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Skipping school/work for anime did you do it and your opinion?

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Sep 20, 2019 7:50 AM

Dec 2018
“Skip work for anime” lolllolololol.

You won’t have a work to go to with that kind of mindset, because that doesn’t fly on the real world. Boy do I miss school.
Lolicons are scum.
BABYMETAL is more metal than Metallica.
Naruto is objectively the best anime ever.
HxH 99' is decent. HxH 11' is bad.
Sep 20, 2019 7:51 AM

Jun 2016
Honestly this is gonna sound very dumb but i don't remember if i did. Knowing myself, i may have at least once though.
Sep 20, 2019 7:53 AM

Jul 2019
if you're confident that you're not gonna fall behind then why not? wouldn't suggest the same for work though lol
Sep 20, 2019 7:57 AM

Feb 2018
I'm sorry, but if the answer is anything other than no you've got some seriously messed up priorities. I understand pushing off doing homework and the like for watching anime, but straight up skipping classes is way beyond anything that's reasonable. You can always watch an anime later, but you'll get one chance to have a teacher directly explain a class' material in full to you. There is no anime in the world that is worth spending hours either attempting to decipher a textbook and/or question the teacher outside of class until you understand the material.
"If it's not big, it's only a bust," some guy on the internet
Sep 20, 2019 8:03 AM
Jan 2018
I have done it but only 1-2 days, I'm a relatively good student in my opinion so skipping a day or two to relax at home and enjoy anime isn't that big of a deal
Sep 20, 2019 8:07 AM

Jan 2013
LOL @ people taking this seriously. the OP is trolling as always
Sep 20, 2019 8:23 AM

Sep 2019
Takamura-sama said:
Nubiellee said:
This isn't a good idea. You can still watch anime in your free time, right? :( As for me when I leave work it doesn't follow me at home. I can relax and not think about it at all. Watching anime after a day of work is the best feeling ever. I never miss work anyway.

Yeah but what if you started on a REAALLYY good show and you wanna continue it so badly yet you have school
Then it's called addiction, my hooman phrend.
"I think I wanted to attack something. Like betraying people or hurting people. And, well, it's not exactly nice, but hurting the readers too... In all honestly, I feel that's what I really wanted to do. For me, as a reader, when I think, "this manga will remain in my heart," it means, for example, it phenomenally hurt me: It's those kinds of experiences I'm after." - Pajime Hisayama (My favourite hurting author).
Sep 20, 2019 8:30 AM

Feb 2019
At first, I skipped highschool for nearly 2 weeks just to watch anime and felt no regrets, got used to skipping school for one reason or another and got my grades dropped from an average of 98 to 58. I definitely wouldn't recommend you to skip school.
Sep 20, 2019 8:34 AM

Jan 2015
If your parents didn't say anything and if the lessons being taught were't that important, it's fine to do what you like. I wouldn't skip school for an entire week though. I skipped university for a day or so every now and then if I was really invested in a game or anime, but not for a week.
Sep 20, 2019 8:35 AM
Aug 2019
Did it all the time (school), and it was great.
Sep 20, 2019 8:38 AM

Aug 2015
Skipping a day or two at school is okay. But a whole week? That's a little too much.
Sep 20, 2019 8:44 AM
Nov 2013
I have skipped school or work because I didn't want to go that day and not specifically for anime. Most of the time I would end up watching it though.
Sep 20, 2019 9:34 AM

Mar 2017
If you're skipping school or work to watch anime, you should probably stop watching anime for a while. That's an addiction, and it will destroy your life.
"Bang." -Spike Spiegal

"Everything... is connected." -Lain Iwakura

"Life is too short to watch bad anime. Long Live the 1st Episode Drop." -InkSpider

"Anime fans make me embarrassed to be an anime fan." -InkSpider
Sep 20, 2019 9:57 AM
Jul 2018
I did it so fucking much that i had to drop out for an entire year to prepare for my college entrance exams.
Frankly speaking I'd rather lick a shit stick than do school stuff.
Sep 20, 2019 12:12 PM
Nov 2016
Not to watch anime really, but in my high school years I was very into League of Legends and skipped 2 to 4 days of classes every week to watch stream of the game in the morning. Very dumb decision if you ask me cause i repeated the last year but at least got diamond xD
But I'm at college now anyaways so who cares, still do that sometimes but I avoid it the most I can.

If you wanna do that i recommend to at least pick something better to watch than Fairy Tail;
At least you have Kotori as waifu so i forgive you.
Sep 20, 2019 1:48 PM

Jun 2015
A_Sad_Dust_Cloud said:
Hell no. Anime should never come before actual obligations. You've already got evenings after school, that's plenty of time for hobbies. If you skipped a week of school for something like anime then you're either an idiot or have something seriously wrong with your head.

something wrong with my head.
Nubiellee said:
Takamura-sama said:

Yeah but what if you started on a REAALLYY good show and you wanna continue it so badly yet you have school

I would wait all day to watch that damn anime. Finally coming home to do it is a good feeling too. :3

no id be too tired.
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
Sep 20, 2019 3:16 PM

Oct 2018
Why the hell would you skip school to watch Anime?
Don't ya think School is a just a wee bit more important?
Sep 20, 2019 3:19 PM
May 2019
Well you can always combine both kinda like a compromise lol.
Sep 20, 2019 3:23 PM

Oct 2013
I've faked being sick a lot in school, but it was never just to watch anime or anything. It was usually to get out of some school function or project I didn't really want to take part in. As for skipping work, I have pretty flexible hours but if I were somewhere else I don't think it'd be worth risking getting fired over a hobby.
Sep 20, 2019 3:40 PM

Jul 2017
"so guys what dya think about wasting your future for instant pleasure"

I'm not gonna make a sarcastic or ironic answer cause that's overdone and annoying.
I chose the future thanks you.
Sep 20, 2019 4:13 PM

May 2018
if you're a genius, I think that wouldn't be a big deal

buuut the very fact that you are asking such a question on a forum like mal is probably an indication that you shouldn't be doing it

well, after reading the first sentence of ur post we can already conclude that ur probably not an intellectual elite.

after all shovel operators are needed, too
Sep 20, 2019 4:27 PM

Dec 2018
I gotta admit that school rarely teaches anything useful, but skipping a whole week for an anime?

But then again, every day less school is a day you have the chance of doing something fun and actually helpful
Oregairu is life
Sep 20, 2019 4:33 PM

Mar 2016
i want to do that, but i cant because i need money for live

Sep 20, 2019 4:33 PM
Sep 2019
well rather than skipping job,
I actually rush every work I do.
so then I get to watch anime and people cant complain if I do watch "kids stuff" since there is nothing left to do..
for the day at least.
Sep 20, 2019 5:48 PM

Aug 2018
For anime? No. But I can't lie and say I didn't skip a day of college when a new video game I wanted to play released or something. It was always only one day of classes though, maybe like once or twice a semester. But I was on top of all my school work so I didn't really miss anything. But I would never dream of skipping work. I don't even take sick days for real. Priorities change.
Sep 20, 2019 6:07 PM

Aug 2018
I used to do it but not for the anime , it was for the video games , and yea I will always regret it cuz I got nothing out of it , you may enjoy at the moment but it's just a momentarily enjoyment . Go to school even if it's bad or hard you can just watch anime all day when you come home from school there is no need to skip it you will regret it trust me.

"I want to show that woman the true Yoshikage Kira. I want her to hear how I feel deep inside. That I want to take your slender neck into these hands and strangle you to death."

Sep 20, 2019 6:09 PM

Sep 2018
As a professional procrastinator I tend to do it instead of homework and studying without noticing, doesn’t make me feel less bad about it though. However I’ve never skipped an actual day of school just to watch anime. I think thats a bad idea, as much as school and work sucks it will only get worse once you come back after skipping.
Sep 20, 2019 6:12 PM

Oct 2018
That sounds really stupid and I wouldn't suggest doing it
Sep 20, 2019 8:02 PM
Feb 2019
Personally, I enjoy my hobbies more when I've taken care of all my responsibilities and there's nothing to distract or worry me. Only then can I truly relax and enjoy what I'm watching. Maybe I can't binge entire seasons in a week with that mindset, but it works for me.
Sep 20, 2019 10:03 PM

Mar 2015
I think it's pretty stupid to skip a WEEK of school for an anime. A day is ?ok? depending on the situation, but otherwise, school/work should remain a priority.

I, myself, skipped a few days in middle school to watch Higashi no Eden, Amatsuki, Arata Kanagatari, etc. I think I've done it once in highschool, forgot which anime I skipped for though.
woah there
Sep 20, 2019 10:13 PM
Jun 2014
The second-hand embarrassment I feel reading this thread is intense.
Sep 20, 2019 11:46 PM
Jul 2018
this is easily the most pathetic thread i have read in a long time, holy shit
Sep 21, 2019 1:28 AM

Aug 2018
Well I was feeling pretty shitty day so I just went to my first few classes and took a big test then told the nurse I felt sick and then marathoned the rest of Angel Beats
Sep 21, 2019 1:38 AM
Jul 2018
No, it's fucking stupid and any idiot who does this deserved to be bitch slapped.
Sep 21, 2019 2:17 AM

Oct 2010
I can't skip work, I need my job to pay my bills and sustain my anime watching life.
Sep 21, 2019 2:22 AM

Jan 2017
Gorochu said:
That has to be stupid thing to do unless you are smart enough and doesn't need to go to school to study and can still catch up, then I guess it's fine. There's more to life than anime.
"unless you are smart enough and doesn't need to go to school to study and can still catch up, then I guess it's fine."

That's like the number 1 excuse for someone who skipped school to watch anime lmao. You trying to tell us something chief?

On a serious note there's literally no reason when it comes to anime [especially airing anime]. Anime will always be there and almost everyone has at least 1 free day in their week and if not they have the week after.
Sep 21, 2019 2:32 AM

Jan 2017
Takamura-sama said:

OnionKnightRises said:
I wanted to as a kid but never did, and now it just seems like an awful thing to teach yourself to do. Having your hobby actually be a detriment to your life isn't something to want to become a regular part of your life.

Also, are you in high school or college? Skipping college for this is EXTRA dumb because not only are you an adult, but even just a week of college is a lot of crap to learn and would put you behind.

Gorochu said:
That has to be stupid thing to do unless you are smart enough and doesn't need to go to school to study and can still catch up, then I guess it's fine. There's more to life than anime.

I am studying below my level (no arrogance) for me going to class is just a waste of time. I dont learn.

Simply reading the textbook gives me enough knowledge and do the hardest exercise off the chapter and i can do it
You do realize that is what separates the competent and reliable people from the people who just want to get by? I'm in college and even if I know what is being covered 90% of the time it is still good to go over it while you have time time. Not only is it a good habit but basically gives you more days off since you don't need to study at home since you've already done it in class.

And if your course is piss easy that is when you try to learn something on your own to make the most of it. Stuck for 7 hours with nothing new to learn? Learn the basics of python or java on your phone or learn something else that is important to your future role. There is an absolute ton of important shit you could be learning and if you have the mindset you don't know whats important to learn then that alone is something to learn about lmao. There is literally no excuse for not being productive no matter your circumstances, it all comes down to your mindset.
Sep 21, 2019 2:43 AM
Jul 2018
Yes. I certainly did it alot in my university years. I mean, I needed more than six years to get my bachelor degree because I was addicted to online games and anime. But no, I don't regret it.
Sep 21, 2019 2:46 AM
Sep 2018
Not a.great idea if you wanna get ahead in life instead of going backwards like sometimes skipping education can lead you astray
Sep 21, 2019 3:55 AM

Jun 2019
Some people will take a day or a few days off to play a new video game, so they can immerse themselves in it for many hours and talk with people who play it on release date about it. I still think it's silly, but I understand it there.

For anime, I really don't get it. Episodes are just about 20 minutes. No reason you need that much time to catch up.
Sep 21, 2019 3:59 AM

Oct 2017
Takamura-sama said:
Im watching fairy tail right now so sorry if i don't reply but i decided to skip school for 1 week to watch anime.

I watched around 29 complete anime in 2 years and my love for anime has sparked again after i got wrist tendonitus thus couldn't game and ended up watching Anime. After roughly a week my love has come back and will try to binge the ENTIRETY of the new fairy tail season before monday.

I went to school for 2 classes yesterday but outside of that i skipped all this week and gonna skip today as well just to binge Fairy Tail.
Enough about myself.

What do you think about skipping school/work for the medium you love the most? Did you ever do it if you did do you regret it?

Ah, yes, you skipped around 1/8 of school time for anime depending on your location. I'd be shocked if you passed your exams. Git gud.
Sep 21, 2019 5:09 AM

Nov 2011
I sometimes used to be a little late to school (like 10mins) to watch Beyblade in the morning, that part of school was boring anyway and was just to keep up with news that was going on, it wasn't even a class.

I think that anime really shouldn't have an adverse effect on your life, it seems a little extreme to skip an entire day or anything useful because of it.
Sep 21, 2019 5:43 AM
Jul 2018
Skipping school for anime is literally retarded, for games I can see why you would do it but not for something like anime.
Sep 21, 2019 5:53 AM

Oct 2018
648 long you do not regret after what you did then it's fine.
Sep 21, 2019 6:12 AM

Jun 2015
i have never. would never. sounds like a symptom of a legit addiction.

How foolish and conceited these humans be... 

Sep 21, 2019 6:16 AM

Jan 2013
I skip classes sometimes to watch anime (not the whole day, or week lol, just 1 or 2 classes if they're not that important and I'm too engrossed in the show), but I'd never skip work. Never have, and I completely can't imagine ever doing so in the future.
Sep 21, 2019 6:37 AM
Jul 2018
Skipping school in order to watch anime taking place in school makes no sense. You get a real chance to do your own school anime in real life (smoke, fanservice, taunt the teacher, bullying, extortion, sleeping at class, become laughing stock, gangs etc). Why watch an anime when you can do it yourself
Sep 21, 2019 9:07 AM

Nov 2009
A few times for game releases. Didn’t impact my final grade so I don’t regret it
Sep 21, 2019 12:04 PM

Oct 2017
A few friends of mine and me skipped chorus to watch the last episode of Dragon Ball Super.
Sep 21, 2019 12:06 PM

Oct 2013
I skipped half a day of school back in HS because I was in the middle of ReLife manga and wanted to finish it.

It was definitely worth it
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