottle of water each after the game and he took the crate away.

They are more often than not penny pinching bastards when it comes to others but don't mind spending a million on a gold plated toilet for themselves.

Me, I'd just buy a nice sustainable house and then travel around the world. People say money won't make you happy but it would with me.
Nov 19, 2019 3:50 AM

Mar 2018
QPR said:
The title doesn't seem to match the post but I will tell you how greedy they can be. A billionaire football owner was filmed saying the players didn't need more than one bottle of water each after the game and he took the crate away.
Holly f*cking sh*t! That's disgusting...

“The most shameless thing in the world is political power that can be inherited regardless of ability or talent!”
Nov 19, 2019 3:50 AM
Aug 2016
ThePantsuGuru said:
Id buy some beer and drink it. No use yearning or fantasizing about things you will never have

This is the whole point of this thread. You have an infinite amount of money that you can spend, and turn those fantasies into reality. This is a game of imagination, you can have whatever you want.
Nov 19, 2019 4:07 AM

Mar 2014
build roads, schools, hospitals and another public service facilities. anything that can give benefit to people

i find it's funny when you're rich you spend your money to buy jewelries and all those expensive glittering stuff tbh. i mean, you're already rich, mai boi. what use for you all those expensive glittering stuff though? not having them doesn't make you less rich in any ways. so what's the purpose purchasing something like that? when you die, those expensive glittering stuff you've purchased in your life won't follow you to your grave. it's just sad when a rich person still using poor people' perspective. it kinda reminds me of majority of politicians tbh.
oh well, i'm afraid i might offend somebody if i continue this so i'll just stop my thought here and now.
Nov 19, 2019 4:11 AM

Feb 2019
I'd influence all western countries into a forced agenda of diversity, I'd fund mass SRS, I'd propose laws to ban genders, I'd fund mass immigration, I'd do everything Soros and the iluminatti are already doing.
Nov 19, 2019 4:15 AM

Mar 2018
Kosmonaut said:
I'd influence all western countries into a forced agenda of diversity, I'd fund mass SRS, I'd propose laws to ban genders, I'd fund mass immigration, I'd do everything Soros and the iluminatti are already doing.
And I would the complete opposite. :P

“The most shameless thing in the world is political power that can be inherited regardless of ability or talent!”
Nov 19, 2019 4:17 AM
Jul 2018
I won't work then. I will travel visiting every countries in the world's rural and cultural sites. Many people in rural area in my country are uneducated, so I will work with the local government to better the education. It can be achieved by providing free education including all types of fee and textbooks. Of course I also will build free libraries in my hometown and in the villages in my regency, because my country's lack of interest to read is more because books are expensive, especially for villagers. Some rural places are so hard to reach, I was voluntarily teaching in a rural places before with my community and it needed 7 hours walking, climbing mountains to reach it, so I'll work with government to better infrastructure. I will also work with local government to better cultural sites in my hometown so it can be well known and our tradition and culture won't be killed by globalization.
Nov 19, 2019 4:18 AM

Feb 2019
Luchse said:
Kosmonaut said:
I'd influence all western countries into a forced agenda of diversity, I'd fund mass SRS, I'd propose laws to ban genders, I'd fund mass immigration, I'd do everything Soros and the iluminatti are already doing.
And I would the complete opposite. :P
Let us race to our first billion euros than to see who'll come out on top.
Nov 19, 2019 4:19 AM

Mar 2018
Kosmonaut said:
Luchse said:
And I would the complete opposite. :P
Let us race to our first billion euros than to see who'll come out on top.
Honestly doubt that a mere billion euros will help my agenda...

“The most shameless thing in the world is political power that can be inherited regardless of ability or talent!”
Nov 19, 2019 4:21 AM

May 2019
Kosmonaut said:
I'd influence all western countries into a forced agenda of diversity, I'd fund mass SRS, I'd propose laws to ban genders, I'd fund mass immigration, I'd do everything Soros and the iluminatti are already doing.

Didn't even include putting all boys on hrt? Tut tut tut. I'm disappointed in you. We know all the world's problems are caused by men.
Nov 19, 2019 4:30 AM

Nov 2011
I'll build a mansion. The room inside the mansion would be something out of anime world. I'll have androids model after anime characters living in there, working for me and keep me company. No human interaction needed.

Nov 19, 2019 4:47 AM

Jul 2007
Infinite money? Build myself a completely self-sustaining, impenetrable fortress with everything I could ever want or need, then give infinite money to everyone else.
Nov 19, 2019 5:03 AM

Aug 2014
Infinite money? I'd basically own the world at that point.

I would provide for the needs of every human being on the planet...but in return, you would be my playthings. Don't like my favorite anime? You will watch it...and like it...or else! Dance, clowns, dance! lol...

Realistically, though, I have no interest in ruling others. I would buy things I'm interested in, try to help those in need (indirectly, by starting a foundation and having others do the work I fund), and probably develop new technologies (again, indirectly, since this requires masses of people to accomplish) to advance the state of humanity.

Although I said I don't want to rule others, I wouldn't mind preventing unnecessary suffering, so I would also get involved in politics (from the shadows...letting my money do the work rather than putting myself in the spotlight) and attempt to eradicate laws I consider unjust.
Nov 19, 2019 5:52 AM

Feb 2017
i didnt read your wall of text but if i had infinite money i'l invest in renewable energy and would make the world run 100% on renewable energy. Would make electric cars cheaper than the dirty gasoline cars, would invest in bio degradable plastic alternatives and e-waste management.

Just solve the climate change problem and i have no fucking doubt that humanity would reach intergalactic travel, terraforming and all those things which were and are only science fiction. If just, just we can buy enough time.

Nov 19, 2019 6:40 AM

Jun 2016
Sounds like a double edged sword. If word got out that you have an infinite supply of money, it would lose its value completely, and fuck knows what that would result in.
So yeah, you'd have to be really subtle about the whole thing.
Nov 19, 2019 6:49 AM

Jul 2015
You don't become rich by throwing your money at charities, son. You beecome rich by exploiting others. If that involves throwing some money at a charity to evade taxes, then so be it.

Welcome to the real world (^:
Nov 19, 2019 6:52 AM

Jan 2018
Help community like school, education for the poor, build sports facilities and help fund medical care for the poor of course. I wouldn't be spending for expensive worldly items to show to others, cause that's a quick way to get robbed or killed.
Nov 19, 2019 7:14 AM
Jul 2018
Let's see

Firstly, I would like to help my family settle things with money related issues, or soon to be difficult situations like school, house, medications, etc. I would then start treating ourselves to the exotic things in life such as buying suitable houses to move into, one for me and one for my folks. Some of the finest food delicacies the world has ever known shall be ours, acquiring recently released gadgets of various kinds is a must, and obtaining cars that appeal to our diverse tastes is also another option on the table. In essence, I am just trying everything that a rich person does when they seem to have all the money in the world, all the while making my family's life that much more comfortable.

As for me, I would donate a lot of money to orphanages. I always liked children and emphasized them. So why not do something good once in a while? Have a family with a kid or two, and settle myself and my children for life.

Nov 19, 2019 8:50 AM

Feb 2010
I'd finally get into cocaine because I can't afford a cocaine addiction with my current amount of money, but it always seemed like something I'd enjoy.

But yeah for the most part I'd just live a decent lifestyle, a bit more 'lavish' than now but not significantly so because I don't need 100 cars or a giant house, I'd just be happy to have enough money to be left alone and not forced to work some job I hate under an asshole of a boss. I'd also make sure my parents are doing well, but probably wouldn't give anything to me brother cause he wouldn't either if the positions were reversed.

And then, to have something to do, I'd probably try starting a small business, not for profit but out of passion, maybe together with a friend. Something I really enjoy, but is probably not gonna be profitable so I would never risk it under normal circumstances, like a comic book/mang/anime store, Maybe even host conventions about my hobbies if the money is really infinite.

I'd definitely also want to do some good with the money, but it would probably take a bit to figure out what exactly that would be, aside from the occasional donation.

Oh and I'd also splurge on one of these tourist tickets to the moon.
I probably regret this post by now.
Nov 19, 2019 8:57 AM

Feb 2019
Luchse said:
Kosmonaut said:
Let us race to our first billion euros than to see who'll come out on top.
Honestly doubt that a mere billion euros will help my agenda...
Poor Luchse, you have to get in touch with mah men the iluminatti and see if they would back you out instead.

Freshell said:
Kosmonaut said:
I'd influence all western countries into a forced agenda of diversity, I'd fund mass SRS, I'd propose laws to ban genders, I'd fund mass immigration, I'd do everything Soros and the iluminatti are already doing.

Didn't even include putting all boys on hrt? Tut tut tut. I'm disappointed in you. We know all the world's problems are caused by men.
If I abolish genders, there'll be no men nor women. Then, I just put up a law that takes semen out of biological males before chemically castrating them. Men problem solved.
Nov 19, 2019 8:58 AM

Mar 2018
Kosmonaut said:
Luchse said:
Honestly doubt that a mere billion euros will help my agenda...
Poor Luchse, you have to get in touch with mah men the iluminatti and see if they would back you out instead.
They work with some certain people khm khm so that's a no.

“The most shameless thing in the world is political power that can be inherited regardless of ability or talent!”
Nov 19, 2019 9:06 AM

Feb 2018
I would buy the moon and make a world of anime there. Then i would buy the Vatican to control the masses with a new religion called "Waifuism".
Nov 19, 2019 9:09 AM

Mar 2018
xA-2 said:
Then i would buy the Vatican to control the masses with a new religion called "Waifuism".
If we are going to worship the Kraut Space Magic from your forum set then I'm all in.

“The most shameless thing in the world is political power that can be inherited regardless of ability or talent!”
Nov 19, 2019 9:29 AM

Feb 2018
Luchse said:
xA-2 said:
Then i would buy the Vatican to control the masses with a new religion called "Waifuism".
If we are going to worship the Kraut Space Magic from your forum set then I'm all in.
Oh Sir Von Luchse, I assure you there will be many of them. but all the dolls would only belong and could only be seen by the owner of the moon.
Nov 19, 2019 9:33 AM

May 2016
Let's what my poor asocial ass would do:

-I would have me a smallish yet secure house.

-Would help my parents live in confort.

-Would hire me someone to do everything from cooking to the monthly house cleaning.

-Would play videogames and watch anime in confort and leisure.
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Nov 19, 2019 12:53 PM

Jan 2009
be Ironman (Tony Stark) invest or invent making nuclear fusion and strong artificial intelligence that will solve a lot of problems globally if done for good that is

ye that includes advancing nanotechnology and create not just nanomachines for military but also for making the Replicator (Star Trek) a reality that will solve food scarcity
Nov 19, 2019 12:54 PM

May 2019
Kosmonaut said:
Freshell said:

Didn't even include putting all boys on hrt? Tut tut tut. I'm disappointed in you. We know all the world's problems are caused by men.
If I abolish genders, there'll be no men nor women. Then, I just put up a law that takes semen out of biological males before chemically castrating them. Men problem solved.

Wow there lad. Wouldn't you also have ended the ability of western men to reproduce? How wouldn't this lead to extinction? Mayhaps this is where your immigration plan comes in?
FreshellNov 19, 2019 1:04 PM
Nov 19, 2019 12:59 PM

Mar 2018
Freshell said:
Kosmonaut said:
If I abolish genders, there'll be no men nor women. Then, I just put up a law that takes semen out of biological males before chemically castrating them. Men problem solved.

Wow there lad. Wouldn't you also have ended the ability of western men to reproduce? How wouldn't this lead to extinction? Mayhaps this where your immigration plan comes in?
Our dear Kosmo longs for a world in which women can reproduce without us men.

“The most shameless thing in the world is political power that can be inherited regardless of ability or talent!”
Nov 19, 2019 1:05 PM

May 2019
Luchse said:
Freshell said:

Wow there lad. Wouldn't you also have ended the ability of western men to reproduce? How wouldn't this lead to extinction? Mayhaps this where your immigration plan comes in?
Our dear Kosmo longs for a world in which women can reproduce without us men.

Sad. At this rate Kosmo and I will never raise a bastard we implanted into a woman, and he won't get his betabuxx.
Nov 19, 2019 2:31 PM

Mar 2008
Infinite money with finite resources means there is a finite application to that money. I could simply gain ownership and control over all the industries and governments and from there I can redistribute the resources and abolish capitalism and the money would be worthless but if I have infinite money it would crash the economy anyway so it's the smart move here.
Nov 19, 2019 4:20 PM

Feb 2019
Luchse said:
Freshell said:

Wow there lad. Wouldn't you also have ended the ability of western men to reproduce? How wouldn't this lead to extinction? Mayhaps this where your immigration plan comes in?
Our dear Kosmo longs for a world in which women can reproduce without us men.
Freshell said:
Luchse said:
Our dear Kosmo longs for a world in which women can reproduce without us men.

Sad. At this rate Kosmo and I will never raise a bastard we implanted into a woman, and he won't get his betabuxx.
What are even men good for aside from making my pp big? Pretty useless if you ask me.
Nov 19, 2019 4:22 PM

Mar 2018
Kosmonaut said:
Luchse said:
Our dear Kosmo longs for a world in which women can reproduce without us men.
Freshell said:

Sad. At this rate Kosmo and I will never raise a bastard we implanted into a woman, and he won't get his betabuxx.
What are even men good for aside from making my pp big? Pretty useless if you ask me.
That seems like a perfectly acceptable reason to leave them be.

“The most shameless thing in the world is political power that can be inherited regardless of ability or talent!”
Nov 19, 2019 7:38 PM

Aug 2018
QPR said:
The title doesn't seem to match the post but I will tell you how greedy they can be. A billionaire football owner was filmed saying the players didn't need more than one bottle of water each after the game and he took the crate away.

They are more often than not penny pinching bastards when it comes to others but don't mind spending a million on a gold plated toilet for themselves.

Whoa, that's messed up. Can't believe such narrow minded people end up being billionaires, it just proves the fact that anyone can become rich and if that money ends up in the wrong hands (say some psychopath) it can hold quite adverse consequences for others.

As to my post on the topic: I would probably use that money to make my life easier and help out a few people I like.

Nov 20, 2019 1:03 AM
Jul 2018
HeroicHealer said:

Whoa, that's messed up. Can't believe such narrow minded people end up being billionaires, it just proves the fact that anyone can become rich and if that money ends up in the wrong hands (say some psychopath) it can hold quite adverse consequences for others.

As to my post on the topic: I would probably use that money to make my life easier and help out a few people I like.

I think it just proves the mega rich are more likely to be sociopaths or psychopaths. Look at Trump, he's been bankrupt more times than I've had hot dinners and ripped off thousands of people but he doesn't care. He only cares about himself. Like all billionaires.

I would also pay back people who've helped me, that's the normal thing to do but also the reason why we will never become that rich.
Nov 20, 2019 2:37 AM

Aug 2018
QPR said:

I think it just proves the mega rich are more likely to be sociopaths or psychopaths. Look at Trump, he's been bankrupt more times than I've had hot dinners and ripped off thousands of people but he doesn't care. He only cares about himself. Like all billionaires.

I would also pay back people who've helped me, that's the normal thing to do but also the reason why we will never become that rich.

Well, it does remind me of a few events in history when the privileged and rich had failed to understand the common man (the underdog as most would say). I don't know what it might be, but I have to agree with you, rich people are too obsessed with money, even though they have so much money already. Perhaps greed and selfishness is more apparent in some rich people. Their lack of empathy, sociopath and psychopathic tendency tends to also come from a failed sense of pride, narcissism and self-centrism.

That's a good thing, always a good thing to give something back to the community. After all, a business is a collective effort, including some good supportive family and friends. It's better to live guilt-free life with a clean conscience than to die as the most hated person, with a questionable reputation and a guilt plagued mind.
ReyuseiNov 20, 2019 2:55 AM

Nov 20, 2019 3:44 AM
YouTuber / VA

Aug 2017
A third of the posts in this thread are people full of shit about how selfless they'd be, a third is people posting stupid ignorant political shit but at least being honest about how they'd use the money to spread their backwards misinformed political views, and then the final third is just people poking holes in OP's premise lol.

Frankly I'd be happy with just a few million that way I could pursue a career in something I love without ever having to worry about money (YouTube / Voice Acting). Anything beyond that I'd spend starting/buying companies to further expand my wealth or to fund personal projects (for example seeing an idea you have for a videogame or a show come to fruition). Wealth grows exponentially so for the most part I'd probably hold off on donating to charity until near the end of my life.

Most of my money right before/after I die would go to whatever charities would allow me to get the most bang for my buck (highest amount of lives saved) or creating a massive charity that gives money to people around the world looking to start small businesses to help foster growing economies so that regions can pull themselves up out of debt in the long term (give a man a fish feed him for a day teach a man to fish feed him for a life time).

I'd make sure to leave a several millions to each of my kids in trusts but those trusts would only open up to them if they met certain conditions (for example working a certain number of years after graduating from a good college, or acquiring a certain level of net worth all on their own). That way hopefully it won't turn them into fuck ups, that they'll already have become ambitious people looking to aspire to great things and the money will just be used to help them reach those goals (as opposed to funding a life where they do nothing because they can just live off inheritance).
Nov 21, 2019 2:08 AM

Mar 2018
I'd buy a lifetime membership of Rosetta Stone so I can finally watch anime without subtitles

"Ehehehe.....I did my best!" - Pururut
Nov 22, 2019 9:15 AM

Apr 2010
Well, we can talk ages about what anyone of us would do, but if we talk about what actually happens, though some use it for good, some gamble it all and some just wants more. That's the reality, folks.

Nov 22, 2019 9:53 AM

Mar 2019
I'd build a large complex of houses for myself and my family to live in. I'd buy a Lamborghini for myself. Id hire two of the most beautiful hookers in the world to live in my house for a few years. Then I'd hire someone to find me a perfect wife. Preferably a wife of low income background who will really appreciate it. Then I'd funnel a lot of money into lab produced meat companies so that the price could be reduced below what animal farmed meat costs to encourage consumers to stop eating meat that comes from animals. Hopefully in a few years, no animal would have to be killed for meat ever again. Then I would fund the film industry to encourage them to create my stories. I would also pay video game companies to create very specific video games that may or may not have broad appeal. But I would personally fund the project so that they are guaranteed to profit even if hardly anyone buys it.

I'd also fund production of an apolitical film production studio. The idea being that you can submit a screenplay with anything in it even if that idea is considered offensive. Now you do still have to make a good story. It can't just be a propaganda piece. But if your story is good but controversial then we will make it. That includes left-wing or right-wing based stories. Politics basically cannot be a reason for rejecting a screenplay, only bad writing and crappy stories.
Ryuk9428Nov 22, 2019 10:15 AM
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Nov 22, 2019 4:41 PM

Mar 2012
I hate to be that guy (no I don't), but the concept of infinite money is incoherent. If there was an infinite amount of money, it would be worthless and you wouldn't be able to do anything with it. But I know what you mean, which is just "a lot".

Who knows what I'd do with a lot of money, but I like to imagine that I wouldn't consume much more than I already do, would reduce my wealth quickly and efficiently, in part by fighting against whatever system made me rich, and wouldn't feel smug about any so-called charitable giving I might do. I would keep enough money for me to quit my career and move somewhere else in Canada with a more moderate climate. I'd probably volunteer a lot more and possibly take up a passion project that I could justify as benefitting others and not being purely narcissistic.

Ryuk9428 said:
I'd also fund production of an apolitical film production studio. The idea being that you can submit a screenplay with anything in it even if that idea is considered offensive. Now you do still have to make a good story. It can't just be a propaganda piece. But if your story is good but controversial then we will make it. That includes left-wing or right-wing based stories. Politics basically cannot be a reason for rejecting a screenplay, only bad writing and crappy stories.
Expectation: your post

Reality: all of the submissions are horribly written and historically inaccurate documentaries about how the collapse of the Roman Empire was caused by non-white people having low IQs
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Nov 22, 2019 11:09 PM

Mar 2019
Josh said:
I hate to be that guy (no I don't), but the concept of infinite money is incoherent. If there was an infinite amount of money, it would be worthless and you wouldn't be able to do anything with it. But I know what you mean, which is just "a lot".

Who knows what I'd do with a lot of money, but I like to imagine that I wouldn't consume much more than I already do, would reduce my wealth quickly and efficiently, in part by fighting against whatever system made me rich, and wouldn't feel smug about any so-called charitable giving I might do. I would keep enough money for me to quit my career and move somewhere else in Canada with a more moderate climate. I'd probably volunteer a lot more and possibly take up a passion project that I could justify as benefitting others and not being purely narcissistic.

Ryuk9428 said:
I'd also fund production of an apolitical film production studio. The idea being that you can submit a screenplay with anything in it even if that idea is considered offensive. Now you do still have to make a good story. It can't just be a propaganda piece. But if your story is good but controversial then we will make it. That includes left-wing or right-wing based stories. Politics basically cannot be a reason for rejecting a screenplay, only bad writing and crappy stories.
Expectation: your post

Reality: all of the submissions are horribly written and historically inaccurate documentaries about how the collapse of the Roman Empire was caused by non-white people having low IQs

Most studios have to reject 95-98% of screenplay submissions because a lot of people write terrible screenplays. But I still think there'd be good stuff.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Nov 22, 2019 11:13 PM
Jul 2018
money doesn't curb narcissism which is part of what fuels the low empathy's fuel for more material things
Nov 23, 2019 2:31 PM

Sep 2007
I would use the money to ass!

As @traed pointed out, it would be worthless anyway.

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