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Mar 25, 2018 12:29 PM

Aug 2017
Saucy said:

Or you can, you know, not assume things and then claim that your assumption is true? Just a thought....

Thats not how things work. You’re ignoring the miscommunication and entirely putting this on me. Thats inconsiderate in itself. You never specify who you were referring to with literally the sentence almost similiar to something I said as I’m the main one who really says it. First post here is the OP and unless you structure your sentences to where you specify and make clear about the context of your quote then who will know what you’re talking about?
You ignore that you could’ve quoted the person or people who have said it and you never understand how one could misunderstand what you said.
You never make clear why you even structured your post the way you did. Instead you tell me to not assume when based off what you said thats what one interpreted so it’s reasonable to assume based off the information provided due to factors.
If it was wrong then you clear it up, I accept what it actually meant since it’s likely what you meant and then you and I learn to better or keep in mind what we’re both saying when exchanging dialogue.

Thats how you deal will misinterpretations..
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Mar 25, 2018 1:43 PM

Feb 2016
Halpher said:
Saucy said:

Or you can, you know, not assume things and then claim that your assumption is true? Just a thought....

Thats not how things work. You’re ignoring the miscommunication and entirely putting this on me. Thats inconsiderate in itself. You never specify who you were referring to with literally the sentence almost similiar to something I said as I’m the main one who really says it. First post here is the OP and unless you structure your sentences to where you specify and make clear about the context of your quote then who will know what you’re talking about?
You ignore that you could’ve quoted the person or people who have said it and you never understand how one could misunderstand what you said.
You never make clear why you even structured your post the way you did. Instead you tell me to not assume when based off what you said thats what one interpreted so it’s reasonable to assume based off the information provided due to factors.
If it was wrong then you clear it up, I accept what it actually meant since it’s likely what you meant and then you and I learn to better or keep in mind what we’re both saying when exchanging dialogue.

Thats how you deal will misinterpretations..

The quote was just a summary of some silly views that I wanted to show as being not my words, hence they're in unattributed quotations because they represent the views of more than just one specific person.

As it happens, you are one of those people. It's not my fault you took it personally. It was simply me pointing out something that I consider to be poor reasoning/excuses. it was not a misrepresentation of anyone.

I mean, good on you for sort of owning up to your mistake, but I feel like your "moral lesson" falls flat when you keep harping on it unnecessarily.

Mar 25, 2018 3:20 PM

Aug 2017
Saucy said:
Halpher said:

Thats not how things work. You’re ignoring the miscommunication and entirely putting this on me. Thats inconsiderate in itself. You never specify who you were referring to with literally the sentence almost similiar to something I said as I’m the main one who really says it. First post here is the OP and unless you structure your sentences to where you specify and make clear about the context of your quote then who will know what you’re talking about?
You ignore that you could’ve quoted the person or people who have said it and you never understand how one could misunderstand what you said.
You never make clear why you even structured your post the way you did. Instead you tell me to not assume when based off what you said thats what one interpreted so it’s reasonable to assume based off the information provided due to factors.
If it was wrong then you clear it up, I accept what it actually meant since it’s likely what you meant and then you and I learn to better or keep in mind what we’re both saying when exchanging dialogue.

Thats how you deal will misinterpretations..

The quote was just a summary of some silly views that I wanted to show as being not my words, hence they're in unattributed quotations because they represent the views of more than just one specific person.

As it happens, you are one of those people. It's not my fault you took it personally. It was simply me pointing out something that I consider to be poor reasoning/excuses. it was not a misrepresentation of anyone.

I mean, good on you for sort of owning up to your mistake, but I feel like your "moral lesson" falls flat when you keep harping on it unnecessarily.

Moral lesson? Did you just tell me what the quote meant again? Unattributed quotations, eh. So you ignore your reply and tell me that it’s not your fault. Seems alot goes over your head. Moral lesson?
So far I only see you’re inconsiderate by how you react. No accountability and still on explaining yourself, but weirdly you quoted me. What did you even read?
I wasn’t even on the first quote anymore. Your response is a deflection instead of it actually showcasing awareness.

“Not my fault you took a post of mine that quoted something similiar to what you’ve posted in your OP personally. I wasn’t being specific.”

You came in here to start off with a quote that is responding to someone or something related to what was said in this thread because your entire post never ever implied that it was referencing an unspecific group of people. The argument to how it was structured. It looks presented like a strawman or just random.
Atleast people who state they don’t like the thread state it.

Your point as the point isn’t really the issue. It’s the start and the beginning. It’s what leads into your entire point. Your responding to someone and if not your responding to a stance and if no one has that stance here then why reference it?

If it isn’t referencing people here or me and neither does it follow up on something then why even make the quote? It is an inappropiate quote that is just random. It has no business here. Your distracting and disrupting the conversation to reference a unnamed group of people with how you approached it because it doesn’t seem to have any relation to this thread.

What is your point or intention? Do you disagree with a point here or do you agree with a point here? If it lead into that point that you were making then it would make sense where it came from.

This is due to your post being vague in what is it commenting on...
It’s fine if it’s referencing about an unnamed group of people, but why is it referencing a group of people in relation to this thread?
ScorpiaraMar 25, 2018 3:28 PM
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Mar 25, 2018 3:35 PM

Feb 2016
Halpher said:

Moral lesson? Did you just tell me what the quote meant again? Unattributed quotations, eh. So you ignore your reply and tell me that it’s not your fault. Seems alot goes over your head. Moral lesson?
So far I only see you’re inconsiderate by how you react. No accountability and still on explaining yourself, but weirdly you quoted me. What did you even read?
I wasn’t even on the first quote anymore. Your response is a deflection instead of it actually showcasing awareness.

“Not my fault you took a post of mine that quoted something similiar to what you’ve posted in your OP personally. I wasn’t being specific.”

You came in here to start off with a quote that is responding to someone or something related to what was said in this thread because your entire post never ever implied that it was referencing an unspecific group of people. The argument to how it was structured. It looks presented like a strawman.
If it isn’t referencing people here or me and neither does it follow up on something then why even make the quote? It is an inappropiate post that is just random. It has no business here. Your distracting and disrupting the conversation to reference a unnamed group of people with how you approached it because it doesn’t seem to have any relation to this thread.

What is your point or intention? Do you disagree with a point here or do you agree with a point here? If it lead into that point that you were making then it would make sense where it came from.

This is due to your post being vague in what is it commenting on...
It’s fine if it’s referencing about an unnamed group of people, but why is it referencing a group of people in relation to this thread?

You understand that it's not a strawman if it's not a misrepresentation. Like, are you trying to claim that what I said doesn't represent the views people have expressed here? That's obviously not true.

I also didn't present an argument as much as I just pointed out the obvious falsehood of the sentiment I was highlighting. If you'd like, I can actually quote from the thread itself, which kind of defeats the purpose of an unattributed quote...

Also, you understand that I can deal with one part of someone's statement without having to talk about all of it. The only instance in which I can't reasonably do that is if I ignore the context that is needed for that statement to make sense.

So let's look at the original quotation:

"People watch loli porn for aesthetics, character, art-style, and story."

Is this a central pin of your argument? No. Is it a central pin of some people's argument? No. It's not.

It's simply a summary of the view some people in this thread hold that people watch pornography for reasons other than to feel aroused, which I think is pretty ridiculous.

I don't know what your problem is. Stop trying to play 4D chess, you're not fooling anyone. I obviously contributed to the discussion, yet you only replied to the one part of my post which you took as a personal attack and now you've done nothing but dig your own grave by not only halting the discussion but also being immature. You're not going to make yourself look more intelligent than me by attempting these poorly thought-out reality checks.

You misinterpreted my post, I pointed it out, you accepted it, but of course you can't just leave it there and now you're trying to weasel out of it by throwing illogical questions and accusations at me.

Mar 25, 2018 3:50 PM

Mar 2017
Botan-Chan45 said:
InkSpider said:

The SAO scene's not blatant hentai (that's less likely to hook the main-stream audience, and thus less profitable), but it's still pretty blatantly sexualized. The tentacles feel up her bare-thigh and the camera zooms in for literally no reason other than to tease a possible panty-shot. I'd almost argue that the relative 'innocence' of the scene is what makes it so insidious. It seems to me the scene is sending the message the because nobody really got raped, it's totally okay to find this under-age girl getting her thighs groped by tentacles while the camera zooms on her pelvis sexy. The brevity of the scene also makes it harder to avoid if you find that stuff disgusting and don't expect it to pop-up in such a mainstream series. Be honest: if a potential viewer asked you about the series, how likely would you be to even mention that scene?

Light Yagami is pretty obviously a psychotic maniac with a god complex, and it's pretty hard to miss that if you're not busy fangirling over how hot he supposedly is or wishing you had the power to instantly kill people you don't like. Sure, his complexity of character and initial nobility of cause makes it almost possible to root for him, but the series never once tries to act like he's not the bad guy.

Something as blatant as murder is pretty hard to shift someone's values on. The thing is, there are genuinely people throughout the anime community and on this very site who I have heard argue (jokingly and otherwise) that there is nothing wrong with having sex with a child. It's one of those moral infractions that's a lot easier to convince oneself is merely the result of cultural differences instead of something that actually does harm. Especially when so much anime normalizes it.

Lol can't take you seriously when you are in Feminist FanGirls. lol
Just to point out, all your points have nothing to back them up other than ,"I think it just normalize stuff and the character underage." Seriously create an actual argument.

I’ve been pretty patient and civil with you so far, Botan, but I can tell now that you’re not smart enough to see that or give it any value.
I don’t need advice on how to make an argument from the idiot who dismissed everything I said on the basis of my membership to the Feminist Fangirls Club. Do you even know why I’m a part of that club, or why that club even exists? It exists because the rest of MAL is flooded with pathetic, insecure little pissants like you who fly into a rage every time someone points out how sexist, immature and creepy the trash you gather around is.
You want to play the ‘pick through the profile’ game? Okay asshole, let’s play.
One of your favorite characters is Takamura, from Hajime no Ippo, who repeatedly commits sexual harassment and assault. You gave Citrus’s anime, which not only features but explicitly glamorizes sexual assault, an 8 out of 10. Since in your world, glancing at a profile tells you literally everything you need to know about a person you have never met, then by your logic, your profile makes it clear that you admire sexual predators and fantasize about raping teenage girls. See how stupid you are yet?
You think I’m worried about being taken seriously by someone who defends masturbating to cartoon children and laughs at people on the other side of the argument as if they’re the weird ones? Buddy, I couldn’t take you seriously if you paid me to.
You, my friend, are the product of a community that normalizes the sexualization of children, and normalizes sexual assault, much in the same way that pus is the product of an infection. I’m explaining this to you because you’ve made it clear that you’re too stupid to understand why I brought that up. Yeah, it’s comfy here for you, where you never have to look far to find another creep like you, someone else who agrees with your way of thinking, isn’t it? That’s why you’re so uncomfortable with people like me. We remind you of what a freak the rest of world thinks you are.
Guess what? The rest of the world is right about you. You might not ever touch a kid, but that doesn’t mean you’re not a freak. You are the cliché people point and laugh at when they want to mock anime fans. You are the kind of fan who makes the anime community embarrassing to be a part of, and I can’t even pity you, because this is what you’ve chosen to be. If, by some miracle, you ever manage to become a socially functional human being, it will only be through the effort you put into hiding who and what you really are.
Better start practicing that now, because you have plenty to look forwards to. Have a nice life, loser.
"Bang." -Spike Spiegal

"Everything... is connected." -Lain Iwakura

"Life is too short to watch bad anime. Long Live the 1st Episode Drop." -InkSpider

"Anime fans make me embarrassed to be an anime fan." -InkSpider
Mar 25, 2018 4:03 PM

Dec 2017
InkSpider said:
Botan-Chan45 said:
Lol can't take you seriously when you are in Feminist FanGirls. lol
Just to point out, all your points have nothing to back them up other than ,"I think it just normalize stuff and the character underage." Seriously create an actual argument.

I’ve been pretty patient and civil with you so far, Botan, but I can tell now that you’re not smart enough to see that or give it any value.
I don’t need advice on how to make an argument from the idiot who dismissed everything I said on the basis of my membership to the Feminist Fangirls Club. Do you even know why I’m a part of that club, or why that club even exists? It exists because the rest of MAL is flooded with pathetic, insecure little pissants like you who fly into a rage every time someone points out how sexist, immature and creepy the trash you gather around is.
You want to play the ‘pick through the profile’ game? Okay asshole, let’s play.
One of your favorite characters is Takamura, from Hajime no Ippo, who repeatedly commits sexual harassment and assault. You gave Citrus’s anime, which not only features but explicitly glamorizes sexual assault, an 8 out of 10. Since in your world, glancing at a profile tells you literally everything you need to know about a person you have never met, then by your logic, your profile makes it clear that you admire sexual predators and fantasize about raping teenage girls. See how stupid you are yet?
You think I’m worried about being taken seriously by someone who defends masturbating to cartoon children and laughs at people on the other side of the argument as if they’re the weird ones? Buddy, I couldn’t take you seriously if you paid me to.
You, my friend, are the product of a community that normalizes the sexualization of children, and normalizes sexual assault, much in the same way that pus is the product of an infection. I’m explaining this to you because you’ve made it clear that you’re too stupid to understand why I brought that up. Yeah, it’s comfy here for you, where you never have to look far to find another creep like you, someone else who agrees with your way of thinking, isn’t it? That’s why you’re so uncomfortable with people like me. We remind you of what a freak the rest of world thinks you are.
Guess what? The rest of the world is right about you. You might not ever touch a kid, but that doesn’t mean you’re not a freak. You are the cliché people point and laugh at when they want to mock anime fans. You are the kind of fan who makes the anime community embarrassing to be a part of, and I can’t even pity you, because this is what you’ve chosen to be. If, by some miracle, you ever manage to become a socially functional human being, it will only be through the effort you put into hiding who and what you really are.
Better start practicing that now, because you have plenty to look forwards to. Have a nice life, loser.
Bait caught me a big one. Lol You need to calm down feminist fangirl. Your the only one who overreacted like you triggered when my comment is so bad. But you insulted the GOAT Takamura. Plus he's badass and way better than any of your favorite characters.
Botan-Chan45Mar 25, 2018 4:11 PM
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Mar 25, 2018 4:13 PM

Mar 2017
Botan-Chan45 said:
InkSpider said:

I’ve been pretty patient and civil with you so far, Botan, but I can tell now that you’re not smart enough to see that or give it any value.
I don’t need advice on how to make an argument from the idiot who dismissed everything I said on the basis of my membership to the Feminist Fangirls Club. Do you even know why I’m a part of that club, or why that club even exists? It exists because the rest of MAL is flooded with pathetic, insecure little pissants like you who fly into a rage every time someone points out how sexist, immature and creepy the trash you gather around is.
You want to play the ‘pick through the profile’ game? Okay asshole, let’s play.
One of your favorite characters is Takamura, from Hajime no Ippo, who repeatedly commits sexual harassment and assault. You gave Citrus’s anime, which not only features but explicitly glamorizes sexual assault, an 8 out of 10. Since in your world, glancing at a profile tells you literally everything you need to know about a person you have never met, then by your logic, your profile makes it clear that you admire sexual predators and fantasize about raping teenage girls. See how stupid you are yet?
You think I’m worried about being taken seriously by someone who defends masturbating to cartoon children and laughs at people on the other side of the argument as if they’re the weird ones? Buddy, I couldn’t take you seriously if you paid me to.
You, my friend, are the product of a community that normalizes the sexualization of children, and normalizes sexual assault, much in the same way that pus is the product of an infection. I’m explaining this to you because you’ve made it clear that you’re too stupid to understand why I brought that up. Yeah, it’s comfy here for you, where you never have to look far to find another creep like you, someone else who agrees with your way of thinking, isn’t it? That’s why you’re so uncomfortable with people like me. We remind you of what a freak the rest of world thinks you are.
Guess what? The rest of the world is right about you. You might not ever touch a kid, but that doesn’t mean you’re not a freak. You are the cliché people point and laugh at when they want to mock anime fans. You are the kind of fan who makes the anime community embarrassing to be a part of, and I can’t even pity you, because this is what you’ve chosen to be. If, by some miracle, you ever manage to become a socially functional human being, it will only be through the effort you put into hiding who and what you really are.
Better start practicing that now, because you have plenty to look forwards to. Have a nice life, loser.
Bait caught me a big one. Lol You need to calm down feminist fangirl. Your the only one who overreacted like you triggered when my comment is so bad. But you insulted the GOAT Takamura. Plus he's badass and way better than any of your favorite characters.

Bait? That's cute. So after I point out what an idiot you are you try to act like you were acting stupid to troll me.

Wow, you're on your way to hiding who you are already! Great job. XD
"Bang." -Spike Spiegal

"Everything... is connected." -Lain Iwakura

"Life is too short to watch bad anime. Long Live the 1st Episode Drop." -InkSpider

"Anime fans make me embarrassed to be an anime fan." -InkSpider
Mar 25, 2018 4:19 PM

Dec 2017
InkSpider said:
Botan-Chan45 said:
Bait caught me a big one. Lol You need to calm down feminist fangirl. Your the only one who overreacted like you triggered when my comment is so bad. But you insulted the GOAT Takamura. Plus he's badass and way better than any of your favorite characters.

Bait? That's cute. So after I point out what an idiot you are you try to act like you were acting stupid to troll me.

Wow, you're on your way to hiding who you are already! Great job. XD
No. Simply because I just like playing around with people like you. You take every insult at face value and are easy to trick. Oh you also can't read when I said it was a bad comment you can't also take seriously. lol I had a nice laugh from your response Inky. Please give me some more.ROFL
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Mar 25, 2018 4:25 PM

Mar 2017
Botan-Chan45 said:
InkSpider said:

Bait? That's cute. So after I point out what an idiot you are you try to act like you were acting stupid to troll me.

Wow, you're on your way to hiding who you are already! Great job. XD
No. Simply because I just like playing around with people like you. You take every insult at face value and are easy to trick. Oh you also can't read when I said it was a bad comment you can't also take seriously. lol I had a nice laugh from your response Inky. Please give me some more.ROFL

See, this new facade actually make you look even stupider and more pathetic, because it shows you're a manchild more interested in getting a response than actually having a discussion.

I think you were better off when you looked sincerely stupid. But hey, you want to keep putting on masks, go for it.
"Bang." -Spike Spiegal

"Everything... is connected." -Lain Iwakura

"Life is too short to watch bad anime. Long Live the 1st Episode Drop." -InkSpider

"Anime fans make me embarrassed to be an anime fan." -InkSpider
Mar 25, 2018 4:29 PM

Dec 2017
InkSpider said:
Botan-Chan45 said:
No. Simply because I just like playing around with people like you. You take every insult at face value and are easy to trick. Oh you also can't read when I said it was a bad comment you can't also take seriously. lol I had a nice laugh from your response Inky. Please give me some more.ROFL

See, this new facade actually make you look even stupider and more pathetic, because it shows you're a manchild more interested in getting a response than actually having a discussion.

I think you were better off when you looked sincerely stupid. But hey, you want to keep putting on masks, go for it.
I already had a discussion with someone else. Your just for fun, the fly I swat for fun. I deemed you not really worth my time and put some half assed comment that triggered you. I'm still getting responses with you so I'm actually benefiting from this. Now let me enjoy hearing Takamura beating up Hawk.
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Mar 25, 2018 4:34 PM

Mar 2017
Botan-Chan45 said:
InkSpider said:

See, this new facade actually make you look even stupider and more pathetic, because it shows you're a manchild more interested in getting a response than actually having a discussion.

I think you were better off when you looked sincerely stupid. But hey, you want to keep putting on masks, go for it.
I already had a discussion with someone else. Your just for fun, the fly I swat for fun. I deemed you not really worth my time and put some half assed comment that triggered you. I'm still getting responses with you so I'm actually benefiting from this. Now let me enjoy hearing Takamura beating up Hawk.

"The fly I swat?" LMAO. Your delusions of grandeur are astonishing.

If you're not interested in having a discussion with someone, quoting them to start shit just makes you look like a dumbass. You, my friend, are the only one here not worthy of another person's time, and I have already given you more than you deserve.

Now pipe down and let the adults talk.
"Bang." -Spike Spiegal

"Everything... is connected." -Lain Iwakura

"Life is too short to watch bad anime. Long Live the 1st Episode Drop." -InkSpider

"Anime fans make me embarrassed to be an anime fan." -InkSpider
Mar 25, 2018 4:42 PM

Dec 2017
InkSpider said:
Botan-Chan45 said:
I already had a discussion with someone else. Your just for fun, the fly I swat for fun. I deemed you not really worth my time and put some half assed comment that triggered you. I'm still getting responses with you so I'm actually benefiting from this. Now let me enjoy hearing Takamura beating up Hawk.

"The fly I swat?" LMAO. Your delusions of grandeur are astonishing.

If you're not interested in having a discussion with someone, quoting them to start shit just makes you look like a dumbass. You, my friend, are the only one here not worthy of another person's time, and I have already given you more than you deserve.

Now pipe down and let the adults talk.
Yes, that means you have to sit it out for now. Lol You are acting like a child instead of ignoring my comments. How mature of an adult.
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Mar 25, 2018 4:59 PM

Mar 2017
Tensa_Wolf said:
hazarddex said:

i still don't understand how Hestia who has adult proportions is some how a loli (is it because shes short?)

How is she a loli haha. I think people are misunderstanding that height doesn't exactly make a loli. It's the appearance of a child like character. Like Biscuit from HxH. She's like 40-50. But she's a loli based on her appearance.

Oh, sweet, we're talking about my avatar.

While Biscuit's generally appearance is rather child-like, 'loli' has inherently pedophillic connotations I don't think are justly applied to her. Biscuit isn't played for fanservice.

Loli>Lolicon>Lolita Complex> sexual attraction to little girls. If a young girl in an anime is not presented in an explicitly sexual fashion, applying 'loli' to her is not only misleading but a little insulting to the character. Kiki of Ghibli's "Kiki's Delivery Service" isn't a loli, she's a girl.

One could argue that when an adult woman is inexplicably drawn as child-like, it is a creator's attempt to pander to pedophiles, but I don't think that's at all the case with Biscuit. Her child-like form is a deliberate choice on her part and a manifestation of her powers. She uses her appearances to deceive enemies and exploit their assumptions. It's also a matter of vanity. Biscuit likes having a feminine appearance, and likes feeling and looking like a kid again, because she's sensitive about her age and because she finds her unaltered form 'too macho'.

A true loli would be a character like Yukari in Rosario + Vampire. Deliberately drawn to look like a little girl, deliberately presented in a sexual way.
"Bang." -Spike Spiegal

"Everything... is connected." -Lain Iwakura

"Life is too short to watch bad anime. Long Live the 1st Episode Drop." -InkSpider

"Anime fans make me embarrassed to be an anime fan." -InkSpider
Mar 25, 2018 8:16 PM

Aug 2017
Well, what, eh (Referring to Boton and Ink)? I'm just "blank" at the moment. I forgot about the thread and the "Saucy" thing. I know I feel I didn't get to say what I wanted, but I rushed it due to my phone dying. I had to get the home button fixed as I had a warranty from the people who fixed it who would fix any part if there was something wrong after they "fixed it". I don't like typing off my phone...It's more difficult to format shit and it's harder to read other's post.

I didn't even get to read @Saucy's entire post. I slept over my brother's friend house and he dropped me off back home at like 8 AM and I went back to sleep because it's Sunday and I want to get my sleep. Woke up, went to the mall and thats where I read Saucy's reply, but I was a little I don't get the weather around my area at the day it's nice and another day it's a snow storm.

@Botan-Chan45 I just read @InkSpider's post replying to your quote. I was neutral and not paying attention, but wow...after reading that....I am....found....stuff wrong with what was said. You know @Boton-Chan45...I don't remember you laughing at Anti-Lolis and act like they're weird. I more or so see you just saying that their arguments aren't really...valid. Wow...that
I don't know why you like Takamura from Hajime no Ippo if that is true, but I like Hisoka from Hunter X Hunter and I love Mereum who killed people and ate them. It's fiction.....I'm confused to why it's hard to understand....I like Hinazuki from Erased and didn't like how she was physically abused. I just go with the story and allow myself to enjoy media.
Like...if my villain who they hype up to be threatening and dangerous doesn't show how he is....then...I won't really care about the character....

That was a "Using your own logic kind of argument". Oh, ok. But it's such a bad one. Not saying I agree with Boton bringing up Fem Fangirls or anything, but a group or club that could imply what your beliefs are comparing that to an anime character that one just likes is just desperate and stupid. How about...finding a group or something he's in to make a better argument there. I feel that would be more appropriate.

I don't know you @Boton-Chan45 and I don't know @InkSpider either and if this has some context that I'm unaware of, but this community normalizes sexual assault and sexualization of children? That statement is outrages to me. I am ignorant of everyone here, but...I haven't really seen anyone here normalize the sexualization of children.
The first statement where @InkSpider said,

InkSpider said:
It exists because the rest of MAL is flooded with pathetic, insecure little pissants like you who fly into a rage every time someone points out how sexist, immature and creepy the trash you gather around is.

"Pathetic, insecure little pissants." So the people who don't like when something is called sexist are insecure and pathetic?
I got a bad vibe.
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Mar 25, 2018 8:47 PM

Dec 2017
Halpher said:
Well, what, eh (Referring to Boton and Ink)? I'm just "blank" at the moment. I forgot about the thread and the "Saucy" thing. I know I feel I didn't get to say what I wanted, but I rushed it due to my phone dying. I had to get the home button fixed as I had a warranty from the people who fixed it who would fix any part if there was something wrong after they "fixed it". I don't like typing off my phone...It's more difficult to format shit and it's harder to read other's post.

I didn't even get to read @Saucy's entire post. I slept over my brother's friend house and he dropped me off back home at like 8 AM and I went back to sleep because it's Sunday and I want to get my sleep. Woke up, went to the mall and thats where I read Saucy's reply, but I was a little I don't get the weather around my area at the day it's nice and another day it's a snow storm.

@Botan-Chan45 I just read @InkSpider's post replying to your quote. I was neutral and not paying attention, but wow...after reading that....I am....found....stuff wrong with what was said. You know @Boton-Chan45...I don't remember you laughing at Anti-Lolis and act like they're weird. I more or so see you just saying that their arguments aren't really...valid. Wow...that
I don't know why you like Takamura from Hajime no Ippo if that is true, but I like Hisoka from Hunter X Hunter and I love Mereum who killed people and ate them. It's fiction.....I'm confused to why it's hard to understand....I like Hinazuki from Erased and didn't like how she was physically abused. I just go with the story and allow myself to enjoy media.
Like...if my villain who they hype up to be threatening and dangerous doesn't show how he is....then...I won't really care about the character....

That was a "Using your own logic kind of argument". Oh, ok. But it's such a bad one. Not saying I agree with Boton bringing up Fem Fangirls or anything, but a group or club that could imply what your beliefs are comparing that to an anime character that one just likes is just desperate and stupid. How about...finding a group or something he's in to make a better argument there. I feel that would be more appropriate.

I don't know you @Boton-Chan45 and I don't know @InkSpider either and if this has some context that I'm unaware of, but this community normalizes sexual assault and sexualization of children? That statement is outrages to me. I am ignorant of everyone here, but...I haven't really seen anyone here normalize the sexualization of children.
The first statement where @InkSpider said,

InkSpider said:
It exists because the rest of MAL is flooded with pathetic, insecure little pissants like you who fly into a rage every time someone points out how sexist, immature and creepy the trash you gather around is.

"Pathetic, insecure little pissants." So the people who don't like when something is called sexist are insecure and pathetic?
I got a bad vibe.
I'm not laughing at anti loli people. People can hate loli for a reason. But if I deem you incredibly dumb, then that's a different story.(Plus Feminist Fangirls is a group that is constantly trolled. I mean they are a joke.) But the reasoning to hate loli's are not based on anything except,"It looks like children and should be deemed child pornography." If it's jut morality, then you've lost in my eyes. You should come up with a valid point and not feel it was a valid point. Also I've never seen the community normalize anything about fucking a child. Either it's a crude joke or just a troll. Because mal is also the place people seem to put their morality up like a trophy.
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Mar 25, 2018 8:55 PM

Dec 2012
This thread has been amusing to lurk, but I really must tend to little Akari-chan's wants and needs:
Mar 25, 2018 9:12 PM

Aug 2017
@Botan-Chan45, the post Ink made made me step away a little bit. I mean, I’m not aware of things here, so I’ll just reserve judgment until I’m actually aware. Ink’s post towards you..the one after Saucy’s was ridiculous. I didn’t read any post after, but that post was ridiculous.

Do people know what “normalizing” means? Who is making sexualization of children and sexual assault normal? I’m certainly not doing that here. You know, if a person wants to watch and “climax” off Loli Porn then let them. It has nothing to do with anyone. If I state this then people think I’m a closet Loli. Liking Lolis or not liking Lolis has nothing and I mean NOTHING to do with my point.

It’s like people who watch an anime I feel is garbage. It has nothing to do with me. Who cares if one likes this anime? Does it have any effect on your life or well-being?

I think People should have the right to do whatever they want as long as it harms no one.
People then fuck up what that statement means.
You can eat whatever food you want as long as it’s not in a way that is counter-productive.
You can do any drugs you want as long as you don’t force anyone else to do drugs. I mean get prepared for the cops to come at your door and I understand why people want to outlaw some drugs.

Not saying consequences won’t happen. They will, but jailing people for a piece of animation they prefer is unnecessary. For people that think this will stop this “normalization” when has jail stopped any behavior or belief completely?
Are some of you saying it should be completely revolted, so that no one will watch it?

I think people should be able to watch Gay Porn like they can watch Animated Porn. I don’t necessarily like it, but I’m more for people to have the right do what they like.
How is this normalizing sexualization of kids or something completely different?
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Mar 25, 2018 9:13 PM

Apr 2011
Bayek said:
This thread has been amusing to lurk
Come on. You've been here since 2012, I'm sure there has been nothing new or surprising in these kinds of thread.
Mar 25, 2018 9:16 PM

Aug 2017
@Bayek ...Does Akari-Chan...gets...gangbanged? An innocent face with a horrible backstory.
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Mar 25, 2018 9:18 PM

Dec 2017
Bayek said:
This thread has been amusing to lurk, but I really must tend to little Akari-chan's wants and needs:
lol that hentai was popularized by nyanners. lol
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Mar 25, 2018 9:22 PM

Dec 2017
Halpher said:
@Bayek ...Does Akari-Chan...gets...gangbanged? An innocent face with a horrible backstory.
She gets gang banged, but the story is really not like Euphoria's level of dark. It's pretty vanilla compared to any other hentai. Doesn't mean you should read it. (I read a lot of hentai so this one is relatively harmless.)
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Mar 25, 2018 9:24 PM

Aug 2012
I don't like loli porn, find it rather disgusting of the thought of someone having a sexual intercourse with a child, even if it's fictional. But the difference between actual CP and loli P is that no child is getting hurt in the process. Pedophiles are mentally ill, and if loli Porn is used to deflate pedo's indulging in actual CP, then i am fine with it.
Mar 25, 2018 9:25 PM

Aug 2017
Botan-Chan45 said:
Halpher said:
@Bayek ...Does Akari-Chan...gets...gangbanged? An innocent face with a horrible backstory.
She gets gang banged, but the story is really not like Euphoria's level of dark. It's pretty vanilla compared to any other hentai. Doesn't mean you should read it. (I read a lot of hentai so this one is relatively harmless.)

Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Mar 25, 2018 9:26 PM

Dec 2017
Halpher said:
@Botan-Chan45, the post Ink made made me step away a little bit. I mean, I’m not aware of things here, so I’ll just reserve judgment until I’m actually aware. Ink’s post towards you..the one after Saucy’s was ridiculous. I didn’t read any post after, but that post was ridiculous.

Do people know what “normalizing” means? Who is making sexualization of children and sexual assault normal? I’m certainly not doing that here. You know, if a person wants to watch and “climax” off Loli Porn then let them. It has nothing to do with anyone. If I state this then people think I’m a closet Loli. Liking Lolis or not liking Lolis has nothing and I mean NOTHING to do with my point.

It’s like people who watch an anime I feel is garbage. It has nothing to do with me. Who cares if one likes this anime? Does it have any effect on your life or well-being?

I think People should have the right to do whatever they want as long as it harms no one.
People then fuck up what that statement means.
You can eat whatever food you want as long as it’s not in a way that is counter-productive.
You can do any drugs you want as long as you don’t force anyone else to do drugs. I mean get prepared for the cops to come at your door and I understand why people want to outlaw some drugs.

Not saying consequences won’t happen. They will, but jailing people for a piece of animation they prefer is unnecessary. For people that think this will stop this “normalization” when has jail stopped any behavior or belief completely?
Are some of you saying it should be completely revolted, so that no one will watch it?

I think people should be able to watch Gay Porn like they can watch Animated Porn. I don’t necessarily like it, but I’m more for people to have the right do what they like.
How is this normalizing sexualization of kids or something completely different?
Your post is what people don't think at all. They don't even know what normalizing means and abuse the word. Good job showing what normalizing actually means and not what they are thinking. Here is the chase op.
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Mar 25, 2018 9:26 PM

Dec 2012
Halpher said:
@Bayek ...Does Akari-Chan...gets...gangbanged? An innocent face with a horrible backstory.
Naw bro, it's all done in good faith. Her onii-chan tachi all love and take very good care of her.

@yomachi - No no, really. I love lolis so much that I'm drawn to every thread like a magnet. I just have to spread the love and convert every heathen to the DFC.
Mar 25, 2018 9:28 PM

Dec 2017
Halpher said:
Botan-Chan45 said:
She gets gang banged, but the story is really not like Euphoria's level of dark. It's pretty vanilla compared to any other hentai. Doesn't mean you should read it. (I read a lot of hentai so this one is relatively harmless.)

Her mother doesn't notice it. Most of the story is vanilla(no rape and stuff) . Anyways this story isn't bad at all, but it really isn't worth your time if your not into lolis.
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Mar 25, 2018 9:29 PM

Aug 2017
Bayek said:
Halpher said:
@Bayek ...Does Akari-Chan...gets...gangbanged? An innocent face with a horrible backstory.
Naw bro, it's all done in good faith. Her onii-chan tachi all love and take very good care of her.

@yomachi - No no, really. I love lolis so much that I'm drawn to every thread like a magnet. I just have to spread the love and convert every heathen to the DFC.

@Bayek Her Oni-Chan is taking advantage of her innocence. I must take the author’s place and rewrite the plot. I CAN NOT LET AKARI BE FURTHER DEFLOWERED!
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Mar 25, 2018 9:34 PM

Dec 2012
Halpher said:
Bayek said:
Naw bro, it's all done in good faith. Her onii-chan tachi all love and take very good care of her.

@yomachi - No no, really. I love lolis so much that I'm drawn to every thread like a magnet. I just have to spread the love and convert every heathen to the DFC.

@Bayek Her Oni-Chan is taking advantage of her innocence. I must take the author’s place and rewrite the plot. I CAN NOT LET AKARI BE FURTHER DEFLOWERED!
Consensual loli gangbang is about as vanilla as I can offer to you right now. You don't even want to see the first page of my doujin collection.
Mar 25, 2018 9:35 PM

Aug 2017
Botan-Chan45 said:
Halpher said:

Her mother doesn't notice it. Most of the story is vanilla(no rape and stuff) . Anyways this story isn't bad at all, but it really isn't worth your time if your not into lolis.

I’m more making a joke of it. I watched New Testament with my friend and we actually laughed and found fun in it than masturbating to it. If I read it I would likely look into it for entertainment purposes.
I love Prison School and if I thought the way some people do here then I should be ashamed. Prison School is hilarious. Our heroes are boys who tried to peak on naked girls. We root for them, but it doesn’t mean we will peak on naked girls.
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Mar 25, 2018 9:36 PM

Aug 2017
Bayek said:
Halpher said:

@Bayek Her Oni-Chan is taking advantage of her innocence. I must take the author’s place and rewrite the plot. I CAN NOT LET AKARI BE FURTHER DEFLOWERED!
Consensual loli gangbang is about as vanilla as I can offer to you right now. You don't even want to see the first page of my doujin collection.

Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Mar 25, 2018 9:40 PM

Aug 2017
@Botan-Chan45 The link with the Chase OP, which is a Acoustic version, is pretty nice, man. Thanks for the link.
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Mar 25, 2018 9:51 PM

Dec 2012
Psyotic said:
Well this thread went into a really creepy place really quickly
Bayek said:
Consensual loli gangbang is about as vanilla as I can offer to you right now. You don't even want to see the first page of my doujin collection.

Consensual loli gangbang is about as vanilla as I can offer to you right now.

loli gangbang is about as vanilla as I can offer to you

loli gangbang

Hey, you mind lowering that sword and shield? I don't want to sick my loli death squad on you:
Mar 25, 2018 9:54 PM

Dec 2017
Halpher said:
@Botan-Chan45 The link with the Chase OP, which is a Acoustic version, is pretty nice, man. Thanks for the link.
I recently discovered it. There is also Hekireki acoustic version too.
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Mar 25, 2018 9:55 PM

Apr 2011
Psyotic said:
Well this thread went into a really creepy place really quickly
Bayek said:
Consensual loli gangbang is about as vanilla as I can offer to you right now. You don't even want to see the first page of my doujin collection.

Consensual loli gangbang is about as vanilla as I can offer to you right now.

loli gangbang is about as vanilla as I can offer to you

loli gangbang

Just trying to break the mobius strip of loli threads.
Mar 26, 2018 10:46 AM
Jul 2018
Monster said:
I don't like loli porn, find it rather disgusting of the thought of someone having a sexual intercourse with a child, even if it's fictional. But the difference between actual CP and loli P is that no child is getting hurt in the process. Pedophiles are mentally ill, and if loli Porn is used to deflate pedo's indulging in actual CP, then i am fine with it.

That's the thing. We have no idea if those pedophiles wouldn't take advantage of an opportunity, if presented to them.

In other words, we don't actually know if loli (child) porn actually deflates their urges at all. No one has made a proper study about it, and I doubt anyone ever will.
Mar 26, 2018 11:11 AM

Dec 2017
Padoru_Padoruuu said:
Monster said:
I don't like loli porn, find it rather disgusting of the thought of someone having a sexual intercourse with a child, even if it's fictional. But the difference between actual CP and loli P is that no child is getting hurt in the process. Pedophiles are mentally ill, and if loli Porn is used to deflate pedo's indulging in actual CP, then i am fine with it.

That's the thing. We have no idea if those pedophiles wouldn't take advantage of an opportunity, if presented to them.

In other words, we don't actually know if loli (child) porn actually deflates their urges at all. No one has made a proper study about it, and I doubt anyone ever will.
There was a study that has shown prostitution actually decreased rape percentages alot. There is also another study that has shown porn decrease rape crimes too. No links because I'm on a phone.
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Mar 26, 2018 11:17 AM

Dec 2016
I'm not really a big fan of loli hentai myself (more of a MILF guy tbh), but as long as you feel no attraction to irl children there isn't really a problem imo. It's fiction.

Killing someone for fun in a game doesn't make you wanna go and kill someone in real life, ya know. The same applies here. Looking at loli hentai doesn't make you want to go and rape a child. If it does, then yeah you definitely have a problem and need to get help.

Lolis are drawn purposely to look cute, or sexy to some people. That's the point. We're living in a day and age where people jack off to furries and sexualised animals, so as long as it's drawn well then anything is potential fap material.

People need to stop overreacting and dismissing loli fans as 'pedos'. Shows like Eromanga-sensei exist, and that anime has a fucking huge fanbase. Are all fans of the show pedos? No. Even if the show isn't 'hentai', it sexualises children but no one really has a problem with it.

As long as there's a line between fiction and reality, don't worry about it. I totally understand the viewpoint of anyone who disagrees, just don't be so judgemental. You're probably into some weird borderline illegal shit too. Everyone has at least one strange kink, whether it's legal or not
Mar 26, 2018 11:45 AM
Jul 2018
Botan-Chan45 said:
There was a study that has shown prostitution actually decreased rape percentages alot. There is also another study that has shown porn decrease rape crimes too. No links because I'm on a phone.

So absolutely nothing about hentai and "3D" child porn. Sounds about right.
Mar 26, 2018 11:56 AM
Jan 2014
Padoru_Padoruuu said:
Monster said:
I don't like loli porn, find it rather disgusting of the thought of someone having a sexual intercourse with a child, even if it's fictional. But the difference between actual CP and loli P is that no child is getting hurt in the process. Pedophiles are mentally ill, and if loli Porn is used to deflate pedo's indulging in actual CP, then i am fine with it.

That's the thing. We have no idea if those pedophiles wouldn't take advantage of an opportunity, if presented to them.

In other words, we don't actually know if loli (child) porn actually deflates their urges at all. No one has made a proper study about it, and I doubt anyone ever will.

Here's a study about the correlation between sexual assault and pornography that isn't specifically about cp, but does talk about that as well:

The tldr is that pornography and sexual assault have an inverse relationship. As the availability of pornography increases, sexual assault rates decrease, and as the availability of pornography decreases, sexual assault rates increase. This include cp.

Not that a study really needed to be done in the first place, since any reasonable, thinking person would be able to come to this conclusion on their own pretty easily. I don't know about you, but after I finishing j/oing to some porn, my desire to have sex goes down to about 0.

Don't let this stop your feels over reals crusade, though.
Mar 26, 2018 12:18 PM

Dec 2017
Padoru_Padoruuu said:
Botan-Chan45 said:
There was a study that has shown prostitution actually decreased rape percentages alot. There is also another study that has shown porn decrease rape crimes too. No links because I'm on a phone.

So absolutely nothing about hentai and "3D" child porn. Sounds about right.
here is a link
Here is one on cp.
Botan-Chan45Mar 26, 2018 12:22 PM
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Mar 26, 2018 12:27 PM

May 2015
I can't believe this thread hasn't been locked yet. I also can't believe how many delusional people are on this site. There's nothing wrong with it, and there never will be. End of story.

Mar 27, 2018 12:59 PM

Aug 2017
Botan-Chan45 said:
Halpher said:
@Botan-Chan45 The link with the Chase OP, which is a Acoustic version, is pretty nice, man. Thanks for the link.
I recently discovered it. There is also Hekireki acoustic version too.

I'm going to check out that too. I kept re-listening to the song until I thought, "Ok, I gotta stop..I gotta stop before I get tired of it or something."
Then....Great Days was next and I didn't stop it.
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Mar 27, 2018 1:46 PM

Feb 2017
LOLIS ARE LIFE shoujo ramune best loli hentai x400 faps encounting
Mar 27, 2018 1:50 PM

Aug 2017
ChrisTheWeeb said:
I'm not really a big fan of loli hentai myself (more of a MILF guy tbh), but as long as you feel no attraction to irl children there isn't really a problem imo. It's fiction.

Killing someone for fun in a game doesn't make you wanna go and kill someone in real life, ya know. The same applies here. Looking at loli hentai doesn't make you want to go and rape a child. If it does, then yeah you definitely have a problem and need to get help.

Lolis are drawn purposely to look cute, or sexy to some people. That's the point. We're living in a day and age where people jack off to furries and sexualised animals, so as long as it's drawn well then anything is potential fap material.

People need to stop overreacting and dismissing loli fans as 'pedos'. Shows like Eromanga-sensei exist, and that anime has a fucking huge fanbase. Are all fans of the show pedos? No. Even if the show isn't 'hentai', it sexualises children but no one really has a problem with it.

As long as there's a line between fiction and reality, don't worry about it. I totally understand the viewpoint of anyone who disagrees, just don't be so judgemental. You're probably into some weird borderline illegal shit too. Everyone has at least one strange kink, whether it's legal or not

Hello there!

You're now another person who isn't telling those who find Loli-Porn that they're wrong for not liking it. You're just telling them to not be so judgmental about it.
I mean there are people here who have expressed that they don't like it.

We have @Aann.

Aann said:
Before I go on a rant, just a disclaimer for all YOU out there. If you think Loli Porn is awesome, good on you. It's not for me, but if it works for you so be it. We can't all be normal. Anyway;

I personally have a very big problem with it, and I'm tired of people calling it innocent. When has child porn ever been innocent? What, we're meant to give it a free pass because it's a drawing, and that Anime is subjective!!! Fuck- right -off! So if I was to draw a naked child - caked in jizz with several dongs penetrating her body - you could honestly tell me straight faced, 'that's ok!'

Maybe it's not hurting anybody - I'll admit that - but, by God, it sure as hell is a slippery slope towards actual Pedofilia (Having trouble spelling it). Anyway, that's just my two cents about the topic.

Aann said:
@Kagami That's awesome if you enjoy it! Really! I on the other hand absolutely despise it and no amount of; "It's not like real child porn." Is gonna change my opinion on that. Sure, it is not like real child porn, but I'll tell you one thing, it's sits half a rung above the 'real' thing.

This is what Aann thought and many here will disagree, but you know what Aann did? He didn't act like a douche about it.

Lets go to @Clebardman

Clebardman said:
The "lolis don't look like children" argument is horseshit. Anime is a figurative art form, lolis represent little girls, and they have the sexual characteristics of little girls. If it's not about little girls, then why lolis and not anime trees or cats or cars?

It's true however that no child is hurt in the process, and that as far as I'm concerned, unless someone shows credible data that loli porn increases the chance of someone to attack a real little girl, it's not a problem. But the contorsions of some loli lovers who insist into pretending that shit isn't creepy are seriously unsightly.

I'm not saying that I agree with them or disagree with them, but how can these people who hold a different opinion, but approach this thread differently?

Lets go to what @SuzuMine-chan said.

SuzuMine-chan said:
don't have pronlems with people liking Loli Porn, but I have problems with the people that created the Loli Porn in the first place. I mean, you can like it and there's no problem unless the character is in reality a child of less than ~15 years, then I don't think it's good but it still is harmless (if it's between two characters of the same age aproximately I mean, if one is 12 and the other 26 then It's totally not ok).

But the people who made it... What were they thinking when making a loli to be sexualized? That childs can be sexy so they can sexualize them fictionally? Or just because it brings money? I'll give them the benefit of the doubt but I dislike them very much then.

I could atleast talk to these people, but I can't talk to @Psyotic who strawmanned my entire OP and then thinks I'm attacking people for feeling a way about Loli-Porn despite none of that actually making sense as I stated in my own OP that I find it weird bringing up a situation from an anime where they showing a 12-year character's panties and I didn't feel comfortable with that. Should I shame myself? @Lord_Sithis told me not to bother. If it wasn't for the 1st impression then I would've been curious and think it wouldn't be fair to not address the post. Can't say I'm not entitled to a civil debate then demand that I address your comments when you're not entitled to my time.

@@Dr-Octagon is one who I wouldn't want in here.

Dr-Octagon said:
Botan-Chan45 said:
Almost all of the people here are defending it. Your the few that disagree and for not any reason other than your moral compass.

Because y'all are a bunch of weirdos defending others weirdos who masturbate to kids. Says a lot about your lifestyles.

"Lifestyles" as he ignores the arguments. I can defend people's right to watch Porn despite not watching porn...what does that say about my lifestyle? I want to know.
So let me guess...If I defend people's right to like an anime that I don't like...then what does that say about my lifestyle? That I like that anime myself? This is the shit that I didn't want in this thread because it's counterproductive. It offers nothing, but judgement.

Then we got @topazio who is only belng cynical about this whole thing.

@Monster atleast offers something.
Monster said:
I don't like loli porn, find it rather disgusting of the thought of someone having a sexual intercourse with a child, even if it's fictional.

Ignoring the rest of the post. Monster finds it disgusting and you know what? I can respect that. I'm not mad that he finds it disgusting.

I more am open to this entire topic. I don't automatically dismiss it as pedophiles wanting to fap to animated kids. Animation as a whole has things we like that attract us to it. It's why I consider the factors because if they really are pedos then why aren't they watching actual child porn, but instead watch animated loli porn? Why do some find actual child porn disgusting, but love Loli Porn? Why do some hate kids, but love Lolis? This is something I feel can't just be ignored as it's the perspective and opinions of some who indulge in Loli Porn. Some can be BS and some can be understandable. My OP even said that I don't like some viewers of Loli Porn because of their own behavior and personality. I'm not acting like Loli Porn viewers are innocent people as I can understand why some don't like them due to my own experience. I just feel that Loli Porn isn't a result of solely Pedophilia as I consider the differences of perspective, perception, preferences, and other factors.
ScorpiaraMar 27, 2018 1:54 PM
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Mar 27, 2018 1:56 PM

Dec 2016
@Halpher Hmm? Was I being a douche about it?
Wasn't my intention, sorry.
Mar 27, 2018 2:33 PM

Aug 2017
ChrisTheWeeb said:
@Halpher Hmm? Was I being a douche about it?
Wasn't my intention, sorry.

No. I was actually complimenting you. I probably wasn’t the most clear about it.
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Mar 27, 2018 3:24 PM

Mar 2016
Ah, lolis. No topic more guaranteed of leading to a 10-page debate on MAL.
Mar 27, 2018 3:30 PM

Aug 2017
topazio said:
Halpher said:
Then we got @topazio who is only belng cynical about this whole thing.

I wasn't being cynical (are you sure you know what that word means?*), actually, just playfully sarcastic or ironic, and it was just a tiny bit of what I said in this thread. You just chose to ignore everything else I said, like my entire answer to you, and focus on the part that was convenient for you, which is not surprising.*

*Yes,those were actual cynicism. And just to keep the tabs, this little remark is as well. Since you ignore everything I say but when I act like this, this might be the way to talk back to you I guess.

My bad then. I guess this is ironic. I don’t remember anythig else you said. Mhm
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Mar 27, 2018 4:51 PM

Apr 2012
There's this thing called "grooming" that predators and pedophiles alike use via showing their victim images of children in relationships with an adult to make the child believe that type of thing is normal. Drawn cp, speaking specifically about the anime variety, is usually used because of its cutesy aesthetic that's more appealing to the child.

I have friends who have gone through that trauma, who were convinced that pedophilic relationships were ok by their abusers through 'loli' and 'shota' porn. So suffice it to say that I do not agree with the creation of porn like that. Because the idea of it not harming anyone is bullshit. Children have been hurt by it and will continue to be hurt.

sexualizing children is gross and if i meet someone who likes that stuff, then nah. i don't trust like that lol

let's live heroically, let's live with style
Mar 27, 2018 5:20 PM

Apr 2012
At least in my country there hasnt been any case of child assault fueled by loli porn, nor there hasnt been any case where loli porn is used as medium to convince the victim. I didnt say such case never occured anywhere around the world, it's just that reading/watching the news, in my country, most of the child assault cases were done by middle aged man in countryside with little to no internet connection, so no one ever linked both loli porn and children assault together nor there ever been any evidence of such cases.
There's this one case of international child porn syndicates on facebook which includes several nation, the said group containing both child and loli porn and has been linked with several kidnapping cases. The case caught people intention, however the general consensus shared the same opinion "It was never the victim nor the object's fault, it was the culprit's". It's dumb to blame the anime for such case, just like it's dumb to blame a knife used for stabbing innocent people.

Also, precisely because they're fictional 2D characters I'm attracted to them lolis, if they were a living childrens, believe me, I would be gone before you can spell the "C" from lolicon. Most irl childrens are monsters.

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